Newspaper Page Text
[We would he glad if our friends in town
and vi’initv would report to us the names
of any visitors to their homes, such as¬
sistance would he appreciated by the read
ers of this department.!
—We don’t hear of much open cot¬
ton yet.
—John Thompson, of Augusta,
spent-Sundav here.
—Mr. W. A. Stone, Sr., was in our
town Wednesday.
—Will Stt om has gone back to his
work in Anniston, Ala.
— Mr. Boh Rvlee. of Brooks & Co.,
is visi ting Ogle t ho i pe.
—Mr. C. T. Lucas visited Washing¬
ton the first of the week.
—Mr. B. F. lleath, of Norwood,
spent Tuesd y in our town.
—That predicted drought for the
past week was an enormous failure.
_ CaptS J. Flynt passed through
here Tuesday on his way to Atlanta.
—Mrs. J T. Overton will please ac¬
cept our thanks for a nice watermelon.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meiere, of
Clark county, visited Crawfordville
this week.
—The Misses Wingfield, of Augus¬
ta, left here Wednesday for Washing¬
—Col. IT. T Lewis, of Greenesboro,
was in our town this week on legal
Sow big turnip patchse this year
and use nothing but the best of seed.
You can find pure seed at Charles
— Mrs. Carrie Jennings returned last
week from a visit to friends near
—Miss Lena Meiere has returned
after a months visit at her old home in
—To hear Madam Rumor tell it,
there will be a half dozen marriages
about here soon.
—Miss Anna Coray has been spend¬
ing some time with the Misses Ander¬
son of this county,
—Mrs C. M. Rtiodps returned fiom
Norwood one day last week where she
had 1 een some time.
—Mrs. Coffin and her two daughters,
Misses Mary ana Belie, of Augusta,
are visiting Liberty Hall.
—Miss Fannie Yeazey, of Rutledge,
returned to her home .Sunday after a
short visit to Crawfordville.
fS^Th e best assortment of tin wear
in the country can be found at Berg
strom’s Cash Store. The best ware at
the lowest prices. Come and see.
— Rev. G. Robert Gun i has been
■assisting Rev. A. O. Rainwater in the
revival at Raytown this week.
—Miss Demaris Moore, of Raytown,
and Mrs. Minnie Jones, of this county,
were in Crawfordville Tuesday.
—Our friend R. L. Landrum, of
Oconee county, is in Crawfordville
this week with Fambro, the artist
—Miss Maud Leary returned to her
home near Crawford last week after
spending some time in Crawfordville
—Mrs. W. P. Brooks returned to
Crawfordville last week after a long
stay with relatives in Oglethorpe coun
— Miss Susie Mann and Mrs. Ella
Wheeler, of this county, has been
.visiting relatives at Norwood this
—Mr. James Turner, who lias just
accepted a position with Hodgson
Bros. Athens, was in our town Wed¬
nesday. *
— Mr. Frank C, Owens, of Savan¬
nah, called on the Democrat this
week in the interest of Lippmau Bros,
—The population of color in this
section all flocked down .about Ray¬
town last Friday to a general S. S.
—Merchants should remember that
this will be a good season to advertise
and sell a big stock of goods. Give us
your advt.
—Miss Perre, of Grovetown, is
spending this week with Misses Carrie
and Leila Anderson at their hospitable
home in this county.
—It looks like this county has made
enough corn this year, if nothing hap
pens to it, to prevent our buying any
western corn another year.
-Miss Florrence Owsley, of
tuckv, has been teaching a painting
class here. All her scholors are well
pleased with her instructions.
—Dr. Beazley says he has been
troubled a great deal in his life for
fear that a surplus of flesh would en¬
danger his life. He ought to taka
some anti-fat.
—Horace Holden is now lending
money on tarm3 in this county at low
er rate* than ever, on five years time,
You can pay any part or the whole of
the loan at any time and interest will
cease on payment.
—Capt. John C. Hart, of the Point
says that the only trouble the farmer
will have with his corn crop this year
will be that lie will have no “r.ubbi rigs
to give the hogs.”
—tYe are sorry to know that siek
ness caused Will Barnett KM.VSS
, T Atlanta Sund.j
ieturn to his position with Ryan’s
Sons, as soon as be is able.
A Mistake.
We said last week that the pastors;
superintendents, and teachers’ S. S.
convention would meet at Union Point
on August 18th. It is a mouth later
—September IS, 1SS9. Don’t forget
the date.
Iron in the Well.
While deepening the well in the
court house yard not long ago there
were some most excellent samples of
iron ore taken therefrom. It is queer
to think of, but a fact, that even our
courthouse is setting over an iron
mine. This old county will some day
all be turned over from top to bottom
and the whole county made rich from
treasuries never before dreamed of.
We will get on a boom yet.
Special Notice!
To the ladies of Taliaferro and
surrounding counties: that I have just
received 125,000 jGold Eyed Helix
Needles, the finest eyer introduced in
this country; so please avail yourself of
this oppertunity at once and also tell
your friends to come. You will also
receive dArning, carpet, button and
tape needles in same package. Please
call at once. I also have on hand
Singer, Davis and Wilson machihe
needles and will be pleased to order
for you any supplies you may need for
your sewing machines.
Charles Bergstrom.
Augusta’s Cotton Market.
For some yeais there have been
many other places that have done all
in their favor to win the flood of cot¬
ton that used to pour into the Augus¬
ta market, but it is now evideRt that
all Augusta will hold her own. We
have heard of several who will send
their crops there this year who have
been selling elsewhere. We appeal to
those of our county who intend ship¬
ping their cotton to watch our col
mns for cards of the men who propose
to serve you in handling your cotton.
We will have some cards from the
best men in that business and you can
feel suie that those who ask for your
cotton through your county paper
will treat you best. Look out for
their card.
- •
A Broken Game.
On last Friday afternoon the Union
Point “Bees” came down to play the
Crawfordville “Champions.” The
game started off nicely about 2:30
o’clock, and each side seemed confi¬
dent of victory from the way they
played. Some good playing was done
on both sides. Sim Sanford knocked
a Several of the Cham¬
pions knocked “two-baggers,” and
Henry White did some good pitching
and Jordan Sanford some good catch¬
ing. We believe all the boys played as
well as we ever saw them. The Cham¬
pions were on their 8th inning when a
shower of rain came up and after the
shower was over the Bees refused to
play further. The Bees had some ad¬
ditions to their club from Penfield and
elsewhere. The score stood 14 to 13 in
favor of the Crawfordville Champions.
Let Union Point come again when she
cau stay with our boys longer.
— •
Seaborn R. Jones, Sr., James It.
Chapman, David A. Moore, John
Burke, Dreg las S. Stewart, Thomas W.
Morris, William H. Moore, John .John¬
son, Samuel W. Chapman, Thomas L.
Chapman, George N. Wright, Edward
Croake, John P. Moore, William It.
Gunn, John T. Cooper, William E.
Hobbs, Ross Gunn, Henning D. Mur
den, Vincent T. Sanford, John
O’Keeffe, James N. Akins. Prior G
Vt-azey, Jesse A. Woodall, Vincent S.
Allen, Augustus V. Davis, Obed M.
Saggus, Benjamin F. Wynne, J. W.
Roberts, Arther G. Beazley, Eulyses T
traverse jury.
William J. Ellington, William E.
Arnett, James J. Lyle, William A.
. xjuffitworth,'James B^FivoT David P.
Henry, Charlie H. Golucke, Josiah
Brooke, Samuel A. Caldwell, Alec S.
I Luneeford, John F. Pertwood, Thos.
r^ lH Jf <,nS p^ u ,V ,e r Rhodes, John
Moore, Thomas C. Holden', James R.
Holliday, J T - Pate, Joseph II.
Wheeler, Samuel II. Rhodes, Alonza
R Taylor, Linton S. Jackson, James
B. Portwood, Elias S. Allen, Thomas
C. Moore, Daniel C. Brake, Edward
M. Stewart. Oscar P. Bonner, Alec II
Stewart. Henry A. Poss, Charlie
Moore, Simon A. Chapman, Lewis D.
—The annual meeting at the Baptist
church begins to-day (Friday.)
—Rev. Mr. Duvall preached at the
\f e church here Wed. night, Thurs.
and Thursday night, this tveek.
—Judge Joel J. Bacon, the worthy
ordinary of Oglethorpe county, was
in Crawfordville yesterday.
—Carter’s Grove Alliance sent in
their officeis names but did not tell us
when the body meets. Give the d.ite
of meeting. Other Alliances will please
follow suit.
—Greenesboro Herald-Journal says
over this section shows, and a entle
man in the best sense, besides ”
Heavy rains.
Water courses high.
Protracted meeting at Baptist church
this week.
Too much rain for cotton, it has
begun to shed.
Miss Damaris Moore is visiting in
Greene countv this week.
Protracted meeting commences at
Methodist church Friday night.
Miss Belle Gartrell, of Flowery
Branch, Ga., is visiting Miss Barnett.
Prof. S. W. Stone, of Washington,
is visiting relatives in the village.
“Ulysses” took in the meeting at
Barnett last Sunday, dinner on the
grounds and too sermons.
Several of the boys were cought out
in the flood Sunday evening. “Uly¬
sses” can tell whether it rained and
wind blew or not.
Mr. W. B. Barnett was brought
home last Saturday from Atlanta. It
is thought lie has the fever, lie is
better at this writing and we hope he
will soon be up again.
The negroes had the gala day last
Friday one mile from the village. The
occasion was called Sunday school
celebration—the col ired band from
Crawfordville comes down and partic¬
ipated. The day passed of quietly.
• —
I’aiut has vbry much unproved tho
appearance of things at Liberty llall.
I’rospects are bright for the opening
of tho Stephens High School. A num¬
ber of new boarders are expected.
Miss Annie Sanford lias accepted the
position ot Principal of tho Music De¬
partment at Gordon Institute, Barnes
ville, Ga.
Quite a curiosity in the way of a
rabbit may be seen on the lawn at
Liberty Hall. It has white hair or
wool two and a half inches long.
Tuesday was appointed for cleaning
up around the new Baptist church.
Some of the members met and chang¬
ed tho appearance of things greatly.
Mrs. Coffin, of Augusta, and her
daughters are at Liberty Hail and will
spend sometime. They are ladies of
culture and refinement. Miss Belle
teaches in the Central Grammar school
wlnle Miss Mary is engaged in the
Tubman High School.
The new style painting taught by
Miss Owsley, of Kentucky, is beautiful
and easily learned. It is pleasant work
and any young lady who desires to
so can take lessons and be able to
teach it after two days practice. It is
known as Brocade Lustre Painting
terms two dollars for lessons.
• -
Mr. J. Dee Luneeford looks very
pleasing this week.
Crops that wer well cultivated are
looking very promising.
The love of woman will captivate
the hard heart of men.
Mr. Dock Ogletree, of Union Point,
paid us a visit Ibis week.
We have heard of a number of cows
dying with an incurable disease.
By the way wo have a Sabbath
School each Sabbath at 3 o’clock p. m.
By-tbe-way wo noticed that Mr.
Jimmie Chapman was on hand last
We iiope tiie farmers will be in the
land of the Hying this fall’ |Dito
Miss Rebecca Pittman, who lias been
visiting relatives here lias returned to
herhomenear Raytown.
Did’nt we have a nice time the first
day of Avgust. “Eke” wishes they
would last all the year.
1 Mias Mary Edwards, of Sandy Cross,
is visiting relatives at this pi ace.
Much lo the satisfaction of a young
“Eke” says he is going to the Bar
becue Thursday and is going to do
just as he did last Thursday—enjoy
the ’cue.
! To render good for bad is God-like;.
(f) render good for good is man-like, To
render bad for bad is beast-like, but to
; render bad for good is devil-like.
I A. Poss’
next Sabbath at 8 o’clock p. rn.—Come
for it is better to have a clear consci
ence and be censured than to have a
bad one and be flattered.
Who is going to get beat playing
ball at the barbecue. We that play
are glad they have big dinners; but
“Eke” is going to bet on the side that
beats (that’s the courting side.)
Guard Against toe (Strike,
And always have a bottle of Acker's
English Remedy in the house. You can
not tell how cold Croup may strike fasten your itself little
one, or a or cough may preventive and
upon you. One dose is a
a few dcses a positive cure. All Throat
and Lung troubles yield to its treatment
A sample bottle is given you free and th<
Remedy guaranteed by Hammack
Lucas & Co.,
Many Persons
Are broken down from overwork or house hold
caret Brown’s Iron Bitters
leas rebuilds the system, aid* digestion, remove* ex
of bile, and cares malar in. (Jet the genuine.
The musqueto does not fail to hum.
Turnip patches should not be neg¬
Mr. Robert Hill was in town, this
week, lively as evdr.
Our Marshal is still quite busy
making our streets wider.
Miss Laura Smith, of Washington,
is among relatives of our town.
Miss Mary Buckley, of Augusta, is
visiting Miss Mollie O’Keeffe,
Mr. Thomas J. Flynt, has the brag
corn patch of “these digsins,”
Mr. J. A. Kendrick has been taking
inventory of his s*tock of merchandise,
this week.
Miss Annie Brooke, of Craepford
villo, is with kinfolks and friends of
our village.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Moore, return¬
ed Tuesday, from a trip to Lincoln
Mr. A. T. Gilbert says, the rods on
his house was struck by lightening
Sunday night.
Mrs. Simon W. Overton, from Au¬
gusta, was with her relatives hero a
few days this week.
Our friend “Ulyses”' hoarded the
train here on Tuesday on liis way to
the S. S. convention at Mesena.
Speaking of) large leaves, Mr.
Thomas E. (Kendrick, reports one
which measurnh 40 inches long, and
20 inches wide.
It is quite interesting to hear Mr. E.
Croake, give a discretion of his recent
trip west. lie saw ono field of corn
which he considered would make
enough to bread the state of Georgia.
Our Editor passed Saturday enroute
for Washington, and wo aro not pre¬
pared to say ho is sparking in that
direction, but in case lie is, will stato
for the information of his “donie,”
that even in a slight inspection of liis
honest countenance, can be detected
many of the - prominent attributes
requsite for a good husband.
On last Monday our town was ex¬
cited by a crash and scroams, several
of the boys ran out to a'certain tho
trouble which was found to bo the
dwelling known as tho Ogletree
house, which was elevated some dis¬
tance from the ground when built,
but the wet weather caused the found¬
ation to give away, and down it went.
It was occupied at tho time by Will
HoVton col., but no ono was hurt.
The death of Mr. March man, which
occurred last Saturday morning, was
quite unexpected, and various rumors
wore in circulation, ns tho probable
oaufte-.- v found near the houso
where be him died. A coronors jury
was summons, which returned a ver¬
dict that the deceased came to his
death by congestion of the brain, and
his remains were buried at the Bap¬
tist cemetery at Raytown on Sunday
morning, at 10 o’clock.
Ilappiucaa and Contentment
Cannot go hand in hand if we look on tho
dark aide of every little obstacle. Noth¬
ing will so darken life and make it a
burden as will Dyspepsia. Acker’s from Dyspepsia of Dys¬
Tablets cure the worst
pepsia, Constipation and Indigestion, and and
make life a happiness by Ham pleasure. mack,
Sold at 25 and 50 cents
Lucas & Co.,
A Child Killed.
Another chilli killed by the use of opia¬
tes given in the from of Soothing syrup.
Why mothers give their children such
deadly posison is surprising when they
can relieve the chid of peculiar troubles
by using Acker’s Bahv Soother. It con ¬
tains no Opium Lucas or Morphine. Sold by
Uammack, & Co.,
Take one of Dr. J. II.
Little Liver and Kidney Fillets at
before you ■ to bed and you will ho
surprised low buoyant an( ^ vlgorus you
will feel the next day. Only 25 cents a
vial, at R. J. Reid’s
The New Vm ^Illustrated News will he
mailed, securely wrapped, to any n ,dress
in the Unite d.Mati", or Canada, for three
month* on the receipt of Ono Dollar
Liberal dlseouiw- allowed to agents,
postmasters and el libs. News agent* run
sell hoard. this Sample pap 1 * lit ci copies v, openly and above
mailed fro®
Address •
New i York V Illustrated J Npun
oro Broatlway^New xr York , City,
an<1 John 11 ippodromes, L. Sullivan/ the Terror Sporting of Fake*
»* tho Editor.
John D. Hall & Bros.,
Boots, Shoes, Mats Etc.
* 564 w * BS.OA'D WAkWiaU STP.T’IT’IT Uiiu-G-U,
; /\ _ |T , ' IT "I” CaaS^~V~9
, 1 ^ ~ *•- XA A
; m y
j Invites }l^ fri lids to
call and see him for Great
{ Ha Trains in Shoes.
Madam Rumor says will soon got mar¬
Said tlie editor and all liis devils were
in love
Got the worst scared this week with the
“pet” snake.
Was so excited at Sabbath School last
Sunday monins.
Got the maddest at the base ball ground
last. Friday evening.
Said she made her fellow mad and that
she didn’t care a red cent.
Wants to buy Mr. W. 0. Rhodes plan
tion If there over comes another war.
Tho young,man Is in town that gives
his girl five pounds of candy at a time
Was 15 years old Sunday last and had
such a huge time entertaining her fellow.
The young Udy is in thwn who got a
doll on the fast train one evening this
Of Vine Grove hoys, is about to lose
his mind on occount of his girl leaving
The young man of Mildrajon Grove is
that starts home once a week, butstops
before he gets there.
Said they had a “Guess who” that was
too good for anything hut that they wore
afraid to give it away.
Says it makes him mad every time lie
hears a man talk against liis town. Ho is
right—don't talk against your town.
What young lady we heard tell a young
mail that she wished lo see to him talk privataly lovo to
hut (hat she did not want
The young lady*is in Crawfordville who
savs her fellow dont wait to read her
letters before lie answers it. It must bo
quite lengthy.
The two young men of Mildrajon Grove
an that wanted to run not long ago to
catch up with some girls to go with them
but was afraid it would appear in tho
“guess who colmn” of tho Dkm iciiat.
That; young lady is that lias a cat and U
aftr’aid to feed it for fear it Will make
an “old maid” of her.
The lady is who was frightened at a
young mail calling at tho gato on busi¬
ness loft homo.
That young lady carriage Is who told wliilo being
helped to from slow; a she had pet the foot. young
man go a
The young man is who said he lmd not
seen his best girl in a month and was go¬
ing to preaching to see her Sunday.
To Applicants for Scholorahlp
in tho School of Technology.
1 will be ill Crawfordville oh Saturday
August 31 next at !> 30 o’clock for the pur¬
pose of examining applicants for the
scholarship in the Georgia School of Tech¬
nology, Candidates for admission must he
at least sixteen years old and of good
moral character, any person wishing
ml,her Information can obtain it by
writing to l’rof. Lyman llall, 15 Park
Place, Atlanta. Ga., for catalogue of
Georgia School of Technology.
Wm T. Flynt, C. S. C. T. V.
Sharon, <ia., July 22 1889.
To All Whom It May Concern.
(X EOUG1A Taliavklt o County;
\ X John P. Monro as administrator of
Robert Edge do iensod, lias in duo form
applied all tho lands to the belonging undersigned to for the leave estate to sell
said deceased, and said application will
be hoard on tho first Monday in Sopton;
her, 1889.
This 31st, day of July, 1889.
J1 ion ii y II. Flynt, Ord.. T. O.
To All Whom It May Concern.
( 'I EORGIA Tai.iaki.uho County:
J Joseph Fanner a* administrator of
ostate of John Holmes, disc’d having ap
plied to mo for letters of Dlssniission
from said estate and u discharge from Ids
said heard trust and Monday said application In November will he
on 1 st next,
Tills July .’list IHK 9 .
HknuY H. Flynt, Ord. T. V.
TTndnr U an order of tho Court of Ordi
nary of Greene county, Georgia, will
he sold, during legal sale limns, on tho
first S house uesdsiy in September 1889, Ga., at the tho
court door in Greenesboro,
following property, viz. The entire share
or interest, Julia L. Dickinson, a Minor
is and will he entitled to by vlrturo of
the last will of Sarah Atkinson, last of
Taliaferro ,'o. Ga., deceased in a tract, of
land Win. Q. Dickinson resides on (a
life lands estate) in said Taliaferro, adjoining
of Dean & Thompson and others
described in said will, containing four
hundred and fifty acres. Hold for the ben¬
efit of said Minor. Ei, la (>. Sanders.
Guardian for said Julia L. Dickinson.
Crops are unprecedented—
wttile nature smiles make your
mules, cows &c , feel glad al¬
so commodious by building them neat and
shelters from the
cold storms of winter. For
Lumber of all kinds at the
lowest prices apply in person
or address,
Sharon, Ga.
r.F |If -r ";V ' ■£' • ¥Al .
royal istwit jk m|
ki jj
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder ncAor varies. A marvel of
purit y strength and wliolesomeness. More
economical than tho competition ordinary kinds, with ami
cannot t»e sold in the
multitude of low test, short Sold only weight in alum
Or phosphate Baking powders. I’owuku Co., led Wall eons, St.
N. Y. dec4 ly
u MMt KCi:i)l',NTI'.l> ATTRACTION*!
Over a Million Destiubutkd.
</> r • -
Louisiana State Lottery Company
Incorporated by the Legislature
for Educational and Charitable purposes,
and its fran •hise made a part of the pres¬
ent State Constitution, in 1879, by an
overwhelming popular vote.
INCH take place Heml-Anii (tally.
(June ami December.) ami It* (iKlNIi
take place In each til tile other ten month*
In the year, ami aro all drawn In pablic,
at the Academy ot Music, New Orleaaa,
I,a. ...
For Integrity of its Drawings,
and Prompt Payment of Prizes,
Attested ns follow*:
“Wo do hereby certify Unit wo supervise nnd
the arrangements for nil the Monthly Louisiana
Semi Annua! Drawings of The
State Lottery Company, and in person
manage and control the Drawings them¬
selves. and that tho same aro conducted
with honesty, fairness, and In good faith
toward all parties, and wo authorize the
Company to use lids certificate, with fac¬
similes of our signatures attached, In It*
Wo the undenduned Banks and Banker*
will pay all Prizes drawn III the Loi’liilani)
.State Lotteries which may be presented
at our counters.
It SI IV A 1,51*1,HI l*rc*. I.ouelaaa Mat’l
Pierre I.ANAIfX, Pres. Mtate Nat’l Bk.
A IN, Pres. New Orlean* Naff
UAHG KIHIN, Pres. Union Nai l. Blk
At the Academy of Mush: New Orleans,
Tuesday, August 13. 1889.
Capital Prize, *.*00,000.
1000,000 Tickets at 'I wenty Dollar* oaoh/
Halves 810 ; Quarters *5; Tenth* $2; Twin
l.iethH ?I
1 PRIZE OF *309,009 is - *si>o,oo<7
1 PRIZE OF 100,090 >S - . 100,000
1 PRIZE OF 50,000 is 60,000
! PRIZES OF 25.000 1* - 25,000
2 PRIZES OF 19,009 are - - 20,000
5 PRIZES OI<’ 5,000 are 25,000
25 PRIZES OF 1,090 are « 25,000
100 PRIZES OK 500 are 50,000
20 ) PHIZES OF 3oo aro 00,000
500 PRIZES OK 200 are - • 100,000
approximation phizes.
100 Prizes of *600 are...... *50,000
10() do. .’too are . . . • • • . . , 30,000
100 do. 200 are . . . . . . . 20,000
’999 do. 100 are .... 99,900
999 do. 100 are .... 99,900
3,131 Frizes, aniouhttng to . . *1,054,839
note. Tickets drawing Capital Prize*
are not entitled to terminal Frizes.
J i/UFor club rates or any further Infor¬
mation desired, write legibly to the under¬
signed, clearly stating y our reside nee,
with State, rapid county, street and u uni her.
More return mail delivery will bo
assured by your enclosing an envelepo
bearing your full address.
Address M. A. dauphin,
New Orleans, I.a.,
Hy ordinary Washington, l>. U. Money
Order issued letter, Express containing
New York by all Companies,
Note. Exchange, Draft or Postal
Address Registered Letters Contain¬
ing Currency to
New Orlean*, Lt,
“REMEMBER, that the payment
NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans,
} I and dent the. of Tickets an Institution, are signed whose by the chartered Presi
! Courts; right* are therefore, recongnlzeif beware in of the highest
! all imita¬
tion* or anonymous schemes."
ON I’. I>01.1. a It i» the price of the
! smallest part or fraction of a Tieket IS¬
SUED BY U* in any Drawing. Any
! j thing Dollar in is our a swindle. name offered less than »
1 am prepared to negotiate loans for
five year*noon improve,! farms in Tal
I iaferro county, payable in instalments of
ten percent, the per annum for each year
until maturity of the loan, when the
remaining sixty per cent, will be due
with 8 per cent interest payable annuity
as it accrues, on Nov. 1st, at a lower rate
of commission than any loans have yet
been made in this county
will*, Z Aktrzw».
Crawford Ga.