Newspaper Page Text
She Craw&wfcrilli.......jDemocrat
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Original Leaders of
■ {■ 1 Pk I Hfc, ■ Kk MB HHHI JglS^W
Hr *P«f If Mb'" fill Wk m Wk
M 8 TO Bj faff |||JB H a H *f ■ ■ ■ m
|||l Wm f I! I If f||j
Enterprise! Perseverance!
If we did not work for trade we wouldn’t get it; moreover, we wouldn’t be entitled to it
Intelligent, persistent work has made us what we are. We work as hard one season as we
do another. Since January we have been busy while others have been idle. We have
bull of business rolling, and look what it has done for us. Look ut the success of
Our Great Sales!
Something marvelous, something unprecedented in Middle Georgia; something that me ;r- I
chants who constantly complain of the dull times can’t understand. We are as fresh to- iy!
and active when started. The ,,
as as we were we work is not too hard for us; the pace is no
too fast! We intend to keep right on and lead in everything, just as we have always d
Hknur departments this spring mi
ti run.
The Great iCom'mercial Markets,
Uf the North and East, buying the CHOICEST and MOST CAREFULLY SELECT¬
ED and by all odds the CHEAPEST STOCK of varied merchandise ever emptied into this
section of the State. We have marked this magnificent stock closer than ever before, placing
new, bright and fresh goods in the reach of everybody. Fully
Than ever before offered in this market. A glimpse into our various departments will
cause wonderments and delight. In our
,*« fa\-t h^VIr'Vi J< T '"*?• SdLs e ? C< L*\ e< ' ev . e n’Xt'? U ,ec °rds Tf of his 1 ’ r0U past * 1 ‘L successful to purchases, ^''gia. and It is the the stock now of in the store market, and the arriving by every fashion train
m eo sto if s of Sarins “ l '“n Renrietas, Alapacas, Mohairs, , black and white Ohallies cream and Or ;audtes. Cashmeres, height of and
riie vei Viat. boWly^liat'tlds ** ufc8tarto N mis’ veilings,
announce department wiS be a ^ ”“ * weave, color and texure. We
matclMtlf match all dress* dress goods. ernds 6 ' wlfimato 45 e invite the ’"il* ladies r*^ 1 of 'r’n? Taliaferro vv<) ,la to ve call embrr at once ideries, and passamentries, inspect our superb flounclngs, Notions Hosiery lacings, netts, Itobbons etc., ect to
m endless beauty and variety. We are making a great drivo this season in ’ y ’ ’
'* ' 81 d V>L au ‘ elvlll R uuusual bargains, such as were never before seen, an.i which conuot he touched by
K&? w “isatf’irs^s.r/iSksi'i's sssa .......... - ** l™ m1S
adds tli most superior training and idest experience. Our Millinery a
Cv w Department will be
In the above we have only partially spoken of our superb stock and liaye not touched upon numerous lines of goods which
crowd every nook and corner of our
Immense Double Stores.
en ‘ b T e £ Ver ¥ 5 1 ? s, 8 11 ij 1 Motions, Dry Goods, Lacen, Handkerchiefs, Howiery. Jew
e i ci-° a,S U " S urn i n g s rurniture in endless variety, the
and j’ Slippers ’r for ’. and j , most superb line of Shoas
Supplies, Hardware spring- and farming summer Tools wear, and Stationery, Implements, fancy and famiiy Groceries, Plantation
Crockery, Glassware, Etc. Our undertaking department heavy Goods of every description,
is still one of great features, and
embraces coffins, caskets, burial robes and undertaker’s goods of all kinds under the super
vision of that expei ienced undertaker, Mr. A. G. Harris.
We invite the people to visit us . M e are offering greater inducements than ever and a
dollar will go further witn us than anywhere. Remember the magnificent display at
jf. Kern,
leveted te the Interest ef Taliafcrre , the feepfe ta 4 fkural
CRAWFORDV1LLE, GEORGJ * tlp I ll> V\ APRIL 18,1890.
P imtrv Papers Iu the City.
a‘c uW do the hearts of countiy
.-is. good to i ide up town on the
gjevsi ll cd cars in the afternoon of Fri¬
id Saturday on any week in the
*;u On these two days at first
fL a my business men give only a
glance at evening papers aqd
Iv% immediately draw from a pocket
id I c> <ly uf a pnpar that is in marked
j t ast to th city paper, so far as
i }, ,ud gene ml appearance goes. The
•jtype is invar -.jlu large and the displays
|of atlvortisuiiintit an<l headi ngs The to news ink
I articles commonly courser.
‘I i. nou always spread evenly over the
page. Nevertheless, the business man
o >on., the payer to the page devoted to
vil5 »«e news and reads every line there.
After that lie not infreipieutly reads
the village advertisements and gives a
.brief look at the editorials. The city
IIS old
*/riet) is. The village paper comes like
te let!or from home to the city man
»l’-. was once a villager.—New York
| f*
Town Under Water
Arkansas City, Ark , i# tlie center
of tiie worst flood of the Mississippi
iv* between Memphis and Vicksburg.
L'i" ’own is completely under water
;nd .bout half of the population have
' de; led it. The houses all stands in
water from four to six feet deep. Mer¬
chants are doing business on scaffolds
built with fnise doors on the levee.
Five thousand people are homeless
.within thirty mile3 of this place. One
of ti: most remarkable scenes in the
whom county is to be found below
.or hundred people taken from
submerged dwellings are crowded to
j getber in one large cotton compress
building. They sleep on cot * - oaies
spread NK jjjjjji mm. The colored
. ________
leonledi the town have taken poses
''px cars, und live in them
.(pparebtiy bs comfortable as hi their
former shanties. The white people
are living in the fre ight houses at the
railroad station across the river.
Everybod y Knows
That at this season the blood is filled
with impurities, the accumulation of
months of close confinement in poorly
ventilated stores, workshop and tene¬
ment. All these impuiitics and every
trace of scofuln salt rheum, or other
disease may bo expelled by taking Mood’s
Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier ever
produced. It is the only medicine of
which “100 doses one dollar” Is true.
Wooden Shoea.
The making of wooden shoes is quite
a business in Now York. Not only
is there a big demand for woodun soled
shoes required by workers in certain
trades, but for the wooden sabots,
such as are seen in pictures of life
abroad. French and German women
are the principal buyers of wooden
shoes. These shoes cost about $1.25
a pair. They are mostly worn in the
East Side tenement districts.
Their Hustiiesi Booming.
general Probably no one thing haH Lucas caused such a
revival trade at & Ham
inack’s Drug .Store ns their
giving away to their customers of so
many free trial bottles of Dr. King’s New
Discovery simply for Consumption. Their valuable trade is
enormous iutliis very art
cle from the fact that It always cures and
Bronchitis, neevr disappoints. Coughs, Colds. Asthma,
Iseases quickly Croup, cured. an i all throat and lime
You can test it be¬
fore buying by getting a trial bottle frge,
urge size ft. Every bottle w ir ranted.
Prre. Davis’ House.
The ladies of the Hollywood Society,
of Richmond, Va., have petitioned the
city council to preserve fro n destruc¬
tion the house occupied by President
Jefferson Davis in that city during
the war. The ladies also ask that the
house Ire turner] over to them to Ire,
used as a museum, iu which to pre¬
serve tiie relics and mementoes of tlie
gieat struggle around that city.
Canada Nq Refuge.
Now that the extradition treaty
lias gone into operation it will be use¬
less for American defaulters and
criminals generally to flee to Canada,
Tliey will be no safer theie than in
this country. The natural result of
this must be either a marked decrease
in financial speculations, embezzle
merits, Ac., or a striking increase in
the prison population cr the country,
it is to he hoped that it will he the
The Baroerfehop.
Wben you are in Augusta nod want (
shave or hair cut go to tne Central j
Hote) Barber Shop. It to the place
T»nmi Sf.10, ta Ur mm.
Oldest Graduate.
The oldest living college graduate in
the United States, it is stated, is Amos
F. Parker, who was graduated from
the University of Vermont in 1812,
and is now ninety-eight yaxrs of age.
A Duty to Yourself,
It is surprising that people will use a com
mon, ordinary pill when they can secure
a valuable English one for the same mon ■
ey. tive Dr Acker’s for sick-headache English pills and are alt a posi¬ liver
troubles. They hot vre small, sweet, easily Lucas
taken and ilo gripe, lluminnck
& Co., Druggists.
The Pair Buildiagr.
The building proposed to be built in
Chicago for the World’s Fair will
cover 193 acres. Its roof will bo 1,
000 feet high, and it will cost $4,865,
000. It will be built of iron, glass
and tiles.
If you or any of your family should
happen to be frightfully burned or scalded
wlmt have you in the house to allevlata
the pain until Hoggs* you can get a physicianc hand in
A box of Herman Salve at
times like this would save a world of suffer¬
ing and oftentimes a doctor Dill, us It lms
no eijui'l in ensmof this kind, ns well ns
inflammation of ull kinds. Dr. It. J. Hold
• —
For Governor.
Atlanta Journal; When ho went to
Florida, Editor Steadman, of the Ll
thooia New Era, left ’’the devil” of
the cilice in charge of the paimr.—
The last issue of the paper nominates
Editor Steadman for Governor.
“For over a yena 1 have hnd a breaking
out on my leg, which troublod me so bad I
could not walk, leg badly swelled, of a
purple color, with eruptions so huh that
Blood would ooze out if I bore my
weight on It. Extract I was recommended to
try (Jlatke’s of Flax (Paplllon)
Skill (Jure, which 1 have done. My leg is
now well and 1 can walk two miles on It
without any "trouble." .Signed, “A. I).
Ha'/wnrd. Clarke’s Flax Soap makes the .kin
soft and prevents chapping. Skin Cure; ail
St .00. Soap go cents. For Sale by
i a™-™.
W m, .-rlea Another ^etrothwd
em i du a ago Miss \Lou Hrantly,
prepared a trosseau. Sbra was to have
married Cashier William Gibson, of
Bank of Foraytft. Harry C
Ilalnes. of Marietta, arrived in Macon,
and meetiiu Miss Brantley by appoint¬
ment, conducted her to the Brown
House, where they were married.
They left Tuesday evening ’for the
groom’s home.
r:ooi> AiivicK.hiiow ino hekui.y’
Kdwanl Hllvey, Chicago, gives testimony:
My wife had Catarrh twenty-live years;
suffered severely for six years before ,h»
began to use your remedy. UnnbJo to
breathe except through tlm mouth; in a
most critical condition. Tried every
thing without relief, when Dr .Streeter
advised her to buy Clarke’s Extract of
Jlax followed (I’aplllon) inimedlaely. Catarrh She Cure. Belief
It until continued t„
use she Is now entirely cured. Her
health has not been so good in many years.”
I rice $ 1 . 00 . Wash the Baby with Clatke’s
Flax Soap. 5 >r, cents,
sold by all Druggist now has the Flux
remedies on baud.
Earnest Farmers.
The fanners ar 1 demanding more
recognition from the law-makers than
they have heretofore. They ura very
much In earnest. They are making
themselves acquained with national
questions which directly affect them.
They purpose to find out what rneas
urns will benefit them most, and it is
safe to sav that designing politicians
will experience a very decided shock
if they attempt to deceive them. —
Savannah News.
Look After the Little Onea.
8. 8. 8. to the remedy for children
because it is a simple vegetable com¬
pound, prepared from the roots gather¬
ed from tlie forests, and contains no
mineral at all nor any poison of any
kind. It cures by eliminating the
impurities of the blood, thus assisting
If there Is or has been any consump¬
tion in your family, you should give
your children 8. 8. 8. It will gently
stimulate the action of the lungs arul
enable nature to properly develop the
child. If there is scrofula, you should
not fail to give S. S. h>. It to the only
remedy which has ever cured this
disease. For boils, pimules, blotches,
etc , on children 8. 8. 8. to superior to
all other aedicines. It acts gently,
it forces out the Impurities and huilds
U P Uto chikl from the first dose,
We Wil4 toai> a tjeaties on lilofxi
and .Skin Dessease to all who will send
their addi ess to us.
. -it - !
The whisky Itcenas in Koine has been
fixed t $1,000, and those who want a
license will have to pay cash in ad- l
NO. 16
Is I He Wiirlli laving!
Not if you go through the world a dy»
peptic. positive Anker’s Dyspepsia lie Tablets of are Dys¬ a
cure lor I worst fronts
pepsia, Indigestion, Elatuteffcy and Con^
sttpation- mack Lucas (Inara need Drug#sits andsotd fry Ham
& Vo.,
An editoY call.) himself we, because
he thinks lie’s two. He’s beside him-'
self, you see.—Plunder.
is the complaint of thousand suffering
frmrt Did Asthma, Consumption Dr. Acker’s Collgns, Knglish etc.
you ever It is the try host preparation known
Uctm-dy? Lung Troubles* •’Sold positiv
tor all on a
guarantee at 25c. and 50c. By llammack,.
Lucas & Vo.
It is rumored that Ctrl, domes M.
Smith, the big Oglethorpe farmer, wilt
lie the Alliance candidate for Congress
in the Eighth.
■— •
A Child Killed.
tes Another given in child the from killed of by ISoothlng the use of opl*
Why give their children syrup,
mothers such
deadly position is surprising when they
can relieve the chid of peculiar troubles
by using Acker’s Uahy Souther. It con¬
tains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by
liaui mack. Lucas & Vo..
A Great Bridgro.
It is now pro|iosed to erect a great
iron bridge across the Mississippi at
New Orleans. It will have a clear
height of 16.5 feet above higli water
and the central span will lie 1,1-50 feet
v» e Can and no
Guarantee Acker’s filood Elixir for It has
been lully demonst rated to the people of
tills country that It Is suite nor to all other
prcpnrotiuiiA positive for blood diseaaus. It Is a
cure for syphilitic poisoning,
Ulcers. Eruptions and Pimples. It
purities rn,lids the the whole-system const!tation. and thoroughly llammack,
Lucas & Vo.,
Slowly Dying.
Tlio latest nows from Congressman 1
Samuel J. Uundali is tint Ills lift* to'
slowly but surely ebbing. lie has
wonderful will power, qul -even that:
will not ssive him. He is likely to die
at any mnmonl.
tmin, Ltiger nd
ivil'i pp
>in opi oh . . In the itio of tin ......„............_ 1 In.tlVhluat.
! • :
Such a reiiiarkabtu event is Measured in
the ineinoiy and thu sgettey whereby the
good health Inudu-SOT nu-.iriiied i» gieatfuily
blessed. Ildlire H is tlmt so much Is heard
In praises of Electric Hitters. So many
fee! tl ey owe their restoration to health.
In Hie use of the (ileal Alterative ant
Tonic, if you are troubled with any dis¬
ease lung oi short Kidney, Liver or (Stomach, of
or standing you will surely An<V
lelief by the use of Electric Bitters. Soldi
at flue, mid ?1 per bottle at Lucas A IJau.-.
Unloaded Pistol.
The unloaded pistol is still getting
in its deadly work in Georgia. The
next Legislature, if it cun got the time
from the usual tontine, ougiit to enact
a la v requiring that nil pistols should
lie conspicuously marked, “Loaded.”
“Every Spring,**
Hayn one of the Ixwt housewives In New.
England, “We fee I the necessity of a
good medicine to purify the blood, and we
all take Mood's Sarsaparilla. It keeps
the children free from humors, my hus¬
band says It gives him a good appetite,
and I am sure I could never do all iqy
work If it was not for this splendid metH’
cine. It makes me feel strong and cheer¬
ful. and I am never troubled with head,
ache or that tired fueling, as I used to,
Confederate Monument.
The bronge figure for the Coufeder¬
ate monument, soon u> lei pu', in place
On Capitol Iliil, Montgomery, is fif¬
teen feet tail, ard weighs six thousand
pounds. It is tlm figures of a woman
holding a furled flag iu one hand aod
sheathed sword in the oilier, and
it represents “liberty, ”
Inherited Blood Poison.
How many people there lira whosa
dtotS’HK from soren, aches, pains and
eruptive tendencies are due to inherited
blood poison from parent to child, amt It
therefore to the duty of husband and wife,
to keep their blood pure. This to easily
accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B-.
(Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood, Lx
Blood Balm Vo., Atlanta for book of most
convincing proof.
J. It. Wilson. Ofen Alpine .Station, N.
U, Feb. I t, IHH.5, writes: -’Bone and
hlood poison forced nix to my leg
amputated, apd on the stump ttyere came
a large ulcer, which grew ivcyse every
day until doctors gave ir.e up to die. I
only weighed lJO pounds when I began ta
take B. B. B , and 12 bottles increased
my weight lo ISO pounds and matte me
sound ami well. 1 never knew what
good health wo,, before.”
•James Hill, Ga., writes: *‘My two sons.
were afflicted with blood poison, which.'
doctors said was hereditary. Tliey both
out In soies and eruptions which
U B. B prompt I v controlled «nd finally.
f:u JL d :'’J? 1
wm.C: My (hic,-'‘ r !«Taffl crc,| V 'ei 1 ildren,
vll ° b'owl poisou have Improv
Godteud ”** lCr * 11 1j ^