Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 27, 1891, Image 2
The Democrat. Mi ui hHKii EVEKV FRIDAY 81 MOOllE BROS OKA WFORDVILLE, QEQRCTA •* r * •store* s» the pottofflee at rrawfo Jviu*, «l ssaond-eltx mail t,, alter. .—iiasa FRIDAY, NOV., 27, Bill. Citwfcrtvllle ('niton Market Mid«Wf|f" ... .1-4 Strict Middling »t Good Middling . 7 1-4. This report will be corrected weekly by the cotton buyers of this place. When a woman lakus protect!(n under a man’s wings she must hold herself in readiness to fly with him. ThyinoTo down wuVow with a sparkling glass of wine, la just about like cutting off a sore finger to stop pain When s woman gels to where she no longer takes an InUrcst in a love story, preparations for her funeral might about as well begin. YKU.owtmtNR Kit is at Iris |Ki«t in Ailanta for the pur|>o»e of aiding Die saloon-keepers in the prohibition cam¬ paign now going on there. Kansas City Mo., was vihited last Sunday by one of hen vital snow storms ever known at this reason of the year. Trains weie delayed several hours. In Augurta Inst wtx-k Mr, L. II I’atillo was tried for the murder °f Hudson and acquitted He hat many , friends throughout the Mai* who will is gratified at the result. 1-1 is f#ilv!ng. ssjd that Ha m June* once drove ! • dray It is a great pity that 8atn nbamlnned his trade, for wo think the dray was far more becoming tq him than the pulpit. At #decent Boston wedding, ns the newly-married pair were matching down tho aisle, the organist played for a recessional the well known hymn ••Duwsvd. Lhtl.U*n Sold,or, Marching on to war._ Amen (iuv. Lamplwdl, of Ohio, Had eomplcUd hi* platform for ihe gubernatorial race, he removed lht> silver plank from the sliuclure, ttnd right'(here he fell through. This should lie a warming G> other clan, Ntver try to tie 'All things to all men.” ] AN old flint and *u*l mn.kct car.fid , by the grandfather of fcrnannal during the rev.Hutiovuty war l* Mil ,H«wrved by the latter gentleman at Oglethnrpn. tt to* « bfg boro, mmm to nt Htx mid s t»aIf f«ft iung. It a tturlcslty. __ l-roi.., 1 . itjl In the - Itnenn- oourt Mfl|ri '■**' ... i lu ** '»y*' . demit ofay mm uim Uf 0 w Rf, ; it; alii a ll! have to I lank down ufie liun.Irad it nd I wen said dollars, or go to prison again. While mollhj up tin- umlliug list j nf otti last issue, wo dk«covoted a Imgo spider carefully suivoylng (ha Dkmo chat Oh or lire devila who was assisting In (Ire work, shout ed, “Kill 'em kill Vm.” Bui w« objected to this, a* tt wn* partly it binditeMDanurelinn with the spider. 'szx'zn&zrx web Kern** llielt tkwri, for there It would he an mol sated, . W. think lire manage!* of Ure An g.t*la exposition acted veiy " is* ly III gottiug up the “Kirntess for lire pn - tertaiuntent of visitor* wtilte tn Augu* ; i t. This is truly a home enterprur,, and dll the s|Hsiulor» serin to think it I Gdly »* Rood a* the groal "King Solo. ! mon” show employeU by the Atlanta hjKWillon at a eoat ol forty or fifty i houaand dollar*. Th* cost of the rime**, even If It whs r.a great as mg Solomon, Ml the money would la* ft in s Augusta, . instead of ,,r aendloff H a New York, Be send too much aaotupy c ml of the south now for things t vve w ijilit g<*i 1 1 liDiuf. DOWRIES FOR UR.DES. ri.equosHou a Uelhet brides should l«. given dowrtc* l* being agitated by oomc ot Utv |upers. II m* qu.wtbtu which ta very iretll ncBt in Ure Ui»u«i, sut«», where aupid Wif a must free lauea, and where the money cousiderat lo it rarely enter* a* a 'but wining factor tu uiatiiwo (itol alUOMSS. It is enough If Ute soung wan l ive* the young woman fits affection i* ractpcwsaVad. So ... .. Ure United Stale* lover, as a jr Ulc that Ire scorn* alt thought ol l»«s)bie future tev«wea.g He is se red with a» entile confidence itt hi* dis (nsa,.ii to love aud char tail aud in his ability to protect. ta oolite atates there uoed to te law* which required * groom to give bond in advance ol the nuidtai cett-ut uty that be would not become a pauper, but these laws have either disappeared from the statute treoks or b tve grown obsolete. But *ven today the gtoom, with eoleutii a-r and rood ute voice, retreat a the piuase of ttie i llual, while the hand of hi* laide teats fondly in bis own, "With all mv worldly goods I thee endow,’' when, as a matter of fact, hie pos*«-ssioi)* may be no m - v than Ure clothes he Hoe upon his lack. Not infreqitently does a entile spread upon the faces of lire admiring congre Mtton when thy «ords aie sjvkva. OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL. Washington. D. C. Nov., 25.1*M. The coming session of {Congress promlae to be one of Um most Interest ing, particularly to democrats and op¬ ponents of the present high tariff. we have bad for years. NolwitUstand Sen a te t he re hs' n^probobibt y' lb a t ° so me of the worst feat (ires of *'re McKinley iaw niiiy tie modified if not regaled, j a nd the demcicratio. House wtH ace that ttie appropriations are kept with* j B rajiaoohble bj ,ds. The people have had enough of billion dollar Congress- 1 es. The Speakership contest is now in a very interesting stage, and, !n spite j of the nearness of t’re assembling of UongreM, it ia still in doubt. It had been considered previous to this wet k j that Mr. Mills was slightly in the lead, j j although lacking considerable of enough votes to nominate him, with Lrtap a close second. It if now thought that this Is reversed. owing to the announcement that the democratic i member* from New York city would isupport Air. <a isp Thtme members are nil connected with Tammany Hail, arid there is a disposition um oug some of the opponents of Mr. Crisp to call film the Tammany candidate, but ro I msmberlng the late with Mr. Fassett met for calliiig Goveroor-elfct Flower • a "Tuftimatiy candidate,” they epeak , sofily. 1 is the belief of many eh:> wd j 1 observe-sthat neither Mills nor Crisp; i will tat elected, but that the honor ! will go lo some of the other candidate*, McMillin, Bjdnger, llynuut, Ilateii or Wilson. Considerable amuaement w ascreat ed here by .Secretary Fosters atu-rnjit, in his fluaitnlal npetcli before tlie New York chain Iter of Commerce, tliia week, to catch both free coinage and ft ,i 11 -f r vn eol’inge men in the same net. U will not add to Ins fame as a finan¬ cier, hut as a juggling (oat It Is worthy j ,,f lt!i « llt!,or 11,1,1 1,1 keeping with the Hicy he has followed from the first day he took churge of the country ’a finances. | The Sherman-Forakt-r fight in Ohio may result in disrupting tho cabinet before Mr. Jllaine’s Frealdenlial as plratlott does it. It is no secret in Waahinglon that lilulne dislikes Sher ltnd th *t the fee,ing is > cordially retunieJt „„ r f . , t lbrt Mr i| ar ,i m ,„ has long ago t hrow n the admltnstro Uo»’» lulbieum- to Sherman, To ndci Hmull to Injury Mr. Harrison treated K«r»k«r It, sueli n brusque mannet Hie other day when he called at the While House to pay Ida respects that the fiery Ohioan took himself off in a huff , and went to Mr. Blaine, Ins friend, for consolation. This week Secretary Foster raised it big row in Uj „ OW(J rel , t|bll(})in 1|gwcUl|oni wblol , by m lkl ^ rt t ,,,,,. rh tn Uvor of lu „ ^ u ijf S||#rnls0 M , W( , 1oe (Jw( (|H tltt( Alul u „ MlleyA(l Umt j |# | c Ringing «U li»ftueu€n> ha am command In Uhic ;o Faraket’s aid, T, U lllltilulsi ration .. liu an oppor tunily of showing whether it has sufll citJtU back-bone to fight the Steamship and Castle Garden ring in New York, as Mr Sculthets who was s lected us a member ol the commission to visit Kur»l>e for tiia purpoao of inv.atlgat tag iotmlgrathut fit the request of tho piasldout of Iho Federatlou of Labor, Ho*, Hy it trip from Europe in lire Mwmgeof tt gleatirer, necuii-d evidence ibal lire sUaualtip oitioial* and lire Government ofltemta at the New York end aer# in colluaton to violate lire "rr:r Secretary Husk remarked that lire Massaehm-tl* leather manufacturer* ought to I** pun lotted, for not having e „ rii , d tire Stale for the republican., by liavlng Ure duty restored ii|M j foreign hide*. Tire matter was re gnrded it* one of ‘‘Uncle Jerry V j 0 Kcs, but, »* Ire serloutdy makes tire ucomrocoi'aU in iu hia annual report, evidently in earnest, The case Involving the oonatitutlon s ||t, of that clause of the autl-lotlary | aw prrdnblllHg the carrying of news containing lottery llW i» r nia *t » itt in Ilia rite malla mans was was argued anrued tula this „ M , k Mow , hrt Supr , l|V0 Courl . U Is , lt roll „, un t m»d.te to ,a, until Ibe decision Is handed down what In;pres- 1 slot, the arg,.menu made u ,h,u the j j Z claAsrtl , and . got decidedly , j .he worst ' of , The HJOvemt to steal Sena ler lit lea* scat t-as been abamlouned since It was ......a#.*—*-......-a. talk about putting Govenot Russell, of Masfuciiusctla, on Ure National UeM - Tii® Beil *#iej?lK>n* monopoly », *«k swuml a patent which »wd L In Ure Palant Office *1 IS77. It i* tor what is known as Bet!tier combined telegraph and ti phone. "Aren’t you ever going to grow ol like the test of u-”’’ »«k<,l * & of . sequalntance lie hedn’t seen roi SO* ” Well, not eo long a. 1 can pm n,v ,0 ° ! w,Ul A yer a Saistpallia. lUc apt reply. Tbwman knew eha w*S talking about liefore the introduettou of Sals up w »- ., - ri.-r , ble Pi toe S3 cent Los* timu *,W f,;vs < i lost At from s real is often cso-t-d b\ * ivuv ioatscuess, and can easily i»e pi vented by giving Dr. BwU*»Cottek Syt to the children P* i®r eidiraa .wtWEOf CA«0UI t' ! female iWM Headache Usually revolts from a deranged Match or » sluggish liver. In either ease, an aperient ft needed. Ayert* Pill*, the mildest and most reliable cathartic in ute, correct all irregularities of the stomach, liver, and bowels, and, in a brief time, relieve the l "I have been afflicted, for rears, with headache and Indigestlen, and though I spent nearly a fortune in to- dlelnes, I never found any relief until I began to take Ayer's Pills. 8U bottles of these Pills completely cured roc." — Benjamin ffarper, Plymouth, Montserrat, IV t. "A long sufferer from hesdactie, I ws* CURED BY two luxe's of A}pr*s Pills.” — Emma Keyes, Jlubhardston, Mass. " For, the cure of headache, Ayer's Cathartie Pills are tire tnort efficient medicine I ever used." -Rohe r! K. James, Dor Chester, Mass. " For year* I «a* sut,jeet to constipation and nervous headache, cause,! by derange* met.: of the liver. After taking various rem¬ edies. I have become convinced that Ayer's Pills are th*- best. They never fall to relieve my bilious attacks In a short time; and I am sure ray system retains its tone longer after u,« use of these Pills, than has been the ease with any other medicine I have tried.” — II. 8. Sledge, Weimar, Texas. Ayer’s Pills vnrrasiD tv Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DEAFISH®!® Writ* tmr K*wk *f pnoi* Wtt* emit, *A3 RrV* ai, »*rli. PARKE»'S HAIM BALSAM warn?.: »t»d th* 44tlf. A 'll*MfiiItl (jloVfh, 1 ttnvrr F»l1« to Youthful Co C fay [ Jlalr to i*-» hair or. I Cure* *r*!p inA if!**-*»*« # I * 1 l*f* fe.u-./, * y>, »«j <4 irtigK ■Bar; GOWS.UMP.TJ ^Hr^acon^ I III ■'gents’ profits per month #**N'i-w Will prove It or pay forfeit. wi| IJ^lJjl.V' portrait-) Just out. A ample fr. to nil. II ldilliJester A Son,, 78 Bond 8t. N.Y. \ \ A A A A * A SYS KM M VKING -UOCK ’"K'&W-fi! certain, loss imp unable. Explanatory ri'lK fffnr vi/hYNTtir tTE, o Wall St-. New Y,.rk. MANHOOD! How Lost I How Regained SINN I # *--Oy,---- ’HemENCE/ jCJm F-r , i: urra E £m KfsflW THYS£!T* »n<t only Or HS:f,F.PI!VSI’l!VAl ION. A new sn4 iiilipSK WKAHNKSSliS pfMAS. 800 psfw, ctotk, gilt; fiy 1M invsiuoMs mosct.pnons. Ixsscrtptlva Only *1.9# ol! mail, doui.1* sosfeL ^^“Vr^FREE! with endors.ments rnrr I SEND Novlf, ifts?. ; . T*’* ~ smmmm , i^ilrat (Copj-rigfcUKlJ -----— GHATEFUL—UOMFOUT1NU EPPS‘ S COCOA BURK FAST. *‘Uy a thorough knowledge of the natur¬ al laws which govern the operations of dig -stlon and nutrition, and by n careful HppiirMlon of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps Ims delicately provided our breakfast tallies with a flavoured (leverage wliliip may save us many heavy doctors' Bit IIt la by tin* liidicioua use of such articles of diet that a constitution may lie gradually built up until strong enough to resist every; ten disease Hundreds of subtle sssgSKSEH keeping ourw-lvcs well fortified with pure 0 ^, r ft yfc t ,° uai,vte.’"si!!de si!!! ply with tetilhig water ^ or milk. Hold only In chimbts, London. Kugladn Cell’ v tWriffht ~ ^ S \ s.,v.A ( lit / 1 l ( , A CrilAAll Ull 1(3011} i RVjSTAUUANT AND— HAD NIjULiji I’AI Y If » y AVCTL'B Y S1 L R * UftllCP nUuOu. HUlU UblX U l 01 utt uuuau l wilt be pleo*d to tee ali nry; «M f vie" <ls l* u *’ w 1,1 tu, ‘ ‘ 1 • - ^y . old sund. ^ ?' ^l £ Arlington bar to l. U• D'tty jo in and t ■« Center*! Hotel bar to it 11 Ricks over a Mtrup ■«*«».'. Mv Broad strwt entrance L Nvivol.-r and t.andrum A Butler’s store. Kills street entrance op !5S,S3?5E’ -V'" l - •come to all* J. r. CARTWRIGHT. Ex r* Sale. u nder and lie of the la« wii and testain r William B. K<:» drick, of 1 m ^rto comity, deceased late and in pars sal Mj ami conformity to the provisions riif directions contained b. told in front of the Cr aw fordvUle.Ga,, on V 'PtM. Tcun.t in December i»l, to Jjj pk (lightest feidd.ii for cash, at pffelic within the lawful hours of sate, tiS ■ If lowing property to wit: tmffc 01 la l ^ !n A certain "‘ 903rd DM G. M>"'»ty adjoining public road fromW™ .M l *" ds W “' Aaron Kendrick “ eon B. Kendrick o F'% iL* OWngtonon * W , <->t Griffeth and Mrs HkJ® . l *°? “■ and lands of ' n on MtfWmtag <*» ■T"** an<1 1 Mt * acres more or M tj lot of land lying Also a certain hr in said district M w^nty, adjourning lands of Geor ge (Jj Ini He'd North; lands of Mrs, West; ElUsjg la/i fw Hi. E. Ward Brown Cloak*- on on Bu/C wford i He East and publflH^ ra v to oharon Ga niH ■rofiialn i ng on h mi. dred and ten , iO| Be fat less. Also e certs!* m In* of land lying In said Dlstrct @§ Seoitnty, adjoining lands of Mrs, A 1 j-^irlckand grown on estate North; of lands of Dr, UatUeJg C. SI B l; lands of estate Irewrcnce ts of Wm. B. KoikM ppF- [the r,. West rtjp, John K. Kcr>drick rwidesj I and lands of MKs Jane Kelli -i E. 8. O'Brien on South containing 1 p jiiiltdrsd and seven- Also all that tral Id county, lot of land situat ed in said District] known as the John tt. K<m9 k tract, whereon lie now lives, adjoin! | Won public 'North; road from Crawfordvllle t*B on lands or Mrs. A. E Um land slid estate of W m. B. Kendrick] j lit, East: road from said public road to Bai Ga.. on West; piods of Miss ,/arij Icily and estate of i atwrcnce Battlgg I Souths containing Two Hundred arm |lrty%ur [t acres more or less. Also alii tract or lot of la nd lying in town of! [baron said county, known aw the gfl pit wnereon is situat ed a store ImusM I'liictj E. T. Moore is now doing bu>dt(E [adjoining L Main street on North; lands * Tallin and A. J*. Kendrick bn East! inis of estate o f Wm. IS. Kendrick, knol 8 as the Jackson lot bet ei natter desctil Ion West and lands otlai-l estate 1*1 gith Bg known as the Keating lot con] one tenth of an acre more thatfl or im of situated A lso all ■ir tot land in sitia Nliurou, *#n tt-uiity. known us the Jackson lot, wber EL Jackson is now doing tiusinese a- j Ring said Main street on North, land* l! said estate of Win. d. Kendrick, known T the Moore lot abov« described on East; I oldie sheet on West and said lands of d estate of Wm. !!. , Kendrlcli known a Keating lot on South, containing one twe rth of an acre more or less. U of land, situated Ail that tract ori in said '“rfctJ Sharon, „.M >''^ n is situated k ''°" n a dwell 1 'f Wcntln , Ini wIwm. Rinses, iu which dwell Ing Ml ill IftO.ll Of J MJiie Jackson \ 7/ ^ lot ^ and drick, linowri tig* n -^, ‘ f A U Ku 'loon, onE^onf I-.* on 5 ' 1 ‘ -f j.ick fr ;: y |yy H . In said Shk! 3K said county, known its the Cells- Jotmsim jot, whereon is idluHted < tenant iquse contnioing three rooms adjoining satfl lands of said estate of Wtn. Jl. Kf-mirich, ktioWn as the Keat¬ ing lot on Nmih: lands of A. It Keudrh-k mi East and Smith end public street on West, containing three tenths of an acre more or less , Also all that tracj or lot of land situat¬ ed in aald Sharon Gn. said county, known ns the Nora K ndi itk store lot, whereon is situated » well ami store house In wldeh store house L S, jjtekdon is now doing hueues-, tuljomtugpublic streets on North and East; right of Way of Ga. R. It. and Banking Co. on Wrist and lands of said estate of Wm. B Kendrick, known as Hliop lot on South, containing four tenths of an acre more or less Also all that Umt or lot of land situated fu satd Sharon, said county, w hereon Is situated stables and a black smith shop, known a* the shop lot adjoining said lands of said estate Of W(|. B. Kendrick known at Nora Ea«, KttjlWoN^fot vigntof on of North; Ga., pcbilc street on way lands R, R and Banking Cm, on West and of said estate of Win, 11. Kendrickon South known as the vacartilot, eontal-iing one fifth of an acre niorvor lass. Alse all that traot or lot of land situat* ed In said Sharon Ua.. siud county, known as vacant lot. aljorittng public rtrert on East, right ouvaytffGa, R K - Lo„ an W eat, vani land* of estate of W.... B. Kendrick knoMt-sa *W>F htt on North ^ ^ of Mld estate of Wm „ K( . hrtrl ck, known as Harah Acrec lot, containing one fifth -of an acre more or Am# | ()t> wbwr eoo B dte.ated a double boiwe adjoining * ? public street on East amt South; _ right of way of f Ga., ,, ., K. ,, U. and . lhinkinj( Ca> m wwt, and lands of estate , Wm jj, Kendrick known os vacant lot “*•"* - ‘TJSS.yaFV? i«l bbaroa, mM t&mf, *mw n n* the M ivrkinslot, wiwr^is » dwell ^ > hou?k', John O feeet North- land* of estate of Ww. B. Ken ).- •*.*«.* | East; right o: way of U*.. R li. Hiking Co- ea West ami public .............. k re trore oj l-ws. ^^tliat ^Kdiarxui. t act or lot of laud, known situat »ai<f eoti ily, as store house ,o4, adjoin: &J. A. Kendrick and John S North laud* of Estate of Wm known as the IVrkins lot -itM , tracts or. East and gone team of w .ere or lot of land situat county, known as the L kne, re b't, whereon is wherein J. A. ■ hwstuess adjomieg ■ on North lands of ■Esst. ■cion Main street on West contain ■ acre more or less j half interest tn 1 all that tract or lot of land situated in 603rd District G. K. said county, known as the mill tract, adjoining lands of Estate cfWat. B, Ken dries on East, South and West, and public road and lands of A. D, Kendrick on North together with all thelm proyements situated on said Mill tract consisting of Mill house, mil! rocks, machinery Act. containing Thirty-fife acres more less; All of the property above described has recently been surveyed anti plats of each tract or lot of land made. The lines divid¬ ing each and every one of the lots or tracts of land situated in Sharon, Ga., said county above, described, one from another, are straight lines and the ter¬ mini of each of said lines are marked with woodeu stakes driven in the ground Also thirty five shares in the stock of the Georgia Rail Road and Banking com pany, and also the following described certificates that certify that Wm. B. Ken. drick is entitled to said five shares in the stock of said Georgia Rail Road and Banking company: pone of said certificates is number 9648. dated Kebuary Irich 1871, and certifies that said Wm. B. Kendrick Is entitled to fifteen shares in the stock of the Ueorgia Rail Road and Banking company. One of said certificates Is number 11545, dated May 15»h 187.1, and certifies that said Wm. B Kendrick is entitled to fifteen shares in the stock of the Georgia Rail Road and Banking company. The other one of said certificates is number 9176, dated May 10th 1871, and certifies that said William B Kendrick is entitled to five shares in the stock of the Georgia Rail Roa ' end Banking company. Said shares ere for one hundred dollars each and all of said Certificates are signed by John P. King President and X Milli¬ gan cashier. All said property sold as the property of the entate of said Wm. I!. Kendrick der-eased. Chas. Kendrick, Georob Brown, as executors of the last will and testament of said Wm. B. Kendrick. Oct, 29 l«9i. Sheriff Sale. r JL Inhere will be sold at public outcry in front of tiie court house di>or of Talia ferro county between the lawful hours of sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, on lie rnts'-TCf <dav in December 1891, the following property towit: A certain tract of land lying in 607th Dist. G, M., said county containing one hundred acres more or less, adjoining lands off}, B. Davis, J. C. Murden Mrs R II Rhodes, R. S. Taylor and W. H. Reynolds. Said land levied on as the property of Mrs. E. G. O’Neal by virtue of nn execution issued from the Superior i/oart ot said county in favor of Randolph Tappon for the use of Wm.Neely &Co .against Mrs, E. C. O’Neal upon the foreclosure of n mort¬ gage given by said Mr. E. (h O’Neal, said land l*e!ng that dasclfbe in said mortgage and -aid fi-fa. There being no tenant in prosesslon of Said property written notice of said levy was sent >y due, course of mail to said defendant as required by law: C. U. Jordan, Shari ft. Oct.,29 1891. Nofcc to Debtors and Creditors, ( 1 EORGIA Tu.iafeiiro County: * T Ali persons having demands against the estate of Sylvester J. Farmer, late of Taliafomt o muty deceased, are hereby -omy i. n ■ ■jjjAcrp-s.t.licir de.oaijds to tlie und«v»~ a ci TTOSf IQ persona indebted to said estate are re¬ quired to make immediate payment. This 80th day of Octoberl89l. Salmis A. Farmbr, F.xeeu trlx of the last will and testament of Syl¬ vester J. Farmer, deceased. ( * EOROIA Tai.iafeubo County: l J To all whom It may concern: W. U. Gunn ns Guardian forW U Jennings, Ims applied to me for an older discharging him from his said trust and for letters of dismission and I will pass upon said ap¬ plication on the 2 day of November 1891 at uiv office in said county, HENRY II. Flyxt, Ord y T. C /-'t EORGl A Taiuakkkko County: vT To all wtiom it may concern.- W. O Holden and W. C. Rhrdes as executors on the estate of John Rhodes deceased, has applied to me for an order discharging them from their said rrust and for letters ot dismission and 1 will pass upon said application on the 4 day of January 1892 at my office In s lideremty. Ord T. C. IIenky II. Flynt, y n EORGl A T.vliaVsrho County; W. \ T To all whom it may concerny. A L-gtven as admistrator on the estate of Mrs Mary Fitts deceased, has him applied to me for an order discharging from his said trust and for letters of disniission and 1 will pass upon said application office on in the 4 day of January 1892 at my said county. Ilr.NRY H. Flynt. Ord’y T. C. (jKORCH Tahafkruo Crunty: xUigwen j( concert: w. as admtotratm on the estate 0 f Garland Coaby. deceased, has him applied to me for and order discharging from hi* said rrust and for letters of dismission *** 1 «•» ^ a 7£y'“X te s .,,,( UreaTfr- county T. C. F.-YkT, Ord'y _ LettOTS Of Disl.lisSiOIl. /a EOGI a TaLakerbo County: VT To all whom it may concern: W. ! R. Gunn as administrator on the estate applied of ; j , , ft,r i,„ lf o ni „ deceased, has ,,,« an order, discharging him from I ids said trust and for letters of dismission l.™ •<.,v S T.c. Consumption lured i _\n old physician, retired from bractice, hay ng had placed In his hands by an vast i “rjj-rh'&WW, of Olnsumpwon. Bronchitis, ; mam » nt cure aud Lung, ’ Catarrh; Asthma and all throat Complaints, after having tested its won derful carative powers in thousands of cases, has felt ft his duty to make it Ld"« S d^re to "relieve humau suffering, l will send free of chMjfw all who desire it,this recipe. I» German j French or English, with full d.rectmw 3S ; ip, w A . Novks, a*» Power - nCTPfTJVF " E 'FT A MAh ULl£lV/illD. IN - KAC „ localETY, with good reference to act us Private Detective under our instructions. Send stamp for full particulars. Ad dress, SH ACKELFORD'S DETECT IVK AGENCY. Atlanta. Ga., P O. Box It— WE ARE WAITING •FOR ■ ■ s I tot CASH WINS EVERY TIM E| We were early in the Bargain field and got the choice lots by | plenty of CASH! -Reap j the Benefitand Be Happy! j Iff MULLARKY & HARTY. 810 croad Street, AOGUSTA, GA. THIS IS HIE MULE -THAT KICKED A Hole in High. Prices i '/A ... They All Kick. That is, people who are asked to pay high prices are kick ng righ and left. My customers - NEVE J KICK. Because 1 sell the best goods at the lowest prices. Any¬ thing in my line will be sold astonishingly low. My store headquarters for good goods and low prices. C. BERGSTROM, PROPRIETOR OF THE CASH STORE Crawford vills- Gsorgia, i I 1 Crawfordville, Ga. A.B. GREEN. A.B. Principal, FALL * TERM * OPENS* SEPTEMBER 7, * 1891. TUIIPION IS l--id.EE. A matriculation fee of $3 oo for the Fall term ot fou months will be required of each pupil on enterance, —MLSIC $ 3.00 PER MCXNTH EXTRA.— A. 15 . CnREEJ^, Principal. CHicHesTirrs Eimush. Red Cross mF ■C* Hi Thorough, Practical Instroctton. Gradu atf^ assisted to positions. Catalogue FREE- Write to Cells Srjast l Stottai Jniaw # gi, I A '.NEW FOR rat’d WOMEN’S July 16, SHO WEAR. VO. E THE) “PERFECTiflB’ ADJUSTABLE. UNLIKE ALL OTHER Jjf ADJUSTABLE SHOES AS ONLY LEATHER IS SEEN. s Instantly Comfortable sV ( I (MOWER SHOE WDM • STUDIO WIESE OTiaS j ME WEM. j Wesr thorn constantly T, DiiSTHTiEfin. 1 ' M |0 s^SStttSSSTwr lore UflliSssrss ■ i nirot Pirise n __ Shoe. Ton will »pp™ < rwL cist* it at Sight. «a|| ar f ttn 8CU8B fi nn »* DUlaSlflUlB Odinctflfllfl OHUBD RllftP? Ameria’s Ulk *S Iorid‘s Best, ^ very low price Consniitated Shoe Co.. Manufacturers, Lynn. Mass. For Sate By 1 IOLDKX & FARMER, ) CB.SWTOKDVn.LE, Ga. _ SOMETHING NtC€ FREE. SeeerenrKUSt-s.10 F W W -ss.G«.. Pma AgeM. Eos. \ W Vrarau. * a«>np. L.m», l»'rw» KaaivU, - »d *. -a «d r- * *_ . WILSON’S CHAMPION SPARK ARRESTER. ^ “Best open in draught ar¬ rester the world'’ Delivered Free CHAMPION t in any part of the U. 8. on receipt of price, this advertisement, of and name Insist paper. getting this on V. arrester, and if your dealer can t suppiy you, send for circulars am* prices. JESSUP BROS.,. Pat. Feb. IS. ’86. Sol* Mwufactoren, I AUGUSTA, CEORClA* solicit PRICES OH g^S^-SSSB Stacks and General Sheet Iron Work. ’ EDWARDS BOTTLING WORKS Has but few equals and nosupersors. BOTTLES SINGER ALE LEMON AND SARSAPARILLA, in fact ink him for wbat yon want. WARREN EDWARDS. Milled geville, Ga. book agents tvavtep for j I DARKNES ^DAYLIGHT wUClrrsi j ( n shadows Of *sw yobs LIVE. ^ 2 ^ iJ^STs'nm' j OO/ >id?3. >, f*B the a* ptmt ««a*la*- at Utm GosfeJ,—* na «VS ( for :To n*rj ! , P r Home. ? ,, j J SrlSas ^ j ***Vl«i?sSs. ISESbTc