Newspaper Page Text
he Erauifortoi'U miF'y nt 0r< ?
By SLEM. 8.
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Enterprise! ADA I), Perseverance!
If we did not work for trade we wouldn’t get it; moreover, we wouldn’t be entitled to it
Intelligent, persistent work has made us what we are. We "work as hard one season as we
do another. Since January we have been busy while others have been idle. -We have keot
the ball of business rolling, and look what it has clone for us. Look at the success of *
Something marvelous, something unprecedented in Middle Georgia; something that mer¬
chants who constantly complain of the duii times caff’t understand. We are as fresh to-day
and as active as we were when we started. The work is not too hard fonts; the is not
too fast! We intend to keep right-on and lead in everything, just pace
All departments this as we have always ; done
our spring
< lilt# it Qfiftliwfeirt
their _ Every nook, corner and available space of oui- Immense Double Stoves is packed to
utmost capacity. 0U1* experienced III fdv-awakv Buyev lias just rctm-ned from
The Great %
„ Co^ nercial Mv i . JL
J i * —«
Uf the Aortl: aua Last, bv^ing theC'HGfcClT and - MGs^L Yrn itf* *i j *st ,
ED and by all 6'ddf tbe CL[TLaPEST STOCK oi'vmied merchandise ever emptied into
section of the State We have marked this magnificent stock closer than ever before,
new, bright and fresh goods in the ieach of everybody. Fully
Than ever before offered in this market. A glimpse into our various departments will
cause wonderments and delight. In our
Our buyer l:as excelled every records of his past successful pin. liases, and tlie stock now in store an I arriving by every train
is by far tic loveliest and most (< wplele ever brought to Middle Georgia, It is tlie cream of tlie market, the height of fashion and
in fact consists of Silks, Satins. Iienrlotns, A lapacas, Mohairs, black and white (,’liallies and Or 'undies, Cashmeres, Nmis’ veilings,
the veiy latest designs and patterns, the pick of the great manufacturing centres, in every known weave, color and texuro. We
announce boldly that tiiis department will be a
The delight of (lie ladies—the admiration of all- We have emlm ideries, passamentries, flouncing*, lacings, netts, etc., to
match all dress goods. We invite tlie ladies of Taliaferro to call at once and inspect our superb Notions, Hosiery, Ilobbons, cct.,
in endless beauty and variety. We are making a great driva this season in
We can not give an idi a of the beauty, tastiness and cheapness of stock of Men’s. Youth's, Boys’ and Children's Suits, Ifats
Underwear, AVe Furnishing goods, and etc. Tiiis fine i- unapproachable. The Latest New York Chits ami d« signs and perfect fits guaran¬
teed- lead in Clothing vve an- giving unusual bargains, such as were never before seen, and winch eoniiot be touched by
On last Monday our great M'llinery opening took place and Ills hundreds of ladies who came to witness it were perfectly
charmed with our superb assortment. Number-, purchased their spring and summer Millinery, and all were one opinion—that our
stock of 51 ii tin erv lias never Ik en equal led, u bile never did a firm have so charming and artistic a mi) finer ns vve possess in .M i.Sb
HERTIE DENSON, him received her training in the great fashion centres of th" East, amt to a natural taste of the highest order,
adds the most superior training and widest experience. Our Millinery Department wiiriic
And the ladh s are earnestly the requested while to call in and inspicf < nr iip<-ib -h'-k. Evi-iyfiihig is new, and fresh The shapes
patterns and designs are very latest Ribbons, Laces, Feather*, Ti firming- and ornament* a more - urperb or fashion,
able line has n-ver been shown MlhS DENSON extends a cordial greeting to the ladies of Taliafcno and aujoinining counties
and will be pleased to show them through the magnificent stock
crowd In the above we and have only of partially spoken of our superb stock and have not touched upon numerous lines of goods which
every nook corner our
: mmoiise Do A VL Z bio Stores.
These embrace every clesign in Notions, Dry Goods. Laces, Handkerchiefs^!losiery. Jew
city, Collars, Cuffs, Furnishings, Furniture in endless variety, the most superb lure of Shoas
and Slippers for spring and summer wear, Stationery, fancy arid family Groceries, Plantation
Supplies. Hardware Gbssware and farming Tools and Implements, heavy Goods of every description
Crockery, Etc Our undertaking department is still one of great features, and
embraces coffins, caskets, burial robes and undertaker s goods of all kinds under the
vision of that expei ienced undertaker, Mr. A. G. Harris.
W e invite the people to visit us. We are offering greater inducements than ever and a
dollar will go further with us than anywhere. Remember the magnificent display at
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GRE1 4 d s > f id' FIW K GEORGIA
Deveted to the Interest of Taliaferro fruity, the ‘ejrfe and fieaeral Hews.
/ Thut fhtful Thoughts.
Who kee ^!us tongue do Mi keep his
Neve. us. favor where it seems
The s. V/ in sorrow brings reap¬
ing in h
Thom,, ,t should slip, iie’ir let
the ton go
Thou iSt concealed thine age?
Surely i* Jiy folly.
Thu j.. ’St way to drive honors
from you .b go to thorn,
It is dte not to speak than to
speak ui. tseiy.
Akin ■wort is often much better
than a co itly gift.
Pity A n who cherishes no love for
hi; felh man.
Flown » and labor are nature’s
prophet* of increase.
Dress, mneech and manner reveal
the niM iharacter.
Learn to read the thoughts of the
IP ’’ ' countenance.
the sidewalk is better
ttrVc 8- .villi tho tongue,
Thi dm is an old and true otic,
“All es die poor.’’
So. .jr.ige is l ho rarest of
qiialiti si often maligned.
Ufa i,>o short to be. spent in
’their people’s business. *
He nut ku >.v d t igrr, and
does v. p ay, may soon perish,
T rye tjfj.l is butter not only than
1 i'oei mt even than a kingdom,
* All ■edful that He sends; noth
ing ca needful th it He with holds,
ftecoi oened to year cliildrou vir
tue. is alonu can make them trip
’Ey--U ■ ,:<i!d.
In a; ,.i fry in uncut a m in in iy do
What - lifetime of lepentanuu can
not un
Fori hi often rewards with interest
Toy; i ; have the p itience to wait
I id thing that all souls are
not /.!, u3 thorn wjuld be u<>
lari cs.
lt a genius for a Christaia to
tire ■ if by the I tikinj gt ess of
in action, is a vine;
ivo not forward vve
^ ■Junor Davis To Wud.
A special to tlie Herald for ’Syracuse,
N. Y., says that tho amioiinceineut
is ma lu there of the b.'troth il of Mist
Winnie Davis, daughter of tho late
Jefferson Davis, to Alfred Wilkinson,
of Syracuse, N. Y., a gntnd eon of
tlie great abolitionist leader, JUv.
Samuel J. Law. Mr. Wilkinson is a
young lawyer, Is about twenty-eight
years of age, and stands very high in
the community. He first met Miss
Davison tlie occasion of tho vissil of
that lady to Syracuse about four years
ago. It will be remembered that Miss
Davis received a very cool reception
from one or two families in Syiacu.k*.
and this treatment is said to have
brought her and Mi. Wilkinson in very
close relations. lie resented the cool¬
ness shown her and gallantly champ¬
ioned her cause. The friendship thus
engendered between them bossotmd
into love in due time- Some two
months ago Mr. Willkinson went to
Europe to see Davis an 1 suentse veral
weeks with her on the continent. The
actual time for tin! wedding has not
been set, but it is uudei stoo 1 th it the
date will be in the near future.
The Standard
‘ I regard Hood’s Sarxaparilla as having
passed above the grade of what are com¬
I monly called patent or proprietary medi¬
cines,” said a well known physician
recently. “It is fully entitled to be con¬
sidered a standard medicine, and has won
this position by is undoubted merit and
by the many remarkable cures it has
effected. For ail alterative tnoic it bus
never been equalled
Bho Preferred Poverty.
An Exchange recites the following
in stance of the perverseness* of wo¬
man; “Two young men courted tlie
same girl, and the rivalry was hot ire
tween them. One of the suitors had
, reMU ,,„ r
ami imsfibiy a dieap trunk. Tfia one.
with the jfl.OOd oflcrtd it to the
i’°" r tcllow if he would
SS £ d
tufiutfelv tlie arraiigi'HK-nt d'd not pm
o'it according to the programme, bc
cause the girl persisted i . . 'Vicg the
p >oi ft-llmr who c.ii»turi)d tlie 81,bD
and finally married him.
Tlie Itui Scr MikJi.
M’lieri you are iu Augusta and want
shave or hair cut go to the Centra!
U otel Barber .Shop. It is the olacj
Terms: SI.50, in Advance.
Raising' Turlies.
Our exchanges are telling of a lien
in Meiggs county, Ohio that hatched
out some turtle eggs that were placed
under her lately, ami treats the little
creepers as tenderly as she wou'd
If you or any of your family should
happen tube frightfully burned or
what have you in tlm house to nlle'-bi'a
lim pain until you can get. a pbysiciane band in
A box of Hoggs’ German Salve at.
times like this would save a world of suffer¬
ing and oftentimes a doctor bill, as It lias
no ('(pi: I in cases of tins kind, as well ns
inflammation of all kinds. L)r. It. J. Reid
Old Fashion Darkoy.
“Aunt Hester Harvey,” a good old
timo darkey, who recent I v died at
Oxford, willed all of her property to
two white friends, Mr. and Mrs, S. ('.
Thompson, who had bum km 1 to her
in many ways. Tho property consists
of a bouse and lot in Oxford and one
bundled iicres of valuable land one
mile out of town, the whole estimated
at about 82,000.
a scrupo t Paper Saves Her I tic.
It is Just nn ordinary scrap, of wrapping
paper; hut it saved lit r life. Mu. was In
the last stage of consumption, told by
could physicians that she short was line; inclin able ivelgl.vd amt
Jive only n I sho
less Ilian seventy she pouil(ls read On hr. a piece King’s of
slum ping paper of bottle;
■Jew Discovery, ami got a sample
it helped her her, she bought bought a lai'ue rand bott le, it
helped more, imolln grew
hitter fast, eon limn d its use aid is now
string, hcn.'thy, rosy, plump, weighing
MO pounds for fuller particulars send
slain]) to \V. !I. Cole, Druggists, 1’ort
.SiiiRli. Trial Hottle of this wontlerfu 1
Discovery Druggists. Free at Lucas & llanimuek’s
Can bn Cured.
It. is reported But a rein.ukabln oper
Hlim) for consumption fins just been
successfully made before t,lm sing mil
congress, flitting at, Berlin. The
patient is doing well, and the congress
declares Hint this dreu l disiasu Is now
Fortunate Oliicagoans.
In the Feb I Ith drawing bf The Lmiisi
ami State Lottery tivo citizens drew cash
prizes which have made them wealthy,
11. A. ljulburd, !)8 Meiropollian Block
j^'oiu'Or til ■ lucky riti/. ’u(. To a Travel
j.. ;n present,ativ.’ Mr. Ihiibnnl said, ikAl i
---- ----------- thfeV gd-lieketc No.
which drew th;- >1 .,.......
000 . i lu* iuhIi, v l-sTiOO, was jH'oiiipii
icceivcd by me through the American
Express Do.-’ Messrs. Cl'iirle.s Koz.nlu
*ki & Bo., bankers 1C.8 Washington St..
............. ......... though the
State Nat't Rank of New Orleans, one
twentieth of ticket No. (!!,:«’) which
„„,wt"„nr.u,..„li,: .. ..............
..........-““W'D '■> A "‘“
SIS I r.ivcle/, March 15.
In Do.ath ’aEmbraca.
I’rof.C. K. Toonninges, a mush.inn
arid newly acquired citizen of Cedar
town, was critically ill, and expi'essr
a desire that his true lov \ Miss Kate
Elliott«J Lincoln, Ned., bn informed of
his condition and of his eaiucat wishes
that she come to his side at once, and
they he man ied before lie took l is
departure for tho beyond. Miss. Ka¬
tie set out witnout delay, arming in
(Jodartown Saturday night, 'having
made tlie trip alone in twenty-four
hours’ Slid was met by friend) of her
lover an ! conducted to his sick couch
at tho Elow house, where ltsv. J. 11.
Robins united them in marriage after
a most alTectiouate greeting. Tlie
bride is ( nly 1 <».
Tho <Jrout S]>riiiN Tonic.
W. It. Gilbert, Druggist, Albany
Gu., writes: “Wo are s-ll eg large
quantile* of Swift’s Specific for a
spring alterative an i general health
tonic, and wi-h the best resul’.. It is
now largely used as a preventive and
cue for Malari i. L nero arc many te
markable evidences of its merit in
tliis section.
Jt' v. L. B. Baiun. Marin, Ga.,
writes; ■■ YVe liavi) been using
Swift’s Specific at tlie orplians liome
as a remedy for bio > 1 cjmplaiuts and
as a general health tonic, and iiavu
had remarkable result from : ts use on
the children and employees of tho in
It is such a.i excellent ton
iu and keeps tire blood so pure,
the system is less liable to disease. It
lias cured some of our children of
Truutiss on lilo ;d and '■kin D.sense
mailed f,.'«. ,-viEL SPECIFIC CD.,
.ytlinta G.i.
It' d Glass.
The art of miking re l glass for
church windows, as practic'd in the
twelfth ami thirteenth centuries, 'v.:.;
hast for a long time, and was only re
covered in 182>>. Tlie model u pro
due; is sull inferior to the ancient,
NO. 17
Our Bills.
The United Slabs Government Is¬
sues bills of t bn following dnnominti
tions; Dm*, two, tiro ton, twenty,
fifty, one bund ed, five thousand, and
ten thousand doll irs.
is 1 lie 'll (ll'tll l.lvillgt
Mot if you go through the world a dys
peptic. VoWer':. Dyspepsia Tablets are Dys¬ a
positive euro ;or the worst froms of
pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Oon
slipatioii- tiuaraneed and sold by Ilain
tnaek I.ucas & Co., DruggsRs
For Speakership,
lion. \V\ II. Fleming, one of tho
lli(diraond county delegation in tho
last Legislature, is a candidate for
re-elec ion, and announces that lie
will bo m ti e race for the Speakership.
( VN T Sl.ia.l* NIGHT*.
is the complaint of tlumsaml suffering
from Asthma, Consumption Coughs, English etc.
Did you ever try l>r. Acker's
RemedvIf Lung is the liest preparation known positiv
lor nil Tnmhlos' Sold on a
emirantee at 25c. and Me. By Hammacli,
Eneas A Co.
At North Manshester, Bid., a gang
of fourteen boys, ranging in age from
10 to 21 years, are charged with bru
(ally assaulting a 10-year-oM girl.
A Duty to Yourself,
11 i j -iurpredn ; that, people will use a com
III on , ordinary pill ivlu’i: they can secure
a ' a htable Eugll-h English one lor pills the same mon push •
uy. Dr Acker’s are a
I iye cure I'm’ sick headache and all iver
(roubles. They ire small, sweet, easily
taken ; ml do not. gripe. Ilammaek Lucas
& ('o., Druggists.
■sw> • « m w
With sugar and hides on tho freo
list, a big opening is made in tho tariff
for reciprocity with South America.
Mr. lliaiuo may lie happy yet.
A .1111,11 Itr.MIDY.
A letter from S. P Wardwell, l’oston.
rays: ■1 list it Glnrke’s Extract of lflnx
(Ewplllon) liny Fever ('atarili with (fine satisfaction, in June last ami for
"find it is the only thing 1 have seen
which would allay, without irritating, ami
lie.) iiiflunmtion of tlo nostiils
throat. Its soothing and lieuilng proper¬
ties wr > imirkeit and immediate.’’
Largo latest, bottle 81.00. Clarke’s Try it Flax Soap is
tlie and best- 25 cents
Ask for them at any Drug Mure.
Then) is a guinea rooster at New
M utinsville, \V. V'a., that objects to
rod hoa I d people who look at him
and fiercely attacks all red-headed
children who cornu near him.
T || | Kxflael -
Who bare used Clark. -• of Flux,
aiKtlilghe < Eiiiillion) Skill < ’nr-' award It the first
t, place as a reuu dlnl agent In
Teller, hmiiilliiilii/; eruptions, Holts, Carbancles,
etc., all yield to this ttoniiorful
Try ........... It. Price 25 ..........
The largest sheep ranch in tho world
is in I In'counties or Webb and Dim
net in Texas. It contains upwards of
tOD/VM) acres ami yearly past tires 800,-
1)00 s!ie( p.
“F.vury Spring,”
S iys one of tlie Ix'.t housewives in New
Kticland, “Wo feel tlie necessity of u
"imp.I medii'inc to purify the blood, and wo
ah lake Hood’s Sar-apardla. It. keeps
tic chilli red free from humors, my. hus
I iii'il say-; it (fives him a good appetite.
and I .....sure I could never do all my
work if it. was not for this splendid medi¬
cine. Ii makes me feel -Irung and cheer"
fill, and I am never troubled with head,
ache or that tired feeling, as 1 tnml to
Blau Byes.
It, is said that all the [’residents of
tlie United States except General Har¬
rison had blue eyes. .Socrates, S iske
speare, Loclie, Bacon, Hilton, Goethe,
1 rankim, Napoleon and Humboldt,
all had blue eyes.
I-ihoritod Blood Poison.
Bow many people there are whoso
di tr".ss from sore*, aches, pains an ( |
eruptive tendencies are due to inherited
blooii poison from parent to child, and it
therefore is the duty of husband and wifo
to keep their blood pure. This is easily
accomplished by a timely use of IS. B. it.
(Botanic Blood iiilin). Send to Blood to
Blood Halm Atlanta for nook of most
convincing proof.
It. Wilson, Glen Alpine Stition, N.
o Feb. IS, lWi5, writes: 'Unite anil
blood poison forced :ue to have my leg
amputated, and on the stun p tiiero camo
a large ulcer, which grew worse every
day until doctors gave u.e up to die. I
only weighed I_'i pounds when I began to
take II. Ji. B., ami l‘J bottles increased
uiy weight to I«'i pounds and made mo
soumi and well. 1 never knew wliat
good health .■.as liefore.”
Janies Bill, Ga., writes: “My two sons
were afllietoil with bhexl poison, which
(L;.;toi said was hereditary. They both
hrok" out io soies and eruptions which
R I! 15 promptly controlled and finally
cured etnnp'etety.” tVidiams,
M..i ■' M. Sandy, Texas,
wnt« M . iliH-e poor alU cted children,
wlt*» iiilici I b!f ! t> on liavo improv
iHjtt liy uftvi it u -c* i ii. ii. U, It is a