Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat.
Cntcrcd at the pnatofflee at Crawfoidrilia,
Scorg.t, at aecon<l-elt«a mail matter.
i lilDAV, AUGUST 16.1889.
1 k all the forms on the cotton stalk
at the 10th or, 15th of August this
year make good cotton there will he
about three crops made this year.
Ik you will read Col. Tom Watson’s
speech on the first page of this paper
you will see that he is using sound al¬
guments in favor the masse* of the
people. He is right.
It seems that Georgia will be famous
yet for duels. No sooner than the
Calhoun-Williamson fuss was settled,
Hon. Tom Olive and Editor Gantt had
h few hot words -nobody hurt yet
though *?e s. e glad to know.
Tni.uK was considerable excitement
j„ Atlanta Monday night on the part
of both white and black, as it was re¬
port'd that Mr. Lyons and his daugh
let woutd he hanged in effigy by the
dusky race, The city was in arms but
them was nothing happened more than
It is alright with some of our
brothers In the nowspaper business to
see the State managed by a ring. No.
no; it will not do to break that ring
it might hurt somebody’s feelings.
l,i t “the people” know how this office
business of the state is managed and
there will lm such an uproar as was
never heard Indore.
Several have expressed themselves
in favoj of raisng the money for a
guano factory for Urawfordvillo.
Home have already said that they
would subscribe as many as five
shares to begin with. Who will be the
next to speak out. Lets hold a meet¬
ing at the court house and organize
the enterprise at once.
In a colored church argument over
regeneration In Baldwin county last
vv.-ek n serious riot resulted, in which
the entire iiimnLmrship took • .. 1 l a
Ono of the deacons, named Gim Bold,
Qt and killed another brother. len
Hfeoncf the rioters are In the
le Jail. Itegeneratior. is
great .' utim ren P* F L regulating M,MK these ..... . a
Tint Sparta Ishmaelits say:: “Hon.
W. J. Nor then having long hern
urg d by leading citizens of all call
logs, throghout the Stale, to allow the
use >t his name for the c lining Gutter
natorial nomination has, after careful
ly weighing the matter, decided to
accede to their wishes and enter the
,|4W „
As the Hung now stands, Mr. Nor
then has a big lead in the state and
will probably be our next Geoveruor.
We offer Otic Hundred Dollors reward,
for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured b.v taking Hall’s Catarrh ( lire.
H J. OlIKNKY A CO., Props , Toledo,
We, tlie undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the la*t 15 years, ami liellleve
him perfectly honorable in nil business
transactions, ami financially able to carry
out any obligation made by their firm.
W i >r .v Tm ax. Wholesale Druggists,
Toll do, O,
Wauunu, Kinnan a Mauve, Wholesale
Druggist, Toledo, O.
F il. Van Holm s, ( ashler. Toledo Nat¬
ional Bunk, Toledo O.
Hall'sCnturrii Cure Ixtnken internally
acting directly upon tin* blood and mucus
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 7.V. per ln.ittie. Sold by all
Mr. John King, of Ja- kson. Miss
ili'ii l„. ,v.,s cured ..f Hmmum
in bis feet and legs by taking Swift’s
Specific. This was after he h id tired
many other remedies, both Internal
m'b r* “” J •”" 1 m »»
Swift’s Specific lias savisl me years
of untold misery by relieving » paitial
paraysis in my left side. This WitS
sfli'i 1 had licen treated by lest physi
ciatis iu St. l/Ouis and Chicago. The
trouble caused by seme duaige
in..Hi in, nt Of ,r „,v mv Hood, 1 , 1,1 wt winch »h„ i. ' 1 its ,« Iww bo. .. „ cor- ... |
rooted bvs.s.wv
i , A. Sheppart, Sherman, Tex.
This .. wii»t yx'u ought to i.«»e, in fact
Thousands vou must have searching it, to fully for it enjoy life
mourning because are tlailv. f ami i
amis thousands they fiml it tn.t lions
upon of dollars ar>
annually by our people a. Us, lu'jH* i !m |
t'wy may attain ibis l«K>n. Ami yet it
may be had by all. H'e guarate. t that
1 leetric R:iters. If um-i! acevmlii g to dire
tisns and the use iiersisted in, wi U\Z
j l>v>p, oo tioist Dig.-stton and out* the a IlGl,
j.sia ami fnstetl j »' stead Enj epsy
V> e recommend Eiectr c Bitters for oys
and pedsia Kidneys and ail diseam's of Liver. Htonuich
$.> «! at ’• *C. and It »l !K-r
hot tie to Lucas A
We are informed that there will be
more business before the coming term
of the Superior court than there has
been for years.
There are no very troublesome crim¬
inals cases, but some knotty civil cases
in which there is considerable money
Involved. tihei iff Jordan says he has
five boarders at the county hotel to be
disposed of. One, a negro woman,
llattie Horton, was arrested this week
for stealing corn from Mr. II. M. Sag
gus, who lives near Sandy cross.
It seems that year after year litiga¬
tion increases and our court’s dura¬
tion prolonged until after a while it
will cost twice as much to take care
of this tribunal as it used to cost.
The man who steers clear of law is the
best off the world over.
As there are cases reported againt
several Georgia counties for their sor¬
ry jail houses, we hope our people will
keep a watch on this part of Taliafer¬
ro’s property and see if we don’t need
a lsitter structure. 11 is true that we
do not have much use for a jail, but
the day will not come when we will
need none at all; yet we may be with¬
out as the present one is getting gray
with age.
• ■
The »boye foundry and machina
works are becoming more and more
popular in this section, from the fact
that when you entrust your work with
them you may feel sure that all will be
well done and at as low prices as can
be. The business of the shops is in¬
creasing rapidly, and new machinery
has beer, added, until now, you can get
anything you wish, made at this
place. Mr. Thos. Bailey, the mana¬
ger, is always on hand to give bis host
of friends and customers a cordial wel
come. Wben you need anything in his
line, write him a note and wo insure
fair treatment.
0—^mrnm —
Aii oft Told Tale of Daring
Here to the result of the 230th Grand
Monthly Drawing of the Louisana State
Lottery which took place at New Orleans,
La., on Tuesday, July 10 th, 1839. 'Picket
No. 42,788 drew the First Capital Prize
of f;» 00 , 000 . It wus sold in fractional parts
of twentieths at SI -00 each sent to M. A.
Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Two went to
Herman Fisher, 8 t Louis, Mo.; one to a
correspondent through Wells, Fargo &
Co-,* Bank, San Francisco, Col. ; one to
Ike umo, Chicago. 111 .; one To a depositor
Union National Bank, New Orleans, La..
to Kerens Chretien, Jr., 425 Chartres
^ 0 , ;ont! to MUs A man .
m ch . mplallle at.. Detroit,
MicH ;on |, to Abraham Weiner, 401 S
Clina , st JA^cmo, III-; one to I’reaton
••% jAHndt. Mich... 'M
etTiPPflEicket ...............h, 11 . 1 ,.t „( Coxa.,, -wetr.
s.-eonriCapTnu No. 68,007 drew the
Prize of $ 100 , 000 . also sold
1,1 f ™ c G«»nal twentieths at $ 1.00 each: one
to Hugh T. Carlisle, 202 Magazine st„
New Orleans, La.; one to Geo N. Haven
port, Spjihgfield, III.; one to Hedrry Kuee,
Mii.t Saloon, Salt Lake City, Utah, one to
^’ u ^' *kdlows Falls, Vt.; one t<i 0 ]
!f ,,r ! KK8 ’ ,Oh,0: one to H. G.
respondent r T T', through Wells, n‘ Fargo A , Co.'s cor
Bank, San Francisco, Cab; 01,0 to S Well,
Meridian, Miss.; one to Houtschler A Urea
shatter, Reading. IV, etc., etc. Ticket
N'<>. I5,t6d drew the Third Capital Prize
of $50,000, atso sold In fractional parts:
five to Max Stadler, 4 ,i 8 Broadway, New
York, N. V., five to Clark Jfc Andersour
004 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. Any fuathe,
information can be had on application to
M A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La.
His name Is K. J. McKinney; his
residence is Woodbury, Hill county,
Texas; his statement May, 188'J: My
little son was cured by S. S. S of l«id
sores and uloois. tho result of a gener¬
al breaking down of bis health from
fever. He wits considered incurable,
but two bottles of Swift’s Specific
brought Inin out all
Take one of Dr .' J. II. McLean's
Little Liver amt Kidney Fillets at night
| before you go to bed and you will be
surprised bow buoyant and vigorus you
I will feel the next day. Only 25 cents a
vial at R. J. Reid's
CoroHs and colds come uninvited, hut
" iue Balm. For sale by R J Reids.
1 find Ideal Tooth Towder is without
exception the best I have ever used.
with any other powder I have ever tried
before. So says Ferdinand E. Chartanl,
Baltimore, Md.
By thow.y.w'llyoubuTanduseWeal Aatsuaess:
Una. Kansas, says. Ideal Tooth Towder
m my estimation, juatwfeat ita name
indicates An engraving 20x24 is given
with each tw o bottles. Price 25 cents
V* bottle.
B. O. Gillott. of Purdy, Mo., says
“wift’s Specific cured him of Eczema
on his limbs and body. He took only
two stuail lavtties.
A letter from s. p Ward welt. Host on, '
*«>> I used riarke’s Extract of Flax
(I apipon) ( alan 1 , Cure in June last for
llav Fever with great satbtaelion. and
"find it is the on i \ thing 1 haw s tYg
«filch would allay, without irritating,
Die infiaiuation ,if tl.e nostrils atid
tits markoi ami mimetiiftt*/*
Urge latent !«>tt)e * 1 , 00 . Clarke's Flax N«p is 1
and best- Try it. 85 (tnb.
A'k for :!.i m at any Duig st.-re ;
Newsy Locals from Our Neigh
bors. *
The weather OOt.ETHOPE is not favorable COUNT T. for curin —iSSLe*
fodder or di ylng fruit
Master Tommie Hubert, of
came on Saturday last to visit his grai
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James P.
—near Lexington.
We are pained to chronicle the death
Mr. Frank Griffith, which occurred
Friday night last at his home in
di ^ ict ‘
The marriage , of #tl Dr. J. , _ T. _ Bowen,
F.llenwood, to Mrs. Nonie II Poyner oc¬
curred at the home of her father at An¬
tioch, Col, Jas. Youmj, on the morning of
the 1 st inst.
Mr. Harry Eberliart, living on Broad
river, had on exhibition six melons
aggre gated in weignt three hundred a*
fifty pounds. The largest in the lot ti j
ped the beam at seventy-four poun<
Next. — Echo Aug. 9.
Mr. James Ingram shipped a car load
peaches to Atlanta this week.
Green county will have a Confederil
Survivors Association. t
Miss Hattie. Tutt, who has been en
extended visit to Crawfordville, has
turned home at Siloam.
visited Miss the Mary family . White, of Mr of George Crawfordvlllelj Ii. Tappanj
at White Plains this week.
Mrs. Dr. Beazley, of Crawfordville and!
her two little boys, have been on a visit!
to her father, Judge Bunkley at Union*
Polnr this and last week.
A serious accident happened to Capt
1). It. Sander, last Thursday, He was
standing near a hay stack, when it sud¬
denly fell, burying him beneath it. His
leg was broken, and but for timely assist¬
ance he would have smothered to death.
At last occounts Capt. bonders was do
ng well.—Herald-Journal, Aug 9.
On Wednesday night, according to an
noucement, there was a respectable gath¬
ering of earnest citizens at thecocrt house
to take into consideration the ways and
means of building a first class school 1 /
On Wednesday evening last, at 8:30 t|
o’clock, Annie M. Moatc, was marrid Jbl
Mr. F. C. Scott, of Quincy, Florida.
ceremony was performed . , by , Rev. ,, W. „
Lovejoy, assisted by Rev. J. R. King
Reynolds Chapel which was appropriate!,
decorated for the occasion.
Decidedly the best and prettb-st game
ball ever played in Sparta was between the
White Plains and Sparta clubs on Tuesday
last. The game was called at 2:30 o’clock
with Griffin and McNeal as the battery of
the visitors, and they did some work;.
When the visitors finl shed the ninth inning
the game stood 5 to 3 In favor of
The date fixed for Sparta to go to JEhi
Y 3M»- MTiH when j .jj
IL, , ■
playing is u>« -nisi ■- -cnptt.aM'.f
several of our citizens at present
Miss Susie Mann, a charming young
lady in Norwood of Crawfordville, this is v.siting revives
week. \
Mrs Wheeler and her Interesting little
family returned to their hem*, in Talia¬
ferro county Tuesday, after quite a pleas¬
ant visit to her sister. Mrs. R. L. Johnson,
of Norwood.
Married—Bracy—Brown, July 31st 89.
By Rev. U. A. Seale, at the residence of
the brides father, Mr, T. M. Brown, Mr.
X. G. Bray, of South Care’.na, to Miss
Fannie Brown, of Warren county.
Film earrespontent says: We learn
from good authority that there will be a
Mormon convention held at Filmore
Moore’s some time In the near future.
Some of their converts have already moved
from Glasscock to Moore’s preparing for
the meeting. We expect there will be a
little hickory oil or buggy trace, or hand
saw or something of tho kind that will
take a band in said convention just before
or after the close'—Clipper, Aug, 9.
Washington street lailroad is progressing
Washington is getting on a boom. It is
a good town.
Hon. F. II. Colley gave a big Thanks
ging b.irbjeue last Wednesday at his
4 negro man named John Richardson
who lives on the land of Mrs. Binns was
shot three times on Thursday night by
unknown party or parties.
We learn that Dr John Sims, represent¬
ative from Lincoln county, will apply for
a charter for a dummy line from Washing¬
ton to Llneoiuton.
Mr. Redding Sima, as we have before
stated, made an experiment twenty from
three days ago by pulling every form from
a stalk of cotton. It has grown since then
imerone foot and has 143 forms. A bloom
appeared on it in less than twe nty days
from the time the square did.
The town council met Friday afternoon;
raisodthe retail liquor .icense to $500;
hles r«— amoved; *" - *»■
no minors allowed to enter
barroom; violation by seller forfeits the
license;all bars to close a ten o’clock,
except take at eleven o’clock Saturday night
to effect Seytember 1st, 1886
' g
, , T
.4 wrrapo r Paper Save* Her l.ife.
11 is l ust an ordinary scrap of wrapping
Mpcr; but it saved her life. Sht w as in |
!ffiy!l-i»l;lXt could 0 .he W war^reawl| d afc5
live only a short time: she weighed
Ihan seventy pounds On a piece of
vHTPing Discovery, paper she read of Dr.
and got a sample bottle;
R {>C'Ped »>er, she bought a large bottle, it
better helped her more. Kiught another and giew nTw I !
fast, continued its use and weigh*, Is
3tr,ng, healthy, rosy, plump, g
ti rf r“o r ^ rtiru , *. rs ;
M*uip to W H. Colo, Druggists , Fort
Discowtr ^niith Trial Frft Bottle it of this wonderful
DiugJ.kts. ,
guess who
jliot left last week by his girl.
Jltg the Sullivan of Crawfordville.
* I-te best water toter in town.
his girl is a “little fraud.”
is in lore with theart gallery here-of-late.
Is the champion checker-player in town.
Is the real belie of the city of Crawford
Called the editor an old baelelor this
Gave us the biggist list of “Guess Whos"
his week
The young i a dy is who wants to be an
Hm the gweh head the worst of any one
around here
Djd nQt get any dlnner at the barbecU e
last Thursday.
Said tUey wanted to buy a Map(p) of
Greene county.
It is in this county so tall that he don’t
have to pay taxes.
Says his girl is glue because she is able
to make him sick.
The young lady is who cuts her corns
with her papa’s razor.
Slipped up the other day and took their
in the mud.
Was hurt the worst last Sunday night
tin account of the rain.
The man Is that makes the best success
of loafering in Crawfordville.
Stepped on a banana peel and has not
”■ ana (been any) where since.
Went to church Sunday night with her
dress on wrong side outfso said).
-ays he will sell his land in Crawford
for less than $5,000 per acre.
, Is the most love-sick couple about Mil¬
drajon—but don’t give them away,
The young lady is in town who lias so
“sympathy for the poor cows.”
jj Says she has heart troubla and will
Ihave to send for the doctor to cure it.
The young man is who will furnish the
gass for Hammacks, soda fount another
The young man Is who came to town
to see his best girl and stays two days and
The young man was that sent a young
lady one peach and hired a colored
man to carry it.
The young couple are that are con
jtiuually breaking windows around town
1 “throwing kisses.”
Had an engageme lit with a young lady
Sunday night last, and pulled his hair
because it raine d.
The young man is who eat a peck of
peaches one da y last week at one sitting
and longed for more,
The young man is who, in £. passing a
|r , who had .. ROne baoU on hi began
t0 sln .. Lwd revh e us/ .
The young ladies were about Mildrajon J
u , at thRy g()t .. Ma8hed on a red Ue ad .
ed” lioy, last Thursday.
The young ladv is, with tha aid of her
mother In “sympathy with him,” takes
good care of an orphan.”
Has been meeting every down train for
the past two weeks, looking for his best
girl who never came until late.
‘ The Is In town who eat
- young man so
' Su pair of
fcBovff No,” resiled hef if she liad loved hira^nswered
pint that 9he tried to.
The oung man is who made an engage
ment week ahead for Sunday night and
then riot left by the rain. Poor fellow.
8«y » that the laird had left Birming¬
ham off his note book and never kept an
accoii'nt of what devilment was done there.
ThL young man is in town who spends
hour n at a time pitching a base ball to n
swinging bag—trying his hand on curves.
Tin, young lady is near Mildrajon that
saysahe has never been put in the “G. W.’*
column yet but lives in constant dread of
Tlie young man is who went down the
Hie young man is, in the
neighborhood that goes to see his sweet—
k*« on Sunday mn.l invariably ,U„„ UI
The young man is who said the reason
The young man is who went to call on
his girl Sunday eve. and he stayed to sup
pe* - and hated to leave -when bed time
The young man is who went to see his
best girl recently and she was heard to
S B*k« h n,FareTheWen ’ A " Ues Are
The young man was near Mildrajon
that sent his girl an apple last
and guess who the girl was, but don’t
mention it
„ Sajm when t he begins
to talk to his best
E'rl that his hart swells up in his throat until
h«i feels like he had just eaten an over
bait of watermelon.
The two young men were who, by
invitation, called on the same young lady
Tha u -ho. b.,.,
teasod aliout his girls family, said that
he was not interested about the family—
that the girl was the on < he wanted-the
«-»»««.«—■ „
1 ne young man is that made an engage
Jmn* *wr child with with a young her and widow he asked and she another had
ladv what he must do and she told him to
lead the child for her.
The young lady is that, while returning
from Hillman last Thursday.—complaeent
>>' P“Ued all the b;uk from a long switch,
to the distraction of her ‘ best beau.” Bovs
,em “ he ® rH y<> w tnife > > ou wil1
Jose time by it.
A Duty to Yourselt,
It is surpnslng that people will use a com
. non non ’ ordinary ftn iinarv nill pill wtu when n they rhev can ean seen ^., nr re „ j ,
* v 4>BaWe English one for the same won -
Dr Acker's English pills are a posi
ti< e cure for sick-headache and ail liver
trouble They \re small, sweet, easily
taken md io not gripe Hammack Lucas
County Alliance.
W T Fltkt, President,
E. I. Anderson Vice-President,
T L Chapman, Secretary.
T O Gunn, Treasurer,
E D Hadawat, Chaplain,
E S ARDEN. Doorkeeper,
County Sub-Alliances:
Crawfordville, No. 1437.
E I Anderson, Pres; P G Veaxey, Vice
Pres; W T Flynt, Sec’ty. Regular meet¬
ing on Saturday before the first Snnday
in each month, at 10 o'clock a m.
Carter’s Grove, No 1297.
Pres. D. K. Sanders, Vice-Pres. G. M.
Poss; g^ty j q. Jackson; Tres. J. W.
Sherrer; Chap- C. T. Luneeford. Lect.
It. S. Dillard; Doorkeeper J. F. Sherrer,
Ast. L. >1. Moss.
Acree, No 1548.
Pres. T. L. Bently; Vice-Pres. J. P.
Sturdivant; Secty. Jno. R. Kendrick.
Treas. T. O. Gunn; Chap. Benj. Stur¬
divant; Lect. J. A. Taylor; Ast. C. H.
Johnson; Doorkeeper E. S. Allen.
Meets Second Saturday in each month
a t 3 o’clock p. m.
gTThfc Secretary of each Sub-Alliance
! will please send in a list of their officers
names and number.
News items of interest are solicited fi om
1 every Allianceman in the county.
Brush Beits Never Run Off.
Tadmat. Tex., January 22, 1838.
Kingsiand & Douglass Mfg. Vo., St. Louis
Gentlemen—Yours of the 17th inst. to
haud. In regard to the Elliott Douglas
Gin we will say it is far superior to any
f? in that we ever usea. We will give a
f eW points of its superiority: 1 st—It
makes the best sample, and of courise
sells for more than cotton ginned on any
toiler gin. 2 d—It cleans the seed of all the
int. 3d—It will gin wet cotton that no
other gin will. It is light riming, and tlie
Brush Belts never run off, and the
springs for tightening same are a great
convenience, also the mode of adjusting
mote board.
Yours respecifullv
For sale by O. M. Stone, Augusta, Ga.
VVe have an excellent sew¬
ing machine, just from the
factory of the New Home
Sewing Machine Co., that we
will sell very cheap. It is a
three drawer machine with
extension table and all the
that we ordered it for a party
who failed to take it. If you
ly want a good machine call ear¬
at the Democrat office.
Come before it is sold. It
will be sold at a sacrifice.
• m h tl haV “ ,f 1 r ® ctice of Den with ‘«0'. me
It-,. * Dentist of r standing .. and ,
perience, who Will in the fu
tUfe be with me during the
j’ 1 ’ ^edt in every month.
| We have all the MODERN
APPLIANCES for doing
work ’ and will guarantee first
, °
class work, , promptly , done. ,
Very respectfully
Crawfordville," AG BEA7IEY
To All Whom It May Concern.
" / 1 EORGIA Tai.iafeli o County:
T John P. Moore as administrator of
Rolmri Edge deceased, has in due form
applied the lands to the belonging undersigned for leave to sell
all to the estate of
said deceased, and said application will
l>e heard on the first Monday in Septen
ber. 1889. *
This 31st. day of July, 1889.
Hesuy II. Flynt, Ord.. T. C.
l Whom I. May Couoere.
estate G'SSSSfSJiTffalfflSa of John Holmes, dec’d having or
- ap
plied said to me for letters of Dissmission
Dorn estate and a discharge from his
said trust and said application will be
beard on 1st Monday in November next,
This July 31st 1889.
Hfxry H. Flynt, Ord. T. C.
FfouTz ouTr
No Hotn will die of Coue. Bers or Lc*s F»
rit. if I’owdprs %re us^d in Cm«.
F<Litz“« FowdprswiKmrp and fkPpYTOi HogGpotjola.
Fo-ia'* Powi-rs will prsvpnt Gams if Fowls.
FoauH Powrt^^ will the qnsntitr of n It
Bid creum twenty per cent, and nlake the butter firm
«o.r pw-a.’rrwnw.nni *«!
r<*tw iw«r
ioM •eenwi.ere.
DAVID X. FOUTZ, Proprietor,
Hummick Lrci^ScTo..
The Chief Reason for the great suc¬
cess of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is found in the
article Itself. It is merit that wins, and the
fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac¬
complishes wliat is claimed for It, Is what
has given to this medicine a popularity and
sale greater than that of any other sarsapa¬
Merit Wins rilla or Wood puri¬
fier before the public.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That
Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength¬
ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System
Hood’s (Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug¬
gists. $1; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood
4 Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
Ames Engines and Boilers,
Double Screw—3,000 in use.
DOCC Jp No. 2 Power Press, dbl Screw
Single screw, Power Press.
Bass, Down Packing, Self-tramping Press. and
Direct Steam Press,
Capacity 20 toio bales per day. HAND
Power Press, double screws.
Ideal One-horse Hav Press,
Capacity 125 to 140 bales per day.
Elliott Douglas Cottontriii
Has captured the West,now offered
first time in Ga.
Winsltip Cotton Gin,
Variable feed and friction feed.
Planers, Wood Working Machinery,
Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Injectors,
( otton Sead Crushers. Hone and Cob
Grinders. Sugar Mills, Cane Mills,
Etc -
I Deal in the best and latest improved
Machinery. If you want such drop me a
postal and get catalogue and test my
O. 5 !L STONE, Augusta, Qa,
Store house near Cotton Exchange.
|| vj nuer an oraenA v w.v inifT"'
be sold, nary during of Greene legal county, Georgia^' will
sale iiouis, on the
first uesday in September 1889, at the
court, house door in Greenesboro, Ga., the
following property, viz. The entire share
or is and interest, Julia L. Dickinson, a Minor
will be entitled to by virture of
the last will of Sarah Atkinson, last of
Taliaferro o. Ga., deceased in a tract of
land Wm. Q. Dickinson resides on (a
life estate) in said Taliaferro, adjoining
lands of Dean & Thompson and others
described in said will, containing four
hundred and fifty acres. Sold for the ben¬
efit of said Minor. Ella t>. Sanders.
Guardian for said Julia L. Dickinson.
The Sew York Illustrated News will b.
“t d uSj&SFcL^“V a iS
months on the receipt of One Dollar
Liberal discounts allowed to agents,
a , i”hi7S^ n ,S, b ‘ oS7
board. Sample copies mailed free
A,1< ^ ress
New Torkm^wynra,
252 Broadway, New York City.
John L. Sullivan, the Terror of Fakes
an< * Hippodromes, is the Sportin g Edi tor,
«" d m Student, test ,ear.
ThvoloffleaL -I nrolocleaL FdUtProfeMore. Professors Free hree tuition New and buildings. free tool?in Wesley lf3l
MedleoL Hospital; H'jspital accommodations Fees. Jino.
VeataL ______» Full Full faculty, facuit foe clinics. Fees, fce.
excellent equipment, new buildin
Full Course of Instruction. Fees ~itii
Ek|lne«HM. Courses in Ciril. Mechanical. Mining Enetn
__ WASHINGTON . _____
l sJl WiB _ ATLANTA bar
l ^ nMWHf BBflillfifll mad
CAB rvn CIDI ainu •
Thorongh lellent advaut»ge«. curriculum. Ex
Ba rlll hu« Alfrwlo
BTSIC charge M HOOl. of tho
Fall Term begini Sept. llth.
the The
6T.k0UI5.M0. | -------- FOR SALE -1 BY 0ALLAS.TEX.
Titas Richards, Crawfordville.
Barnes’ Worsens Foot Power Wood Machinery. Mutal.
or oa
•rlth^ut ne«m power, using outfits of these
Machine*, can bid lower, and save
ti »re money fnm their iobs, than j i
Ly any .’her mean? for doing their
work. Also for
ladavtn •I ■‘f kw h jf Hear Trafala*.
k!lh them trades boys can acquii re jour
nfjmvn s before they ’gro
fortlven»-«elvet*.'’ Pni-e-List Free.
r. F. A J»M> K\R>F,« CfK,
K tl’ofd* IB.