Newspaper Page Text
; . ft Criititofte *. 4k w- I
S :>
ly CUH. G. M303E.
VOL.” XV'.
Kighest. eft hll in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
| * Baking Powder
Some how it ',0 much easier to ad
toire the great nan who is older than
yourself, than the great man who is
younger. Oecf.sionally you find a girl
so modest that she would prefer telling
a lib to having auytfiing to do with
the naked truto.
been Mr, actively W. M. engaged Jordan has in i
the Cotton Business dur¬
ing the past sixteen years. AUGUSTA, GA.
L erberal AdvancesMade on Cotton in Store.
We Guarantee Satisfaction in Every Respect.
We are ager Is for the Cotton Bloom and Cxuliet-t Steel Dru-di Gins, with Feedex
and Condensers These Gius Have no Superior. aug22
831, Broad Street* AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.
Heating Hanges, Stoves Grates,
W oodenware.
have Buy the selli NEW this EXCELSIOR since COOK with STOVE. 15 different Sizes in stork. We
been ig stove 1872, satisfaction.
HEATING STuVES for wood and Coal, for Churches, School houses, Stores
- and Bed rooms. GR vTES Enameled and plain, 14. 15, lfi, 17, 18, 19 and 2C
,de,r, Job work of all kind in Sheet-irer
i^F'Send lor (ireular, W. I. WFLI tf
V\ ILL TAKE Place-
Januiry 20 , 21 , 22 and 23 1891 .
n Miiii n i r~ •—** » zrvk i it---
_ _ .. _ ■i
KING cotton and ms COURT will arrive
=gisii tent and modern sports. At 7.30 mmm p. m. The Carnival procession will en
view of am grandeur, excelled outside of New Oi
t er Broad s ree' This will be a sight of never
January 23d varied sports will be going on, on Broad street. At night Kine
leans otton.sGiand’ Everybody should visit Augusta for this occas"
• Ball will take place.
ion. The.
BOUND TRIP TICKETS at VERY LOW RATES. Watch the papers for
.ul!oui will sell »• «• DORSEY, General Passenger Agent.
-nt of Rates.
JOB ’V. WHITE, Traveling Passenger Agent.
, A
1 A 1 w t:
\ c' H'SftRSm
'/■?/ mi
f A
m 0) -X Sharp
usf2 pRiSl
' //5T0ffEKEEPEk\^J SENOfG
^liiTTitc YOU Them^V EYD- i-HOUQKE Mass.
u* FOR ,
When a raan talks a great deal, they
call it criticism. When a woman talks
a great deal, they call it gossip.
The more wialth a man has, lh e
more difficult for him to find out what
people really flunk at>Hit,him.
BpvhUH t# the lutoatV Werrt tonty, foe Ftept iid general Jew.
? “M;;t" * itir Litre;- day itp.'.Ua -odea
are frai.iev. by men vriw nnstf-re ths «xi
geneies of their own ilecrtpitudtvfor the
normal condition of mankind.’’ says Drt
Felix Oswald.
Something new has been added to the
world's food list from California. This
is grape sirup, a most healthful and pal¬
atable preparation. One firm alone
makes 35,000 gallons of it this fall.
Boston will build a beautiful and fit
ting monument at once to her gifted
aad lamented citizen, John Boyle O’Reil¬
ly. Every city bnilda monuments to
he* famous dead except New York.
On improved farm lands in sums of
$300 and unward at a low rate <>f nterest
Easy time and a lower cost for negotiate
ing than is offered by other lenders.*'
Apply to M. Z. ANDREWS, At,ty.
Sept. 13, dm. CrawSardville, (la
/Y EORUIA Coukty
'T Whereas, Jus. W. Asbury, and
Otis S Thornton, Executors of the li
will and testament of Thomas A. Lvne,
late of for said county deceased, disnitsslon lias applied
to me letters of from saiil
This is to cite all persons concerned to
be and appear at my olliee on the first
Monday hi January 1891, at 10 o’clock
a. in. and show cause if any they can, why
said li tters should not be granted.
Witness my official signature, this fith
day of October 181)0.
Henry Ii, Fly nt, Only.
( T KOliUT \ Tai.iafhhko County:
I W. M. Sims Admistrutor do bonis
non with tin* will annoxeti oil the I'.stiite
of A. Ii. Stephens deceased, has applied
for leave to °ell tlie wild lands belonging
to said estate. Either at public or private
sale, and said application will be heard
on the first Monday in January 1891.
Given under my hand and official signa¬
ture this 27th day of November 1890.
Henry II. Flynt, Ord,, T, C.
A groeably to an order of court of Ordi
oary of Taliaferro county, will be s dd
at the Court House in said county to the
highest bidder for the cash, on first Tues¬
day in January next, the following pro¬
perty to wit:
All that tract of land lying 172nd Dist.,
G M , said county adjoining lauds of
R. Jones and S. B. Chapman containing
' >ur less, bold the
acres more or as pro-'
erly or dames I nplette, tieceaseu
Edward Croake.
As admr. of estate of said deceased.
ThisDec. 4 1890.
Letters of Dismission.
y To all whom it may concern. wn
Ham F. Hammack as administrator on the
estate of Benjemin Harrs, deceased, has
duly applied to the undersigned to be
discharged from said administration and
ask for letters of dismission. 1 will pass,
unon said application on 1st., Monday in
Jabuarv 1891
This 6th, October Win.
Henry II, Fi.y nt. Ordy
IT Whareas Edward S. O’Brien execu¬
tor of the last will and testament of Miss
Nancv Gunn, late of said county d« ceased,
lias applied to me for letters of dismis
sion from said estate. This is to cite all
persons concerned to be and appear at
my office on tlie first Monday in March
1891, at 10 o’ciook a. m., and "show cause
if any they can why said letters should
not he granted. official signature this 27th
Witness my
November 1890. T,
H shy II. Fi.ynt, Ord., C.
4 greealilc to an order of emir’, of Ordi
a V nary Taliaferre County, will be sold
for cash, before Court House door of said
county to the higliest bidder on first Tues¬
day in January next, the following pro¬
perty to wit:
All that tract or farce! of land lying in
-aid County adjoining forCi prong of lit¬
tle river on north. North and South prong
of little river or. East, land of Will Bird on
West and public road on south, containing
253 acres more or less. Said property sold j
as property of M. E- Bird deceased. 1
Dec-, 4 1890. W. W. Bird,
As ail'iii ., of said d«*c’(l.
iVnaiy 4 gre,>al>ly to an order "f , court . of r Ordi ,i
of Taliaferro county, wilt he sold
for cash, before the Court House door of
said county on the first Tuesday in J an.
uary next, the following property to wit
All that tract of land lying in said «*»
ty adjoining lands of John Co* on aartfc,
W, C. Rhodes on East, L. L. Veazay oa
West and estate of W. V. Holden, «•
South, containing 171 acres more or te*».
Said property sold as belonging to (tortood
(Josby, deceased. This Dec., 4 1890.
W. A. I.xswa*.
As admr., of said deceased.
\\! \ ill be sold, on the first Tuesday in la
v January next at the Court House
Taliaferro county within the legal hoos$
of sab-, to the highest bidder for ea*h, tb«
follov ing properly to wit:
One sorrel mare mule medium sire, and
one two horse wagon with iron axte«; said
property levied on as property of mW
of Win. Itliodes aweiued, to sattafy a fl
fa., issued from the Superior Court of »*4
conntv in case of John (Jhapmar. as exe
cutor on said estate against Nora Taylor
e t.- al. This Dec. 4 1890.
U. Joaoo*
old Waves.
Are p with reliable aecurmcy,
aid j v - ,ole |o the pains and aches
01 r 'uih iii ai dread every change to
d* p or stormy weather’ Although
H i’s Sarsaparilla is not claimed to be a
P' itivo specific, for rheumatism, the re
i” rkable cures it has effected show that it
ivdie taken for this complaint with
sonabie certainty of benefit, its action
vutralizing the ecidity of the blood;
ich is too ause of rheumatism, con
' ,ites the secret of the success",of Hood’s
aparilla. If you suffer from rhouma
tis.’i, give Hood’s Sarsaparilla a fair trial;
f ii uo you good.
a Scrapo t Paper Saves Her late.
s an ordinary scrap of wrapping
t saved her life. She was in
pi to of consumption, told by
bat she was lncureable and
co ly a short time; she weighed
let ■nlv pounds On a piece of
’’ **r \ne read of Dr. King’s
1 id got a sample, bottle;
t •nght a large bottle, it
he •». ciight another end grew
hi continut sj its use and is now
7 'Hinds -• healthy, Fcr ros’i ;-,ii plump, particulars weighing send
Iria) #•««/«. Bottle j of ^ugglsts, this wonderful Fort
i’ ry Free at Lucas & Hammack’n
("heir Business Booming,
h ibably no one thing has eft „sed such e
RPb-ral revival trade at Lucas & llaiii
ms k's Drug Store as tin lr
tri'ng atva v to their customers of go
");ny I’l - every fme trial for Consumption. bottles of Dr. Their King’s trade New Is
b. iy enormous inthis very valuable art
civ rom the fact that it always cures and
«<" ichltis, rdisappoints. C'ouglm, (-’bids. Asthma,
M'l Croup, an . all throat and lime
L 1 buying - s quickly cured. You can test it be
Wg W ' size by Every getting a trial bottle frge.
$1. bottle w irrauted.
- •
Kt 3LACK-DRAU aHT tea curttiiCoQstipjUioii.
A Diaflerurod Countenance.
-' my people who would scarcely notice
an j inles- or legless man will detect and
leiurk on any blemish of the human face,
ani live into all sorts of speculations of
s ; ,, *i.Iation as ih- its.cause and atten
r,< " ireum -I itices If you doubt tni« as
re; I coming possessed of a discolored
opt! i bow niueli attention It will
in' . A olaett eve is generally avohia
bl<, it luoiches. pimple- and other serof
"1° and eruntive marks steal upon us
w! f warning, and are frequently the
b in it ion of tile fact that our blnoil
1 wrong. A pro opt, and ryatc
" t)>ricklv Ash, Poke
• s,;ili and ui've’tSek to the fare
naU w’s fami' .ar, ruddy signs of health.
Get) .t, of veuv drnggist.
,ib ton’s Bast Indian corn Paini
Ki, Corns, Bunions and Waite
wliejrc all other remedies fail.
ns WINE OF CAROUI. a Tonic for Women.
i A Wonderful ('ore
lias been in ated for years by eminent
spec iallst.s. and the Brown-Sequard reme¬
dy v as tried He states lie has spent up¬
wards of seven thousand dollars without
the !e 1st benefit, lie bids bis old comrades
in a ms an affectionate farwell more than
a ye ar ago an 1 yet thanks to that grand
dis tvery, Dr. King’s Royal Gennateur
here i - what be writes under a fresh date
Cou Id anything be more convincing?
• ‘(Irntm'mkn: I was in a very bad fix.
1 ivas bedridden, kidneys disordered,
,li • ion torpid arm helpless with
lie matism and blood poisoning (the
' of an i id wound received during tin
war ), ami full of that odious disease,
catarrh. The doctors said I could not live
and quit giving me medicine, as it did ru
gooi I. I have sinee us“d nothing but Ger
meturer. My kidneys are well, mv diges
ton good, my palsied arm f« well, my
cata rrh removed, anil my general health
is !>l *od • W Avery,"
(;|iionel A very was at one >ud time bis editor vigor- ot
■ Allants Constitqtfon,
1 versatile Editorials gave that shed
a vi acil v which won for him an enduring
n, aka first-dess journalist. Foi
tllti >y y»*a»8 De wan ex-Governor and Sena.
tor Lolquitt’s secretary, later, had and charge is
„l i>‘ie U- H treasury depatment,
to-dlay a proud, living monument to the
virt ies of that great healing an I life-giv
ing chxlr Dr. King ,,,, s K y< r;,.rmctui r
()o not- lass it with olm r proprielaiy
r ,,r edi," It is so far beyond all ol them
analysis ot nil that constitutes a real germ
4*st3»y*r *i d-a health giving compound,
tW alt oilier so-called remedies lot the
dWalant'S which it-wtll cere must take a
bae.t »*»t U> give tlie arena to this great
wound,•lful raeer for human health
and haptin. ss.
p‘!r*n ^
Ov ilruegist .tiel by Dr. King’s Broad
jg^yaltlei i^oiuer Company, !4 N.
rtrent. AttantS", Ga. for , book particulars .
■ •ar’Stend stamp J. Reid Crawfordt-ilie.
tor by Dr K. +ent>-2m.
W9E OF CARDUI tor tern ale rt ineaaea
n„ Stcp’a rule* sajva.
’i n Bust slvb in the world lot Cuts,
Biases, Sole' J leers, Salt Rheum, Fever
£nr*e, TeM--r ( s.apped Hands, Chilblains,
Coro* and »(• r-x. n Eruptions, and pos
*v« cures Pi or no pay required it
•>' p'rfecl satisfaction,
!• itmrar.tepA to z ve
r * rel o 1. Price 15 cents p*
• A CVs.
*<»» At Hai' a.-k, Lucas
Term*! $(.60, In idmot.
France has a sore] proposition under
discussion in view of the stationary it
not actually diminishing imputation of
that country. It is proposed to levy an
annual tax on all bachelors, making them
pay for the luxury of living single.
Meantime the Cincinnati school board
has made a strong move in the opposite
direction by a ruling that distinctly dis¬
courages marriage and puts a premium
on celibacy. It has made an order pro¬
hibiting all married women, no matter
how capable or how needy, from teach
ing in the public schools of that city.
Instantaneous photographs of animals
that were being put to death by elec¬
tricity show strange results. For one
thing, the probability has been strength¬
ened that death Is instantaneous, occur¬
ring before the brain can take cognisance
of pain. There is, in fact, reason to be
liere it is bo midden that several currents,
all capable of producing death, could be
passed through the brain before it would
have time to take cognizance of them,
even if it were able to do so. Death is
so sudden that it comes even before the
individual has ceased to breathe or move,
A case is on record in which naturali¬
zation papers were refused to a man be¬
cause he did not know enough to vote.
The judge who refused the application
belongs in Reading, Pa. The would-be
citizen who did not get hie papers was
originally an Aastrian, though not a
«™„„. B, did «* Y r wli^her
Americans were governed by a king,
queen or president, or what the name of
the gentleman at the head of our gov¬
ernment was. The judge, whose name
was Endlich, said he could not conscien¬
tiously grant naturalization papers to a
man who did not know what form of
government he wanted to swear alle¬
giance to.
The Western City House.
The western city has evolved a dis¬
tinct architectural type of its own in
tbs ,£i lgijient of John W. Root, who
contributes ticle an interesting illustrated ar¬
on this subject to Scribner. In the
west is room to breathe. There is free¬
dom from uonatraiut and the con¬
ventions which Htrll bind the eastern
t!!< less t()
In the level prairie cities there is room
for everything. Consequently the streets
are magnificently wide. Houses, tlioHO
of tbo richest citizens, have targe front
yards and stand 50 to 300 feet back from
the street They are magnificent in
structure and all their appointments;
still the breadth of the avenues, tile size
of the grounds, indeed the architecture
of tne houses themselves, gives a more or
less suburban appearance which is very
charming and altogether impossible to
fho older cities
Then, too, there in rich abundance and
variety of bedding material in the west,
and that gives varied architectural ef
fifteen years or so ago the west had
the Queen Anne fever, had it bad. Then
monstrosities in the way of mansions
were built, which signified nothing in
heaven or earth. But that day is past,,
and a truer taste in architecture is being
Tbo New California Telescope.
The telescopic lens, which is the won¬
der of science so far, has been success¬
fully cast in France, and now only re¬
mains to lie brought to thiH country to
be adjusted into its casings by Alvau
Clarke & Sons at Cambridge.
This huge lens is forty inches in di¬
ameter, much the largest ever mads.
The lens is in fact double, being com¬
posed of two—one of crown glass, the
other of flint—closely fitted together.
Each kind of glass corrects some objec
tionable refracting properties of the
other, the two together giving a true !
Imagination fairly staggers at thought
ot the wonders this great glass will re¬
veal to the patient watchers of the stars.
It will have a magnifying power of be¬
tween 4,000 and 5,000 diameters. Al- j
ready the largest lens in the world is in
America, that of of the thirty Lick inches. telescope. On |
with an opening
the completion of tlie one now in prog
ress the United States will poeoees the
two largest telescopes in the world, and ,
both of them will lie in California, the
land lauu of big u >8 trees • and fast horses. The
telescopo now being completed will be
able to trace stars of the seventeenth
magnitude We may f. find with its aid
m„. smm
and we shall undoubtedly be able to
nrnke wonderful discoveries on the moon.
which will be brought to our doors, so
to speak. will stand
And the great Dew telescope v
till somebody builds a greater. The
only limit to them is the limit to the
power skill of man.
Try BLACK DRAUGHT tea tor Dyspepsia.
1 •A ■ ' .
How’s This.'v.'A'rf
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rmyaid
for any case of Catarrh that cnqgJBf b<*
died by taking Hall's (atarrk'Oiire, I’roS'.’M,!,
V. J, CHENEY A CO., <>.
We. the undersigned, have kfi J,
Oheiwf for the :
loMljr honmahle last 15 in it'"him j!c$p ^r’a
per I I'h list ns
actions, and financially ahle to carry., out
niiy olrligatioiiH made by th.wr firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drtfegist, Tole¬
do, Ohio.
balding, Reiman & Martin, Wholesale
Druggist Toledo, Ohio.
Hall’s OatarrHMJure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon t ho blood and rau
cons surfaces of the system. 1’rice 75c.
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
H&"BLACK-ORAUGHT tea cure, Constipation:
Winter has come, and with it caughs,
colds, diarrhoea and dysentery Fitts Car
tmnative checks the mucous discharge
from the entire system and is healing amt
soothing—hence is an efficient and unfail¬
ing remedy for the above ailments, and
for ail other troubles of the stomach and
bowles. For sale by druggists,
A Child Killed.
Another child killed by the use of opia
tea given in the from of Soothing syrup.
Why deadly mothers poslson give Is surprising their children when they suck
can relieve the chid of peculiar troubles
tains by using Acker’s Baby Soother. It con¬
Uamwack. no Opium Lucas or Morphine. Co., Sold by
C a» IK
Guarantee Acker’s Blood Elixir for it has
been - ully demonstrated to the people of
"^35 positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Tl
Ulcers, the Eruptions whole and Pimples I t
purifies M.iidsupthe system and thoroughly
constitution. Hammaok,
Locus A (Jo.
A Duty to Yourselt,
U is surprising that people will use a com
mon, valuable ordinary English pill when they the can secure
a one for same mon
ey. Dr Acker’s English pills arc a posi,
tiye cure for sick headache and all liver
troubles. They ue small, sweet, easily
taken and do hot gripe. Hammack Lucas•
& Co., Druggists.
Life it MiBery
To thousands of geopie wlio have tlie
taint of scrofula in their blood. The
agonies caused by the dreadful riiimim
sore-urn! other ujjinlfcstai >n» u tii
dl»«»ne in ft beyond doHcriptlu 1 bft «
■«*ether mwiftdv * •41 p.i I
sure to tieinnt ito • ' * ii a fan i»**.
lie sure to get Hood’s.
The Governor of Missouri become jeal¬
ous of tiie attention g.ven to outlaws: hut
lie still continues to recommend tlie
famous Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for coughs
and colds.
Tim proprietors of Salvation Oil, the
greatest cure oil earth for pain, will pay a
large reward if any certificate published
by them is found not genuine. It costs
only 25 cents a bottle.
McElree’8 Wine of Cardui
for sale by the following merchant* in
Taliaferro County:
l)r. It J.ltcid, Crawordville,
(ieorge \V. Brown & Co .Sharon,
Hammack. Lt ■ u is J Un v furdviile
n a day
Take Roy’s fcbdd joinder three
times a (lay, before* V.K-iU if )'<■'>
are troubled with any sain </>' "
disease— full directions v. .li* e.u -
n lvOy y bottle. At k you.
S druggist for it.
i’l IE PKINCEI agents
-UK, ll All VEST, fi¬ j lOFFEACfir "
j.; v ,, r y|„,<iy wants this "Beantifal Iif* <1
Jesus." By Mrs. IsBZLDA M. All**
^ p ^hVi U strati»nsf richly, color exqoisite to Uthft
Kra[ ,( H tinted representing photogravures, the best worto
engravings and modern masters; a mateii
, ( j, nc j eII t The anther
1( , h ^ A n,um uf sacred Art.
(s (fie acknowledged peer of al! writers
on this noble theme. Khe is safe grapbi'-’.
g-*sx-»s '«asrs»:
enoorskij ry CHAtJTAiquiS, (JMBisniS
f^{c y W
an( V i> r j. Clark (’ Father Ktoaa
vor.”) By subscription only. Exclusive
territory. Prospectus now ready. Send
8 ) oo for outfit. Name choice of territory. t.v
Accept no ot.ierl Write
quick. Address, Co., PuUHxUera,
I) W. Tiiayeb *
:58 it VI Marietta St.. Atlanta, '**■