Newspaper Page Text
[We would be glad if our friends in town
and vicinity would their report to us the names
of any visitors to homes. Such as¬
sistance would be appreciated by the read
ers of this department. 1
— Mrs. Pinkston is stillvery sick.
—Mr. S. W. Chapman has been sick
this week.
—Mrs. G. C. Arnald visited Gieenes
boro this week.
—John Stephens went to White
Plains this week.
— Mrs. M. C. Rhodes is visiting rel¬
atives at Norwood.
—Dr. W. F. Ilammack weut to
Washington this week.
—The man dowu the road says he
is about to get into the grass.
—Miss Mary Gay is here in the in¬
terest of the Stephens monument.
—We bear that Isaac Taylor is very
sick at hisliome near the Plains.
—Bring on your announcement
with 8300 attached. That’s right.
—Mrs Dr. Farmer returned Wed
nesday from a visit to Greene county.
—Mrs. Mollie Jackson went to At
.Jjurtft-Sunday last to spend a day or so.
—Mr. W. L. Fambrough has the
finest vegetables we’ve seen this sea¬
—Mrs. E. E. Bohne went home this
week after a pleasunt..visit to relatives
—Mr. J Sam Chapman, of this coun¬
ty reported cotton sqares on the 30th of
—W. II. vVynue, of Tennille, was
in our town a part of this and last
- Prof. A. B. Jarrell, has been
counting the people in Cravvforuville
this week.
—Mr. J. Q. Henry returned home,
Saturday last, sick. He is working
on the Ga., R. R.
—Every farmer you meet wants a
liana a day or two now-a-days and
he finds them scarce.
—Mr. Asa Strom has again opened
up a jeweler’s shop in this pi me, in
the oh^Tueker corner.
—Mrs. Nancy Holden and Mrs.
Mary Legwen visited relatives in.
Washington this week.
—Crops are growing very rapidly
and everybody is in good spirits—
where the grass ain’t too high.
—Col. J. O. Brooke, of the State of
Sharon, was iu our town Saturday last
looking as pleasing as ever.
—Sheriff Hillsman, of Morgan couti
ty,came down yesterday and took
Tom Wilkirson back for trial.
—Through this section, the wind
and rain of last Monday night did
considerable damage to the unharvest¬
ed grain.
—The last two Friday nights found
jolly crowds of you.ig people at the
home of Dr. S. J. Farmer enjoying
English cured shoulders, Magnolia
hams, breakfast bacon, new grits, one
car each of nice corn aud oats just
received by Davis, Bro. & Seals
Green csboro.
—A gentleman tells us that Mr.
Wade Griffin, who lives at Daniel’s
Springe, has 15 acres of the finest
corn he has seen ir. Georgia.
—It is strange to know that while
we were flooded here Sunday and
Monday last that the people over
about Macon are dry and need rain.
—Sheriff Jordan arrested Tom Wilk¬
inson, col , Tuesday in the edgo of
Wilkes county. He is wanted in
Madison, Ga., for stealing and carring
concealed weapons.
—T. E. Bristow and E mily W. R.
Reid and family. Bill Bristow. W. A.
Wright, Bud Moore, W. T. Richard¬
son, Oraer Taylor and others spent
Sunday last at Daniel’s springs.
—Who is the man that sent us a
piece of spring poetry and did not
sign bis name to it? Don’t be ashamed
to send your name. If we put itin t he
waste basket we will not tell anybody
about it.
It is an unusual thing at this sea¬
son of the year to see a business house
so crowded with curtomers as is the
stdre of Davis, Bro. & Seals, Greenes
boro. The big cut they are making
in prices account for it. Go there
to get bargains.
—It is awful hard to convince the
average farmer that the new cotton
stalk bagging is anything else than
old jute. Jt looks like jute, smells
like jute and is not far from being
just, if it is not jute.
—Messrs. Sibley and Nixon, of the
poprlar firm of Sfidey, Nixon & Co.,
cotton factors. Augusta. Ga., was iu
our town Saturday last. Our farvaers
will find it to their interest to ship
tbei, cotton to this firm.
Read the big new mid-summer ad
yertisement of Davis, Bro. <fc Seals:
Greenesboro, just out in this issue.
They mean what they say and thous¬
ands are flocking to this Big store to
get the great bargains, which are of¬
fered to reduce stock before-taking.
Weakly Females use only W. Wo C.
Another Big Crane. i
This county is getting to be “Crany” ,
it seems. Mr. J. S. ChaDman killed a
large bird of the crane genus last Fri¬
day on bis place in this county, that
measured six feet and two inches from
tip to tip of its wings. It was fire
feet and four inches high.
New Officers.
Crawforcville sub-Alliance, No 1437
elected officers last Saturday for tue ,
ensuing year as follows: E. I. Ander
sen. Pres.; J. Rocker, Vice Pres.; W. T. 1
Flynt, Secty.; A. J’ Chapman, Treas.;
Ross Gunn, Chap.; J. W. Asbury Lee
turer; II. I). Murden, Steward; S. A.
Chapman, dooi keeper, with W. C.
Rhodes assistant. The Alliance is
gradually growing and gaining new
life every month.
For the Senate. !
We cheerfully put in our announce
meat column this morning, the card of
Capt. S. J. Flynt, whose name is of
f e red for the office of State Senator
from this, the 19th district. The
Captain is a true and tried Democrat
and lias represented our county two
terms in the lower house of the Gener
al Assembly. His record will insure
for him a good vote and if elected to
this c ffiee lie will make the district a
good and faithful officer.
The Biggest Yet.
On our local page will be found a
new advertisement of that excellent
firm of Davis, Bro. & Seals, Greeaes
boro. Their big cuts iu prices are won
devful and their big bargains are no
humbugs. The success of big firms
like this is iu the buick sales, and to
make these quick sales, prices must be
put dowu to the lowest level. Their
departments are constantly being re
plenished with the latest goods from
the best houses of the world and they
are turning goods into money at a
winning rate. No reader of this pa¬
per should miss the chance of getting
th& rare offer made by this firm for the
next 30 days.
Their bargain counters are the best
ever fitted out since the firm has been
run as present, and the bargains offer¬
ed are superior offerings to the trading
public. Remember them kindly with
your trade aud they will remember
you kindly in giving you rare goods
at very low prices. You can’t afford
not to read their big advertisement.
ggg-WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women.
la Macon.
Ye Ed. spent Monday iu Macon and
it Is surprising to know how
rapid the central Georgia city is grow
ing. New houses are going up on
all sides and the business is splendid,
There are several Taliaferro byys there
at work. Roger Brooke is stenogru; h
er for the Ga. Sotiihern & Fla., It. It.,
Llewellyn Roberts is doing well with
Dunlap & Co. and E. K. Boone is
there in the contracting and building
At Meteor Institute, G. Robert
Gunn and Robbie Chapman are both
holding enviable positions 111 their
classes and are making preparations
for the commencement exercises
which begin on the 20th inst. We
visited and inspected , the new build
ing now being erected for the Mercer
, boys. It is greatly needed , as ,, there
is now no chapel und Lite present re
citation rooms aie quite small and
inconvenient. The new building will
consist consist, of oc two two larire niige recitation recitation rooms rooms
and two officers’ special rooms wjtli
one large chapel. It will cost 840,009
; nd the Baptists of Georgia , will ,, raise
the money at once, Orawfordvfile
and the Taliaferro churches are ex
pected to do their full part towards
this home mis ionary work. Mercer
is a grand old institution of 52 years
standing and has done much good
for the Georgia ministry.
How’s This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by taking Hall’s Catarih Cure.
F. J. CUFNEY & CO., Props Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him directly honorable in all business
transaction and financially able to carry
out any obligation made by their firm.
\\ est & Trcax, Wholesale , , Druggists r . ... .,
Toledo, O. Waldistg, Kinxau & Maii
vin, Wholesale Drugists, Toledo O.
Hall’s Catarrh Bure is taken internally, and
acting directy upon the blood
mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75-.
per bottle, bold by all Druggists.
_ m , __
Try BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia.
Tinware crockery and glass ware
at half price at. Davi3, Bro. & Seals,
See the v.hite checked Nainsooks
at 5 and 6|c. at Davis, Bro. & Seals,
See the beautiful silks at 35c. 50c.,
and 95 cts per yd. At Davis, Bro. &
Seals, Greenesboto.
Be sure to read in this issue the
new advertisement of Davis Bro. <fe
Seals. Greenesboro.
The excitement over tiie big bar¬
gains at Davis, Bro. Sc Seals, Greenes¬
boio continues every day.
Nobody can sell you good prints beautiful at
24c. chailies at 2£c. and
Uiwiis at 3jC. but L)dV*S, BiO. ic Spoils, .
GiteiJtabuio. 1 .
Peeks Prediction True-Many
Acres of Corn and Cotton beat¬
en into the Ground.
The wind, hail and rain fell in tor
rents in the southwestern portion of
Taliaferro county Sunday evening last,
laying waste to crops in the heavy
cloud’s track.
Mr. T. V. An drews, one of our best
farmers, was in town Tuesday last
with a handful of stalks of cotton
perfectly bare of liujbs, or leaves and
scarcely with bark left on them. Mr.
A. says that these stelks are a sample
of DO acres of his cotton which was in
a fine state on Sunday morning and
which he found Monday morning all
beaten into the ground, and almost or
quite a total loss.
Acres and acres of his corn is torn
to atoms and the stalks stripped of
blades and the bodies of the stalks
Besides Mr. Andrews’ lo3s, Mess.
Jim Phelps, Alex II. Gunn and many
others have considerable truck ruined,
Mr. Andrew's says hjs loss will
amount to over a thousand dollars
Terrible, terrible was this calamity.
The losers have the sympathies of the
county and hope the little bruised
stalks will yet put out and bring the
tillers some reward for their labors.
Iii the issue of tho Democrat of
May 23 wo published a prediction of
Mr. Tom Peek, of this county, who
sa jd that this terriblo hail storm
WO uld visit this section between ‘'June
lst a ,„i 5 th”. Tho fatal night- to
many nice crops came on the lst. Mr.
p eek i s following Hicks very well and
this time did not fail in his prediction.
If he is successful many times again
it would be well for Hicks to lorm
copartnership with Mr. Peek.
Col. W. O. Mitchell.
It will be seen in our announcement
column that the namo of the above
gentleman is before our people asking
their support. Tho Colonel is so well
known by our people that comment
on his rtcord as a true democrat and
worthy gentleman would ho useless.
If elected we feel confident that he
will fill the office most gracefully and
rellect much credit to himself and the
people of our district. Next week
you can expect his announcement over
his own signature.
1^ - • - 4m --------—
jgyBLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation.
No humbug; no red tape, or red
but low prices, big bargains
and solid business is what the
trade will find at Davi3, Bio. & Seals,
Greenes boro.
Bargains! Extra bargains in bug¬
gies, wagons, carriages, road carts
to reduce stock. Davis, Bro. & S: ills,
Por the Senate.
To the Voting of Taliaferro Vounty, Ga :
cratic I hereby candidate present for State myself Senator as a for Demo- (lie
19 th Senatorial District. I most heartily
thank iny feilow cit/.ens for their con
tideuce and favors in the past, and if l
shall be their choice for this desired posi
tion, I shall earnestly and conscientiously
tii^ir desiring trust and worthy let in office; that but,
while the office, me say
^ shall not he the choice o. the people
jn f . ouventimij t shaIl moat cheerfully set
myself aside and sustain by vote and
effort the popular choice.
lour Obedient St-rv t
we are authorized to announce the name
of *V. O. MITCHELL for the office of
Senator from the 19th State Senatorial
district, sucject to the Democratic nomi¬
nation. Bis card will appear in full in
next week’s Democrat,
To lie Disposed of.
Entire stock of goods at C.
Myers is to be disposed of at
auction every Saturday, Now
]s your time to buy goods at
50 cents in the dollar.
Advertised Letters.
The following list of letters, remamin,
in the Post-office, at Crawfordvllle, Talia
ferro county, Ga., will be sent to the Dtaa
Letter office if not called for at the expi
ration of 30 days from date.
James McAvry (2), Mitchell, Miss Mary Miss McAvry,
Miss Amanda Annie
Grepptli, VV It Lowe. Anthony King, J
Amanda Woodall, MBs Lne Kanny. W
Fanner, Sam Lenson, D Edwards, K Boswell, Laurh Miss
Cobhn, Ida Frazier, Sarah Dosor. Henry Brantly,
Kartha A Brantly, Mamie Gunn.
When calling for these letters say
vertised.” M. E. Brooke, P. M.
A Purely Vegetable Remedy,
exempt of mineral poisons,bad odors and
taste, acting on the liver, kidneys and
system, . Headache, ..... Rheumatism,
Bladder and Liver troubles,
is the nonpareil of all home prescriptions.
McElree’s Wine of Cardul
for sale by the following merchant* in
Taliaferro County:
Dr. P. J Keid, CrawordvilJe,
George \V. Brown & Uo.,Sharon ,
Hum mack, Luck, oc Vo., Crawlorilvilie
A [32 TT'^
.f; .» Y,“ m T
’ V
IS® IAS mm tit m mm mwm
Priees will be slaughtered and the correct meaning
of the word ISargain will he explained by actual figures
for the next 00 Days at
Davis, Bro. & Seals!
Bargains in Woolens,
Bargains in Chaileys,
Bargains in Satines,
Bargains in Ginghams,
Bargains in Gloves,
Bargains in Hosiery,
Bargains in White Goods,
Bargains in Trimmings,
Bargains in Embroidery,
Bargain: in Notions.
New and seasonable
Goo It H s narked down to one
hah 1 Ida r actual value is
wV v ca!I Bargains
Store lias the slock! No other Store enu MAKE RUCII BIG BARGAINS! Remember that Davis, Hro. A Heals, hav®
1 b'l i,.'. deceived' Buy not dollars worth from = ny one till you have seen tho <ionuino sure enough Bargains in every da
I one SEALS, Ureenesborro, Georgia.
11 1 to be found for the next HO at DAVIS, BRO. A
Best Insect Powder
and Guns ever offer¬
ed the trade. Mos¬
quito Nets, Fly Fans
and Traps at factory
It, is hardly necessary I" even call attention to our Millinery department. Miss Billfold, our milliner Is rushed every hour
sending our Beautiful HATS AND BONNETS by the hundreds. Talk about anybody'else leading In Millinery gales, M Iss Rill ford
is too far ahead to catch even a glimpse of the people in renr. DON’T BE MISLED, but buy youi Millinery only at MISS BIN
FORD, with Davis, Bro. A Seals, We have things truly beautiful aud the prices really low.
Special drives In Mid Summer clothing,
I ires Fabrics, White Goods, Embroidery,
Parasols, Fans and Laces.
Undertaking Department.
Just received another lot of approved
patterns In coffins and caskets, and Spec¬
ial trimmings.
We have two fine HEARSES and a
special alpHcompetent Undertaker, All
orders filled at lowest prices.
We have no space here for naming prk -s on special articles, you r< ly on our public prices being
sufficiently low to please, delight and insure the continued rush of the trading to the
largest, cheapest and most reliable house in Middle Georgia—
DAVIS, BEO. & SEALS, Headquarters for Everything.GREENESBORO> C-A.
We wish to greatly reduce our stock before taking Inventory, AUG. ist. To aid our
selves in reducing the stock, we will offer to the trade, until that time, some prices and bar¬
gains which others need not attempt to match. ®guRemember the time—60 days. lie
member the place only at SEALS
Last But Not Least.
We invite your special attention to our Tre
mentions Bargain Tables, loaded from one end
to the other with newer, handsomer and more
seasonable J goods than were ever before seen on
cl Bargain Table and 1-2 cheaper than any com¬
petition would attempt to Offer such GOODS for.
jiteincmliLT tlie Place.
! . ! ea b!
9 ■
? MENT. -’
It will be to your interest to
he one of the first to visit our
store and get some of the bar¬
gains that we advertise.
is too large.
reducing it
I Our _ prices lor ,1 tile next ,
ilays, will gain the
brightest smile ’ - while com
Ipetll v . Will ... 1
I On ail tig \
Full Linn of All The Famous Light ning Romeflion. Thc
[Most Wonderful Medicine Ever Discovered. Davis, Bro. &
Scale, Sole Agents for Qrccncsboro._
Bargains in Corsets,
Bargains in Fans,
Bargains in Barasols,
Bargains in Umbrellas.
Bargains in Shoes,
Bargains in Underwear,
Bargains in gents Furnishings 7
Bargains in Jewelry,
Bargains iu Perfumery,
Bargains in Furniture.
Every Department of
our mammoth stock will
lie called upon for the
mocks, Base Balls *
Bats, Croquet Sets,
ik Ice Cream Freez¬
ers are among our
leaders. Get our
We can save you money on Grass
fc„atlics, Grain Cradles and
Blades. We handle only the best Goods,
We have the largest assortment and the
lowest prices. Consult your own inter
0(i (, ar „| buy these goods from Davis, Bro.
A Heals.