Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, March 25, 1892, Image 2

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    nP*ir> T A r -1 \* / \ /y t, i rn
J 1 ‘
y ^tfred at tbe pK«t«flict> at < ‘ra«fm ]v
G-cc g>K u tec •od cl#«« crikij matter.
FRIDAY', MARCH go im»2.
—- -
It is said that Col E. R, Dorsey
will go to the Centra! Kailr.,,1 after
he leaves the Georgia.
Tint freeze last week killed ali t .
early vegetables in South Georgia and
S .ill Carolina It i» bad on jurk
mi met#.
Most oi those* who trade on time
this year mo reunited to m^h vtny
tight |>aj>f*rft, Wc liojn? fh«*y will Tkj
> re h)<lei>en<hmt nnoth&f y* ir.
T 11 . Cleveland and Hill sides oi the
i’icsidenUal probabilities have "l***
• •hided (here are but the two side*.
dark horse side doe* not think
'’k.t.kBsm (U. 8 .) says to John
Bull, concerning the seal treaty with
(> d Britain: “If we do not sm
< . and sign there will not be a
of a sea)
Tine Russians have; (pink firin/
' el guns, tin- roar of which - loud
ti< ugh to drown the cry of hunger
itming from the Russian
poop}©,—’Aogijkla New? 4 .
Wk would Ik- in favto if a -ib
tri usury or sotit thing better for the
individ tally. Tie •late kn-n. a
be! f <?r f h« nomb if her people than
f*iiC 'd IfOVftVttttffUlt
T-aoSioiiv I . hue. thre w nil» 1 go-.d
U,th , vil.l W, ■’ how in . Knrope ,
tx-Tilse \vt re not allowed to get
trunk. Mmy j»ft!e far do the name
i r if. this cucifitry—tbat i* they
tired bccauu** they to*t drunk
Hit' bacon is going up again 1
lit; 1 it stands you in hand to prepare
titiikV VO' th; yotu Tin
rtblimz it i hittum, flour mid <>orri
.. ill stop** soon a* the lannet'H of the
aim. thill own. huie svilD
K i .’ it
ii is so striiog. that m n ot
eil opinions can h>.*k at the m ‘
tMfip or |M*nw>ri« imuI W
•»«**♦ i Kir tiRtti ‘•rfH Ini v i * \t<nh
ty that he thinks is perf. ills
; ighlwir will think it I- :-t
(* in existence 1
11 *<■ .less of strife.
>K, Sei'H'liti y ol iNHie,
In n inspecting the old r< (001 ,]s and
•. of ‘tu ftneient Mib-trewstn
U}K i the t euM In 18X8 the
.trnl Ucovg’m H Wfi (Ml,
1 from it grew the mri Aw i»
•d the lamt Ui \ 1 u <
t\H ft'ta vml from
r ed* rutuent, u Hi t
% rtcl HUtlv na tm
. .si U ink was fiaea!
to lend thi
HUIOU ;U.>t ex
1 •
(\* »k HHVft th®
Welt i * ... ! and the
u return
:i Nr
IT’S SOMETHING Bill l id?.
f|Y a Will ► >n have 11 hill Ih 1
much Letter than th,
* ftisurv w 11 meet all the
fid* udhIg in il h tivasur j,jj|
,« new i*i i tr ImmU> r limit th* ?
ill tins j>!an
\ tl: suites* haiuift
sUt ** 0^*11 bt*u«tr
e ourselves than a
I ! i of m.-ri Iroril all o'i'r th*» Union
\Ye do not tee! i1isJm>scm\ to jolt our
I •Is into a mxusc, the longer end ot
»V r the other side
v! l capito! at Washington Let
1 tlu clown here- to
r 'cgidulure ills
aie it Thov know le tter what
4 athl hi wf dochI it atui they
intAfilitix-e with us than
v\ vji Torn of or Lelatul
Si rnford* of CklifomU.
I! mm ’.uermut'm is whftt «i- neisl
stand the more etrings we tu*
1 atweh to the
gtion the more
oioseiv we are urawi. to oentraUxation,
is fully iej t‘nuHi t>\ a
fiv web. Ever;
e C, tm w l””' ml itmw*
us that mud 1 c cnlral l: v
w t*e in as had
ki * »
A Wi i muon! writes
in rtHioB
«n »ti- for i
issuing money h at 1 ier
cent interest tip erstl lo the
amount of thro, time the auKHtn
furnished the rcsjjective slate**. The ,
ite* can then lend this money to
its citizens at interest atfd upon col 1 st
< - r»l decided nj>on by the states.
“Thc full details of the plan have not
been decided upon, but the general
plan for issuing the currency to the
states is on the same principle as the
national banking law. The general
outlines of tiie plan have been submit
ted to some of the b st potted and j
most stieces«ful financiers of this ooun- |
try, as well as to men of legal ability,
id from all opinions to a large extent
favorable have been received The
general plan It is agreed is good, but
‘ W who * ,e n “' st mtmmiaA « re hav
iug some difficulty in arranging the
details. However, they are advising
with men whose ability a* financiers !
.i. not be questioned, and a practical
measure will come out, of it. j !
Tn & romrnunic it on elsewhere !
('apt. D. N. Haro lorn of this county,
■i I vises us to let Tom Wutsori and lim
j | people’s party alone, Capt. Sanders
is a good farmer and one who knows
a great deal iti th it line as well as
politically, but he does not know that
! we will have to *•eat crow’*in a lew
years, concerning what we say.
j It is true that the Peoples Party
may get bigger than we anticipate but
v.'e ate very much in doubt as to its
ever benefiting the farmers of the
South. We believe that it will
bo a disadvantage to them. They can
get what they need through the Demo¬
cratic party better than they ever will
through the People's Party.
1 As to Mr. Watson’s wearing out
the United Slates mailbags in haul -
ing ‘’People's l'arty” stuff ami duntj »*
i g it into the laps of the Georgia
negro Republican* and calling it pure
‘ ‘.h-ITei sonian Democracy, '' lie had as
i well b<- trying to run the Savannah
• ,
| river towards the . mountains , from „
w , it M , i(r( s as to be trying to c-n
i duee them to v*>t<> other than
! any a
Will tin (’upturn please tell us why
Mr. Wat ga in is seeking Utese votes of
•be colored brother? lie got the
nomination and was elected two years
go without their vote and wc can
only see one reahon why he will want
them this year: Because he has left
so many o| his friends in the Demo.
t iatic parly thul he thinks it will he
niMH’fi! -ary to rope in the ltepuhliean
vo i„ „f distriet to save him and his
party. If that is what he depetnD
up m)?i, Ii if* *l«yV*at in mam* \\T *
w jjf ) iuvt , vo km* it in reality bilfore we
t.tii picture the colored rats leaving
'lie Repuhlicui ,-liip. With Democ¬
racy split the Republican ship v» ill
never sink
Now Captain, go slow in wlmt you
say against the Demoenitie party
Y ou may have lo come hack to that
Just lead the people on in the line t: ■r
your ii.lvi..' of a month ago, and tell
them again;
If mu would ratal* mor^ corn.
Lot the Tldrd l'arty uloiut,
And give all of our time to tile farm,
Wc would liftv«* a plenty of meat,
And though cotton might lie cheap,
l ive old bailiff* would do us no harm
Sand us the Nows.
Ih) not Complain, nays an exchange,
,uul , "" v, - ¥ "•*> '***»■" , the ,, paper ap
i>areut)j takes no Interest In your see
tlou as ton think, since It dors
PUhltsh , . , any of , th« ...... dot n*s around you.
Send us the news. 1 on have no l ight
to fuss as long us you take no pains
to gtv« the editor any info; tout Ion.
Send ns the news The average editor
is no a medium m mind reader. Send
ns the news. If every one would give
us Items of news, as may come under
hi* eleervatlon, we would be able to
I'ubhsti * much more newsy paper and
give mnch iH'ttei satlsfaetion all
around, f'eitil its the new*. Will you
not interest yourself to the extent of
helping us publish the new* of your
neighIwrhood. Certainly you ought
10 send up the news. This is meant
for our friends in the county and toaln
nllke. Send us the news. You will
have to toim the habit. It ts true.
But tell tiie editor when you get hold
of a piece of news. Go rigid to work
( to form the habit of thinking of your
paper tiie tiisl moment you get hold of
any new happrutngs. Send ns the
news, and we shall both soon feel
prouder of our (u»(»er. Send the news
now, right now.- Marietta Journal.
Tho Paihotfomc Microbe.
Or taosvMt bearing germ, exercises a
destructive i flu^tiw, fttid U
tinuslly waging oar agatest health.
Innutuet able i* this might) foe, ami
hut few escape * his Injun. ' Entering k
the system through . the . hlood. , . this
(K miuous gvim infects every part of
the body, ami spitads its deadly virus
everywhere. UnUr ouliunry eondl
tions it tt»uHi|dies rabidly, and soon
omIsUIb* acUonjchold «pon tb« hu
man t«od). To overcome this enemy,
and pul nti and to it' destruction has
fot H h*ng while occttjned the time and
em rgte^ of scienliata. Their labors
have at last been rewarded with sue*
, and a mo>: ant discovert
ti as thus made know lo the
It ha* at.iiwn tl a: this
£erm can !*c forced from tbe Uxlr
fhi tbe i'ores of the skin, and
that a is Ux i ly method by ui ich
a p< rmanent and *ur* core of diseases
of the Wood can be effected. S S 5
has for years teen curing blood dis¬
eases and their results, and It is try
this method of eliminating all impuri
u ,.„ through the skin that it has per
formed its great work. All manner of
complaints haflrig their origin in an
Impure arid disordered condition of
the Wood ha*a been successfully treat
od by this unrivalled Wood medicine.
Being purely a vegetable preparation
8 S S is entirely harmless, and no bad
effects result from its use.
Treatise on Blood ar.d Skin Diseases
mailed free,
S vV IF r SPECIFIC CO Atlanta, Ga.
TiiKloveof money makes luts of
people do had.
LaUnppe Again.
During the epidemic of La Grippe
season l)r. K rig’s New Discovery of
Consumption, toughs and Golds,
to tie the best remedy. Reports from the
many who used It confirm this statement
They were not only quickly relieved, but
the disease left no bad after result. We
1 ou to ** v,: D 1 '** remedy a trial and we
guarantee that you will be satisfied with
rifh , ills, or the purchase price will be rc
funded It Has no equal In La Grippe
«r any Throat Chest or Lung Troublee
Ur « e bottle*, Ste. and 8 t. Trial
ree at.
For sftJpftfcR. J. Held,
It i >/olieved that the ('(Mitral K. H.
trouble will end alright.
CoiiHiimptioii Cured.
An <»td ph)-ieian, retired from braetiee,
haying mu.ioimiy had plan*! in Ida hand* by an u-t
i th« fomuia of a Minnie
vegetable remedy fo, the sp..... Jy lironctntM, ami ,»•.
initucnt cure of (y Urtiimption,
(Jatarrh; Artthmii uml all throat and Limy,
A fTff.tiuna, hIho Debility a rxwltive and radical curf
tor Nervous ami all
i 'out plain) n t after having t&nUnl lt« won*
dirrful carat!v« tiowcrti in thousaiidn <»f
CftH. H, him f. lt ft lila duty to make It
known to Iiih HUncriruc fellows. Aetuatt'o
by thin motive a d a desire to relieve
human suffering, J will send free of ehargts
ali who dtitlre it,tills recipe, full In <«erinan
French or Knjzlisli, with directions
or preprint and using. Sent bv mall,
by addrenslng with stamp, naming tins
paper. W. A. Noyes, 8‘2U rowers' Block
lioehester N. Y .
v y. 114 <_ or CAROL!!, ft Tonic tor Women.
Tf i .»• was rnmle In this country last
year 40,00o.!H)0 false tenth.
The democrats are having n red hoi
Itolitleul fight in Alabama.
Wb are told that ttie lliiril party is
small in Wilkes county.
Bko 8 . W. Kobe: ts, of Sparta, has a
whole printing ofllco for aula, includ¬
ing a good Campbell press,
Ukoiuha lit publicans *uy that Har¬
rison will he the Republican nominee.
If be does, well, the Democrats will
like it better, maybe.
Be Sure
If yon have mndo up your mind to buy
Tlood a ftartiaparlUa do not bo Induced to take
any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 h a |M*etfliar
imdlclne, ix»»(it*?mtng, !>y virtue of Its peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation,
curative power superior to any other article
A Boston lady who knew what she wanted,
and whore example Is worthy Imitation, tells
her experience below;
To Get
•* In one store where I went to buy flood’s
FnikftuparllUt the elerk tried to Induce mo buy
their own instead of Hood's; lie told mu their'a
would hod longer j that! might take It on tin
days' trial; that If 1 did Hot like it I need not
pay anything, etc. Hut he could not prevail
«*n me to change. I told him t knew what
Hood’s Sarsaparilla was. 1 had taken It, was
satisfied with It, and did not want any other.
^Vhen I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
1 was feeling * real miserable, suffering
, |frt , st tM uh d, w , a , ami *> weak
that at «me» I cooM Hattily stand. I looked,
*nd had for ,ome Umi>, like a person til oon
luropUon. ^ Hood’, H.-irsaparlUa did DM so
m goodu,«l wonder at myM.tfaomcUmes.
and tny trienda InsiuenOy.peak ot It.” Mies.
Kiosk A. Uorr, Cd Terraco Ntreot, llostou.
fitfid by all «lrojrs1*ts. f I; »lx for gS. l*ropar(*»l only
by C. I llOOD A CO , Apottiecftrie*, lowell, Mam.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
McElree’s Wine of Cardui
tor lU ‘ 1 ‘' l, v f 1 **' following merchants in
I altaterm r.ninty
llanuuack, I.'eorcN w'.'lirown’!* l.ueas«k Uo'shaVon,
Co , 1 'rawfordvtle
(J OT THERE ELI f C in ui 4 es, to
5 ttays not to cause
»trlctura If usmhI in time la a
preventive other "Sets, x boltle. the
satin* site as St. nrepam
tlons. Freparetl by the Elt Medi
cine (\»„ Wa-I.iligton, «. .. For-aV b,
Met ford A Griffith, IrawfontvHle, Ga.
W Brown. Sharon Ga.
\Vrk’t tar Our Mammoth calalo^ueN A
.Vxwnago liiH>k .
Cottliihias illustration** and xjlvihsj
manufactuter‘s prices on all kinds at
and supplto#, Groceries, It mt> »Id
liinnls. Furniture, t'fotMnx*, Indies
and Gents'Clothiugaud Furnishing r*txHta
taoods, M hit<» (*<Ha 1 s. Drv Ivivy ds.
Hats and ( aps. lka»Ls and (.lov.
Notions («tas»ware, Stationerv Watcher.
*»Kvk Agricuhura! iuwelrv, Silverware, Hucgies,
Whiles, ltnph*itints, etc.
Om.x Fiust Class iioone.
c.uuogue^m reivipt »f joe. f,.r
peelagt*. CahhI A^uits wanted In every
'.u'cwVmkc m'ibucf' Vv»'
y KM'EN ,v
S3 Kivet Nl .Chicago.
And.' lUtsfra e-r v of un >!*.%%
il I t ** 1 KUI it i \i U.ut.l Lof
ptriia^ Athletic S Gjmnasiam
n»e Finest Ever IssaeJ,
mi it v k ii a n»\
Frattklia Sauwe, New Yerk
Su< ‘ t>srt to Lyndon Foundry & Machine Works,
' CarcX.
New Shops, ew Tools, First-Class Men and Material.
Saw Mills, Orijit Mills, Cane Mills, Shafting-, Pulleys, Pedestal
Ipoxes, Bolts, Etc. a Specialty.
fSTMannf otutetY Agents for the Best Engines and Boilers, Injectors and Ejectors
in the Market. in stock Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings.
CorrCSDO" Op, ce Solicited. THOS. BAILEY, Agent. _____j
the rnimm fury
{ £
We are jftep tree! to do Repairs on Engines, Boiler, Gins. I I
Separators ,’>in the BEST MANNER.
i Se Hid Us Your Work!
j Rough ai’ffl J Dressed Lumber, Mouldings, Brackets, Sash,
Doors . an ! Biflds r> j in iact r . all u !> u .Hidings vr Materials, - t always i i on
| j )an[ J S \ Tldl’ r A CT J ON GUARANTEED.
j j ‘a, l
*T| ** ’ . M. SIMS, Manager.
i g
t -COPINGS &C.~ —
Gout m i.A for Builditiir Stone of Eevery Description.
TIi ft m.Ti')!'* lam s of i>r. Irvlnfl, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Carwilo, Miss Timberlatrc fine pu ( Vs nf Art arc works of my own liamis. Likenesses modeled and
cut after j hoto o ^l ..
Corner V7 f ;'; : ngton and Ellis St-* Augusta, Georgia.
^“ 1 .; J is iruttu nicelyU enough, if you will send it and let
us cit'an s it uui prices. ai *tn; 1 y Km uu J
never fall toWfe satisfaction.
Isriii by KXPKRTS. Write for prices.
j No. 303, Sth $tre< t Augusta, Georgia.
Youns.Old W ir Mildle-AgeJ. O
j j The PerfectiDA Adjustable Sho^
j /Ok ExpANnsfrom i-stol-fj
\ it h over tin* Bull an.I
'C-J4 iuij'dlsc'cmffor? it
byw<, * rin «®‘h
jllrf * No r u4lh Other prcveiit-H .shoe so and:
j 1 -ires con.lmiii(»iis an.I
| V 'A & tlider {1'hry feet.
mg Prr*i r Health
mi Promote f.ip
. *s V / Pamfftuioi
i f /vgj Ij a front wvt sidu
\|^ (walks through and Hours the cannot
u» N'/gi, j
( orn» A narrower shoe can he
Are i worn.
All ** Mothltj w tn Stgl#, Fit
(litue ami Durability.
UD.vtu|shOK IfiJSjtefufa *’ T * kt
I i'on- 1,\ 0 IForaalo C.I., Miuunartmrr-,
in, Mass in Crawfortlville ;
| —BY—
The Great Democratic Newepa-j
per of the Southeast.
Tt’legrapll. Local SUfi S^tt).
It's Commerciai and Financial
Are unrivalled by that of a.»> others
iviper in the south.
The Mornin* News is an impersonal
newspaper. It lias no eneiums to punish,
!! is democraBe for the reason that the :
principles of lhat p .rty ar» the best
!ht‘ prusperlty of fiw whole countrj. It
that tariff reform is more m^cos-j
Miry now than ever. j
For profession*! ami bosines- "ion.
whether ia city or country, fanners ami !
•li others, who lie,; re a daiiy or wr-kly
new?t>a|N'r for tl..-m-elves or their fami
lies. The Dally Midtlng Xew unrivalled. s and Tbe J
Savannah Weekly Xews are
l>ai!v Ne one year, $ 10 . 00 ; stx months,
; t)m¥ months $2 50.
Weekly Xews one year. $ 1 .- 5 , six j
months, ^3 cents
AiMiess MORNINv. NKl\ S
Savannah, Ga.
Every clubbing subscription at this rate !
is entitled to a chance at Ttie t oi stltu- ,
tion’s *10,000 Free IMstributiatt ter
lso>‘?. details of which will be found 1
elsewhere. t
This B Hie most remarkable combination t
offer ever made, Every home should
receive its Local paper first and after
that, it should have the best General,
Constitution. aud having circulation pui>H«h<tHi of at Atlanta. 156,000, Ga
55 { 40 t, KTS ItOTH PA I’KKS
------—— --
cor^s 8UNI0N s
dPPFW&es 0r*C4’SiL« ) MB-5*»Aw,a" ‘ia
-Manufacturer of
BBAN -Garble 1 TE ftHtl
aionUbKN to,
tnmu’r n i,.* itn'.idmgs>t. *«.
CU' Th* ! H->i in the Wv*ild.
'ytv Debi^ttF!
Or).;: 11 ai Desi'-insf*
Spih! fox U'» m.
Office am! Steam Works,
529 & 1)31 BlOftd St.. A l li i ST A, (::1
All H’ork Guaranteed. sepL*.
t If so, this offer is
- \ intended for
VVe have made special arrange¬
ments with
The Great southern Weekly,
published at Atlanta, by which we are
enabled to offer it with our paper for OS E
y F..IK for ouly ft 40. Ttii-i offer lasts
only a short while. Now is your
to get all the news of alt the wotlil and
home paper for the price of One! !
Geo. R. Lombard & Co.
Abovt; ^^Mrtfetiger Depot, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.
Complete Gin and Mill outfits a Speetalety. K: ;i
amt Engineering Supplies,Cotton, Grain, Saw Mill and
Labor-saving Machinery, Shafting. Pulleys, Belting,
* taws. Inspirators, injectors, etc.
Large Stock to Select From.
Prices Low. Goods Guaranteed.
we? ' r cir,. ars. rV.’aetmg* of every kind, and new work (light and heavy ;
B-st outfit tkrath
( i N VV ORK and well done. t&~ Whes
j is firm mention this Pars*
Fresh Eastern
And anything else
you may want or
need cheep, at
Crawfordvills i ■ Georgia.
o< »!h 1, HID li
5 U C0HIWSS108 tmmm
mg A J f 738 Reynolds SL, Augusta, Or
Steam Engines, Stationary,
Portable and Agricultural.
WSteam Boil, rs, all sires and styles, Saw Mills, Corn Mills, Feed and C< tton Seed
Mills, lurbme Inspirators, Water Wheals; and keep in stock a full line of Steam Fittings, Cook
Valves, Piping and Fittings, Belt, Hose, Etc., Etc,
EAGLE COTTON GINS With or without Feeders and Condensers
-Tee Best in the World.——
MENTS, the very latest improved.
Call at my office or write for Illustrated circulars and special prices which will be gives
rrtK Large Miacliiue Outfits Specialty;
tl. N. REID, 738 Reynolds St., Augusta, 6 a.
'** ' It throughout the world under the of
IT IS PERFECTLY name Mueen’s Auti-Hai^n- *■ ’
'"S'Vt TpIG V vfl \ SO SIMPLE harmless ASY CHILD and CAW USE
mm IT
Kk a ;-V-- VT applied ever Afterward. It h like
: « or mi any other prepara lion ever i, f
Thousands ,
: Jr\ for ft like purpose. of S who have been ami td
t o\
• \< . N i:< li :,t .1 M - .
* * N I * , N •- >; ; - *1 ojr
.- • 1 v.
fliid ft prireli , n liucen’s Art llHlrtno whU-li
^ 1,011 ** Antl-Hiilrln© tl. v, i ll bottle, ■' aving, by ren Ierlng Its future t r .wth an utlt r ^
b ai**a ..-.-m per Kent in snfetv mailing! poptnee raid h
. rvation). Send money or stamjis by letter with fui; .e'eress writt on plainly
'■ ’ .. I'deutla!. Tills advertisement la honest icht forward in ev o
columns \v e in v:(.> vtMi to d -al with ns and you will find everything no represented. Cut
" ' •••• ,'■•>' QUF-N CHEMICAL CO., 1-4 »■.SltVCIMNATI. O.
*Hrr 0 uulnn* L if nr l ‘” hllj,’hl<‘M t Vi r Sit !iny injury p(Ht Office lo to insure pnrcliaKor. its safe deuv ,'frrj huiii*i #• v. ill gnuranlecd. pay »■ eo fo r ;
SPECIiLl^wm^ of Bilk Wh0 t lnt, th (,U SII ) ! I^DHE order'. aT S C ^Good^fccGar;- m th ^ ir f ricnd ;- 5 L tlcs^of Quep’.iVAnt fo
to select from 3cat with oxHf;ocimis-!on Agents.
F\ t \ •i mm m Hi mm.
duf- umz !? r
m Easily, quickly and permanently by Dr. Taft's 3 HmMILClVlL' f| J CM**:
You will Irnit alter having taken a few doses that it is a i
specific for ti. ; terrible disease. Instead of flying to tiled >r or window, gasping for
breatii, seeming as if each one would be vm.r last, vou have onlv tn take a few doses
of the ASTHMALENE when the spasm is broken, the breathing becomes easy, and you
feel as if some angel of mercy had unloosed the iron grasp of the fingers of death,
that had nearly deprived you of life.
worst cases of ASTHM 4 is the wonder and admiration of all who have used it. The
happiest mom-nt of your life will be when you have used a bottle of DR, TAFT'L
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