Newspaper Page Text
Crwf0#mlk ttttOCrfli
By CLEM. 8. M03RL
m O
January !&0, 21, and ^3 1801*
JANUARY 20th AT 3 P. M.
And raceive tlie keys of city from tlie Mayor. January 2lst daring the day there
will be varied sports on Broad street, At night at 7:30 o’clock the Trades display will
move on its line of march. This will be the grandest display ever witnessed in the
South January 22nd from early morn until midnight Brood street will be a panoramic
view of ancient and modern sports. At 7.30 p. m. The Carnival moc ’ssion will en¬
ter Broad street. This will be a sight of grandeur, never excelled outsii i of New Or
leans. January 23d varied sports will be going on, on Broad street. Al night King
Cotton,s Brand Ball will take place. Everybody should visit Augusta for this occas¬
ion. The.
— AND—
’» - ™ ™ KETS " TkToS
JOE W. WHITE, Traveling Passenger Agent.
Mr, W. M. Jordan lias
been actively engaged in
the ing Cotton ilie past Business sixteen years. dur¬ - »• ■ „„ x&sxnsrfi, GrA. j. r- ■
Lierberal AdvancesMade on Cotton in Store.
We Guarantee Satisfaction in Eveky Respect.
nd Gullett Steel Brush Dins, with Feeder
W. H. Howard, C. H. noWABD, S. P. Weisigeb,
Augusta, dar 1 (3Q3^££
Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants.
Consignments Solicited. Bagging and Ties Furnished.
Special arrangements will be made for the storage of large lots ot
Liberal advances made, and Cotton held as rnr as desired. aug22
Augusta, Georgia,
Respectfuuy solicits your consignments, Will make Iib
eral advances on Cotton in store, Pay strict attention to or¬
ders* Make sales promply at good prices with good weights.
And remit proceeds of sale as soon as the Cotton is shipped.
t Harper Davisck. Chas. T. Fargo.
Davison & Fargo,
789 Reynolds Street, Augusta Georgia,
^ person attention given to weighing and selling cotton. Liberal advances
^^A||hHl consigned for sale or in store.
F, K. Nixon, S. B. Langdoh.
(Successor to D. T. SIBLEY.)
Chiano Dealers and Commission Merchants,
7^1 and 732 Reynolds Street, Angusta. Georgia.
DWtral Advances Made Furnished at Martel Pricer.
Sibley's Ammoniated Dissolved Hcne.
AC «r^t t PerSmDD*n sighing and Sampling Cotton.
V* '-SC
Devettd tt the Interest ef Taliaferro I vu. J, th» People sod deaeral Hews.
Oh! How Sad.
“There are men who take a part
lar, 1 might almost say a malic
delight in getting men drunk,” s;
gentleman to a Times reportei ml,
morning. “I never helped to get bu
one man intoxicated, and I shall re
■ gret my part in that disgraceful act ti
my last day,”
“Why so?” inquired a friend,
j “In the first place, because of .the
ruin it wrought; in the second pi'
because of its contemptible meant
It was this way: A friend of mi
a young a an of great piomise, 1
giving up drinking, which was fu
"recking the hgpes his friends had
felt for his future, in order to set
down in business and prepare for rna
riage. He abstained from liquor fc
nearly a year, and then satisfied that
lie had reformed, the young woman he
loved became his wife. I was present
at the wedding and I nan truthfully
say that I never saw ah hiever expect
to see a happier couple cJ^'oue that be
gau married life under (.fighter au
spices. IIis business was tlourisbiuv :
and they took possession of a beautiful;
little home at once. All went well for i
several weeks, One night I, and a
number of others, met him on Brough
tm street. We w'ero in a particularly
good humor—in fact we had drank
just enough to make us fell jolly. He
refused persistently to take anytbim
for awhile but at last yielded to o f
continued solicitations. At first
called for sarsaparilla. We laugh
at t. at aud when the whisky w
handed down poured him out a goo
drink. lie fumbled with the glass fc
awhile hut his courage gave way be
fore our sneering witticisms and ho
drank it down. Then he tried to
break away We were in for a night
ot fun, though, and didn’t propose O
Glow him to escape so easily. It u
aid w -k nit not quite so difficu
as at first, but we finally got ths s
ond dn nk in him. The •H
make his veins tingle, nte old impulse
came back and he was oneef the boys .1
“I don’t know how much we drink
When midnight came we were all iri
a decidedly mellw condition, and he,
poor fellow, was gibbering away as
foolishly as an ape. Even then I felt
some compunction and recissled the
resolution to take him home and prop
llion in tlie doorwav. I wanted to
sober him up at a hotel. The others i
finally per.uaded me io accept their
plan. We reached his liouie early in
the morning. There was a light in
the parlor, and drunk as I was, I
my heart growing heavy as 1 thought
of the young wife whose face had
far had no shadow cast upon it. I
knew what a terrible shock tlie
realization of her husband’s
would be to her. There was no
ing back now, though, Steadying
ourselves up we held him and rang t’
d-jor bell. In a moment the d
speiied. She must have heard 0 ,’
approaching footsteps. I have nevJjl
forgotten the awful look of anguish 9
her eyes. A great sigh escaped fro§ ui
her, her teeth bit down on her
until it seemed as if they would ca
through and through. Eveiy hit gof |
the bravado of the crowd was
now. No one said a word except h|
husband, and he, poor fellow, looks
up at her with the eyes of a fool as .
murmured, ‘Ilow-de sweetheart.’ j
“I don’t know how lie did it, Lit
we carried him in and placed him J 1 1
a lounge Then we silently tiled t
with unsteady steps. Not a word w-s
said. I was the last one to leave, a
I turned to close the door I saw Dr
fall on her knees by his side. H r
body was convulsed with sobs, and, 8
I shut husband and wife from sigh,
her face was on his, her arm lieneah
his neck, and tears were bathing fie
fevered countenance. Then I k’»*
that I had helped to almost break a
pure, Joving, faithful heart.' 1
“Is that all?” assked the reporfir.
“No; I wish it were. He never re
covered from that night. lie mde
an effort, I believe, but some one llse
oritoa, in the guise of man but with the oul
. e »P«ed «.». a,,
<«—•«“ at last fever, contracted b ’“ while S^i*J dunk,
that^aa when she wept over the .-.jwn
He d rank down a glass of sfirry,
likewise.”—Savannah Time*. I
A r roud and Happy Girl,
customer waiting for change ai
of tifie large dry goods shops on
d« before Thanksgiving exchang
few words “h the saleswoman
served her, upon the subject of
•miug holiday. The girl had a
attractive face, and did not
.o I e over 18 years of age.
s sparkled as she said animat
“Well, I’ve got something to be
ul for this year that 1 haven’t
. <v ir years. I’ve got a home
don’t mean I’m married.”
answering the look in her
, “but I’ve got a home
■u ir y father died four
go my mother was sick, too,
Is in the hospital a long time,
1 little brothers and sisters were
inline, and the protectory and
er->. while I just knocked around
t 1 could, but we’re
e children are going to school,
Ihei’s able to be around, and I
* e of them all,” she fini.iied
•r pride was justifiable hers
ere was a young waman hard
girlhood weighted with the
if a family from which a man
' II shrink, yet evidently carry-
1 ^successfully mid con
r ' she was able, too, in
her 'i y 'i d life to 11 isli out
a a
e purest Thanksgiving spirit.
isei . , and requires
cor ticutional remedy
ke Hood s Sarsaparilla,
hich unifies Urn blood,
iki fie weak strong,
stores'leal ’..
y it now.
Always Be Kiud.
n»- ■oats anyone anything to be
’ 1 V ' V*f the trueeat as well as
"< * Uttc ’ id, and when
— J it IS llci,.. tty H— ‘ .
' stone to fortune.
\n illustration of his is found in a
pry that is going the rounds of tin
ass wuich relates the experience of
i imprisoned vagrant, whose kiinl
!SS to a fellow-prisoner serving a life
utence, won for him a fortune ol
that was left him by tlie mi¬
convict after dealh.
And, again, a poor butcii-r in tV esl
find uimself in tun unior
plight ot having a broken wag
oil the highway and no assistance,
kindly assisted by two tramps,
one of tlie tramps was im
on circumstantial evidence,
the butcher hearing ui it proved
alibi and secured his release, as the
with which he was charged was
when tlie uiifortuna e
was helping him with his
Kindness always pays, whether in
dulged by those in high or low degree
in life. Don’t iu.1 to be kind,
She Held Beauty’s Passport.
No Matter what the type, beauty and
attractiveness of a certain kind can as.
suredly be cultivated bv women through
careful attention to details. A clear shin
a bright eye, fine teeth, well-kept hands,
glossy hair, a good carriage and a firm
Ri<;p are certainly passports of beauty
The more so since they endure when
mere blood has passed away, While these
tilings are being looked alter it will by be dentist; wel
hairdresser ar.d manicure,
have n< ; appetite> h,. r))a ps is generally subject- de
bjmatt;(] aI1 q h aH no zest for any
p^haps incipient fever has secured a
foothold, and lends a hectic flush i« th,,
cheek and an unwonted billiaucy to th<
It will he then the beaute de d a e,
eye. i.nau«.
The functions bius t<jlJllll
ture’s greater 0ali8 aya
To ^ e . j D malarial sections it is invalua- equal
bl and as an a nti-peri<xlic has no
Bocklen*. Arnica *alve.
T*, Best .Salve in the world fer Cots,
prueee, So res. Ulcers, halt Kheum rever
Borea, Tetter, Dhapped Hand.. CUuUlam.,
s-r— "p. p«-”i
n(j r ,f UB ded. Frice *# ctnto »e
Asthma, Consumption Oougns et^
.. .....-
Terms: $1.50, In Advanss.
Don’t be Mean. Boy8.
Sometimes I wonder what a mean
man thinks about when he goes to beds
When he turns down the light and lies
down alone, he is the compelled to be
honest with himself. Not a bright
thought, not a generous impulse, not a
word of blessing, not a grateful look
comes back to him, not a penny drop¬
ped into the palm of poverty, not the
balm of a loving word dropped into an
aching heart, no sun beams of encour
agement cast upon a struggling life,
no strong right hand of fellowship
reached out ^ h< ]p some fallen man
to his feet—when none of those things
come to him as the “God bless you”
of the departed day, how tie must hate
himself, how lie must try to roll away
from himself, how he must try to roll
away from himself and sleep on the
other side of the bed, when the only
victory he can think ot is some mean
victory, in, in which lie has
neighbor. No wonder lie alway
sneers when he tries to smile, How
pure, and fair, and good all the rest
of the world must look to him, and
how careless and dreary must his own
fate appear! Why; even one isoloted
act of meanness is enough to scatter
cracker crumbs in the bid of an ordi¬
nary mim, and what must be the feel¬
ings of a miui whose whole life is
given up to mean acts? When there
is so much suffering, and heartache,
and misery in tne world, anyhow, why
should anyone add a pound of wicked¬
ness or sadness to the general burden?
Don’t be mean, boys. Suffer injustice
a thousand times rather than commit.
it once.
P. P r cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and
all humors, I)ys|» n«ju, Sink Headache
Biliousness. It cures that tired feeling,
creates an appetite, strengthens the
nerves and bulb's up the whukf system.
P P. P. is unrivaled, and since its intro
durtio has c ured more cases of h ood
disease than all lb, ■) blood purifiers
•>"t togetliei |
Itiui' 1
Boot, and Potassium) an ...
tive on tie- market, and that 1 seen
more beneficial results from tl of it
than any other blood medicine P "*
Exhausted vitality, nervousness, lr.s t
manhood, weakness caused by overtnxa
tion of t e system, will be cured by the
powerful P P P , which gives health and
seren-.-th to the wreck of the system.
r.cmark liv i In* Kansas City Star:—
“A firceli countv farmer who deeded
■all liis property to his children is liaul
jng iails for a living, A fattier can
support twelve children, but twelve
children find it quite difficult to sup
port one father ”
Cancerous Eczema.
For many years I have beey soroly
afflicted with Eczema on my face.
The eruption was in large splotches,
and Cancerous nature, I had treat
ment from a number or experienced
physicians, with little or no benefit.
and only of a temporary nature, Af
ter other treatments had failed I
bought seven bottles of S. S. 8. from
Messrs. Tennille & Holland, of Troy,
Ala and it cured me, i feel like a
, and
new man, my painful troubles
apprehension is all gone, and now at
sixty years of age I am once more
restored to health, and it Is due entire¬
ly to S. S. 8. My Post Office is Orion.
Pike County, Ala.
Hiram Tiiwkatt.
Treaties on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC DO.
Atlanta, Da.
The Best Prize Yet Offered.
The impecunious bachelors of Lon
don are wildly excited over the latest
newspaper enterpise, which consists in
offering a prize a pretty wife arid 8100
a year to any u.imarrierl rn;in who will
evolve successfully a * ,ro ‘
paper speculation.
niectnc Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so wefi ^known
and •° i PJ , | p " 1 h * r Electric *Bitiers
’ „f praise.-A
5j tte Mnj( , pure
Ilie cjne does not exist and it is riwui
xA ‘impure 'si'E
blood —^Will drive Malaria from
Brw*^ P EnUrS"ati"facUo I guaranteed,or
....... ____
NO. 3.
Satan selects his disciples when the
are idle; hut Christ chose His while
they were busy with their work, either
mending their nets or casting them
into the sea.
“Haveyou anything to say, pris¬
oner, before sentence is passed upon
you?” asked the judge, “No, your
honor, except that it takes very little
to please me.”
Cold Waves.
Are predicted with reliable accurancy,
and people liable to the pains and aelie^
ol rheumatism dread every change to
damp or stormy weather’ Although
Hood’s .Sarsaparilla is not claimed to be a
positive specific for rheumatism, the re¬
markable cures it has effected show that it
may be taken for this complaint with
reasonable certainty of benefit. Its action
in neutralizing the ecidity of the blood;
which is too cause of rheumatism, con
stitutes the secret of the success of Hood’s
Sarsaparilla. If you suffer from rhouwa -
tisin, give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair (rial
it will do you good.
The following written definition ot
the world “bachelor” was handed m
by a fifth grade boy: “A bachelor is
a man who has no wife, nor wants no
wife, nor can’t get no wife.”
“Lend Me Your Wife” is the title
of a comedy now running at a local
the iter. When played in real life it
frequently becomes a tragedy.
Is Consumption Incurable!
Bead the following: Mr. C. II. M >ris
Newark, Ark., says; “Was down with
A bscess of Lungs, and friends and physi¬
cians pronounced me an Incurable Com
Bumptive, Discovery Began taking Dr. King’s Now
for Consumption, am now on
my third bottle, and able to oversee the
work on my farm. It is Urn finest medi¬
cine ever made."
Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, savs
Had it not been tor Dr. King's \ruv Dis’
cove y fer Consumption 1 would bare «H
of Lunpf TrouMivs. Win givun up bv
doctors. Am now In best of health/'
* » y it. Sample buttles free at. «i»y drut/
“You are looking lovely to-uie
ternoon a gBiiUcui»“ »'*"j -•
“Your book-keeper is quite an ex
pert in accounts, isn’t he?” • I
should say; lie owns a trotting horse
and three suburban residences.”
We Cull amt Br,
Guarantee Acker’s Blood Elixir for it has
been ully demonstrated to the people all other or
this country that it Is superior to
preparotiuns for blood diseases. It Is a
positive cure for syphilitic Pimples, poisoning. I
Ulcers, Eruptions and t
purifies the whole system and thoroughly
orJIds up the constitution. Hamniack,
Lucas & Do*
“I was out shopping every day for
ten days past,” said a pretty girl.
‘Your papa will kick about the hills
replied her young man. •‘Oh, no; t
didn’t buy anything. I was only shoo
“Carl, it is not very good of you to
say bad things of your friend behln '
his back.” “Yes, nut father, tvh
I say them to his face he boats me.”
Is Mle World laving!
Vot If vou go through the world a days
peptic. A oker’s Dyspepsia Tablets are ;>
positive cure lor the worst froms of Dy
ticbsia Indigestion, Flatulency and Lon
stipatlon- Duarsneed and sold by Ham
mack Lucas & Do.. Druggsits
“f brought my wife a bonnet to
day.” said Bellows, “that only cost
and my wife was overjoyed at it.’
“That’s strange, isn't it?”
“Not at all. You see 1 told her it
<;OSt 850.”
‘•We are making a collection for
wood and lire for the poor this wmtei.
Would you dindly contribute?,’
“Why. certainly. Here’s a box of
matches. ”
Another child killed by soothing the use of •p**
^ jVf . n iu tbe from „f
uoolde^ SS
can relieve Ackw’ the chid Baby of Swther. peculiar
by using s
Darn mack. Lucas * Co.,
“What’sthat! You write poetry?''
“Yes,” admitted the prof reader;
-•>««.• i s in such bad — shape «■“ that “»»,*» I have to
a wild cat of large dimensions »«m1
vicinity of the old fair grounds at Alb
it WHS cbliHwd by
».....* •* — ^ —
forced to abandon the chase.