Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 16, 1889, Image 8
t Mirtyrs to Headache Reek relief hi vain, until they begin to use A ■ er's Rarsa|Ktrllla. Then they re¬ gie! the years of suffering they might have Fsra|x:d had they tri^d this remedy earlier The trouble was constitutional net local ; and, until Ayer’* Sarsapa¬ rilla did iu effective work aa an A Iterative and Wood Purifier, they were compelled to suffer. The wife of Samuel I’age, 21 Austin St . L ■ ■ < II, Mass., was, for along time, sul,ji** t to severe headaches, the result Of .iPuniieh and liver disorders. A per feet core has been effected by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frank Roberts, 727 Washington st., It.Mioii, says that be formerly bad ter nbl- lie.i Ja'-oes, and until he took Acer's .Sarsaparilla, would never found any Uiedt mo t oat give „ Permanent Relief. " Erprv Siii!!);', fur yanr*, 99 writes L/zi»? VV. 2G2 Fifteenth at., l»i<D»klvn, N. Y“i have had intoler fi'if h i larlifm I rotntnatiaad tha use of Vy‘‘i'« Sarsaparilla headache last March, and ha • »»*»t had a since that Mm • ' • I s i'T' n 1 from Htul hcadfiOift, indige*. H i t, nod <h i,rlity, Wtw hardly able t •» dra_' m- - * *! f about tho house,'* writes Mrs. M I. Li’wis, of A «t., LowHl. M i» “ A ov’m Sarsaparilla has worked a mar tdoii' rlian;z«- in my case. I now had rouif and wtdl an ever.'* . 1 , 0111 * C “For umuli, Esq,, of have Lykirm, Pa,, wrifoM: veins I suffered dreadfully, « v< rv Spring, from hoadacho. < 1 ini•• t by impurity of tli«^ Mood and hilouviitv- s. It Moi’iiM’d for day a mid wet ‘ that my h-ad would iiplit open. Nothin / n’lb \<d mo till I took Aycr’a H r -a pai d la, Thin itmdicina ban cured me 1 oiuphtoly.’* YVIm-x Mr*, flftjicvra Belanger, of 24 I bid :.o* mI ,, Kpt iiiRfh Id, Mahh., begun to ii-« A m-i 'm SarMaparilla, kIic had ^offered for lorn!** ye urn f row a neriauH affection of the kidiL-vH. Kvorv Spring, aluo, she was atlliclrd with headaclio, loss of apprtiM*, and indigestion. A friend per minded h»*r to ii mi* Aycr’a Sarsaparilla, which Im iioUti-d her wonderfully. Jfer health is now perfect. Martyrs to head* iichtJ Mhotild try * Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, J'rrparcd by Dr. #T. ('. Ayer k Go., I.ow« ll, Man*. 1‘ilt c #1 , «U botlH«, I-’*. Worth $'o « boUl*i. Tutfs Pills Thedy"p«?l*llr.lht<€l*h!IM»»ed, from of work of lulu)! wlt«l h cr c><i«m or ImmI, . .Irliik or oxpoauro lu Malarial Regions, will find Tnlt’n I’IIIm Iho inoml grulwl ri.fiiruilii' ever offer ml Iliv •■ifforlu* lui wild. Try Them Fairly. A t Igoroim body. jpiire NIchhI, Mlrong noruntoitd >%rl>eerf iilniintl will muli. SOLS EVERYWHERE. mm ash BITTERS One nl the most important organs of Ihe _human ho; * lslhe|.IVER. When It fails to properly porferm its functions the entire system becomes ('mantled. The BRAIN, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS, all refuso tc perform Ihclrwork. DYSPEPSIA. CON STIPATI0N, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY DIS¬ EASE, etc., cro tho results, unless some¬ thing is done to assist Na'uro In throwing oil tho impurities caused by the Inaction cl a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so eioeitary will be found In Prickly Ash Bitters I II ac(s directly on tho LIVER, STOMACH and KIDNEYS, and by itsmildond cathartic effect end general tonic qualities rostores these organs to a sound, healthy condition, end cures all diseases arising from tlioso causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD, tones up tho system, and restores perfect health. It your druggist does not keep it ask him to order 11 for you. Send 2o stump (or copy ol “THE HORSE TRAINER," published by us. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO., ■Bold Proprietors ST. LOUIS, MO. P. P. P (PricUj a*h, rote Boot nu.l l'otiuwtuiu.) cuki:h SYPHILIS ttypfeOta# I*rtm»ry, 8*ron«1«ry. SerofNtU and Terflury Sorwfub>u* Syj'hiJin, I r«|>tR»Tu«. and Eruptlnnii, 1-locm uml 1>1«1 S,»ro*t. Hbeniuatisin mid fill vt the Moml; Ail Oioh*» thuthAvo nwkhtvwl t'lltrr trrn'.inrnt yl**M otomlllY mul •wrflv t«» th»* tAvntdeiful power Of 1’. I*. r„ th« f’r.-Jki Blood J'uj ifler. SCROFULA In nn impurity it, the \ Io.hI* producing I.uiupa or SwWHng.cj*umn^ Running Non* >>u tun Arma rd 1 v*r 4,'H. for tu« cur® ot whkh use Tv V. the groat<>! l>K*o4 me»Lcino»>ii e®rih. All thesw jrirhl iyvuIUy (oth«|>ouer of F. IM\, givini; new life uni tint Mretigtln BLOOD POISON Cuopxl iu it# vuw form, #ontrtitno# in omm wuli Kr>KtpoljMA, where the juiuem **« lit Kter- 1 and giv«u up h\ ihe phyvivi»n». In noma cmo# Son ;tik»u« l*L • mhmiu «ut (ill the {Mirtg il.v> of oormption. a hottle hf I*. I'. P. jirueurcd, au4 the d:*o**e j i«lded quickly. RHEUMATISM And in all AfWiD'u* oftha Wood. P. P. P. utamla •done aud \mii>alod and #on»# of iu curea are really WtttuJelful, ii you •ufferfrom Pvnaoc. I’kvn. AnythinglikeSyphllt*. Scro¬ fula, BltMVi Old Hhruma ti#m. or any of tho blood, bo «urr and pi vt pi*,!' a trial P P, P-xlTh-Uy A*h, l\>koK.'oiandPota«iimn? la no »* rot jvatout luodkiap lilf tho tuanv on Iho rakiiti. it* formula U on orery IkMIIq, thna i;ivui|; a ^axtautto of u* punsv aiKl w hv'U'm.'ino t! *i » • other Wood punier doot give. C ,'* «fi- 1' ali s^njcr^“ For said by lUimuat k, Lucas Co , or H. J. IU*id. ^ -ABBOTTS- off newtuv VFI ‘nY’P.prn/ TfUl yr. OORNS / V and . w«wARTs, wSSarwiN n» sale bv It- J, Paid or Rammaek. I.e Oft r ) v*. 9 THE DEMOChIt, CRAWFORDVILLE. GEORGIA. SHORT STOPS. Don’t fill the system with quinine, to prevent or cure Fever and Ague. Ayer's Ague Cure is the specific for this disease, and leaves no poisons to produce dizziness deafness, headache, or other disorders. Cordele is to haye water works and electric lights. The dank and decaying vegetation of regions newly cleared of timber .exposed to the rays of the sun, is sore to breed malaria. Dr. J, 11. Mtitan's Chills and Fever Cure, by mild and gentle action will radically cure. CO cents a bottle, a Reid’s Drug Store. C tiffin now has three good hanks and will soon have a fourth. 'i he qualtity of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestion anti assiinila ion; to make the blood rich in life and strength giving constituents, use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening t;ordial and Blond Purifier; it will nourish the properties of the blood from which the elements of vitality arc drawn. 81.00 per bottle. At Dr. It. J, Reid’s. There arc now oyer 1,200 bills before the Legislature for consideratian. 'liic “Life of the flesh is the blood there of;” pure blood means healthy functional activity anil this hears with it the certain¬ ty of quick restoration from sickness or accident. Dr. J. II. McLean’s Streng¬ thening Cordial anti Blood Purifier gives pure rich blood, anil vitalizes and streng¬ thens the whole body. 81 00 per tiottle. At R. Reid’s. An electric motor has been applied to running brushes used in grooming horses. The quality of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestion and ussimila. tion; to make the blood rich in life and strength giving constituents, use Dr. J. II McLean's Strengthening Cordial and blood Purifier; it will nourish the prop¬ erties of the blood from which the ele¬ ments of vitality are drawn. St-00 per bottle. At R. J. Reid’s. A better feclln g Is noticed In "town and In the countr y. Everybody i* happy and prosperity w Life will acquire, new zest, and cheer fulness return, if you will impel your liver and Kidneys to the performance of their functions. Dr. J. II. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Halm will stimulate them to healthful action- *1.00 per bottle. For ale at Reid* Drug Store. The Georgia Fanner introduces Hon. W. J. Northen to its readers us the next Governor of Georgia. Rick Headache, and a sensation of op¬ pression and dullness in the ■ head, are very commonly produced by indigestion: morbid despondency, Irrltahlllity and over sensitiveness of the nerves may, in a majority of eases, he traced to the same cause, Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Latin anil l’illets will positively cure. For sale by Dr. R. ,J. Reid. The effort on tho part of the govern¬ ment to get an artesian well at the arsenal in .Summerville, near Augusta, lias ended m a failure. “Now good digestion wat. on appetite, anti health on both." This natural mid condition of the mind amt body is brought about by the timely use of Prick¬ ly Ash Bitters. While not a beverage in any sense, it possesses the wonderful faculty of renewing to the debilitated system all tho elements required to rebuld ami make strong. If you are troubled with a headache, diseased liuer, kidneys or bowels, give it a trial, it will not fail you. The State road question has occu¬ pied tho most of the time of tha Leg¬ islature for the pastweok. This will be the ease until It is sold. Young, old, and middle aged, all expe¬ rience the wonderfully beneficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young children, suffering from sore eyes, sore ears scald head, or with any scrofulous taint, be¬ come healthy and strong by the use of this medicine. Six bottle, f.1. Athens hits a cow that walked a trestle do feet high, and 150 yards long, tho crossties Id inches apart. Physicians Use Shriner's Indian Vermi¬ fuge in their practice and pronounce It a fin t class article. Atrial will convince the most skeptical of its intrinsic merit. The Macon branch of the Southern Travelers’ Association will lit up rooms, to be used as headquarters, where they can meet and entertain their filends., Vittoraiul vilptety Are quickly given to every part of the t«xty by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. That tried feeling is entirely overcome. Tho blood is purified, enriched, and vitalized, and carries health instead of diease to everv orpin. The stomach is toned. The kid • m*ys ami liver hto roussd mid Invlgomtfid. Ti 0 bmln 1® refreshoil, the mind made clear and ready for work. Try it. It is said that the Hon. James 11. Guerry, the newly elected'judge of the l’ataula ciricuit, will be candidate for congress in the second district next year. THK IBIYRRRtl. VIHDUT OF Tit »!l»KOPLK Who have nsed Clarke's Extract of Flax I (PanilloiO Skin t’ur»> award it the first , and highest place as a remedial agent in all Eczema, eases of Dimples, Skin Diseases. unsightly Erysipelas, blotches, , i humiliatint eruptions, Boils, Carbuncles, Tetter, etc., all yield to this wonderful i nrenaration preparation at at once. onco. I Driee rice ft ? 00 for a l irgv bottle at any Drug Store. Clarke's Flax Soap is good for the Skin, Try it. l^rice 23 cents. Sever*! of the large land owners of Scotland have imported a number of remleer from Norway and turned them out in the hope that they may bekotue acclimated and Idcrea^ed. $5.00 TO CHICAGO hi Ost fitt fn th fisiii Iris li llitsl itj Psiiti rhf c „ t D Kv „;, w «lhng el.« tfekets Cincinnati » Chk**v for »S.OO, sod W kil ,«>r*iK e MeCORMK K.Gen’1 P.«ss'r Agent, \ Jix* Wr*( Fourth SZ.»Cioe-.:i! »ti,0. Home Council. tion W<; of take mothers pleasure to in home ealfelg the for atten¬ all a .cure diseases of the .Stomach ltd Bowels, a medicine safely through so long the needed critical to «fery of children Teeth j n g PITTS’ CARMINATIVE is an Incalculable blessing relfcf t> mother and child It is an instant to colic of Infants, a diseases with Which infant* suffer as much the first fojr months of their life- Jt giveesweet re-g. to the sick arid fretful child. It strengthens and builds up the weak gives tppetite arid flesh to the puny, corrects, dhin from the bowels, cures Diarrhoea anl Dvsenteiv. A panacea for the children Try one. bottle. It costs only. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.. BOTTLE. Sold by Flammck. Lucas <fc JJo., t W. B. ARRINGTON, M. D., After an active practice of “HIRTY SENEN ye.ars, tender, his Matured Experbnce To any who may be suffer!n - from any of the ills incident to “FemaiezLife.iz tar You can receive nere all ihe be fits that you can In the cities AT llAl iM' TIIE COST. Treatment Humane and SSentific. ISfConsultation free; coz-espondence solicited. W. B. ARRINGTON, A. D., ap20tf Union Point, Ga. -AUGUSTAr ;STEAM LAUNDRY.: -Main Office and Works,- 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga. First Class Work Guaranteed. Worn turned over to the Democrat wli l>e sent down. For further lmformation see the Editor. aprl9tf LIPPMAN'S I I PYRftFUGE /\sUF\EaJf\EroF\ N <] t CHILLS 8tFTVtR DUMB f\GUC ^ND ni MALARIA, FOR SALK IIV ALL DRUCJGI8T8. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. (Mt flnilnt Byit.a. .f Me«n>rr Trtlala* r.» B..k. Iwu»< >■ readln*. Blind wnad.rlns cared. b.n.Bnod. Snrr .hlld and «nr.atly OIasm*. UreU imlucomeuU to Ootrotpondono. ptawms^m. Dnnlrl tJrrrnlonf TKomp.on, I ^rent Psjrchof. "fareKSiSfeEWFKfi-, ». r. rl3—VVEKKS- ©1.00 Tbe POLICE GAZETTE w b« mailed Reeurely wrapped to any P dill’s* !is*on receipt in the United Stiue* for three mi Z. 0 f YF DOLL A It. Him' ■nut allows t<> post master aecut.- , .Yam pie copes mailed free. Au>. — hA order* to T Bjcbahd K. Fox, Fmnklln Sjuare, N. ■ * TO MACRIMC Summer Tours. Palacc Stcamlrs Low Ratm. Pour Tr:r*t jwr B«tw#en DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Ptrtoakry, Sat*!', t'* A and Lake Huruv< W »y I'orti *rery W v Day Betereen ! DETROIT ANO CLEVELAND SbbvUv Thj. JU . .z*f Aao 4 * S«i*. Doubl- Daily Ida# Batwcm CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. Q , JH | LLUST «,. ED pxmphlcts I mw*M *t rs-r win be f«nu*h*d * E o. w -*■’ o£%.***. o* lr oit and ci... »n Ma*. Co. ----—~ m ------— Hjm ^WOS fOLLE6E A jvOatist lu nK’ for -* heol eirt*. “Sot in (i.k! irts of [Sh.!:* ” For thirty T*;r» r»ieKn»t<s! sn: aut sh ;»■*.[ mf K «*ch*d##Uc on (he c-'Olisorit. <! POCMtl for Sun; ai4 v>rtw, jtilY&nttts*' virDtuwHiH # #«/rvAt'>r> spivl»lty Fjrcu4«ww w 1 us fail cm *i,re of raril# adtlrv#*. * j te l' - Tint* at A llTpl} Pr*> . ii u V-s THE GRAND CLEARAf a* CE S ALE!! SPRING and SUMMER GOODS Casper Myers’ CRAWFORDYILLE. 11 iii & *1.. •©* L • • n f J S/ > X » * <r % For tlie Next 40 - MYS -i will sell my Goods in stock AT OR BELOW COST! ^ To close out entire stock to go into other business. I MEAN WHAT I SAY. ©ttia iltTsglttfti And you will miss it if you do not come early and iret the cream of the BARGAINS. CASPER MYERS. • -v ■ s: PADGETT’S PROCLAMATION to the readers of the Democrat. READ THIS THROUGH; It Will Snreiy Interest You! J ffk II will buy 14 Rolls I U Paper and A. Border enough for a 12X12 room, beautiful pat¬ terns. 14.75 o: " 1455 ■will buy a 9 piece bed room suit, 12x20 glass, cane seat chairs and rockers; whole suit consists of one bureau, one vvashstand, one centre table, four cane seat chairs, one cane seat rocker. In addition to the abovew v I have an elegant line ofH walnut, oak, mahogaiiizcd andn immitation walnut suits, woodj r and marble tops. $7.25 $8.50 $10.00 Fa K will buy elegant willow baby * -• carriages with parrasols. 6.25 DOLLARS 6.25 3f. will cover your 15x15 ft. floor with nice china matting. fl will buy a carpet Ube IS 1 5 X1 5 ft. which will 1 ■ made and sent ready to put down, including tacks. $1.00 will buy the best shade you ever saw on spring rol¬ lers. 1000 shades on spring rol¬ lers at 50c each. -$1 3.00 for a 5 hole cooking range 153 pieces furniture/ $8. 00 for Ko. 6 stove with 20 pieces furniture. Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHINES. Plush Parlor suit 7 pieces solid walnut frame* I have everything needed in your house no matter what it is. Catalogue free. L.RLADGETT, 1110 1112 Broad St Augusta, Georgia.