Newspaper Page Text
Paragraphs picked up by
and [We virinity would would be glad report if our to friends the 1n town
us names
of any visitors to their homes. Such as¬
sistance would be appreciated by the read
ers of this departments
—Don’t plant too heavily of cotton
this year.
—Some predict a “no fruit” crop
this year.
—Nearly two months of the year
have gone.
—Gardening has began in earnest
about here.
\V. C. Chapman has been sick at
home this week.
—Mrs. M. E. Moore is visiting
Machen, Ga. this week.
—Marshal Reeves has the prettiest
Texas pony we ever saw.
—Miss Alma Brown returned to her
home at Machen last Saturday.
—We are glad to see Dr. Farmer
out again after a few days illness.
—Sharon has become nationall y
famous within the past week or so.
—Miss Carry Dakman, of Washing¬
ton, is visiting Crawfordville this
—There was a marriage in “high
life” at the colored church here Sun¬
day last.
—Whether you have business in
court uext week or not you ought to
be here Tuesday.
Fat horse bean, the best table bean
known; use it once, you will have no
other, Dr. Parsons.
—Come to court Tuesday, bear a
good speech and bring along a dollar
for the Democra.
—We commence the first chapter of
our “Early Times in Toliver,” this
week, on first page.
—Messrs. Wright, Tucker, Akins,
Mitchell, Holden,and others went to
Augusta Monday night.
—Star, the Indian lecturer, left a
a number of bis photographs in
Crawfordville and vicinity.
—256 page book, “Life of Jeff Da¬
vis,” and the Democrat one year for
only $1.20. Subscribe now.
—Mr. L. E. Blanchard, of C,lusse
spent a part of last week with us much
to the delight* of his friends.
—All the members of the Queen
Esther club are requested to meet at
Liberty Hall to night. Don’t forget
—Mr, Willie R. Bunkley, of Lees¬
burg, Ga., has beeu visiting his sister,
Mrs Dr. Beazley at this place this
Mrs. Askin aud Miss Mattie Norton
returned Wednesday night from
Thomasville where they have spent
some weeks.
A few Plymouth Rock, Light
Bramah and Langshan Cocks for sale
—these are line birds, Dr. E. E. Par¬
sons, Washington, Ga.
—It is said that there has not been
a white person who entered the store
of Duckworth’s, the new post office, in
the past two weeks.
—Messrs. Rhodes, Henry and Tim
berlake are putting verandas and other
wise improving the home of Mr. C. C.
Caldwell this week.
—Jim Dorough, a clever gentleman of
Barnett, graced the telegraph office
here a few days this last week while
John Stovall visited Norwood.
Fat horse Beans for sale at 25 c a
package in stamps. Cabbage plants
now ready at ? 1.00 a hundred; address,
I»r. 7 , E. ,, E. -r, Parsons T j Wash.ngton it- - Ga r «
—Hon. George Barnes and the other
Georgia Congressmen in
TtlTuk Muck is at the bottom of the
wholesale arrest at Sharon this wee'e.
—Mr. Will Thompson, a young con¬
ductor on the Ga„ R. R. and Miss
Adele Pritchard, a charming young
lady of Augusta were married Monday
in Augusta.
-Augusta’s grand carnival party
passed through here Saturday in a
special coach for the New Orleans
Marda Gras They are taking notes
to improve their next display.
—Mr. W. J. Norton spent a few
days of this week at home from his
work in Covington He has been do
mg a great deal of building up there
and says that Covington is a capital
little city.
—The buyer of Davis, Bro. k Seals
has * gone to the great 6 markets this
week to hunt the north, east and west
for all the best things for the spring I
trade . _ _ which will be displayed
or in
these columns soon.
— Mr. *r n G. M. Jones, r representing .. n it.
S. King Publishing Co. will be at the
Hotel in this place on Thursday the
27th inst., for the purpose of securing
■ a
Myers is selling goods of all kind
at 75 cents in the dollar.
If you want best goo Is at 25 per
cent, off go to C. Myers.
Casper Myers is bound to close
out bis stock here and will sell all
goods at a sacrifice.
The best way to proove that C.
Myers is selling cheap goods is to go
and see him and price his goods.
•CACK-DKAWSHT tea cart* Consupetion.
Hon. T. E. Watson.
The above eloquent orator and gen¬
tlemen will meet with the people of
this county here next Tuesday and
will speak to them ou the leading
issues of the day. It is always a treat
to listen to Mr. W. and on tnis
occasion it will be doubly interesting.
He is having wonderful success all
over the district and will place bis
platform before the poeple of our coun¬
ty on the above named day.
Life of Davis.
There is not a man of Southern
patriotism who would not like to have
the “Life and Death of Hon. Jefferson
Davis.” We have arranged with the
publishers to furnish our subscribers,
botli new and old, with this splendid
book at about the cost of the subsc rip
tion to the paper. A very handsome
book— sells by agents at about 82.
We send you the book and the Demo¬
crat for one year for only 81.60; or
for paper bound book and Democrat
81.20. If you ever want this book
now is your chance.
Indian Lecturer.
“Kekioukau”—The Star of the
Cheyenne tribe, entertained our people
two nights this week at the academy
in making the whites more acquainted
with the customs and advance aent of
of the red men. He is a native of
Fort Reno, Indian Territory. He
spoke with force aud ability and got
off some good things on the feeble
minded boys who read yellow back
novels about Indians until their hair
stands on euds. He says the Indians
are not such brutes as we might imag¬
ine. We believe he is doing a good
work in showing the white man th e
true situation of the poor Indian who
has been almost exterminated from
this their native land. Star is devot¬
ing his life to this cause and is a be¬
liever in and expounder of the religion
of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Vick’s Floral Hui de
sons of the handsomest catalogues pub.
lished. The illustrations are intended to
give the reader a correct idea of the plant
or flower illustrated. Tlie grossly exag¬
gerated, absurd pictures which defuse so
many catalogues and reflect upon the in¬
tegrity of those who issue them, do not
appear in this. The list of potatoes is
good, and several new kinds are offered,
among them the Emrly Market. It is said
to be of the Ohio Class and is especially
recommeuded for early marketing as the
excellent in the early stages of grown o
"unripe” condition. The entire catalogue
is one that the Tt. N. Y. greatly commends
to the examination of its readers.—Rural
New Yorker, New York. N. Y.
—Semflo cents (which amount may
deducted from first order) to Jambs Vick
g eedsman, Rochester, N. Y.. for copy
Is booked next in Crawfordville to
Will be the next Senat or from tnis dis¬
Said he got on; a “bust” to cure the
The girl was that fell backward Into
the slop bucket.
Will bring the Democrat that dollar
they owe next week.
The young man is who says his girl
lives out in the “Ruburbs.”’
The young ladies are who tie strings
around their toes to catch sweethearts.
The young lady Is that kissed a gentle
! man for his picture and hasn’t received it
I yet.
Tim young lady is who says she had
rat h*r ride horse-back than to talk to her
best fellow.
Told a J young ^ man that she would not
to ch ch Wm unles3 he would
, it(J grnokin(?
The young lady was who said you had
to knock a young man down with a hint
before he caught on.
Was the tell young lady when that said she was
asked going to kiss papa, him a young man
her to .
Caught a young man with a quid of
tobacco in his mouth and he had to swol
iow it to get rid of it.
Said they would not like to have the a
^Xi^ftdmini^ ration. ointment under
The young man is who went home with
his girl Sunday night and she asked Inin
who fed a
tramp the other day to get rid of him and
he took a seat on the steps cotfee. and told her to
bring him some hot
A who hag practlced raediclne for
w year*, ought to know salt from sugar
read wlia t lie say 8:
Toledo, O., Jan. 10,1887.
Messrs. F.J. Cheney & Co.—Gentle
1 h ?. v ? in the general prac
tice of medicine for most 40 year, and
would say that in ail my practice and
experience have never seen a preparation
that I could prescribe with as much con
fidence of success as I can IlalPs Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by you. Have pres
cribed it a great many tiroes and its effect
, s wonderful, and would say in conclusion
.P 1 *” ‘Loffilno^e
,t acord j n g to directions.
Yours Truly,
C 'v F• ar J. . rl i.ViT^ CHENEY<kCO., P 5 a ^?. n r. i, Prop'., '* rnall Toledo,O I- , , „
resold ^ by Dru-gwt, 7.5C
Buckles’* Araie* Faivs.
The Best Salve in the world for Cats,
Brus<s, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
ssK-arasssrs: C >rn. an.1 sk n Erupt , and pos
lively cures Files, or no pay required. U
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
nr money r-fun ied. ririce 25 cent* fS
box. At Hamuack. Lucas A Co’*.
It is time to work the road.
We understand that Sam Cosby will
go to school awhile.
Turkeys and birds fare bad where
Mr. V. S. A. goes along.
Some of the boys from over the river
were at our school last Sunday.
Uncle John Mann attends Sunday
School at Lunceford’s Grove regularly.
Mr. John T. Cox and wife visited
relatives near Union Point last week.
It was funny to see that frying size
running afer his best girl last Sunday
We are glad to hear that lion. P. G.
Veazey is improving; we hope he will
be well soon.
We wonder what it is that has so
attracted the attention of Mr. L. L. V
over the river; lookout girls.
Mr. Henry Allen looked very pale
last Sunday evening when a young
man, from Moon-shine, walked off
with his girl.
There has been a Sabbath School
organized at the school house near Mr.
John Lunceford’s. Mr. John Cox is
the superintendent. We wish it suc¬
Try BLACK-DWAUQHT tea for Dyspepsia.
A long and happy life to you and
your interests.
Our sick are improving and will
be on foot again soon.
Corn planting lime will soon be here
and we would say plant corn, plant
Miss Mary F. Jones has, by request
of the neighborhood, taken charge of
the Bermuda academy. Success to
It does us good to report that uncle
Henry B. Jones and J. F. Nelson are
improving. Such men as they are,
don’t go in droves.
We have solved the race qustion
out here and every thing is moving
along calmly and serenely; this great
question was solved by all hands going
to work. We are wonderfully blest by
having no stores to set, around, no
postofflee to disturb our place, nothing
to do but work, so that when the wel¬
come toot of the dinner horn is heard
we are prepared to and do justice to
all that is set <Ai before As us.
-.A »•
Mv, Editor l fear I am not wrong
k when I say that the signs of the times
are unfavorable. What means the
great rush to buy guano and provi¬
sions. It may de best but I am afraid
that the borne made compost heap is
neglected and the rush to get guano
for cotton to the exclusion of corn Is
bad sign. It reminds me of 1873,
when nearly every farmer went under
on account of the great financial
crash. Therefore It would seem to me
to be wise to say “Go slow! Go
'BLACK-DRAUGHT te» cures Constipation.
Garden seeds are coming up very
Mr. Joe Elliott, of Jonesboro, has
been quite sick but is getting well
We had some pretty tight weather
for past week. I expect we will have
winter yet.
Mr. Elec Meadows and family have
left for Alabama where they intend
making their home in the future.
Mrs. Elizabeth, from near Barnett,
has been visiting in Warren county
but has returned home with a bad
cold much to her displeasure.
A great many people can always at¬
tend to some body else's business bet¬
ter than their own aDd know more
about it.
Several from the Jonesboro neigh¬
borhood intended moving away but
have declind the idea and intend
living in Talaferro quite a while lon¬
Valentine parties were In order Friday
night last much to the pleasure of the
young folks but not very agreeable
to some of the old folks but it was all
t he same.
We Wesoent spent arew a few hours hours with mu our our
friend Mr. Shed Cosby at his home
last week, and never enjoyed ourself
better; although Mr. Cosby was sick,
he made us feel at home and wants us
k> come again.
Some say “If l were you I would
do so and so.” That is a great mis
take ami we are all vmltv of the
1 would do as you do.
£ beard a man s ay not Iodjj ago:
"Give a negro boy a ten cent tin buck
et, a roasted potato and a blue back
spelling book, start him to school and
he will catch up with some of the white
—« uti ° -
po uod cake , fried chicken etc.,”
and there is m Jfe truth than proetry
in the remark.
DijrwiNE OF CAN DU l, a Tonic lor Women.
Forever hoping.
People are lamenting.
Death has visited us again.
Life is only a mere shadow.
St. Valentines day has passed.
People are gardening in some sec¬
Horse drovers are very numerous
through here.
Mr. L. A. Brake was iu our little
village last Snturday.
Mr. Marion Brown has moved his
saw mill down below Barnett.
Mr. W. J. Ellington and family
visited this section last Sunday.
Mr. J. T. Taylor is now enjoying
himself in perambulating for his
Mr. Euiie Gunn passed through our
town last Saturday euroute for his
father’s home.
Rev. W. A. Overton filled his regu¬
lar appointment at this place on the
15 th and 16tb Inst.
Prof. A. B. Jarrell, of Sharju, Ga.,
paid our unpretentious hamlet a pop
call last Saturday.
Guano haulers are going in every
direction and your alfactorles are
greeted with the scent thereof.
Predictions are circulated that Bar¬
nett will announce a marriage soon.
We believe no, from what wo learn.
Fruit trees are begintng to put forth
their green foliage. An early spring
or a short crop of fruit we fear, will
be the result.
Mr. G. F. Agee, formerly of this
vicinity but now of Augusta visited
his old friends at Barnett last Satur¬
day and Sunday.
Farmers are stirring to meet the
demands of the coming crop, in ferti -
lizers, with home productions. This
is a step in the right direction.
The Mormon’s emigration train will
leave about the flirst of March (so i t
is said) and the converts of Red Lick
district will start for Eutah.
We learn that some of our young
tutor's haye waged was among their
pupils, just over tho way. Hold your
temper and teach your students to do
the same.
Died, at his home near this place on
the 15 inst, Mr. Pate Greeson. from
pneumonia superinduced by influenza.
He was near 80 years old at the time
of his death.
Mr. I. M. Miller, of Powelton, has
jus*, finished putting up an Elevator
in ’Mr, O’Brien’s grist mill. Mr.
O’lirien now has his mill completed
•m i Tjpuanitew Vgnostlcators .wotetaeMon.-—*---- delivering their
prophesies as to what kind of weather
we are going to have in the future.
You had better use a good many pro¬
visors or you might happen to get left,
Major Prophet.
MoEIre*.WINEOFCAWDUI for female diseases.
—Every few days we hear another
man complaining of the Grippe.
Copy Books at Hammack, Lucas
& Co’S.
School Books of all kind at Han
mack, Lucas & Co’s.
Best writing |tens and ink at
Hammack, Lucas & Co’s.
Wool hats from 25 to 60 cents at
Ilolt checks at 5 A cents at W. A.
W. A. Wright sells the best Cream
cheese at 15 cents.
—The best lot of salt-fish at Charles
Bergstrom’s cash store.
Farmer’s Alliance shoe at W. A.
Wright’s, 81.25.
Ellen Fisher, the lx*t chew in
town, for sale by W. A. Wright.
Wright’s Jeans has taken a tum¬
ble; ask for his 35 cents goods.
You can buy a fur or felt hat from
W. A. Wright, from 81.25, to 84.00.
Go to W. A. Wright’s and buy 3
pounds “Top Rail Tobacco” for 81.00.
Wright sells Zoe, Eli, Same all
through, and other well knowu brands
of tobacco.
The best line of hats ever brought
to Crawfordville, at Wright’s; all Dun¬
lap style.
“Palmetto.” the best fitting
shirt made, for sale at W. A.
There is always a right and a
wrong way to do anything—be sure
nd buy tlie ( W)rlght goods.
— A big lot of Crockery just received
at Bergstrom’s very cheap for the cash.
hoiIiebold articles sold at genuine
—If you need or contemplate need
a pair of shoes any style, price or
make call on C. Bergstrom.
►— • —■
McElr«e’» Wine of Cardul I
t , . „ . „ . i,
Hamm wk*LueiUA Co.. Crawford vilie.
automatic sewing MACHINE!
haTe t hq beat Automate Sewing Ma
chine safstSBassyaria: In the market at reduced price.
i ng . Our Illustrated Circular shows
S^hffie.^Kr^ M^hy I a
26th A Y. City. Co,
455 and 457 West St, N.
What Our Good Ladies Furnish
for the Readers of the Demo¬
A Voice from The Tomb.
An extract from a speaeh of late Henry
W. Grady against the repeal of Prohibition
in Atlanta;
• 'I assume to keop no man's conscience,
I assume to Judge for no man; I do not
assume that 1 am better than any man,
but that I am weaker. But I say this to
you, I have a boy as dear to me as the
ruddy drops that gather about this heart.
I find my hopes already centering In hl9
littlo body, and I look to him to-night to
take to himself the work that, strive as I
may, must fall unftnlshed at last from
my hands. Now, I know they say it is
proper to educate a boy at home; that If
lie is taught right at home he will not go
wrong. That Is a lie to begin with, but
that don’t matter. 1 have soon sons of
some as good people as ever lived turn
out badly, I aceopt my responsibility as
a father. Tho boy may fall from the
right path as things now exist. If he
does I shall boar that sorrow with such
resignation as I may; but I toll you, if I
weretovoto to recall barrooms to this
city, When 1 know that It has prospered
pi their absence, and that boy should fall
through thelra goncy, I toll you—and
this conviction has eomo to mo In the
still watches of the night—I could not,
wearing tho crowning sorrow of his dis¬
grace and looking into tho eyes of her
whoso heart lie had broken—1 could not,
if 1 had voted to recall tliess barrooms,
find answer for my conscience or sup¬
port for uiy lemorse- 1 don’t know bow
any other father fe ols, but Hint is the
way I feel, if God permits mo to utter tho
“The best reforms of this earth come
through waste and storm and doubt and
suspicion; the sun itself when it rises on
each day wastes tho radiance r f the moon
and blots the starlight from tho skies, but
only to unlock tho earth from tho clasp
of night and plant the stars anew in the
opening flowers. Behind that sun as
behind this movement, Lord wo God may Almighty, be sure
these stands the
master and tnaker of tills universe, rolled their from
whoso hand the spheres are to
orbits, and whose voice lias been the
harmony of tills world since the morning
stars sank together."
Senator Colquitt says;
“They toll us of the bitterness and
animosity that the whites liavo for tho
blacks. I have a remedy all sootlons to propose. tli
Shut the dram shops In of 0
south, at every cross road and In every
town and hamlet where whites and negros
Intermingle In the same community, hear
ami 1 will pledge you that where you
of ten cases of bloodsh ed now you will
not hear of one. It is a liquor conflict,
nut a race Issue.
Thfc foimM iwup fr u f m att,
meeting assembled. Just after the diflioul
tv on Christmas day unanimously adopted
the following resolution,
Resolveil , That we regard the whisky
traffic as the most powerful antagonist of
our race and that we pledge ourselves to
use every legituiato moans for Us dos
Prohibition Kansas has 100,000 more
people than liquor Texas, yet Kansas has
less than 1,000 penitentiary convicts'
wnilo Texas has oyer 3,000. Still they
say prohibition don’t prohibit.
• -
Four Counties.
Independence neighborhood Is stirred
up oil the question of building a flue
Most of our planters are working on
their cotton lands—corn will be considered
Mr G. it. Bunch a well known citizen
of Wilkes county, died at his home on
Monday of something like paralysis.
Conspiracy at Hliaron, ah, there! Tho
government ought to send down the
army and navy Including tho squadron of
evolution.—Chronicle, Feb, 19.
Rev. Marshal Edwards died at his home
In Wolfskin district last Wednesday
We notice some grain beginnlg to
“boot.” It will he In time to catch the
March freezes.
Tlie death of Mr. Robert A. HmitU.
occurred at Hmittionla on Thursday
night last at 11 o'clock.
Thursday evening of last week Mr.
James Cunningham quietly passed away
at the home of his daughters near Sandy
Cross, after having lived a long life of
nearly seventy years, la this county.
At tlie home of the bride’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. U. 11. Mathews, in Slnmton dis¬
trict, on Wednesday last, Rev. J. F
Cheney officiating, Mr. Hal Howard, of.
the same neighborhood, and Miss Della
Mathews were united in holy wedlock.
Married, at the homo of the bride’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P. Coilaway
near Lexington, Tuesday morning last,
llth Inst Mr. John M. Dea ring, of Coving¬
ton, and Miss Mattie M. Caliawav, Rev.
Martin Callaway, of Covington, official
ting.—Echo, Feb. 14.
There Is conslderah 1 . e talk of establlsh
ing another ban* in 8 part*.
The Hancock farmers ought to, supply
the county demand for meat and lard.
Feb. 4th at Mr. Raley's In Warren coun
ty, MUh flattie Raley was married to M'.
V. L^e C*wper. Her. A.. C. Rainwater
° ld hachelor lawycrs iavc now come
e * rce in ®par a. -
es*-*’ ““ '* 8
MIhs Ida Farmer who Is teaching music
I’owiton has eight or ten scholars. She
a nice young lady and deserves the sup¬
of our people.
At the residence of Mr. T, J. McCook,
evenin'’. Feb. 9, by Judge
Turner, Mr. Robert Gibbs and Mrs.
Mamie Raney were united In marriage.
Feb. H
Bob Hill the negro who murdered Mf.
Rogers was well loaded down with stolen
Again d.-atli has Invaded our commune
ty and removed a noble young man, lit.
Charles I. Ueesling, who died Monday at
1 o'clock of consumption after an Illness
of more than a year.
Miss Allis, eldest daughter of Nr. V*
A. Geesling, and Mr. J. Ross Brinkley
were happily united in marriage Wed*
nesday morning at 8 o, clock at the rest,
deuce of the bride’s father near Norwood*
—Clipper, Fee, 14.
The Jefferson Davis Monument.
After the battle of Buena Vista; Gene*
ral Zachary Taylor, whose daughter mar*
ried Jefferson Davis aRlnts her father’*
wish, is said to have remarked to the
then Colonel Davis, “Colonel, you have
saved the day. God bless you I Whert
Dolly would have you, she was a better
Judge of a man than I was.” Undoubtedly
those words of the bluff old Mexican and
Indian fighter express the feeling of every
native southern family towards the man
whose whole life Is so Interwoven with
their history, that they can well say, we
are the best Judges of tho man’s worth.
And whether a public monument Is ever
raised to his memory or not, every south*
ern family should have rt monument of
him ail their own, in the form of a good .
portrait for framing. We have Just re*
coived from the publishers, I. 8. Johnson
* Co., 23 Custom House Stretl, Boston,
Mass., a very fine portrait likeness of
Jefferson Davis, with autograph signs
turn. The publlsera assure us tile plates
for it were engraved for them by one of
tlm most famous houses in American
The size Is VJxlO, and lias every appear
anew of an exquisite Sepia Etching.
It is suitable for framing to Imug In any
parlor or library in our land. The pub
shers placing tho portraits for sale In
the hands of every druggist and gcnral
stonekeeperln theJSouth; BOthat people can
conveniently got them. ABk your near¬
est dealer for one. If he has net got
them, urge him to write Johnson A Co, as
above about them; or tho publishers will
send one to any address postpaid on receipt
by them of 25 cents in stamps. Write
your name, postotUco and state plainly.
• • —»4
|Jm Iree Bitter*.
PhyalcUna recommend It. OenulnS
All dealer* keep It. 11.00 por bottle.
ha* trade mark and crowed red line* on wrapper.
Needing a tonic, or children that want building
up, *hould tak e
It I* pleanunt to take, cure* Malaria,
tion. and Hlltouuiew. All dealer* keep It.
5,ooo good active agents wanted at once,
either sex, to introduce this great work*
u * c,mucu *“ you ; ***
Ifle.rUf,, 5
j M Tke
„ latest Ex
Africa, ami especially of his
pcditlon for the Relief of Emin Bey.
About ooo pages and 100 Complete “entirely new
Illustrations, maps, otc. can
vasslng outfit with all instructions will be
mailed on receipt of 40 cents. Do not de
i»y In writing; order outfit and g«t ter
rltory at once. Tho ADDRESS only genuine IIOLIiO- new
Manley book out. 810 Olive
Street, St. LouIb, Mo.
is the medicine far youl Warranted the
most powerful Invigorator, Purifier, Re¬
storer, and Conservation of the Blood,
Brain, and Nerve Force. mind. Magical In pre¬
mature decay of body or The first
dose will convince you of its value In all
Nervous and Chronic Diseases In either
Sex. Highest testimonials, 72 it. For
sale by HaMMAC'K, LUCAS CO or
sent Tree on receipt of (XI by the proprie¬
tor, Dr. D. J. HTANHBUBY, Boston, (anti
Mass. My Climax Catarrh Cure
Microbe Inhaler and muff combined) record. has
cured sonic of the worst case* on FREE.
Price. 50 cents by mall ADVICE
/GEORGIA Taliafebro County:
\ JTo all who It may concern:
William Benton having In due form ap¬
of plied the to the undersigned and property for the of guardian Warren
Hherfleld person and Eliza Sheffield both minor
children of Lizzie Hherfleld late of said
county decsoHcd. Notice Is hereby given
that his application will be heard at ray
office on the first Monday in March, 1890.
This 3rd day of Febuary 1890.
Hknuy H. Flynt, Ord,
1 1KOIIOJ a Talakkrko County:
4 TRuss Gunn and Win. N. Gunn, as Ex
editors on the Estate of John Gunn, dec’d
have applied to the undersigned for let¬
ters of dismission from said Estate aud
a dsicharge from their said trust and said
appliaction will Jan lie heard on 1st Monday
lu April next- 1st 1890.
IlKNitY II. Flynt, Ord T C.
-Manufacturer of——
-Importer Direct.
CONTRACTOR lor Building Stone.
•irTbe Best in the World.
New Designs! Designs!!
Send for them.
Office and Steam Works,
529 & 531 Broad St, AUGUSTA, Ga.
All Woik Guaranteed, aeplj