Newspaper Page Text
f . raiofotutaU JC nt Ovd
ly CLEM. 8. M333L
gK,6*§»Ts _
AUGUSTA, •W&uau A. A
January ! 80 , 581 , and *18 1891 .
-jwsx. vrr. v ew am'
JANUARY 20th AT 3 P. M.
And receive the keys of city from the Mayor. January 21st during the day there
will be varied sports on Broad street, At night at 7;tt0 o’clock the Trades display wii]
move on its lineof march. This will be the grandest display ever witnessed in the
South January 22nd from early morn until midnight Broad street will be a panoramic
view of ancient and modern spons. At 7.30 p. m. The Carnival procession will en
ter Broad street. This will be a sight of grandeur, never excelled outside of New Or
leans January 23d varied sports will be gome on, on Broad street. At night Kim?
Cotton,s Grand Ball will take place. Everybody should visit Augusta for this occas
ion. The.
will sell ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT ONE CENT PER MILE distance traveled.
E. R. DORSEY, General Passenger Agent.
JOE W. WHITE, Traveling Passenger Agent.
been iMr, actively VV. M. engaged Jordan has in Mtfft * A
the Cotton Business dur¬ AUGUSTA, GA.
ing tlie past sixteen years. ^ \
Uerberal AdvancesMade on Cotton in Store,
We Guarantee Satisfaction in Every Respect.
Blootn ndGullett Steel Brush Gins, with Feeder
\ve arc agents fov t'.ie Cotton a
and Condensers. These Gius Have no Superior.
Tv. H. Howard, C. n, Howard, S. P. Weisiokh,
Augusta, ia.
Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants.
Consignments Solicited. Bagging and Ties Furnished.
Special arrangements will lie made for the storage of large lots ol
Liberal advances made, and Cotton held as '< ru as desired. aug22
g©ttdm factor ■N,
Augusta, Georgia,
Respectfully solicits your consignments. Will make lib
oral advances on Cotton in store, Pav 3 strict attention to or
ders- Make sales promply at good prices with good
And remit proceeds of sale as soon as the Cotton is shipped.
3 Harper Daviscs. Chas. T. Fargo
Davison & Fargo,
739 Reynolds Street, All^UStd (rCOlgitl,
-1 attention given to weighing and selling cotton. Liberal advances
fyh aaNtos ednslgned for sale or in store.
<tT.Sm.ET, F. K. Nixon, S. B. Languor.
(Successor to G. T. SIBLEY.) j
Quano Dealers and Commiseien Merchants,
731 and 733 Beynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia.
Ubwal Advances Made Furnished at Market Prices.
Sibley's Ammomated Dissolved Bcse.
JP|*0ttde G;’ ;! ' ^.WVghlng and Sampling Cotton.
devoted ia the Interest *f Taliafern Bounty, the People and Ceaeri) Sews,
A Good Story.
Abner Dungrass, from away up
beyond the \\ bite mountains, had
penetrated to the Hub. it was Ab¬
ner’s first visit to tho city—in fact,
his first trip away from home.
| A relative doing business in the
metropolis had spent, the previous sum¬
mer with Abner’s parents, and in re¬
turn for many kindnesses lie had in¬
vited ni? friends of the country farm
to visit him in bis city home.
And thus Abner chanced to be in
Boston, and was now dining at a hotel
with his host.
At first our countryman hardly
knew what to do with himself at the
vvondrously laden table. His relative,
observing bis hesitation, whispered to
“Don’t be backward, Abner; help
yourself to just what you like.”
By and by a ireu.lemau sitting op¬
posite directed a waiter to bring him a
plate of ice-cream.
How a Lottery Ticket Destroy J
the Peace and Happiness
of a Family
Did you ever pause to .2 for k
moment when you go to 2 exprt
office to forward a dollar for a lottt f
ticket that tnat dollar might bg yt r
I eter ual ruin?
Well, it might, for such has be i
the case, and it is kuown to all tilt
history repeats it self.
The foliowi tig simple death noth
1 is from Saturday’s Atlanta Journal:
! o Mr Grallt F Edwards is dead.
. „
After a lingering illness he breatl
ed his last at bis home in West End.
About a year ago Mr. Edwards wc
$15,000 in the lottery: At the time e
was a very poor man, and was 4
engineer in the Journal press room.—|
Soon after getting the fortune hi
and bis wife became estranged. 1
A few months ago Mrs. Edward
died, and now her husband inis passe
from earth.
Mr. Edwards had many friends ii
the city who will greatly regret to hea
of his death.
The above suggests a most p itheth
and “Lange story.
Almost two years ago a fcelegran
wa3 received in Atlanta to t t ffec
that one-ienth of the capital pm
been drawn by a ticket field in Atlanta!
The whole city was thrown into
meat and ticket holders on all
were wild. On the following nior:
ing tlie news came through tho Atlai
la Constitution that old man Et
wards, a hard-working engineer in th
Journal’s puss room, was the luck
man, ana had drawn $15,000.
The old man worked for a few day
longer, before lie resigned his positim
and started out looking for a place
- .
invest. He went through the Non
•v nd East, and ivtunuuu; South <
came to Brunswick. fiie old r
vt u 1 <
city, unuidid'OTcame intoi.c..,
winch condition lie reuii.uqed mil,,/
Lit Brunswick.
Before lie drew tho money from
lottery he had been all bis life a
man, but worked very hard, and .'or
arqiured a comfortable Mile homllad
West End. ile was steady, and pin
no piaee more than his home and ’ed
was greatly attached to his wife, be
children were all of age and n an Hs
and they helped to nv ke the old W,
and bis wife comfortable, d
wherein At'anta could thei In, til m
been found a happier I,ousel,o ’ a
that of old Grant Edwards. ui
But there w«s a Change— f
Tliis happy home was mined by t
The cream was brought, and the
gentleman set it down before him
he finished a dish of scallops
Abner looked up and saw the delicate
looking mass in the plate not far away.
It was tempting and he reached forth
and 'ook it. He had put a spoonful o'
the frozen mixture into Ins mouth,
and was hesitating between surprise
an i delight when the gentleman op
rather abruptly and not very
ph- sautly spoke:
“Well, my fnetid, that’s what I
pibl call decidedly cool.”
“Y ib-us,” r, speeded Aimer innocent¬
v.lieiJ nr l ad swallowed the lrigied
“ it’s about the coldest pud
I ever Hasted. 1 swan tew maul
t don’t believe it’s railly fetched
with froall”
Tired and True.
the pjwitive verdict of tiie people who
mod’s Sarsaparilla. When used ae
: ui directions the good effects of
client modi, no are soon felt in
icnoi-d that;,(rod fed, jf„ v.. .,
relieved, sS'oHdu
„ - u.y .* - „ offer of. impure
ved a nd all the bad
ijnoil overcome, For a go,, l blood pure'
take Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
The money first bred in temper I
habits, followed by domes,io troubl t®
The old man ill-treated h s v. f. , ; 8.
this brought on scandal and gossM'l
The boms soon went D desl.ncUyi’
and its happiness wa c turned in 1
misery. The lives of his children w
toi merited by Ids treatment of tin «
mother, which culminated finally in ju '
sud, for divorce. 11
Th#'*' old man squandered mom]
lavishly; drank heavily and v,.v ms'y
: lent and overbearing, and spent a gn
j u*>t of bis time with women of -11 ,pt
) pute.
Finally his wife, worried by the wa.j
of her husband, passed away to a
her land.
! wards, This downward did riot check old man ID live!! E«|
| on, growing grayer and feebler, a,
j more dissipated until death. P
Ills money lost him md Ids home
his friends, hisspintss and finally id
! life.
He was ruined by the lottery.—
Brunswick Times.
A Child Killed.
Another child killed by the use of opt#
tes given in the from of Soothing tyrap
Wliv mothers give their children sue
deadly po*ison is surprising when th«.
can relieve the chid of peculiar troubles
by using Acker’s Baby Soother. It con¬
tains no Opium or Morphine. Sold bj
Ham mack. Lucas & Co..
A Sound I.cgal Opinion
E. Bain bridge Mundav Esq., County
Atty., Clay GO.,Tex. says; *‘Have used
Electric Bitters With most happv re ulta
My hrotiier also was very low with tala
rial Fever a ,id Jaundice but was cored by
imely usa of this medicine. Am satisfied
Electric Bitters saved Ms life."
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson. of Horse Gave,
Ky.. adds a like testimony saying dKd
positively believes he would havn
nad it not been for Electric Bitters.
This, great remedy will ward o as wei
as cure all Malaria Diseases, aDd for
Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorder
stands uneqaaled. Price 50c. and fl o*
any Drug Store.
pjfrV-wiN ; OF CAHDUl. a ToolctorW
i’ I’. 1*. cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and
all humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache
Allliousnoss. It cures that tired feeling
creates an appetite, strengthens the
nerves ami buhls up the whole system,
P. P. 1’, unrivaled, and since its introduc¬
tion has cured more cases of blood disease
than all tlie other 1)lood purifiers put to¬
Mr, Randall Pope, tho retired druggist
of Madison, Kin., siys (Dec. ;t 1S8W) lie
regards 1*. I*. P. (Prickly Ask, Poke Root
and Pota-sium) as the best alterative on
the mrrket, ana that ho lias seen more
beuofleal results from the use of it than
any other blood medicine.
Exhausted vitality, nervousness, lost
manhood, weakness caused by nvertaxa-
1 on of flic system, will be ir„. overfill
i f» •>. gives health a 5
Georgia I’as done, something for
Loafed, rule v and their
the „b, Every
widows, but no n( ’j M1 = ’
one oi t mm _ ' net 'The , ( j y ought to
I* libera ,y i"’ people
could easily pay 1 ...... c tilX , a „d
wouli t b b U)
they t >>
tins n me ■ ‘ „ years,
see are
Time is fly" ff, ^ the
IV ^ ^
rapidly^ bo * done miicklv quickly, or it
f (11 them must
, late*
I will be too
Likes The CoDabination.
close observer fells us that when a
A the l’venele
woman wn horseback passes, the Kn
man tool s ,,, t >t the wttinan,
first at the horse; the Aiueriniiis J
jooks at both logether. Our countryman
is quick to appreciate Hie complimentary
relations of both, It, is this broad per¬
speetive il ad the American to so pre
I ,are ingredient enhancing the
llcina! on e It >«*
qualities of the other. i*
thisway that nature has of an her ally remedies in ^furth* tor
ing the curative power WVstmor-l-Gul s Dr.
is the eiub „dimeiit Of the
( alisaya known of these, coiu
; latest and bent most
poult ucd according to a formula ex¬
l< it has stood the tests
Uumvelj 1 ’ l ' ! l (tcner.d deliillty,*
(r j. l p
j enervated faculties and
i Y app.-Uo-, entirely cured by ' ” UStt.
( v <<p );tr*ial ( .p'i , are and b
symptons, or poison no,
\i :l baiimbed hy
.,oison are quickly powerful of all anti-l .
It is the most
For sale by R. J*
A Gradual** <>C Sl«dleiu«
Being a graduate of dedical College.
of course prejudiced against all
I am medicines, but I am
secret proprietaiy after being cured of
competM to say, Inflammatoi y
a violent case <d
that atse disea. isc - • 1 took ..u I '
else had fil !'L i
everything with the bes brstpbysi- '
sorts of treatment j
Had the «« ■ • Ark.;
meat; went to DOv .mm,,.
Jackaonv, ile, Fla;; Colorado Springs
California; hut no rem 1
and to find and won,, dm
I started home, tr !' ’
elisted with medicine. S. S. » and “*,** l did it "
suaded me to take ».
to gratify him than from any
a bottle put
cure, and the five
' ’ permanent cure
me for 00 the read to and
I continued it unt' M 1 am sound
Duluth, Minn.
Treaties on Blood and Skin
J mailed free. S'VIFT SFFCIH^ ——
Terms: $1.50. in Advance
Amos Jerkin's Logic.
Great talkers, it is said, are little
thinkers, but then there’s nothing like
having the gift of “gab.” Women
are peculiarly and woderfully giited in
this respect. There’s Mrs. Jerkins,
for instance, she’s one of the most
gitted gabbers 1 ever saw. She always
lias on hand an inexhaustibly vocabu¬
lary of jaw breakers, and she can tell
xna more news ii five minutes
than I could get out of the newspapers
in five days.
“If theie’s anv thing that makes a
sensible man look cranky,” said a lady
recently, “it’s long hair.” Long hair
no louger indicates that a man is a
great author or artist, but is rather an
indication of bachelorhood. A mar¬
ried man will keep his hair cut short
in self defence. Speaking of bachelors
reminds me of—"standing alone girls;”
or, as they are termed by a polite En¬
glishman, “girl bachelors,” This
Englishman once said. “1 think the
girl bachelor Is altogether tho most
remarkable production of the United
States of America ” It is said that, a
a woman at thirty and even forty Is at
her must dangerous and fascinating
age. Why? Because at twenty she
wants And expects to be pleased, but
as she grows older she tries to plea $ .
A prosperous planter inking in Stew
t county ciuuu to Americus Thors-'
day for tlie purpose of making pay
merit fo; a block of stock In a local
company, which lie porches, d seveial
days /igo. The amount involued ran
coside.rably over a thousand dollars.
ami this sum llm planter brought with
him, securely lied up in a tin box.
'The money consisted entirely « -
gold pieces, nearly all of winch simwe.
evidence of having been ston.d aw,i\
f long time. The coins were made
or a the
(lf Georgia gold in 1851, and boro
Daldonega stamp upon the reverse
Ainerioll « Times.
W f t'dii and nc
t Acker's Blood Elixir for it ual
r ee demonAratedto the
u , i# ,, lU „try that It is a
pa.ol ^ poisoning
eff “5-tastf
Luca> & K’u. #
A defaulter and embezzler under
sentence in the Maine state priso n lias
•Uoally taken charge of the institu
pra 1 cashier and
tion. He is commissary,
auditor, makes out the reports, pays
t he bills, keeps the accounts and ac¬
tually has other prisoners punished on
his recommendation. He conducts
religious services and is leader ol
the VV. E. Gould,
the chow, IIis name is
and be was formerly a bank cashier
and leading citizen of I'ortlrui l. H
a interpose
the state autborities don’t
quickly- he will land the whole
very himself in Lanada.
along with
Bnckleu’a Arnica
Tk<c Best Salve in the world for Outs,
Bras. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
s, Chapped Hands, Lbilblains,
Bores, Tetter, and P'»ft
Boruf sinJ all Skin Eruptions, required. It
tjvely cures Piles, or no pay .faction,
i iranleed to give perfect sail
, , cents p»
money ru fuiMim. Price 2.1
or & *
!y,X. At f{aim melt. l.uca»
rnitivate kindness of heart,
of disposition, a love for the
fulness beautifuUml the true.
tll ,.
will lie happy wl make
you j
hippy• ------
„ e New nittovery,
YouhaV(; h ^ ar( ]your friends
taikm*; aboot it^ Yen J" u ];.
ot t emany wto^ } rs0 „ H
one ^ ^ t , ,
' v Lom-U f >',^ve |ver tried it you are one ‘m’thf.s of IW
®“^ ver ^ , ‘'Vo af^r'hrdds ‘ l used it and
X“dd U have never 1
Thnja be affected ^^g^Ttir^i.,. witiia^;"'
Uammack^ ^
Drugstore.__ xovna
*n iHonvaa
A certain minister of the gospel in
Elberton and a funny n-rionc-e
recently. lie was called mto the
country to marry a couple. Alien
all seemed ready tho miuistr advanced 1
to await the coming of the bride and
groom. One couple marched in am)
took place on the Ml another followed
and took place by the first then follow¬
ed .mother and halted a little father
to the right. Not being acquainted
with them, the minister, thinking the
last couple were the candidates for
matrimony, turned to them and had
them about half married before the
lilt Is lady, who stood blushing
squirmed and choking, exclaimed.
“We ain’t the marrying ones; its that
Other couple over there.”
Cold Waves.
Are predicted with roll,.file aeetipincy,
and people liable to the pains and aches
of rheumatism dread every change to
damp or stormy weather’ Although
Hood's Sarsapai ill;, is not claimed to bo a
positive specific for rheumatism, the re¬
markable cures it, has eib- ded show that P
may lie tain for this complaint with
reasonable r nudity of benefit. Its action
in lieiilrulizmg the acidity of the blood;
which is too cause of rheumatism, ('un¬
stitutes the secret of the success of Hood’s
■Sarsaparilla. Jf you sudor from rlniuiim
Usm, - i Hood’s sarsaparilla a, lair trial
it will do you good.
H seems that the people out west
have a very high standard of morality,
Sl >me time ago a number of young wo¬
men pledged themselves to receive the
attention of no young men who chew,
smoke or drink. Recently five bun¬
dled K in,sas Louche is have signed a
peti’ion to the legislature against the
issuance of a teacher’s Certificate to
any one who uses profanity, it,toxical
ing liquors or tobacco in any form.'
Ik mu Wurth laving!
Nut if you go through the world a days
peptic. ........... Dyspepsia Tablets are tv ;
positive cur. , the Ui
It lives! i i Elutitleu .v am/ Don
»ln * * W»** ■ • * •„ >•
pv, .hit does very well for
1 III! not to
tin peanut i> -. y, hut. it ought
be toil rated in to,' l»aripe ! ' dress
circle of a play house, Of comae, no
well bred person would indulge in peit
nuts in the inidist of ladies and gentle
mcll while a performance was 111 pru
gl't-HS. When a bog in m on’s clothing
gels in the audience lie ought to be
i'AS'l' Sl.l’.lll’ MDHi’S.
is the. euii,plaint of tlmusand stiff .aim
Er'rUiifrK\U is the best preparation known
I,,.- pi’i’iouble v held ml Ha-nmack a pusiliv
guarantee.^d, 2Bc. and Me. By
Lucas & Co.
It is a relief to know that tlie politi
cal season—a season of slandering,
drinking, lighting ami betting — is OVT
11 is a well-known fact¬ that polite’\
as now run, have a <iegiading i
a ud yet hundreds and thousands
cnee, and scramble
of men are rea dy to light
tov peLty ofiiee —all office 01
which there. is neither honor no mm
a Dinyto YourHelt,
It is surprising that people will use a < w>
unlinarv pill when they can semu**
taken laid do n^gripe. 11am,nack
& Co., Druggists
“Blind Tom,” is said to be dyie :
consumption, He is insane; Ids U on
is shrunken, his firmer* have become
palsiwi, arid bo can iu> longer evoke
the sweet strains which have onclumt
thousonds. Poor Tor,,! Helms In
ed half million dol
his day earned over a
Lira, and yet he wifi probably die a
“It is g,,od think that the heart
a yet
be established with grace. ” and
of ns go on as if it were uot a
some for it to be
good tiling even to hope
What we are afraid to do tieforo
should be afraid to tbtuk be
,,’ w0 : Christum.
for Go ,i. He is the best
who 1 oiks ho-,’ of God. but who
Wlt lks u.-wt with <.oL
a good man and a wise man may
times grieve at it; but no mail in
at the world if be
evifr diwontente<l with
does ins duty in it.
There is a preach* r in Pennsylvania
who preaches while; asb ep; there arw
, )m ,chers in Georgia whose eongrega.
Uon* sleep while they try to preach,
Albany thinks ex- President Clwv*.
Und will attend the Georgia Chantaft
qua in that city, in March.