Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat.
Entered at tba poctofioa al Crawfordvilla,
ft^urgia, u •econd-float mail matter.
About Q(JKrn Victors a'ii regular mail average
340 letter* a day.
Ah nr;/. Ha Mm, the present Bui tan of Tur
Key, i>. the sou of aalave.
Hxkatoh Wolcott, of Colorado, in thick
.set of build, broad of body arid short of neck.
Chauscky l>r.t>icw. the railroad President
got a dollar and a half for bis lirst fee as a
Gkokok Bamako ft, the historian, at thi
age of ninety, retains his mental powers un¬
A reporter who saw Rutherford B, Hayei
in Chicago say* of him: “He is aging very
Prince Bismarck is a miller, a paper
maker, a bricloHAker, an ironmaster, a coal
miner ami a brewer.
Tin rtv-seven former pupils of Dr. Jam*
MhcCosb. ez-President of Prijteutoii College,
are now college professors.
< * a ft i x Tiu v i ku, the French explorer,
unys that the native's of Central Africa ou.v
toot la* civilized fortsenturies.
Ooyernor Hf’AbKK, of North Carolina, i*
•he of the largest men hundred jii his Htato, and
weighs nearly three pound#.
Mr. Bi.aink h recent lows of nn uncle, a
sister, mid then a son and daughter, 1ms won
for him the sympathy of the fiitire country.
Mm. guaranteed income
front the .New York law firm with which he
Is as special count'd te $35,000 a
Ixnw Tknnvkon Kays that since he became
famous ho has ut le/wt 100,000 application 1 ; fur
his autograph, He has fiiror«Mi ouiy 500 iudi
v id tm]p.
Loan limn Chancellor Halshi hv, of
Kn gland, patterns after Gladstone as a wood
chopper. lar Falling trees is one of h in particu¬
Homan Bonner’s homh sent the jw>ct Whit*
Her a cheek for #1000 for his poem, **The
C'uptain'H for We!);’ 1 written,in his eight} necond
year, their paper.
Congressman Hfrinoer, of Illinois, i« a
rail, wiry man, with a full gray beard and a
ftrong voice. II*' wears a fresh buttonhole
trfmipiet every morning.
When Austin Corbin, the railroad mill*
lotutire was a school teacher in Now Hamp¬
shire, some* of the big hoys tried t<» thrash
him, butcroAvlod out the smaller end of the
liovKttxoli Him*, of New York, in said to
Ims iiiordimitVlfoinlof Amirieim reading novels*. His
favorite author is Bret Uni te, all
of who* * bAVjfr fi 1 ’ lias rend over mid over
<LK on i
< lusni thkao,, the (dierokee Na¬
tion, is the fmrttwrRWwcnt-.'itlVe leader of the
Hia Iiev a lighter eolor than
that of tho ortiinary brave, and lie Wears
Lyman TltrMiuu., fx-Movi'nior, ex Stuv*
rotary of Stnt»», **v Supreme ex-United Court Judge,
Memoer <*1 t niigresw, mid rttates
Hour,tor, is still practicing law iu Chicago ut
the ago of sevtMity-seven.
4^|iOFKJ4iioR t\*meutbi*r«Hi An vfmhos, lately Minister citi- to
Utmtonbv, is by not a few
/.ensof Milwaukee, Wi , its peddling n p*>i»r boy antics who
made a living yearn ego
iilsmt tl tAJUBtlk. and railway unices
Mm Kainkh, of Knoxville, Term.,
widow of John Hiiiiic*, is the cidi^t widow
flow drawing n pen.*loll in con v **i|uoncc of the
w*rvk ..f tier ituzband m tlw Kt volutii uary
Wav ,siie i* ninety-oixlit year's of a l*‘.
Kahi liOREHEiUiY, who is spoken of ns
uUuteton i’k Micci'hst»r in tho i**ad«r»hiji lioyish- of tho
Knghsh Ubcniln, is a «*'i , an-*'hH\cn, and
lot . Miave-muoncml Bcotehuiati,
ltiver h an opiKiriuulty of beuiotiniug the
Url tl u im wah born ‘i lord
M I’ASTErit, the distinguished French
mi vant. In cxtmmdv poor health. Ho Inis
im*v cr r^jrahicd htrength .since he had such n
wor mm ill ut two yvsii fi ago, and he has do*
v\*tod h* mu’h time Hud tlmught to tin* work
in hi* iuhittution that h@ hn» had n > oiiancc
to 1 tH’UJM l
Thk Into Mr, Tallmt, ltdt. FftthcV forinnt'o of tin* Knglish
Houm* of I’d iittmns, a
(MX). If * to in* (llvido-i among his daughter*,
t ho oldt o daughter receiving (ho major imo**
lion. M IK* 'i’albot thus heCiimcN the we ilthiest
woman in tenginnd with the exception ot
Howard d<* Waldoti
ATI.ant s claim* an increase last year of
Si*) new industrli'N .small and grisit.
Ukmiy Ukoiu*K is said to Ik* one of the
fastest t vpfM ttt’i's in (his country.
Aiv otiuMJ iu tin* >hon w. cr(4 of tho
ten lsMiiiths ttud Hailing M?ikon»* Fnion tho
<h*m.uid for labor is hu ger than tin* supply
at pifNcui.
Thk Illinois Bureau of 1 aIh>p BtatUMe* bas
fo begin a (h •mill investigation its
into tin* teiu inorl which pro vet
iu that !
Thk \ haw held a niwt
tnc u\ , at which they arranged h
«*«»{ ul iirteat any possible sink i>U
i ivsrt oJ
TUI ‘t »**r three and a half min** of
e'dint. 1 railway mt’ineago was let t‘> *.’ar>
The price
vi it (k* bet ll ami X),000.
r. ht 3 mowra®»t i* gaining
r in l«ond» but the Uovernment eight-hour re
us ■s u> lake T in th * dis
H\ \ U* t'e h i «t Berue ou invitation of
h i of I J&buv in a »
•■* ■»
atijxn if bvird ; arbit ral a
i .Tters til Hite between
will lie ref
id that Jobn
Ik the lit strike, is* c*hu
iii a »rt ;vsi, and to
m.v tv.iHU
;fhu iaboi
klnv ■etiv
I juir^m and MWdU Stat^.
The houno occupied by Miss Carol te Lane,
in Lnueberg, Mans.. wa.i burned m th*
ground. Mis* J^ane. who wa» 80 yee old
2nd lived aJone, perished.
The gardine factory at Machine* $h*d* and >rr
Viilage, Me., its wharf, soma ?oal
30,000 feet of lumber were burned, it i«
thought, by an incendiary.
The wife of J. II. Filter, of H-.t • L r.
Peon., committed suicide by w*tt :hs n*"
cloth on fire.
The annual Conv ention of the American
NeWhjmper Publiaharst' Aisanciatiori met in
NVw York city. James VV . Scott, of tfu
Chicago Hr mid. Preside at of the a*Aom tier;,
wan in the chair.
Iff the recent hurricane that swept the
North Atlantic, the herring schooner i*»*'*
A. Chapman, of Gloucester, Mass., wthougoi;
to have been lost with the eight men com¬
prising her crew. exploded at
The boiler of a locomotive
Douglass station, near West Newton. P«:m M
*ivl one man wa* kilted and two injured.
Harhy I.EBO, of Kt ailiny. .‘Van . »il»laiul
fatally woumie-T hi* Wife, who had left him
on account of iii treatment. Have higher,
Mr*. i.cUi'x father, died of heart fiHea-« im¬
mediately after the shooting.
i'll 11 IP Mower and wife, of Schuyler. X.
. Hud¬
V.. w.-re instantly killed by the Central
son train near Frankfort
Wil.l.i* m Hudson, a river pirate and des
f*:rate character, was Mint at Fhiiadelnhia
and fataiiy wounded while resisting arr'*.-,; by
Officer Nash of the Harbor Folice.
Two unknown tramps were struck by a
sliiftiUff engine on the Heading Railroad in
Hie cut near Harrisburg, Penn., and instant
l y killed.
South and West.
A great rush of settlers to the Sioux Be
nervatioa in South Dakota was made when
the President’* proclamation opening that
territory was issued. The best, lands were
,,*,ii literally covered with claimants.
Nearly half a block of buildings have
been destroyed by fire at Morris, Minn.
The Legislature of West Virginia pmw*d all Fed¬ a
resolution favoring the pensioning of
eral soldiers of the w ar and instructing Sena¬
tors and Representatives to vote for the pas
rage of such a bill.
.Seth Twomiilkv. Charles Buford and
Henry LuCiocko. crew of the ill fated train
which collided at Mouth Englewood. ’ hi
eago, in which seven j, >ple wore killed, have
been placed on trial for murder.
Jim Heals and Itis family attempted Barn— to
crus Yellow Creek in a wagon near
villc. Ml *., and the wagon cap*iz.)d, drown¬
ing four children,ugc-l from two to ten year..
A scheme to legalize lotteries in Xnrtn
Dakota wan defeated in the lower hone*
tlie Legislature after it had gone through th
William Ferrell, a farmer of Ironton,
Oliio, was kill'd by his sou, who is less than
twenty years old. Young Farrell interfered
to protect his mother iu a dispute betwean
her ami his father.
A landslide occurred on the mountain
above the.Suislaw ltiver, at Florence. Ore..
bury in j: tho houso of A. K. Aiitlra.vs and
killing Mrs. Andrews, her daughtor ail liUle
son. A in in* ws and an colder were thrown
into the river, and after floating on t.hodebns
ail night, were picked up several s miles below
ia an almost dying oouditi on.
An oxpresa train was wrecked on t h * Wis
cousin Central road near Mellon .1 unction
and six passengers wore injured, but none
A fatal railroad ollision occurred at
Coaling, Ala., In which an engineer wa
killed and a dozen persons injured.
W’hkn the case of tho men indicted for at¬
tempting to bribe the Cronin jury was calk* I
Indore Judge Waterman at Chicago, the four
defendant# pleaded guilty.
There is great the—tiurrontiding excitement in Lathrop,
Mo„ aiic' oi liquor. towns over Thu a
rrnsn >ln inaugurated against rapidly, and all the
movement is Mpivading abandoned domestic duties to
women have
attend meetings.
Thom ah Hkyakt, a sixteen-year-old Butte, hoy,
Knot and instantly killed his motherai.
Mont., boe&us* sin* rofusoil to give him
Troops have boon sent into th * Hiou- R *-*
ervfttion to drive white men oil’ the hinds
allotted to Indians.
The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce held
its th st annual dinner; many Northern men
wore guests.
('AULO Brittain’, colored, shot and kibe t
D. K. (Iftirard. a rising The young murdci V S V*U to
Manchester, Kentucky.
AteiUST and Peter Lintisl .-rwaiter
worn instantly killed in a freight collision
near Plnccrviho, Cal.
THREE men have been kilted and Severn',
ba lly iujurc l in u street riot at .inrp.r,
K an.
Thk Sonata Committee on Territories di¬
eted Chairman Flail to favorably re'/ rt
the bill for the admission of Idaho...- a >• la'.,-.
Thk President sent to the Se nt * th ' nauis
of v'haries Emory Smith, of Ih’unv ivama,
t,, ha Envoy Kxtr.iordimrry mid M’.aistyr
I'ienimitentiary to llussia.
Thk lYesideut has signe reservation I the proclama¬ ia South
tion opening the Sioux
Dakota tie has also Usu->d an or Dr estab¬
lishing laud otMoes at Fierro an d Chamber¬
Diplomatic nominations by the President:
Samuel Marrill, of Indiana, to b» ('onsu 1
(' ‘iwalat Calcutta; J Fenner Lee, of Mary¬
land, to l** Secretary of l gat ion at Kio (1*
•laiteiro; Harris B. Now lorry, of Michigan.
t,> ho Secretary •; Legation at Madrid.
I'nited States Consul*: Edward Bedlor, <*;
onnsvlvania, at Auioy; C. l.C'r>»ft, of Norili
Dakota, a! < arfcliagen 5. l T mte i State* of
t \ Join hia, James K. D uiforth, of Peansy
vania, ut Kohl: Fertlmand V Hushcr, u
MimieM>ta. at F»>ri St \ - »*v and St Tho:n.vs;
p. :tuk D liilL of Minn —ot.i, at Montevi :»* •;
Henry U. My utb Dakoti, at San
Salvador; tevi 55 My ors. o owa. at V it'¬
i -ria, B. C.; Felix A. Matthews, ol T faUfo
n:i at Tangier; fWbrick l M Ryder, i
, t'oiuiaa; L. ; s.ew
uneetieut. at Porto Die
of 5 irgintii, at San Juan,
rmciAi nominations )’Brie:t, c
>1, ,j snto, to be Chief Jus; ;
•urt • fNow Me\ i'
Ih> I’uitod SUf 1st s tv
strict of 55"ashiugt m \V t
A 55’iso m
»STM asteu-D r N Eli V W anamak.'R n
wl beiorv the >i* A
es sad read an elate
35 rial
rut or
■ : -5
Tp.x Duke of Orleans,* a<> -went to Paris
with the avowed intentioi >f enlisting in the
French army, anti who w| then arrested on
the charze of violating the law exiling throne, from
France all pretenders to the French
was arraigned before the. Tribunal of the
cine and sentenced to twd years’ imprison¬
A Of* burst on one of the and ship* tiled of the
German squadron oil Smyrna, s one
sailor and injured two.
Thom as Kane was hanged in the jail yard
at Toronto, Canada, for the murder of hi*
wife in November last. He me; hi* fate res¬
ish Tjik the Manitoba official Legislature of the French decided language to abol¬ in
that province by a vote of "A to 10. The
French-speaking appeal people are very inllgnant
and will the mat Ler to higher tribunals.
Tins report of the special commission ap¬
pointed to investigate the c-aarjje* of the bin
ion Timex against the I'arnellite member* of
the British House o' Common* iias been
mode public. The report exonerates Fame!:
and r.iiMJy denounces Davitt.
A dispatch received in London announces
the death of the Multan of Zanzibar, rib
iemise was sudden.
The British corvette Conquest ran ashore
>n the Island of Pemba, thirty miles north
>f Zanzibar.
At the request of Mr. Hirsch. the Ameri¬
can Minister, the Turkish Government has
mprisone.d Kurdish in his chief, own who palace charged Moussa Bey, with
die is
robbing and outraging Christians in Ar¬
NEWSY GLEANINGS. is now talking of a World's Fair
in 1807. a
The wl teat crop o? Australia is estimated
at 88,000,1 M0 bushels. f
Thbre w* re. seventy suicides, including
children, in Berlin iluriag January.
The railroads of Nebraska have consented
to reduce the rates on corn ten f/er cent.
The confirmation of the Samoan treaty
was received with the greatest satisfaction in
An attempt is to lie made to import live
cattle into France from Buenos Ayres, Ar¬
gentine Republic.
The exp; rise involved in determining who
was elected Governor of West Virginia was
more than $50,000.
There are 460,518 unadjndicated the and
pending claims now on file in pension
office at Washington.
'i’ll E raisin yield of California for 1889 is
estimated at .’iii,000,000 pounds, an iucreuse of
Id,000,000 pounds over 18N8. .
It cost Massachusetts a little oler $14,000
to supply and distribute the official ballots a,
the last election m that State.
A Gloucester (Mass.) schooner sailed re¬
cently on an experimental in codfishingj trip for .the coast
of Norway to engage
The number of failures in tile United
States last year was larger and the'iiabilities
greater than for any of the previous five
The Chiapas Colonization and Develop¬
ment Company has planted 300,00(1, trees in
Mexico. The Government is anxious to fos¬
ter thi* industry.
France has declined the invitation of the
German Emperor to an international labor
conference, as she had already aejeptsd
that of Switzerland.
Governor Brigs, of Delaware, *avs th»
talk about the peach crop bring rui tcdisall
nonsense He considers tile outlook for a big
crop better than usual.
THE distress from famine in some districts
of China has reached such a point Ihfit girl
babies are taken in baskets and harried
around the cities for sole. 1
Thk arrivals of Chinese by the C i id ian
l*acil!o Railway Columbia steajmsbips during the from 18 ua in
British year
500 leas ih&ai th-? departure b*f CR’*'
Fossil p ry n -ims ay**
lav git in''bis .uiued
Orlando ht. * possession
tooth which weigh'■ »*igat potimls and H half.
The population of the United Kingdom in
the middle of 1880 was istimated England at FT,808 -
8 Wales, 'Al persons—C0,O!5,61 1,077,070 in Scotland a" iu and 4,710,209 and iu
Tins losses of cattle at sea nearly reported for the
month of January foot up 20(>> head,
ami in addition to these bruised a large and number damaged must
have reached port in a
THE London School Board, which looks
after the education of 5,000,000 children, ha s
passed a resolution in favor <>f free schools.
The policy is being vigorously denominational opposed by the
Tories and the advocates of
A RKsOLUTiox has bon adopted the in the Vir¬
ginia Legislature, re^nesting that representa¬
tive* in Congress of the from bill b efore .State said to body, urge
the passage
authorising the* Secretary of the Treasu :*y
loan money to farmers at two per cent, in¬
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
has prepared a statement, showing December that the collections from duly 1 to
81. J8S9. were ?t»;\077.Sd?, n< compared with
H18,310, .505 col 1 ected duvi *. ■ g t he correspond¬
ing penod or the urevious year, being an in¬
crease of $5,707,207.
‘‘Lohengrin'’ has been suug 250 times ii
Berlin sine® 18*59.
F. T. Bars t'M says that 1.500,000 peoph
attended his show in London.
A new comedy la'ing Influenza. played ’ at a
theatre is called "The
Hjcsry Austin .Tones, tho well-known
plish playwright, is to visit this country
N vxt season Fanny Davenoort promises tc
give Sardou's "Theodora'’ the
pr* luetton it has ever had.
“Joan of Arc" is to be pr o luced in Ix'U
don in May. with Bernhardt in the title rol
ami ad the French stsonery.
Mary An person has written to \\
Black, tlv novelist, continuing the re|>ort
her engagement to young Sir. Navairo,
Soy York.
A t).'- am ATIC representation of the
tiuv< of Stanley 1 . prepared will present for one it
the Ktiglishi tiivatrcs, v\ ieh
grand style.
5 he Beethoven Society at
ha.* ac*|uir®d the last piano used by the
■r. it having been mad< expressly for
bv Conrad hraff.
Congressman CRisr. of C:or;ia, is tin
son nit English actor of repute w^i *
l Park Theatre, New York
3 MX y*v
T is J v lTors*u;*s ii
lat iw 1
i an
X t’,Y tie Wt :rc\vn mu?
. k precarat
hi his:err
as>t :U*
N Russ
t By mg' ha:
•i eight
PIANOS :• a %
■■ ii u i i» ii m i ■ r
• • • • ORGANS
ReHabie Makes. Many Styles. Nets
and Second-Hand.
TTVERY new instrument guaranteed for fi\%
Cj years, shipped on trial, and if not as repre
Jen tea, can be returned at our expense. With e»c*
Piano we give free a fine plush-top stool, silk
mabroiderea cover, piano instructor and six piece
Vf music. With each Organ we give free a goct
tep-covered stool and instructor.
<Vc agree to assume all freight on Pianos and
Organs. from Those mail who want quick delivery, ordel
us. The and freight facilities of Atlanta
Ire before perfect. purchasing, No matter what others offer, write ui
te and see how easily money can
PTAN03 $160 00 to $1,500 OC
ORGANS $ 45 00 to $ 760 0(
Special Offers.
FIEOWONT oMhis^erSeffiLmtew^ three
%il Case. improvements. octave;, The unisons, best low- overstrung {£910 bas% (1(1
viced Piano manufactured,.....I UaUU
P U* <X Sh W ffi case, d° u E:h satin & Warren, walnut, live very octaves, handsome larrjt
two sets of reeds, five stops. Is Mouse-Proofc
Better than other organs sold at $7.'>.00. wUwaUU frCC ftfi
Beats the world. We offer it for only
u A ten-year -old girt can buy an orgi an Or piani
from from Phillips &> Crew , Atlanta , G<r.. as secure
vindp imposition —Christian as Worker. the most expert music ian in * 'A
If you want or think of buying a Piano
dr Organ, by no means purchase until you
lave secured price# and terms from
Established 1385. ATLANTA, CA
The New York Illustrated News will bs
mailed, in Unite securely wrapped, Canada, to any for address three
the dStates or
months on the receipt of One Dollar
Liberal discounts allowed to agents,
postmasters and cl itbs. News agents can
mil this paper freely, openly and above
>oavd, Sample copies mailed free
New YorkIlln- ‘ rated News., _■/
.. U uw»j, New York Oii7
John L. Sullivan, the Terror of Fake
uid Hippodromes, is the Bporting Editor
Home Council.
We take pleasure fn calling the atten¬
tion of mothers to a home cure for all
diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, a
medicine so long needed to carry children
safely through the critical stage of Teeth¬
Is an incalculable blessing to mother and
child It is an instant relief to colic of
infants, a diseases with which infants
suffer se much the first four months ol
their life- It .tives sweet rest to the sick
and fretful child, it strengthens and
builds up the weak gives appetite and
flesh to the puny, corrects, drain from th<
bowels, cures Diarrhoea and Dvsenteiy.
A panacea for the children. Try one
bottle. It costs only.
Sold by ric.mmcb. Lucas & Co.,
i ej m
& [2 HE
A Pphil I I PES i s ^ ;V
j |
1 V
^ J
Physician3 prescribk endorse vri;h i*. v. r aatlsfacUon ho asp:eoai«ic ■a
OAd it treav f >r the cures
a\l fttrtns at»«i stajwa w Primary, Secondary anti Terti
L ■ *
\ 9
ary -v hills. • S liiSltlc RLenmutism. Scrcful GU3 Ulcers
arid Son)*, Gia: 1 iulur Svrt Kheamatis si. Malaria. it
] rid Cbmnle c n »-s that have r esistetl al! treat me
s> f
t 1 iSSti. 9 §
Catarrh, sl n Di¬ lici Chr Femala Cota
l * - re u rial r T.
P. P.i ■ atvenrer ttAQic and a’
M Ws xH. T: 2! r«
I 1
Iii* Mood
■ se
1.1 wi
u\ wm iiii'i ■ iii i iaia * ui i ii it mim* ■ ii
ii WMm
tx*?s *ra
feMI el'
B x t an ■BBBMBMBBHPBMBniyiilB 'i ■ II— Wjjg
35 r m pirn *
m .»m ** ■*- A 4
LiPPM A^ B50S,, Proprietors,
lif ?xar. B’oci. SAVAXMAR
TnEGBAItB m m i
SALE!! i
Blankets, Cassimeres, Shoes,
Henritta cloth and Sateen-finish
And all Others Goods.
1‘ .
5137'.- .-‘~ 7.." -: -:; 24-1 .{T‘fiif :3," ' ‘ ".’C'f.‘,3- ”.‘c7z': ‘2;.’: w. "- ' » ~ . .‘ f. E". .' -‘ ': .rz‘ :., t":( ,3 .- ‘ ‘- ; <.
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will sell my Goods in stock
A • ww v. * J:
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To close out entire stock to go
into other business.
d<l<l€§ kT Is u w&m ■I
And you will miss it if you do not
come carl •l v and 3-3 <fet the cream of the
t >• .... 1 i } QQ
Casper Myers’
Goodg the Best!