Newspaper Page Text
Mo one should so fear being egotistic
as to avoid the society of their own
It will mako more difl rence to those
who refuse to see the truth, than to tho
truth itself.
Information is the literal form of
knowledge; if not derived from experi¬
ence, it is dec fit.
It does not follow that a man should
have more authority because of his su¬
perior knowledge.
A man mistakes conceit for wisdom,
when ho cannot bear to listen to an idea
at variance with his own.
Progress is derived from honesty,
while to be a successful deceiver, traiu
ing is absolutely necessary.
The man who mistakes a form for a
fact, is also ignorant of the method by
which a success is achieved.
The more one knows about the past,
and what the future will be, the less
they know about the present.
If a man has an idea that he can find
no authority for, he should take coui
age and hunt for another one.
Gallows Point.
Midway in the harbor between Kings¬
ton, Jamaica, and Port Koyal a tongue
of land juts out from the peninsula
toward the reefs that bou id thc
crooked ship channel toward the north¬
ward. Ones this tongue of laud was
boundered by a strip of white coral
beach, and covered with a growth of
wiry grass; now it is nearly smothered
under a thick growlh of mangrove
thickets, pierced by narrow canals that
run here and there through the tangle,
and dotted by little lagoons, in the
lonely waters of which herons anl peli¬
cans and frigate-b.rds live an almost
undisturbed life.
The name by which that point of
land is known indicates its history
with a terrible brevity; it is “Gallows
Point.” There in the old days of
seventy-five or a hundred years ago a
gaunt, hideous framework stood in the
sight of all, anl almost always between
the upright posts one or more dead
pirates bung m chains, swaying slow.y
to and fro in the breeze, with hollow,
sightless eyes turned now toward the
white-winged ships, and now toward
the long neck of Cagawaya, whilst buz¬
zards, the “John Crows'' of Jamaica,
ded so emnly round and und in the
air-above, ■ -- •--•f-- tbeir --------V „.-r——MM. following shadow - |
now and then flitting across the gray
stony brow beneath.
Every one qu ites Tom Cringle's Log
in Jamaica, and it is, perhaps, with all
its exaggeration, the best guide-book
that c m be found of the island. Tiio
author lived ia those days, and save
most that he describes with bis own
eyes. I 11 one put of his story ho do
scribos twenty-five Cuban pirates strung
up at Gallows Point in one morning.
Why Silk is so Expensive.
To produc: sufficient silk to mako a
drers requires more time and capital
than most pe >plo would imagine. If we
take one and a quarter pounds a( tho
weight of pure si 11c required, this would
be equal to two pounds of raw silk.
To produce two pounds of raw silk
would require the entire silk obtained
from 7000 to 8J00 worms, allowing a
percentage for death by disease
other casualties.
It may he interesting to stato that
these young worms when newly hatched
would soiree y weigh one-quarter of an
ounce, yet in the cotir-e of their life,
which only lasts some 30 to 35 days,
they will consume about 300 to 4 JO
pounds of leaves and increase in weight
about 9000 times.
Consumers of silk will not wonder at
its high value when they c insider that
to raise two pounds of raw silk so much
time and money is requ red. IJjskles
the original cost of the egg; or young
worms, they require feeding at regular
intervals daily with mu berry leaves,
and consume the above weight of leaves
during their life. Tii:3 is a large item
of expense if the cultivator does not
grow and gather his own leaves, but is
compelled to purchase them.
A Derfh That ii Avoided.
.. the Tniiteen C.u > which madj sc
merry at a recent banquet iti Lcndon,
wishes real tc. 2 a blow at pop
ular let it
for laly converts, and set the
e’.insr thirteenth com
Pullman C
Orient CT
< t Tho con:
n as?'
re ■n y
em tr J *
In London nearly all the dinner table
decoration with flowers is done by wo¬
Pundita Ramabai, the Hindoo lady,
has organized a circle of King's Daugh¬
ters in India.
Novel silk petticoats are made entire¬
ly of smocking, which renders them
very elastic and perfect fitting.
Flat caps without vizors, plain 01
trimmed to match the costume, are in
high favor with young ladies and chil¬
Small wreathes of gold filigree foliage,
with a tuft of feathers and aigrette in
front, are fashionable with full-dress
coiffures. <
The newest handkerchiefs are of fine,
sheer, liandspun linen lawn, embroid¬
ered in tine threads with wheat garlands,
lines of drawn work and dainty flowet
Among the new fans are some very
pretty ones made of the sheerest brown
gauze, mounted upon brown violet wood
sticks, painted with a flight of swallows
or brown wrens.
Miss Alice Sanger, the President's
type-writer and stenographer, is able tc
take a short hand dictation at the rate of
200 words a minute. Iler spelling is
said to be absolutely pr-.ect.
the The New habit York of dry askinj good for tores samples has grown in
so common that most 6.' the larger shops
have a special department now, devoted
to satisfying this class of customers.
Parisiennes are carrying very large
muffs. When made of material to match
the bonnet or costume, they are orna¬
mented with quillings of lace and bows
of ribbon with long streaming ends.
A garniture for toques and large bats,
which is meeting with considerable fa¬
vor, is a large bow of plaited crepe lisse,
which consists of two flaring ends
caught in the middle with a tight knot.
Some of the recently imported gloves
for evening wear are elaborately trimmed
with quillings of old lace, and embroid¬
eries near the elbow in gold thread and
silk, usually the monogram of the
The netv shades of heliotrope and
violet are so tempting that many ladies
will be likely to choose them for gowns,
in defiance of the fact that to tho average
woman they aie most trying and generally
There are on the rolls of thc Pension
Office at Washington the names of
twenty-seven widows of Revolutionary
soldiers who are regularly paid pensions.
Three of them are ninety-seven years ol
age and two ninety-six.
One of the best trained nurses in New
York city was, a few years ago, a popu¬
lar and prominent society woman in
Baltimore, with a devoted husband and
almost unlimited wealth. Her husband
died, and the riches vanished.
Mrs. Obauucey Depew
,dv plans for collecting a loa. exhibition
of fans, miniatures, laces and bric-a
brac, to be displayed in the Woman’s
Exchange at the World’s Fair.
Miss Hunt, daughter of ex-Ministei
Hunt .‘mil Mrs. Morton’s private secretary,
attends to all that lady’s correspondence,
much of it being from abroad and in
French or Spanish, with both of which
languages tiic Vice-President’s wife it
Handsome home toilets aro made of
soft camel’s hair witli velvet bars and
stripes of various rich tints. They are in
close princesse shapes, and open over long
front breadths of sheer wool or silk, bor¬
dered with embroidery or rich Gothic
Some of the winter walking-gowns are
made with the most complicated vests
and jacket-fronts, although severe and
simple enough in other respects. A de¬
scription of not a few of these would
sound like an attempted explanation of a
Chinese puzzle.
A fancy of the present season is for
fragrant fans, mounted on sticks of san¬
dal or violet wood, and made of delicate
transparent materials, painted with land¬
scape designs in subdued neutral tones of
color, or with flowers conventionalized to
faint, delicate hues.
itfr.i. Frank Leslie says that she prob¬
ably knew as little about business at the
time of her husband’s death as any woman
in the world. Her only qualification for
her present position was her faculty for
keeping her personal accounts, which was
done with regularity and exactness.
Mrs. Harrison has been obliged to give
up all reading and china painting. To a
friend she is reported to have said: “The
letters of the people make me the slave
of my pen. 1 meet the mail with a budget
of letters. Write as briefly as 1 can, it is
impossible for me to get my writing table
Five female sanitary police are now
established in Chicago,under the appoint¬
ment of the Commissioner of Health, ac¬
tor ling to an ordinance of the City Coun¬
cil. The duty of the new female sanitary
police is to inspect factories and tene¬
ments for the protection of the health of
working* women.
Prepare tor Spring
Xow is the
ti*^n in prg
mn. Jt you
tired out fro
Hoed’ -jrsacariHa
icb Dosee Cna Cottar
The Baby in the Bureau.
There lived in a Pennsylvanian tow* a
few years ago a woman question who managed skilful- tris
baby-in-the-bureau baby,as most well the
ly. To begin with,the method as
bureau, was her own. Her was
to remove the two upper drawers, and
seating the child in the lower drawer,
gently slide it shut and turn the key.
The child then sat up of its own
aud with its head in the space vacated
the upper drawers, crowed merrily away
for hours. Not unfrequently, the mother
thus left the child to attend to her duties
in another room, or even to go on shop
ping expeditions requiring an hour or
two. Confined in this improvised cradle,
the child was not always quiet, but it
could neither harm inself uor any of thc
objects about it, and this the mother
^?Son^ot „ ,, . e P e^Te , wUh , h , :;Z"^dChills, . , ,
Headaches amt humors, a merciless Hood,
Thousands of people from premature Braves,
Tho remedy is l)r. Bierce’s Golden Medical
checks Discovery. bronchitis, It cures purities coughs, the relieves blood, asthma, heals
sores, eruptions and unsightly pimples and is
SS SPri “ B f, '° m
Strange to *ay, tho color that runs is not a
fast color. What a curious languag e ours is? j
How’s This if
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
^OTSf S“fflrion^ ,,,,0tbecUWdby
1 Toledo, O.
t^’for^aWv'Xa^vVhili, F. . 1 . cHKNKY & DO., Props.,
perfectly honorable in all business transact,
ions and financially able lo carry out any oblb
oration made by their firm. Druggists, foie*
West .V Thuax, Wholesale
do, O. Wholesale , i,
Wadding, Kin van & Mauvin,
Druggists, VanHojssen, Toledo, Cashier, O. Toledo National
E. If.
Bank, Toledo, O. is taken internally, act- ’
Hull’s Catarrh Cure Surfaces
iri lt directly upon the blood and mucus
of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold b
all Druggists.
Tf afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thom,,
son’s Eye-Water. Druggists sell at ;J5c per bolt 1*|.
, ,, , .. .. ' V, ‘ h< ' n ‘ , a
AVateh for “Murray” Buggy udv. next weel;.
m/J I
i l.' iky • A.VV,
m \ l /til
•ttjvrwe-VKrGtk LyJN J t J \
Both the method and results
Syrup of Pigs is taken; it is pleas/Hni
and refreshing htrironintlv•’ to thetas'p, T r A
tern eiio^tuauj, arid fevers
aches and cures
constipation. Byrup it3 of Figs is tr 5
only remedy pleasing of kind ever pri -
duced, to the taste and at -
ceptable its action to and the truly stomach, beneficial prompt in it i 1
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and excellent agreeable substance!,
its mend many it all and have qualities made con it -
the Syrup most popular of Figs remedy is for sale known. in 5On
find $1 bottles by all leading drug¬
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro¬
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accent
any substitute.
; >
r hoifil A
sates* *fg*"MOTHERS CHILD
G^ .C|y v %
gBXffl .. ,
KruZoWIA** •
50 Cts.
IF 1 YOU WISH A {Smte'msoHf
BEHlLVKIt »------------\r;r0
lTra3l HMIT i l()S Qfi%
. Ilf **!
hlvrnll r* imirnf ioiiH
* p
I Ej hTU aLL& i »
f 3 ntuPu
Even in buying toilet soaps, said the
dealer, you are not always sure that you
good are getting the worth of your money. A
toilet, article should not contain
more than from nine to eighteen per cent,
of water. The unscrupulous manufac
turcr increases the amount in various
wavs. In some instances he forces water
into the soap as it hardens after the boil
mg it undergoes; in other instances he
the water by mechanical means into
the soap; in a third and equally large class
class of cases he introduces some powerful
chemical, such as Glauber's salts, which
enables him to introduce as much as sev¬
enty per cent, of water. It is obvious,
therefore, that tin pounds of honest toilet
soap would contain nine pounds if thor¬
oughly dried, and that teu pounds treated
pounds. chemically would contain less confined than three
Nor is the wrong to
selling the three pounds for nine to the
innocent purchasers. The spurious soap
l, >’ "--ter five times as much as
tile genuine. Ill the wash-bowl or battl
tub it dissolves visibly before the eye.
.... here it . is . honestly .11 made rival ■ 1 can .... 'i,„ be
used fifty times, it only lasts ten. If left
by accident in the water, it dissolves until
the surrounding liquid is thick suds.
T ! u .“ r r iire * hi8thc tM
\v Inch are advertised as first class and sold
at high prices, f llnve an eye on the man
who calli on you and pretends to give
you bargains by saying it is the
last, of the lot and tempts you with a
quick-falling scale of prices. The per-
1uine is there, and the showy wrapper ;
{«*« it is sixty percent, water, instead of
honest soap,
Queer Patents.
One of the most original patents is an
automatic bath tub, which starts the hot
and cold water at a given moment in the
morning to which it has been set, main
tains exactly the right temperature of it
by graduating the flow of water, rings a
bull when all is ready, and, two minutes
later, suddenly drops the sleeper's pillow
about a foot and turns him out. Among
other odd inventions are “chicken hop¬
ples,” which walk the chicken right out
of tho garden when she tries to scratch;
“the bee moth excluder,” which auto¬
matically shuts up all the beehives when
the hens go to roost; “educational bal¬
loon,” a toy balloon with a map of the
world on its surface; side-hill annihila
tors,”—stilts to lit; on the down hill legs
of ii! a horse hill; when he is ploughing surpriser," along a
and of tho “hen a
that drops tho newly laid egg
1 trough the bottom of the nest, with in¬
tent to beguile and wheedle the hen into
at once laying anotlur.
Merc Flower Shows.
Nowadiii a house of mourning bo
cines. on the day of the funeral, a sort
|!| h ,,r nl exhibition. In many instances
l1 "' l’ ilbalTonl r, “’» s indulging in these displays
an the expense, as tin: unpaid
florist ami undertaker can testify. II is
well enough to have a floral wreath or
cross, or a few cut flowers at a funeral,
The other day 1 attended a funeral, and,
’Huhu'Ji the dwciisei A# poor
.^ner8 coveimg his casket mu-'
have cost over a hundred dollars. Ii
would have been better to lmvc given his
poor widow the money than spent it for
useless flowers. This is an evil that
should be remedied.
Pr.EARttnK is a shadow, hut knowledge
is ecstatic in enjoyment, perennial in
fame, unlimited in space, arid infinite in
duration. Iti the performance of its great
offices it fears no danger, spares no ex¬
pense, looks into the volcano, dives into
the ocean, perforates the earth, wings its
flight into the skies, enriches I lie globe,
explores sea and land, contemplates the
distant, examines the minute, compre¬
hends the great, and ascends to the sub¬
lime; there is no place too remote for ils
grasp, no sphere too exalted for its reach.
him not make his fel low-creatures wait,
I low many words and promises are prom
isos of conversation! Let his be words
of fate.
Mill 1 NORTH
mi Tin-: WEST
ihii dm-: of
Kansas City, St. Joseph, Denver, St.
Paul and Minneapolis.
The “ ,,,,,,
cheap lands.
Aloft? the I,in-- of * |« ISiirlliiktoii Itoiili* In Nr
Colormio, U yomin*C *»» ! Sort Iju i mi
(T» (iatlMlw. 1 1 It'tjc i i Ail:i oOiiiH iJ l.ikno
i Wail line not lOIlt,. Till JdMlftH I If** iit >!'K * Ii*-; ( li d.
Z. had an n in Jj< country f< r A kgricuniirK 1 qih!
f»ur|»oi |M in |i;ilit hOt: I itt'nor uinhur,
itife I'-! a i ‘ii . r. *! p;irt icii! * h, Afldro any ifno<L A%nnt
ol itii! IS ii r I f ii y.Uni or t h t u n di
LB JnirclHoino Mi n j» tf t hit Unit d Htat ~
»ii ur; i, i. iid Son till Ililiifltlt. in u rio* l O >1*1
/jo for of!,co and tio?»*< nm*, r.ti d » hu«‘J hy Hut
i •HtirliMtfton UimUu” w II *.o furuiHiio 1 r*?Hi»on-
1UI« .•»«■«» F r «.«u.|e» f<Ol ; mOe
( TT>
....." ..............'
’! ■~P
iho North Filtrpnlh HI., I'bilad<dj>:iifi, f'ft, f«*Y
triatment of HH/yl f'rd^nii, Hk in hri ijdioru,
f«ervotu» Compla'Lta, ifrU'ht’o Dio trurturen.
Im potency nod kfinir (IlMtBM-H, no matter of bow
lcn% «fand inu or X enure originating.
terror, d.v lAli i> rBc*£n
•Vsnd for lUsjk ou irouhch.
Tzro'ih: xn Pla n ter
iite»hinr s. illji, .tc.
i M
fc a PLANT l it
hJ-.Sli I">R V.
Addr il. VA I. &. York. I*a
TXXTI3 S r r; It
^FEEO G tfl ■.....:
. -i
da in il
w , Ohio.
.ii miii ii. n FRE ,, nr- .
SmS? A a. x.-'Oii'A. iifk. Ot&mt
0 ft H
4 fj \ V/* i (l
<7*5 R
III h f\* p i o
I ift
\ /V*ay /
Jpil'i-JC A, i.r* i \
% wJP *« fcl
B WE? g. ,,iW
1 r //< \
1/ \ fa.
A &
k' rSa?
m i'*77 i Ks
. . ; •• Copyri
ght, 1889.
“Oil, girl with the Jewelled finger*.
Oh, maid with the luces rare 1"
What are your jewels and undergoing what aro your
laces worth to you if, from tho
trying ordeals which fashionable society im¬
poses on its devotees, mid which nro enough
to test tho physical robust, strength break and down, endurance lose
of the most you
your health and become a physical wreck,
as thousands do from such causes!
Under such circumstances you would
willingly givo all your jewels and all your
laces to regain lost health. This you can do
if you will but resort to tho use of that
great restorative known us Dr. Pierce’s Fa¬
vorite Proscription. Thousands of grateful
women bless the day it was made known to
For all those derangements, peculiar irregularities it is the
and weaknesses to women,
only remedy, sold by druggists, under a
positive guarantee from the manufact¬
urers, that it will give satisfaction in every
case, or money will lie refunded. This guar¬
antee faithfully has been printed on the bottle-wrapper
and carried out for many years.
As mi it
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets
stomach and bowels. One
The Spirit of Sacrifice,
Tho spirit valued. of Its sacrifice cannot absence lie too,
highly marked presence difference or he
has always thc
1 and “'■'“HI heroic /)'‘iJOififiSr nndthe M TOtttl cruel, j^ie, mud, ge m i
fish, and mercenary one. Human nature,
everywhere and always, fiows in rever¬
ence before the spirit which advantage, inspires a
man to give up pleasure deprivation or
and accept pain or outside of himself. for some This
object which or person has enabled the martyr suffer
it is to
for his principle, ami tho hero to die in
defense of his country; this it is which
supports and makes possible the loving,
patient and helpful lives of thousands of
men and worn n who endure hardship
without a murmur, and spend their lives
in joyful devotion to some good cause
which they have at heart or to some lie
loved oik's who are dearer to them Ulan
their own private happiness.
Yon know, that if you had a bent tube,
one arm of which was the size of enough a pipe¬
stem, and the other was big to
hold the ocean, water would si anil at the
same height in one as in the other. Con¬
troversy equalizes fools and wise men in
the name way- and the fools know it.
! Iook upon a library as a kind of
mental chemist’s shop, tilled with the
crystals of all forms and lilies which have
come from the union of individual thought
with local circumstances or universal
: V
wmMu. tf* \
v/f M
1 m % ms- '■■■•*$ r.
(t: in r mpn in hien tor (^LSTLK.MKN, J*A
J) 1 1>, M i Hn K-> und lii> i
None genuine (tnleM tianir* and ri rife nro
him in tie*t oti bottom* Sol*, every »rh pro.
t\ it'lflrritt on go*til 1 or valiialilw
inloruul lion*
W. L. D0U3LAS, Broekton, list*.
■ i A
lift h; -/ > £YS THE FREIGHT.
p ’■ : ■ /- ■**
hfe’ v
/• < v. JO i;: f « HAM'IO OF bi^GHAIVI S, iON. V,
!0 <•:
rm wi For
! m \ SJi gfls E3 cm
f \;
- /A&z ; A :-V -*
It i. tc is applied to the
no . J inatl.
L. i. ILU'nvxn.E, Viarren, pa.
strength to the whole system. For over*
worked, tated teachers, “worn-out," milliners, “run-down," debili¬
seamstresses, “ shop girls," housekeepers, dressmakers,
nursing mothers, and feeble women gen¬
erally, is tho Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
greatest earthly boon, lasing una
qualed as an apjiotizing cordial and re¬
storative tonic.
As a soothing and strengthening nervine.
“ Favorite Prescription ” is unequaled ana
is invaluable in allaying anil subduing nerr
011 hysteria, s excitability, other exhaustion, distressing, pro stration,
and nervous
symptoms, commonly attendant upon func¬
tional and organic disease. It Induces re¬
freshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety
and desiKUidoney. Illustrated
An Book of 1(10 pages, treating
of “Woman anil Her Diseases, and their
Self-cure,” sent, sealed, in plain envelope,
on receipt of ton cents, in stamps.
Address, Wori.d’r Disi’knsahv Medical
Association, No. 003 Main Htroot, Buffalo, ^
and cleanse the liver,
dose. Sold by druggists.
1 If you hare a
neute or leatlliilf to
< or h*i;bki: <:oi» i.iviin 011 .
1 AND IlYFOrilOsrinTES
OF /-mil: AND fiOh.l
( 'Ciils prnpsriiiloji contains the stlmuin
f Unp* prop.-rtli s of iho '*'( l/ypopIniHplilteg /ana* Oil,
t mill fins Konrt'{fltnt I Us. a
; ! l>y physician! all tho world over. Jt Isos
/in ht 111 hi r an mil Ii Thrso ttraos as t ni'Si
( clous ns plain Cod I,Ivor all other, Oil. rmute A porfsrt For
t Emulsion, hotter than
< all torum otl»o*llu(/ lliHrunrn, liramhitin.
< Scrofula, a»d a 1 a Flesh Producer
| ( tlmro It l« noli! Is ik.iIiIiis t.y n.U DruaglsU. HUo SCOTT'S Lot EMULSION. noon* by
{ profUHo oKpiaiiatlon or impintont entreaty
! Induce you to accept a uutmtliuie.
This College, though yet «lu«lrl>l»occ'U- In It* Infancy,
hn* more than <100 former
jiyiiijf go ><l poatttofiH, ninny of them re*
f'-ivhiK Kularie-H ranging from ©DUO to $1^*
500 per ujj mi in. For ciretihirw, luMrewi
It. W. JIONMAUM, Frln.
for a ^Double Breech-Loader
^ It tfl
WI»ehf*D*r Uiflr*, f>ll to P 11 .
Hrerrb-Ioadlug Rifle*, f/i.lii iu
hl| Slfltfl-l'lilrilt |2.00»
(*<*ii< 1 ?<• •(Brnp fr>
GRIFFITH & SEMPLE, 5J2W. Main, Loui*vlH«.Ky.
Wall and Primoriplion Ch*Ht».
1' urn it nro, 'lowithy Trayw, Stools. Cabinet work of alt
kindn. Compl«t« outfil H for ntoftm. H«nd for C*UUogu9,
ATIjiLN rA, GA..
Type, ('rises, Stands, Presses,
JPajoor Cuttorw
rtr-( all an u* mid MVIl llONliVlji,
West Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GL
trPMr MTIOY. linnU-Ui t-pfntr. Biwlnooo Korm%
Bl V c Ut..L l ' <*ht Aritlim<' c, Hkortr-hftiwL etc.,
tUor" xUy ta hy ,M Ail*. ( .rcular* frwo.
iii ymit’u i olleico* 157 Alain Ht, liuflalo. N. TC,
I r f'slly eo«
certain tr3B only
A&UTOJ liiTZ. >r t cur*
11 Vi r,l tl.WOC -
»» “I » Ii. U. IX - KAI! /. M, !1. K.Yl D. t
? 9 Am*ttr4ar»,
..... , ,,J . u 4 « bav* Big <3 tor
h.M*»i>iia ta ■'/ y*»n. ud a tiaR
fa _ . ,,, , 0 ;
t ntcago, 111 *
M i Dru??!*!*
.. Kiyfit. 1897.