Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 18, 1890, Image 4
The Democrat. < KJELLSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY CLEM. C. MOORE. QRA WFORD VILLE, GEORGIA. Entered »* the poetoffice *> CnwfordriUt, keorfsa, u »«c/.nrl-rla»» miil matter. Typhoid fever in In'lia is becoming mo (Jjat it is as mu b fe.*irc<l iu cholera, nrc-i i government to minis #».ion I'D • • -m t j )«t iifu i to investigate it. Thc Jtu»»ja n physician, 1> Bapchin Rki, announce •« that ha has di-covered a cure for diphtheria. He says the dis ease i« ca«uy < urable by inoculation of eryri pci hm. Miss Susanna War field, who compOftCU the grand inaugural march which waf rendered at the inauguration of i*rani* 0k-nt Wi'Lam He r\ lUrrl*cn t 18 yertrf * jo, hai . ' <1 d d at her hcvrm* near tykesvi I NI I S!ic* w.-h 115 year old. , I’rank C'arew bought a gun of a Lon $on deab i and went off to Africa tc • iioot. an elope. The guti i.urst in fir¬ ing and injured Mi. f'arijw, for which injury he ha$ rurt/v /•red $5000 by n suit against th« dealer, who, in turn, is su¬ ing the manufacturer^ of the gun. Ac cording t“ Kirh .Mmroe, in an article in there is now exist ing iu the Lior da i yergladct a band of HriniiiftU ludiaiiH whose existence is legally unknown and who, in conse nonce, have no riglils under the law 1 lint n vv I. : <• it ;iii i • bound to respect. This is log country. Upon the heels of the ratification ol the extradition treaty by the Smatey comes the report that M . Blaine and fair .1 dm P.iunrofote, the British minis¬ ter at W; ?bington, have progressed fm enough in their preliminaiy work on i fisheries ami sealing treuty to submit its outlines (o the two go vein men t*. 'The rigid euforcemeat ot the game laws in Massachusetts will at no lute day result in restocking the nearly devasta¬ ted woods, which especially in the region from Plymouth to tin* Ctpe are magnificent. Already deer arc Mien jitalking about near Sandwich, and in « ew reasons ijuail ami small game will gain eutif ul. k put tramp in jail h ftui mtia for Udni “ptmr, friend Ins $ nnu w ithout a home, ’ he invitml the sherd) to dinner, sent out n $100 bill to buy champagne and turkev. anil asked him to take charge of $2600 ha had been carrying in his biot leg The/ man* aged to get that jail door open back to Hie jutnb as he walked out. Th© total wealth of the United States lit the present t hue is given as $71, * $50,000,000, which makes it the most wealthy country on the globe. Uorn |aired with the figures of ten y>na ago, this show an increiitu of forty-two per cent., o? $18,000 000,000. 'This great Increase ta wealth and prosperity is but a natural cott^euuence in n country so rich in ft’soureex and advantages, and shows also the energy, pciseveranco and enterprise of those who have been instrumental in developing and creating tins vast amount of wealth i lie Now York II *»#**</ ueclurcs tutu •‘the f (’uba ncotlt a govern* meat with strong head an l hand. At present it has no heal at all, ami the rendition of things is truly distressing «ud alarming Several buildings linv been blown nil, one a railway station tu which there wore a number of jwoplc. Brigands have also ablueted some wealthy cit:/.on% whom they hold foi ransom. This rrokA^s sort of tiling idiould be cheeked at any cost. The PiCiU*ment in Havana U very great in the fee e of these l iwlear atrocities. I« C uba .ncapahle of governing herself!” Tu Cherokee County, Ci , there is a I1..111 w ho a. • aws two pens ons- one fr = ihe l iitc - States for wounds reeeiv in ill tor the stars and s!rim's a. 5 fro u the i»t ate t (in f w rcv - e ved in tight st nd stripes. lie is V d mau known as Mr CarriHin, ’In late it of the pauper s fat ( oke He served the lTilted Slates «r n me i war agtiat M*xic< nd severe wound w h n w w p Winn r was d *1 ►etween t ic North and Son! i ' v n ot withstanding I., * ■ i s took up arms fot the Con fed iow dra 5 ins? •4 from tue state for s ounds rec Vi pd while hauling between the stars and bar* He is, perhaps. one of a vt ry few living men, draw.n5 a pensi a from two H_ It is aanounced that an Austrian pho¬ tographer named Ye reset has succeeded in photographing natural colors. # THE DEMOCRAT, CRA1 ORDVTLLE. GEORGIA. CURRENT NEWS. UONDEXSFl) FROM THE TELE ORA FU AND CARLE. THINOK THA'I HAI’PEN FROM DAT TO DAT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, CULLED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Belgian block pavers are on a strike in Baltimore. Tim want a raise from $2.50 to $4 per day. TU(* stork holder- of the Chicago World - Fair Association organized in C hicago on Friday. Thi'president, on Thursday,nominated Henry .!. Bitehie as collector of customs at >t. Augustine, Fla. Governor .Jackson. of Maryland, has appointed Edwin II Brown, of Queen Anne county, state treasurer. Five thousand doekmen at Burkenhead, England, are out on a strike in consc iiticnce of ti ci lemand for increased wages. . There is a general strike of the build - ing trade- in Indianapolis. The work mu demand shorter hours and better pay. It is said that Governor Fifer. of Illin¬ ois, w ill call a special session of the legis lature at once to dc;tl with world's fair matters. The Gilbert starch works, at Des Moines, la., went burned Monday. Loss $100,000. Three employes were burned to death Over a thou- ind coke ovens were shut flown indefinitely on iin -dav by the Erick. Sehoounntkcr and Met lure Coke companies. A syndicate with $200,000,000 capital has agents at work buying up all the lith figrapliii plants in the t uited States to form a trust. The schedules of John F. Plummer A Co., flrv goods. New A ork, were filco Monday. The liabilities are $877,805; nominal asset-. $1,till,*548. The Detroit Steel and Spring kind company, the the largest concern "I its in Unitf.l States, Ims suspended nominal. payment. Liabilities $1100,000; assets Over two thousand persons have signed a petition for the pardon of the three Bald KRobbers in prison at Ozark, Mo. The wives of the men are circulating it. Bodies of Turkish troops have pillaged Christian churches and insulted Christians iu the province of Candia, Crete, A u inquiry is being made into the outrages. The Mill Owners* Association of Bom¬ bay has resolved to close spinning miffs eight day- every month and weaving mills four days every month for three mont hs. The celebrated painting, "Angelus,” by Millett. is in the safe keeping of the bank of Montreal. Canada, its American proprietors not lesiring to pay $110,000 duty upon it. , The striking carpi titers of Chicago threaten that if the master carpenters work, per¬ sist in putting non-union men at a general strike of bricklayer and masons will be ordered. It is rep rtcil from Fort Worth that New Orleans will probably lie the ship¬ ping point for the conqMiny that propose to . 150.000 beeves annually to Europe sew hiap Th triklag carpenters have Chicago's buildtn : operations at their mercy. The only "carpenter- at work are scattered over the city in small groups, and taken altogether, they probably number less than 50(1. It is reported that inquiry Italy, reveals into munici¬ pal fitmm s of Rome, exceeding the worst a state anti of bank i eipation V The government declines further to assist in averting the crash Numerous failures ure expected. Uuutaunilu advices are that the steamer Shake Mural, bound from San Jose for Hamburg, went to piece m the rock near At ajullu. The cargo, consisting f HUtOO -acks ol coffee, v alued at $100. 000. was lost, The department of state lias been noti¬ fied b.v the minister of France that the Fn nt li government, on the 1th instant, in order to prevent the importation of arms and munitions of war into Dahoney, declared blockade of the Dalioney coast. The hearing of the arguments in the ease of the Capital City hank, ot Atlanta, ami Oh. , agaiti't the defaulter Nelson others, set down for Friday in the su¬ preme court of New York, was postponed. Justice Kennedy being called out of town. Ex Governor 4 orueff. of New Aork. is iu a bud tinam ial condition. ’1 here are judgments against hitu of about $8,000. The sheriff has been trying several days to find some of the ex-governor’s proper¬ ty to levy upon for $270 due for office rent. Putt has hern unable to discover any. Maryland’s State Teasurer. Archer, has executed a trust deed for the benefit of his bondsmen The deed covers all his monel!\ in (' il and Harford couu ties. I Estimnted value below $50,000. Trcusui. t Atelier is now under arrest for malfeasantc in office. IP will be released Oil $25,000 bail Article" m incorporat ton I tlu Oregon Kuilw hv Extrusion flltd at Oh 11 000 railroad ic j ; (hi HI tshington, Idaho and Mon 1 company, it is understood, is 1 kid h\ the l tiion Pacific. lacket at Uotusdak v and Hudst van v, \\ eyed fin 1 on V\ lav wi ed cars {'Oil .1 in the \v Tv* about OOo were thrown >n; w . d The c ppn \ 1 lts U w urn j \\ ' \\ t Hit $ y. »* W; \l> >THV1« New York icl<\l Saturday, April a ivi' f!, 104. o8'.\ of whull $55?. 7S> wav ^ M .ill' 1 ♦*540.675 >iiv<r Of the export $1,200 ia gold ami $546,065 in silver went tx* South Ameri¬ ca. laifwrts of specie for the week amounted to $.'.’47,88a. of which It75 wax gold and $17,811 silver. M. Mermiex, editor of the CoearLr, ha c Ix-en ly acquited of the charge of surrepti toii obtaining and publishing official documents connected with the trial of General Boulanger. The editors of the Swim am! t/u- Siecle. M. Sacri, M. Herve r and M l.ockroy, and other eminent wri¬ ters. defended the action of Mermiex. all regarding the 2fts<- as a test of the libertv of the press. ALLIANCE MEASURES. discussed by the legislative comm TEE OK CONGRESS. The national legislative Alliance ■ mittee, composed of alx>ut a score *! members of congress, met privately Tile before lay night to discuss Alliance rneasim congress. Among the member , present were Mr. Turpin, of Alabama: Colonel Clark Lewis, of Mississippi; Messrs. Morgan, of Mississippi; Me< lum¬ my, of North Carolina; Featherstone, of Arkansas, and Bullock, of Florida. The principal matter and discussed was the gub treasury bill, it was not finally de eided whether to push it to a vote or not. but every one present agreed to push some measure which would pro¬ vide for the government to lend money to the farmer. If not on the pro¬ ducts of his farm, on his laud. The plan which met with most favor was for the government to payoff mortgages on farms where they ure now mortgaged to com¬ panies or individuals, and take in return mortgages on the same at one per cent interest per annum, also for tin* govern¬ ment to lend money to a farmer when the application is made at one per cent, for the the government taking a mortgage same on the lands of the farmer. Tb£ majority of those be present better thought plan this would, perhaps, a to re¬ lieve the farmer than the sub-treasury scheme. However, another meeting will soon be had, w hen some plan will be de¬ cided upon, and a bill formulated and introduced into congress. A GREAT DAY. PRF.FAR ATION FOR OBSERVING MEMORIAL DAY AT ATLANTA, GA. The following notice, drafted by the Committee on Encampment, lias been sent to the ordinary of every county in Georgia: "Dear Sir In view of the fact that the Fulton County Veterans’ Associ¬ ation has inaugurated a general beheld confeder¬ in ate veterans’ mass meeting, to Atlanta, Ga.. from the 25th to the 27th of April, for the purpose of having a re¬ union of o ir old eomrades-iii arms and celebrating Memorial Day, and 1 lying the corner-stone of the Confederate Vete¬ rans’ home, we have decided to address the ordinaries of every county in the state, requesting them to extend a cor¬ dial invitation to all of the old soldiers in said counties to come to Atlanta at said time to assist in the celebration of said memorial and other services. Invi¬ tations have been extended to all of the old generals of the confederacy, a large number of whom have accepted, All organized bodies of eight or more will be furnished with tents, 250 having been pitched in Grant park for the accommo ■lid'"-'! P-f yjsitjiig yetefajej -n lia l . invitation is extended through you to all brother veterans, and we sincerely hope that you will exert yourself iu notify ing all of our comrades in your county.” AFRAID OF THE BILL. now m’kinlev's tariff measure is con¬ sidered ABROAD. The agitation in Paris circles, growing out of an apprehension that the McKinley tariff administrative bill, if it should be come a laxv, would have a serious effect 'M ton the business of exporting to the iu United States, now has its counterpart Berlin, Germany. Many of the merchants interested in the exportation of goods to America are seeking to bring influences tu hear for the purpose of having the bill either greatly modified or altogether withdrawn. They assert that the tneas ure. if it goes in the present form, will strike a fresh blow at exportation. BOODLERS IN LIMBO. CORRUPT CITY OFFICIALS OF MINNEAPO¬ LIS IN TROUBLE. 1'hc result of the Alinneapo is grand ju¬ ry's two weeks' investigation of l oodle charges w as made evident Monday w hen bench warrants were issued for the arrest of Aldermen John F. McGowan and Fred llrue-haber, of the first ward, and City Clerk Charles F. Haney. The charges are bribery, or attempted bribery. The aldermen are accused of soliciting money for the location of streets, and the city clerk is alleged to have offered to a Chi¬ cago company to deliver twenty-five t?l dermanic votes for an asphalt paving con¬ tract if he was paid $7,000. MEETING OF TEACHERS. THE SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAI ASSOCIATION TO MEET IN MOREUEAD CITY, X. C. Secretary Harrell,of the Southern Edu rational Association, says the date fixed for the first meeting is July 1st to 5th, both inclusive, at Morehead City, N. C. The date is so fixed as not to conflict with the meeting of the National Educational A eiation, which begins July 18th, and a number of teachers from the southern assx ci&tion will also attend the national iation. The secretary reports that the southern association b rapidly gain¬ ing strength, and that every Southern Mate will be represented, It is believed , V it 000 teachers will attend. A BRAVE BOY sn<v - I VOW N Kt K!l\ WHO ATTKMPTEt TO WHIP ms At*ED FATIIEK. A dispatch from of Doniphan, Mo., say;-: Two of a gang four masked ku-klux. who visited the residence of an old mau named Holland living on Pike Plait', nineteen miles southwest of here Satur¬ day night killed for the purpose of 14-year-old whipping hint, were bv Holland's sou. They were ideutitied as Ed Gilman. Jr., the son of a well-to-do farmer, and Alexander Gatewood, who bore a rather bad reputation. I SOITHERN NOTES. TNTh.t TING NEWS FROM 1 'NTS IN THE SOUTH. SEXHMI PROGRESS AND OCCURRENCE WU II ABE HAPPENING BELOW MA w,i'i and dixon's link. Afof forgers of Itali c and Span r*b» ■ hits been captured at Trieste, 4.*' hsissippi State board of ■-dr ij' '-‘it on Tue-dav ordered th e < i m / "rommence at tlie part of ■ -W ist ; T0ft0 the day. according "*sbecy, in which San Fr cisco v -:>9 destroyed, and the oral wen- joined on the hills outsidi rilj, awaiting the new- which came. Wak< •id \V. Brice, aged 18. n ten i tig - at Salisbury. N. night, coinight. The doctor • disease in id not necessarily ha fatal had i Price been addicted to ci garette smoking. Thomas Henning, who was injured hi an electric wire some time ago. wai awarded $4,000 damages in the Unitec States court at Charleston, S. on Fri day in a s o' against the Western I nioi oSt). Telegraph company. He sued for $.g Spotted fever is raging a- an epidemic in.Union county, Ky., near Henshaw. The pcouif are terrified, sixteen death* having -w fur occurred at Henshaw. disease is so violent that people are ing by scores, The state have asked for help. News has been received of a desperate attack by convicts in Rockingham coun¬ ty, N. (.’., upon a guard named B V.Mc Kensie. He was knocked down, badly beaten and robbed of $75. His gun and revolver were also taken by the convicts, who then made their escape. Tin Anniston, Ala.. ll"t Riant notes that the clergymen discussion of Birmingham arc having a lively over the kir ruiss, which is being held in that city, under the auspices of the Episcopal church. Twenty-three city, at a conference, passed resolutions denouncing the entertainment. Rube Smith, of Lamar county, Ala., was on Friday morning, at Waynesboro, Miss., convicted of train robbery, lie will not get more than ten years' sentence. Rube Smith was with Rube Burrow-, the noted outlaw, in holding up the Mobile and Ohio train, near Buekatunrm. Miss., September 25, 18H1I, when two thousand dollars were taken from tin ex pres- ear. Under the charter of the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad, proceed¬ ings have been commenced at Thomas Ga., to condemn the right-of-way in that city, and also for terminal facili¬ ties. A jury of six citizens have been app. tinted to make the awards. After all the preliminary arrangements have been completed, road it will is expected that immediately. work on the there commence A meeting of t he New Orleans cotton exchange was held Tuesday for the pur President pose of considering the Butterworth presided, hill. Parker, who made an addr efx, U F ^ l!l * the bill became a taw it ulr ilfeet betv.een $500,000, • J^tiolrv effect-on Ns ’fjHSWL- trade _, ml have a a . us i the anti commerce of; this countv. Resolutions were passed strongly protesting against the passage of the biff and calling upon each member of the exchange to do his utmost. Tuesday was the first sale of lots tit New England City, Ga.. a town estab¬ lished a few months since by New Eng¬ land people. The town is located four¬ teen miles south of Chattanooga. Sever¬ al hundred excursionists, from New England, came in on a special train Three hundred and fif y lots were sold, aggregating $108,000. Fully two thou sand people were attracted to the town. Most purchases made were by New Eng land people. The lots averaged about $20 a front foot. The senate committee, after a session of an hour and a half Monday afternoon, reached u conclusion regarding the silver bill. Three propositions were agreed to. 1. That the secretary of the treasury shall buy $4,500,000 worth of silver bullion monthly, and issue not s iu payment for the same, the notes to be redeemable in bullion or lawful money. 2. That nation¬ al banks shall he allowed to issue notes to the full par value of the bonds de¬ posited to secure their redemtion which would add ten per cent to the value ot national bank currency. 8. That the $100,000 retained by the treasury for the redemption of treasury notes be put iuto circulation. The committee will meet the house committee and endeavor to come to an understanding with the members of the body, to be adoption. reported to their respective caucuses for The great vaults of the treasury, in which hundreds of millions of dollars are stored have just been discovered to he insecure. When Treasurer Houston came into office he receipted for $771,000,000 front his predecessor. At present $180. 000.000 of gold and silver is in on vault; over $1110,000,000 of silver in anothpr, and $250,000,000 of paper in the third. Treasurer Houston, . few da vs air;). conceive:! the idea that these vaults were insecure, lie, therefore,secured the servic s of uu amateur cracksman, that is a man famil¬ iar with the methods of burglar-, to try the paper money vault, in which $2 >o. 000.000 of paper are stored. In just seventeen seconds this man had made a hole in the vault, and itt sixteen minutes he had made an opening large enough to admit hi- body. This discovery created a genuine stir iu the department, and a scare message was sent to the house ap¬ propriations committee, A bill immediately prepared authorizing the construction of new vaults. South London is to have anew under¬ ground railroad. It is being built sixty feet underground. hydraulic Passengers elevators to are tc reach it by carry flftr persons at once. The tunnel is be¬ ing driven P'y the use of a steel shield slightly "the larger than the iron rings of w hich tunnel is to be constructed. The steel shield has a knife edge, an*l is driven forward at the rate of fifteen feet a day by hydraulic rams worked by hand. A four-track road even deepet underground htvs been propose i for New York city. P A IX. FTT -WILL PAY— !l DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU Can buy any article of FURNITURE, Cooking Stoves, Carpets, 3Iatxings, Win¬ dow Shades, Lace Cur¬ tains, Coruace Poles, BABY CARRIAGES, i Clocks, Mirrors, Pictures. i Dinner Sets, T e a Sets, Chamber Sets, Mattresses, Comforts, Blankets and a thousand and one articles needed in a house, delivered at your depot at the same price that you huy them in Augusta? I Carry Everything You need and can quote you prices that will satisfy you that l am giving a dol¬ lar value for every dollar paid, Special Offer No- 1. To introduce my business in every neighborhood in the quickest possible manner, 1 will ship you one Bedroom Suite complete, consisting of One Bed¬ stead, full size and high head, One Bu¬ & reau with glass, One Wasli-stand, One centre Table, Four cane seat chairs, ■8 | One Rocker to match, well worth $20. but to introduce my goods in your i neighborhood at once I will deliver the above Suite at your U. R, depot, all * charges paid. For Only $16-50 When the cash comes with the order. * BESIDES this Suite, 1 have a great many other Suites in Walnut, Oak, Poplar, and all the papular woods, running in price from the cheapest up to hundreds of dollars for a Suite, A *1 It h I V f5 bur elegant Parihr Suite, seven pieces, wt. I nut frames, upholstered in , r plush in popular colors, crimso® 1 L» olive, blue, old gold, either in banJf s- ed or in combination colors. This suite is sold for $40.00- I bought a *3 large number of them at a bandkrupt •• sale in Chicago, hence I will deliver A this fine plush suit alt charges paid by i me to your nearest R. R. depot for f $:>:».00. Besides these suites I have a | I great many other suites in all the latest shapes and styles, and can guarnatee 1 to please you. Bargains NO. 3 Is u walnut spring seat lounge, reduced from Su.OO to §7.00, all freight paid. Snecial B-rgainslTo- 4 ■ Is an elegant No. 7 cooking . tove I S| trimmed up complete for $11.50 all charges paid to your depot, or a 5 1 hole range xvitli trimmings for $15. 00. I Besides these I have the largest stock I of cooking stoves iu the city, includ j and ing the the Gattze CHARTER door stoves and Ranges OAK STOVES with patent wire gauze doors. I am delivering these stoves everywhere g ■ . i rgespaid at the price of an ordinary stoves, while they arc far superior to any other stoves made. Full particulars by mail. loti tolls 0 f matting 40 yds to the roll $5.75 per roll. 1000, Cornice Poles 25ets. each. 1000 Window Shades 5x7 feet on spring roller and fringed at 57U els each. You must pay your own freight on Cornice Poles, Window Shades and Clocks. Now see here—1 cannot quote you everything I have got in a store containing 22600 feet of door room, besides its annexes and factory in another part of the town. 1 shall he pleased to send you anything above mentioned, or will send my Catalogue free if you will say you saw this advertise¬ ment in Crawfordville Dem¬ ocrat. Published at Craw¬ fordville, Ga. No goods sent C. O. D., or on con¬ signment. 1 refer you to the editor and publishers of this paper or to any banking concern in Augusta, or to the Southern Expre-s Co., a’.lof whom know me personally. Yours, Arc. L. F. PADGETT. 1110 and 1112 Broa.l St. Augusta, - Georgia PRO. PADGETTS FURNITURE, STOVE AND CARPET STORES. Factory Flarrison St. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ! * . PIANOS :• • * :• • • ORGANS Makes. Many Styles. New and Second-Hand. 5. EASY TERMS. LONGTIME VERY new instrument guaranteed for fi$% years, be shipped returned on trial, and if not With as repre , caa at our expense. en •nroiderea .we give free a fine plush-top and stool, piece* silk cover, piano instructor six music. With each Organ we give free a gooc RFREIGHT PAIDP ^ e a S r 7_e to assume all freight on Pianos an6 rgans. Those who want quick delivery Atlanta . orda om us. The mail and freight fadlities of ■e perfect No matter what others offer, write va aore purchasing, and see how easily money can .........$150 00 to $1,500 OC ........$ 45 00 to $ 760 Ot Special Offers. 1 Ae l (illustration at tci of this a< vertisement), rosewood . _ ._____ _. isons, overstrung bass nil £d improvements. Piano manufactured,.....$£» The best low- £01(1 I U>Uv fj case, Clough satin & Warren, walnut, Uve very octaves, handsome* largt ro sets ot other reeds, five stops. sold #75.00. Is Mouse-Proofi (CC |>f| an organs at : world. We offer it for only wuviUU U A ten-year -old girl can buy Or pi an organ am rom imposition Phillips & Crew, the Atlanta, expert musician Ga .. as secure in ths rom as most —Christian Worker. If you want or think of buying* a Piano PHILLIPS & CREW, S5. ATLANTA. CA U FOR 13 WEEKS. The New York Illustrated News will b# ailed, securely wrapped, to any address . the Unite dStates or Canada, for three onths on the receipt of One Dollar iberal discounts allowed to agents, >s tin asters and clubs. News agents can 11 this paper freely, openly and iavd. Sample copies. majAjtf free jY race ^ ~* N'-W'i'M lfl’astraled News, 2 Broadway, New York City. the Terror of Fake is the Sporting Editor Home Council. We take pleasure in calling the atten on of mothers to a home cure for all seases of the stomach and Bowels, a children t Teeth PITTS’ CARMINATIVE n incalculable blessing to mother and Id It is an instant relief to colic of mts. a diseases xvith which infanta ?er s» much tlie first four months of ir life- It gives sweet rest to the sick I fretful child, it strengthens and Ids up the weak gives appetite and h to the punv. corrects, drain from th« eels, cures Diarrhoea and Dvsenteiv. A panacea for the children. Try one. tie. It costs only. Sold by Hammck. Lucas & Co., £3 E S cu?-,s m lysicians endorse P. P. P hs a splendid combination 1 prescribe it wi:h great satisfaction for the cures of forms and stages «»f Primary. Secondary ry and Tertv OP A ills s. Syphilitic Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ulcers d Sores. Glandular Swellings. Rheumatism. Malaria, I Chronic Ulce-s that have resisted all treatment. p.p ■ pOISO * p * c . _• u R IM ^ E s blood * * tarrh. Skin D:seas*^s. Ecrema. Chronic Female Com lints. Mercurial Poison. Tetter, Scaldhead. etc., etc. *. P. P. is a powerful tonic and an excellent acptti- 1 p.p RES R H E umat.sM , bnild ling up the system rapidly, adies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood t an i mpure condition due to menstrual irreirulari p ; E\% C | A ti< are peculiarly benefiS' 1 bv the wonderful tonic and bi d demising properties pr ; ofP. P P., Prickij Aat. Pokd inm. "v Wi i s ! RES A PMAN BROS., Proprietors, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Bloc A. SAVA ISAM, QA.