Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 30, 1891, Image 8
*>:,*,*• cor'J* L-ivcr ( otnpttiit wm ■ , __ HOArms Affections Vrivti T> p j to*(ir■ At drnggl »tt» ci« . DrBULL’S I i w ’ 7, Jr A »Ji!ir [•j: JI _ t. — - J-.S4L- • SALVATION OIL (Price only 25 re'lt. 5'Id by all druggiltl.) Relieves quickly Rheumatism, Neu¬ ralgia.Swellings, Bruises,Lumbago, Sprains,Headache, Toothache, Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Sores, Backache,&c. i nl irifj ■ ' r r> UG3, Th% Great Tobacco An - i;,t Price lOCta. At all drugglots. SEW Ain’KlM.'SKMKNTS Morvainc, L m i»\ n i: M ‘W3 ; Imnii- 1 ’iiivd in 2 to 1 ’ weeks, \<> in ad :.1 MtOO pay cured,! . S$HI ■* vai ci*. it y/ / > . rial lice :t ut t*«j at ItllfT ;n‘W\ < I’nhacco lialiit s also cifi’ed. /; y ln-ri:\-\n <<>.. t Uci rD*n -pi i uRs, Mich WSF: %,' fAkeaS f v HA I a 3A'.0Af ■* :,.R‘ i r 1 ; . lv»^ ? 4MI . ,. r ,r, H. a..... Ornyi I . ' r,-jg* jc.DMH H*t» to IU h youthful 5 ii .r Color. i. . | j • • ■ .. , i I . • .. i v. Mi cr Tom-, it k -x ND6RCORNS. } Ul ill *'e'a*»t < ' » U,, i’ titl. -U. 1 BOILING VJA : : . O'? Wi •< E P % GRATEFUL f.Ai. V!XG. G C ) ’■ 7>* . r ' LABEUfD I r'hBB CUYMIOIt-. '• ''(,H»kI'. lIlKUt, fsirlfcltlF. *-tif»( ithfr? nil L • •uly, VlitHr'dwsti A**f ivrk. WnUfur imoh ui i-rui*t» t UkU CH MY r> Jl~j s. a p X ’ .l •---• j i Tliai eciH rally no’.in- nai i anil hunt*) in# iiu» wlu nil i? Dr (»ro*v u os Hell e Uolhni l*ia b i will rt'/icvc you III '*t(C nitfht, Hltrc. >el• d i •«**11.y sht In (ii nsvctiur «V Iiie ,i j liOHlOll, . nltd lentil 11 *• v\ •II iV f a |iur<iiv jdustor V » ! win } >oii i ii>l /In - ~ i •< l } i 11 , I lie Don s jilaster in the world n til • r ■I lire oi ,• ell on the » \ e i d h Do < v- > Pi I ‘<H ;>lC ; . 1 i I fi m j : ! m i ' w : ; i Tivv I'd. ' CO Msi I 01 ! It II I piT- i li. i of cases I'loiueoe , less. It' you have j toms, such i a Iheuthinu, A*-. hurt IMSO’S CCUF. sie immediate! y. H Dn — TUK - INTERNATIONAL TYPcWRiTEfU. i «? -xeu?. . \ wtrit Made lJy fliNt fLtfis liuu hiue Fully wnr reel,-,I .. «»m\erv Ivest iimterinl, b\ skilled u*i». uud with Ihe nest tivols that l,av»* ever -n f \ istvi r» r the j»uriH«stv Warranttsl to do all that - i l Pea .. .isonabl v exi y etetl of tbe verv U»fct tv J' extant ('a]ia ible of wriling lib vi'nU r»er t*f tin* minute or more- aeeording to the '.ilit v oi*erHtor. rric*' $100.00. If there is no aeeut in your town, ad iIionn the inanufat ttuern, Tin: r\ici*(i ni4;. to., 4 f ft #r < II tHtetl r ttnsn, r. FREE. S'P '%1 HlRAl’llY and TVPKWRIT- 1NO FKH 1 si's! fins', facililu-s mul t «>f ten«'>n rs Nddr ’ss s\ ith stump f t r rt»turn Tlilw PARISH MHG <M., P vaisa. N. \. xsiiT ■ m AIR •il r. R cm gns!> M A •AS •jO t THE DKMOCKA WFORDVILLE, GEORGIA. SHORT STOPS. ( Pools sneer and wise met, investi gate. No other preparation (.omliiw;'th-posi ti.\e economy, tlie |»ec«!isr merir and the ; medicinal power of lined' Sarsaparilla. Tha first figure is the lost now. atul don’t you forget it. “What i- home without . mot her'.*” j Why it i-about a* en nfortlcs . as a man- j tlepiece in winter time withtmt a bottle of fir. Bull’s Cough Svnin Ti il-ulo ir or; <>r o ■nr ■ ru *| he* perui to uiily cured ' . ■ use of Salva¬ tion Oil. Pr ice 25 cents, | Paris is accounted the tn >st beauti fill city in the world. It r; Hitairis 87.- 401 j .shade trees. enVrgV’\\n,r;ee,t.r;;td:;i v Hm tase l)r J. II M ■Eeiiri’ Sarsaparilla. It will impart strength and vitality to your system, hold by Dr. It. d. Keiu. ■ 0.1,1 v . i succeeds Joe f'-innon in Ooncrww, has never been known to leave his house after night-| fall. K you fed **ont pcevi-li -take I)r. Mi l; a! 1 - Sar-aparilla j oliccrlulja* > will will return M t uni a ft will aquire rojuin* new new w-»f. /<-!. At \t l< <1 nriif' | Store Wtiat. a cnriouBitv » tn \v oap^r i would be that wss edited liv ttu- peo pie who arc always glowling abut the j papers. • < lilhlr‘*n who , arc troubled . ... wall ... worm „ ... . T It kills and expels worms. For sale by I!. ./ He id Children who arc trounled with worms may b»* quickly relived bv jzivinj; tb‘*m Dr J, II McLoftn^ Liquid Vermifuge, It kills and expels worms. For sale b\ 1C J. Kied TliPn* n?e niir , tf‘ l n rnilllrifii iirs in t e Cnited St at es .Son ate whose c< rn Ic.ned wealth foots up about i! 110.000. ooo. If \ on ;i HilTciiiipl v it |i c\»*liiN, wenk or in tlamod i yos, or irniuir-'b <1 you can he i iiivd by u^iou: 1 >i* .1 II. \fr]j art's s*retuiflK'nfti^ Kyc Salve,, Su'd l»\ 1 )i. tb ids. “11 |»oc- rinht. to t he '-potS',,id all old tmm, wIp> ivn . nrbbincr in Dr J I! ,dc l.i-m’s Vn ciiidc Oil Linbiii iit to relieve ilicmiiiiliam. Sold hv Dr Ib id. |ielitrj *)0 io;*V be expo* s!v ami more i benelicial Ilian eilber liuuor* i lohjicco, Thu blond uiust In* nine for tin* body ‘ to j he in perfect Condition, Dr. .1. II. Me D»*jm s > nifilla m-’Kus j in t* hb od , ami inipnt-i tin* rich bloom of health and ( ! vh'or to the whole, body. At Ucid s unit: More. Thu town of Fairfield, 'I t*x;is, is sndnrif <1 wiili spotled f**ver I * • isi - lit*vs is itlfuie t MispeiMcd. any hi.iiiy ■ |)f* 0 (»b* .in* flooin^ I heir horuus to < s t* ipt* be »u.'.e;i v‘. SU;!'J’U*>S NI<1 II VS. uvhIo in DeraN fi\ tlm’ lenihlf cmiLh .Shiloh’s I'uir is be Ijemedy loi \ >d Ham naek lawns A* (o sun,n ii’.s vrru.i/.mr is Wlblt YOU ii U./Aiue.- -M r i:«»nsM|,aiion. 1,,h. ol \ \a n r otih , j •, mill ;iii>vii.)>ton:- «d 'bottle. i»e M.t I'm III a ml 7 » ceuls i»er I l immaek. Hm’ ^ a < 'o. Tin* i * si < x|i ns. ve din' is i»}iv s.MiLMm • I wo MU.ices Id vv lie- would ■, w. .«„< (Mi .(kki 1, is a i from ihe p. al tbiirhean and is of use is eve disc; s, For hum* buck, side or chest, use Shi lob’s Forinids IMasler. Price 25 c» tit Ilaimnaek, iaieib' & < ’o. Mil DO I HSLh)lI(vlI «iu«l Cuiisimijaion Cave is »>.tl by vis *m it t*mvu\nlee. 1 ei.ies Consumption. Ilammaek, iV: Co. N')bod.' ask.s any mor»> whore or i 1 1 *»v\ people l’oI nr get their money Tin* I cl tliiii they b »ve it, and are ibeiiil. is all stiltaf-iei*L lor ’Society «ts il has bp**n |m ml M v'iHM F UY.t-OFIXD COCCiH an I j Hrion bi.‘i> haioeilbih l\ reliexed by " J 1 i>I<' » tm* Uaiiinumk l.ueas Si Co. 'I'll \ 1' H A( KIND c*ottIi can he so quickly etm d i>\ Shiedds Cu «•. \V> . l»tiiir.iiiif (* ‘l Ibtmmuck, Hueas A- C<>. File hi*si ft ii nds tlit* when it costs I some l inn 2 Hi he hicnd . When tlnl- I u s aid run m ms iircs ol h s P m m st c iHt s it is a wry slit ;uul llaht weitflit. art icie. WILL 7 OF ,-l r'eMi: with 1) »e b- a t,i. i 'll,loll' v. . i r d lv» cure you ilamiuaek, Hu M V C (’AT \ !U? II C ), ’f lith an 1 s\n eet bleat h euied, i’ Lo.i's { al.m it Ht uie dy. I'idee 50 ceil N•»-.t i lit!-. fret* llHimtnuU. HueusA ( II. Ft. U Ihunell li-s hati several oil is for 11 loesb wl>U* ho Uouirht from Mis ‘belli W ibiili- ‘1 ashinii t ii, and out* i if- l ‘ ui ndvdiue On 1 he Hi’ii’e j».>vhii 7T u'.ia ic atul Ri — till l i Dr. .Hll Mi l/t'(tii'> OiC - Oil L ui me * take lb .1. II McHt»iU**s »i • ssi I'.uiiht i on will not sue- i lone will h- ^nv \ vv ih a ^jiu e.v an t etl live cure. A, IL .1 heid’>; U nliin Iiis ili ■ al term ,>t t «•.> ve It' t»' V ■ 11 1 1 ayl’-y oi l vnueS'i'e ha-, pal - do 1 fi 1 t*Oil\ Vhv 1 U ill’s •»! t 1-lllfil l •ml nr bhi ucsn To itutki* t tiicod tl ii! li m >i .1 Ji. :Ul’> uf‘I'illfi II w Bum i*ti n which ire i a tv it i * A <• rmiis; f.ti'to to l-v taUifitt etl fit (.'.million Ihe oirculation of hi.»m} <}uiekene i and em «t «* «uul enei i » « ver\ p >ri. *ii i a ppctit r« litre's. I it* ht with il i C.'it by \ » \! ] >.U aril la X *N It < o r / > i l >n Rive l lion WINE OF CA30UI. a Tot ic for Woncu. Washington county p I P ( worth an niiaJly 35.000 of i, I alumt £1,.700,00. i •- ■ < "! of i • e largest cotton j inj < ii.|tn-s in ' the State. Mothers?rid nur -s shout! I 1), ,t .Imp;.. it , II i iSyrup. f Pm j s the a«< <*f I>r. Bui. B- \v ■ Price only 25 cents. ■ Xo wonder people say> tie: < iinj ’ 1 is clutng ing, with all the <ie«-r v.t tiikrr we are haring lately, arid to he fro form catarrh is a privilege. We ha ve h'|, *ver an excellent rowdy for this ail pent, Oht S mis’ i O it.iiT i Our ■. Among I he interesting 1 * of the Jay is to the ff-ct i i )’ | v 1 ins one f \\ iunie Davis, daughter of dei t Jeff Davis, i.s engaged to In- ar rid to a wealthy Macon aenUetiiaii ^ jsp&i A free catarrh OoMrv ny, Newark \ J • _ nraTTV'C tlCHlii flrthUu 0! t* fN' w,-' " »>» 0 (itN* - 5, For Catalogue address Ex-Mayor Da N’J hL F. I»EAI 'IY', Washington \. SI FOR 13 'V ■•'.! !- > The New York Illustrated N» »hi; ■:> jjailcd, securely wrapped, t»» any . f*!r | r , lhp Unit** (IStato or (jarmd ,'Vor trrl-H months Libcmi discount on the receipt p.wrd of One !>«»,-jar a a po«ttnB8tf*i's find clubs. X** «*ll this paper freely, openlv 2 k^Tti'iW ;oard. Sample copies f: ’ (ref Vvidrc’.vs New Yor'f illiistr.itf*] N. .a. JO? Broadway. N,w Y < if*, J.'hn L. Sullivan, the [Vito a . II |.j ..I roni.'s, is the b|. rt Home Council 1 take pIcHMiie In calMntf t n M-ti cl moiluMM to ^ borne c.ii*’ 1 i t!i-'* , asc“ of tin Stomach nod f* »%. ;h, a tiiedichic so I mi 2 needl'd to carry < ■ Irt-E safely throu 'h Go* ciiiical ol •cth PITTS’ '’ARMINATiVj % incalculable hlc-sin^ f’*» uno an to rh; child It is an iuMant relief to <■ c !,f hiiniitH. *n dUeiisi*!* ixiih wldch in Pan ft BidVr sb in itch the first f*>ur nion* ■I ttii*l r !l!‘» it iv*‘H »wcpf, rest tn : •- -i. k ami fretful cluhi I f st t e|n/t ||( IIS Mv? l ’ ll "R h i«.(l,«- "I 1 pmiy Wl (•..nccD.d ' ,,u u ' v ". il ;yi. i n -e I It ** i '« ■ hex. • *, em - Diar.h a ■ and Dv^m- y A , )H ,f,»j li u .-J.ildien T: v D f D cest' TWEMY-FIVKl CiNTS A Bill TT Sold bv If fin - S »■»(•!(« *■ OOm raftftofe! ALLSKIN />nd BLOOD DISEASES. The Best Household Medicine, Once or twice each year the »y« tem needs purgeing: of the impuri* ties which clo^ the blood. From childhood to old age, no remedy meets all cases with the same cer¬ tainty * of good results as BOTANK DI BLOOD A AM D BALM, A T \K W. C. McGauhcy, Webb City, Ark., writ “ B. B. B. has done me more good and for 1 money than any other blood purifier I ever used. I owe the comfort of my life to it." P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10 , iHH 8, writes: “ l depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. 1 have had it tn my family now nearly two years, and in all that time have not had to have a doctor.” nr Write for Illustrated "Book of Wonder*" ?UX>1> HALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sent free. msm I mb THE GREAT TONIC. Purifies the IUo'hI . slit/.* Diaoslion Vttrcly Vegetable. TT0”3 ONDSRxtli. irsisi I i I 'fill 1 w-is rru'Ti'rlr'r from Oi-nvnil T)"Wr- 1-m b ino lil.o ilov.n 1 a.u.otion.anri rmTidJy. Commenc*'** mywholij r si.un m ■-» run i\VooUlridge*a i Wonderful ( .1 :;;v, ,.rlur.R. In-• Curcj a I expci ienecd groat relief b fore tin-' 1 dug the first *> »t le. I have used It In flhy Ja nilv ever s nee with fro d mm as. BOXVEft _____ « <ff.rju;: s,<i i., J tc-M ». 1 ih I.. G. I”. vaSins: l'.r’v n the yeurtSSO l hud a fully C m ! • U • so of S rofula, uo prom uticed by i :r<M the b t doctors la t ie city« f C luxnnus. i ■ "it tim e bottles < f your \\. V T . C. (Wo* ! si Wonder' utOure'. and am to day as wt !I ps evt : wa " Oook n.* ntm-r rngfid^ K. t \Y. U’, i r. thnt the fm •isar^co’* re' 1 ?.’; t is te ecrt!f” j liM* e dtclnri. m.l that I .tdministe r<n lthe IM ELLIOTT. Ham i i.T' >n, via., Feb. 26, IS SNO. nr.txfti. . s.\M3 nr all nit< Thifi.- « times -11 A ri* ji 1V ^ ^ V 4. - Take Roy’s ’ ' y times a cloy. \ 5 are troubU;! wu - ■ ' : 1 disease—’ Cirv Rc 4 ur ♦ • c OUR NEW IMPROVED .SINGER HIGH (VRM, VKI3 STVVt.C ' - .VS2S-00 W did r I iis 1 . S. B r W1LLST3 o v.Q * r - ‘ c- . L I I O 7UB , ; L.SRGE VL AbO, Trralfic d ■ * any longer o -* £>;* ^®*nt ' ' lli. f” rwt*. MU QMMI6AL K f ' Just Organi ft-/ d in Augusta, Ga. -A NEW _ ftmmm H- W ■T: V4.,i: - . A m WAltl WAmSRtlil _ I.AK'iEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IV THIS SECTION OF Roads Carts. " 11 >2> Buggies, \ \V agons. : ' / /Hi Phaetons, Surries. A -"'Tyor"" \ Harness, Saddlery -Heiting And fevmEU Mill ram**. Supplies-- , ASD shoe | ■ voticf ‘ _We are now prepared to furnish specii.fiuducenients ai ytliing in our line, and gu rantee in order all oor to goods hultd to be the trade. best ever See offered goods at . A'', r . \ mi-u a m- w cmife/o. we offer to olir patrons, up a ous j and Inel oat owr prices oriccs before uvtorc buying o y el.sewli r •. j 1 \ \ f^OY 'IV I > i Cv il i. j * V t. > * in . « 3^4 Brcao. Eteet. An p;' ista, ’ Georgia- O * * 2?jP /2 Pi&.-C-i’ J:£J * f.-f-f -* 12" 2 A A A A 1 AA ! FREE FOR EVERY OHE WHO Wlltl- TAKE THE TROUBLE TO ASK FOR IT. it j ft j v WEEKLY 001! mm sv THE A ... rn-sz n % ? i SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR. THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, 151,000 WEEKLY, READ BY NEARLY A MILLION READERS. m~ Agents make $25 to $100 per month working 1 for us. Send for Outfit. Easiest paper in America to get subscriptions for.“« VMUS lain S.4MPI.K COPtKN. Write on a Postal Card the names and addresses of A’OURSELF and FIVE, and Sample Copies of The t.reat Southern Weekly will be sent FREli of charge. » HO HOUSEHOUD SHOULiD BE WITHOUT IT. “XdTIIIXU SUCCEEDS LIKE SUtT’ESS.” The fact that more than 150,000 families read THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION ever, week is the best proof that it has no e<iual in America as a »auiily U°^^ Unper rs *S1 ?U^U n «utri% h uU^L el Write for each issue | the give during the coining year: contributions the most famous writers the world has pro¬ in i I itlll* Beside the regular oi duced will make each number of tne CON¬ STITUTION worth a years subscrip'icm. ft JOt.Ii € I1AKKIS, newspapt r to secure conn ihutiofie 1 roin the is ti e cheapest in price, published the biggest the and knjwn t est Of “Uncle Kemuf” Celebrity. iuoat noted special writer* of the world. weekly newspapet No household should be in without its Rev. T. OeWSTT TALMA6E, For the Year 1891. world. fireside. I.t has Celebrated divine. cheer to the family member ■ ome The COJ,. I’K t \i» A. f.URR. thing to please and interest every PliUMKFTT liOtlerH, ‘*b.V fiarge rp^ e FamoiiB Correspondent will supply of the family ther and Sons, it has A*rri«*u The “Georgia Cracker. |, | c. tters fro TUc* European For the Fa - r ,. e ir y tiiral Indus* ria I and I'olitV'al News, Fit AX K la. STAXTOX, on m tiers <<f p.irtim].•/!>’ sperinl iuter-st flie to SforieN el' t5*o War and Adtenture. The Poet Ann-rieau readers, and to For the Mother and Daughters it oilers WAEI.ACR »* REED, Farmers ol thi« country ; a study <>f Agri¬ •‘Woman's “Woman's Kingdom," Kingdom, “Children's utuiaren s Depart- impart Nat- cultural and Industrial Europe being the ruent" and other specialties for femmios Whose Charming Short »t< ories have a chiel motive for his Trip to the Old VVorul. fai i mil Repu atiou. xni M. KTAXLIIY, icy. ». I- .!■ IVES, in In addition to its spe rial de ipartments it Dr. Axricnltmal The Celebrated African Explorer le ds all American ricen newspapers nev in giving The South'- rn xt Fruniineut \\ be liesird II dun tin* >-Hl' in a complete complete the the news news cf cf the the world. worl It costs co Editor. ill re log articles nothing to this great paper and d t E. W. HAKHITT. serie «»l the in os i teres *ting ever you will do yourself see injustice if do you v not respondent. published an yon Oar Special Wnn’iington For 188 4?^ A. HIIKON. send for a t> ample copy. After you read it if .11 r*». Vt ns. 84EAI-, y u do not think t it is the best family paper The Kditres^- of Woman 'h Kingdom and our j G-r^ai .-Icctrici^n in the corld you do not have to subscribe Children's be part men t. and mo o ttum «me II ««*<»»*<» other of the NOTK -If you want * lieAmitliern i'urm the he:»> monthly lor Farmers over printed, send $1.65 and both Faria and CONSTITUTION C tt ill be sent you for a year. Address THE CCNSTilUTISN, ATLANTA, GA. @ M/I u • I ILAIMWADOO * ( “ Jtoiia uloufiTain iToj-s. FKII OF iFCVEUU. MANAOKK. ■ > ivr (;.... Jan , • -r i, 1391. i ( so:: •; n i n ■ sit X ).\V. -1th. Inst, I i 5 ■r SvhitJnU".' will : 1’AST UXH NO 37 \ 1 -- No. 38 East Dah.y. I,\ O ••.is . :C . v Ailiiiit-i -:l.i (i in Kr ,i 12:10 1* 111 , 1 - l.T’dvillt' Aflivv 3:-lfi . 1..14 , | At hens 11:40 ;l ;u 7 Ii 111 l.v A’Ii IIS H.'jo n m Wash - ’ll 4:20 7 AT ; | i \l >• It’lile. Wash’d! i.v ’1 ts.Vd, ;t m \ fli.'lis 7:(>'* |i in . tile I’:!: M icon 3:30 n in : i.v Ci 1 e nil i s fid•"» (*i \ tbill a 10 ui v ,u .iis a ,, j N. i W T IVM1.Y No. 2 Kv-t Daily. Lv Afl 2 Hfii!> 11'H5 (l II! i.v Ar niitn -8 ’ :l m | ” Mai-on «:tH) " m ,, Cv’dv’l.-1224 tlivris 5 15 m « ( ., .i, I ' 55 p m Ar n V>"-Vti 1 'li 11 10 k in W’shVit 2 30 p in .. At n- 8 51 !a m Lv < ' im ik 117 in .. 32p m'Ar M:\con I in Ar Li A 'Ui- 1 15 5 45 p ill' „ AllU'lfitfi 3 p 111 N„ 3 \\ or D.vii.y No. 4 East Daily I.v A fi els. ii 11:01 pm s a A tp.iifn 2:0 ' :i m Ar ( r’llvilu- fi.-, .... am AI I I nvil.i- 1:54 nm Ar Atiuiitii fiioil am Ar Au-usta !*..•-» a in l ii ion Point & Leave I i,ion Point *4u:l0 a m *o.-4y p u. \niv. MUiam 1«:35 a m fi:05 p m Arrive W li>l<‘Plains 11:10am 6:40 pm i , . IV ,. White Plains *8:00 a m *3:30 p in Arrive Siloam S:35 a ni 4:05 p m Arrive Union Point 9:00am 4:30pm • Daily Except Sunday 3-V'' Superb improved Sleepers te Aug¬ usta and Atlanta. No. 27 and !8 senror b to an 1 r/ett tn- follo-vin * s a * . only: (ilMV* '"11. II .rl—n. Dear in. 'nuunson, \7inVD u|. (4 iru<*ft, t'riV' fbvdvih \ avion \ oi \. 1 1 V ! “ , *’l*'w!) Midisoii. Rn l‘*‘bi*. ^‘»'*-‘il t'i'cle. Cnv ingr-m ('on v *r fiiT 'o'ii i. Stone ! our. . tain •! ml D •cat nr. Parlor oars on 27 an i 28 l».*t x \U ousta mid Atlanta. .1 V. t.W K KN. s ren'i M.'.noovv, E. R. DORSFV, n’i Pafi-w tf«*r .toe. VV. \Vhiti-: T. P \ Aasu-ti <1 • 2. r;yv* 'j&t. : ► ' • 2^S r-ot Pcwsr V\ ; DO 7-1 8c2li;.’sr’. ,V .I'A-. f* srit _____/- (•'!' 11’ litriw * tela l See#-*!' sr Utvwp 1 ft Vk. fi' V JOHN i- \RN» n*. jdfe s:-(v •- S3. s- < Coy in i, *u -x Tincoii it tiii* -is i > ?s n :iv. . owards v - v M U icoti. — ' ; VO • V-ikThk .cnd.—T .‘.the n-( ; wdC’lass Ficvr ’ (,y- TIMETABLE \0 8 ( , :-r I 1 s: . .. — — —— N,, u, i 53 rop^iln Effect .Sun: May mh. ,50 Fast« ^ No, 2.^ i-'ff. Tn -s'lnvs Sun.I .V .Util i (i:(H) A 'f. Only Weil & Fri lay Tliurs & N 'f.\v Onlv' Daily h KIXU’E - 1' V SUD.V *». Daily; •J MOPM T 1,1AM (,v .Macon (E.T. !)->}■) Vr f. 'iOPM 12 -ji • fi 00 2 33 7 17 Alacun ( 1 1.V;VI Dpt) li 13 1 ; 5 1 i i v.-i AM. Mort.nn ,1 .u 115 1 > U.D 7 03 . 0 10 7 .14 S 1.1 r 42 8 <i'J Kound Oitk i) ; 11 4cS a a; fi ‘27 < 4 .‘IL* i 1015 4 :1D ? 9 15 Slont-ieello D 11 o:i l> i; i 4 33 S .4 V S Jlanhen ;4 OH 10 3,8 ■ .i i 11 oo 4 .18 II 40 07 10 05 ) (Jotlfivy 0 3 37 ; 10 ( li 27 I'M 11 10 5 13 10 00 S [lfi Oi ) I 11 .V) PM in 41 I i3 03 I | 11 30 ill 15 j V2 45 5 47 10 55 < irMlison 2-7 ) ,0 15 S L 00 fi 32 11 40 Farmimttnn i 12 ! 8 47 , !) 37 ? 50 fi !fi 11 50 WatUinsvilh' D 1 56 1 S 31 I fi 37 45pm 7 20 PM 12 251’M Arrive Athens Leave. 1. 25 P M 8 00 AM 7 40 am. |(\.:i t Down. j A. <4 flit YU4, Aetinx i > rin! *:nl.f:tf I Beil l IJ[> .(SI 13 H-. , A pamphlet of information and ab- j I n street of tbe laws. Showing How Trade/J ton Ir, Obtain Patents, Caveat". Sv, •*' Marks, Copyrights, sent CO./A Tret. .tddrsss HUMS *■ ^.361 Broadway, New York. j-- j , - .7 -7 i :, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat cm business conducted for Moderate Fees. Will, O r rip. tion. We advee, if patenta-le or nor. free of cha-'-e, Oor ft' no: 6>te till pa’no ,a M-nireO. » p., M PMttT '‘How to OlUHin I'atenrs" n'.ih tian;> < f a-.'r 0*cfi/ ii-'- in your Sftate, count;. , or to". .. • at 7A'', C.A.@5SOW&CO. Patent Orncc, '.Vashingtdn. D. C. u i> - ■'\ •V.-i ■: *,*p.8Sl 7 i f z y r ' •' 5 '* v Ss msm H m$m Pa |,7 [mLj '>■ Mmm // o ejj J 3k JBB9IB m iS m iM AST m - I I ATLANTA, CHATTANOOGA, RKOXVIUt, CiSClKHAT!. LOUISVILLE, /sSHEVILLE, I AND SUMMER RESORTS. MiVY XX, XROO. . X.v Brunswick: Lv Jcsup. 6:47 a.m.I 4:35 p.m. Ar Macon 7:02 4:40 Lv Macon .........I llO-Soa.m.i a.m. p.m. Ar Atl vnia. 8:10 p.m. Lv R- Atlanta jlliW-a.m. [ 1:50 p.m. U 2 00 Of’ a.m. p.m. Ar m>*. 015 • Ar ('hattannoga 5:U*tpm 7 25 7-35 a.m. AT Louisville ...... .. .' a.m. 7 :tQp.m p.m. Ar Cincinnati .. R-.40 a m. . Ar Knoxville....... 6:05 p m. 7:55 . Ar Morristown . .... .. 8:10 p.m 9:25 a.m. Ar Hot Springs ......... loiop.m 1124 a.m. Ar Ashevil’ie 12-.35 a.m. 1 42 p.m. A r Bristol ........... . 10:55 p m. | 12:25 p.m. Ar Glade Springs . I:ii2a.m. 2-40p.m. ! Ar Wythevllle 2:36 a.m.! 4 15 p.m. Ar Roanoke 5:2(1 a.i __ | Ar Natural Bi 7:30 a.m.! S-.32 p.m. Ar Luray - G'5 3 a.m.‘12:37 a.m . __ ' 7:20 9;2o Ar Lynchburg Petersburg. ......... ili: 20 a,m.j a.m.! p.m. Ar i 2:00 I .. At Norfol k p.m Trainleaving __ Brunswick :.rries at li.oOp.m. . Pull Pullman Sleepers Brunswirl! k to Atlanta and man Buffet Sleepers Jack somille to Cincinnati, . connecting at Rome Chattanooga with through with Sleepers Pullman to Washington, and at a Sleepers for Memphis and the West. Train leaving Brunswick at 8.20 a.m connects at Macon with Pullman Sleeper for Chattanooga and at Atlanta with Pullman Sleeper for Knoxville where connections are made with Pullman sleeper for Philadelphia and New York, and Hct Springs and A^heviiye. _ ___ ______ mTv _ SUMMER EXrriSSION TICKETS will b.«/. ^ TWO CF NTS }H*r mile travelled rommericing May 15th. 1890. good to Return before Nov 1st 2Vo IrnM-elail Wgn»lnw»<>ir.fract TieUeim. Applv t« Ticket Agent® of Po I FRANK 31. JOLLY. District Pa«*e n -er •it. Nc. 73 \\ > -*t Bay , J • >a. r!i. C N- RIGHT. V v, WRENS. Aw Gen 1 Pa« Agent, C* T " P*ss<srrfrr < At lxs+a* Oft.. ii>ox*TLi.u, Tl:.s»