Newspaper Page Text
Enquiries and Corresponbence Solicited.
Address -Augusta Lumber Co.,
Augusta, Georgia.
ms S.—
777/tf m I
\tWz\ S
Log,LumberYard W AGOflSfALL & GitVTrucRs^ STY LES.
^' 'tYapies Chaise.
FISH BR 9 S WAG 9 H G 9 -
\ Thm is your ___
|Kp|hity. A now Silks
£ p,' ] T < m l l,f ’ manufac
g. feta Our’reduced
bring prices
the best goods
| |j within We aro reach the of only alt.
I manufacturers
| Uie U. S.
g a gg & A take no risk. We
w arrant every
mS piece of goods as
§MgHjg|g| represented, or
money refund
&L ed. See our re
mmm i!^@are ferences. We
■4 r^n Silk
u t
'4 « w.tot
ed in 1838,
pcrience? ar8 We'
guarantee the
for richnees of
color, finish superior
and wear¬
ing qualities, to
be unexcelled
^S suicmjm the
__ ^vr or-ld. Re
Oner these Dress hllr-8 in Dros (irains,
Satina, Surahs, Faille irancaise and Aidaj
Cloths, in Blacks only. postage) and
Sena us forward a 2e.-etamp( samples to pay of all ou,i i
we will you
styles free with prices, and you can see
for yourselves. i
0.8. CHAFFEE & SON s |
• Mansfield Centro, Conn. !
Befer. hr pencioeiOD. to Fir*t Kational Bank.
Win4AasD Nation* Bank,Dime of WiUimantic, Savings Bank. Conn Wil
fimantic Sevlaga lustitaie,
RECOLLECT ffi?£ffS*iiKl2SSS?S present the buyer with loot, ;
nreso. *
m CT3 oo trs delivered to you aa .
en o V L / a
Hans muck,
- I
1 HIS year season IS in of which THE the BEST
to purchase a Black Silk or Satin Dreas.
It is adapted to so many uses for which
ladies reouire a becoming and handsome
( ] r ess ; for house wear, as hostess or guest,
make calls, attend church, receptions, wed
dings, parties, lectures, amusements and Black en
tertainments Silk of all kinds. A good and
or Satin Dress retains its beauty
fine appearance many years; outlasting and
out-wearing half-a-dozen ordinary dressea.
A GKEAT many are now looking
around to see what to give as a
many cases it is the intention to present
the ?(. an officer, paste*-, or a lady
and beautiful. To ail such we say send u.
2 cent stam P and GET OUR SAMPLES and
P nc e s > you will soon be convinced that a
Black Silk or Satin Dress is just what you
have been LOOKINC FOR.
Everybody we sell to is as well sat
isfied as the following parties:
westsost, Kentlckv. M.y 1.18W.
firput.iic. niiX “ ^o„d?rfui io showing a tor^ friends too^r» tb.
, f tak^ pisssare my
^ciple* and Respectfully, adv.-ing them Miss to purcha« M. GUYTON. of you.
Office of Biblical Rxccmux*. 1
Halkioh, N.C., Dec. 17, l&a.(
Vfessas. O. S. Chazfpe A Sort:
Otar Sirt— The package of ctik for my wife came
safelv ami soumilv to hand to-day. She,a delighted and
with it and with pleased her. 1 that highly vnu appreciate were *o prompt the
generous com
piiment mv- lf, and enelose check for (he 125 00.
With very best wishea, C. T. Bail*y.
REMEMBER, {our term x are to liberal
Black Silk or Satin Drew when
bought direct from our factory is the MOST
ECONOMICAL dress made. We guarantee
perfect satisfaction or refund the money,
0. S. CHAFFEE & SON. Manifold Centra Coax
Beveted U the Int«mt #f Taliafprr* County, th« People aid deaeral Revs.
Of the History of Grawfordville
and Taliaferro County.
Few subjects can be of more interest
to ns than the early history of our
town and county. It is something
which we should strive to preserve in
order to hand down to our children's
children, the truthful details of our
county’s eventful history.
Our couty was formed from a por¬
tion of each of our sister counties,
giving off generously of their own do¬
mains. Eacli one of the four counties
Wilkes, Warren, Greene and Hancock
cornered in the horse lot of Mr. Wil¬
liam Reid deceased one of our most
prosperous farmers, whose deuendants
still live in and around our towu, and
are considered the worthy represena
tives of this stanch and noble old
In the early days of 1826, the site
of our town was selected and in 1828,
our court bouse was built. Our own
loved Stephens waa the first lawyer
who was admitted to the bar in this
veneiable old building. At that time
the threo leading men of the place
were laughingly styed by Mr Stephens
* ‘the Triumvirate,” and the names of
Quinea O’Neal, Oiiesley Bristow and
William Alexander are still reuaein
bered by many of our citizens.
The oldest house in our town is the
one now owned , and , occupied . , by , Mr.
Iienry Hammac* and his family. It
was built by a man named Janes, and
he or his son built tile house now oc
enpied by Dr. Kent, winch stands
about half a mile from town on the
road leading to M'Lear’s bridge ou the
Little River.
Then the next oldest liouso is the
old llammack home, which stands on
the same lot as* tho large Gin shop,
fronting Main Sreet. It was the hoo u
for many years of Judge J. Dv
M »"imack. and 11 o- " * *-» ’
t ays gone-j. /
In 1829, the good citizens of oui^*jl^
tle town coneluJad, to tnovo the Bf)b
tist church—Bethel, which ut tlutt
time stool on the woo led knoll be
tween the forks of the two public
roads leading to Greene3boro aud
VVlute Plains,—and put it in the town.
So the site was selected and the
church was brought and unt up where
our elegant new B.ibtist building now
stands. So many long years hu vo
elapsed that names of the original
architects have been forgotten, but the
church stood as a monument of the
virtues of our sturdy forefathers and
right nobly did it fullttll the purpose
for which it was designed until at last,
after near a century of usefulness, it
was decreed that a large and more
commodious chinch was needed, and
so in the year 1889, the contract was
given Messrs. Rhodes Jackson, Henry
and Boone, and, our town ban an
elegant church comparing favorably
witli any of our,sister towns.
In the same year, (1820), the hand¬
ful of Methodists built a small church
near where Mr. Joe Farmer lives but
it proved to be inconvenient to get to
and from, and it was moved over to
the lot now owned by Mr. Tropee.
Here it remained for some years, but
the few Methodist fa nilies living near,
had moved away, settling elsewhere
and so few remained that services were
discontinued, and finally the building
was sold to some farmer living out in
the country and be tore down and
hadutod It away.
In 1870, Alien Thomas, a young
Methodist minister, who shortly be
fore had left Ernory College full of
youthful hopes, and bis iie.irt glowing i
witli holy zeal, ’ formed the resolution j
of :l « aln . establishing . a St. ,, E. T , church . .
at Cravrfordville.
The land was given him by lion,
Alex. Stephens, and the clrircli was
built upon the corner of tho park ;
gating Liberty Hall, and stands to
day s monument to the kindness of
heart, and 1 1 be r.’i 11 y of views which
ever distinguished the dead stateman,
wliose remains now lie enclosed in ttie
modest railing so near tlie church, and
In plain view of the worsliippers with¬
in whose songs of prajer and p-aise
ate wafted aixive to that Home to
which he has gone.
[to be costixvbv.] >
Tlie Barber 8Hiip.
When you are in Augusta and want!
a shave or hair cut jro to the Central
Hotel Barber Shop. It ia the pUce
The Sumter county Alliance are go
-ing ahead with their bagging factory.
A good little boy in Georgia who
was kicked by a mule did not say
naught y words or go home crying to
his mother, Ho just tied the mule
within five feet of a hoe hive, bached
him around to it aud let him kick.
Much opposition is arising in Mexi¬
co to negro immigration. PeUtiousa
goinst it are to be circulated through¬
out the country, and;several proj-ietors
have already refused to sell land to the
new comers.
A Bill lias been introduced in the
Mississippi Legislature, petitioning
cohgress'to repeat the fifteenth amend¬
ment to tho constitution of Lhe United
States, which allows negroes to vote.
A continual coughing Is very annoying
to persons sitting near yon in any kin I of
a gathering; besides, it is of givaj damage
to the throat and lungs, is exceedingly
dangerous at this season of tho year
One half bottle of Hoggs’ Cherry Cough
Syrup will reiiovo any ordinary cough,
and tliis remedy costs no more than the
Inferior grades that are thrown on the
tifti kot to sell at enormous profits. Dr
It. J. Reid Druggist.
The ground on which. Trinity
church in New York stands is worth
$14,000,000; fJW that where St’ Paul’s a
squares north of Trinity, is val¬
ued at $10,000,000. Precious, indeed
nlfust be tho souls that worship in
kiioso churches.
* —
j SprinfT Medicine.
nija f lias ■’°P gained l, 1 U ^ whioh Ha 't* medicine ^ arHft U' is
as a spring
womlcrfu| . It ponseses,. just those olc
„f health-giving, blood-purifying
dmi appetite-restoring which everybody
seems to need at this season. Do not
continue in a dull, tired, unsatfactory
condition when you many be so much
beneflten by Hood’sSarsapaiilia. I*, purl*
fic^tbu blood and make the weak strong
• —
Pauper Counties.
appears from the records that
ere are a number of counties in
'«•<*(« wl’I-b not only bear no share
’ < ex^ef«es *’
,, I, u v „>> mock
onn. ‘■’Ulmer county*!* cited as
Aneof llie more striking instances.
The net tux collections there amount
to about $1,700. This never goes out
tide the county, as tho school fund is
paid out by the collectors, and Gil¬
mer’s Share is bigger than tho aggre¬
gate Of-Urq taxes its citiz’uS pay.
This year their county collections had
to bn supplemented witli $111 from
the state treasury to make ir;> the
county schools fund. In addition to
this there are thirty seven Confederate
pensioners in Gilmer, who draw $1,670
peramium, awl tint county’s represen¬
tatives to the general assembly have to
be paid, so that instead of receiving
help from the county tins sta’e bears
an annual burden of expense on its
account amounting to something liko
$2,‘162. There are six or eight otli* r
counties in Googeia whi;h receive aid
from the state as regularly as Gilmer.
Five Strong Points of S. S S-
1st. It is entirely vegetable, con¬
tains do minerals or poison of tiny
kind, and builds up tho system from
the first dose.
21. It cures Cancer of tlie Skin.
No other remedy or treatment was
ever known to cure it.
3d. It cures hereditary Blood Taint,
even in the third and fourth genera¬
tions. No other remedy lias ever done
♦tli. It lias never failed to erad¬
icate Scrofula (or King’s Evil) in all
its forms from the}system.
5tb. It Cures contagious Blood Poi¬
son in all its stages by eliminating the
horrible virus from tlie system, thus
giving relief from all the consequences
of tliis bane of the human family.
"My blood bad been so out of order
the summer of 1888 that I
bad no ueittth at all. t bad
appetit 0 ; nothing I ate agreed witli
me. I was feeble, puny, and always
bad . i hid tried various r«
without receiving any benefit,
at length I commenc'd on
Specific (S. S. S.) That rned
increased my weight from 155
to 177 no rinds in a few months,
made me as well and healthy as
man now living. S. S. S is un¬
tlie greatest blood purifier
on the American continent.
John Ballkw,
449 North State SP, Chicago, III.”
Treatise on Blood arid Skin Disease
free. 8 »VIt i E*^i i IC CO.s., |
A Macon county negro, mortgaged a
dead mule to a Montezuma merchant
and took $60 in trade. The merchant
didn’t know the mule was dead.
Mother, think of tho battle that le being
waged by worms against Itm life of your
child There Is no night of rest with
them; they fight to kill. Shrlnor’s Indian
Vermifuge will annihilate them. Only
20 cents a bottlo.
Farming is the only business which
all other vocations art) dependent for
life, but farmers, for tho most, part,
are the most careless and indifferent
business men on earth.
If you or any of your family should
happen to bo frightfully burned Of scalded
what have you in the house to alloviats
the pain until you can get a physicking
A box of Ueggs’ German Salvo at hand in
t imas like this would save a world of Suffer¬
ing ami oftentimes a doctor bill, us It lias
no equal in cas’sof tlds kind, as well as
Inflammation of all kinds. Dr. K. J. Reid,
Athens is more than ever stirred up
against negro postofllce authorities.
IV. A. Pledger, Jr., has just been ar¬
rested there for rifling the mails, and
stronger than ever will now be the
pressure against the appointment of a
negro there.
«— m <4
Of the American people are trolded with
u most annoying, troublesome and disa¬
greeable It complaint culled “ atari'll.'”
is not necessary to bn so troubled.
Ills dwmmstiated of beyond Flax (rnpillon question C«t- Unit
Clarke's Extract
arrli (,'urc immediatly relieves ami
permanently cures Catarrh. A thorough
and fair trial will convince yon.
Use Clurite’s Flux Soap for tlie Skin
Cfttnnli Cure, $1. Soup 25 cents. At any
Drug Store.
III. till HAYS I I’M AI.1, incur
Mr. B. O llialr, Chicago, says: ’’Wo
rnuld not keep liouse without your
Clarke’s Kxtiaet, of Flax Skin Cure and
Cough Cure. We liuvo used both for
numernua troubles, nn]>fcinlly for our chhu
We recommend children. Ilie.Cuiigli Wo Cure usnd to every it for
family having Cough will) remarkably quick
Whooping satisfactory results, and it for
and use any
and every cough the family 'may have.”
Only one size , large bottle. 1’rico 81.00.
If yon want the bent toiltnt soap get
Clarke’iT Fiax Soap, 25 cents. Ask any
Druggist, for times preparations.
Wiiitf ongageijh in hurtling some
hu I. and’, MU. near
A t hen. , Term. , Sf Wii
cauglit lire, and as she wa icmo, she
was in a few seconds so badly burned
that she died during tho night from
injuries. She leaves a husband and
several children.
That Little Tinkling.
In your throat, which milks you
once in a while and keeps you
clearing ymtr throat, arises from
is a constlliitlonal disease tlie
cough medicines all fail In hit the
WIml veil need is a constitutional
like Hood's Sarsaparilla Many
who have taken tins medicine lor
la dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and
troubles, have been surprised that
should cure tlioir troublesome cough.
to know the actual cause of the
is to solve the in y.stery. Many cases
eonsiimptloll can Im traced back tu
neglect of sonic hicIi slight affection
ibis. ('niisuuiptinii can and ho the effect
in ils early stages,
Hood's Sarsaparilla In purifying the
ImiIdi ig up tin general health, and expe
lug the scrofulous taint which Is the e,
of cat,arrli and eo sumption, lias
to perfect heath many persons on
this dreaded disease seemed to have a
the answer in cents, pure and
not as fractional parts of a dollar. I
do so. an J am surprised to see the
ures climb to 250,000 cents, which
$2,500. As $5 and 500 cents are
equivalent, the result is puzzling, ft
conuot be urged that decimal marks
should be used. A cent, as such, is as
distinct a unit as a dollar, and as
result is to be announced in cents tlie
decimal can not lie pleaded surprising in extenua¬ result.
tion of the latliet
But there is clearly something wrong.
VViiat is it?—Wc. Louis Republic.
RheumatmtH and Catarrh.
Riieumatism ami catarrh arc both lilood
diseases. In many severe cases IS. they IS. have
yielded to treatment with IS
(iSotailic flalni liinnd ISsitnt. nude by
<>»., Atlanta, <»a Writ'-for book r
convincing proofs. Sent free.
H P Diafae, Atlanta, fia, «ay«: her “My
wife, liad catarrh and nothing did any
good. Her constitution final y failed and
poison got Into tier blood i placed
on a use of 15. IS. IS., and to my surpise
her recovery was rapid and complete.’ <»s., writes:
\V. P. .McDaniel, Atlanta, had
“1 was much enia'-iated and rhciima
tistn ho bad I could not get along
crutches I sis'* had neuralgia iti the
head Ficst Clan-i pliyvi.-ians did me no
The, I trie.1 ft IS. IS. and it* ef
were magical. I cheerfully qiliek recom- cure.”
it as a g')..d tonic and
Mrs. Matil'ta, Nlehola, Knoxville, Tenn ,
I had catarrh six j ears and a most
cough, and my eyes were much
Five bottles of B. IS. B. t thank
cured me."
^i.j.ictt’mn.^'; JgZi which
inflammatory rii«umati*m. H. X
j rel y cuusg. 1 h iv.* not felt tii*?
yaiu since ”
Tsrmii $1.50, In Advance
JREAFStSSMSS fort»hlr. Snr*«*»sful where all fail. Sold by V. (UACOXo JUtii*
•slj, Sit Air'd war, Hew York- Writ* for book of proofs
» Red mmwki pslls.
r4 Cross Diamond Rrand.
St *j 0I j| V relJa ^®^ , R in?t»ii!obc«s,i*J«S for snip.. Pafc and
ZL f'T Biond »Uh biuerlbbon. ltrnml l ln rr<l
A* ff Take no utlu-r. Rend U?.
v , - (stamps) I.udloV’ for particulars ami “Kc.llef for
Chichester _ , * in Utter, by mall. Anms i’ormV
. Choutletl Madlvou Nq. I'lillado, i's,
li GUtiiiscs and lu-aufiileji tho hair.
M Vromulttn a luxurhint prowth.
■ Nevor Fails io Restore Gray
H Hair io its Youthful Color.
SI K Curcts scalp diseases hAlrfalllntr
4__and $1 oo at Dni^rjdHU.
Agents wanted- NO It is a perfect
eu to si ll I’inlcss winter lino.
Clothes Lines; no Sample lino sent
more chothes pins by mail for 50c..
needed. It |)T \TC»lw fidft. line
holds iest and I lie lieav finest |_ | (N it by mail $t g>
fabrics without prepaid, For
pins. Clothes circulars, price
do not freeze list, terms ad
dre-is the, PIN-'
to it and can¬ LKSN CLOTH¬
not bow off. ES LINE CO.
Ilf Her moil St , Worcester, Muss.
** an old reliable firm ; larafe
profits, (piiek s lies. Sample five. A rare
opportunity. N. \. Gen A. Scott, 812 U’way,
How Lost! How Regained,
Kr™"THY ff! “
• 0 • <■*
A fidiTittflr Mid . dan<1a*<t J'ojju,... m*;\.
on and the riiyfltcftl ACrrorn of Youth,fVerofttrore ImpurU»e9 Deeftiir.,. of the Blootf,
Exhausted Vitalitt
^‘Untold miseries
lliwiilting from Kncrvntlng Folly, Vico, nml Ignorance, unfitting Exccaaea the victim or
OyorUxntlon, Married Social Halation.
for Work, BiiMincRH, tlm or
work. Avoid It nnikillful contains 8<»0 jirctendern. paires, royal Ponses* 8vo. this Beautiful tjreat
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price wily $1.00 by
mail, trative postpaid, Prospectus concealed Free, if in plain Apply wrapper. Illus¬ Ths
vou now.
distinguished author, Win. if. Parker. M. D. t ro
ceiveathe<401 J> ANIUEWEI/LED MEDAL
from the National Medical Awoi liitlon and for
tlii* PIC I / !•: ESSAY on NPItVOUH
PIIYSK'Ab I) P l» IM T Y. I)r. I 'arker and a corps
of AHeiMtAiit PhysicinnH mall in may i»o consulted, office confV- of
drill iftll ly, PKAItOIIY by or MEDICAL person, at IN8TITUTK. the
No. \ llulftncb 8l. t Boston, Mann., to whom ail
orders for hooks or letters for advice should bw
directed as above.
Mind wandering cnr«d. Books learned
in one ft rottUiriff. T*:Htimoiii«U from alt
of ttio fflobo. ProHpectus fose
, sent on MJlh application Mew to Prof,
XU Are. locks
S -*=ci|p
' :yy$
y- .
, v" -; 'J . i-. || S
L M ■ 'ty
to S k.
; ’’
I K\ / . i «/.f U U
tiIV LI I JH OUrt C».TALCOUl »»o Pr,ICt8
ScluiiiiFic V .e STAB L-’l SH American E o' Ie a b
, ..
Ja the ohleiit and most populur ac| rlentlflc nr.<T
mechariicai paper publialied and imi I theworkl* ho InrKfcHi
circulation of any pnp« r i ot m
Fully Illustrated. Host cIh.hi of Wood Kngrar*
InjCH. PubliMtn. <•<1 _ weekly. .Send for trial, specimen?
c»»r»v. Price n y«‘> nr. Foor months* |L
MLSN & CO., I'L JiJ isiir.nt*, Jril Rroadwaj, W.Y.
f| Edition of Scientific American. V
A treat snecoM. Each Issue contain# coloredT
lithoiirapliP- plat<‘S of country mid city realdcn
"( i hj1 ' Hc butldlriK*. Nnrncrous engraving*
i) plan* and i*peclflc«tlon« tot the uae of
such us contemplate building. I'rlce 92-M a year,
2&c»3. acrypy. MUSS A CO., I'UltUtiUKiUi.
__ jgia - ■ aw e ^ may be secur¬
HaM R CT Kj ed ing hr to M apply¬ VS ft
H .V CO., who
E EptYSltM Bwll A I® hnv« had over
A AH >‘ nn,’ experienoe and have marie nrer
Pdndencaslrlctljr coDOdentlal.
In coj»c your m mt rctfUtcred In the Pot
ent Office, nppl; n v x €>»., and pr* »cars*
tinmeUiMte prot. heud for 11 and Look.
nirVRII.’IITS 0 r I. ks, chant, maps,
%U:., quickfy procured, Addrcsa
JHl'NX (’()., I*a4ent Solicitors.
'.LM J -.1 <trues: 3»>l IHiOADWAt. N. T
- :i c-*r avRet a
,i f *•