Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat.
( HA If 7 ORIj 1 1]JjE t GEOJiOlA.
entered at the postoffi., at Crawfoi drill*,
(V org,A, &» *Fronr]-c!i-«.» mail matter.
FRIDAY. JAN I,'A KY. lio. ]H‘.tj
IIakiuson seems to have downed
one man -Senator Far well, of Illinois.
Till? republican elephant has had a
big silver spear thrust into a vital part
of his body.
7i will take something more than
Blaine and reciprocity on put the G.
O. I’, on its feet next year.
'l‘o read an at tide against political
bosses in a republican paper reminds
olio of the devil preaching religion.
It is aign JiciUiL that the. guns given
up by I lie 1 mi i u, in ilmu.-d.* v. it hunt
exception old ,'ind worthless, W here
are all the good rifles?
How much money is it costing the
republican bosses to semi out the
American lin plates, now being used
in advertise “proucUoii?*' Certainly a
huge amount.
Tiik fact lhat U.ere is no real Hcrit.i
nient any where in this country favor¬
ing tlm outragm us k nice bill lias not
Imd a (eatlior’s weight wiili the repuli
can bosses in Cmigre h whose only idea
is to perpetuato their own power.
Tin; republican party is morn hope¬
lessly divided upon (lie .silver question
1 ban upon the turilf, and how it call
I'till ils. 11 together sufficiently to make
Die light in 18'.*2 inten ding as at the
present time a puzzle to the closest
political otisi i vet .
i in*: nuccesHor to Souutor ICvartH in
Uio United stale., Soiiatn is in every
wu) sal isfuctoiy to democrats, but tlie
iepilblieans lire doing lol, of kicking.
Deinoerufie legishtlure are not in the
(mbit, of nonsuiting republican* as to
who ah,ill receive their support.
I'lut reimhliuatis are now claiming
credit because we have so far escaped
h llniiucial pai'ic. Its a wonder some
enlliusiast'i; icpohiican hasn’t before
party brosuTsp the agricultural luiple
ment trust, which recently went to |
Till; Uonledei ate Mummieul which
is being ci ustruefed at ! Viisacula
Floridn, is built of granite from the
historic battle Holds near Richmond
Y.-t Mr. J. M. Manning is creeling
the monument. The, Washington
Mar says a space on tins monument
w*II lie devoted to the mommy Kx
I’resident Jefferson Davis, and we
would sug||i‘st that a spucu bo irtmivt* 1
for Ids vice-president.. AUhguuU'V II.
Stephens, who now hluun tfitounatb chilly
sod at liis old homo in this place
1 , is dillicit!t to lielive. an 1 yet it
seems to be trim that the vet..,id,can
' * ‘‘"H*
NicaiAgna Caral company m »*tt. .
that private corporation slcdl go ahead
with ttie tmihlmg of the > mil l'h> •
would lie no more justice in Si. 1 » ail
aet on the pari ot this l,oVenuuei,t
than there would he in gu*u ante i r
the b mds Smith. Jones »'
dealers in grocei ies ete„ might sen lit
to issue in the conduct of their husi
nc s.
Till: democrat ic Senators
shown their wiUiagm'ss lo meet
nopnbu tlcsti > fot more inone>. by jkiss
V 11 JJ StMHlUiiS Vest *s tr< >■ no nage bill.
suits! it it * r for 1 he clumsily eon
stn) ■ted bill prepared by the
iimiul vauous. Vow,
if tlu* llh .iSt'.iv is dulu.Y^d or d* '
u tlu* liouso it will ho G i
* *u 3 t o\ U public.ins, ami if it
t ii rough the House In
opiS'ltlOU tf SiKUtker Reed i i win
still t>e ill dang' r of a republican Veto
at the hands of Mr. Harr son; at
threatened that ho will vet > it
Put it is doubted whether lie
m*i \ threats wt*r
iMv unde in the Rope ijwt
act m upon Hie bill in the lbn
T. ?. Gov’t Report, Aug. J 7 - i 8 S 9 -
nme r ._
Vi >v * C.K # % xY i a ' aKing
i FN-'
Y 4 l 4 A&scruTELY 4 .U 4 SS>£f rowa^| pur e si
Washington, D. C. Jan., 27 1890 .
Senator Gorman is proving hinosei
more than a match for the republican
Senator, and he is ‘-till confident that
with the active arid determined sup¬
port of democratic senators and the
moral support of the conservative
masses of the country, the Force bill
and its revolutionary forerunner, the
gag-rule, can he defeated. He fairly
and squarely outgeneraled the repub¬
licans wnen they attempted to wear
out the democrats by a continuous
mglit . , , mid , day , «l . ,, the Senate, ..
session .
and now he i.s winning new parlia
(limitary laurels by tlie manner in :
which he is blocking tin- republican at- i
tempt to fotce a vote upon Senator
Aldrich’s gag-rule resolution. He
compelled Mr. Morton to acknowledge
that be had made an erroneous ruling
Tlie republicans have but one hope of
and that lies in Vice Presi¬ ■
dent Morton making an arbitrary de¬
cision in Lheii favor, and the proba
bilities are rather in favor of his doing
so, although it will be because of the
great pressure brought to bear upon
11 iin and not because lie wants to do it.
Even if the .senate adopts the gag
rule resolution at.d passes the Force
bill, there will st ill he grounds upon
wiimli to base hope for its defeat. Tlie
amendments made to the hill in the
Senate will make its return to tlie
lions- ncers aty, and there tlie demo¬
crats can renew the light, which the
nearness of the 4 th ol March and the
end of the session, limy make success¬
ful. At any rate the republicans in
the House will have to have a quorum
of their own members in order to puss
it, and that’s more than they have had
for three successive days during the
Uzur Reed as he nears Hie end
his power siiows a disposition to re¬
sume some of his tricks of the last ses¬
sion. By the denial of a request that
i V ,, g r j K |,t and fair, lie, this week, pio
yoked Mr. Mills int I > aud exliihition
of temper that is very much regreted
tiv that geidlemaii’s friends; not on
Reed’s account, he deserved all that
Mr. Mill’s said of him, but on account
of the effect Unit it may have upon the
candidacy of Mr. Mills for the Speak¬
ership ol the next House. “You are
perpetrating a fraud upon the House,”
shouted Mr. Mills, advancing down
the aisle, and shaking Ins list at the
.Speaker, “and you know it ” Mr.
Mills then intimated in language not
to bu iGi lakuo Hint M*u Souak<*r was
• ".oriible A'eiJtlem •< 1 * I A ‘nio
' - •
Utel RepriSeiaanVt
(), f lovva. I the bad I ast.e to Mi
, • j
yms “tralUw.” “You are a trait j.. j
yourself, “retorted Mr. Mills.” to th
coustitution and the laws, You are i
trying to surround the ballot lmx -
with bayonets and to deprive the I
people of their fight of retire
sentation.” This was followed |
by a scene hand to describe' The .
democrats cbeeveu Mr. Mills loudly :
and the republicans hisstd. Bcpre j
turntalive Perkins a moment he found ;
the big first of Keprcstiiuativc M in in, j
of Indian, in c'.nsc pmxnm.v I" I
nose and was informed that if there
was to lie any "putting out” he (Mar- j
tin) prospnwod taking a hand m it- I
That was the " last Uml heard ot IY*rains.
lo tht . me ,he Sea,gent-it
Arms trotted out with the gold !«,(!
mace, th......... ,d amh.i.iv ........
f or a n investigation ol Urn Con;;ics
stouai Silver pools is h-iiing fruu.
naiui V---t ha.' tc, .- I I .1 S : -
.,- U :i 1 .Id h ., id I e 1,-1
iis I.lilt'll rigid I" Si |' .' “
j in com, wheal or any other product.
I How is 1 hai for coot audacity? The
I cliairmnn of the committee, Uepte
sen “.dive Dingle,. of Maine, :s accus
( ed of having adjourned t he >in«i I i t
! lonn last week until \\ ednesiv of
this week in order to prevent Senator
Vest from testifying until after the
IVnnsylvaiiia legislature had re-<•! -Ct
ed i ;imi‘iim to the s.-nate, allhough
, Mr. Vest had stated his willingm-s to
It 11 \, It is believed here that Ua.
would have been dc!t“at'*d had
Ids connection with the silver specula¬
tion been made public before 1 ,is re
election. There are other big republi
f t S \\ • will he exposed it tlie coui
e does its duty without feat or
A cooking school is being very sue.
--siullv conducted ;*t t.aGrage .
Be Sure
It you have made up your ...1 t my
Mood’s Sarsaparilla do not be Ind-r. tt: Zke
any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla i a pe dar
medicine, possessing, by virtue of it-; '-'Hi .r
combination, proportion, and prep,id ton
curative ,
power superior to any <,u. r rt> oh- | 1
A Boston lady who knew what she wnted
and whose example is worthy Unit aim < il
her experience below: I
To Get P I
" In one store where I went to buy TT' -c'
Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce,.., .:*i,
thelrowninsteadof Hood’s; hetoid m th. | ,
would last longer; that I might, take it on tn
days’trial; that If I did not like it I need .t i
pay anything, etc. But lie could not pre;/l i
on me to change. I told him I knew % I
Hood’s Sarsaparilla was. I had taken It./ is 1
satisfied with it, and did not w: :.t y , t
Hood’s { !
................ *
When I began taking Hood’s SarsaparP
I was feeling real miserable, suffers
a great deal with dyspepsia, a id so « ■ ,
that at times I could iiardly stand. 1 loot *
and had for some time, like a p> on , <
sumption. Hood’s Sarsaparilla did me
much good that I wonder at myself someth?
and my friends frequently speak of it,” V,
iii-i.A a. Goer, cl Terrace Street, Boston
Sarsaparilla 17
Sold by all druggists. JU; »lxfor$S. I'repwedontj
by C. I. HOOD <fc CO., Apothecaries, 3 f, Miws
100 Doses One Dollar
mereff LEHst
iiaiity fact -,.d Always,
m ft:* J K
‘ y A )
jgg ‘W. p % I
7 f
r. \). STuW
ed Has glasses exclusive Urawfo -ale of (viile, t hese celehl ated |
Tlie only Mamif ictvnng Optiiciansf
in tlie South, Alanta Gn.
‘ A
m '0*> Pf
IS 7
] | gL -.-,
Cheapest Ho & Best 8usirwss College in tkt Nof 1
HlfCl IV- -i I 8 T.-fu>B«r.
.tuKllHAK. HM • * nib >d*. tu »l|v. em
. I < Oltt of I'll <OI «!•*»■, locludhtg TuUioti :■”
t toner t Tm-W **!i
in«r ,1 Ti-Ii-iP u:-(i > \«» V i ion. Euuir now
Oraduu I'M u ■ v A
I or cttcuUv* field,.. . rt ilbur K. 8otSlIi, Lt‘siu»toUi Ky« ^ .
■ :
W> %
rr ■* PS
A ; tii*L
I j ra, J
LsllihA,-. A,„f ■
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WBfiBmaKspagL ™*
» /“RAav
rt.> f
prt i
fc •; k •..’jr-WV/. : LUr** '-Ta,
t . e V • v | l!
g '
; - ' * A ;
g| «p^h, rr '
y ; ",* '•./&?},■ ' O j j :,v
,( ; f -
' :
■ *;
' ?
1 i .
.if! whop »
Is* ' G- ’ • ' J
»<•' •
■tV.VV,V^±*y«^ . f $
VSf ' x\ns
A■ ,
'-.h ,N
.. .
r^ T : V Y .7 fliHraj o.;
v . c
i &M iri ii I PIT i Tn taos., i'Wi Propr
UP'- "
via; enivu
.I days. Guaranteed not to cause
stricture If us<‘d in time is
preventative. 77 > cts a bottle, th o
same size a> other
t ion - Prepared by the F-ti Med -
cine Co.. Washington, li i. For .-ale bv
tlummaek A Bird, t rawtoroulle, Ga.
Tuk Lgiitiug Indians have si trend
ered. but the longhaired men and
short haired women nave t .’guin their
Indian campaign, They want—we
just imagine every uipissiWo tiling
and vs u h ave ^ Ini they war.t done -
with the Indians. Get -.all M -
seems to have done pretty we up to
time, and it would not h air •'>
i; Uncle s.un would give i : j di^cr^
tii nary powers as to W
deut with the Indians. 1
s ivAseas
p f
? flrt? ■I* I
| I 1:
£ f_
Can buy any article of
§I Cooking Stoves,
iy b \
$ r
Carpets, Mattings, Win- l
,j (low Shades, Lace Cur¬
tains, Cornace Poles, v
S* Clocks, Mirrors, Pictures. .1
% Dinner Sets, T Sets, >$
e :t
Chamber Sets, Mattresses, |j
$ Comforts, Blankets and a 1
A J needed thousand in and house, one delivered articles | 1
■ a
| at your depot at the same L
; price that you huy them ith
ii l Augusta? fyl
t I Carry Everything vj
* II
■ You need and can quote
■, you that will satisfy § I
you that I am giving a dol
lar value for every dollar e §j
y i paid,
ntxrpsmmewx runwatt
Special Offer L T o-1.
To introduce my business in every \Y U’l
' neighborhood in the quickest possible
» manner; I will ship you one Bedroom hi
Si One Bed- tit
:te complete, consisting of til
stead, full size and high head, One Bu- M
reatt with glass. One Wash-stand, One
; centre Table, Four cane seat chairs, Jg
One Rocker to match, weli worth $ 20 . gij
h but to introduce my goods in your
ia' bL»'. hood at once I will deliver the i,
R. R, all ’
ve Miiteat your depot, ; t
cl rges paid,
For Only $16-50.
When the rn li comes with the order.
•lDi> this Suite, 1 have a great rq
r S -< in iValmit, Oak, pi
l’ v l ill tho raj ular woods,
(pric** <rom r ti i*
to hum' of dollars f l. Suite. |
•>? , liJilSTBl Wl
Special Bargain Ho. 2 j§
Is our elegant Parlor Suite, seven |
pieces, wi.lnut frames, upholstered in raj
plush in popular colors, crimson, || by |
olive, blue, old gold, either in band- i
ed or in eombiuntiou colors. Tills m || j
suite is cola for $ 40 . 00 - I bought a i| :
saie in Gliicago, hence I will deliver p
tliis fine piush suit all charges paid by || M j
UH‘ i your nearest R. K. depot for !
$o.S.OO. ). Besides . these suites i have a f? i ’ 1
great inai.y other suites in all the latest
shapes please amt styles, and can guarnatee $1 Uj
to you.
iiargains 2TC. 2•
Is » walnut spring seat lounge, reduced
^ «0 1 ° $T.OO, sit freight paid. |
B' NO- 4 11 (
Sr fiClal IgOlllS * I
charges paid to your depot, or a A r- ; i
hole range with trimmings foi $15. 00. }S ;
Besides these I have the largest stock M .
of cooking stoves ia the city, iueiud- h.
^I 1 ;;;.': 7U77A‘i-.7
elm. pc.iv' the 1
:.’c* al v,:..
ofan ordii ry stov whi ware
b-^uperior,.) any other stove, made. ,
mMoll^f a matti.,g 4 -o yds to the roll *j I
ic*: •^'uornR'c I’.Jes 2jfts. each. MOO
Wmdmv MiaiU-s . 1 x 7 feet on spring
.......... C]ocks Now .......A"™ ; A i t
quote you e- ci;:?; I feet cc -- of floor in ^
a store contain uig 22600
loom. bcua-. !■> au o-xes . d factory P
in another part of the town. I shall
pleased to sc.,t you auylUiug t
above inentioncd, or wit! send my b
(^ ata j 0 g U free ii you will k
this advertise- L i:
say you saw
Crawfordville Dem- L*
meat in ;
Of RAT , Published at Craw
fordvilic. Ga.
No ({('ods sent C. O. D . or on oor,
■i signnient. i refer you to the edi’or
ami publishers of this pap r or to a
^ banking concern in Ausiu>ta, or to J
the Southern Exp:v;» Co., allot'whom i
know me pi rst nully.
Yours, Arc
- L. \: PADGETT, f
and 1 U 2 Brea
Aiuju'-ta. - Georgia
Factory Harrison SL_ “
Geo. R. Lombard & Co.
mmi rnjrsnu e *•
Above [’.ta-AH-Giger Depot, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.
Complete Gin and Mill outfits a Speeialety. Mill
and Engineering Supplies, Cotton, Grain, Saw Mill and
Labor-saving Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Belting,
bawi, Inspirators, Injectors, etc.
Large Stock to Select From.
Prices low. Goods Guaranteed.
i promptly IVI it,. done. for circulars. Best outfit RTUssttags South. of every kind, and new work (light and heavy)
GIN WORK New and Renairs, promptly and well done. t®F*Whe»
you write to or call on this firm mention this Papes.
in i
; 1
We Are Now Opening and Receiving Our Fall Stock of
DrUgS* Furniture, MatreSSSS,
j All Kinds of Chairs. Bedsteads,
Lamps, Lama-Fixtures and Oils,
A nd a fine line c,f Drug Notions, Chemicals, Fancy Soaps, Tobacco, Cigars and
Pipes. " Pull line of pure drugs and patent 'medicines. PRESCRIPTIONS and family
receipts carefully compounded. for patronage, we are now prepared to sen ..
Thanking our many customers past We solicit liberal shar*
petter and cheaper Goods at Rock-bottom Prices for Cash, a
GEO. W. BROWN & CO • *
Sliaron, G'©or§ isie
i msm% si
! mmi L- '■i % us
I 2
| tel 73S Reynolds St, Augusta, Ua
j Li -DKALEK 1 N-
W .......... Stationary,
’ > S«»» Engines,
i Portable and Agricultural.
^TSteani Boilers, all sizes and - tyies, Saw Mills, Corn Mills, Feed and O' tton Seed
Mills, Turbine Water Wheels; and keep in slock a full line of Steam Fittings, Coca*,
Valves, Inspirators, Piping and Fittings, Belt, Rose, Etc., Etc.
EAGLEUOTTOJi GINS W h or without Feeders and Condensers
- Teb Bhst IN THE Wojihh.-
COT TON TRESSE8, For Either Hand
or Horse Power. -
' --'T' r.. i.r,--'- iS 7 «''Lli''' II kinds AGRICULTURAL U’”’
Caff at my office 4 wiV tor iilus. Am- ^;a! pnees Unci Wi oc
REID, Large Machine 738 Refolds Outfits a St., Specialty. Augusta, Ga- *
r* 1 BELPM,
S31 Broa a.Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.
tfinjs L N>
J &
V l \
ZI^ToEa.tixs-S' Stovas
Ranges, O-r ates,
( , OOK STOVE l3 different Sizes in stock. We
have B b^Uin? t hlss»ve since 1872 with satisfaction...... g(
.ml Sheet'I’m. w. I. WELFU
j^em t lor eii',
AUgUSia j-. —— Or^WIllg 153 (PP*
Fenwick * NeI»on GA.
Brewers of Beer Cuaarateed Pure an 5
r GiiompsoTi & Oc»
---Mantjt ctckebs Of
w« r iuldings. Ifrackefs, Laths,
*- ■s i i i o e r and Shingles
■U , VJ ^'rs . 4 and Builders’ Hardware,
1 _ r Mill a d Lumber Yard, Hale Street,
.1 Kailuad Yard, AUGUSTA, GJ
^---------- ------~r-
f '■ W
, (. ... LA
t ■■ - - ^ 1
^ A V kM? fi *- P?
»|r J L. . -- -
mmM A G E R