Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, September 11, 1891, Image 2
The Democrat. ■g~ PUBLISHED ___ EVERY FRIDAY m MOORE BROS GHAWfORDVILLE GEORGIA 6*Um4 at the ptwtofft** at CntwfotdvUI®, Seaagla, u miil n>*'ur. FRIDAY, SEPr., ll,m. .. Sam Jones says, that Cleveland'* Imcktone is as big as Harrison’s hat. Editor Larry limit! will not star! the Free Lance, but be will continue a* chief editor of the Mouther n Alliance Farmer. UXLKSS Cleveland and Hill eancoine to some terms, It is quite likely that neither of them will claim the Presi dentlal honors in imp.'. i _ j ObawpomiVH.m: > getting on genuine boom with her free school' system There will 1.. < great demand for houses the coming year. Tin. Western Alliance will L'lk | about joining the peoples party, but j when It com*s to the scratch they Will ; turn back to Republicanism stronger | than ev. r before. Him .: the „ I change fu the man sgement of the Macon Evening News it's columns fairly sparkle witM hrlghtness. and it now ranks „ m , m? ! uor beat evettlng I a. pas age i<f the school lull which ■ require* all the public schools In the Slide in be u ,nght e>x months intend (lut e, during the je.n is a good tiring, We have alwar s been in favor of more I tine being given, i.a threi months is ■ net long enough. i On* country editor has U>en forced lo acknowledge th-troth, and frankly admits thal • there Is no use In deny Ing lhe fact that (he deprr s. j slon Ims affected n.-.u ly . very Hoe “1 1 Inis.ness, h- icnilt a t'veiv line ol business. I result is ev. n felt by the country editor,' Augusta Evening A reward of 810,000 lms been offer, ed by the Richmond .v Danville UrII iojpI coin)any for the of the p arty or pat tint who remove the rail from the track which caused the tenth bln wreck on the Western North (.’aro Ruh Railroad. It will tie remember* I ] that this train ~:i. ...... Tun signs are tintnlstakable that, the 1 dein irrats of fleoiela are going t» j make a bold and straight fight for I j democratic principle*, ng Rust the isne wfilch were Intended lo disrupt the j democratic party. When lhe light Is I over. I here w 11 In* nol»ody on tlie oth < r side but a few political schemers wlio love ollioo ami i>owi?i a great UWI ] better than they lore Georgia. ! IlfM, McKinley consoled himself I fo*Ud t i • ’oogies., by that expression of Shake- j ipeare’* that “every dog will have Ins i day,” Before tin. dose of the 1U> , | proachln* caiutmign batwrgn a«.d Jimmie.” he’ll come to the righto oo* conclusion there am a great inany more republican dogs, than them am days, and eonStqueiiUy lie will not | gel hi# dues. ATLANTA stems bent on having ! the Veteran's home, whether‘he State f' ifh * «* e*! t* We an* willing e r h a v on t h es*> Gnus. uj : srould ta> a wise plan lor the I eglsla I tun* to to , tlmn . Uk* . , * harp or ,* »l., tU< Tftchmdogu ai achooft, nmt then state would be t id -d in avv auiinat ex nil for \vt r„ {(m i*(lt ot men. It Wi I0i jfilftmito fftftf alone, but for the ent ire si ate. W K hi llml of ! uniting ift news P»)h*i i»nd lifting klUeun-t and playful in tu Ct»; lumn*. whoa all i* wee W it h in u*. j/i*t wtH'k *ft badour of a Thomas cat get into this, orti alley of l*| If wo had g » House, wft Bug t have turned '' iMe nd made pie out of I be C4’ T'i hta not a cat-t 41 But true. Man has a weary p lgtitnage A# Uirough this 1 Id tie wends. On . very stage from youth to age «' >: ,■!•> ! - ie' d. COTTON PICKERS STRIKE. 1 'hc mwidenl of the Colored Nalion U*morrow A, ibat,.. urday Glh ; f**f .. th» day . when , all .. the t allmnoenten in the cotton belt, (trike and demand $1.00 per huu- 1481 -ilHi ikonn* for euttou jiicking. It Wd' u! i»e a paying bu ■sj> to pay 3 per t td for jfHthfriog oottoiij and ; L*t» « A\ U at six and cents. 1 . ' .. at,,.Hid stand auuaro togeth ev, L , .. ’ . yin ‘ u>,-omen ttist . the price paid fo. picking tu.u .xhall not roach anything ike If the fanners will Ot;i sfsck together, they can gel their a pic k ed at a »nable rate or s -i.icuydy will get powerful lank and httnci r while on the strike. was a tun* in the hb tor) ,*f the cotton culture but what the fanners < cm Id }uVt» bMUNT td pay Sir* a hundred far gathering colt mi. received Ilian at f pie* their *• rsdton .T“ J“ last and the great ftnattciaf prenr# that i hey are under-going, render* it at* mpoesilnlity. OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL. Washington, I). C. Sept.. 9, l s ftl. The windows of the photograph gal leries on Pennsylvania avenue are al ways objects of curiosity and Interest the public. Apparently people never tire of gazing at the pictured faces notable persons always on exhibition, and as faat as one group of move* along, another takes its I Home of tne likenesses shown are "old timers.” having lreen on view for an indefinitely long time. The photo j graphed features of Senator John Sber j man. of e*.Senator Ingalls, of Chief Justice Puller, of ex President Cl eve land, and many others, are as well known to the pedestrian public which promenades “the Avenue” as the out lines of the Capitol dome’ or the Washington Monument, and these “old-timers" never fail to receive their due -hare of attention. Hut,occasion ally, a new likeness appears, and then the special or s linger a little longer than usual. Recently the counterfeit presentment of Mis. Kate Phase was placed In one of these photograph dis play windows, Mrs. Chase is now l n B her father's old borne, “Edge w, ">d.” Ju"t out side the city of tVasli fngton, and it is her intention to tmb divide the place and offer part of it for sale as suburban lots. Her picture bovr< | t » origins! in her mature wo manhood, and the fine eyes and com w *nd|ng js»«o of the head aw ax mark ed as « her. as Kate Chase, she pf„sld~ <* •*>» *■ ««”»• *'*“‘*-> °™- her dis tlHguLsh^J father’s household the <*>• Mr. Chase ha. taken ,, )H place h. h, story as one of the ablest men of his time, and as one who was •nperior th many of the failings of his kind, ft I* difficult to believe, there foie, that he had a most singular weakness for one of his generaliy-sup ironed-to-be stern sex a weakness that would seem to Imj inccrnputiblo with the character low attributed to him, Secretary This i-eniltiarHy of Hie great War of tl.e Treasury was an un disposition to pair off all lhe unmarried men and women of his and plunge llnmi into ,, 1# Wftnl or woe of (uut jnuuny. He was, in short, a born match-maker. :l( „| , V as never so Interested as when ttr rnnging a marriage between a man ut ,d ft woman whom he liuaglnul suited each other. ’ Tiiat lie was willing to take h i own medicine w as prove by the fact that he was himself three times married, and It Is reasonable to believe that he was thrice connubially bles-ted. At all events, he wanted everybody elpe to be married who could he, aud nelce, who was» m mber ttts family in this city, ran away his l ouw to escaixi hisdetermlna that she should marry a ilch old Bbe afterward wedded a lover of own choosing, and never regtetled She disappointed lier uncle. It was Secretary Chase who “made match” between hi* daughter and ' pi ague, and when he was Justice ho fairly plagued Into one of private seere to whom in’ was undoubtedly warmly attached. The young lhe , r „. i m d bright • eyea, cheeks and whi’e teeth, and the j j Justice le-lioved that the owner | these pretty , )8«rson<d ,, features , would , Ids secret ary happy. But she n w>gl u M ., mr aUon released j two< lis sucll a ae ( wration icleas lhNW tw0> llH auc |, n aeparullou also Katharine t’liase and Wovenor I from the irmatrlmonaU bon -1 I The recent death of Walter L Bragg 1 of the Inter-State has already aroused no midhII dt*gr©© of mtoreat atoong tho j In UH foi* to tlie suco«ir»tO». } UC ky man who ‘^he j cruuie inemtieis of this commission ar > among turn on this board is naturally regard ed a# highly dcsiable. Socially, much sympathy is fell for Mta. Bragg. wbo has been a very iwpular Last member winter she *>; Washington society. had rooms at the Sboretmm, wtiere her friends wert. always sure of a Bragg warm and hospitable welcome. Mrs, was a widow whe.r she married Mr. u r agg, amt was and la the c**mfortae ule po**e*.#or ofau inde^udent inoome la her own tight of 8H»,00U a yMtstgo'." waYthe lovely *CCldniUUIe*th bov twelve of her only son, a and some of Mr. year old. He lhe son Biagg, a b >y of bis own age, were one dav amusing themselves shooting at a target. In aome way the widow * 501, placed himself directly in front of the maik j u*t as young Bragg off hi* piece, amt the shot was instantly (atat to tin* unfortunate youth. « • « The summer wanderars are coming back 10 Washington in goodly uuiu t u.> rrturn of many no doui t t>e ing hastened by the late cold snap. One suie Indication that “society” is getting home ts th* increased number of smait turnouts seen ufwn t best reel* of 1 b<* city rhftre is always a Able afttisrn *f Un during the t»ot us«>Gtba. Tt adminiitration, how over, I* st’UI away, and it will t«* some necks yet twfor* t ti» asphalt will ring wni,w;. tr**d oni,e WhiU ll0U» Worses, or the Mi»uUc* will regsr* with it ' internal the former coachmac of the Prince of WAloft tieooMUwi seat* ,vl on '.be U.x of the Vice i’ivsideiil's family carting*. This coachman, by the war is said lo be a very burly aud uowtuallv unattractive specitaen of the imported Kngltah driver. The class, as a rule, with toggery on. are rattier comely-looking individuals, Secretary Bayard’S Kngliah coachman was #’ reapcctable and solemn looking a peonage Urat tb* writer was not snr srtTJ»JL k %*»S34*SS toward her. rt i^. :n . “And that’s Mr. Bayard driving it Well, be certainly is nice lock tag. I CLUB PROCEEDINGS What the Loafers are Oeing In Crawfordvllle. [Entered at The Printing Office as written matter of the seventh clase, and Copyrighted by Thk DbmockaT’J The club has had its long expected and long desired banquent. All Otir friends were there. It was indeed a royal feast. It will no doubt go down j in history as the most stupendous end dazzling prandia! affair of the nlne : teerith century the American con on tinent. The Bonun emperor who ate , nighingales’ tongues and fiieacoeks* brains at meals that cost 880,000 each, j should have been Uiero to get some j epulary information. The ancient queen who dissolved pearls and drank tficm. must have turner! over in her grave when we spread our festal loud. The famous feast that Dido gave the exiled Trojans will now have to take a back seat in history. To make a long mui i>eauUful cereal story short, our , bill of f.ire consisted of several courses, some of which were: Of coarse, 1c course, concourse, recourse, discourse racecourse, etc. In French our menu was as follows: M u»h, S \ Mush K j M ttsb, ^ M °* h ’ i Mr. Sam llhodes gave the club ;»f •»»«* <> { watermelons last Monday. To gratitude we have promised crown him w tb higher honors than Forum or Senate can confer. Last Friday the club had a big cry. We begun to talk about our approach * n g separation. Next summer per haps one-third of us will be on the farm. |>erha|>3 one third will be buried under a load of mercantile cares, j>er Imps 331 per cent will be doctorizing. ^ ^ thought that tite club’s life would last but one summer, and that in the rutur « WB COnld live those halcyon 1,1 memory only, brought us to ‘e»™- Ho we tuned up, and saturated the only handkerchief that happened to be in the club With our Baity lacbry mat ion. Several of the Club had their hair cut last week by George Jones, the club barber. One inemtier did not have quite enough money to liavo bis hair cut, so ho let the barber clip a dune’s worth, Last week Dr. II. j. Raid the drug gist bait liis beautiful aud smlnclGe mauve whiskers stmved. After per¬ mitting the wind to whistle ihtough them In! these many years, he had them extracted. As soon as the ettfb *' ^mstnftm store to congratulate the The club would like to tell the editor of the Dkmocuat to watch his devils It is true that they are but inciioate irnpleU, but this week they have been living fully up their profession, UQ hope this paragraph will be understood should it fall under the editors eyes. We recently observed that Lee Gunn had mildew on his chin, Tne club’s scientist has not yet explained the cause of this phenomenon. Our little air-gun is proving itself a terror to dogs and chickens. When our marksman raises Unit rule, shoots Ms eagle eye along Its steely barrel. and draws a head on a chicken, we would not gva a fi fig , fl fn „. hi , gallinaceous nsef illness. We lajlieve that if there was not an alr Riiu In Georgia Lee Gunn would leave the State. The city council has at lust sat down on our little air-gun. Several cklcken* have applied for ponsmi s BeteU them that we arc gfttiUiHiH'n, not lepuuiiciftns. There 1# Hying tn Athens one who is dtawing .ft pension that come* most wor thUy. It U th« pension grantod to go i,iie r 0 f the revolution. Mis. John ................ » , T «< age, is drawing a pension granted her father, who fought in the colonial j army under Washington in the revolu ' woonry j ---------------------— Eternal Vigilance. J j Is the price of health - Bat with all our ' precaution there are enemies always lurk-1 ing gb <, ut our systems, only waiting a I fsv ,, r „„,. , )p p, irUll ,ay to assert them wJvwt imparities In the Mood hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, health and hastening death, for all ease arising from impure blood Hood** Sarsaparilla 1# the unequalled and u«»i> lir , me i K „i remedy, lti* King of them all or it conquer* disease. Of INTEREST TO DINNERS. much Hu I about th<* of 5<*fik* * ticuiar n ft toutftou ‘ , .-t alw*ut Scale®*** tl hv N\ w in ' w u turn. N Y. It full inft trn\»twn r> . tft RhsltlUl W b} aiCilty. tM>r. A will »fct it* Uureil. . Consumption An old physician, r.'tirssl from Practice, having .', had .L plac.d In his hands by an Ks-t Im , i i * sl r y, h efomulaof a simple the speedy »d iwr manent cu ^ o( c -nsumptn*. Bronchitis, t'sUrrh: % . Asthma . .. and ... at! thrxwt . . x and ^ Lung, Affections, also »i>.»itive and radical cure tor Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested Its won - derfui carativ* powers In thoasanda of cases, ha. felt it his duty to xn®k<* il gnown to hts suffering fellows. Actuated aa desire to relieve ' m d free of charge humAn >uffpr , n; ,, 1 w wn wt , 0 desire ittkU recipe, fa <4erman “> f»r prc>p»ring and using. Sent by mai. by addressing wtlh stamp, naming this. paper. W A Novss, *20 Powers’ Black Rochester. N. Y KOi ■ IliliTTSS, MAHUVACTCBEK, IMPORTER ASP DEALER IX I XD GRANITE MONUMENTS.. STATURY M n -coptsoa Ac. —- — or for Building Stone of Eevery Description. "Up I >: AGBHT FOR IROX ASP WIRE VESCR. esof Dr, Irving Mr*. McCoy, Mrs. Car wile. Mis* Timberlafre of Art are work* or my own hand*. Likene**o* modeled an eui !/at> hington and Ellis St-, Augusta, Georgia. 77 B YOUR MONEY and hut land. suit is good enough, if you will send it and let Vpress it nicely. Our prices are very low and we US C; | satisfaction. nevt give department o . yeing . n by EXPERTS Write for prices. co„ r :as steam dyeing Noi i'i 'Street Augusta, Georgia. J PRINTING m -Quickly and Neatly Executed At— TJ §! democrat office. ( "in CUAWFOUDVILLE.UA. this line send to us for need ol anything in !o»vst pricetiWe I guarantee the BEST WORK at the r .to Z. DANIEL & CO. . 'i mi a LB GROCERS, C0TT0M FACTORS. -AND MISSION MERCHANTS Liberal Advances on Cotton in Store, Nos-j ,d 6 Warren Block’ Augusta, Georgia NIXON & DANFORTH. HR wmmm -ANDGENERAL ’o) nn lission Merchants. Nus H Warren BlaCk. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ngsnd .felling Of Cdtton. ■A' ADEroNTJtwa vane-. a : j| Covington & Maron Railroad Company. ijouTH N«iin-rt roi nn —'row ;i r. I * At h en* .________ Towards Miiuon. hound S|-(-ovt> C! os. Fiiisr t’l.Assi TIMKTAB-E No 8 Kll !' T Vi, liTlVeaT.W l’.ooh F.i'i In Eu'-ct sun: May IStli.,30 Fa*l *>-’ Pass No. 22 Locaa Thiiri Krt Ttteehvs (Smulaj" Mail 0*0 * w. Mail -nmday. Frt. Mend a A • I' V Only Daily 1-UINC’l. wr.vl'IOV*. I Daily s Only I Wed & Frid y “l a»ipM 7 l.f.vM f.v Macon fE.T.Dpt) (t’.tM Dpt) Aritau-n 0 18 IS I ! St Mr* 5 40 PM 8 0 ,iM 2 32 7 17 Macon 33 7(1 3 U» 1 7 .71 Morton 5 5t 12 19 ;4 8 ! I f 3 42 Round Oak I) 3 13 II 4.S 3 37 a: I 4 32 j 101 » 30 . 9 13 Monticullo I) 14 11 03 2 18 i 4 33 ) 31 ) : '.s 9 40 Machen '4 03 10 38 4 20 , 10 07 1 5 13 All 03 Oodfrej D 3 37 j 12 27 PM 110 OH to 03 ill rx i 40 f 3o:i ' IS ) 4 .- 10 Madison 9 30 10 43 1 ‘ 10 33 ( Farmington 2 2 .*5. 12 ! 8 47 9 27 hi- 32 11 40 M , 8 37 *8 118S . Watkinsyille ................ 1) r l 5<* 8.31 pm 1223PM Arrive Athens Leave. 1 23 pm 8 00 ami 7 40 am. tar Bead I’.,wn | A. U, OR UG, Acting Superintendent’ I Read ITp. UPt FAMOUS G TIL LETT GIN; We varan; offer to the tra. t rated ‘WILLETT” Gins, Feeders aud denser . lhe Gutiett produces i saifapie than shown .011 the market and generally hri nrs frost 1 8 to 1 4 of cent per lb., more any other cotton, bend for and give m your orders early. Tiios, M. Clarke cfe? Co ATLANTA, GA. T ,,, r sc:? FOR THE MONEY IS OUR MOTTO. t r I Ah 1/AL l iSkUH SR ? .11 m LARUE ORDERS RECEITE BEST ATTEHTIOH. ► €2 JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR WORK IS THE WORK TO BUY. j w JGEWATER CARRIAGE CO. . , boaivoes, tra. Makes 3. Superior Sample r: k iM 5 ^ S IX < A .—1 THIS IS THE MULE -THAI*- KICKED A illfflgli ^ fc ______ PriCCS* f»T i i Vj9 m m < TlieyJAll Kick. That is, people who are asked to pay high prices are kick right and left. My customers NEVER KICK. Because I sell the best goods at the lowest prices. Any. in my line will be sold astonishingly low. My store is for good goods and low prices. C. BERGSTROM. proprietor op the cash store r Georgia. THOS. BAILEY & CO., Successrs to Lyndon Foundry & Machine Works, A tliens, G-a. New Shops, New Tools, First-Class Men and Material. *- Endorsed Wherever Used ONE OF OUR CATA¬ LOGUES FULLY IL¬ LUSTRATES BUILD ffl REPAIR MiMM ' -OFALL KINDS- Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Pedestal Boxes, Bolts, Etc. a Specialty. Injectors and Ejectors •^"Manufacturers’ Agents for the Best Engines and Boilers, in the Market. Keep in stock Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings. Correspondence Solicited. THOS. BAILEY, Agent. •9 *4 -AND MAOHDVB SHOF r We are prepared to do Repairs on Engines, Boiler, Gins, Separators &c, in the BEST MANNER. Send Us Your Work! Rough and Dressed Lumber, Mouldings, Brackets, Sash, "* Doors and Blinds in fact all Buildings Materials, always on hand. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. L. M. SIMS, Manager. WASHINGTON, GEORGIA. Geo. R. Lombard & Co. FBU1IY, liEQIE & BOM WORKS,— Above I’aassenger Depot, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. —SELL THE CHEAPEST AND BEST— ENGINES & BOILERS, Complete Gin and Mill outfits a Specialety. MfU and Engineering Supplies, Cotton, Grain, Saw Mill and Labor-saving Machinery, Shafting, Pulley*, Belting, Saws, Inspirators, Injectors, etc. * Fron^'* 1 * *r ■. Large Stock to Select Prices Low. G iSafantfiBi!. . Wrl;•* for c\v - ■ *ars. rSf*C iglii kind, and new work (light and heavy) pr'iioptiy fiout** B**st South ___ LI / \ I > T r New and Repairs, promptly this and well done. J3VWh* X V lx yon write to or call on firm mention this Pin*. ; : ' Un 11 SI m MACHINERY BROKER - AV D - COMMISSION MERCHANT. 738 Reynolds St, Augusta, Gi -DSALKB IS - Steam Engines, Stationary, Portable and Agricultur Bf“Stcatn Boilers, all slsoa and styles, Saw Mills, Com Mills, Feed and Cotton Mills, Turbine Water Wheels; and keep in stock a full line of Steam Fittings, U Valves, Inspirators* Piping and Fitting Belt, Hose, Etc., Etc. EAGLECOTTON GINS With or without Feeders and Condense! ^ !_ -Tu Bfs* nr th* Wohuj.— J COTTON PRESSES, For Either Hand or Horse Bower. MTWOOD WORKING MACHINERY of all kinds. AGRICULTURAL IMP MENTS. the very latest improved. Call at my office or write for illustrated circulars and speciai prices which will be Large llachire Outfits a Specialty. D. 5. REID, 7.^8 Reynolds St., Angus®, SHORTHAND Thorotjyfti Pr*ctic®2 iBStnactiOB. Gradt ststed to posit jobs. Catsk>f«< fre*. W wwimmimmu LOUISVILLE, KY.