Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 16, 1891, Image 5

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Interesting Notes.
Tickling the nose until you are forced
to anetze, is said to be a sure remedy for
hiccough. Another cure is to gargle the
throat with water, and a third to cease
* breathing for hatf a minute.
The average duration of life is greater
in Norway than in any other European
country; this is attributed to the uniform
cool temperature of the climate.
The Chautauqua Literary and Scien¬
tific Circle, organized in 1878 with a
membership of 700, has now 17,000 cir¬
cles located in all parts of the w r orld.
A burning taper uncovered for a sm
gle instant, during which it does not lose
power amounting to the one-thousandth
ot a grain, would fill with light a sphere visible
four miles in diameter, so as to be
from every part of the compass.
A cold wave is a fall of temperature m of
"4 hours of *20 degrees the over temperature an area in
-50,000 square miles, descending 3G
some part of this area to
degrees; between 1880 and 1890 no less
than 691 cold waves were recorded in the
United states.
The Academic des Sciences has sub¬
mitted a new sj stem of musical notation
iu which tws nty-seven characters replace
the 203 symbols now employed to repre¬ in the
sent the seven nohs of the gamut
seven keys.
In every teaspoonful of human blood,
there are about 15,000,000,000 red cor
puseles* but only clams, 30,000,000 lobsters, white and nearly ones;
the blood of
all other invertebrates contain no red
cells, but only white,
In man, the lower jaw has much free¬
dom of lateral movement which aids in
grinding food between the molars; the
jaws ol carnivora ttdm t ol' only the up¬
ward and downward movements.
A new material, called rubber velvet,
is made by sprinkling powdered felt of
any color over rubber cloth while the lat¬
ter is hot and soft; the result looks like
fe't cloth, but is elastic, waterproof and
exceedingly light.
A recent survey established the nmn
her of glaciers in the Alps at 1,155, of
which 249 have a length of more than 4 J
miles; the French Alps contain 144 gla¬
ciers, those of Italy 78, Switzerland 471,
and Austria 402.
An audacious rascal for some weeks did
a thriving business by stealing bronze
and marble busts from the Montparnesse
Cemetery, near Paris, and selling them ns
images famous heroes and statesmen.
Experts say that the buried city of
Pompeii has not yet yielded up a third of
its artistic treasure; that at the present
rate rate of progress seventy years will
elapse before it is thoroughly unearthed.
How Break Up a Cold
The season is «t hand when “cold.’are
common, so the Boston Herald comes to
the front with some practical pointers
about them:
As soon as ciiifly sensations are felt, or
the cold affects the head there is sore
throat, the victim should go home at once.
With his feet in hot mustard water, he
should tak an old fashioned rum (sweat.
Thwr® ■rop* xi ff* three ««d iniuiytete4.- four table- 1A»
on old teacup pour or
spoonfuls of ah olid. Bet in a pan of
I inter. Now place it under a chair having
a wooden scat. Let the patient sit down
upon this; fasten a couple of blankets
around his neck, allowing them to fall on
the floor, then light the alcohol, 'I his
treatment is by n- means hard to bear.
As soon as the skin Ixicounes moist the
headache he is greatly relieved and breath¬
ing through the, nose is easier; iu fact, all
the unpleasant symptoms are more or less
The patient should sweat as long as he
will; then, after wiping- hastily and put¬
ting on a wei I-warmed undervest, he
should get into bed and be well covered
with blankets. He should continue to
sweat freely during the early part of the
night. Sometimes lie will not do this,
even after the application of the treat¬
ment advised. If he does not he should
he given ten grains of quinine. If for a
day or two afterward he eats and drinks
but little and keeps within doors, the
chances are that he will have floored his
The observance. (f Arbor Day has b'-en
inaugurated ir Queensland, Australia.
The first day of August is observed
there, that being the opening of the anti¬
podean spring. The proceedings States, are the
similar to those in the United
schools are dismissed and the children
takwpart in tvee-plautiug. with ceremonies singing*
essays, and other appropriate
relating to tree culture.
Is tw»tier than cure, anti people who art* subject to
rheumatism can prevent attacks by keeping the
blood pure and free from the acid which cuusea the
disease. This suggests the use of Hood's sarsapa¬
rilla, unquestionably the best blood purifier, and
which has been used with greut success for this very
purpose by many people.
Hood’s Sarsoj .rllla hat also cured innumerable
caces of rbenmatium of the .severest sort by Jta pow¬
erful effect In neutralizing acidity of the blood, and
ia enabling the kidneys and liver to properly re¬
move the waste of the system. Try it.
2». B. Be sure to get
Hohd’s S^r^aoariH a
frjlri by ail druggist#. $1; six for &:>. Prepare*I onlj
hr C. I. HOOD &■ CO., Apf>thecaiieff, Ix>well, Mass.
iOO Doses One Dollar
THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. 4 g«nt i i >? ti y«n
absolutely safe. ) e price. ge free /• ?.;.si
is nullFuken Passed.
in, n
Skepkk. Hiinrua ivihaUi ovrmoueg.
i - Hay Fr
ED, Corl&e. H HZ 4, Alcorn
F reigh for ir* ,ar.
grpriC sxiuv. Boot-keep a?. BiiffaeiiPorras,
SrrasY. tjf jSEu* *%£££?' *. SSi t.
cot euf. ibi a i!aaa,o.
, 'xHTium AKMAiKz
”7" — . C3 U«R4tfroTiu|fBFE T* Ktt
Epitome of Incidents that Hap¬
pen from Day to Day.
Monday’s dispatches snv: The Scotch
railway strikers are giving way at all
points. is
The severe weather in England the caus¬
ing deep distress among poorer
classes of people.
The Zetland Balford fund, raised for
the relief of the suffering poor of Ireland,
now amounts to $100,000.
The failure of E. Hornbosthe, broker,
was announced on the Stock Exchange,
at New York, Monday.
The long strike in the shoe manufac¬
tories at Rochester has ended. The em¬
ployees arc returning to work.
A gang of five safe blowers was caught
by the police of Chicago Saturday night.
One of the gang is an old professional.
The advisory board of railroad presi¬
dents inis decided upon an agreement for
the association, and have elected officers.
The picture “The Angelus,” that lias
been on exhibition in this country for
fome time, was shipped to Havre Satur¬
day morning.
Chief Thurson, of the railway for telegraph
operators, has issued an appeal money
for the striking operators on the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul road.
The list of railroads that are Association, parties to
the new Western Traffic
does not include the Chicago, St. Paul
and Kansas City, nor the Chicago and
Alton road.
Judge Pratt, in New York, va¬
cated the order appointing a receiver
for the sugar trust Saturday, and directs
that the company be handed over to the.
reorganization committee.
A Washington dispatch of Tuesday
says: The doctors have just held a con¬
sultation over Senator Hear.-t, of Califor¬
nia, and have pionouneed his case ho pa¬
les:-. Cancer of the stomach is the cause.
A cablegram of Monday from Paris,
says: Though only 141,000,000 of the francs
were required by the terms of 2,340,000,000 new
loan, the enormous sum
francs was deposited by subscriptions.
A London dispatch of Monday says:
Baron llirsli is negotiating in Palestine for an for exten¬ the
sive Jewish settlement
benefit of several thousand Jews now
being driven by persecution from Russia.
William C. Jillson, owner and busi¬
ness manager of the Hope River Warp
Company, at Wdlimantic Conn., ha
closed the mill. An assignment is liabil pre¬
dicted in n few days with heavy
hit s.
A cablegram from Paris says: Several
only thin ice in the centre. In spite oi
warnings a number of persons went too
fast’out, chte eo broke' an- sevBral Wi
drowned -
A Minneapolis, Minn., special of rl rues- .
day says the telegraph operators employed
hy the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
road have agreed to strike, the company
having declined to rescind an order for a
reduction of salaries. Chief Thuv ton
has issued a circular asking contributions
from all telegraphers in aid of the strikers.
Representative Barker, of Cleveland,
Ohio, a Republican, created a sensation
iu the house Monday hy offering a reso
lutioh severely condeming the govern
meat's administration of Indian affairs,
and calling upon Ohio’s representatives
in congress to secure the transfer of In¬
dian affairs from the department interior
to the, war department.
An adjourned meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce of New York City, was
held Monday morning to receive the
report of the committee on finance and
currency on the pending legislation in
congress on the finances of the country.
The report was not unanimous. They
were opposed to the free coinage of
A dispatch McCarrel), from Clearfield, Smith Pa., and says: W.
S. J. M. A. O,
E. Wallace, assignees Saturday of W. A. morning. Wallace,
filed their bond
Judge Furst, of Centre county, approved
it. The bond is for $l,0li0,000, J. W.
Wrigley, assignee of Judge Kribbs, Wal¬
lace’s son-in-law, also filed his bond in
the sum of $120,000. It, was approved
by Judge Furst.
A cablegram from Cork, says: The
state of destitution into which the pool
people of some portions judged by of Ireland are
plunged, Saturday can the representatives be the of fact that 100
families living in Cloyne district, waited
ujion the board of guardians and ear¬
nestly begged for assistance. They
stated that for some time past they had
been starving and living almost entirely
upon turnips. "
The bureau of American republics is
informed that since the passage of the
McKinley bill, which places a heavy duty
on silver-bearing lead ores, formerly
brought from Mexico to the United States
I for reduction, a company has been estab
lisbed for the erection of large- smelting
I works at San Luis Potosi. with a capital
of $4,000,000. The capital is mostly furn
isked by a New V ork syndicate, and the
ttimpauy is organized under the laws of
New Jersey.
Mrs. Royer, the wife of the Pine Ridge
Indian agent who has just been removed j
City for alleged cowardice, arrived at Sioux
, Monday afternoon. She indignantly
denies the stories of her husband’s cow
! i ardice, ville, at and the asserts outset, that in the. he interest went to of Rash- the j |
gettiers. She says it became necessary
to call for troops, but as there was no
j SSTgti&Stft *SS’,. ’St
; ;
j j says: 1 hroughout England intensely cold ;
weather continues to prevail. In addi
j j tiou, has dense been fogs are general, but In there the j
not any more .snow.
1 Hebrides, or AVestern Islands, the tem-1
: perature registered 50degrees. The con- j
tiuent h .ti-i suff-ring from nowstorm-;
so severe that - vend txpres trains be- j
. ev-ta Vienna Hamburg, snowed < The Berlin mails have and J
are up. i
been considerably delayed throughout
A Berlin dispatch of Sunday says:
Reports received from German hospitals
are favorable to the Koch remedy. applied Dr.
Kocnigshafer, of Stuttgart, has
the lymph with success in tbc treatment
of diseases of the eyelids and cornea.
Professor Z emseeu. of Munich, declares
that by the use of the lymph ho has ef¬
fected the complete cure of three patient
in the early stage of phthisis, and thirty
patients suffering from phthisis in Rome,
hospitals, who are undergoing progressing the Koch)
treatment, are reported to be
favorably. I
Which is Being- Experienced in
European States.
a t.oimon camegram ot met ay say
It is now the seventh week of the prev;.
lence of frost throughout the United
Kingdom, with no sians of abatement!
of the severity of the weather. For du ,
ration of the frost period this is the!
greatest winter of the century, and in,
point of severity, the winters of Thames 1813)
and 1814 alone exceeded it. The
below Richmond remains partially which frozer j
and is covered with ice flois, an
impeding navigation. Numerous death,'
have resulted from the extreme cold,
several of them at the v.ery gates of t)
workhouses, where groups of poor pi
plo were waiting for shelter.
Midland newspapers declare thattho
ands of persons in that region are i
condition of semi-starvation, many lab
era being compulsorily idle without f
or food. The m yors of cities, with
aid of local boards, are directing nn
ganized distribution of bread ami COM,
and are starting relife kitchens; still th<b
fail to reach most of the cases of disiresf. i
The coasts of Belgium, Holland n,
north Germany are blocked with ice. 1:,
Scheldt river, navigation is nearly at a
standstill on account of ice. At the north
German port of Cuxhaven, twenty-amp
steamships are ice-bound.
An Antwerp 10,000 workmen have
been thrown out of, employment, owiu.;
to unusually severe weather. The miser/ conse¬
caused among the poorer classes in
quence is widespread and intense. tried 'I Sje V’
use of dynamite is about to be
break the ice at Copenhagen, ice-bound. wliefe
several steamships lie
At Berlin the temperature is at sixteen
degrees Fahrenheit. in the northern
part of Italy snow began to fall Wednes¬
day and did not cease till Friday. Thj
inhabitants of that region are suffering
acutely, such weather being is is entirely feared feared thA ui*
. known j- to -i— them, and » It it th tljj
numbers of people have perished In
Dispatches from Vienna say that con
municatiou with points south of that at
is greatyimpeded, and on alt railway
centering there the movement of train*'
is paidaily suspended.
A telegram from »^Hld reporta heavjr
^ the preva i n M« of H
i,v , T .4
,„ au ,„ von . s have been swept by i^e
storm, entailing heavy losses.
j A , ' 0 ient storm accompanied distan by Mil
ftn suo w> an d extending a long ce
in tIle | anc j )8 reported from Algiers. thjat The
report j s CO upled with the assurance
nothing like such in thut severity region of before, weatl|icr
was ever known Paris that the Seine j
Advices from sav and that
; g p] oc j cct i w ith ice near Rouen
the Saone is frozen above Lyons. 7ele
grams from Arras and Himes say tftat
mnch suffering is being caused at theise
places hy the intensely cold weather, and
that a number of persons have been
Knud frozen to death,
The Census Bureau’s Latest Bul¬
letin of Indian Statistics.,
in ii census ourean on irriaay issuea a
bulletin giving the population and other
information, of the various bulletin Li lian tribes, shows
exclu-ive of Alaska. The
the total Indian population of the United
States to be 244,704, which is made, up
as follows: On reservations or at schools
under control of the Indian office—not
taxed—130,254; Indians under Indian
office and self-supporting are as follows:
In the Indian Territory, 25,357areChero
kces, 3,104 Chicasaws; 9,996 Choc¬
taws, 9,291 Creeks and 2,539 Semimfies, colored
There are also about 14,247
peop e (mixed Indian Wood), living Pith
and members of the above tribes, j'he
total population of the five civilized
tribes is, therefore, 64,871; PeubloS, and of
New Mexico, 8,278; Six Nations St.
Regis, of New York, 5,304; Eastern
Cherokee* of North Carolina, 3,885, In¬
dians (98 per cent of whom are not on
rea< rrations) taxed and self-sustaSiing population,
citizens counted as general
32,567. Ap iches at Mt. Vernon bartacks
(prisoners^ 384, Indians in state or terri¬
torial prisons 184. Total, 114,473. Ihis
makes a total population estimated of the at country, 87-000,
including Alaska
almost 245.000.
Onr Premier Demands Satis¬
faction from Spain.
Considerable excitement has been
arouscd in Ma(lri(1 l)V the news of Sscre-
4ary Btaine’s demand for satisfaction for
tj JL . destruction of the American mif-iion
ar y property in the Caroline islmds.
The government is deeply concrrned
about it, and liberals now out of piwer
rejoice at the embarrassment of ihemin
i s try. It is feared that the United States j j
get a pretext for seizing positioq Cuba, and
Spain is, al present, in no for
war, either l>v hind * r sea.
THE CZAR’S BOODLE Deposited mihevarous
European Banks, j
jj, A London Russian cablegram government of has BaturdajJsays: distrj.ut- d
e Aanks
thirty million pounds among the
„f v »rioiu Eurojiean money cenhrs on
deposit. The policy of keeping tbebulk
0 f the foreign deposit with since one th* ba'kiug B«r
hoase has been abandoned
j„j, failuri which nearly regultci in a
loss for the Russian treasury)
Confederate White House.
It is settled that the old-fashioned
brick structure at Kichmoud, \a M
known as the Couefderate White House,
is to be used iu the future for the pres
ervation of Confederate relies. Ibe
movement was started more than a
>ears ago by the Ladies’ Holy wood Mem
onal nsaoc.ation to get tins building for
the purpo-e but some legal objections
were raised. However, this lias been
overcome, making it a museum as well
ns a place for the preservation recently of the passed war
relies. The city council
an ordinance carrying into effect the pur¬
pose of the ladies.
Houses for the People.
Nearly 10,000 dwellings were built in
this citv during 1890, or enough to house
at least 50,000 people. Philadelphia claim ev¬
idently intends to make better her
to the title “City of Homes.” Of these
new houses, 0,883 were two-story and
1,947 three-story dwellings. There were
only twenty-seven dwellings crewed of
more than three stories, and only operations seven
of one story. The building
have been carried on for the masses, as
the large proportion of two-story dwell¬
ings plainly shows.
Entitled to the Best.
AH £\ro entitled to the best that their money
will buy, so every family should have, at once,
a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of
gs, to cleanse the system when costive or
lilioua. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by
all leading druggists.
The most complicated of all combination
k -wedlocks.
The population of Vienna, by th c nn
lu xation of several villages, now amounts
to 1,300,000. ranking as Europe’s tourlli
cily in point of inhabitants.
IIow’n Thin f
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars reward for
aav case of catarrh that cannot be cured by
taking Hall’s Catarrh (ure.
F. J. (’ii ion i '.v & < o., Props., Toledo, ().
\W, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last l/> year*, and believe him
perfectly honorable m all business transac¬
ts.u, and tinaucially their able to carry out any ob
ligalioes made by firm.
w pst Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Tole
t (|c, O. Makvin, Wholesale
Waldino, K in nan
Druggists, Toledo, O.
ab’S( atairh ( urc in blood taken and internally, act
] ii- direct ly upon the Test manuals mucous sur
- .>f the system. sent t ree,
i t i t* ?bp. per bottle. Bold by all druggists.
kmi which we nvc we shall teach, wot vol
ui .u’illy, but involunturilly.
1! troubled with .;ny Female Complaint. ^ i
"'Vtain' 'mdknliek mail sealed. at Kjp small exiiense. book on j j
1’uvli. ubfrs by PMW Mary A.
r, mule IIon ir»XX . outs. Mrs. lb-.
bratinon, ushhiAdn St., Atlanta, tnc
Iih. i:-' redci tions may proj:crly be called
Malaria < ur<*d and era«lleat«*l from the
»yMem by Brown’s Iron Bitters, which » n- I
. riciu s ilit‘ blood, tones t.ho nerves, aids (ligen
\ \ tiou. Ads like ii cliarm on persoutt and strength. in gencriil
ill U altli, tflviug new energy
) in (b vmany a good workman can always j
mtake hi» mark.
I iiPMiopuTTir’ liTisltff n Ulo v;r
(» si il.irif J Dain«, coij'-isf in;; of bountiful /lav
f/'Holuw-. l’lilinmn sl»*p)»jnfir and New dininnf cars. and
lutwccii ( (:hiua«o, York
Boston. All trairiH run via Lake Chautauqua
(lnrinq tl /* Heason, and jnit->sengei*n holdinic
f lirougli licketrtare privilcRed (o h1 o|> olf at tld:4
world-l'HiiKtl renort. Be auro your tickets vend
via N. Y.. L. K. & IV. B. II.
Fair to the eye yot it Inis n heart of stone..... I
the peach.
I was taken -Ink with uhors on the left
tunc. Itoetors ve me up to die, but it frivntl
Kol me some Hull's Sarsaparilla and la-fore J
useii one hoHle I put heller, and again. alu-r Win. using A. it
two months I urn in work
Brookiiu, UublwiiUf, Mich.
Illinois has one buinlre/1 and twenty-five
tariff reform clubs.
A child cannot tell what alls it. A shrewd
mother will not. take eh inee-, hut will try Dr.
Bull’s Worm Destroyers at Don’t let
your drupwinf sell you any other kind of worm
candy. Bull’s is the best.
Over six million pK*r*f».« of mail innttor nro
seal anrimtlJj i<» Du? ihml let.tar office throiRih
i-areAesriiieSH j» thairacldreftfl, vie.
I>o y on IJvitr Npfcnlatef
Any perHon HPiidimf lift theii* name m l ml
>')chs will receive information Dial will lemJ
to a fortune. Benj. DgwIh A Co., rSeeurity
BuiUIin^, KaUHan (:ii y. Mo.
Lee Wu'sChinese. Ileadael.e Cure. Herm¬
it ssio effect, quirk and positive ot $4 In net bottle inn.
Si nl prepaid on rteeipl sl.,Kansut('ily,.Mo per
■, , .(!eUl&Co.,li-:SVVyaiiriotte
FITS stopped free by Da. Kline's Die /.at
NkiiVK Kkktokki:. So Fits after first day's
use. Marvelous f ares. Treatise and trial
l pjDcDee. Dr. Kline. KI1 Aruh St., Piilla., JM.
Timber, Mineral, Farm Lauda ami Itai.rlnv.
L in ought Misnouri, and aold. «<*“?“> l}ier& Co., Kansas K.ntaiYiiTMo y..
Oklahoma Guide Book anil Ma^nent an|r whera
1 : : : SCOTT’S
: In its First Stages.
! lie »ure you yet the genuine.
1 Cure BILIOUS and
Nervous ILLS,
25cts. E Box,
1 op A.I.I. uucc.'ii-r--.
)|a W In I aarn NodSfll LlllFlltbl n«rtSu«,T.
w-a«,utw.««K r
1 100!-
1*10 Ha IB*tte'tMk l th, ft 1.0He.
Largest Kitchen in the World.
Thp Bon Mllrch - n p Rri9 p08sessc8
p fo bablv the largest kitchea in the world,
It prov j de8 for all the employes of the
ho 4 000 in number. The smallest
kettle holds 75 ‘ a „ d the i arge8 t
375 ls _ Th re , u ,. 50 f ryin „ pans ,
each of wbidl is capablo * o{ cooking 800
cutlgts at , 0 of frying a20 pou „ds
of potmoes When there are omlettes for
breakfast 7,800 eggs are used. The cof¬
fee machine makes 750 quarts daily.
T here are (JO cooks and 100 kitchen boys
Kocnrxii is the latest name for the
lymph which is said to cure consumption.
It will probably stick.
St. Paul is living $500.0(4) a year
ahead of its income in its efforts to put
on more style than Minneapolis.
Pulmonary l)isniNi*«.
The lungs play a most important part in the
should machinery Ik* of ilit*. It is essential Nature that they
endowed this kept in good repair. wonderful lias
organ of life with
recuperative record power. Many instances through are on
where t he lungs have been shot
with a leaden bullet and tbo wound quickly
healing. Therefore none should despair when
they Frequently discover that their lungs are affected.
the lungs become sore and ulcer¬
ated and by an ignorant doctor pronounced
consumption with and worthless Whim remedies applied, feel
serious results. the lungs
sore l)r. and breathing painful the proper remedy
is John Hull’s Sarsaparilla* Its tendency
is to heal all ulcerations either internal or ex¬
ternal. Many an invalid whose case was pro¬
nounced health hopeless lias been restored excellent to vigor¬
ous by If a timely will use of this Ibis remedy
compound. havMonly yourself you to not blame try if do not
you you
got, well.
Better be small and shine than to bo great
and cast a shadow.
Brown’s Iron Bitters cure* Dyspepsia, Ma¬
laria, Biliousness and General Debility, (lives
Strength, aide* Digestion, tones tile nerves—
erea Mothers, es appetite. weak The nest and children. Ionic for Nursing
A matter of both time and money a prom¬
issory note.
Nothing Else Will Do It.
We have volumes of evidence to prove that S. S. S,
is the only permanent cure for contagious Blood
I suffered for five ,voars with tlio having groat holes caused by
Worst form of blood poison, during it. i then commencedlak'ngSwi.t's
which time I was al- Specific (S S. S.), an'*
ten led by the host in a few months I was
physicians I could find, entirely eur -d, and t >
and tried yu)inters f C/ ty this groat inoilirine do
proprietary medicines I attribute my ioiov
without any beneficial cry. This was < vr
resells, i e.ouliuued tohg ns rear infallible ns It laMvvo yetis ago, and I
•-'<>' w ,„ x0 .,|| |},j s ’possible f or a mod cine to beOiarc had no return or
dine, util ' whole.^ , fin the euro ol Blood i oiscn.1 i n ; effects of the dia
i my q
systole wa» destroyed o iso sin. o. ::u I my skin
by the vile disease, my tongue and i is t * day as smooth as anyhi dr 'a
I Wil i mi 8 iwcrs, (’or inglo i, • >.
I'oo' s n i Din «i kin < : i cincs f;o The Swift Si oein; Co.. HI- n :l
afEKI.?, fK.*K,S 4 K:=,St »sSfg 5 Efl<
4l HRI
♦ Re11'.', foi
<.t«e« once \ on. ... ».<.. i.T v wt *
.. M>| . .
Avvly into tft Aostrilu. --- ft is Quickly Absorbed. -ry
00c. Vriirtfatti o: by moil. JKkY BBOti., 60 Warren /St., N. ~
■ EVEN sGvrNrrtM srvcM'ty CURE Biliousness *1
rfah wil' Sick Headache,
This Picture, Panel size, mailed for 4 cents. Malaria.
]Wak»rH of “BUo Beans,”
255 8c 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. Cily.
! 19
j yrup Mr.Frank
Here is something from
A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt
House, Lewiston, and the Tontine
Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men
meet the world as it comes and goes,
and are not slow in sizing people
and things up for what they are
worth. He says that he has lost a
father and several brothers and sis¬
ters from Pulmonary Consumption, troubled
and is himself frequently
Willi ..fill, COKIS, ,.„l,tc UI1C1 IK.
! Hereditary often COUghs enough
tO make linn sick at
ConSUITl ptionfaig stomach. When
ever he li« taken a
cold of this kind he uses Boschee s
German Syrup, and it cures him
every time. Here is a man who
knows the full danger of lung trou- i
Dies, ail(i would therefore be most ' 1
particular as to the medicine he used.
What is his opinion ? Listen! “I
use nothing but Bosehee’s German
Syrup, and have advised, f presume, ;
more than a hundred different per
sons to take it They agree with
me that it is the bent cou^h syrup
in the i»-arkc M Qd
Our Well Mnchtnnr tuo the moi MONEL
nmi.UBi.K.' c*»Hrt •
They MHHK W«IIK arid
ri ik'OIM.A'D If PKOri f. /V
'i h**y FINISH KAIM Wcll»wh*re Any n!zm, ■’ \JT\
utbi-M iitchi-H til
1 nt-hen to 44 a me ter. Cat
LOOMIS & NYMAN, alogue
BflbbT nirnv u KNhKS u rro positivki.v hi mki.ikd
Greely Pant Stretcher
Adopted by fftudent* at Arahernt mod other
i ;oll(rg*t», kIko by profamiofiai and buHiiiena rn*n «twrjr
wh'TP. If pul f->i --!•* in your town 2*>(‘. t'J '
h J. GKKJilyY, 7t6 Wan'iiHgton Stro«t Honton.
THE ORIGINAL «NO GEMUIWC Tbr only Hnfe* fort, sd4 ettinbl* PHI tee ule.
t.Hdlr* v i ■' ChlchfUer • Itnglith Diamond Omni it. |{* d »&■! Gold ru* t*lric ^
/ (n *:r or-,-. Tsk* no other kind. K'/v* Subitltutuau and Imitation*.
You’ve tried Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription disappointed, hav0
you and you’re
The results are not immedi
And did you expect the dis¬
ease of years to disappear in
a week ? Put a pinch of time
in every dose. You would
not call the milk poor because
the cream doesn’t rise in an
hour? If there’s no water in
it the cream is sure to rise.
If there’s a possible cure, Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
is sure to effect it, if given a
fair trial.
You get your one dollar it
costs back again if it don’t
benefit or cure you.
We wish we could give you
the makers' confidence. They
show it by giving the money
back again, in all cases not
benefited, and it’d surprise you
to know how few dollars are
needed to keep up the refund.
Mild, gentle, soothing and
healing is Dr. Sage’s Catarrh
Remedy. Cures the worst
cases permanently. No ex
periinenting. It’s “ Old Re¬
liable.” Twenty-five years of
success. Of druggists.
<JOOI> ftsstw a:
nurchasA &rat<Hl onn <>f <■«>{«
iirxuM. niamifactiir/yl Th« fiumt small and arms a JJ \% 1
ever th« n
drat of a II export* ' 5 S vc# «
Man ii fa* tu red in vaMbrm :n, » mv) 44-hw. HI -un
■la or dou model action, Hafaty llaimuarlriHa *»OtU*oly boat anri
raraet in. Oonatruotesl <*f qnnl*
Icy wromrlil atock, I, tliay carefully unrivaled Inapm t«*«( for ror wort*
mai)H)i'i> t»l ami are Do
tliitii lit linn y mid itrcii run v. not badecoiv^l whioi h*
< li<*ap inn blc cdNt-iroii IrnltntlonN
areoftan anM for the kgh am« article and SMITH am not
»mlv linn llaMa, but daiiariroua, Ilia H
WKHHON Bavolveri ara all Htamin-d m»*f upon th** bar*
rala with ftrm'a nama, addrcaa «Iat*n of pat*-nta
and au« quit ran lord j wrffict article, In • r«ry and detail la
al»tn|i<m havluK the ic nulru* If y«nai
dealer <-.aun<>t auppiy you an order te nt to ariar»«a
below will receive prompt and careful attentioflL
Doecrptlvecutalmma ao l r»rl/vi4 fiirnl»}//»'! fj t">r> Of
plica ton. SMITH & WESSON,
this paper. s,r, n ,arid, Jlja
(OB A tmB.|)ltLUH BIU. 1 M 1 u* br Mt
we will r, fr*?© oi all ebargot. to any cU l*»ri •on la
'%3,'J U ' '>'«**>'»“'>"»“* «“ - cota*
One I«<H»II» t»UI. or F«r« VuNdlaa, - • 10 oU.
‘ 13 -
! #
on«c*k#ofVMeiin«8o»p °« l «qui«K*iy»o«iitad,»'' »
Or for pontoon any *injln article at thr prion
namrrt On no lit pertvuulf / to accept from
tabrlUHtvHthournamr, bemvm uov icOl r*r>
wtinkey Habit#
jj l | %/f ticui&rs *^XTpt rafeu.
H c»u
, lalllll .,VT®, r„m^WhiKhun ai
WlB4llIii»fiA*.eno«jrhiooov'ir ., ,^ uUfu> iei
l»iii l «q h»a
* te * ; u * t * 25c - s.f.
SHORTHAND ir you want
Is TO LEARN Hoaool,
Sli<»r( imid, hand to '-t nAiUitf* nborthaod v«i
j., < an i r«ad it it > om* yotiBof Aa>lrti
m 1 nr««pfibe and th* fnllfam. onJjr
dome lilg ii as
4HS«raa»«S Dar*a la 1 *?the carta!a «;ur%
a*» < j. «. I NUdA HAM.M D Y. .
a>oa aButota tfa AmaUrdam, N.
FjI Ifrd only fcy the W#» barn aold Big « lor
^ M lraM Chaniol^*■ V v > t > y tb•*VxSt •! sat.*
yjjPpt. Cfar.lnnatiJN^^B faction. b. u nYcnr. <t _ ro ^ _
omo. • uic»fo, ill.
TrUr^^W^s«rk»*1.00. R-14 by
A. N. U...... .......Three. 1891.
Best Cough Medieini Jlr-eommonded Pleasant agreeable hy Physieians. to the
Cures where all else fails. and
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists.
« -y.&t I,P T. i O N W