Newspaper Page Text
Crawforwiik I >
flit i, <»
• By OLE!*. G. M3D1E.
esssss I
G Bgi ■OSCM, I
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p ro m now on we arc determined to sell the goods si
Low Prices will do it. Wc have the larjrest stock
Spring and Summer goods that has ever been
lo 1 Uliddle Cicors’Sft * * ’ mcltiding all Use latent siy* aiiu
all departments* .
novelties >
in ■
We bought the goods to sell and they must ao, and
we want everyone to get a share ot the bargains fnat
we are now oiiering.
f ^
, to Mf _ } ^« supply e r"' of /. • ami l tM sttk..,,
great ® oppoi’tumtv *, a spring i 1
* • m »/" IS 4
mer goods at such low prices, will take vto will save and you ten;
times the money that it to come up,
you new and bright goods lower than you ever beard ef
before. OIJR LEADING LINE*!*.- Dress C;oods, Hos
icrv, White (foods, I B arasols, l^ans. Shoes,
Clothing, straw and tur Hats, Millinery, I lomcsfics, r ur
' j • /•
nil • are, C > . rockery -* w are, Culass /- (s ware and in suet , j any¬
thing you can call tor.
sj XKW VIVnmONi ^ur artistic and stylish Milliner
MissBerdie Denson, has surprised every one at the beauti
ft Jp *ful hats and bonnets that she has turned out. She has been
otliCT house’s oiie)am/such S {wantifu) , FmwcJs smVi^Ti^i ni ViViiV'ys'lni'vi'-'iH-yi'j^DV'i-il Imi lit 1 .<?t'lVi i n'm rk>'t. V lifd'ee'niid ':il'^ j > ri o. * * fa'r '\T
low what you have paid before. Every lady should call and see our Millinery department. We can save you money and guarani **
From the begiimiiig lias been: 4i r To serve (lie People
and save them money by selling them the best floods
at flic Lowest Prices.*' We appreciate the liberal pa¬
tronage our friends from the adjoining counties have
driven us ami we want to show our appreciation for bought past
favors by selling you goods lower than you ever
r jTo come early before (he stock is picked and over, lor
our stores are daily crowded nnip with people far near.
5 wig
M H I n
i 1,2
h ->
m i a
ftcvoted t® the luterest »f Taliaferro (to v; ;fc« People and (leneraJ lews.
CRAWFORDVl lt.e, GEORGI' .TLNE .13, 18!H>.
wbunny Sunk.
('.its is thf stiiiny month of .lime,
i i youths* apd maidens like to
. • «;
yj.\rall^aJong fourths'eaotfother's the moonlit sand
ijK iy hands,
t frok up at the motor’s bright beam,
pd thinks of love—and slie ice
Tfc ) Master’s Hidden Face.
nr gpiisjlal experiences are made
. . ! S and. shadows. Such ’tin
ti, enmnt is no doubt wise. Our
■ui. blither sends ns all the sho¬
wy can bear. Continual snti
‘ putites the desert; continual
fiRlte thesfeivanjp; sunshine and
Vylje the .garden. Ralph Kfe
•hi; “There is no devil so bad
devil.” To the Christian, tllCTO
ephktmily so.great us-‘the hiding
r'd'sfieo ; ‘ I When : the r-iLAnirv
'“Om, he looks i lor . sin. Ibis is
i, i \ irdif, ftir sin is sure to grieve
V u, amt cause nun to cover il ls
t a;0 Hut sin does not explain all
f it. idiugs of Ills face. Clouds wime
win we arc nearest the cross. Homo
•hr.'-, then, instead of reproaching
;o-selves and saying. “What have
t <> in,mV” «’<oid, we what ought art to look tiiou up and doing?” s iy,
L'i" ■ arc two good masons for the
luGiug cf God’s face, own when sin
is mi the cause of'it. <),io reason is
Mrti. we may love the face more when
we do 8ee it. The absence of a
!ljff)i by i„.| MK a mth.
! do •: in entiling. Another reason for
ii# hiding of nm sfs face is that wc
milv know ourselves. The sinner can
lv lr lilt-time without having a
J desire to win a entile from tlm
f ini • The Jbristiau is in distress if
i ' /i
j/'■ ' 1 "! | il ha ups ovof his soul for an
I V._Tll(> t |y|.;lSUI'0 of his love is
IW Yt hi.) ijufiaalncss. Wo
'em ,let the cloud couio, when
* vo,
ivi. U. P unj-jY
-oFun,At ... ....................... > omo.
.. .rr»titknow who wrote the f«i
Towj»g truthful words or wo would
Rl> . lly glV( . his „a„ l0 . nut no Btnk«r
^' tc,,or,, ’' ind
» row musty «m c«b
want to min yom- Hon», in u inu
that all mirth ai d social enjoyment
must be left at the threshold vyiUumt
when they came home at niglit.
When once a home is regarded as only
a place to eat, drink and sleer in the
work is begun Unit ends in gambling
houses and reckless degiadafiui.
Young people must have fun and re¬
lu.l taxation; pS^MdamD." if they do not n»'| (
^} ie doors and windows be clieerful
ly thrown open In tho summer, tit d
make the home delightful with all
those little arts parents s> well un
ierstaud. Do not repress tho buoyant
spirits of your children, Half an
hour of merriment within doors itnd
merriment of a home blots out the
remembrance of many a care and
annoyance during the day; and the
best safe guaid they can lake with
them Into the world is tho influence
of a bright home.”
Editing a Paper.
Editing a paper, says an exchange,
is a pleasant business—if you like it.
If the type Is large it doesn’t con
lam much reading matter. If we
omit jokes folks say wc are nothing
but fossils. If we publish original
matter, they blame us for not giving
If we give selections peo¬
ple say we are lazy for not writing
more. If we give a complimentary
notice, we are censured for being par¬
tial; if wo don’t everyone says we ; re
unjust. If we remain in our office
attending to our business, folks say
I we are too proud to rnigle with other
people. If we go out, they say we
‘ don’t attend to our business. If there
is any tiling else tha 4 - one can fyii£'
genfc aa to now we should not conduct
tlie [iajM;r, please let us kno w.
The Itarlter Strop.
: When you are in Augusta and waul
* shave or hair cut go to the Of Ira!
Hotel Barber Shop. It he plat#
Tarms: $1.50, in Advance.
Miftk Twnin’s suoo.ass i.i life, says
a correspondent of the Chicago Times,
seems to haw tirade him crusty and
some lr Ho . is worth ., considerably •lit over
S3.Li(hi f 00Q.
""" -r » r ________
* 'RvrervhoGv tTnowa
f very body Knows
„ That . at this season the Mood tided with
impurities, ucmiinlat ion of iiionins of
close confinement in poorly ventilated
stores, workshops and tenements. At)
these impurities ami cvi'iy |race of sero
(Mttav oTfiefiod salt rhgfrfn, or other disease my lie
hjr* taking Mood's Sarsaparilla,
the best bipod purifier ever produced. 11 ..
is the only medicine of which “100 (loses
one dollar'' true.
Shrouiaii is reported as getting in
his»ii8iial supply of ice, preparatory
th {lie campaign of Tel.
A child's Greatest enemy is worm ..
Who can calculate the misery ami suffer
big a child Ims to endure who is infested.
W«l. WotmsV Stainer's Indian Vermi
| tll „, wi „ ,, lNlrov „ ml „ xw ,.
belli ehihlreii and adirlts. Only . ‘Jo els, a
- —» * -
The Law of the Case.
The Law of Husband and Wife is the
name of a honlc wrlt'en by Leila .1. Robin¬
son. Ail a judications of this knotty .sub¬
ject would he simple if ii wore regarded
a spring of compromise. Incompatibility
of temper Is fi'oi[iienlly occasioned by it
disordered liver. II, makes a well-disposed
mortal morbidfc morose or snappish. Into
such houses where this explain the sitim
lion the soother of ruffled or disgruntled
dtspsositions would he ns a white winged
angle of peace and messenger of hap
piness. With a bottle of Westmoreland’s
*'aii: aya'I'oiue comes health, vigor, an
optimistic frame of mind and a dispelling
of ali d irk clouds. Tnilie up your liver,
brace up your nerves aiul Improve your
appetite bo using a bottle, which can he
had of I >r. It. .1 Reid.
The importance of purifying the blood
cannot lie over-cslhiiaicil, for without
pure blood you can not, enjoy good health
I*. I*. T. (Prickly Ash, Poke UjOt and
Potassium) ' is a miraculous blood purifier,
performing more cures in six month.-.
than all the sarsaparilla and so-called
blood purifiers put together.
RUeumatlsm is riii-ed by P. P, P, Pipn,.
and aches in IhC hack knees, UUith ,
in, is. and m an i all attacked add
k P. 'J’h ! s great
iiv'Tts blooc#.i«.ai...;iig ^
un uji and ,um strengthens the whole body -
Uheujjpatism. - .lamrs 1 axton, of M.uan
nnli (}ii, says lie had Rheumatism so had
(hat ye could not move from the bed ot I
•’ i,
dress without ... , help, , ,, and tin
many remedies, hut rece! veil norellel uu
til lie began to uso P. P- P. (Prickly Ash,
Poke Root and Potassium), mid two bot¬
tles restored Dim to health.
Dost of Golfijo.
The United .Slates Is, without a
doubt, a nation of eoffeo drinkers,
The imports from South America
union!, to over f.J5,000,(100 pounds
annually, of which lib per cent conics
from iua 7 .il. The second largest ship¬
per to this market is Venezuela, 11 per
cent. The lirst cost in the country
averages $>0(1,1147,(>00. The first record
of prod in; lion in Brazil begins with
1870, when 180,000,001) pounds wore
shipped to the I oiled States. High
wat“r mark was reached in 18 >, with
400,000.000 pounds of shipments, One
laigc item of expense in Brazil Is to
get the eoffeo to market, Freight
charges as high as 14 cents a toll a
mile have been paid, which from a
distant plantation to Rio Janeiro
means from 11.75 to 82.50 a sack.
The highest charge from Uio to New
York is sixty-IUe cents a bag.
An A!Iiinta Liuly’n S:ul Con¬
About two years ago a sore came on
my nose. I called in a physician who
could arrest it only for a few days
when it would appear as bad as eve.
Finally it became permanent, and
despite the constant attention of sev¬
eral physicians it eonth... i *“>■■
worse, tins discharge from too nice)
being exceedingly olf o-ive. This
was my con ■iitiun when 1 commenced
to take Swift’s Specific (S. s. s.
about one months ago, but 1 am now
happy to s y that after taking four
large IxitUes of your wonderful medi
cine my nose is entirely well, and my
general health better than it has been
j in ten years.” Ur.sii.
Mu n i> x
Atlanta, (la.
Swifts BiNScifio (S. .S. S * i cured me
1 of ;j 1 idittl Unit Itml l ro'iblcd w.t‘
for years. I consider it wiihiut an
‘ 'i nil.
Jamks Sh Eft wood,
Nashville, II).
Treaties on Blood and Skin Disease
mailed free. S A 11 l vH'EGl! IL CO.,
' iVtianta Ga.
NO. 24
But few ope.nuious on the farm pay
si well as judicious umlerdnirring.
\> In n von not'd ~ a * mild YT T laxative
should vo't
luivc a medicine iii.o win „ct' Oil
I he liver and kidneys vs 'veil as the bowefs
U*'R8 S ' Vegetable l.iaer pills are prepared
exivssly lin forThi purpose. Insist, mi set
,, „ , IM . V , I1|V<> no s orlor aild
lew oijuals. Di- it. Reid Druggist
A Wise f irmer learns from his inis
takes as well as from his success.
Is 9 lie H ordi l-ivingf
Not if \ on go llii onarh I lie world a dyS
jio.sitive peptic. Anker'. Dyspepsia fronts Tablets are a
ciuv lor the worst of Dy.s
pepsia, Indigestion, Klatuleney and Gita'
Hllpalioti- (lUaiimccd and sold l»y ilam
mark Lucas & Co., Rruggsits
AVliat lo feed, how to feed and when
to feed are three great problems in
ngriclnt nre.
a llui) to Yourself,
it y surprising that people will use a com
m**n, valuable ordinary Knyiidi pill when (hey can secure
a one fur Hie same uiogt
<W'. Dr ‘Acker's KmdWi pills are a posh
t.i\ e inue for siek headache and all liver
li ouhlc-;, I’hey ire smali. sweet, easily
taken , ml tie not gripe. Ilammsek lumas
<v Co.,. Dmggisi...
Thoroughbred dairymen and dairy
women are deeded as much as thor¬
oughbred stock.
nvr si,•,! !» Mi.iirs.
is l!n* complaint of thousand suffering
from Did Asthma, <'oiisiimpti»ii ( 'oisgiis, etc.
you ever try Dr. Acker's Knglisli
licm.-dy for all Lung ' I, Troubles' i< thehe.d prc]>aratiou known
Sold on a positiv
guarantee Lucas al, Joe. and ode. Ily llannmiek,
,v Co.
TTicrc. is onu tiirst. that the farmer
need not feu, if he gets his crops in
all right—and that is trust in I'rovi
\ Cliltil Killed.
Another child killed by the nsn of opia¬
tes given in the I mm of Soothing syrup,
Why mothers give their children such
deadly po ison the ehld is surprising when they
cnni elieve of peculiar troubles
by using Acker’s Rally Soothsr. It con¬
tains no Opium Lucas or Morphine. Sold by
Ham mack. A Co.,
I happiness . . •
no ot ., your , life „ depends , T
UP->M tlia CliiiPUOtor Of your tlioilffhti
Albany No«vs. Wrong: 'riio luippi
noss of yuur life depends ujion tho
Charaetor of your acts.
W iCauamf tfo
T nntee A' 1 ’ .irh Riood Kllxir for, h
1 “ • 'oily d.-i.i....-i.: .ted to ilm i “p
l.|i.. country otlohs that it Is sunerMi tivlloth.,
j(| )lflr for blood dt-sen**.. It Is n
p..-dtlvo euro Eruptions for syphilitic and Pimples poison in Ti
rh ers.
illes the whole system and thoroughly
imp Urn constitution, ffammacli,
l,ucas & Go.,
Men who “run down” their town
or county or nigldiovhood would do
well to roineinbi r that they set setisi
l,le iieojdu to wondering why they
don't move out, <2 lilinan 1’iesa.
If you or any or your family should
happen to In* frightfully bin tied or scalded
whal have yon in Hie house Vo alle'da'a
the pain milil you can get a pliystelano
A box of Iteggs’(o-rinan tins Salve at liaiul in
timn like would save a world of suffer
ng anil oltenlimes a doctor bill, us it.lias
no i on; I in eaics of this kind, as well as
inllaiiimnU'm of ail kind Dr. It. J. Reid
I >t uggi ii.
'lev, John Jasper (coh,) “Do once took do
Dio following loxt: Mon
Move,” Naw hnidders and sist’s do
f,n t is dis, d it J i di’a would not hav’
rrianded dc sun to sland still until bo
he could fight do battle, If do sou did
not move. 1 tell you bruddets and
a sisters dis seript’r conwinsos mo
dal do “Sun deo Move.”
Is Coiiaiuniitioii I/iruralilcf
Read the following: Mr. G. II, M rri»
Newark, Ark., says: “Was down with
Ali ce m, of Lung . and frh nds and physi¬
cians pronounced ui> an ineurabla Gom
sumptii'c. Regan taking Rr King’s New
Discovery for Gonsnmptfon, able am now on
my third bottle, and It the to finest oversee medi¬ tin*
work on uiy farm. is
cine ever made.”
Jes-e Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, says:
“Had it not liven for Dr. King's would New Dis
cove v fer Gonsmnptioii ) have di¬
ed of LuoTroufik's. In Was bed, given of health.’’ up bv
d'g'tors. Am now
Try it Sample bottle.-, free at any drug
An exchange avs that “a few of
the young ladles .d-cp with th ir heads
ot , . jRows (tiled with love letters.”
While there, may ho soft words
in the letfers, don’t we think it
ivo 'il nia! e a very comfortable pillow.
Resides.wo would he ashamed to ask
the Lord’s protection over ns during
the. unconc-otis period ot the night
with our bend on a bag of lies,
Iliectric nitter*.
This i onedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need u > special men
t ion. A ii Who Ii-ve used Kleetrlc Bitten
sing tin*, same mg of and praise.—A it pure*
tnediclue e(i does not exist :s gi.aran
t. to do all that is claimed. Electrit
Ritter v ill cure all diseases of the Live
and Kidneys, will remove lhmples. Roils
Salt Rheum and other tiffe I ions caused bv
iitinure hhxwl. Will drive Malaria from
: ii"' prevent as well as cure air
: M larcil fever . — l or cure of Headache,
j Go" am pi ion : ud liid'g. -tiou try Electric
‘ ' -:iti-faetio r guaranteed,or
I’rice 50 et and 3100
pel at any drug store.