Newspaper Page Text
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Original Leaders of
Enterprise! .-V - Perseverance!
If we did not work for trade we wouldn’t get it; moreover, we wouldn’t be entitled to itt
Intelligent, persistent work has made us what we are. We work as hard one season as we
do another. Since January we have been busy while others have been idle. We have kept
the ball of business rolling, and look what it has done for us. Look at the success of
©mr Great Sales!
Something marvelous, something unprecedented in Middle Georgia; We something that mer¬
chants who constantly complain of the dull times can’t understand. are as fresh to-day
and as active as we were when we started. The work is not too hard for us; the pace is riot
too fast! We intend to keep right on and lead in everything, just as we have al ways done.
All our departments this spring
4it IfilM it %w fltwiing
iivery nook, corner ancffavailp‘T8L*pace of our ]llimeil8<» ntOI’eS is pacw. 1 to
■utmost capacity. Our p ieiicwfl and wldc-awatc Buyer has just returned from
leGreat/Commercial Markets,
... Jie North and East, buying the CHOICEST and MOST CAREFULLY SELECT
E ! and by all odds the CHEAPEST STOCK of varied merchandise ever emptied into this
section of the State. We have marked this magnificent stock closer than ever before, placing
new, bright and fresh goods in the reach of everybody. Fully
Than ever before offered in this market. A glimpse into our various departments will
cause wonderments and delight. In our
Our buyer has excelled every records of his past successful purchases, and the stock now in stove and arriving by every train
is by far t he loveliest and most complete ever brought to Middle Georgia. It is the cream of the market, the height of fashion and
in fact consists of Silks, Satins. Iienrletas, A lapacas, Mohairs, black and white Clmllies and Or -audies, Cashmeres, N tins’ veilings,
the veiy latest designs and patterns, the pick of the great manufacturing centres, in every known weave, color and texure. We
announce boldly that this department will be a
1 lie delight of the ladies—the admiration of all • We have einbr< ideries, passamentries, flouncings, lacings, netts, etc., to
match all dress goods. \\ e invite the ladies of Taliaferro to call at once and inspect our superb Notions, Hosiery, Uobbons, ect.,
in endless beauty and variety. We are making a great drive this season in
We can not give an idea of the beauty, tastiness and cheapness of stock of Men’s, Youth's, Boys’ and Children’s Suits, Hats
Underwear, Furnishing goods, etc. This line is unapproachable. The Latest New York Cuts and designs and perfect fits guaran¬
teed- We lead in Clothing and we are giving unusual bargains, such as were never before seen^and which con not bo touelied by
On last Monday superb our great M’liinery Numbers opening took purchased place and their the spring hundreds ami of ladies Millinery, who came aud all to witness it were perfectly
charmed with our assortment. summer were one opinion—that our
stock of Millinery has never been equalled, wIdle never did a firm have so charming and artistic a milliner as we possess in MISS
BERTIE DENSON. She, received her training in tlie great fashion centres of the East,, and to a natural taste of the highest order,
adds the most superior training and widest experience. Our Millinery Department will he
And the ladies are earnestly requested to call and inspect our mpoib stock. Trimmings Everytldng and is new. bright and fresh The shapes
patterns and designs are tlie very latest while in Ribbons, Laces, Feathers, ornaments a more surperb or fashion,
able line has never been shown. MISS DENSON extends a cordial greeting to tlie ladies of Taliaferro aim aojoinining counties
and will lie pleased to show them through the magnificent stock
In the above we have only partially spoke> of our superb stock and have not touched upon numerous lines of goods which
crowd every nook aud corner of our
Immense Double Stores.
These embrace every design in Notions, Dry Goods, Laces Handkerchiefs lies, cry. jew
elry, Collars, r Guns, • Furnishings, Furniture in endless variety, the most superb L line of Shoas
and 1 Slippers cm* lor spring and 1 summer Oa. Stationery, r lancy and 1 r family r-* Groceries, • t»i Plantation •
Supplies, Hardware and farming Tools and Implements, heavy Goods of every description,
Crockery, coffins, Glassware, Etc. Our undertaking department is still one of great features, and
embraces caskets, burial robes and undertaker’s goods of aLl kinds under the super
vision of that expeiienced undertaker us.’ Mf \ G Harris
We invite the people .0 visit We are offering greater Inducements than ever and a
dollar will go iurther with us than anywhere. Remember the magnificent display at
Devoted t« the laterett ef Taliaferre Ceuity, tie People aad fleoent lews.
It was furleen hundred and ninety-two,
October tho twelfth and Friday too,
Tihat Columbus discovered a world that
was new
To all but the natives who lived on tho
Of the land called San Salvador,
That was found by the ships Columbus
Should made himself and mouarchs
"■% famed,
Which Queen Isabella and King Fordin'
Sovereigns of Spain, by royal command,
Had built for the man who said ho was
Tj prove to the world that the world
! was round*
r\ sailing away from the shores of
Spain the world and homo again ;
Christopher Columbus was his name,
Hi was born In Genoa, Italy.—Youth’s
Power of Prayer.
Some little time ago a poor woman came
to my vestry in deep distress, ller hus¬
band had fled the country. Shu told me
her story and a very sad one it was. I
s ■“Thcie is nothing we can do bat
c.i fncul down and cry to tlie Lord for the
immediate conversion of your husband."
v r i!.klicit down, and I prayed that the
la td would touch the heart of Urn deser
convert ids soul, and bring him back
(0 his home. Some months after she
reappeared with a man whom she in—
" <)used us her husband. Ho had come
back a converted man. On comparing
m 1 , 0 s we found that on the very day on
v belt we hud prayod for his couverson ho
hfl stumbled upon a stray copy of Juc of
niV sermons.' He road it. Tho truth
wont to his honrt. He sought tho Lord,
and as soon as possible returned to Ids
oSfe. He and his wife weru received
Hong us. That woman doe* not doubt
e poweof prayer.—X.
—U. H. Spurgeon.
Wt Don’t Feel Well,
*■ you are not sick uiio-gh to cou
*• hr yon refrain from so doing
vill alarm yonrsotf and
1 you just what you,
Sntmipamlrki, uncertain, whictL.«i|
ffni out of that niicomfort
Able, dangerous condition, Into a state of
good healtli, confidence and cheerfulness.
You’ve no idea how potent this peculiar
medicine is in cases like yours.
•— • ■ •
Grass and Clover.
If there is one system of farming that
our farmers should devote themselves to
in Cobb county, and in fact throughout
Georgia it is in the cultivation of grass
and clover. These two things will do
more to redeem old worn out lands
and make them more rich ami productive
pian any tiling else; and in fact they are
the only sure and permanent crops of vege¬
table growth that will create this desirable
transformation. It has been demon¬
strated beyond all disputation that grass
and clover will flourish here lit tho great¬
est luxuriance and thrift. There is more
money in grass aud clover than in cotton,
because they not only pay well as nutri¬
tious food or forage for stock, but redeem
and enrich the lands, make them doubly
valuable in a monetary sense, but horses
and cattle that feed or pasture ou them
take on goo 1 solid, healthy flesh.
Those wiio devote a part of their land to
tlie cultivation of grass ami clover are
satisfied with the experiment and consid¬
er It wise 011 their part that they ever be¬
gun, while these win neglect it are poorer
by It.
Give this important matter your atten
lion this year and uuxt year, ami you
will afterwards thank us for the urgency
with which we presssed it oa your atten¬
tion.—Marietta Journal.
A Fort Leavenworth Cotone
Draws 8&.OUO.
Twelve members of Co. K. tilth infan¬
try at the Fort, have Just received, through
the Pacific Express Company, f3,000 prize
in the last drawing of The Louifsana
State Lottery. Tlie money was paid to
tjergent Ttios. Marriott and by hi n divid¬
ed between the twelve who had pooled
tneir issues. Each put in 50 cents an d as
luck would have it, one of the six tickets
purchased drew one-twentieth of the
8100,00)1 prize.-Leayen worth (Kaus J
Times, Jan. 30.
A New White House.
a„d suggested by J Mrs. Harrison, give
evidence of her exceiiedt taste and adwir- .
\ <,mc:ai residence of the Eresident of tn, ;
I United state* and his family, it is
shameful that the head of the nation
1 sentimental consideration prevailed, the j
j White House would long since have j
given way to a more commodious and
convenient structure of rn<xlern style —
F.ow Frank Leslie's Weekly.
i The ftarber Ntmp.
When you are in Augusta and want
i wave or hair cut go to tho Central
Hotel Barber Shop. It is the plac*
Ttrms: $1.90, In Advane*
Good Fine.
lu Bibb Superior Court Judge Miller
placed a tine of 81,579,50 on a well
known gambler of Macon, for keeping
a gambling house in the city.
Is Cite tV or til laving!
Not If you go through (lie world a <lys
peptic. Anker’s Dyspepsia Tablets are a
positive euro lor the worst froius of Dys¬
Stipatinn- pepsia, Indigestion, need Flatulency and sold and by Haul' Con'
C mini
mack Lucas & Co., Druggsita
A Big One.
The largest and heaviest locomotive
ever constructed Was made by the
Baldwin Locomotive Works for the
Northern Pacific Railroad Company
last year. It weighed with its tender,
235.000 pounds. The ordinary weight
is from 47,000 to 105,000 poinds.
A Child Killed.
Another child killed by the use "of opia¬
tes given in tlie from of Spothlng syrup.
Why mothers give tlieir children such
deadly posison is surprising when they
can relieve the chid of peculiar troubles
tains by using Opium Acker's or Baby Morphine. Soother. Hold It eon- by
no Lucas
liummack. A Co.,
She Got Drunk.
Old man Edwards, pressman of the
Atlanta Journal, who drew 815,009 in
the.Louisiana lottery, some time ago, is.
suing iiis wife for divorce. He says
site !.as been drunk and painting the
town icd over since lie got his money,
and lie can stand it 110 longer.
If you or any of your family should
happen to be frightfully burned 01 scalded
what have you In the house to al!> vitha
the pain mitll you can get a physlchinc.
A box of Beggs’ Herman Salvo al. hand in
times like this would save a world of suffer¬
ing and often times a doctor hill, as it. has
no eqn 1 in cases of this kirn), as well as
inflammation of all kinds. Dr. It. J. Rent
Rely Upon Truth.
The greatest man Is lie who chooses
the right with invincible resolution;
who resists the sorest temptations
from within tind without; wt boars
thq,’ieav lest burdens cheerfully; who
banco isds'^fest truth. In Storms, rtue, and on.Aribl, whose re
on Or T ms
most unfaltering. Y
A Duty to Yourself,
It Is surprising that people will use a coin
mon, ordinary English Pill when they can secure
ll v nluable one for the same mon
ey. Dr Acker’s English pills are a posi¬
tive euro for (Jok-headache and all liver
taken troubles. end They do hot ire gripe. small, Iliuninnck sweet, Lucas easily
& Co., Druggists.
Biff Expanse.
The salaries of tho United States
senators aud members of congress is
85,000 a year, with mileage of 20 cents
per mile for going to and returning
from Washington, ami 8125 each for
stationery and newspapeis. It costs
about 82,500,000 a year to pay tho ex ¬
penses of congress.
Is the complaint of thousand suffering
from Asthma, Consumption Dr. Acker’s Goughs, English etc.
Did you ever try prcnaratlou
Remedy? U is the best known
for all Lung Troubles- Sold on a posltiv
guarantee at. 25c. and 50c. By llammaek,
Lucas & Co.
The Hen.
From a boy's composition in tlie
New York Herald; “A lien is an ani¬
mal made by the creator of the uni¬
verse, which Is covered witli feathers
and has a bill. Tlie hen stands on
two feet, except when she is tired uml
then she stands on one and eats corn
witli her bill. When too hen sits
down, slio sits down to lay, and when
she i-m down she lays down to set.
The lien’s eggs ate good to eat, unless
they have been set on.
The Fire of Diaeaae is Always
Driven from Systems by Swift’s
Specific (S. S. S .)
Do you fuel that 1 10 terrible lire of
Blood Poison is consuming?—that
the poisonous virus is vitiating and
corrupting r your coir nl.vsic pnysicii il sv system.— stern?—
that it is invading your moral nature
and stunning your aspiration* for
SSTi.ri.tS2L '7ZZ
niuRw<tiiu lliir V t andd*v u«ty thu jfou von are Hie * victim vicuiii
Uljs W | 4i ,. h li;ts on
lt ‘ e Warpath for live centuries, scourg
in « u *8 race by the thmsands
ami tens of thoma 1 is, an 1 which is
regardad and acknowledge by 11 any
’ZZ.ZTJZZJ? ........ *.....
we will cure
you. Turn yon r back on all the old
worn-out hh mercury, jujUisii,
ar.senic and like compounds so ruinous
iiealth. , ... »'i 1 . • t,i ke u 8. u 8. a S., winch , ■ , we
doe* c ure, and wo are prepared
nrnve prove 11 it .
Treatise 011 B oad and Skin Disease
mailed free. S <VfFI’ SPECIFIC CO .
Atl mta Ga.
NO. 15
Grip vs^ Tobacco.
The grip l»;ul a novel i fleet upon
Poht'nuster I Ini re, of Lexington.
.Sim e liis attack he has i e n unable to
take a chow of tobacco, though ho
lavs been a user of the weed for many
years. The least dumb in his mouth
now will giye him such a spell if
eougliiiig that lie has been forced to
eschew it aftngt tin r.
W e Can and IK.
Uuarnntee Acker’s Blood Elixir for It has
been fully demonstrated to tlie people of
this country that it is superior to all other
preparations inisitive for blood diseases. It Is a
euro for syphilitic poisoning,
purifies Ulcers, the Eruptions anil Pimples ft
whole system and thoroughly
m.ihls pp tho constitution. Haramack,
Lucas & Co..
Tho efficiency of tlie Augusta police de
rartinent will soon lie increase l by the ad¬
dition of a patrol wagon.
Now Give Attention
To the purification of your blood, for at
no season is body so susceptible to tho
heufits *o be (hilived from a good medi¬
cine, as in March April and IPay. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is the people’s favorite unequalled spring
medicine. It stands
curing lor scrofula, purifying, salt the rheum, blood, etc.
regulating the kidneys and liver, repairing
repairing nvigoratiug nerve the tissues, strengthening wel and
whole body, as I as
ihooking the progress of acute and chronic
ci-ese. mid re-Uorlngthe afflicted pnrt havK to
dnatural, liea* lily comtitoiv If you
never tried Mood’s Sarapariia for your
''Spring medleinc,” do so this season.
Women do not many for money, but
1 buy sfty it is easier to love a rich mao
than a poor one.
Che Verdict Unanimous.
V/. I). Suit, Drngglat, Bippus, lnd., tes¬
tifies: " I can recommend Electric Bitter!
us the very bust remedy. Every bottle sold
lias given relief in every case. i’no man
took six bottles, null was cured of Rheu¬
matism of 10 years' standing.” A bra tin m
The Hare, druggist, medicine Bcllville. Ohio, affirms: han¬
best selling I have over
dled in my 20 yeara'cxperionce, b Electric
Hitlers.” Thousands of others have adds
#d their testimony, so that the verdict 10
unanimous that Electric Bitters do curt
all diseases of the Liver, Krone-,
Blood, Only a half dollar a hot a
Lupa^A Hammack.
TheatiMo trout** number MW- H 1?
I not kiiuWii ^ flow many of wu» nuinbgr
take a V' 11 ‘'Uhu Jki.v yj.'CKmp/ueut
A ugi^MT" 1 •
From thr. Orosco, Jtona, “Flatitdoater.,,'
*’Wo have never,, as (Mir readers . t r nearly
thirty years In lids county can testify,
written a “puff” of un-y patent isn- 1 li.-ine.
Duty ns inclination impel us to to depart
from Uiis studied silence, to having say oui
readers and tlie public that, beep
completely prostrated with a violent aud
dlltresHlng cold, alter three days fighting
relief It with ordinary remedies obtained and getting no
from their use, we a bottle
of l/liii ke’x Extinct of Flax (PapHloo)
Cough Cure, obtaining improvement almost under insiunl its
relief and a stead'
use.” I,urge bottle only ft.(JO. Ask fur
Cllurkc’s Flax Haop. “lbst on earth.”
i cents. It itli the above for,sale by,
ill Druggist.
An Indian who got drunk and murder¬
ously assaulted a squaw at a camp ou the
Red River, was burned alive.
A Woman's IMacovery.
•‘Another wonderful discovery has beep
made and that too by a lady in ibis conn
ty. Disease fastened Its clutches upon
her and for seven years she withstood It*
severest tests, but her vital organs Imminent. were
undermined and death seemed
For three month* sleep. she coughed Incessant¬
ly and could not She bought of us
n bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption and was so much relieved 110 .
taking first dose tlmt she slept all night
anil with one bottle Inis been miraculous
I v cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Lutz.?
'J ims write W. <1. Hamrick & bottle Co., of
Nhclby, V. <i.~ (Jet a free trial 4
Lucas A Uammack’s.
Twelve Iloura a Day.
Tho Ohio legislature have passed an
important bill ir* the Interests of rail¬
road employe*. It provides that twel¬
ve hours shsill constitute a (lay’s labor.
Where a man has worked for twenty
four consecutive hours, tiiis law says
lie shall not be put lo labor again till
lie. lias bad eight hours’ rest, FublVp
safety could hardly demand less.
Contagious Blood Diseases.
Ulcers, sores, pimples, Rcb, salt rheum.
‘‘ tc ■ arc evidences of contagious bhxxf
diH( , (l . u i, manif.-Hatly aduty toemdi
cate blood poison from tho system by a
.“'i/n,, K^hr^sorlfpluee-^ to'hen
janLi, (fTi.,for ■'*"? book to J* 1 that /**} will Jia ‘ m convince Go., At
.1 11 outlaw, ml oiive, N. o., writes.-.
ir “ ,,d
* en
tir-iy.’^ **
!"a' : u. worked on me like
a charm. My head ami body was covered
witli sores, and my hair came out, but
li. B. Ji. healed me quickly.”
IV. J Kinnin, Hutchens, Texas, write:,
B »-hi» cured my wife of a largo
ul«‘**r on he Jeff that <u**cors and all other
rn**dicine could uotcure.\
M. •/ Kossman, a prominent merchant cf
Greensboro, lia., writes: “I know of sev-
4>ra | B. B. Two Dottle.* disease sjieedily cured
bv B. cured a lad y of
u «U' vv. C Bircbm sttin .re * « »*•” Co Maxey, Ga
“B. B. , ,
write: B. in ciiriug Mr. Robt, Ward
of blood poixin affected one of the most
wnudet fat cut to that ever came - to oi)
ki owlc nge.”