Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, June 06, 1890, Image 1
J- HHFtynt B o m 4JMMA <3 $ CLEM. 0. M333E. YOL. XIY. 6 na n ISSSS I f- m li H h S m FEE * LEJLXDERS a 5 A! m ■ * m Sis 5 n i - I m ,t\ m . *£i ! 1 - t i 85 f r 9 Wi i T H 9 ' From now on wc arc determined to sell the goods il Low Prices will do it. Wc hjive (lie largest stock of j Spring and Summer goods that has ever been brought j to Middle Georgia.- iixel-iidisig all the latest, styles and novelties We in all th^ffoods departments; sell and they / autl . bought » S9 to must go, " 7 wc want everyone •' to get ® a share of the bargains ~ tnat offering, . we arc now $?■ Y : liMifl l) ■ mm 111! And Taliaferro’ i sholild ta'ae advantage* oPtm great opportunity to lay in a supply of spring and mer goods at such low prices. We will save you ten times the money that it will take to come up, aiMl . I *d-Tl. you new and bright goods Sower than you ever heard of before. OFII LEADING IjINIi£ * Pre*s C»!oops, lies icry, White tnoods, Parasols, Fans, Nho<‘s, Clippers, Clothing, straw ami tur llat.s, Millinery, Domestics, Far niturc, Crockery ware, Cwiass ware and in iaet any thing you can call tow 9 ■ ¥ f | M'jW ADDITION! Our artistic nn<l stylish Milliner Miss Berdie Densnn, has surprised every one at the beauti > 3 ful hats and bonnets that she has turned out. She has been busy day and night with assistant* to keep up with the many orders Hint Me- lias taken. We can show you live styles of hats I o any other house’s one, and such beautiful Fiowers and T, immings have lu-ver been brought to this market betiec arid at and prices far lie low what you have paid before. Every lady should call and see our Millinery department. We c.-ut save you money guarantee satisfaction. l»Zi OUR M OTT From the beginning has be en: “I’o serve the People and save them money by se lling them the [>j‘si C at the Lowest Prices.” We appreciate the liberal pa¬ tronage our friends from the adjoining counties have given us and we want to show oar appreciation for past favors by selling you goods lower than you ever bought before. To conic early before the stock is picked over, foi’ our stores are daily crowded with people J fill* ^ ft I id _ near, mm iii niiiiiitfi m m ■. m C: msa iki '1*1 M a tl ■ i M e uu. CrREENESBOHd SM GEORGIA. leveled t® the Interest ®f Taliaferro Count?, the People and fieaeraJ Sews. ORAWFORDV1LLE, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, JUNE G, 1800. — WONDERS. TAB. LATEST DISCOVERY * \ - At Hillman, Georgia—Augusta People Interested. i tliaferro’s health dealing waters are infixing in quantity and the world ho surprised at what may be An the soil of this county. • .pfkt big scheme to he developed , s , U s A, reftaae Hillman of some shaft thirty by a company acres of - r ugustans. It is not so much the s 1 that the gentlemon ate after as tbs inii ml water tliat is on it. U - , A. L. Hillman lias leased bis vnujilerful Alkaline spring to the linn. The Augusta Chronicle o|s<f says: j \n option has been secured on the wi::i exclusive rights to the wa f is the intention of these gon f things pan out as expected, •,.) imv ie Water bottled and sliipped to ev part of tlie country. It is :-,im.ii nvd that they will erect a a hotel near (lie Hillman • '.nctri veil and make other improve no^.ts at will attract invalids from ail pan of the country to lie cured by \v< derful water.” '.Tie ngusla News says: 'To: i wonders never fail to turn ’ ; <•« ii umi attractive «.r an <?«t»rgia u !u!lnv diimTIV^ar llm b> ' ^^‘‘^,1^0^' h nothing ^ ,S middle regions of the ; tn . . > ly. Its cures are pronounced ,te . 1,1 remarkable. a! i bat. a nauseated patjent lias to h . him mean glass fun «r tins v-jitcr, and the sickness disap r no .t, timtaulty as if by magic, this nature afo ro •e .curing is creating a 8 e as tin (Decti ic shaft, iJV'i'tWn Vigo, an.i is calling new tr '<>ut won iiTTttl rici-rlitin:- tmod. l * Tti •pw spring is located near tile FtpC/lif; Well, and a company Is ul- 1 dtly joegotiating for the property and m ■.../! Lot tlm water. If its magical I’K.i: ggfes can 1)0 Lrausporl.ed, it, will certainly sell in all direclions. A hotel is also projected and, if ev¬ erything goes welt the wonderful .spring will be a popular resort. II, is in a beautiful section and will wake an at tractive i esort. Augusta is interested in this new wonder, of course, for as it is near this city it cun very properly lie put down as another new Augusta enterprise. Se.eral well known Augusta citizens and capitalists arc interested in thu in¬ vestigation and development of this wonderful spring. Ulcerated Sore Throat. Two years ago I had Ulcerated Sore Throat, and was so weakened and re¬ duced it. Ilesh that my friends thought It impossible for mo to recover, i was atltmded Ly the best physicians, but their endeavors to relieve mo were I utile - My mother seeing ,Swift’s Sp cific (S. N. S.) so highly recoin mended, decided to give me a course of it, and after taking the first bottle I was great ly telle ved, ami after tak I ug several bottles I way entirely ear¬ ed. I have not had any signs of a return of the disease since. Cl.fKT. Bf.OXTON, Williamsburg, Vu. The Grandest he Ever Saw. Mr. W. J. Holman, a prorninet eiti y n of Gainesville, Fla., writes'ti c following under date of Feb. 10, 1800: T contracted a severe case of C'on tagious Blood Poison that gave a great deal of trouble, and baffled the physicians of this place. 1 was li.ialiy -'idvised to try Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.j, ?rid I can say, with great pleasure, '.bat a few bottles of it hat entirely cured me. f have no hesitancy in say mg that H. S. 8. is the grandest blood medicine I ever saw’, and can cheei ful ly recommend it to any one suffering aS I was” Treaties on Blood and Skin Disease free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., 1 Ga ‘ The ItarOer shop. When you are in Augusta and want shave or hair cut go to the Central Hotel Barber Shop. It is the place Terms: $1.50, in Advxne*. A representative of a light weight family is now in business in Athens. He tips the beam at 102, and says that i)j, s father’s family, numbering seven did not 'unite reach 00) pounds. ■— • Don't Feel Well, And yet yon are not sick enough so con £" wK™ ' friends— wo will toll you just what you need. It is Hood’s Sarsapurla, ■ which Witt lift you out of that uncertain, un comfortable, dangerous condition, into a state of good health, confidence and cheerfulness. You’ve no idea how potent this peculiar medicine is in cases like yours. It is useless to say cigarette smok¬ ing does not pay. Major Ointer of Richmond has mud $7,000,000 out of cigarettes. “A faithful nssistaut.” This is what the nurses term Or. Bull's Baby Syrup. It. is Hu- best assist ant; as it. will prevent a •’crying spell" of the baity. The low price of '-’a cents a package, brings L.ixador, the “golden" household remedy for all diseases of tin,- liver ami blood wit bin the reach of all. Senator Colquitt is quoted as saying recently: ‘‘From present signs noth¬ ing is more certain than Coat the Democracy will cany the next. Con¬ gress, and Presidential election of 181 ) 2 , ”, # A sallow eoiiiplexion is im-icatlv of worm s A few (loses of Shrine's Indian Vermifuge will destroy tln-in and give a bright and healthy complexion. When you need n mild laxative you should have a medicine that will act on (lie Dver and kidneys is well ns the bowel* Beggs’ Vegetable Biaer pills are prepared exressly for this purpose. Insist, on gel. ting them, a* tin-y tmve no superior and few equals. Dr-It..). Reid Druggist. In I lie Wortll laving! Not If you go through the world a dys peptic, Anker'S Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive pepsia, Indigestion, cure for Hie Rlafuleney worst fronts and of Con¬ Dys¬ stipation- (;uaraueed and sold Ivy llain inack Lucas A Co., Driiggslts \ Duly t» Yourself, Tl. IssnrpVHleg that people will use n com moil, ordinary Boglisli nil! when they can secure (..valuable, one for pllMiwIFa thu pony toon ey. Dr /sekei’a tfngllsb nos|. live etirc for sick liemlnclm and (til liver troiildes. They ire small, sweet, easily .t taken . I)ruggists, m! do not gripe. Hummnck Lucas < 'o., l.'AN'T si,i:l l* MCIIIS, is the complaint of thousand suffering from Asthma, 1 knisiimptioii Dougin, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker’s lSnglisli lieiii.'dy.’ lor all Lung Ills Troubles- the best preparation known (Sold oil a posltiv guarantee Lucas at Win. and BOc. By llanuniick, & Co. A Cllllll Killed. Another child killed by the use of opia¬ tes given in lias from of Soothing syrup. Why •noitiers give their children such deadly position is surprising when they can relieve tlm chid <d' peculiar troubles by using Acker’s Itnliy Kootbev. It eon- tains no opium fences or Morphine. Hold by Ham muck, & Co.. We Can and !)(, (,ce Acker’s Blood Elixir for it lias been fully demomdrated to tile people of this country that it Is superior to all other jirenaroUona for blood disen*as. It is a positive I,’leers, cure Kruptlons for syphilitic and I’imples. poisoning, It purines the whole system and thoroughly Itamiiiaek, i i.llds up the constltutlou. Lucas A Vo.. if yon or any 01 your Isumly happen fo 1><* frightfully hunualor scalded what have you in the lion <* to allevhita the pain until you can get a physieiane hand in A box of Unman Salve at. Ulna like this would -aye a world of siiffer- 1 and ofteuiime.s a <loet<»r hill, as il, has no eon; I in eas'H of this kind, as well as Iii(Ltinm.'tti<iii of all kind Dr. It. J. Reid Druggist. A Her.po I Paper Save* Her Idle, It is Just an ordimry scrap of wrapping paper; hut It saved ti«r life. She was In Hie last stage of consumption, told hy physicians that sh, was fncurcahlc and could live only a short time, she weigh:s| less than seventy pounds On a piece of vrapplog New paper she read of Dr. King’s It helped Discovery, and got a sample bottle; ter, she bought it largo; hot,tie, it helped her more, hough! anotlu rued grew better fa t, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing stamp 140 pounds W. rer If. fuller Cole, particular* •nd to Druggists, Foil Smith. Trial Ik,Hie of tl,L wonderful Discovery Free at Lucas & Uammack's Druggists. Hcrofilia if an Impurity of the lilood which produces unsightly lumps or swel¬ ling, which, accumulating in tin, glands of the neck, causes painful runuiug son's „„ u „. Rnn(1> m fwtj , vh ich develop* nU:(‘T- ill the itrin-, or fort, wlFoh develops uhwr- in me eyes, ears or »•<-«. often causing b llndn ett an 1 d-afiiess. Take I*. IM*. f Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and 1’atasslum> It lets proved itself the mont remarkable of «t!l blowl purifiers lie who Is feeling miserable, suffering with D\-pepsia atm Indigestion and often time-, w111, ,, du/ane-*, wonl , t , do . wE u , to • .; at 0,1 1 ’ r .‘ k,J AMi, lose , Loot and I olassmm; will cure you and arrest the di- a c in its uicq.ieu ,.v. NO. 23 A IIORIUI) DEATH, MR. BILLIE HAMMOND, OE OGLETt ORPE Dies With Hydrophobia—The Fearful Struggles of the Doom¬ ed Man Begging Some one to Shoot—The Deed of Mr. Sorrows. The Athens 15 inner last week coft-* tab ed a brief notice of the death of Mr. Billio Hammond, of Ogletliorper comity, from hydrophobia. A gen-’ tleraan, gave the folowing additional particulars: Mr. Hammond, is a son of Mr. Jack Hammond, and who leaves a wife, and children nearly grown. About ono month ago Mr. Ham¬ mond was bitten oil the linger l»y a mad dog. The rabid animal also at tacked several cows, Logs and other' dogs, all of which have since grown' mad. This gentleman, however felt no dread of his horrid fate, and thought that the timo had been so long that he would escape. On May third Mr. Hammond was cutting oats in Ids field, when lie felt a severe pain where the dog had bitten him. Ho kept going and waa Dually taken with a spasm in the Held.. That night, on his return home bo¬ tch! his family that he had hydropho¬ bia and asked that they tie him secure¬ ly, as lie was afraid that in bis parox¬ ysms of pai:: lie might do some ono harm. Hut they refused to do this,, ai.d with great thoughtfulness for Urn safety of Ids family, Mr. Hammond remained out doors all right, where he was taken will) lits, and they ijon I inued at frequent intervals, His. suffi-iings must lutvo been Horrible. Tim next morning lie was ear¬ th d into the house, and again Iregged to ho tied, hut Ids family objected and it was not dono. Dr. Huyle was in attendance upon the poor man, and did all that medical skill could, but will) no avail. Friends and noifhbors volunteers I their services, and every kindness possible was extended. Spasm followed spasm, and each sue* eroding one was worse. In his lucid moment Mr. Hammond begged some one to shoot him and thus relievo hint ..f his agony. lie said li is suffering was more than human nature could hear, and It would be a mercy to put an end to his life. At lust Idsagmy boenmo so gteau,. and his appeals for pitiful, that it is reported some one gavo him a loaded pistol, and the poor man said Iw would use it luit bis courage had failed him. In one of his spasms, all the inmates of the room lied in terror, but a brave young man named Sorrows, who, seigeded the p )or victim, and lirmty held him in his arms until the fit had passed olf. It was a heroic act, andt a fearful risk. All the morning spasm oft or spasm came on, and it was horrible to nee the agony of the victim. Ilm suffer¬ ing was intense. In bis rational in¬ tiavals he described his feelings to, I hose stand vjg amiiiid him, and Mr, Hammond seemed to forget his own fate in a dread that ho would hariq Home member of his family or a frier.d in his frensied spells. About one o’clock Friday afternoon while begging some one to kill him ha was attacked with another lit, ant| springing from his last said/ “I reckon this will end the hell I am in.” The sufferer leaped out unto the floor when all those present fled from the room. They could hear his strug¬ gles and looses, but dared not go to his relief. At last the soard all died away, and when the room was entered again Mr. Hammond was found sit ling up in a corner, with his eyes widu open hut dead. It was one of the roost horrible ends eve i known in Oglethorpe county. We give I he pai tbuilars just as they were iecit<-'.l to an Athens Banner re potter. I .apfpKy, T Mh is what you ou^lit fo feav^, m fact 'Vhoinm.ds zr'SJa’nhinJt '!/it dally, mfii mourning because they find it not. Thous¬ ands upon thousands of dollars are sjient annually by our people in the hope that they he may had attain this boon. And yet it may Electric liiiters, hy all. VVe gnaratee that if used according to direc H us and the use per-isted in, will bring > i»u Loud Digestion and outs the demon We Dysjs rccomm. gsia and nd Electric insfell instead Bitters for Eupepsjn Idys ,„.dhia K jdn, ......all diseases of Liver, Stomach an(1 ys. Sold at 30c. and *1.00 pe* bottle hy Lucas & iiammack Druggists.