Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 30, 1891, Image 7

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[We would be glad if our friends in town
and vbinity would report to il the names
of any visitors to their homes. Snell as¬
sistance would be appreciated by the read
ers of this department. 1
—Col. II. M. Holden took in Augus¬
ta this week.
See the lands sales for the first Tues
day iu March.
—Mrs. Annie Holden spent several
days in Atlanta this week,
—Farmers are hauling out large
quantities of corn and bacon.
—Mr. Ben Reid is teaching a school
at Pea-ridge, in this county.
—Judge J. D. Hammack lias been
confined tc his room this week.
—Lee Gunn went to Augusta a few
in search of a
—Ed. O’Brien Jr., of Barnett, en¬
tered school at Woodville Monday.
—Mr, W. J. Gee, of Conyers visited
relatives in Crawfordville this weik.
—Jack Sprat called to see the Demo¬
crat force while in town Tuesday.
—Our oid friend E. S. Gunn visited
relatives in Crawfordville this week.
—Mr. J. H. Hall, of Warren county
spent a few hours in our town Sun¬
—Miss Mattie Moore, of Hie Plains
enterid the High school here this
—Jack Cooper, our genial telegraph
operator, visited bomefolks at Barnett
—Elsewhere in this issue will be
found a notice of the Stephens High
—Miss Anna Lorry, has returned to
Crawfordville, after a few days stay in
^Washington. —Miss Lma Rhodes, who has been
spending some time in Augusta, has
returned home.
— Miss Della Wynne, of Alabama,
has been visiting friends in Crawford
ville this week.
—Miss Genie Burkhalter, of Warren
count is assistin Prof. Little in the
High school at this place.
— Ail those that are behind on their
subscription, will greatly oblige us by
send us that amount.
—Miss Mary Cony has taken a
position as assistant teacher in the
Powelton High school,
—Mis. Em lie, and Miss Cattie Far¬
mer, have returned from a visit to
rri i/ites in OsrlethoDP.
'—Keep your eye oa Crawfordville.
for she is going to get on a general
boom, now pretty soon.
—Mr. Edwards, the proprietor of
the Miiledgeville bottling works was
in Crawfordville yesterday.
-Mrs. J. T. Heard and iier daugh
ter, Miss Pearl, of near Robinson,
visited our town this week.
.-Mrs. Kate Ellis, of Greenesboro,
and Mrs. C. E. Knox, of Thomson,
were in Crawfordyille to-day.
—We are glad to know that Dr. S.
J. Fatmer’s condition lias improved
sufficient for him to be out again.
—Mr. J. F, Gee, ot Atlanta was
here Monday on a visit. Mr. G. is a
brother of our worthy townsman, C.
VV, Gee.
— Prof. Little has moved lus family
to our town, and they o 6 cupy the res
idence formerly vacated by Prof.
— When you want neat job punting
done, send your work to life Demo
crat ofince, and it w ill receive prompt
-Mr. Tom Akins now boast of hav
ing the neatest bar in town. He has
made quite an improvement ic the
arrangements. is getting common
—The grip so
that the real toney man will not have
«. He may
bad cold, but the grip—never.
ly -*«.• in business S ' Wjny at Crawfoidville, v.L..p^ former- has
moved to Powelton—or at least he
spends the greatei part of his time
—Mr. Bill Stewart, who for many
years was employed by Messrs J. D.
& H. T. Hammack, in their gin
factory, has secure a positionwith the
bridge force on the Georgia Kai*
for resisting an officer, and So. addi
tional for disorderly conduct. Also
Jesse Stewart received a 85 fine for re
(using to pay his street tax.
(^ 0 1 w A. Knowles spent a few
hours in our town Tuesday. Brother
Knowles gives the newspaper frater
nitv iiliy hiuci rather a 4 hard uaoi blow u u while speak
ing of his recent withdrawal , from
iournalism. The question was asked
why he severed his connection with
the newspaper business, and his reply
was this: “I’ve spent a good portion
f mv jj fe j n that business, and I
rmok the nomt has been reached where
I should change my course and try to
get forgiveness for the past, ere it is
on those that remain in Hie business.
He seems ‘o tbink there is no chance
of Heaven for an editor.
|@=*8LACK-DRAUGHT ’w* <“- s CoiiSWpaLyn-
C. Bergstrom.
On the first page of this issue of the
Democrat will be found the large
ad., of Ulias. Bergstrom, For many
years this gentleman lias been connect -
; ed with the mercantile fraternity of
Crawfordville, and we are proud to
know that he has been successful.
Honest goods at living prices, make
ins emporium the popular place to
trade. Call and price his stock when
you need anything in his line.
Will Address the People.
Col. L. F. Livingston, president of
the stale Alliance, will address t he
people of Taliaferro county, at the
court house ou Feb., '25th. Col. Liv.
ingston is an elegant speaker, and be
will no doubt interest you. The char
acter of his subject we suppose will
be maiuly confined to the Alliance—its
past and future. The name of Col.
Livingston has become famous in
Georgia and the opportunity of listeu
ing to a speech from lom is seldom
[ His Service Appreciated
The many friends of Mr. James O.
Brooke, will be delighted to known
that he has won such a prominent
place in his estimation of people of Ma¬
dison. Jim is an old Taliaferro boy
and the news of ids success, will ever
find a warm place iu the hearts of our
people. We together with scores of
of others, wish him all the success pos
sible. The following paragraph was
taken from the Madisonion.
“Mr. John Orr has opened up a
store on Main street, in Mrs. Cook s
building, Mr. J. 0. Brooke is in
charge, and the public will be faithful¬
ly served by this accomodating genie
Smashed uj).
White Pi of. Little was loading his
furniture at Warrenton preparatory to
move to our town, lie had tlie misfor¬
tune to have his piano broken to peices
by a freight train. How it was done,
as near as we cou ld learn was as fol¬
lows: In loading the car which stood
on the side track, the team was obliged
to stand partly on the main line, and
while in this position a through f rtight
train was discovered a short distance
away and before th ey even had time
to think, it came upon the team with
a crash. There was no schedule for
such a train, and they anticipated no
danger at that hour, Just as the
agent received a dispatch notifying
hire of this train, it went thundering
the Si 'tif.n.
! ____ *
j 1
How to Propose.
I In a coversation with a married gen
^ ,i eina n of this place, he gave us the
• following lines for publication, and we
think it pro hi able that some ot our
j bashful young men might be benefited
py adopting this plan: “lie said i ' 1
j had been so long since lie made love
j t0 llis 0 i d i a Gy, that he h ad forgotten
the terms used, but should he have it
j to do over, again and if tie felt any
delicacy in so doing, he would Mmpiy
asb t hi a; -Miss-will you allow me
| j to put my clothing ‘This in he said one corner would be of
y 0m - trunk.’
sufficient to determine whether or riot
j marriage was agreeable.’ No doubthut
I what there are some some young men
ju this place who are just dying to
; propose to the young ladies, but when
' they make the effort, something jumps
up in tlmi, uir >», ,wd «.»*.«
riglit there, and tor several houis the
they have to struggle to muster up
enough currage to start again.
It Ls Unreliable.
From time to time we’ve heard no
little complaint about the unreliability
of the telegraph companies that are
p re t, eD dmg to do busiuess for the
[jc In ^tiy instances where very
them, and thought the negligence of
tteir „„ cW „. their obl, 2 «tio,.»
W ere not carried out. These com
pan}es should be compelled by the laws
0 f Georgia to complete all contracts.
vVhy should the public be more lenient
wit ], the telegraph companies than they
are with the railroad? It you ship
a car of freight to any point, and the
ra ji r0 ad fails to carry it safe, there is a
damage suit at once. Then why net
treat the telegraph companies in the
by these companies, we will relate a
IX)rtiou 0 f our experience: One month
ago there was a business dispatch sent
, r „ m Atu»U(» ns and so„e tin..
afterwards the gentl eman wrote
a letter, which came though the mail
an d we received the same several hours
ahead of the telegram. A week later
sent important . me-sage to At ii
we an
lanta, and paid this company at the
rate of four cents per word, but up to
date this message has r,o_ ] •,. n i s
appearance. Perbap during the com
ing summer it will be delivered. There
should be a remedy for this evil and
30 long as as the public remans selent,
R will not lie bettered.
Attorney-General Lester still 1“$ in
a helpless condition. He frequently
complains of cramp in iris limbs and
The Grippe has taken the country
"Dr"'Kendrick has been every sick |
for several day past. I
Mrs. Allie Eiliott who has been visit- j
i„« ha, ds in AVairen county, has re
turned home.
Eggs are very plentiful for this sea¬
son of the year.
Butter is hard to sell, there is so
much on the market.
Bro. “Sprat” has enlarged his farm
for the present year.
Another marriage to take place bear
Barnett soou, so said.
Sweet potatoes are in good demand
now at a very fair price.
Uapt. Henry smith, of Warren coun¬
ty is quite sick with pheumonfa.
Mr. Ilenry Fielding lias returned to
his home near Barnett.
Mr. J. W. McKinney and J. E.
Uagby lrom near Raytown
Salem Sunday school last Sunday.
Several gins are still in opperation
in Warren county.
Mr. Mark Ivey has had two or three
bales of cotton pick out since Christ
Work is on a general boom.
Hauling rock is becoming a genera] :
Miss Mittie Heath’s school numbers
20 pupils iu attendance. I
Labor without its reward will soon
become diseomaged and vanish.
Rev. T. J. Veazey, filled his regular
appointment hero on the 17th and 1st!)
Mr, Geoige Rocker, of Powelton
passed through our Hamlet last Mon
day. |
A wedding is not far distant, so abiut tve |
learn but we must be particular blLk i
what we say fur fear of getting a |
Several farmers are in want of lufs
for tho year, but it seem impossible ti j|
find any—although fair wages are f
fored them. I
Farming on a credit is like|the
m0V ements of riming water, tlie
j pro tjt all goes one way, flowing from
, Uie sourC e of production. ,
ly e see some of our distant nclgbj- I
bois selling corn whet whetnti her it >t lf is ’. from lu,n "
the force of necessity or c -r “g- % • % -it
tion, we do not know, but hope
the latter.
Mr. J. VV, McKinney Sr. lias got L-iS
hair “rushed” , oil both , sides auBt 4 7 nis .
i ears "backed” like a rabbit. 1 minder
what is the matter? Never mind.''Ah;
■ t ara a bout, to divulge a secret,
Tliere is no demand for butter at any
pr j ce< ’ an d this is one reason why fai m
jn}J d oe snt pay> Farmers can’t sell
w hat they have to sell, and it is aUo a
[ult fo| . the average critic to crack.
1 Marriage bells are tinging m*‘om
earg and 0> how svveet l]ie sound th ere -
of for aatce devouring facultie * are ■
becoming rusty and oid from the want
q{ som( U) j ti g ° o£ ttie ] t i„d to use t-iiem
Mr. Willie Agey and his better half,
W ]jj be one of our near neighbors his
y e;u ._ vVe are glad to know it, .n:d
we hereby tender him a hearty +- lei
hi. . low 1
perou.^ journey " upon the rugged path
j %ayofllfe .
. —— —
Weoffor one Hundred Dollars Rexv|,r4
f0 r any case of Catarrh that can not lie
curec | by taking Gall’s Catarrh Cure,
j f. We. J. the CHENEY undersigned, & CO., have Pros., known Toledo, F. O. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years believe him
“'V.'l’o””, . whoi^l, , .
^o, Ohio.
Walding, Kennan & Martin, Wholesale
Druggist Toledo, Ohio.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intcrnaily,
; acting directly upon the blood and mu
; c< »" s surfaces of the system. Price 73c
Iier bottle. Sold by ail DruggisG.
ffjjT BlACK-DKAUCiHT tea cures Constipation.
“Mrs. Ben-Hur’s” New Book.
“The Repose in Egypt: An Orient Med
winsome cheerfulness manifest, that gr <•
trated, such a book as commonly sells for
; nominal
j 0 „| v . v ,<At<. plu<’j 2 cents if by ma.d
inscriptive Catalogue, 132 pagesofpopu had free,
iar and standard books, may be John B
|, V addressing the publisher, York,
aldes, aw Pearl St., New
Wintfir h „ c , );nf>i and with it eaughs
diarrhoea and dysentery Pitts Car
m j na tj Ve checks tlie mucous discharge
, rom the entire system and is healing and
goothing-hence is an efficient and
, and
bowles. For sale by druggists,
McEIra* «WIHEOFCAROtH forfM>*l«din <m
Dr. Fleetwood Walker, a prominent
physician of Macon, died Tuesday
l’aiscc .roene County.
Mr. George/P. EdwapT Cornell, Elder, gand of father Macon of is
dead. He was also the grandfather of
Ed Elder, of Indian Spaing. He died
a few days /ago at his home in Jasper
county. Vtie deceased was about 97
years Serwtj of ado. He was born in
a naTveof t^nd ^old
state wooify, of Virginia, having moved from
Dun Georg.a.Jvvhere Ya., to Greene
he died. Mr. Edward
Elder solved in the war of 1812, and
receive,la pension from the govern¬
ment tuf fif his services in that father’s war. home In
1815 moved from his
in GreJJiesboro to Jaspes county. On
January it 1819, lie married Miss
Mary Wilsbn. Two years after his
marriage he moved to Monroe county,
After living tiieie five years lie moved
back ^o Jasper. Since that time he
has li-yed in Jasper, never living father
than/five miles from the place where
he fiifst settled, He was the father of
twelAv children, seven of whom ar liv
ing.f Of his posterity there are living
tbirfty-four grandchildren and thirty
f ou |. great-grandchildren and two
neat-grandchildren. lie was
pug,, a) Jj bearty, and had the promise
p.’maX .more years of life until a few
monthlyago when he fell down and
broke/his leg, from which time bis
healtM has declined.
Monday Tip'first session of this School opened
Jan. 26, under the direction of
Prow., J. Frank Little, assisted by a crops
The ( -,f competent Course of and Study experienced will be liberal, teachers. and
Instruction thorough and practical.
Rates of Tuition.-*! m>, $2.00, $2.50
*3.00. per. month; Music *3.00 per Month
Board— #8.0o to per month.
These charges are payable monthly.
The location is healthly; society good
The (School building is new and commodi
opts', and is located near Liberty Hall, the
residence of tlie late Hon. Alexander
IIailton Stephens, in honor of whom
tho enterprising citizens and friends of
tho “Groat Commoner” would rear a f.t
ting and lasting memorial in “The 8 te
High School.” Spring term will
July 10 th 18’Jl.
A liberal patronage is solicited. For
further imfonnatioH Addn-.-s 1’lie Stu
phens Monument Association, or Prof. J.
Frank Little.
idea now and then, or who have not al¬
wavs the time or inclination to prepare
their advertisements, will find a valucable
n aP Vstent in He nave! ho> ; U nf “Wear for
veiTLei-s” L.-t published 6 y 1). T. Mul
^ pamphlet lfe »T^ iVvU.t^lT
a tasty called “When,”
(pile-- 2.V> a treastiiry of good advice to
business men. Descriptive circular,, of
|> 0 tlu-se now books can bo obteinod up
on the publisher,
The farmer who lias to buy corn is
not truly a farmer.—CuUihevt Libeval
Eenterprise. | No. he is only a “inoit
gaged” cotton raiser: lie shouid not
by any means be called a Southern far
Ui\ J‘j m JJULLAit iv/ti I il) UfIJIHYF W rjrJvL V! I !
Oflfvl flrtld Watch!
/yiR 14 KARAT patent stiffened Gold
Waltlmm or Elgin movement—ndiabie
and well known. Stem wind and set.
'equal 1 < aNy' , l
to #75 WATCH,
VVe s<dl one of those watches for #28 cash,
liege examination, &.T5?‘v. 1 <
know now you furnish such work for the
! 1 money.’’ wanted each
^ K °^Write forfavtieuiars. iu
48 & 50 Maiden Lane, New York.
Aavertised I.eUers,
The following list of letters, remainin,
Jitter office if not calle<I for at the expi
I.. C.
tgomery M. !>-, beila Aimislead,
Gordon, Dal.eila Pearson, Jemmie
B.i Joi'es, Elizal’ictn "Ann Moor*'.'* jlenrc.tta
t.,-G n, Mitchell Mitchell, Liz
\>r, We'maker, Wm. Wilburn, W. O. Tay- Lois
si ' 1 Falb.v Turner, Fannie Stephens,
tilth, John Sc.oriL
When calling for these letters say “ad‘
i ylruaed." M. E. Brooke, P. M.
! »
V I ar r)ong.S, an .s ^
h T ' J^t the thing for th«
, | 1 iv” f ’ It is bcailt'fiilly
*• ** te d ’ f ln ,K ) 1 I ’
sM V Bond HE
I <1 ( ONFEDEIi 1TE (j> Y
With gilt top. Agents can
lea n feii particulars by ad
drcl : in M. T. Richardson &
Co., 1 84-86 Reade Street,
, NeA York:
M^EIfee'S Wine of Cardui
for *a'e by the ; ng merchant* in
Taliaferro County
l>r. R. J .Reid, i‘r twordville,
i,pnr%» W. Br<, & Go..Sharon ,
Hamad ’W / uca ' ' Cry ville
. 3 r
I.P. S HENSON,!). [)
Pastor Baptist Uhurch, Chicago,
Speaks His Mind.
“Ad almost fatal attack of La Grip¬
pe, last winter left me with nasal
catarrh and such susceptibility to
bronchial irritation that the slightest
f*P° H«Ie S0 effmt «* m public ^^ speaking ^ would ^
™ s “ l » dl ? tress '"S h ~'" s ’ s «
that I had serious fears f of permanent
"Besides I suffered with dyspeptic
troubles- notably what is popularly
known as‘heart burn,’from which I
found it difficult to ortuin relief, 1
was induced by a friend to try King’s
Royal Germetuer, and it gives me great
pleasure to say that its effects has been
as magical as ‘Koch’s Lymph* is re¬
pented to be, which is also a ‘germ
destroyer, though taken in a different
w av.
“Catarrh, bronchial irritation and
dyspepsia have all disappeared before one
bottle of tlie Germetuer has been used.
“One of my sons, wlio lias long been a
sufferer from his o!<l enemy.
l*. s. Henson.
“Chieago, Dec. 10 , 1800.”
The above statement given Dr. Henson,
adds strenght to the already convincing
testimony that Royal Germetuer is truly a
wonderful discovery. If you arc, sick
and your druggist cannot supply you,
send Jl’50 to King’s Royal Uernitner
Company, If North Broad street, Atlanta
Ga., and procure a bottle of this great
lias but few equals and no supersets.
him for what yon want.
Miiledgeville, Gn.
............. t
S.HH) and unward at a low rate of interest
Easy time and a lower cost for negotiat¬
ing than is offered by oilier lenders.
Apply to M. Z. ANDREWS, Ally.
Sept. 12, Out Crawfordville, Ga
Sheriffs Sale.
( ^ EOBGi A T 1,1AK1£1!1U> Coi ml
J Wilt ho sold on die first Tuosdivy in
March next, before the court house, in the
town of Crawfordville in said county of
Taliaferro within the legs Munirs of sale,
to the highest bidder fo< cash, the follow
ing property to wit: One tract or lot of
1 aiid in T liaferro county Georgia, situa
ted in the town of Crawfordville, contain
ing one acre move or less; upon which
ale other dwelling house, two store houses mid
North necessary house out buildings, fronting
on Court square and bounded
oil the East by it public street leading
from said • < 1 Willi; |,o i, )ir 1 1 suk'ijri; Of
Joseph IV. Farmer, JfVi on the South by a
public street running East and west and
separating said lot from lots of Mrs. M. S,
Cony deceased ami Mrs. M. E. Brooke, on
the West liy lot of Mrs. )<’• A. Tucker.
Said lot of land levied on as the property
of S vIvi'Kter Me wart lo satisfy an exeeu
turn'issued from the. .Superior Court of
wild county of Taliaferro in favor of W.
N. Mpn;i<ir against .sahl Sylventer Stovvart.
uoU(*p ul’U*vy tfSvun Hiiitl
SKmvjuT fluIVndiint in saiil nia iUKl itiul also
Mrs. Liltini J. Stewart, I,eiialit in posses
sbfii of said lot and exercising the use and
control of the same Tills 28th (lay of
Januaiy 181)1. C. IJ, Jordan.
of unusual excellence and variety, and at prices to suit all (da isos ol buyers. It
would require too much space to cuter into an elabernle description of the various
departmen s and tlmir sundry attractions, but allow me to call your attention
espee ally to tlie
Here you will find tha Latcsfand a 1’opuh.r Styles in Plaids, Stripes and
Suitings. This stock was most caret saleeted and i £ - ex< idled by any other
firm in elegance and beauty. complete
BLACK GOODS I make a specialty. All the A departments arc
in thcii The respective lines. reliability ami siibstantiability has long beco maintained
reputation for remember with these; that is “LOw
Arid yon will nlea-e another point in connection
PRICKS.” This is a most important question, but it is lint intended to convey the
idea that tlie stock consists of inferior good; such Is not the case. Every effort is
made to get TH E BEST and sc!I Ui in as cheap as the cheapest. No one will be allow
ed to undersell in the same grade of good s AII goods are bought for cash, and my
customers get the benefit of the discount.
Come and examine , and you will be shown a Jtpcrior slock, low in prices. Com¬
pare prices, and you will see the advantage in buying votir Dry Goods from
CORNER. gornh:.
I.^TLOOK OCT for Hie little om ! AMBER LEADS a .lire preventive Iron
rtHHM roxmi * r\\iirS m
THE ORIGINAL AND &ENBINC. Th'- naif Mufe, HtiPf* »«'! rr.U'tKle Fill t>-r «»/<•
~.l M J( Druggist for tJMch'ttrr * XnglUH Hr ansi in If«'d mn t.-H-t rn<-Ul.l4t \7
/ fa Jr wtet* pKsteboarrJ Mur rtfttatt. Box*-*, Tate Jiinii wrAj/pK-ra. no oifec/ttud. «lHii*< rous Jitfu-r «-r>unl/ iv'-tiituti i fV|(«. •• /t f.r /»'*•/■••/v,n*. r/ nr n*nA •«
m . All pUl» In partfcnUr#, an'l ar' f«»r l.tvtU */' tnj> "• r. return «tll
pT 4 lO.OOOJ.MjwnUU., *., i n for ••
Name Ca,.» CHICHtSTtR
>% -. — —- raj f~~V£3 jCLTC XjOVJ’E 3'27 IPxilCEG.
Also Wall Barber and Furniture, Prescription Jewelry cases, Cedar Tray*
and Stools Cabinet fr* Work r,f all kinds. Complete Outfits for Stores and
Banks. Catah Addr- ATLANTA SHOW CASE CO., Atljnta, Go.
! 7 1 \ T “V
D EV < • 1 V > A Fk
CUT % ytfi ^ 7 •’Ck W. 'f%Q v Zn
T ” E {tv u r
m. K .C 1 7 KLF1 v ' *■ ■ X* II 5 S 0 RS
y K
/ Insist- \r.
/DM Y".U
/ AidSEKCCW r \u
-,-Jetting FOR YOU. Them zvSSY^^Hqlyoke , ! mp’,5 .
VJTWiH be sold in front of tin; Court
House door of sit ill county, oil first Tues¬
day in March next, to tin* Inchest bidder,
for ash, an undivided one third interest,
belonging to Uabre la Jackson, in a tract
of land containing said five acres more adjoining or less
lying in Sharon, comity
lands of E, Oroake. \. I) Keitdrsek, Joe
Ka 1 lin and estate of Wm. B. Kendrick',
Said sale wiil lie made agreeably to an
order of Court of Ordinary of McDuffie
County Georgia. Guardian IIijukmt K KNDiilek, Jackson.
of Gabrdla
All parties bating an interest their in inter¬ the
above described land will soil
est on 1 st Tuesday in March next sit that
flic complete that title to said laud will be
sold on day.
Ordinary’s Ofhce Wilkes County
A EOT!G1 ,\ Wilkes Comm.
I To all whom it may concern.
D, A Perkins and Mrs. Annie W. liar
nett having Ordinary only applied to lion. Henry
11, Flynt, of Taliafcrto Gounty
Georgia for permanent letters of adminis¬
tration on the estate of .1. W. Bar nett, late
Taliaferro County, deceased; and if appear¬
ing that, said ilenry H Flynt is disquali¬
fied by reason of his relationship t.i said
applicants, and lie, the said II. 11. Flynt
i living endorsed upon said appieatinn "the
fact of 1 is disqualification, ami action transfeml
the same 1 o this office, for as the
law directs, this is to cite all and singular
tile creditors and next of kirn of .1 W.
Harnett to ho and appear a: my office at
Washington Wilkes Gounty Georgia with
it. the time allowed by law. and shows
cause if any they can, why permanent, ad¬
ministration should not be granted to 1 >.
\. Perkins and Mrs. Annie \V Barnet!
nti.I.W. Barnett's estate. Said applica¬
tion will he heard on first Monday in
Mareli next. Witness my hand anil offi¬
cial signature, this gist day of January
i sin. E. M Anthony,
Only. W. 0.
< a KORG l a Tali Ah'LKito <■ >< vt v:
D Wliaroas Kdward S. O’Brien execu¬
tor of the last will and testament of Miss
Nancy Gunn, late of said enmity di ceased,
1 ms applied to me for letters of dismis¬
sion from said estate. This is to cite alt
persons concerned to he and appear at
iny office on the first Monday in March
Ifl'.tl, at 10 a. in..and show cause
if any they, can why said letters should
not lie granted Ibis “Till
Witness my official signature
November 181)0.
Him it v II, Flynt, Old, T, <’■
Slierifif’s Sale.
tl \Y rill im sold on first Monday in March
next in front, of the’Court house in
following property, to wit: All Mutt tract
or narta ! of lands lying in tin*- six hundred
and sixth ((10(») distriet <». M», bounded
on Mm North by lands of Mrs. Loueelia,
Laniuun, on I lie West by lands of Abso
lem («. Kvuus, oil tlu*. south by lands of
dames Ogletree, and on the Kant by lands
of Daniel Kvans. (Jontaiuidg two him
died acres (200) more less, It being the
same hand deed by Abaohnn Kvans to
the said Robert O. Evans; Said land lev
led on as the property of I!. O Evans to
satisfy an execution issued from tlie So
perior Court of said county, upon the
foreelosure of a mortgage in I ayor of c.
W, Huntress guavdian for Ellen E. llun
Ircss against said K. O. Evans,
C. U. Jordan, Sheriff,
M< H'-d'J'URNIG GOODS at Exceedingly
Low Price*,
Brussels l’resb Mattings Just received. Cliina Velvet, and
amt Ingrain Carpets,
Nap n Konii Mattings autl A Uppoi'n'nojm, full line <>! Wall i l a*
1 " vh, vh I’icturHR, ricMU®
T’onwr l’in i
»' ^»hvs, Mouldhms, Lapp tUn taians Lor
nice and \\ widow 1 oles, Window Shades,
Lrojui Strppfc, UpHfcalra,