Newspaper Page Text
; . i
- ■ HHPlynt Ordf
ft fk V 11 ■ i % X Dcinacrd:
By CLEM, S. mm.
r OL. XIV.
GREAT SLAl 2B!Z bZE x Shiu? HPW1 * I i Ill Tf X 1"; '1 1 :
of Low Prices,
if m m .. , m re t*.'- iJ+Srii ->•'
d- m I K
m s a v.’: m
x- : ■ | ■
.V I ;«T
f I sli 9 ' I
1 TP IT? IT 17*0" %
r 9 i i
From now on we are determined to sell the goods it
Low S*rices will do it. We have the largest stock
Spring Middle and Summer goods that has ever been brought
to Georgia. including: all the latest styles
~ •/
liovelties . , , all departments.
We bought the goods to sell and they must jro, and
we want everyone to get a share of the bargains
we are now offi;ring, -vl
at; 7 D I m
• • lit t > «*■
And ’tmik-hn Cmm y oatf take ml vantage of
great opportunity to lay in a supply of spring and sum
mer goods at such low prices. W(; wdl save you
times the money that it will take to come up, and
you new and bright goads lower than you ever heard
before. OUR LEADING LINEit; Dress Loops,
iery, White hoods, Parasols, Pans, ^hoes, Clippers,
Clothing, straw and fur Hals, Millinery, Domestics,
liiture, Crockery ware, hiass ware and in fact any¬
thing you can call tor.
I J tBBCDOKTj; :S f ? YKW ADDITION ! Our artistic and. stylish
Miss Berdie Denson, has surprised every one at the
ful hats and bonnets that she has turned out. She lias
busy (lay and night with assistant-* to keep up with the many orders tliat she has taken We can s\um y o ' 1 ^ v< ’ ^> , ‘ , ' s '.’A'.'AbV,’ Yio
other house’s one and such beautiful Flowers and Tiimruings have never boon brought, to tins maikot hoto t and n pncf.s
low what have i>aid before. Every lady should call and see our Millinery department. We can save you money and
mr a
tf\VTT? JL\ m V# ^ -M*
"BN Prom the hegmmng "I * • has been: Jo seive me i
aim „ n< l fc-flVF Slit t fllFin llieiJI ’llionev IIIUIILJ hv DJ sell A 18 ill ** them tile best
flip ¥ iAUT^t FriffS ” anoreeiate • the llherat ... |
ai oi lilt LinVtM I lilts. (' “IT 1
. . .
trona <r e our frienus lrom the ad joining counties (
' <*
. Olid , WC wont . to . SIIOW 1 OUI Oppr(XI«USOIl IOI „
(riven US
f avors by selling you goods lower than you ever bought
To come early before the stock is picked and over,
our stores are daily crowded with people far near.
% % $$ m lit S Ml iiiw m %
4 i m m - : J?
: m a %
t- m ir
Devitfd t# the Interest if ffclialwr® I'iKiiftvtli* People and fiencra) News.
CBAWFOllDYlLLE, GK0KGIA. # F1U0AY, MAY 30, 1800.
i Some Points About the Service
\ of the Representative from the
Tenth District of Georgia.
Editors Chronicle:—Tho Augusta
i c arfag poiuleiit of the News and Couri
or, tr, his letter, which appeared in
that paper yesterday, gave what ho
claimed to be the issue between lion,
(io-'rge T- Barnes and Mr. Thomas
Watson, the rival candidates for Con
Hftsi in the Tenth Georgia district.
The correspondent stales no issues,
but adroitly charges Major Barnes
with,, unsoundness on tho leading
national issue—tho tariff—and indi¬
rectly claims that tiie Chronicle voices
bis s3utiineuts on that burning quos
wbp. ’
There is really no issue between Mr.
Jla-ues and lfis opponent except that,allies' is in and Mr. Watson
wishes to be-in.
Oar member lias been an avowed
cluoupiou of tariff reform ever since
the: question arose in the Garfield and
Hmioock campaign. He iias voted
with Mr. Carlisle and those Democrats
in Congress who always led in that di
......., emmet«u.„ i.n„
cip,. i of taxation fof govern mu t pur
c »ot for individual or 0 or Pf >.
V' M ' |! '" fi ' ,vo ^teda.Hi voted f 0 .- m
*9 As (ipp '%xi to
'TV* >1
r as the cot tfllokes ' so issue 1
loetuate in value as bullion
* in the markets of the world,
/leva that our money shoo'd b i
jitpot) an exchangeable basis, as
tin, constitution gives Congress the
1 um'bJnim
woum regulatetueir value.
cn 1 ( ! 1 d i 7Tg\m7TnTT,' l Tu!e; word"’
he wants more money for the people.
He is in favor of tho $100,000,000 of
gold, now stored away in tho treasury
for the avowed purpose of redeeming
treasury welt s, used to pay olf the
national debt and put it in circulation,
because it is absurd to keep that
money there, as treasury notes are
compelled to be reissued and not de¬
stroyed or redeemed. He is in favor
of withdrawing the $10,000,000 loaned
to batiks, without interest, and use
that to purchase or retire bonds, there
adding it to the circulating medium
of the country. He is in favor of do
| jna national away Iranks, W ith the reserves that the in foil the
mouiit of Ui(;il . curr<!llf;y slial , , m
thrown into Circulation, as tl'O
erument is fully secured without it *>y
the bonds on deiwsit in the treaMiry.
He is in favor of curtailing the number
0 t -woo and $.700 treasury notes,
having them cut up into smaller do
nominations, HO that they can he. added
to *“"* oll “ l .
the country, as a $1000 or a f700 note
! is practically a withdrawal of such
amounts from circulation. These and
all other sound reforms in the fianarice
: and currency tie has and does advocate
! and approve, lie is opposed to the
national banking system, and favors
thi government issue of money.
gtrictiona upon national banks forbid
ding them loaning money on real es
late, thereby placing the land, which
is the basis of wealth, as a iccurily in
the markets of the country from which
it was driyen by tiie bondlioblderH and
Cue Republican party twenty-five years
ago as effectually as the statute of en
tail in England did during tire reign of
Kd ^iid Iri., Which lohibitio.i has
contributed a large share to tiie de
passion of the agricultural interest
of the country,
lie is in favor of rer*ealing the 10 |>“r
cent# restruction clause, forbtddiu,
btate banks from l: suing bills, which
Terms: $1.50, In Advance.
would thereby enlargo the bunking fa
edifies of tho country to tho groat ben
elit of tho farming interests.
Ho, of course, opposes any Inter—
fercnce by Congress with the ’elections
in the several states, and this in reality
is . the paramount question that will ...
engage tho members of Congress from
the South. All other questions are
tUvafod in its presence, for it would
tend, more than anything elso, to
cbeeck tho great Spirit of progress and
llow of wealth into our lavored South
These arc the great and only national
questions upon which Democrats can
divide. Does Mr. Watson take issue
with them or any of them? I have
stated bis position as a Domocrift; now
lot us see what he is, what ho has done
and what he is trying to do.
He is and able, conservative and
thoroughly-equipped si man, who
1ms gained tho conlidence of his own
yarly and the respect of the Republi¬
cans. II e is a fine historian, a close
student and has refilled his cultivated
mind by an experience which is more
valuable than genius in the practical
and trying legislation of the American
Congress. No man in tho House of
Representatives receives floor, more atten¬
tion when ho gets tho and his
speeches aro always line specimens of
logic and patiiotisiu. Ills work on
committees, where the legislation is
really done, is thorough and valuable.
Indeed, our people in the South must
learn that to have men of value in
Congress they-must be trained by long
experience, Tho Republicans never
disturb a solid in m, except to advance
into blits other wings of Die eaptoi;
consequently they always have an
equipped army of skilled debaters,
11 allied dialeotleticiaiiH and experienc¬
ed workers', tti Uie front oi which our
dashing guerillas, unskilled in Ameri¬
can parliamentary tactics always have
to retreat.
Who are the leading Hemootats in
Die Hi ,Crisp r. ml ,'sr
our cwn iTWTir r ! Is natural Dibtllity,
high cliaraoter or learning, let Mr.
Harnes is rtodoftt and wiso «noupfh equipped not
In assn mo loadership until
for the conflot. -r'J,. m,
What , lie 1ms , done , is . mainly , , ft
and conscientious discharge of deity,
well and ably performed. He gave the
(iioi.rict a United states court near at
home a handsome public building,
lie lias obtained as liberal appropria¬
tions for the Savannah river as it was
possible to get from the great grablwg
of the river and harbor Dill, and is now
iua fair way to get Li e Augusta
arsenal eon verted into a manufucioiy
of small arms and repair for tie; gov¬
ernment (and not a mere arsenal of is
sue) Which wiil bring money and add
wealth to ties district.
If you are to measure congressmen'.
woith liy too appropriation they can
geo, what lms Mr. Crisp done? What
has Mr. Hlount done, except to get a
public building In Macon?
Why should not Mr. Barnes be true,
to the fanners of Georgia? Every¬
thing in his district depends upon the
agricultural interest- and bo lie a
lawyer of farmer, liis interest is the
farm* is and we should bold last to the
tried statesman in these days of South¬
ern development and threatened re
reconst ruction.
M. i‘. Gahkoi, n.
I i i H VV ila Hnflei eil Iioiim
,* ;i .yHi,MdaH.
Mr. .John O. Rogers, of Dana, II
| linois, writes as follows under date
I of Mitrch 27, 1-dO: „My wife was
; :lI , invalid from a blood troii
b |, %an(lHUffl , r( . < i teniwe at i^ms from
k, v <,j;,elas. She ti ied many remedies
a ,| V ,. rr j .,.,1 as blood purifiers, but re
A “ l, ' J 01
: ^ w jffw .Specific: (N. S. H.) cur 'd her
j () f i.>yaip(.Jai» and oilier blood troub’es.
ie roin the first tier appetite increased,
j , w , rl tir t K ,. r , C iaI liealth It proved in
j (:V( . r y way. Tlie considers S. S. S. the
. Blood purifi'-r and tonic slie (-ver
j flaWi a„,j \ n willing for any one snffer
ling as she was to be referred to her.
Blood Poisoned by Cow Itch.
About gve yeara ago rny blood was
pojiiI , IJ( .,i with cow itch, and every
njp jug since then I have been troubled
wiUl the poison breaking out in large
goros all over my body. I tried va
rl0U3 remedies without receiving any
| i( . r „.fits. Three lwttles of .Swift’s S|>e
ftiHc fs> >s 8.) effected a complete and
permanet cure, when alt other blood
remedies had failed,
Live <>ik Ela.
Treaties on Blocs) and Skin Dise.i a;
mailed free. SWIFT SPECiFfC (X).,
Atlanta Ga.
NO 22
Laxador cures biliousness, dyspepsia,
| constipation, bowel complaints, etc., in a
| word *’- all At affections all druggists, of the liver and stom
j ac
," 1 sucl ‘ ils c °t' c i
: AA'A ’nVA'V *'' V a "' 1 diarrhoea, an*
. n.ippil' relieved onco, by the prompt
; uso
1 of J)r . ij uU . s lJaby Syrup>
When you need a mild laxative you
s 'touUl have a medicine that will act on
! the liver and kidneys as well as the bowels
Meggs’ Vegetable [,i.\er pills are prepared
exressly for this p# Insist on get
ting them, as tuey\ UMafTtijidDruggist. (f superior and
few equals. I)r
Sheep grow to an immense size in
southern California. One was re
cently of Sau killed Bernardino in tho County mountailH^gp|on which,
it is
reported, dressed four hundred pounds
of good mutton.
No romoby more effectually destroys
and .‘expols worms from the intestines
than JSliriners’s lmlan Vormfego- It is,
without doubt, the host article in the
Toombs Hu Host) preached to a largo
congregation at the Methodist church
at Washington Sunday night. Mr.
DuBose is well known in Georgia, ho
having owned and edited the Wash¬
ington Chronicle for some years past,
fie has decided to outer tho ministry.
Tyro Young* Clerks Who Won
$16,000 in the Louisiana
State Lottery.
Henry Hudson and Hurry Knotts, two
youlig olojks in (J, D, Kenny *6 tea store,
noo N. (HtyNt;, n couple of weeks ago
drew $H1,oau in the J-unisana State Lottery
and have already received the money.
They sent one dollar and got one-twen¬
tieth ticket No. which won 9300,000
<’f which they received $15,000 tho one
twentieth p at.—Baltimore (Md.) News,
March 27 *•«»>«*»*
, :
m li
m vaiuahic on * on* l f i'i a* KiforlHi r y 5 j > 1 it' 'w 111: n t hTy the 1 ca 11 secure
a one for «imo mon -
4 .y # j)i* Acker’s sick Kn^lNh lieadnclie pills and nr© all n IJv«£_^_ pohI*
tlv« cure for "eiedly
troubles. They »r« mimli. ivwnet,
Mill no not gripe. JlaininacK Lucas'
is the coiiiphiiut of thousand suffering
from Did Asthma, Consumption CotiglH, etc.
you ever try Dr. Acker’s English
Ifemeilv? h is the best preparation known^
for all hung Trouhles- Mild on n positlv Lucas at 25c. nml 50c. I!y 1 lam mack.
& (Jo.
A ( tilId Killed.
A not her child killed by the use of op'a*
tes given in the from of Soolliing syrnp.
Why mothers give their children such
deadly poslson is surprising when they
can relieve the chid of peculiar troubles
by using Acker’s Baby Hoother. It con¬
tain ,h no Opium or Morphine, fckild by
lintntnack. l.ucasi (Jo,
We Can and Dr,
Guarantee Acker’s Blood Elixir for It has
lin n ully (Icmoii*tratcd t<> tlia people of
ihi- country that it Is superior to all other
preparations for blood (ilscaftos. It is a
positive cure for syphilitic Pimples, poisoning. to
Ulcers, Eruptions and
purilica the whole system and thoroughly Hamnuclf,
r,i.iids up tho constitution.
Lucas & (Jo..
If you or any or your family should
happen wiiat to lie frightfully burned or scalded
pain have you in the iiou-e to alleciata
the until you can get a physiciano hand in
A box of lleggT German Naive at
time like this would save a world of suffer
ng and oftentimes a doctor bill, as It has
no iidlammalioii < (| ii lie case, of tills kind, as well as
of ail kinds. Dr. It. J. Reid
Tltclr Ho-inchs (looming.
Probably no one thing bus caused such a
general revival trade at Lucas »fc Haul
mack’s Drug .Store as tin ir
giving away lo their customers of so
many free trial bottles of Dr. King’s New
Discovery for < .'onsumption. Their trade is
simply enormous intliis very valuable art
cle from the fact that it nlwa.v - cures and
ncevrdisappoints. Coughs, ('olds. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Croup, an t ali throat and luno
l a a-es quickly getting cured. You can test it be¬
fore buying by a trial bottle frge,
arge size gi. Every bottle wuranted.
j»* i; . x <i sicAiu* s to robiiTf'* liealth marka
an fjd cli hi Mu life of ilre in«Uvldual,
?,^temo?y "and’lhe ag«,Jfy ‘iKby* jneatfully tto
g. i«t la-alre ha.- huen attained is
, A r’" K I.'Y‘,1,* ‘ ‘ ?si tlV So* many
ti oy owe their nv-ttomtion to liealth.
(if " i/; 1 ,, A^,. [AnYd wVm any d"s
Kiihn-y, Liver or Stomach, of
i long m .short imljiig you will surely find
j , lt - (>f . ^ ^ bottle At Lucas & Ham
j Tile llarDcr Shop.
! When vou are in Augusta and want
| Hold shave or ban cut go It to the the Central
I’.ar’nvi iop. is plac%