Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 27, 1891, Image 4
Or. BULL'S ttrwmt* t**M*tv* IRV CVOilD r< a:<■*!«>« tb* >>"»«*» *1 Fin I ainur sUdruwrlrtw.t’rloeSBcU. a 5 » i i N i i Wi i Mi n BULL’S Cures Coughs, Asthma, Colds, Hoarw-rx * Bronchitis, rniinH < !ni rwd pient live relkvrJtVSHS-f'y Pcrviiu. Crro- 25 *>. ‘jj rjflQ j||| u-w .. f smoke 1 /::, % ~f~, “1. % INK Is the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine In the world. Mv wifi* has f,r . mwi <lr«»6df ul t ISownm bhu it) * w«* In is. s«w, dtMtilllif Abf < .* RMbiKm* without rti/U vial ittmimi ttf tjwltjg hlci. Vi v. fin vp ififitift ft r W.*< dliiftivprftl. itigiy V*»t»r* lr un Ir*ifv. o" CoifUnbUfo Wnti i) J«8M. MAJtrrA'TL ftnri t<t wmonmi wonderful cure co., ( olurniiiO. <*fl. FOR MALE BY ALL Dill UOtHTK A Household Remedy ro» au. ; BLOOD DISEASES “"SKIN » f l B. B. B. * Bofanlc Bk- d Balm i r —«------- It Cures tcmfmx • iL.t.-.-L rt-ZCRIA, ULCERS, SALT iviff f X > 1 !Kmm> Ir.y tht # 4 tidf % bring * 5f*ctts ! I op A tfilfitti i a . < j ■ i) ■ ' i«?»-'Bltutlon, ± wbfA Imp ilred frtt V Wtl. Ill Blmest itu I kt .ulno pror-rtl** on , 'fig a 1 III., II 8 ERT mi ■ ; 'fr«, M ^ * WMft taiu c pt nrccTto CKYSTAL LENSES ..... M).A<U r.nt Hi Xlvtyi. t;I % <r Mbs T.E. imiSTOW Hit* exaluslve wilt- <>f celebrated ed glH-ses In Ontwfoidvilla, KELLA \t A MOOItK, Tim ordv Mtnufn’tiiiiiw' I hdlh'* In the Smith. Atlanta. Go. * 1 Kil K 1 i ia a 9, u h?li s nw ii,U 1 ' * r r r *» al<t at h»' it (S| y e . it »Jib gtMat * i th# (tfiitWd P. CL pt i u "A A c a SCR o • f u L f t, ml #iV»k ' liitfi Vi jsMUtU ,fi‘. i u' S*> 1 5- (a*H fclirm f honvAiI-,*#^ FU'fin m'iHim i. e rk«'» F-ft p-.r^soN loalrU^l mjkj mm ■tf , Mjk g , ■ ■Mfa P,'um‘a T ISM - ip !b I 1 bhiaftd %Ch «v.vme - »•nit iravitw barb * m :■> n i m mm e-ftf 't bv> r*fc» •!»« I mm LIPPMAki BROS*,, Pro) riotons, WE ■(. lu.'-tf.V WsD tat. TliEBESTSPRINC Medicine ' InTHeWorldis RRR AS A SPRING ' 'AfTDiCINE. T '* CURE AND TONE" UF HE C-ENERAv if .1. Aft ME NTS fME SYSTEM TAKE NOTES OF INTEREST. The Work of the Wires, Pens, Pencils and Scissars. OUR HEWS COLUMNS MUGRAPED. tttaaned from our Many Splendid Ex c&ngos. Now* of Much th¬ ereat to All. 11 is estimated that the intoxicat¬ ing Uqttor* tuwd annually in the Unit¬ ed State* would fill a canal four feet deep, fourteen feet wide, and 120 m5i<w,on * The akinof a boiled egg ia the bent remedy for a boil. Carefully P‘‘‘'l it, wet and apply to the hoil; it draws out the matter and relieves the soreness. The farmer who raises his own corn; meat and other farm supples, dosen’t complain much about the high rate* of interest charged on bor¬ row ml money. A (Georgia exchange sums up the situation in the following lines: “A badly jammed up womman’s hat .Means beauty all the more; A badly jammed np man’s bat M< an * ' in,nk tlie ni K ht bc,orc " - U> Africa there ate 500 mission* rie: and 400,000 converts. An av etage of 25,000 a year become con and in five years more than 200 martyrs have lost their lives there. Once there was a party of Indians invited to attend the theatre, and when they were asked about it they only said. “One man played the fidddle, ami another played the fool.” A sure cure for mil amatory rheu¬ matism is made by taking one ounce of pulverised saltpetre and.putting it into a pint of sweet oil. Ilathe the parts affected and a sound cure will speedily be made. Whiaky is not the only thing that intoxicates. A harder thing to keep than a se¬ cret—Money, One half of the people die before the age of lb. l)e Witt’s Little Early Risers never «rl| >c or cause nausea. Mild but sore¬ |W st rather th*n force, llest little pill for dyspepsia. alek headache, Sold by chronic Dr. constipation, Reid. it. J. We need men of “horse sense” in (’otigros worse than we need oia tors. tt I. nuUo tho faMiion now to take Do Witt'v l.lillu kkirly Itiier* for liver. .toniMih «nil bowel (liwirder*. Tlu*y are J. miiall pills, hut ml«l.ty good ones. Dr. u Kriil Boll* Uhiiu. Every dollar *ouu* men get only widen* the gulf between him and Heaven. A beautiful .kin, bright «ye», »weet breath, good appetlle, vigorous l«nly; pure blood unit qooii health result from the use of De Witt’s Krnmparllla. Sold by it. J Held. The devil always eomca to the wedding when people marry for money. Very popular, very small, yary Umat D« Wilt's Little Karly Hlsera, the pill fo constipation, billousua* aick baadacb* old by R, J. Reid The United Slate* collect* #6H0 and upend* ♦5(51 every minute of the night and day. Constipation, blood-poison, fevetl Doc tom' bills amt funeral expenses cost abort two hundred dollars; 1)» Witt'a Littlr Early Risers coat a quarter. Take you choice. Sold by Dr. R. J. Held. Two aide* of a face are never alike. ' lie eye* and ear* are invaria¬ bly out of line, and other feature* are dissimilar. Purifies the blood, Increase the cireula tie», expel* poisonous humor* and builds up the »y»teiu. What more do you want uicditiue to perform? De Witt’s Sarsa apartlla is reliable. Sold by K. J- Reid. Over one hundred thousand dol¬ lar* worth of pearl* were found in mus*d* on the Sugar river, Wiaeon sion, last summer. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism aud mod disease* originate from impure blood. Cle*»*e it, improve it. purify U «Hh De Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, strength regained- Sold by Dr, K. J. Hied. tine hundred t»eorgia ediu»rs have signified their intention of attending the World’s Fair convention at Ma¬ con on December 4th. An Example. Mr. L. F. Edwards, of this county, truly has set an example worthy of the notice of all classes of farmers in this part of Georgia. On four acre* of land he raised first two hundred bushel* Of fine oats, and after he had cut his oat* off. he planted the same land in eopn and peas and has just gathered therefrom about one hun¬ dred and twenty bushels of corn and eighteen or twenty bushel* of |k'*». This is what might be called good farming and be a lesson to many who plant twenty acre* in the same truck and get a much less yield. These crops w.rre manured with cot¬ ton seed and stable manure or eom p'si. Commercial guano would never have made such a ciswi. At the present prtvx- of com, oats and Mr. Edwards’ crt»ps were very equal to fm-o bale* of cotton acre. These are facte worth re Herald. Everything Pointing Towards a heavy fall bush; s so prepare yourself and pur chase when stocks are complete. Our variety im¬ mense and our stock complete in Dinner, Tea, Game, Fish, dumber apd Tin Sets. Knives, Forks Hpoons, Lamp.-., CltifcudelierH, Fancy GontlB, And everything in the hous-Tur:iif-;. i g,- !£-<*. Larly buyers get the best selections .) Blights Oryx: fa! 'glace, 809 It HOAD Street, Augusta. Ga. SAVE! YOU/A XvfOKBY and but land. Your old suit is goow enough, if you • 'i i send it and let us clean and press it nicely. Our prices \t * very low and/we never fail to give satisfaction. OUR IlYGING UBPAWTMENT Is run by EX PER I S Writ. ; r prices THOMAS STEAM YX* ING CO. J No. 303 , 8 th Street Georgia O. P. KOHL - tJSS. MAMUKA. TUHBH, IMPORTBIt ASJ) DfiAt lit JS HA KB • E AM) GRANITE MONUMENTS, STATURY -cor/.vos Ac. -- - B* ConLector for Building Stone of Howry iInscription. AOKMT roil IHOH AMI) WIHE fRMCH The marble xtotuon of l)r Irvine, Mr.. McCoy, Uatuia, Mr*. <jji w H--, Miss modeled Tlmberlare and and othar fliv« piecRa of Art aro works of my own cut after j.hotoKraphn. Corner Washington and Ellis St-* gusto, Georgia. THOS, BHUmWA CO., Successrs to Lyndon Foundry & Maffnim Works A tliens, Oflot : z. Ji * 10 New Mliops, New TooIh, First-)’I «sn n uml Material. Build and Repair Machinery OFALL KINDS- Saw Mills, Grist Boxes, Mills, Boltn, Cane Lfc. Mills,' Special, Shafting. Pulleys, Pedestal u ter Manufacturer*’ Afpsnts for tin- Bp»A Wau- En« io Pipe . and sad lioilj Fi [njectura and Ejectors iw Uu Market. Keep in stock Steam and CorrespondenciJriuUcifed tsos. a I ilgw-'k. e— •. T. ItBLXT. w . s. mxon, a. *i. LAKDBUU, SIBLEY, NIXON SIBLEY.i CO., (Successors to G. T. ©0TT0N + FACTORS, Gl A\0 DEALERS & COMMISSION MEjHCBANTN ■ 731 and 733 Reynolds St. AUGUSTA, GA. HF" Liberal advances made on all consignments, Ragging :n.d Tics futnishrH at market prices .Jtf Sibley's Ammoniated Dissolved Bone. High Grade Acid Phosphate and pure German Kainit. jyStrlct Personal attention Given to Weighing and Sampling Cotton. r.L!~=V-l -!-------SB ................ ______B !1 SJF0N& & mMmm, OOTTON + FACTORS --A.3sn> — mACMINERY + AGENTS. No. 101 Jackaon Street, Opposite Cotton Exchange, , AUGUSTA, GA. >. M. STONE. Snloummi. Liberal advances made on consignments. Commissions SO Lenta. Storage 26 cent*. NIXON & DANFORTH. *• -AND GENERAL Commission erchants. Nos- 3 and 4 Warren BloCk- AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. lVrsonal and t’ndivIJed Attention given to the Weighing and Seiiina of CotUm. LIBERAL CUSH ADVANCES MADE ON CONStGNMEMTS, Jesse Thompson • I Sc C -MAKxnfACTtmsRa Or - DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. YIoHidings, Bra<*keUi, Laths* Lumber and Shingles -D «A> lB fi is Window Glass and Builders’ Hardwiu Plaining Mill and Lumber Yard, Bale Street, " car Central Kaiload Yard. AUGUSTA, ii *1’ J- M. BHRDELL,“‘E COTTON ‘>>>"*‘9<<"? FACTO R, \ j MEINTOSH ST.,AUCUSTA, GA. : —-'—| STRICT ATTEflTION W. TO ALL SHIPMENTB-l—Nd‘ E L crane: 1/10 00111331013 AT 750. PER 041.: 70 cam; 30 M rs. - - ^ m 9m ? . L The Full Prospectus of Notable Features for 1892 and Specimen Copies will be sent Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles bare been written expressly lor the coming volume by a host 0 f eminent men and women, among whom are The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. — Andrew Carnegie. — Cyrus W. Field. — The Marquis of Lome. — Justin McCarthy, M.P. — Sir Lyon Playfair. — Frank R. Stockton. Henry Clews. Vasili Verestchagin. — W. Clark Russell. — The Earl of Meath. — Dr. Lyman Abbott. — Camilla Urso. — Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Best Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on Self-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles. Household Articles. Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children’s Page. Natural History Papers. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. ilhtstratecTweekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. "A Yard m fl A A/A ^ ftf |CJ|VPV A y I 11 \| 1$ 01 G OT THERE ELI 1 Cures in 4 to 5 days. Guaranteed not to cause stricture. If used in time is a preventive 75 efs. a bottle, the same size as ether 81. orepara. tious. Prepa-red by the Eli Medi. eiue Co., Washington, Ga. 2 For sa!,; b J Tmimaek & bird, Crawfordviile, Ga. Home Council W* take pleasuje In calling the atten¬ all tion of mothers to a home cure for diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, r medicine so lone needed to carry chii'lrea safely thiouyh the critical stage of Teeth log PITTS’ I’ARMINATIVE h an incalculable blessing to motiiei an« child It is an instant relief to .colic o' infanta a disease, with which infant* suffer s* much the first four months of their life It Ives sweet rest to the. sick and fretful child, ft strengthens and builds up the weak gives appetite and th sh to the puny, corrects, drain fioni th* bowels, cutes Diarrhoea sml Dvsentfliy A panacea for the children Try one bottle. It costs onlj TWENTY-FIVECENTS A BOTTLE THFSOs —-ftfamiiuuf in. » »1-- GRANITE ami WAHBIE KON'D .-NTS, GARY LiJ STAT --ImIT-UTKI! Dili I.CT. - tftMTK.ter K l,,r Hulbling ( lie. AllBST Full--- CHAMPION IKON FENCE CO.. (arThe B,'*l in tin.- World. New Desii-nR! Orisinai i h siyn !! Li my lMtH’F/t Scud ft-v . t.f m. Office and Steam U . iks, 529 & 531 Bsoad W„ :U GUST \,ua AU Wotk Guarani*.:.!. *-pl? SPECIAL ANNOt’NEMNT! And 25 cents for « copy of my Jil.V* ILLt)STKm,l) CA 1 AI.OGIJM of porting^ Aihlftlo & Gymnasium Goods, The Finest Ever Issued. ItK HUUt H J OX Franklin Square, New York ----AUGUSTA- aTBAM LAUNDRY. Mu* Orvica *»» Wi)»!> — 'i./acksonSt., A ugusta, Ga Tim ( toss WorK Gnarantefl ' ork turned over to the Democrat wil - -id down. For further Ini forum <u,i> »- th* Editor. aprl’.’tf r ii€*T “»s. j msa ISTK2 BEST. An*sn%t*. QRJStALE^JCC %UIT» Titus Richards^ Crawfordviile, Ga. FREE TO JAN. 1, 1892. To New Sabecribern who will eat oat nnd Rend n* this slip wlili name nod address and SI.75 we will seed The Companion Free to Jan.. 1S92. and for a Foil Year from that Date. Thl« offer include* the TH ANIiS CIVIMS, CHRISTMAS and SEW YEAR’S Double Holiday Number*. We will alno send a copy of a beantifttl paimiur. entitled **A YARD OF ROSE*.” It* product ion ba* cost TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, Send Check, Post-office Order, or Registered Letter at cur risk. Address, 3 The YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it f. A. HOWARD. .8 P. WEIBKUCR. C. H. HOWARD & CO., Cotton i Conation t Mercha No 20 McIntosh, ( Sev en th Street.) jy”Order* And Consignments for Bagging of and Cotton Ties Solicited. Augusta, Ga. Jordan Sc Smitli $ Cotton * Factors, A-ugusta, G-a. Liberal advance i made on Cotton in store. Bagging and Tics, at lowest market prices. We guarantee satisfaction in every respect. Our Salesman is one of the oldest and best ootton men In Augusta. Gins, with yp'Wk are Agents for the Cotton Bloom and Gullett Steel Brush Feeders and Condensers. These Gins have no superiors. Aug. 26, 1891. J. HARTER DAVtSOK. CKABLES T. FAEGO. Davison & F argo COTTON^ FACTORS co/n/nissioN * aercmants, 739 Reynolds Street, ( Next door Cotton Exchange.) Augusta, Georgia. Oonslgnmonts Solicited..® Re Pcv Street I'emu-z! Attention to Our Businas AUGUSTA CARPET COMPANY. 846 BrOad Street, T > Stair » ' a rja. JUST RECL1VLD, Wall Papers, Borders, Co pets, FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. HEAR 1 11 BUGS DO li \l A I - IN DOW SHADES. la;e URTAINS. VV in do POLES. INGRAIN AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, AND HOUSE i URNLSHINg GOODS GEN¬ ERALLY BT'A Feu. axd Fresh ;-tock Received, T. G. BAILIE, lana^ r. Z. DANIEL k CO. WHOLESALE GROCERY, U 0 TT 0 M ORS -AND COMMISSION MERC i’TS a^K Liberal Advances on Cotton in 5 cUld 6 772HTSH Bi^Ck- Au^usU, Ueur^ia This Slip and SI , 75 .