Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, September 11, 1891, Image 4

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The Work of the Wires, Pens,
Pencils and Scissars.
Gleaned from our Many Splendid Ex
caneres. Nows of Muck In
erost to Ait.
Atlanta get* a eent-a-inilc rate to
her exposition.
Kepntation is what men and wo¬
men think of ns.
The devil's best time to make hay
is when Christians are not busy.
We say that every man is" enti¬
tled to he valued by his best mo
me lit.
A talent is perfected in solitude;
a character in the stream of the
The tout iia- no jtillow on which
to rop 0 *c lio »ft and sweet a* a good
If you take Porter’s word for it,
there are exactly fil,ti22, people
in this country.
It will require something more
frigid than ice to cool Georgia poli¬
ties next year.
A cattle range in Washington is
over three hundred miles long and
two hundred miles wide.
Let men laugh, if they will, when
you sacrifice desire to duly. You
have both time mid eternity.
However matters go, the worst
shall lie a tired traveler, and a joy¬
ful and sweet welcome home.
Truth only u-iel!* sweet forever,
and illusions, However innocent, are
n* deadly as the canker-worm.
If thou art wise, thou knowest
thine own ignorance, and thou art
ignorant if thou knowest not thy¬
Catarrh, iicuralala. rhoun.tnm and
most discaws originate from it, impure it
with blood. 1)« Clean.® Witt’s Sarsaparilla it. Improve and health purify i*
restored, streuglh r.gained Sold by Dr.
it. J. Bled.
('uterpillar* are doing much ilarn
age to cotton in Dougherty county.
Tin- Georgian who dtsregatds tho
old soldier now, will hear from him
at the ballot box in the future.
A bi'iiiitlfni skin, bright eyes, sweet
breath, good Bppetu*, health vigorous body;
[in. HUP blood end good rsaparllla. result Hold from by
use of Do Wilt’s hi
it. J. Held.
Atlanta Journal: Ingall* has
abandoned lit* contemplated trip to
the Iloly Land. It i« in order now
for the citixcns of Jerusalem to pas* of tliauks.
Vary pepuhtr very «o*ll. yery Uond
Tie Alli s l,--.t Kari v llm uili f«
('oiistiptUton, biHousnes. sick beadaoh®
old by R. J. Retd..
The Quiltniut Free Prow says:
“Tho Georgia legislature doesn’t
need any stay law. Law or no law
it’s going to stay till frost anyway."
Da Will’s Little Early Kisers never
gripe or cause nausea. Mild but aure
ie.*l*t rather than force. Best constipation, little pill
for nick headache, chronic
dyspepsia. Hold by Hi It. J Held.
The eleventh census will show
that in our 65,000,000 population 1
man in every 20J? is over six feet
high and 1 in every 26 'i is a lunatio.
If food -ours on lh« stomach, digestion
1* defective. l>. Witt’s Little Early
Risers will remedy thia, The famous
little pills that never gripe and never dl*
oppotul. Hold by U- J. lveid.
The Savannah News believe* that
if another Alliance Legislature is
chosen a general state prohibition
law will be enacted. Let it come.
The school lw>ok bill lia* been re
Constipation, ami blood-poison, fever! start Doc¬
tors’ bill* funeral expense* cost
two hundred dollars; Do Witt’s Llttlr
K«r1v Users cost a quarter. Tak« yon
choice. Sold by Dr. U J. tteid.
eonsuleivd, and the House will vote
again as to whether school hooks re¬
ferring to the late war of the rebel¬
lion ought to l>e used in the public
schools of the State. They ought
i’arlftes the blood, Inerva** the clrculs
t uui, expels jKitsmiou* humors and build*
up (lie system What more do you want
medtaiu# to eerfonn ' l>c Witt’s Sara*.
a|(arUI* It reliable. Hold by R. J. Reid.
We know some jieople wh« would
l«- unhappy in heaven unless they
could sit on *ilk plush *eaU to sec
the tormented ones suffer in the in¬
ternal regions.
It if unite the fashion now to take
\\ ,tt'» Little Ratty Kisers for
stomach and bowel disorder*. They
email pills, but mtghty good one*. Dr.
J Kvit a setk them.
CYauk* - people who have new
ideas and talk about them. C'-onner
vative—[H-ople who are too dead
die and too much alive to lie buried
Fanatic*—peoplw to whom you
omKNKh). Fool* people who
more th:ui their opponents.
\Vi art* at a loss to account
the | KM! spies instant watch
days “for worse times
There has l*eeit a tremendous gram
crop made iu the I’nited States
a fair prosjwet for a gtw*d yield in
ctitton, and it is .iraiig* that
}«ssiiuists continue to predict that
ih* world was never Ufo^ m such
a fix as now. If there was a
wore rash in circulation » e Udieve
times would Ik 1 in first class cotidi
Have our lady readers thought
for a moment of the. trouble that the
railroad conductor has? Surely
they have an idea of what it is to tie
mixed up with and have to contend
daily with hundreds of people of all
sorts, features, dispositions, color
and nationality. It takes the pa¬
tience of Job, almost, to be a polite,
courteous and at the same time a du¬
tiful conductor in these days of fast
trains and telegraphic schedules.
There used to he, long ago, when
there were not many people travel}
ing and when the trains took all day
to go from Atlanta to Augusta, time
enough allowed each passenger to
get in and out of the cars at leisure,
and the ladies could kiss each other
“howdy” and “good bye,” The
clever conductor could then have
devoted several minutes in waiting
on his passengers. He could carry
in and out their satchels or bundles
of merchandise and place them safe¬
ly in the depot or in another train, as
the travellers wished.
That time has gone. Old modes
of travel have taken a hack-seal anil
to-day our train* are run on fast
schedule time, and there are no min¬
ute* to spare. The same gallant,
clever, big-hearted conductor may
be in charge of the new train hut he
can’t help the paeseger off with her
bundles a* he was wont to do years
ago. His train is scheduled to stop
just long enough to help the passen¬
gers on and off the steps of the cars
and when he goes beyond that sche¬
dule time he edangers himself, pa*
sengers and his train by putting the
entire thing out of time.
One of the greatest troubles that
the railroad conductors have, these
days is the amount of baggage and
bundles that the ladie* carry along
in their hands and on their arm*.
It is an every day experience with
the conductors of the last train* of
tin- South, to hare more bundles to
assist in getting out. of the ears than
they can possibly carry out for the
dear ladies who travel our roads.
For an illustration, there are. five
or six ladies on the Georgia railroad,
(round for the same station. They
all have valises, packages and satch¬
els of such weights that they cannot
carry them alone. When the train
reaches the ladies’ destination, it will
require that poor conductor to go
into the ear six times and carry out
the luggage of each of these ladies
lhereby taking up tliribble the ume
schedule allows, or else he under¬
take* to carry the entire load at once
an<l presents his body in the attitude
of a dray and his arms stretched out
like stake* used »n hauling fod¬
der to the barn.
The ladies of the South are not
usually hard-hearted and if they
will only take a sober thought of the
situation of the conductor, when he
is blamed by the head managers of
the road if his train is late, they will
pack more of their luggage in valises
or trunks and have them cheeked.
They should carry with them in the
ears tio more luggage than they ean
carry with ease themselves, without
the aid of the conductor. Them are
two or three men on each passenger
train whose sole business is to look
after baggage. They will take care
of all the ladies goods and turn them
over upon presentation of the cheeks
for same.
It is so much less trouble for all
concerned to carry less luggage into
the ladies ear. Ladies will please
l»ear this iu mind and save the wear
and tear of the conductors and the
loss of time. Take only a small
hand parcel in the car with you and
have the rest cheeked. If you go
off shopping, take long an empty
trunk and railroad people will 1 h>
glad to carry it both ways for you
without a cent’s cost and very little
Tint Iwnusaua Democrats and Al
liaueetueti have joined hands and
will march to victory for reform.
It is only a few days and the ISth
will Ih> here- and the legislature
will—will adjourn. Ia*t us smg
Got.. T. I.. -Gantt’s new paper,
the Free Lance, is looked for with
much iuterest. It is generally
thought that the Colonel will tel!
something interesting when he gets
Tits Supreme txntrt has divided
that the counties in Georgia eau col¬
lect taxes from the railroads that
j pass through the counties. This
means big money in the county
Wk don't think Mr,
j j ^ out j, (,’aroliua plan, in of raising a
cotton trust every countv
1 „ cotto'n for
better price, is going to work. The
Southern farmer is too pur*- at heart
I to want to form a trust-
The earliest coin for American
wse wan made about 1012, and bore
as a design the picture of a bog.
A.v exchange has been counting
up the special* in the Atlanta <‘on
fttitutioa taken from the weekly pa¬
per*. That’s ol'l. They take all of
our nov,-« ami call it. “special.” It’s
a consolation to m that great minds
run in tiie same channel and it
proves that the Constitution knows
good things when it sees them.
Illectrlc Bitter*.
This remedy f* becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special
mention. All who have used Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A
purer medicine do*s not exist and It Is
guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pim¬
ples, Bolls, (fault Rheum and other affec¬
tion* caused by Impure blood-—Will drive
Malaria from the system and prevent as
well as cure all Malarial fever.—-For cure
of Headache, Constipation arid Indiges¬
tion try Electric Bitters—Entire sotiifac¬
tum guaranteed, or money refunded.—
Price 50 eta, and 81 .00 per bottle at
Dr. It. J. lteld’s Drug Store.
Every man ha* a weak aide. Every
wise man knows where it is, and will
be sure to keep a double guard there.
A Wointcr Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of
Burlington, <>bto,state* that he I ad ton
nder thecaie of two prominent pliysl
clkna, ami used tlielr treatment until lie
was not able to get around They pro¬
nounced tils case to b - Consumption and
Incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr.
King's Vew discovery for Consumption
Cough* and Colds and at tlmt time wns
not able to walk across the street without
resting. He found, before lie bad used
half of a dollar bottle, that be was much
better; he continued to »i“c ft and I* to-day
enjoying good health. 1/ you have any
Throat, Lung orClie.-t trouble try It- vVe
guarantee satisfaction. Trial but tie free a
Dr. It. J. Held Drug Store.
mrmuau vm.
I.KXtNoTON, Va., January Sir—When It, IMHO.—
Mr. A. K. Ilawkes: Dear 1
reipilre the use of glasses I wear your
I’antUcopIo crystal!/,eil ainl elearnesa lenses, vision, in respect they
to Iirllilancy glasses of have
are superior to any i ever
used. Respectfully, Fitziujoii Lkk,
Ex-Ooverwor of VirglnSa,
All eye» Iittcd and tho fit guaranteed
at the store of Titus Richards, Craw
fordvlile, f»a.
it Household Remedy
Botanic Blood Balm
-_; RUtum. ECZEMA, e,enr
t,irm ol mallgnsnt SKIN ESUPtlON. l>«
tlAot being elRcsolous in tontng<uj> She
system sml restoring the coiivtltution,
when Impaired from any cause, lit
slmost supornsturat healing properties
justllr us In gutranleelng a cure. If
directions are followed.
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlsnts. Ca.
am m
Tho Wonderful Cure For
Indigestion, Dyspepsia.
CtrtfBcate ef M. N. BUNDFORD.
AetociaU Justice of Supreme Court of Be.
I hor* bi’cn IniitftiMilkm a crxNit »ufferrr tor it mimt*rof
ytNtra fri'itt aud lUu , utyifttlftm,ftB<l
V»ft« «• Mflemt from a gewn :vl let Una Gow n ol
the ttih nt for ft l-’ua whik*. I hut** taken a
few Woadftrful tHittk* Cur**' t»f rt*ur with manraiuna, ( Woohlr4<lgo*p nn.l
chcurtuitb rrotmutt#nd oomptaiuto, tt **> »U * huaxo auffrr*
iv*d lut from Utne BtJUtProiux
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If III , - i.i your town, ad
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C*T«n* obtftLscrL st sd all Ivt
««tbw * far Moo* re Fees.
Oos ernct :r. or *:r*r if, C. Patent OFr.te
tnvft iit tek» umu taodo
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. m whig if jaAlf-nlabia or ptsoto., not fac-i ot
t?on. V> fts»v'tse» dtic till or is .cured.
charge. Oarfe« l-» ? patent F
A pamphlet, ^Hour to Obtain Patent*,” witd ^
Lames of Ltnuytl Adiir^ ia yoax tstulc, couxity, or
towc, t‘-tn free. «,
Os A. S t4 Ci «&oo.
OF'’. P/’-Tt.::r On;cr, rr.TOf?. D. C.
The 1 cat’-;
Xevv Job Ofiit
r J7XM.....*
’«! .-.-'ll
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j Tt'vv ])( i
I Hit T.f
Office an
529 & 531 Hi
All Work Gu triintml. soph?
f; -—
* :x% L
/ V
f vor Ata: j .coking %
—-FOl! A—
Thoroughly ReprcscntaUve
E'-| l\ .. FaSlor-Fit —ME r. StTUK (I LEVY&C AND Clothing —OB—j CALL AT TUB— Store -y, / >\/ *
Tbs Lsrgout, Bast an i \l >-;
V Complete .Stock over sea n y
\ or /
M> xican
Mu siang
mJ. T niment 9
A Cu • for the Ailments of NLin
k and Beast.
A long-t fsted para reliever.
Its use id almost universal by the Hcv
F.irdaer the Stock Raiser, and by t xv one
req^srino an effective liniment
No otlter application > :on-.pares wtta i
This well-known remedy has stood the test of
yeai , almost generations.
No mei -ine chest is complete without a bottle of
Mujttang Liniment.
Oc casio,ts arise for its use almost every day.
AU I druggists and dealers have it
* *. :2X3*p80n & C
--rt'f crunEEis O?
uuUIaO, AAp.n c kj ASH, BLINDS
vi on 1 1 n , 21rackets, Laths.
i t rv> 111 Uv* o V and Shingles
tj icrv Glass and Builders’ Hardwai
i iming Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street,
(.'cnt'-al Raiioad Yard, AU887STA,«i*
n: •. - ths aq styles which we make
EASY mama ~» «n» 5 :
~2+ ~25 ~2.\ a? PRACTICAL“
( : ;M"M
6*-Aivl ’
fv sm y\ V
v on Mv,nor. Entirely different from Cheap Western
U o Dealers wanted. Territory given.
;o. a, s tu.^tevant & Larrabee
__ _____
A ; C M" , 0 ) ■ ')#^Aa- 3NO XS3 3KO ^3|
tf ’ C Oi 'J! eonpoatut ot uepao u|
> ' - ‘3uni]/A ojb 5A\ ang an
’SSS UCO.T 6S3| joj. TUSnoq eq touubo
* 5 . -u.teti v qons alKSNVTiMHOM lS3g
e-.R- M'4;39¥H¥d puu MOO.LS LSBN’I.j em jo apssd
jno «®° OM
Suiq-seu sa-e aySL ^
. . Aijujosdo v
M ■
P' S-S S - r mmA* asthma i*
t f . : (I by a specific poiaon in
* • .1 'r*ftcr. hereditary).
i»k sny
m ' mwt Asthmalcije. Wc make
'f J-icltfs ^tiffitr
■ ::> ffitA S-'erritjfe Mcfasly.
f -,ni’ vc will mail ■
eiiongl; ■'•o'. ’• /* over ihe- >'-5.-;- sUm Gi— £ m—
case, su if- van jf* s Y
:i uMi* i bi a cViair all night
gasping address x . ! v. M: d i; vo--r full mtme amt post-cfHce
on a postal c - - bi' K \An iJEiUCWZ CO., ROCHESTER, K. Y.
mi (g -A
j? - m
r f i H M g, w '-■Jr 4/"^
z'rMm .-Vi
f - * ,'SM -• :|g§
>^k»s 'A t Largest
hT .FCH- 1AN0 fXcT0Ri£<;
ONE- 1 n t fVl i i
■ ", Wq-ruP-'-s . - !« THE* Rg,
■MI hA .*1 LAD. I
---Mac-: Or?:cE asp Won*-:
tr . Ml
>vcr to the i'
Fct fsttter
Wo hove v.\v, ,53, buggies, surreys. High grade; as light,
Stron r, durable, stylish, as beautifully finished as modernized
manufacture can produce. Built on honor by men ol life
experience. He:::, y is our policy; prompt shipment our
speci.fiiy. V/e want to k:: w you. Write us. Costs you
no;':':: :. : y !. ;1 to business by and bv. Send for pur
catalogue. !; is free to every reader of this paper. Bing¬
hamton Wa;on Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
f inting a-o House, t
T: DufociLAT's new .Job Depart
. - is n i-ivirig new Press and type
will do fine work very cheap.
Address ,
‘■leoRE BROS.
i i.iiuur, Georgia ,
. . : U>“—j
TERR.f M’FMJ GO,, raskvhle,tenn.
DURABLE AND i ac‘ «i