Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 18, 1890, Image 5

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    (jlAIST A.ND Cl'BIOL'S,
There has not been a death m09g
the white population of Elbert County,
Ga., in two years.
A New Jersey man ha3 eaten an egg
a day for the past fifty years. He has
eaten in all 1521 dozen.
There is dog in Brunswick, Me., who
visits the corridor of the postoffice daily
to warm his feet at the radiator.
David Cable of Stanley, N. C., is the
father of thirty-two children, of whom
fourteen boys and eleven girls are still
Winter Frost, Jack Frost, White
Frost, Cold Frost, Early Frost, and
Snow Frost are the names of six broth¬
ers in Kansas City.
A Polk County (Fla.) hunter took a
novel contract. He agreed to capture
alive an eighteen-foot alligator for the
Sub-Tropical Exposition.
I 11 a desperate encounter between a
large bald eagle and two dogs, at Der
wood, Md., for the possession of a
piece of fresh beef, the bird came off
Mrs. William Johns, living in Pleas¬
ant township, Ohio, is the mother of
two sets of triplets, all boys. One set
is nine years of age and the other near
ty six years old. Thoy are bright,
healthy children.
T. IV. Martin of Elizibeth, Penn.,
lost a very heavy plain gold ring. A
week afterward his horse became lame,
and in examining its foot the lost ring
was found snugly fitted around one of
the calks of the horse’s shoe.
A singular case of insanity is report¬
ed from Waver'y, Neb. A young man
named Elward Post was sunstruck
about four years ago. and each winter
since then he has become insane, his
mind nearly righting with the return ot
A locomotive on the Atlantic and Pa¬
cific railroad was run a long distance a
few days ago without a smokestack, a
barrel being substitute 1. The engineer
says all he net is to pull a train is a
steam chest, a pair of driving wheels
and a fireman.
A few weeks ago a Dodge City (Kan.,)
icntist who hal mi le a set of teeth for
a lady who had failed to pay for them,
took them out of her month in a
crowded store in that place. Iu an
houTffKCf the molars wer p-u l for
and returned to tL woman.
The peculiar odor of I?. ;ssiVT"iV'.'l lber,
which makes it impregnable to the rava¬
ges of insects, arises from the employ¬
ment of an oil obtaine l by the dry dis¬
tillation of the bark of the birch tree,
the oil being worked into the flesh side
of the leather by means of suitable
By a mistake of the paying teller in
a bank in Atchison, Kan., a c ilored
man who presented a check for $1.60
received $81.60, with which he pro¬
ceeded to pay some debts and to pur¬
chase a marriage license for his son,
whose wedding had been postponed fot
want of funds. *
Whales Away From Home.
Captain Hall of tlij oyster ii iiooucr
Joscpli Alien, had a t.hril.i:i^ qxperi
•ace with whales in Chesapeake B;iv.
The schooner was loa led with oysters
from Pocomoke and cn route to Norfolk.
When off Wolk’s Trap a whale was no
‘iced spouting far oil to the westward,
and as monsters of this species are rare
sly seen in the bay, all glasses aboard
were leveled where the hug;.' fish was
AH of a sudden, and while those on
board were intently gazing at the first
whale there was a splashing of the wat¬
ers about thirty feet ahead of the
schooner, and ou the staiboa d. and
another whale was seen to throw his
tail out of the water. Those on board
were considerably alarmed at seeing a
whale within such short range, but tlieir
alarm was greatly increased when ins
whaieship commenced spouting great
streams high in the air. The vessel was
hove to and as many as fifteen different
vc hales were counted. At one time
there were two on both the starboard
ansi port sides of the frail craft and the
fierce way in which they lashed the
waters caused her to rock considerably.
The mate of the vessel wanted to shoot
one of the largest of the whales, but
those cn board stoutly objected, fearing
lisastrous results if lie were only
jfou', 'ted.
A Rich Bee Tree.
James Collins, who lives near Gaiet*
burg,' III., while searching for hogs,
noticed nees flying around a large syca¬
more tree. Securing help, he chopped
the tree down. A? surmised, it turned
out to be a bee tree of the richest kind.
It w ;3 a mere shell, and when it struck
the frrztn ground split open, showing
i section of honey thirty feet long, In
ill he secured 1100 pounds, Mr. Col.
ins thought the bees would have fli leg
a large barrel, but he had no way of
bivinv them.
The Tongue.
Taste is not equally distributed over
the whole surface of the tongue. There
are three distinct regions or tracts, each
of which has to perform its own special
office and function. The tip of the tongue
is concerned mainly with pungent and
acid tastes; the middle portion is sensi¬
tive chiefly to sweets anil bitters, while
the back or lower portion confines itself
almost entirely w the flavors of roast
meats, butter, oils, and rieli or fatty sub¬
stances. There are very good reasons for
this subdivision of faculties in the tongue,
the object being, as it were, to make
each piece of food undergo
three separate examinations. which
must it be successively pasecd before
is admitted into full
tiou in the human economy. The first
examination gets rid of substances which
would be actively and immediately de
struetive to the very tissues of the mouth
andbody; the second discriminates be
tween poisonous and chemically harmless
food-stuffs. and the third merely decides
tne minor question whether the partieu
lar food is likely to prove then and there
wholesome or indigestible to the partieu
lar person. The sense of taste proceeds,
in fact, upon the principle refuses of gradual
selection and elimination; it first
what is positively destructive, and. next, finally. what
is more remotely deleterious,
what is only undesirable or over- *'
Speed of Animals
Iu respect beiflgs, to the comparative speed of
animated it may be remarked that
neither size nor comparative strength
seem to have much influence. The sloth
is by no means a small animal, and yet it
can only travel fifty paces in a day; a
worm crawls only five inches in fifty sec¬
onds; but a lady-bird can fly twenty
million times its own length in less than
an hour. A 11 elk can run a mile iu seven
minutes; an antelope can run a mile in a
minute; the wind-mule of Tartary has a
speed even greater than that; and an
eagle can fly fifty-four miles 111 an hour;
while a canary falcon can even reach seven
hundred and fifty miles in the short space
of sixteen hours.
A quaint superstition formerly that existed
in Wales to the effect bees were
originally created white, but became
brown after the fall; a white pigeon set
tling on a chimney is regarded as a eer
tain token of death; and in some parts,
if in a row of beans one should happen
to come up white instead of green, a
member of the family will die he fore the
year it out.
Is s necessity with nearly everybody, Th- run
down, tired condition at this seaeou ts du** to ini
purities in the blood which have accumulated dur
ing the winter, and which must bo expelled if you
wish to feel well. Hood’s Sarsaparilla thoroughly
purifies ami vita lines the blood, creates a good appe¬
tite, cures biliousness an<l headache, gives healthy
notion to the kidneys and liver, and imparts to the
whole body a feeling of health and strength. Try it
this spring.
•\T take Hood's Sarsaparilla every year as a spring
tonic, with most, satisfactory results. - '—C. PAttaauce,
■ :< lir'.lgc Street, Brooklyn. •
Pitrifies the Hood
I la purified my blood, gave me
Ud **•« heada? ’id iliBziliC ,
He‘id’s sarsaparilla to or whose Wood is thin
or impure, and who feel worn out r |rua down.”
c uswi Hflod'a Sanapsrllla la? yaarx, uarl
recommend it as the best spring: medicine or blood
purifier. Our boy is nine year« old and ha* enjoyed
good health ever since we began giving it to him.”
—F. Ghover, Rochester, X. H.
Sold by all druggists. $1; sC for Prepared only
by C. I. KOOD & CO., Lowell, >Ias>.
JOO Doses Ono Dollar
: i
} ill! £fx| i/%
) I
: 1
: !
’ In its First Stages.
He sure i/on yet the genuine.
: i
'gstflteS'’ B H "MOTHERS
jo 'ru F" II l*U n
VOC W il l, -AVI tlOXKV •
Tibm*. anil Pa w Kivu?"'
liv iiwinir
Elys Cream Balm
Apply Dali.
i LY BHOS., f* Wa
PATENTS—PEHSICHS w to get a I’eu
/Send for di
S eat of Pension and Bounty la :Pu 1 for In Yen tor* ’
uide or How to Get a Patent. I’ABUCI O r awbix,
_ I). C.
Attorney at Law, Washington,
pensions r'. K ’, ,o,£ ' , " 1 r N4# f* 4 V.
;^'d, At i y, v P*b.. U. C.
for The surest emergencies way of of being life is n ady
the great to
meet all its small ones not only with
calmness and , unruffled ,, , serenity, . . but with ...
a masterful spirit, resolved to turn deleat
and disaster to good account by learning
from them the secret of victoi). 1 ho e
, who with fearless courage and indomitable
wisl,will fight the lesser battles of life.aid
strengthened thereby for those mightu n
conflicts that call out all their skill and
resource, and make them saviors and bcu
efactors to their associates in trouble.
\oung mothers envy the unruffled com
posure observable in elderly vomen
who have reared large families of
dren. and who have learned that
broken bones will heal, that bruises get
well, that there are ways of lmuiagino
and preventing disease, and that it is iff
ways best to keep possession of one «
wits. “All things come alike to all;' and
as Milton says of the affliction which at
once darkened and brightened his lite:
“It is not so wretched to be blind as it is
not to be capable of enduring blindness,
But why should I not endure a misfortune
which it behooves every one to be pee
pared to endure if it should happen,
which may, in the common course of
things, happen to every man, and which
, has been known to happen to the most
! distinguished and virtuous persons in
* 1 '
The Color of Flames.
The color of a flame depends partly on
the temperature, but principally undergoing on the
nature of the substances com¬
bustion or incandescence. The tlmni;*1'
an ordinary fire is yellow, beettuse tire
heat is tint sufficient to render the carbon
it white heat. The flame will burn much
brighter when air is supplied to it freely,
as by raking out the cinders at the bot¬
tom of the grate or blowing the fresh tire with
a bellows, because with every rush
of air there is a new supply of oxygen.
The red flame is caused when there is a
rapid union between the combustible
gasses and the oxygen of the air, which is
frequently the case in the uttermost, zone
; of a candle flame.
The Smallest Railway in the World.
The smallest railway in the world is
said to be that from North Billerica to
Bedford, Mass. It is narrow gau^e in
the truest sense of the term, for the rails
! are only two feet ten inches apart. It is
eight and a half miles long. The rails
weigh only twenty-live pounds per yard,
the locomotive* eight tons and the wag
ons four and a hall tons each. The speed
of traveling is about twenty miles an
The chief reason for the marvelous success of
Hood’s fcJarsaparHla is found in tin article itself*
It Is lUei'it flint wins, and tho fact that Hood’s
Sarsaparilla actually accomplishes what Is claimed
tor it, Is wiiut-.has male It the medicine first fu the
confldenco oi* our countrymen, and given to Hood’s
' Sarsaparilla a popularity and sale greater than tiint
of any oth *r bloo.l purifier.
‘Early last, spring I was very much run down,
had nervous headache, felt miserable and all that.
I was very much benefited by Hood’s Sarsaparilla
ana ree .nim.MHl ,1 to my frlemls."-Hus. .1. ». Tay
toe, 1119 Euclid Avsnue, Clevelmi l V.
Orssies an appetite
wish to enroll rny name aN one of thouc hio
I have derived health from
fPHB»Vi*iFimany j > I nave takftu It, <* by
in the early spring, wh •:i 1 urn trouble ! with <11*7.
nc dullness, unpleasant ta-sto In my mouth In the
oorning. It removas • this bad taste, relieve* my
Ueada.'iic anff make, m« feet xreatly refrmhnd.
Tho two bottler X have used this spring have been
"'orfch many Uodars to me. I advise all my friend*
takei*.’ —Join Binxs, ♦»'»'* 43d street, Tow a of
Lake, Ci.cTgo, IU.
Sold by ail ■druggist:-. $1; siir-for $5. Prepared only
byC. r. HOOT) & CO., Lowell, 'lass.
|Ofi Oo«=^*s Ono Dollar
TakKonk of thic WEST
Kansas City, St. Joseph, Denver, St.
Paul and IVIInneapolis.
Tlie Line for nil PoinlH Nor lb nnd
WcmI nn«t flic Pacific Coanf.
Reduced R t»*F ,.f one ft a re for the round I rip nave
bum Colorado, nnidu lo V\ the omio«, Hiirlin^ton I lull, Idaho. Ifontc .Montana, to p<» at* in
North mid South llakota, .Noil liwCMt crn
Iowa, JlinncHoi a *»ui \ViNroii»!ii» Kmind trip
nrk.-t .t. HuU- April 22iu\ and fart ami «f V •rmation appijr to
ItOdin,. ticket For m ten 11 net I i Route,
the figent ot r .u u r n« I on or ! ,
add re-s ll’o\\ KliblOTT,
4RI> Iami*, Vlo.
(jivu’l I*:*AKt • • s».
II. K. TODD, A <*ci» Pan*. , l A«t. A«i.
H.I HLAtvi:, Truv. I rci«bt
< IIAs . F. 1,1 1)1.1 *1.
'J'l itv. I’llA tft lllatifii.
:ts \\ all SI., t.o.
CL) S |-8 C\)
LO. CM A r>.
CM ■ t m pi. FOR
7- Fv. MISSES ny-in
O O. ry
W .
... W. . L. n DO ^ I U I O ^ I L-A AC p
A ml Other A t)\ erti *e J •*-pr<‘UiHlen Are tli«
H/*w! in tis r \\ orld.
None genuine u riurr are stamp<%a
on Lott OLD KVKKV If your (lfaUT
will not Htpply y-»w. j.-vot'.rtr.oruvtittu-t uo.
to buy dUect from farttry llrorkton, »•
XV. I,. Hit I *•
1 with
\ I aak*- othrr. A p
^/iBBCcrotia bovu, pir.t «r* p ;* r *
I L l OftnUrfdta. P.
“Ki-llef - p»r;*«ui>ra, mooli** *• 1
v> for Lad!•>*,** m Utter, by return
mail. Puy.T
tkirtmUr ‘ k«'i 4« f’kU*.. Pa
Diguised Authors.
, precise reason can be given for au
thors vridng under fictitious names. It
? that many who adopt a nom
t . r \ have some object for so doing
llkr ^ their state of mind at the nut
meii , tl ending their first book into the
W()rU1 \ot man v authors are very sau
gyp, > . tIhe success of their first work;
„, v isller jnit to believe that even though
, , j, ., has accepted it, public cri
tie- , ields 1 may not be quite enthus
, its mw ; ts j t therefore,
0 f 1( q(Ak , n ufcht better by the author to pub
q s \f anonymously under a feign
e( j iv\rd or it is easy and delight
f u | to confess to being
liier of the book when everybody
■ , k iui^ its praises, should it prove a
, ; i i t j s p v n0 n , 0(ms unfrequent for an
, :thor to use a fictitious name to prevent
iff. Vl , w.,. whereabouts from being discov
ered, when it is desirable to keep the of
same unknown. Most people, in spite
that oft-quoted adage of Shakespeare's
have a great depth of belief in a name,
!llu i always consider themselves sufficient
and ly ingenious easily remembered to fabricate a more striking that
name than
given them by their godfathers and god
mothers. In some eases this is correct
enough, but as often as not totally un
Miss Larkins was bilions and feeble rind sick.
Aflut it seemed as if nothing would ever re¬
lieve her.
Her liver was clogged with impurities thick.
And her stomach was constantly burning
with fever.
Of the great (1. M. 1). she bought a supply.
And directions for taking pursued to tne let -
t ter,
’Twas tin 1 best tiling on earth she could possi¬
And bly try. Miss Larkins hot¬
soon, very soon, was
The (.1. M. 1). whii'lisho took was l)r. Fierro's
Golden Medical Discovery, the great reined?
for bronchial, throat and lung diseases, sick
headache, scrofula, dyspepsia, and all diseases
llmt have origin in impuri; blood and a disor¬
dered liver.
Tile cleansing, antiseptic anil healing qusli
tioH of led. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are un
A man likes to he life, told to “move in up" In poli¬
tics or professional but not a street car.
The 1,tidies Delighted.
The pleasant effect and the perfect safety
with which ladies may use the liquid fruit
laxative. Syrup of Figs, under all conditions
make it tlieir favorite remedy, it is pleasing
to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual
in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels.
Love is a species of intoxication that swells
the heart instead of the head.
Tin* llcanlv of Ilenllli.
How many women with regular features that
might ho beautiful, arc not, only and instead of
awakening our admiration arouse our
pity. Tlieir hollow eyes and sunken checks
and sallow skin haunt our memory. Alas ! an
invalid wife or mother or sister Mils the house
with gloom and sadness and an otherwise hap¬
py fireside is shadowed with a pall of regret.
Blessed he the physician who has invented a
organization, nim idy with that power regulates to strengthen the delicate the female
tions of feminine lift’, that, relieves those hear¬
perfects ing down digestion, pains, that that renews brightens t he apt d irt itc, I hat
m eyes and
beau tides the complexon with t.lio glow of
health. Such a remedy is Dr. Mull’s Sarsa¬
parilla. It is woman's lies! friend for coun¬
teracting the evils thn! afflict her sex. Thou¬
sands of ladies owe their heautv to a use of
this incomparable alterative. Demand it. of
your druggist. Take no other. I'avis New*.
Honesty is doubtless the best policy, but It.
seisms to have expired long ago.
How’s This!
VV'e offer One Hutidrod Dolla Me ward for
taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
V. J. CHKNKY & CO., have Props , Toledo, D. O. .1.
AN e, the undersigned, Known him
( ,'honey for the last 15 years, and believe
perfectly honorable in all business transac¬
tions, and financially able to carry out any ob¬
ligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
< )lilo.
Wahl ing, Kinmtn A’ Marvin, Wholesal© Drug¬
gists, M’oledo, Ohio.
10. II. Van Him- sen. Cashier, Toledo National
Hank, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's <^atari’ll < biro is taken internally, act¬
ing directly upon the blood and mucus sur¬
faces of the system. I Viet*, 75e. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
It’s no sin toVin, but. it’s a sin to hu caught
sinning. That is if you are. in soeiot y.
My wife for several years hud been an inva¬
lid and slowly grew worse. I tried doctors. Imt
i heir skill failed. A neighbor recommended Dr.
Hull’s Sarsaparilla and her Health begun lo
mend at once. She weighs fifteen pounds more
than she did four months ago, and feels quite
strong mid well. d. IT. Strain^ ('<wtun % (/.
Is the woman who go< ■k to church to exhibit
her sealskin saeque religious?
West ing away, growing thinner HiiII’h everyday.
Door child. You need Dr. Worm D<
Hlroyer- and you would noon grow fat and
hearty. Mamma, get, her Home.
It KecmH paradoxical to nay it, but, Home rich
men have more dollars than sense.
FITS topped ivi'o by Du. Klfnk’k Oiikat
Niiiivk liBMTOitKli. No Fits after fli’-t, dayV
11HV*. Marvelous dircn. 'I teatine nnd $:J trial
bot t le free. Dr. Kline, !H1 Arch St., Dhila., Da
The Motber’H Friend, used a few weeks be¬
fore confinement., le-seiir the pain and makes
labor quick and comparatively tMiwy. Sold by
all Druggists.
—— --
If affliettaj wit It sore v\ c* use Dr.Isam Thomp
s K>« - Water. Druggist s h< 11 at 25c* per 1 Ixittle.
he S. (»overnrnent , , makes . regular .
« of . “Taimlira Dunch” for tint pur
kch army,
A so-called “ Webster’s Unabridged
Dictionary” is being offered to the public
at a very low price. Tho body of the book,
SLiUSA its valnablo book, bat
day, a in the pro
resso I language for ovei FORTY YEARS,
has been completely superseded. It is
sarswerm now reproduced, broken type, errors and
brief comparison page by page, between
f” 11
6aal923 f Will Know IliO nrcat snpsriority
of the latter Th«e reprints areas ont
c! ?!a*e as a last yoar s almanac. Nohoo
orabie dealer will allow tho buyer of such
to suppose that he is getting the Webster
which to-day is accepted as the Standard
and THE BEST, every copy of which
bears cur imprint as given beiow.
*fer II persons who have been induced to
purchase the “ Ancient Edition” by any
will advisees oi the
facts, we will undertake to see that the
seller is pnnished as he deserves.
(i. & C. MERRIAM & co.
GAPGS, dca'.royyonr CHOLERA » one-etnt ’Sftlllaitratftd atampp. Poultry and catalftfat- ROUP s»*n<| for a
Te .* you how you can learn to prevent and ir*
a. ibetrdtoeaaeH. A. If. f.AN4>, Cove Uj
“tx J t<E y
1 ■ t L \ > v.
A •f
) V \
ft 3
fi I m
v m
a ijz %1 1
> it:... U \
Copyright, 1889.
Haiti Sarah (o Mary:
“ Pray, tell rae, dear cousin, whal can bo the matter?
Sure, Now a few cheeks, months ago you were fairer uml ami fatter.
your once «o rosy, nro sunken sullow.
Your ttiin, trembling hands nro as hueless its tallow .
Your nerves are unstrung, your temper Is shaken
And you net and appear like a woman forsaken.
Said Mary in Sarah :
“ Your comments seem rough, but the facts are still rougher.
For nobody knows how acutely I suffer.
I am sick unto ilcnfli amt well nigh desperation.
With leimilo disorders and nervous prostration,
I've doctored and dosed till my stomach is seething
And life hardly seems worth tne trouble of breathing. 1 *
Said Sarah to Mary:
" Forgive And, mo, try my dear, if that my is comments certain and seem trusty. crusty,
'Tie needless pray, to a suffer, cure to murmur and languish
For And puna half your days In suoh pitiful itngulsli.
1 female disorders 1 of every description
Are certainly cured by Pierce's Favorite Prescription.”
supply Mary of heeded Dr. Pierce’s this good advice, bought ^
Favorite Prescrif -
tiou and it wrought a perfect euro. The
history health is of similar her marvelous restoration to
to that of thousands.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is Hie
world-famed remedy for nil those chronic
weaknesses and distressing derangements so
common to American women. R is a most
potent, strength invigorating, giver, imparting restorative tonic, or
tone ami vigor
lliliouu Headache, Dizziness, (loiiwliputlcn, Indigoa
tiou, Hiltons Attacks, nnd all derangement* of the stomach uml
bowels, ara promptly relieved and permanently cured by the use of
I*uroly Vegetable una Perfectly Harmless.
—- A» a 3LaIA7T3Xl Uuequaled!
For Fifty Years
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
has no equal
as a
Prepared by
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co.,
Lowell, Mass.
ill StVfMTY
To cum HllloiianefN. Slok Hcatlnrlic. Constipatioo,
Mulurlu. i.lver CoiupluInU, tukc the tiufo
and certalu remedy, K.AIITH’M
Drift the HMALL SIZE 140 little bean* to the bot¬
tle) They nro tho moat convenient Milt all ages.
Price of either *!/.«, 2ft cent* per bottle.
IfEUfilNP IXIQvIIIVM at pane) 7 *)/.o 17 of 70: thin Photo-gravure. picture for 4
ccnta (copper* or eiampM).
Mntrar* of “Hilo Homum. ’ Ht. l.oul«. Mo.
This CollftK'-, iiiuiiKlt yii III II infancy,
r.-lvin;,’ ilarle ranging Irom AjdlOO lo till
500 p- uiiiiurii. Fo. elretilar* mldrc,-.
H. W. ,o:\.M\<i!S. I'l-lii.
"watches DIAMONDS ”
• • •>ANO-d“
J* . Q “■ oSC.Vfc.rt53 ctcwl-buq & jz. ddo BKU.
atIzAWTA, ga.
In *pc<:la! dl»«»«c^ ; i urc* the worm<•«**;* of N«rvr,ua
-mii-m v, ijimn/ i * < r viaioo, luu*, livmt.
kU fipl : *h
d Look.
True Apollo fling Itaxor. t-j.00
flajd/<*r«’ Sbetirtt, v "‘A V M
ISfw Style Mutton Ifol** with wt «:r«*w Me.
vfttilc'/l, re^tatered. liefer p> y,tn- i*,rtntu9Un
A 1*1,1 Mi &. I.IUHiK, IV,i *17, It uUi.on, I ud.
p ISO’S lil.MKIiY FOR FATA HUB fl'st. E 1 h St tO 11‘ j/.
< lieaj He lief is 1 A cun; is rtain. For
f Cold In the Head it has no eoual.
It Is an OinHnent, oi whhh a sma'I particle is applied to th
iioiilrih. Kirill. Price, Dra e, ftOc. ftOc. Hold Sold by by druygHN drukip or **ent by mail.
Address, E. " *** T. if azkltiXK, Warren. Da.
to the whole system. As a soothing nervine
it it is unequaled. See guarantee printed
on for bottle-wrapper and faithfully curried out
many years.
A Book of 100 pages, treating of Woman
and Her Diseases, and tlieir Self-cure, sent,
in plain sealed envelope, to any address, on
receipt of ten World's cents, in stamps.
Address, Dinpknsauy Medical
Association, No. t)0:> Main Btroot, iiutTulo,
I IT YOU WISH A p™&|\ /- v,..,, ■
K k vY/iVvYc.i Jr.»
purchaw on« of tu«> .
bratfwt SMITH A WKBHON y~r;S ’ A .#A
arms. manufactured The fluent, smalt and armi tim // W// \yw
ever n
11 rat choice of ad experts. «■! lM Ej
Manufactured in calibres :«,8Hand 44-1CO. Htn- l
irloor double model* action, Oonatonieted .Safety Hammerlt-mi entirety and
Turgot carefully inspected ot (ot <jun|- work*
lly m (iiiuhl and »tock, Meet, imrlvaJed
mansh e nil i |»»*y are for flnlnti*
dii ni lillll niftllenble y » iiecu rni’y. Do not l>ed#c«lved by
cheap often sold for tne cfiNt-frne genuine artf ImlriiiIona le v*blc
ate and ar t not
only u n reliab le, but daugf-TOUB. The HM1 i'H It__
WKHBrt?TTrt<Vt , tHt^ , :t ■ a r r xlf 1 fr~th<-hgE
rela with flrm'r name, adrtrean nun in dates of patents
and are un it ru m «•«*«! ix-rfect < very detail. In
aiat upon having the genuine article, and U your
dealer cannot aupi»ly you an order N<*nt to addrem
below will receive prompt an t careful attention.
Dem-rptivccataloirui' au-f orlem f'irntHhnt WESSON, upon ap
plica ton. SMITH &
HE"Mention tills pai»i r. Sprlnirfirliti Ithu*,
■ ■'T%1 ;■! 0 SEAWEED TONIC
I* n Puiltivo Curo for
#1 And nil IH*ordir»ofth« I)lgt*t
Ive Organ* It 1* HIiowhmi a
.•<.rrol«.njli*., -r ..... ..Kll.m.
l ----w i f, K M**dlrJi«r, and nmy
nil,< ii with great lM*m*flt in all
............... ... ;iM.*H<»f Did.ility. For Sale h*
all Drugglat* J'r|cc*,$l OOpertMittb Dr. Hrhenek'a
New Hunk Lung* Llv**r and BtoiiiiU’h mulled fr»»«
Address. Or. J. H. SCHENCK & SON. Philadelphia.
(hire* (lh«a fiid. HijIIuh up from the lirnl
d»M<*. Pi ice H I .."»(! per boMl<* (make* one gallon of
medicine). and certificates AlHe-ted <»f -end wonderful Htamp for )ulj Knrnale partieu by
a in care*.
drugged* and l>v t he A t In ni ie (ierniel uer
i <»., ATI.AN t a, (;a. Aaeni.M warded where there
Nre no druggi «t,K. Sixty gallon* of tin* wonderful
remedy in ),«•( u dr-,,• lc in A t liiuta dai ly.
^tweah four leather ones.
1 A*k Hardware Dealer for then, or write m
V iilriiiiiznl Fibre «'•>.. M l'> v S' .»■<» V"rt
m 111;
•i ««.n VVmkoii Hrnlc*,
hurt /.i-'fcr* Kteef lu-iirinu*, Pr.uM
Tnto ib ft/i i and lie uni llui foe
i r-r u'/u H'nUu fur f/-«•« |irtr*Ajj,t
n m . ntion thin paw-r and addn
J5f>'UIMMTO> v S. 1.
A fl milll S J Riff •"'l WHISKEY HAD
m aS Wi tf f 9 H| Hi VI ITBr-nred a’ h'-mc v, h
IU |U|f| ■ out pftiQ. Hook of par
EL Z ticular* aerit FREE.
EUft M i ____BBL_ i*. M. WOoU.EY, M. I).,
ATLANTA. Gw. ufflt* ssu Whn-fc.i. »t
n^TECTi C, S EL/ 8 I VES f CO
Grauaaa LetecUrt LoreauCo. 44Arciia,IlssiMitt,l
M 1 prf- rlhf and folly
• G. II. IS' /(A II A M. M l) .
caaft ftSulat un- Amsterdam, N. Y.
fc ’ yrdonly Wf» lift' >1«1 B!k CJ for
tjg&lixzz CUBkil Oe. m itf< 7 y+n.:*, on') It It
TLzJxk. ClacUmatlJV^V vf*ri U. best of sai;»*
Wm*. OMo^fV 1j. It I) VTTTF. Ic CO..
( 'hicaffo. III.
ft *4 l .OU* iy DrugirlAta.
A. N. U tf*i n, 1»»