Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 16, 1891, Image 8
- uflor j* 1 ” 1 cur*e tliUou* Ww Aff'rtmr.t Cntnp'oir.i, eld J Cc*H - T.»fM AMlTOK(f)st» Price S’>cT». I * I . j t j I i m [i fit I SALVATION OIL i Mehtres {frit* •xly quickly 25 cent j. Rheumatism, Sold by all druggltta) Heu ' rntfim,Smeltings,Bruises,Lumbago, | Mullet, ESKtO'Ids,Soros,Backache,&C. Headache, Toothache, Cuts, j s ’’S' '►w 1 ™“ X KW A l) VEKTISKM ENTS. j j "1 £ Jf { Mohi-aim Lai iia vc.m (■ t | habit-, fn >‘-d in J In t W A 8. IJ A?JL f*. I, j*,., ,i ( f t Tobacco habits «N< Jl. S. I)lHI*KNSAlt < iJeitii-o Spring' Mich ^ I Inspector McLaughlin of the Brook¬ lyn police •fared at the speaker in sur¬ prise, and then the •milo on his feature* broadened into a [multire grin a* he answered, ‘‘I was once almost in the jaws <>f a shark, and the;- were beyond * 'laws of death' for living thing that any passed their portal*." “Will yon please detail the circum .•#f(inoe* of your escape?” "Certainly. On ll,e Ulh .1 /. f GRATEF li iVXa 0 O 0 O A LABEL!.; ! 1 ’.ONLY. ns? \4wm «/'■'*»!’’ A PKMSra CUtHIOH*. .......... 1,,-ar.l. I . rTZhirTZ,,I-.Ml fur took wf .,>■ jirwof* Hr-It. •noIv. hfc* Hr't.iUT, ,N*v* %urk. Writ# w OH MY BACK! sujfi'riUAl Tlmt i?rm*r.vliy menus pain ami jJiil why suITt j ' Dr. (iro’svunm ’s Hull citj) sic 1‘OIOtH r will relieve you In oim iiiklbl, fciir**. Scud ft ]n*miy sinmy to (iioHV»*nor A Hjnluuils, Jbwion, Mu*# , mol loarn liow to removn a poron plaster scienf ilicnlly it will pay you n»*id doii’t foi tfct that ilo* I)»*,*£ porous plnstm io Mm world lias th * pictmcot i mil on th,) hack-cloth, and is called DU ,i;dsvk\ou s Bel:-cap-sic i ^Pti i CONSUMP 1 It lias permniH'idh cured Tliors wns of less. eases If pronounced have by monib do, Inis hope¬ you pit I.'illieuliy n symp¬ of toms, Milch as t’oimh, 11 rent Ii i lie. A loll’t delev, mil list) 1‘ISO'S CURE con CONKl Ml’TIdN IruiiHid lately. 1’-' 1'ni.u.qi 24,111113. -TltE INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! * *** irf WMK'S |p L FAtxi. • : A str ( tly fimt omss l»* m.iulunc. Finiy war in HI. at Mailt* from very Nt material. b\ skillr«i lb tlo’^H’s! tiH>ls that have ever Alt' for the |iuriH>s*‘ War rant to do I; that can ritor (h* n'lLsotmi*!) C'ap.Ai•!« rXWvtiHi of (*f writing flic very si t) jh»w c\ 1 .N 0 «'r*iN minute or nwrp atvorflinjf lu th© Uty <>f Uh* <if*ratcr PWrr $100.00 . H tlnna* is no n rent in your town, ad »!ji ss the inaiiuiactim is, I lie. I*VK!*-It Yll’fi. CO., r i in mi, .v. r. * »= * UT\ and TYVKWKIT fnoiliticH ami * o; ri'A l s’ amp f<»r return p’SUBpv*; niK PARISH MIM P J^hisji, N. Y. ING ED » .Wi iiriia s AS A SPRING MUR Mt'OiCINE.TO CUJRE ANDTONE AILMENTS UPTHEOENEJIAL OF^THE SYSTEM,TAKE THE DEMOCRAT. CU .TFORDVILLE, GEORGIA. SHORT STOPS. ' Ab! be quick to love, make haste to be k 11 d! An eminent Presbyterian divine ; an~ ! ncunced to Ins comovgatiau that he must take a vacation on account of brodchitis, the elder- raised his .-.alary : ni Moi Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Hi- was cured,. I My daughter suffer ■ i greatly with non ralgia in the face and forehead and was unabo- to secure any relief. I saw Salra- > tion Oil advertise |. scn t fora bottle, and one application gave entire relief. J. S. McCA.UL.LBY, (Policeman.) Residence M. Hoik! St., Ha I to . Md. .^ returns to il.-e man w,1 ° K ' your system. Sold by Dr. It. J. Reid. He oirued and strong to-day* for they ministry io others. If you feel "out of sorts.” cross and peevish—take Dr. McLean’s Sarsaparilla cheerfulness will return aiutiife will squire new zi 2. At Jicul’s Drug Store. A consider'tation if petty eircuin Htunw the tomb of Don’t ritate your lungs with a stub w b a plea -ant and etter it#’ . ia be fuiiiid in Dr. M. d 1 I ; Vine buniz Balm! At Dr. the sake of one anotli ’i’eue ,11 111 01 Ileal' with them. be i who are troubled with worms uIa iekl} relived by giving them i ' v 'ri))- and M. e-.juds D'm’s worms. Liquid For Vermifuge, sale by j j nr- 1 1 p tl v) v irot.ii.n serves either to tu.’ii ■ i lo i-’-pi'ess his inner nature, an f ufferingl with Weak or io IH'l or grauuated eyelids, you CHII I D by using Dr. .1. 11, M' f sui'm streu fheirhig Eye Halve, Sold by Ot. KekJs. It is (*v«;r t > be notic ‘(l tluit in the | race for precedence eoiUd one must, tiiku the dust. ‘‘It goe-t right to the spot;” said nn old man, win, w:i rubbing in Dr. .) II. M 1 ' Ja an’s Vo.canic Oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism. Hold by Dr. lit-id. I,ove is a flower which takes its nature largely from the toil from which it. spuigs. ) The Idood must be pure for the body to fa- in perfect condition, Dr. .1 It, Mr j and Lean's imparts H.ti'saparillii tin- rich bloom makes oi pure health blood and vigor to tin* whole body. At lleid’s Ding ,Store. -Man can do everything with him¬ self, but he must not attempt to do in nth with I HLKKPL KHH NIGHTS, made uiisernbl by tlml terrible cough. Shiloh’s i me 11 he Itemedy foi you. llauiuiack Lucas -fee Co God* s bill I't nnon. No fault-* ! and no virtue*! Tina is not itoline .sj | vigor is the blood of virtue. SUlDOli'.' VI r A LI/Kit it what nt-t'-l for <'tiit-q.ipiiliou, I.osm ol Aiq't-tii. i-v.-i'iqi- , l>i, in \ luptoii' of ' V' I."' 1 M ,:, ‘ l,ls ‘ ,er ,. Dl.’.itiM’.” i > IR* V Cl SO preat that it oil) .ill >r«l to turn asldo , Irom , tho out- , si utl< i (*i rind 1 ii’llid Ul 1 1 lift miltliish. IfMiPSK For llUU(‘ hack , side or chest, use Shi I JOli 3 I'olouils . Plaster. ... , Price . L’.I ... llamniack, Lucas A Co. Wt'gau: liollmig '«) lulscliood , I,. but the dimu) vantage ol not being believed H1HLO HSi tiUiill unit <’oiisiimpiion <’tire i* void bj u* mi « guarantee, i viiio l ii isimii>ti''ii. HammiteU, & 1 Unless you tre perfect you li.ivri no! right u> talk about your neighbor’s I faults. If you are perfect you won’t | uo , ,, GliOUl’. WHUOI’ING GOUGH and j Urimchiti.s Inunediatt-ly relieved by >hil loli’s (’ure llammuek. 1,liras ,V Go. TH.VT HACKING cough can be so ! j Nottiiug ’.ill lender it man useless faster than to live among pe»p!e wlio think tli ii evei yilimg lie says is right, quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We I guarantee it. llumivmck, Lucas W Go. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia 1 and inverComplaint' Shiloh’s v’lializer \ i* guaiiinteed to cure you. llammac-k, l.lK'Ss .V t O. If um would liml a great many faults, l>e tm the lookoiF ; but if you want it) liml them in uniiiniled qnai - titles; been the* look-in. GA I'AKb'H CURED, health and sweet breath seeured, bj Shiloh’s Catarrli Reme¬ dy. Price ,M) cents. N i-.ul Injector free Uauitnack, Lot a; A Go. When ;i man lei Is yeu anything that is derogatory to your neigabor, ask him to go with you at once to that neighbor and tell him about it. For rhomaatio ami iHMirljiio pains, rub in Dv. J, H Mclii'an's Voioanit* Oil JLitii* lit unt, umi take Dr *1. 11. Melaun's J>at >ap.irilla. You “til not suffer loui*, but « will lu‘ struti rieii with u spemiy ami effee live cure At K Wlieii von have learned to submit to d ' fAithtvdly, patuM t!y, dtHv that is most distasteful to >ou, Do*i may permit you to do the work you like. The quality of the blood uepemis muon Upon oi hut Uipsostion amt assimila¬ tion. To make th<* hhxnl ru*h amt in life strength-siveil constituents use Dr. J. Il Mul.i An's Sat s;tput ilia. It will nourish list' piopertt • if tilt* lliOlH from wiieii ttiO « uumts oi vitnhty air drawn. At U .1 RWd’i. The imagination is n woudvifu . thing. One n-vd oul| insinuate a thing, an 1 t!v> imagination of the br.mi innutiLalUy cinmoOts a lirst class storv. The irculat of tdocxf -qufekPiHM ,'iinl enriebdi - W!)rs‘}l f rmil puer.y to every portion of the body; ttppelite re turn>; the hour of re si brine* with it sun ml repose f - in lw» si oar.-il by tikiusi Dr J. 11 MeI.can's Sarsaparilla ,\t Kuid s Urua Store Mothers, you can relieve your body <’ its discomfort without administering »fU um. that deadly drug, by using ofliy pf Hull's baby Syrup. The remedy needed for a severe easy r nasal catarrh is Old Soul’s Catarrh Cun Y'ou will find that the mere resolva not to be useless, ai d the honest desirt to help other people, w ill iri the quick improve . „ <-J and delieatest ways, your self. I) c)ne Dollar.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla « a! ways a fair equivalent for the price always a fan equivalent for the prlcf:. • No man can ! >y any ciaim to lf-C il enterprise who fails (o patronize t'ts county paper. CSWRRH 1 ZS553SHI Cqmim.vy. Newark. N. J. JJC* I f 1 o'-‘| .<>{■$ «&>«» 6 , BEAT 1 Y, Washington a. ■). - n FOR 13 WEEKS The New York Illustrated News w mailed, securely wrapped, to any mb < In the Unite dStates or Canad , for t „ months on the receipt of One I> , ,, Liberal discounts allowed to age.* i. postmasters and clubs. Ne s ag.-nts tell this paper freely, openly and a' e joard. Sample copiet mailed Address New YorY Illustruiel News, 252 Broadway, New York (J ,y. John L. Sullivan, the Terror of I k« tiui Hippodromes, is the bp' rtmg ‘‘ ‘or Home Counci We take pleasme In calling the i tion of motiiers to a home cure ill diseases of lie Stomach and Bow a nocib'U . medicine miong to cairy cm critical of “ ■ safely throuvb ill** st.n lug. FITTS’ CARMINATIVE |h fin incalcolahlf bif^MStnp to no>th cli ilil it is nn instant relief to «* In hints a uirh wnicl; ., suffer ho much tfu* first four ukmi their lit" I t iv**ssvvu(‘t Tost to r i id fretful eliild /t sfcrenjftbofi*’ I l-nililr* tli- vv>ak «!'ve> apifMtf ’ iij* forwfs.dihiti Boi (\ <othf* punv. » bov * * H, <Mi r»*h Ilian lini* i nittl Ov-^l A HU.HU fm Uu- ( hildieii ren TWENTY-FIVKiTNTS A LE :*,oJd bv II mnick l.ucim A bu I ■’I Bip'iw «li.SKIN»»BUJOO i i DISEASES. j The Best Household Medicine. Once or tw-ice each year the sys¬ tem needs purging of *he impu • ties -which clog: the ,...iwli (JUi childhood to old age. no re sdy meets all cases with the saint cer tainty of good results as ; BOTANIC BLOOD BALM, W. C. McGauhey, Webb City, ^ 77 Ark., writes. t “ B. B. B. has done me more good and for ■ money than any other blood purifier lever used I the comfort of my life to it. M owe Va„ August ifc88, p. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, B. B. B. for the preservation »o, writes: health. “ I depend I have on had it my family now of my in all that time in have not hudf nearly two years, and to have a doctor.” 4 UxjD ,K“ Writ,' HALM tor CO., Itlastratcd Atlanta, Ga. "Book Scntfrev of Wondorw : | H ^rT'^a ^ ^ H M # I iflit / k) C\V>Sl ' i7t<Wifi.' (JL \ ’’ THE CREAT TONIC 1‘u. ijir* Ulnn'I. Afild Diff I'linly Vend able, yj o?-£3 qvr GoneiJ I. ( t A R I wts «»’T( rinff from ■i I: , 1 . it me Ll--u 1 a.iuctlon,au<l rl » y u 4 ; s run g- g u i < Derally. Crini Wei -t i .i rvt.ur m ’ : ” i Wooldridge’s relief be? ( ’Vi h ' l exp* i.” v 1 great 111 5 dug the iii -S b -t 1 *, I have used » Jamily ever f»u ’0 with go. d results. ('i'i,r:r s,U \., Juno 15,1^S9. L. G. had Wi T. 1 ' ah Sms: K v'y In tho> enrl8H91 «?evt‘!oj il c'saof S 'roVuTa, so pr 'vd vr 1 irofibeb: .t bottles doctors rf In th« city* W. W f v'«| •Of- UHL J f.i 'k f)»reo your <f dv; ;o*s Wonderful OiweL and um to Mel dt l : i v r I was. 1 look uo v- V foctj '. i^s is to Certify thnt- the Above med.\ oor* r*' -f, nml that I administered the /n'. iiA*m.r> »lf, Oc, Feb. 26, IS^Q. J. W. L. POU SALK BV AI.I. DRCMMSTS. I f Three t times I * 4. a Take Roy's biooa s’*. purifier u . ec^ ; times a dav, b ? ■ ' -y® 11 are troubled v Jh any t kin or blood disease .’U d r tx . >ns wilii *A«fk jpacR. Ro ■Lie. your OUR NEW IMPROVED SINSCR high ARM, THIS STYLE, ONLY S26.00 ffi O Ty ■ z . , - i ’ vkn? P f w J a i U ■ U) v * T J *" ^ -i zi ^ i. v - in <o vi /’ -* 1 ■' 2 ' -• - *-* B WILLETS iMn^\’r ^ ^ - CURED P|TC Also. Treat;»eOO Fp. epAy ' i >- -TF»K ■ " any LONGER < »e PcitO** **••* rk^m, Pfc JC ; -nmlL Just ^Organized in Augusta, Ga. -A NEW ■ B M 88 T 4 *fB WM,Q%S m®!I® _ _ 18 _ LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IV THIS SECTION OF Carriages, o ■K& KL2 J§1 y\ Roads Carts, ■ Btiggics mam®* W ago 05, * Phaetons, Harness, a sj Surries, Saddlery ? 13elting j3Ln<3L B^ill Supplies YOTIl'F_We As'thisfs now coVn'-wc prepared to furnish anything in our line, and gu rantee all oor goods to be the best ever offered at arc inducements patrons, in order to build up a trade. See ous goods ,, , prices a new offer special to ohr and uud out our prices octore buying eDewtme. T'TCAV I SON OOSKEltl _ r k „ tv D AN t , Broad Steel, Augusta, Georgia- FREE FOR EVERY ONE WHO Wllil* TP.RE THE TROUBLE TO RSK FOR IT. THE WEEKLY CSttSTfTim 1 r J “'.i SUBSCEIITION PRICE *1.00 PER YEAR. THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, 1 51,000 WEEKLY READ BY NEARLY A MILLION READERS. Agents make $25 to $100 per month working for us. Send for Outfit. Easiest paper in America to get subscriptions for.“©d ... v am ns FOR SAfim: roriKS. Write on a Postal Card the names and addresses of YOURSELF and „ an” Southern Weekly will be sent FREE of charge. FIVE nrighbors Sample Copies of The Lireot 4 NO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. no srrCEl.IlS l.IKK SIT’CESS.” The fact that more than 130,000 families read THE WEEKLY “WOTIf proof that it has equal in America » s a Family k FTtJTION everr week is the best no o n >-tiTiTT-rif)>i for iasi g'ive during the coming year: HIM. Philosopher-Humorist. AltP, The Famous lol l. CHAUnLKR HAItltlS, Of "Uncle ttemnb" Celebrity. Rev. T. lleWJTT TAI.MAGE, The Celebrated Divine. PLUNKETT Letter*, "h.y Sarge” The "Georgia Cracker, t'RA.Ak I.- STANTON, The Poet. WALLACE F REEIf, Whose Charming Short Stories have a Nat i inal Reputation. Dr. W. I*. JORiES, Agricultural The South’s moat Prominent Ktiitor. E. W. BARRETT, Correspondent. Our Special Waaljington Mr*. Wm. ItING. Th, Xditm. Of WomenT Kingdom and onr NOTE. If you want flic Southern Farm will he sent you for a year. " •50RMJA RAILROAI)CO Stone Mountain Ro de. 4 0 wk! «of«en K ual manager. Atmo6TA,DA.. Jan., - r<l, 1891. S lOM.ULM , ?V|Vl IN -* * w;rTV,)VV SUNDAY 4th Inst, 111- \ ;& ■{ he follow 1^ Passenger 5clu‘<lules Will ^ , ><■ operated: | —• FAST LIN 14- l Vo. 27 Wkst Duly. No. 28 East Daily 1 Lv Aiiqiistn 7:45 a nuLv Atlanta 2:45 p m | I j ,\r Maco..i 12:10 p 111 Ar Gr’dvillc 5.54 Ar Athens 11 : to a in Lv Athens 3:50 p m ! Lv Athens 8:25 a m Ai Wasli’t’n 7:20 ,, , 1 Yr \Vasli’t’lllO:40 a 111 Lv Wash't’ll 4: 20 ,, 1 W.nh’t ’11 7:20 a m Ar Alliens 7:0 r . p 111 j . Lv Cf’vilio 9:42 P. 111 Lv Macon 3:30 p m ' \r Augusta 8:15 vr Ytlio 1 !:)>)> 0) ,, No. 1 Wkst Daily No. 2 East Daily. Lv Auxnsia 11:05a m Lv Atlanta 8 : 00 a m Macon 95)0 a m „ CvMv’l.‘1224 p m (Jamal; 12 55 p nilr Athens 5 15 p ni W’sh’nt’n 11 10 a m ,. W’sh't’n 2 30 p m Athens 4 50 a 111 Lv (Jamal; 1 17 pm | t (Jr’dv’lle 1 32 p in'Ar Macon 4 45 p m 1 Atlanta 5 45 p m 1 Augusta 3 15 p m ,, No. 3 Wkst Daily No. 4 East Daily. LvAn"nsta 11:60 pm Lv A Mania 2.4)u a ni \ > (Jr’dvflle l:5l ain.Ar Cr dville i>.-t7 a in Ar Atlanta 6:30 aiti|Ar Augusta 9:30 a m ! Union Point & White PlainsR. R. Leave Union Point *19:10 a m *5;40 p u, Arrive Siioam 10:35 a in 6:05 pm Arrive \\ bite Plains 11:10 a m 6:40 p m Leave White Plains *8:00 a m *3:30 p m Arrive Siioam 8:35 a in 4:05 pm Arrive Union Point 9:00 a m 4:30 p m 1 *Daily Except Sunday HTSuperb Improved Sleepers to Aug¬ usta and Atlanta. No. 27 and 28 stop a’, and receive pas sengers to and from tin* following station only: Grovetown, Hariem, i Jeai;n , Thomson, Gamak, Norwood, Harnett, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greeuesboro. , ' Madison, lvuueage, Piitledoc Ntcial GK-II Circle. * - Gov ; ington, ( onvers, Llthoma, - tone Alour. m ! tain and Decatur. Parlor 1 arior cars ears on '’7 and 28 bet AV *:i AU . guStil and Atlanta. '■ZJSSZr a.dl DORSEY, Gen’I Passerger Agent, Joe. W. White. T. P. A. , Augusta Ga. s •r* ela JV-G.UW e ffh «4a ill ; « >ir# lit Sames’hot Power Machinery. Metal. «*/■ wAhlu. Wotkeps OF Wood on .««a vo-t of MAehtwef. b'-t. ioaer. aiulsave^ . vf theift-eire^ lYi.'e I.:-* Faee. *r. I\ t: 4«»M\ E\R>K.« ito.; > iu*.t 61. ***-<***. it. Reside the regular contributions of the above THK fON^TJTl 'J IOM has gone to a gr«;iter expense than any other American newspap.-r to secure couti ibutious from unt me most noted special writers of tt ie wor Id. For the Year IG9I. • rot.. Fit AN K A. t.tlttt. The Pum.'tin Correspondput will supply reg> larly Letters fro- The V.ttr«pean i'enierif on m tteri* of particularly special interest the to American readers, and to Farmers of this country ; « study of Agri cultural ami Industrial Europe being the chief motive for ids Trip to the Old World. WKXni H. STAXU'V. The Celebrated African th«‘ Explorer in Win he fto.xrd from during j*-ar a Bern*- of the most interesting articles ever. published 4. ERISOST C’cat Electrician ^ an 1>ne fSifkHii’v t other of the the ties' ruouthl: for Farmers ever printed, send »l.«5 and both Farm and CONSTITUTION Address THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA. Covington & Macon Rallr art Company. ITH M ! NT) —Towards Athens. ,'o.v i ids M icon. -'v>urn BOUNn SECOND I LASS. tarn -ii gnrnriT-T? — -' Vo. lb Local fd I'ii.-* .H l'’i i III Kffect S.«n: M tvis.h 30fast.-ri Ci*- 1 N->, '■£! oh Mill bunday] , Frc. >Umtla Frt Tue-tflavs Snnd.iv! Mdl 1 6 ?m i -t | j Wed & Friday v Thurs & Svt’y I Only' j Daily f m SG’L “ V v no a -. Daily Only 1 ) 2 30P.U 7 V 5 a n Lv .VIucoil IE (0*vl T. Dpt) bpt) .Vr,tt ;li -*JPM 1H t!5$ 12 KeM 5 »PM «00 am 2 32 7 17 Macon |3 |1212 ]4:« 7 0S’ j 3 IP i 731 Round Marti Oik ."I D .3 34 ill 48 '|3 37 8 J7 l j .142 8 62 IA ! ■ ; | | 10 15 I I ! L!!l 4 4 33 30 J t ) i ; 9 9 15 is i Monti -ello I) 4 ’o 11 0;i 2 18 11 0 1 4 58/ ! 9 40 j •Macheu U ,4 03 10 88 120 11 70 5 13 10 0.5 / S j j Godft*') D ; 42 27 PM 10 06 I ! 12 45PM 1 5 47 110 40 t Madison 3 03 l 9 30 111 15 i '1140 10 55 { | 2 2 5 S j 8 47 10 11 45 27 2 00 6 32 | . Farmington 12 18 37 2 50 6 48 11 56 Watlrinsvllle D 1 53 I 8 31 3 45 pm 7 20 pm 1225 pm Arrive .A theiii L ive. 1 25 PM 8 J<> AM 7 40 AM. :^Pvcad Down. | A. G GR \IG, Aetiiur Sup rintendeiit- | Read A pamphlet of Information and ab¬ stract ^Obtain of the laws,dbowi»g How Traded! to> Patents, Caveats, free./M mL Marks, Copyrights, A sent CO. AM B^3G1 Addrtot MUNN Broadway, New York 1 m ' f.'X ' :v. : p |||M ---------------------- Ctveat ^ aud Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat en t business conducted for moderate Fees. 0u „ omce is Opposits u. s, p»ts»t orrice and we cau secure patent in less tune tnac Loose remote from Washington. with deecnp Send model, advjse< drawing jf patentable or photo., not. tree of ^ We or is secured. ekarge. Onr fee not dne till patent with i A Psv.PHi.eT, "How to Obtain Patents," j 1 names of actual clients in your State, county, or town. Bent free. Address, C.A.SMOW&CO. Or**. Patent Office. Washington, D. C. ! t _ --- * u 3 VL-'-dc -I # t " v;.,V 'm .• f ' n / >4 1 ^ 5 m SJSil Wrt/liS ilHlnbtr subscription. of It STITITION worth a years is t» e cheapest in price, the biggest and best weekly newspapet published in the known world. household should be without its cheer to the family fireside. It h as so r; thing to please and interest every ;«em of the family and Sons, it has A|f**i leal* For the Father fural India*, i*. rial r and PoliliealNews, Ktories of lhe Mar and .4<1 venture. For the Mother and Daughters it offers •W oman s Kingdom,'' “Children's Depart men 11 ” and other specialties for feminine fa ncy. In addition to its special departments it Ie ds all American newspapers in giving complete the oews of the world. It costs you nothing to see this great paper and you will do yourself au injustice if you do not send for a sample copy. it the After best you family read it if y u do not think is paper in the world you do not have to subscribs • Vw’Acinci NMATI LeN/W-V r A. THE & r ETy^O; k: ♦ jgF^r' $c RAILWAY ■ SYSTEM. ',rn ■ihrmi Clint I Somtrrtiit T E N N -- - W*o- °* i,,v h,vuic - lore,,™ CHATTAMQOCAj OM ahvfta £ ' . oV® Collin tun ' ATLANT ( G • MISS. Sjf J -!^ > HiuoUinauille* N *** ' v g.T M'jfifortta Thojfrmi suif/e % \ JESUPX i wo/bili L t t-o n TV ' |'*IW nil'IAtK- x tT.AUOUSTINf .’ j 9 FIST TRAINS 1 j ATLANTA, GKATTANOOSA, KNOXVILLE, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, RESORTS. ASHEVILLE, AND SUMMER MAY 11, 1060. Lv Brunswick . 11 : 00 p.m.i 8:20a.m. Lv Jesup. i 1:20 a m. 10:40 a.m. Ar Macon .....' 6;47a.m., 7:02 tttst Lv Macon ilO^SS'Mn. a.m. a^Op.m. Ar Atl» ma. 11:00 Lv Ailanta . !H:00 a.m.: p.m. Ar Rome. ! 1:50 p.m.; 2410 a.m. Ar Chattanooga f 5:00p rarl fi A r Louisville .....s*. ! 1 Ar Cincinnati ... 6:40a.m. 7:30p.m. Ar Knox vilie. ] 6:35 p m. 7:55 a.m. i Ar Morrii st own. _____ S.lOp.m 9:25 a m Ar Hot Springs Ar ABheviiie P: T i3. At Bristol ir§- ! ??a Dg8 ■ mss. 7 f X. • Ar Roanoke ..... ^ a- • P m _ _ ;f2p.m. Ar Natural Bridge a i ’.' ^ Ar Luray...... . II M a.m. 112: 37 a. m. Ar Lynchburg ' 7 .20 a.m.; 9:20 p.m. 1 Ar Petersburg- 11:20 a.m.' ........ Ar Norfolk 2:00 p.m.)....... _ ! Train leaving Brunswick at 11.on p. m carries Pullman Sleepers Brunswick to Atlanta and Pull¬ man Buffet Sleepers Jacksonville to Cincinnati, connecting at Rome Chattanooga with through with Sleepers Pullman to . Washington, and at Sleepers for Memphis and the West. , Train leaving Brunswick at 8.20 u.m,connects at Macon with Pullman Sleeper for C LattafcQQgaandal Knoxs-fne Atlanta with Pullman Sieeser to~ where : connections are made with Puliman Sleeper for Philadelphia and New York, and Hot Springs and Asheville. StMMER EXCCTEiON TICKETS will TYFO CENTS per mile travelled icpmEnencing May I5tb. good to Return before Nov 111 Bfo Iron-elad Ntgnalfre CttM trae l Tfekett. FRANK Apply to Ticket Agents er to M JOLLY. PiffWer Pa-#^»ee» Agent, N o “75 Kett Bay St 4^kaonvilie. Fla. C N KIGRT. ' -B W V£BS9K Aw- Paw AfWL Ctr- • Fuwittfff Ag—sv ilUITi, 5* ;