Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 16, 1891, Image 2

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    The Democi at.
Catered »t th* post«t!!r« si Crswfoidvills,
Crorgis, u second-cit** mad matter.
Fill DAY, JANUARY. 10. HW1
It would be just as well for the
Eastern philanthropists to let up on
their Indian gush for awhile, and give
t*je aoldfer# a chance,
Thk republican i>arty leaders know
bow to symathize with the I arnell
bianch of the Irish members of the
English Parliament.
The revolution epidemic i* .i',Min
raging among our pan-American
neighbors. It seldom disappears en
tirely, but is at times this is one of
Hie times -more violent.
Thk republican method of putting
off financial legislation in the hop*
that the money market will right it
sell is ;t good deal like buying a lottary
ticket. It’s very risky; you may draw
,i piize, but the chances are all against
you. _____
fiiE republican leaders in tho Sen
ate seem b* nt upon the destruction of;
ilu'ii parly. All right, let ’em go |
a)u*ad. Not only can the country j
Mti-nd the death of the re|>blican inirty, |
I, a t it, eat, iiffoid, in view of the geuer- ,
..I,.at thereby conferred, funeral, and to it give will j
ti e c u pae a grand days of
JMh ,-eed to do it in the early
Novcmlier 1 B 02 .
Many years practice have C! j^
Snow A (Jo., Solicitors of Patents at
Washington, 1). unsurpassed sue
cess in obtaining |>at> rHs for all classes
of Invention, They make a specially
of r< jeeted cases, illl 1 secured allow
mice of many, patents that hud been
previously rejecud. Tlulr advertise
mom in another column, will be of '
Interest to inventors patentees, Maun
fuelurcrs it d all who have to do with
Thk chr'Ke •>' Kussian persecution
lfj lot itfbl ws ! miv" ifcn full proven,
D«NN (] Biain I
United .Suites niiniater to Hu»
stand by tho Czai in h 8 denial, Now ^
the Czar lias owned n|), hut (.lurries
Emory Smith has not been heard from.
No wonder the Hebrews in the United
Stales nre asking for Smith’s recall.
Gkkat are the is*m llts to the work¬
ingman of the MnKiiih y tariff law.
Even the dullest of thorn must he able
to comprehend, no w H at re I not ions
in wages mid furloughs are becoming
such common occurrences unionji the
large manufacturers of the country
The hard winter will make this fact i
very plain to lots of people, and vet I
republican papers will continue to j
print slush about the “protection” of j
the American workingmen, while j
hundreds of the men and tlieii families
suffer for the barest neceasities of life.
Dkmch’U ats hi Congress hav noth¬
ing to fear from an extra session of
the 1' 1 fty second Congress; all they
have to do is to conscientiously per¬
form their duties and let the future
take care of itself. If the repulilicans
IHMsist In devoting the time winch
should rightfully lie given to a con
Mdemtion of the annual aopropna
lion bills and other necessary legisla
tioti to olinoxious political it.e.isuivs.
that, party will have to shoulder the
responsibility to bunging about an
entirely on necessary extra session,
with its attendant ex|H'nse. Looking
at (he matter from a party standpoint,
an extra session would, we believe, for
numerous reasons, be an advantage to
Hie democratic party, but we have 11 >
idea that such being the case will hav
tlie sligliesi intluence with ll"* demo
crat-icJeaders.of the present Congress, !
(rb 1. we are satisfied, are convinced at
the folly of folio wing the republican
Congressional *x ample of regarding
' JWfcf Is* but party advantage in tli»
shapirg of legislat ion The i*eople ex
)»•* >nnet!iing Ingl e" better and
more patriotic frein the dem>wiatic
nar' v, and they ought not }to t»< dis
appointed, ti and w* haven’t the slight
ext dea nt they will tie. ■
1 7 <r_-! of all in leavening Fowcr. — U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17 , 1 SS 9 .
I J I ... Baking Powder
Washington, D. C. .Ian., 13tbl890.
Mr. Ilaniaon now lull realizes the
anqient adage -There’s many a slips
etc. It would he hard to find a more
disgruntled man. Just as be thought
the pins were all set up for the pas¬
of the Force bill, by which be
sage in the
exjmcta to obtain another term
White Ilouae, presto, change, and his
hobby goes glimmering and is replaced
by a financial measure which will pro
bably, I might safely say certainly ill
elude what Mr. Harrison is as strong
ly oPltosed to as he can be to anything
_tbe free and unlimited coinage of
silver. To say that the radical repub
llcan Senators were dazed by the side
tracking of the Force bill but mildly
expresses the situation; they were
com pletelly demoralized, and are still
in that condition, in spite, of constant
consultations with Mr. Harrison and
Speeker Reed.
The cliarge that the result was
brought about by a bargain between
the democrats and the silver republi¬
cans was too silly to need the denials
which prominent gentlemen on both
sides have given to it. The democrats
entered the fight against the Force
bill determined to take advantage of
any opportunity that might offer to
defend it, an d they were fortunate
enough not only to succeed in having
the most obnoxious measure ever Ire
fore Congress laid aside, it is to be
hoped permanently, but in getting up
a bill, which, when amended, will af¬
ford the country a much needed iinan
cial relief.
It is hoped that the financial bill
iuav lie disposed of in tiie (senate in a
j )-w and it will be, unless the ie
publicans can succeed in whipping
enou(? i, „f u„ ir Senators into agreeing
l0 tak( , up the Force bill again, < r the
ail tt-»ilver tepublicans, who are now
| mtc hing n j. some mischief, unitss all
signs fail, shall resort to flllibustering
to prevent ft vole. If it imsses the
S ii ate Speaker ltccd arid Mr. ilani
son will have a hard lime to stop it in
the House, and it is extremely doubt
ful whether Mr. Harrison, renomination, hi view will ol j
his candidacy for a
<lai«' to vote it, an he would otherwise
liKw to do. Democrats are feeling
very jubilant over their victory, as
they have a right to do; it v as burly
i earned by vigilance and constant ul
j tendance upon thc sessions, the Senate
110 matter what the inconvenience
I might lit- to individUjW Senators,
I li e Mu, migi.t^Rvc fallen! F.x
: ■
u Tobriying "e has
i cot* I ade” ground, which
hm g htl ■ song, timt he wants to
i st u (, 0 tlie tinvernment t- an exorh
; (Milt price Us a site for the new Gov
eminent Printing office, and be is lob¬
bying to carry out Ins design. He also
has another scheme that has “millions
in It,” piovith-d the Force hill ever
becomes a biw, in the shape of a pat
ent ballot box, ostensibly owned by
his son, which he calculates to seli to
tiie (lover nment, to la? used at every
voling precinct in the United Stales.
He will have to word fast, as after the !
fourth of next Marcl) the name of
Mahone will be all ti at will be needed !
to kill any measure that get before the
the democratic House.
The administration seems to be j
making as hi g a mess of Indian mat- !
ter.) a- it has of everything else it has I
touched. A resolution, offered tiy Ke
presentative MeAdoo, has been adopt
ed by the House, providing for an in
vesiigation of the killing of Sitting
Hull, ami it is Indieved that the in
v ® !tI ''g :, Ih)ii will expose a shameful
state of affairs.
j The House is still hammering away
(on He Hipping bill, and >ts friends
1 claim that its pass ig -is assured, hut
tins is n it cimc deii l.v its opponents*
who are numerous and energetic.
At last the in Hie
Behring Sea m > Hi r, which was asked
for months ago, at the last session, has
be* n laid before Congress, 1 cannot
j ive iv';m sent 1 tl'e McCreary, win)
was criainusn o House committee on
Foreign Xffaiis in the House. He
says: " I'll* lime have arrived lor
Mr. Hlain > to uprny ids ‘vigorous poli
cy.’ The matt* v must tie settled be-
1 ween now and Spring, lie must
a (<*pi a more vigitrous policy or else
bank down alti'gether.”
tdietwoiiew ‘-•-iiatoi'S from Idaho
wtioeist their maiden votes t > lay
aside Force loll, have according to cus
ton; drawn lots to decide upon their
reasfiective terms. Mr. Shoup got the
long term wnieh expires Mar. 4.1S65,
and Mr. .McConnell the short term,
which send with tti* present Congress.
Peculiar *
Many peculiar points make Hoe#* flnsr-f
saparilla superior to ail other me^tetn**..
and Peculiar preparation in combination, of ingrodiehta,^^^*^ proportion^*
Hood's the full curative Sarsaparilla value possesses of the^^\#^T JTeSS?^ S 5
the best vegetable known remedies^ king- ' rot !
Peculiar in its V /Hooffi
and economy — f».*yXUn
saparilla S_ isV enys -'!
cine of Cj OSH trhijr i
besald, “One Hundred Do j;
One JUlarger Qk Dollar.’' and smaller Medlein. hot -
^^produce ^T ‘require larger doses, and' 1 a
as good results as Hood' :
S Peculiar in Its mediclnsl mer
Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes ewes bi>
erto unknown, and has won t Jodvjt itself<
the title of “The discovered.”^^ greatest - />Xy*j
purifier ever
Peculiar In Its “ good name J
home,”—there is now
of Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Lowell, where ^ f It is Blf b|
than of all <4 other
purifiers. ^ Peculiar l»,
phenome- a nai record of saj itf •
abroad. «vXw> other prep
has 9 ^^larity ever attaiDec. sho sue^ggj^
In bo
_ and retained its
V )anO confident among
Do not be induced people so to buy steadfastly^^^—^ othr r pre^
hut be sure to get the Peculiar
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Bold ty til druggist*. fl;«Ufor*5 Prepar 1*
by C. t. HOO It * CO , A potl. ccarie*, Lowe 11 Me
_IOO Pc aes One PolIarK
c’ERFEC i■jjjji
1 a»u‘.ynr.t*a4i _|
|?f: fl m
tmM ■ S -an.
T. H.
Has exclusive sale of these ce,el«H
ed glasses in t'rawfordville. '
m| j v Maniifautvrmg Alanta. Ga. Opt |
jn l)ie s<*utl>.
f Ojt.
Commercial College ?exV
• ,essfl
, Mid
d Tel rrfruphy »p*ie»*itl«i. ,\<» V f.nttr no
Vov vannat<-« »tieo*ssfu This cltv ts beanttful «nd
oi/ouUr* «Ur'u addr.s* Wlbur IL Hmttk, Leziurtua.
1 “jWj'»$!
[f ^
m m* mmm Hiv* JTvSui%lii ■
'i TlWFsW,V' jp
»-y 8nd 'jr.ihttlk, Jxor. (Jlui: SynhlKtic Juliir Swollinjys, Kiirtuniatinm, HIhmuhsMidi, Scrofuion l.
s, y ■ n
o?'l Chronic that *• ■.» re «ifu! ii • r
iu rail'* Jr™
■ r
K jsj
1 »T«i tWFv xrr
1 a' •'k 1
-qYjiiii'i.iT-AiL^" |Mmnta, Mrrctt I lui 111 rolkon , Tattpr, itiiii t
1 ' *tito
cc e''. 'VWfe--' rJ
:* ■y. f I
r w :•* - LA-'.-.v
,.".'i'" i*^*j,'*
If* * In ' • s \ . «•!'<• fVtig.ll,', 9U
». i- -irts < ,ut ' ,rj,. . , .
e&- U: :
/ a
I’ i»., I*r
nm n t rm i n i L xaa«g?p aBr*cy^rj r ^ - y q
mmgm 50
'x* ii e.* ^ 5 ;; '
Lmnnxan Block * "* ^Tv'TX* * G,®*
G 1 nre.s
■ <!•*.• s. l*uaraiM<>eil not to cause
stricture rfM-M. in time is a
prevenj.uvn me a* *d':,*r f .
' yj-e U .:-ot .
turns - Er. i'.iteChy - V EfMCW ‘
cine Co . Washing . 1 . Ga F*i*,«ah;-dn
Han mack A Bird, erawiotdvfjieffjs
‘•Jingoism” is a dangerous anitisy j *
meut when one has au 'ttppoaeoD as
powerful as Great Hnftiin' 1<> MV. contend
w ith. This is a truth that *’BlSfn*
has proliably recoggi^ed, now that he
has placed this country’ lit • a 'pWition
where we must fight, -and every one
k nvs we liaven't the tkvry to
O »lse humiliate ourselves beforerlh* .»
C* Art WOI id by backlog^ *io\rW from *!
claims,of exclu3i$ejurisifl$i<m is I 1
? Sea.
Can buy any article of
"®Cooking Stoves,
Carpet*, Mattings, Win-
1 flow Shades, Lace Cur¬
tains, Cornace Poles,
locks, Mirrors, Pictures, j i
inner Sets, T e a Sets,
ybamber Sets, Mattresses, I
Comforts, Blankets and a «
Bjousand and one articles
leeded in a house, delivered
at your depot at the same
price that you huy them ill
i Augusta?
I Carry Everything
You need and can quote
you prices that will satisfy
you that I am giving a dol¬
lar value for every dollar
Special Offer No-1.
To introduce my business in everv u
I ..neighborhood In the quickest possible „
iAianner, 1 will ship you one Bedroom
uite -ead, complete, full consisting of One Bed- B'l- fij
size and high head, One g
|pC<nitre ean with Table, glass, One W sh-stand, One g ^
Four cane seat chairs,
tone Rocker to match well worth $20. 18
hut to introduce my goods in your Kl
neiu!it)oihooii at 0"CeI will deliver the |J
shove Suite at your R R, depot, all y
charges paid, ffl
For Only $16-50*
When th>- cash comes with the order.
^ BESIDES this .-uite, 1 have a great
\aiiy other Suites in Walnut, Oak,
. y^yiitll the papular woods,
•tfWumlreds ^ ijf^diars *.««■■ <— l— —
for a Suite.
XMWTSW*' S A*) « vw
Special Bargain L T o. 2.
Is our elegant Parlor Suite, seven
pieces, We in ut frames, upholstered iu
plush in popular colors, crimson,
Olive, blue, old cold, either in band¬
ed or in combination colors This
suite is Fold for $4U00- I bought a
large number of them at a bandkrupt
saie in Chicago, hence I will deliver
this tine piush suit all charges paid by
me to your nearest K. R. depot for
$3:1.00. Besides these suites I have a
great many other suites in all the latest
shapes and styles, and can guaruatee
to please you.
Bargains NO. 3
Is a walnut spring seat lounge, reduced
from $U.uo to $;.uo, all liriglit paid.
i**lr .a
I Special B rgainsNo- 4
Bprlmmed j: Ms an elegant complete No. 7 cooking for rtuve all
uj- 51150
P ch; rges paid to your depot, or a 5
he range with Churnings for $15. 00. 0
Besides these 1 have the largest stock
of cooking stoves in the city, includ¬
ing tile Gauze door stoves ai.d Ranges I
with pat-ait wire gauze doors. 1
I am delivering these stoves everywhere
, all freight charges paid at tho price
i ot an ordinary stoves, white they are
far superior to any other stoves made. ^
Full particulars by mail.
10P1 oils of matting 40 yds to the roil
$5.73 per roil.
Italy, Cornice Poles 25cts. each. 1000
Window Shades 3x7 feet on spring
roller and (ringed at 37X cts each.
You must pay your own freight on
| Cornice Poles, Window BUades and
Clocks. Now >ee here—I cannot
quote you everything I feet have got in ,
store containing 22600 of door
loom, besides its annexes and factory
■ ti: •Dottier part of the town. I shall
, A'dve pleased to send you anything
mentioned, or wiU send my
Catalogue free if you will
you saw this
ueut in Crawfordvilie Dem¬ it
ocrat, Published at Craw
ordville, Ga.
signment. snd No publishers gixjds J sent refer of C. this O. you paper D.. to or the or on to editor any coc- I!
banking concern in Augusta, or to \ j
he Southern Express Co., all of whom r •
me personally. ;
Yours, Ac
1110 asd 1112 Brea 1 M.
Vugu^ta. - - Georgia
T A Tory Harrison S:.
Geo. R. Lombard & Co.
: nff-i f- >
Above Paassetig’f’T Depot, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.
Complete Gin and Mill outfits a Speotalety. Mill
’ and Engineering Supplies, Cotton, Grain, Saw Mill s n4
Labor-saving Machinery, Shafting. Pulley*, Belting,
Saws, Inspirators, Injector*, etc. i ' - '*
i Large Stock to Select From. v
Prices Low. Goods Guaranteed.
Write for circulars. WOsttnga of every kind, and new work (light and heavy)
piomptly iloi.e. Best outfit Sooth.
fi Ijf liX 1 \T W \\ ^ LI A i T > tIA. XT' New and write Repairs, to call promptly this and firm well mention done. this BfWh- Par**
yon or on
We Are Now Opening and Receiving Our Fall Stock of
Drugs. Furniture, Matresses,
All Kinds of Chairs. Bedsteads,
Lamps, Lamn-Fixtures and Oils.
And a fine line of Drug Notions, Chemicals, Fancy Soaps, Tobacco, Cigars and
Pipes. Full line of pure drugs and patent medicines. PRESCRIPTIONS and family
receipts carefully compounded. for patronage, are now prepared to sen
Thanking our many customers past Prices for Cash, we We solicit liberal share
petter and cheaper Goods at Rock-bottom a
Sharon, Georg let.
-AND —
■-mi §, 738 Reynolds St., Augusta, Ga
Steam Engines, Stationary,
Portable and Agricultural.
WSteam Boili ra, all sizes and styles, Saw Mills, Corn Mills, Feed and O' tton Seed
Mills, Turbine Water Wheels; and keep in stock a full line of Steam F'ttings, Cock*,
Valves, Inspirators. Piping and Fittings, Belt, Hose, Etc., Etc.
EAGLEGOTTGN GINS Wi h or without Feeders and Condensers.
- Tse be st in the World.
COTTON PRESSES, For Eitli 'r Hand
or Horse Power.
Call at my office or v ^tc for illusirat^rt circulars and special prices which will be giyef
4 -TO oUiT CUJ5 rOMERS. - -
Large Machine Outfits a Specialty*
II. N. HEIR, 738 Reynolds St.. Augusta. Ga.
331. Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.
Heating Btoves
Ranges Grrates,
Buy the NEW EXCELSIOR COOK STOVE, 15 different Sizes in stock. W*
have been selling this stove since 1872, w.tlt satisfaction.
HEATING STOVES tor wood and Coal, fi r Churches, School houses, Stores
Offices and Bed-moms. (.RATES Enameled and plain, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 29
uen Baskets. TINPLATE, Sheet-iron, Solder, Job work of ail kind in Sheet-iree.
ind Sheet Tin. I. »ELPH
,*>~Send for circular. W.
Augusta Brewing Co.,
McKinnie, Fenwick & Nelson Sts., GA.
Brewers of Beer Guaarateed Pure and
wp coxjiEJsO'&ciis •V % j»
Jess© ThoopsjMjtlil^o «i
--MaKTJK.'.CTVREBS Of— a. • •*<
:Houldings, Brackets, Laths,
Lumber and Shingles.
-DEALIRS IN--- * :r.
dv indo Vv Glass and Builders’ Hard war a;
flaming Mill and Lumber Yard^ Hale*Street;.,
’• ur C/’ejilral KAiload Yard,
I M,
I ! f
- • ' wKr liif 1
Ss^^pS U !
-._...M A G E R