Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 27, 1891, Image 3
THE NEWS GLEANINGS FROM THE SIDE-WALK CHAT Sparkling Paragraphs as They are Gath' ered From Our Town and County To Interest Onr Readers. Sheriff Jordan makes a ca P ! a auctioneer. 10c. is all we ask for a late style bat. Armor Bros. Go. —The clever "Jack Sprat” was in to see us a few days ago. —See the notice of Holden <fc Far¬ mer in another column. —Dr. Stokes of Milledgeville, was in Crawfordville this week. —Mrs. Col. W. O. Mitchell is visit¬ ing her mother in Atlanta. —Mr. Henry Ilammach is lying very low at his residence in this. 25 Doz. pure linen towels go at 6c. each at. Armor Bros. & Go. —Dr. I. D. Moore, of White Plains was in Crawfordville Tuesday. SI buys a handsome overcoat* at Armor Bros. A Co. 89c, gets a lovely li.tie suit of clothes for a boy at. Armor Bros. & Co. §250 gets a lovely late style walk¬ ing jackets at. Armor Bros & Co. —There will be a wonderful change in our business circles before another 1 year - —Messrs. John W. Hixou and J' W. Tucker, took iu Jreenesboro this week. Lovely line of 10c. ginghams to be slaughtered at 7jo by. Armor Bros. & Co. —The Stephens Public High school will only give Christmas week for va tion. —Roger T. Brooke, of Augusta, was in Crawfordville this week visiting his mother. —if you want to find the best- fare at the lowest rate, go to the Adkins house when you visit Augusta. —Mrs. C. G. Moore came down from Craw ford this week and attend the marriage of her sister. —Those that are due the Democrat anything, will please come forward and settle, as we are needing money. Mr. A. B. Laformo, Boston, Mess., says: My wife would not. be without Bradvcrotiue for any money considera¬ tion. —Miss Bennie Davenport of Pow elton, has been spending some time in Crawfordville as the guest of Miss Ida Farmer. —Mr, L. L. Wright, who is encag¬ ed in the lumber business iu South¬ west Georgia, was in onr town last Sunday. —Messrs. S. H. Rhodes, D. P. Henry ana John W. Timberlake are doing carpenters work at Sharon this week. — Our goods are just as cheap as _ Who is i’ **•• - —’*■ •>‘“'*<'000 that cotton is cheap enough? Armor Bros. A Co. —Sterling Jennigan, of White Plains was in Cr awfordville Saturday and Sunday last, the guest of Col. Howell Beaziey. —We think the boys have become discouraged with fox-hunting, as they are never successful in bring back “Reynard’s plumage. —The old reliable Adkins House ig (till the popular place for the travelling - public to make their head-quarters while in Augusta. —Lient. Percy Trippe and family have returned to New Mexsco after a pleasant stay with relatives and friends in this couQty. —Mr. M. C. Jones, of Augusta, spent a few hours iu Crawfordville • Tuesday. His friends are numerous here aud he al ways receives a barty welcome. —Mr. R. N. Gilbert was in to see us this week, and he says the times are getting kinder squally down in his section, caused from the short crop and low price of cotton. —The Agricultural Society of Tal¬ iaferro county, will meet in the court house on the first Tuesday in Decem¬ ber, just after the publ c sale hours. AH are requested to attend. We have ten times as many blankets as all the houses iu Greenes boro put together. These goods for the next 30 days will be slanghted. JVe invite all to this feast of bargains. Armor Bros, k Co. —My books after December 15, next will go into the hands of an attorney for collection. All parties paying me their accounts by that time, can set¬ tle them at 10 per cent, discount. Thomas Akins. Oar mammo th stock of clethingis The “Best” fitting. The “Best” looting, Toe “Best” for wear. The “Best” for the money. Got our prices, see onr stock and in 99 cases out of one hundred yon will buy our goods. Armor Bro*. It Co. —Horace M. Holden Esq. is now lending money oa lands on fiv# years time, at very low rates of disco ant i nd 7 1 -2 ner cent inter.*. rater-, Inter es on.y i payaoie j once a year and you can pay the whole or any part of the principal at any time aud interest will cease on payment. 1 —Bob Aanderson, the 19-year old son of Hon. E. L Aanderson of this ’county, happened to quite a painful accident Tuesday while getting o»er a fence. He fell with hi* face down ward, striking a rock which knocked oot two of his front teeth, and badly lut his upper lip. His mouth l* slight It disfigured, but othirwiae be is doing [very well. i All parties InditSuo us must set j tie or make satisfactory by the 15th of December next, other wise their accounts will positively ! into the hands of other parties. Holden A l aemsb. i Turkeys Killed. Seven A few nights ago Mr. J. I\ Perkins who resides oil the outskirts of town. succeeded in capturing a large mink j which bas been doing great damage in his poultry house. However, the ani¬ mal managed to kill seven turkeys that were almost grown. Mr. Ihrkius put soma poison on one of fowls killed, and it laid iow his mink-ship. The Yoke Is Not Easy. As long as any town is burdened with narrow, contracted, selfish, one¬ sided, nuggle-de-wuddle inhabitants it will remain iu the old fogyism ruts They are dead to progress, dead to en¬ terprise, dead to public spirit and not possessed of as much life as a mummy Some towns bear these burdens, bat the yoke is not easy. These people generally pray, “Lord;s.iVo me and my wife, my son John and his wife, us four and no more.” Another Gin House Burned. By an oversight we failed to note> last week, the terrible loss to Messrs’ J. T. Portwood aud B >b Edwards of their gin which burned ou the 12th lust. The entire house, gin and con¬ tents were consumed about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. There wise about three bales and a half of cod ju iu the house besides a great many cotton seed. This is truly a heavy loss to these gentlemen aud the sympatfii s of all are with them. Plenty of Corn. Mr. II. D. Murden, of this county, has made over 500 bushels of corn this year on ten acres of bottom laud. He says also that he planted fifty acres in upland and the drouth cut that off—the former he says cost him 10 cents per bushel aud the latter $1.00 per bushel. However he is solid in corn for the next twere months. Plenty of corn in the crib tfipse timfes of low priced-cotUm is a luxury that is worth having these days of high-priced corn. Almost a Blaze. The steaai gin of Shop Peek’s at the old brick mill came very near bein„ destroyed by fire last Sunday morningj Had it not beeu for the timely arriva of some hoys who were playing near the mill, it would have no doubt burn¬ ed. When they first discovered the tire it was making good head way in the engine room. One of the sills under the engine was in a light blaze, and it would have very soon ignited a large pile of wood near the engine. Had the fire reached the wood, it, would have been a difficult matter to extin¬ guish tho flames. Tuned Out-Well. ■fgSMBP* ,1 o i the many "BroWf^*raers iu this section of Geor gia, tells us that be sold throe bales of cotton this season that brought him $186. It was of the silk variety. It makes a splendid sample and always sells for II or 12 cents per pound. He says that he can make fully as much silk cotton on one acre as he caa of the ordinary variety. This is a sug¬ gestion that a small farm well manured and planted lu this cotton would yield much more in dollars than many acres or neglected land planter! in ordinary cotton. Olie is a good farmer and is making his farm self-sustaining, which is the secret of a successful farming. Chapman—Gunn. At the Baptist church yesterday af¬ ternoon at half past four o’clock Mr. W. C. Chapman and Miss Leila Gunn, both of this place wore joined in tha holy bonds of wedlock. Rev. li. E. L. j Llarrm officiated. A. large & concourse ! of filends . and . relatives . .. were present i to witness this beautiful ceremony. after .. which ..... the newly, , made , couple , repaired to the residence of the bride’s !>a,ei, s, . r. an rs. . ,unn , ; where a sumption* supper awaited At 6:00 o’clock the newly J made pair , boarded . , , the , fast „ tram on a bridal tour through South Carolina where j I they will spend a few days sight-see¬ j ing. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman will re- ' i turn to Crawfordville where they will make their future home. The groom is a prominent merchant et this place, while his bride is one of 1 our sweetest young ladies. This young couple enters iite under the brightest anspicies and we trust that their boat will eyer sail ou the placid waters of life’s ocean. Thk Democrat joins a boat of frieod. in wi.htn^ for t,„„ . long life filled with joy and prosperity, j Caturrii Can’t be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of iue disease. Cat a: i U i* a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh carets taken netrnally, and acts directly on the blood and mneous surface. Hall’s Catarrh Core nn ff jac k medicine, it was ° ne of the t,est physicians in this coun trJ ’ tor years and “ * re « ular prescription it is composed of the best tonices known, combined with the best purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surface. The per feet combination of the two iugredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J, CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo O. Sold by druggists, priee 75 For Rent. The borne place of Mrs- Nancy Reid lying between the two Ogeeehee rivers containing 167 acres of land, most of it fresh, land, i* to rent on liberal terms Good improvements. Apply to Mrs. Nancy Reid or R. J. Reid. j COMES THROUGH 1 HE MAIL - ! From the Different Sections of Taliaferro County. [ CORRESPONDENTS - WORK. OUR The News Items They Gatherup in Their Respective Localities for the In formation of OurlEeaiers. SANDY CROSS DOTS. BY ------ JASON. When you see a fellow with the swell head you may know that he soorastrike the wall. Mrs. E. II. Saggus went down to Baytown last week to visit her sister who was very ill. We are glad to know that Mr. li. T. Edwards is improving so rapidly, he will soon be able to attend his business if he continues to improve. The cotton crop is about all market¬ ed and it would take another crop like this to pay the geneal debts of the peo pie. Mr. J. W. Farmer was seen in this section recently and he had with him a pack of dogs. Guess he was on hunt of his debtors. The health of ouv section was never better than at present but we are trou¬ bled with a malignant form of finan¬ cial fever. Mr. J. F. Fortwood lost his gin house last week which was consumed by fire. It was supposed to have eaugb from a match in the cot¬ ton, Mr. J. T. Fort wood lost 4 bales of cotton while his father Mr. Jesse l’orlwood lost one. Bob Edwards was also a loser, as he owned half enterest in the machinery. We were in Crawfordville last week and we believe the town has been turned over to amativeuuSs. We ex¬ pected to attend preaching but hoard that there would not be any as the preacher was going to get married. So we went to the Alliance store to do some trading aud found that the manager had gone off preparatory to get married and the assistant was very solumn as they said that ho was going to marry too. Then we went to the office to get our mail but the assis¬ tant Postmaster seem indifferent to wait on us as they said ho was going to marry. So on we went the Demo¬ crat office to get our paper, but it wasa’t out as tho Editor had beeu off all the week.arranging to get married. Then we sent a note to call ou one of the fair sex. but she said no, and wo guess she is going to marry. Infact we think the town authorites should quarantine the place against further, infections from vineulumns matrimonii. irj BLACK-DBAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. Go Slow Girls. Scarcely a day passes without its fttllW flV .-----.ft- »» V/ UlUU who met a iran so intereating that she thought she could not live without him, so she married him in hast and afterwards learned that lie was an ex¬ convict or a brute or already trad a wife or two from whom lie bad separa¬ ted without formality or a‘ legal divorce. In such cases the blame is laid upon the man, who generally deserves more abuse than he gets. But girls, look at the matter serously a few minutes and see if the trouble might not have been avoided if you had uot been in too much of a hurry. Marriage means partnership for life. Decrees of divorce are merely excep. tions that prove the rule. Would any man enter a business partnership with as little knowledge of tho other party as you seem satisfied with? Well, no, not unless he were a sweet souled luria tic. T;llk is cheap, giris; it can be made to order as fast . as tongues can run ially wben thore i8 a preltJ , ace . to inspire . it .. and , , two willing ears to re . v@ tUat gomfl other gul * nl get y 0Ur f e |i ovv unless you secure him alonse . A fish that any one can catch ^’^th throwing a Hue for. Try him to Qua out whether he amounts to 1 anything. If he becomes impatient and dashes away, why, follow Dogberry and thank God that you’re rid of a knave. A fact that all men with gray and many shaded whiskers should konw, that Buck¬ mgham’sDye atwayscolors an even brown or black at will. i 1 jgy*BLACK-ORAUGH-r u* eure* constipation The Best Authorities. S “ ch 83 Ur ’ ^ and , ,, ' requires a constitution remedy like Hood’s j Sarsaparilla, which effectually and per- ; manently praise it. cures catarrh. Thousands j Hood’s Pills cure liver ills, janndiee, biliousness, sick headache, constipation arid a/i troubles of the digestive organs, To till! Ladles, There are thousands of ladies through out the country whose systems are poison ed, and whose blood is in an impure con ditlon from the aiisorpt ion of impure mat. ter, due to menstrual irregularities. This class are peculiarly ben efited by the won derfui tonic and blood-cleansing properties of Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium —P. P. P. Roses and bounding health take the place of the sickiy look, the lost color, and the general wreck of the s> - tern. P. P. P. is the cure—be sure get t at once. Malaria. disme yieIds quIckly ^ thu w . ^ r r, powers of P. P. P. (Prichiy , p„!«; iioot and Potassium). People | ing ia miasmatic countries should a. , r be witliout P. P. P. A word to the vrisw* *sr WINE or CARDUL a Tonic tor Warn*- | Anna The O. tract Hall onaud^own placej containing as 200 the I Acres Situated eouvfn&nt to church and school, is for rent on liberal terms. Apply t o B. J. Reid. S Something For Everybody. Deception may st^veetl if under j cover for a time, makje but it is the poorest j kind of policy to printed stale meuts which will noMgtand the test of investigation. VVehajve no bankrupt stocb, no goods soil from a ' Are. But we have got a tljD0.000 stock of j j^yely dry goods that We purchased at j prices uuk.«»owix seetiosl, and! unheard of by dealers in this \Ve cannot St) u tdoese goods at } price as some advertise to do, but we never have been undersold am ; U never will be. j ^ lluor Bros. & Co. Mi Wife-Such -—;—, a dnMfc I had last . ■light, dear. t»| Husband—May Idrel Sad Jr about that it? I '•Well, yes. was in a great establishnSSHt Ther| where they sold husbands. were beauties; some in glass eases pnd marked at fearful pi ices and otbf cs were avid at less figures. Girls w iv paying out fortunes, and gettimri he handsomest men I ever saw. It w is wonderful.’’ “Did you see any Is se mo there dear?” i “Yes. Just as I wa leaving I saw a whole lot like you lying on the remnant counter.” Salvation Oil is twice as cheap ami twice as good as other liniment. Price only 25 cents., Kemember that true isppiness is for ever lost when your hen 1. Is once broken down. Dr. Bull’s Cougi prevents throat ami lung diseases, atiS 1 bres colds and cough. *5 cents. . Closing 0 *®itCost. For tl.e next thirl yiHjs I will sell ray stock of merchant! ilia at. cost to close out business. Clime one, come all, if you want to get fiat-gains. 'SkfSe Richards. - ‘ Scrofula tad."” For all forms and vulirtions of scro¬ fula, which sta ids neA to contagious blood poison in the pBblems Ipeeillc. that it presents. 8. 8, S. is a As a remedy for this disousl, incoinYjmble. it stands pre¬ eminent and Where ordinary treatment iai and it does fail in nine cases obt Sod ^ of len-S. 8. S. will effect a cure. the tesimo nials that the propriety hava on file, and others which tlipy i icludo in their pamphlets, describe cures that are al¬ most miraculous. No higher tributes could be paid to the sAigulur efficacy of this medicine than those which are embodied in these unse >)lotted letters. The suffering that has :\*eu saved by S. S. 8. in these cases alone would place it at the headJuf all blood medicines, It leads aggisis them w'. en liiyi At Rout noneral the merit reply ... ,u or sales of Hood’s Su. .rlila. Lovely line prii’jjl-. latest shades aud figures 2J- f#r yd J At. Armor Bros & Co. Illicit U * A » M salt*. Tan Bust oacvic in world for Out*, Hr uses, Sore*. Ulcers, 8a K Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*, Corns an-l all Skin Eruptions, and pos tivcly cares Biles, or no My required. Jt is guaranteed to give perfect i&tLfactiou, nr box. money refunded, Hauu.iack. t’rijce tS A cents Co’*. p* At Lucas Poisoned by pcrofula is tho snd iitory of many 5 iv<M maun miser able through no fault of (heir own. Scro¬ fula is more especially thipi any other a hereditary disease, and lor this’ siniple reason: Arising from impure and insuffi¬ cient blood the disease locate* Itself in the lymphatic*, which are com oil posed of wlii e tissues; there is a peri of fi etal life when the whole body cofwhsls of white tissues, and therefore the unborn child Is especially susceptible to this dreadful disease. But there is a rpwady for tcro fula, whether hereditary Ir acquired It is Hood s Sarsaparilla, which by its power¬ ful effect on blood, expels all trace of the disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not accept any substitute. i Auvcrtixed Litter*. The following list of letters, remaining I* in the Post-office, at CrftnifordvUle, Talia ro county, Ga., will be snrit to the Dead-let ter office if not called lor at the expi¬ ration of 30 days from date. Miss.Lizzie Dunn. Missjf’ollna HowclI; Mis* It. J. Stewart (2) ; Miss Kate Stewart Mia* Moiile Jones; Miss Emma Turner; Mrs. James Barnett; Mr*., Metvina Nel son; Mrs. Piancls Coun; Mr*. An na Har ris; Mr*. 1 Anion Stewart. Mrs. Martha Beeks; Willie Evan*; T. M. Chapman John Stranger; Dr. P L Pitts; Dr Kylie; J 7o£nSem; w '’ , ' tat ’ Mr ShepI ' orl; When caning for thy fised.’ Executor* Kale. ' IA ' umpibonty :• l .»y t to in-- in : e n j- M. I • I 01 ^ ” A t^t^tor n M l or j . 2SJ <F«1V *‘ ' ; „ 1 u y i U Oil Voc o U 7 baffle r or !e i .1 a* the property Of *»id deceas¬ ed. Win. ,V. Liinu executor of the ia*t will and teste ,rant of said Mr*. U. A. A*kin, deceased. T!ii» Nov ‘i: h 1SB1. McEiree's Wine of Cardul and THEDFOPD S BLACK - OfiAUGHT are lor gale by the folio w ing merchant* in Taliaterro Loan! v: I)r.;R J Raid, Crawerdvllle, G.orgeW. Brown A Co.,Sharon, ilamniHck. Luca* & Co.,Crawfordviie, -&a wOO ■s* i 1 I lam In all of his glory and grandeur never had during the history of Ins life, the opportunity that the people of this and adjacent counties now possess. Could he but gaze for one moment upon our mammoth stock of lovely mer¬ chandise in all of its mavclr^tS beau¬ ty. lie would exclaim as did the Queen of Sheba. HALF WASH TOLD! The testimony is cumulative concerning the attractions of our Dress Goods stock. Al¬ ways leading, it has a longer, stronger, bolder lead this season than ever in the past. Here are a few spray thoughts that flash from the suface of our Dress goods departments. If there is failure in the havvewts and depletion in the granaries o of Europe, it is quite certain they still have brilliant silk and woolens iu abundance. Their yield has been prolific, We have,gathered sorts best adapted to the exquisite taste of a particular trade. The fabrics themselves fresh from the mills of the world are spread out for easy examination. Novelties come in extremes. Extremes of roughness and richness, extremes of largeness in plaids and figures and extremes in softness and fineness. Lovely trimmings to match each seperate piece. LYE AND EAK “PLEASE THE AND YLU WILL WIN THE HEART.” wi PLEASE YOUlt EYES WITH CJLOICE GOODS PLEASE YOUR EARS WITH LOW PRICES TRY TO WIN YOUR HEART BY HONESTY. In notions and millinery we defy any retail house South to produce such an assortment as we carry. Our goods are best, our prices lowest. Our hosiery and underware stock sur— pass all our former efforts in this line. Onr house furnishing and table linen stock is the best and largest in this section of the state, special bargains in table linens napkins kc. Call for them. tiltlit 4JE Here ran be seen every imaginable style, cut and price, in both cheap, mpbium and fine goods. The d,eai littli; one as ^ ste P s gently from the cradle can have a perfect fit. Here also the cit% bell and the village maiden can get those styles and shades best adapted to bring, out their beauty of feature and figure. Ladies, Misses, and children this is your opportunity The readers of the Democrat know full well what our SHOE A.7. £TT*. iiST-TT lias always been. We need but say it is the most superb and complete, it has ever been. These jroods range in price from 25 cents to the very finest hand made goods, We make a specialty of school shoes for children. We warrant we can save you 20 per cent in this line. Big drive in domestics. Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity. Cloth lag Sc Furnishing Goods. This proud department it has growntoamamoth proportion; we feel of and think we have cause to feel SO. No house in thestate can boast of so marvelously wonder¬ ful a stock. These goods are the latest styles cuts and colors. The delicate dwarf need not stand hack, nor is there need tor the hold jiant to hesitate, We never tail to fit a* d please the most tastideous. Jlou’t be dup¬ ed come direct to us. Our suits range in price from 89c to $50, over coats^go at a mere song. Will you walk carts, when you phaeton can rid^’-o cheap? quote In factory buggies prices, surrys, stock road wag m, we our embraces everything rotory. Miscellaneous. Remember we can produce any article called for. We call attention to the iollowing lines. In fiard W ar e , cooking and heating stoveH, builder* supplies, heavy iV taiiey grocies, drugs tin ware crockery queens wt/re, trunks, valises, harness sadlery, buggy and hand iinbrellas, paints varnish. We will say onr stock is ten times as large as any house in (Ids section. We appre eiate your palroage, we* eater tor it. We will protect he people from ontrogou* prices, and will always make to your interests to bay Yours all you need of us. to Serve*. ARMOR BROTH, & CO. GREENESEORO, CEORGI