Newspaper Page Text
A Sad Cold
If not speedily relieved, may leao to serious
Issues. Where there is difficulty o£ breath
ing, expectoration, or soreness of the throat
and bronchial tubes, with a constantly irri
tating cough, the very best remedy is Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral. It removes the phlegm,
soothes irritation, stops coughing, and in
duces repose. As an emergency medicine,
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral should be iu every
“There is nothing better for coughs than
Ayer’s Gfcfrry Pectoral. I use no other
preparation.*’—Annie S. Butler, 163 Pondst.,
Providence, Ii. I.
“I suffered severely from bronchitis;
but was
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It saved my life.”
—Goo. B. Hunter, Goose River, \. i>.
“About a year ago I took the worst cold
avail. At last l began to spit blood, when
Evv“ S remW^.«n^»ewU'recem:
mended Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. 1 to. k
half a teaspoonful of this medicine, three
times a day, regularly, aiul very soon
Began to improve. My cough left me. my
Sleep was undisturbed, my appetite re
turned, my emaciated limbs gained flesh amt
s:., Lawrence, Mass.
Ayer's Cherry Pecteial
Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
bold by ah Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5,
■4'' \ ftsolity TRAPS First aid MaHH. Always.
.t TL
Km ■
( T% 4
■iSfK m \ ■Mm
3* fiS
Has exclusive sale of these celebrated
ed glasses in Urawfordville,
The only Manufacturing Optiicians
m tlie South, Atlanta,C-*a.
Dl rlHrlUOcatajv AWfiCSHu, Organs ^48. Want agents.
FREE. Danl F. Iieatty, .
Washington, X. «J.
forl*b!p. deafsis= Snr’v*s<;| tti FKKi£» A ,
9uiy. K58 Br’dnajr Nc , it k. Write for Look of pr»of»
.im -t nnd beautifies the ;air.
* }*r< tuotei n Iux'iritint growth.
’~7 j
i Vg-■- ---.'
've! i VAj': .. ji: i, :■ .,'iuic iiitim.. -
ir's^v r r S’S
00 D!
How Lost! How Regained!
ft frHL JENCE/f^^^
eilc ’mail, 120 Invaluable prcucriptiona. Only Prospect- ,1.00
by double seated, descriptive
ng with endorsements pnrr (Kp | I SEND
testimonials of the Press of and the volnntary cured. • P NOW.
Consultation in person or by mail. Erpc rt treat
TAIN CURE. Address Dr., i.4 Bui3nch'Sto
The Peabody Medical InatituW,
C The^Veabody Medical Inadf^tc has many 1ml
to The Science ^'ufe^oi^Belf-Preservation, gold. Head it now, is a
treasure more valuable than
every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to
be STRONG Medical Review. (Copyrighted J I
7K c isarsi! '^•1
r m
PSBSfr- /
m,iIM M a B |s|' ?*? 1
iW*- r ^_ ..
Eia&Pj i
end’prejscrlbe V:~r ans endorse P. P. P. aatisfactlon a# aap'endW comWntUl fSi
It with L'reat fo r the cures oi
and statras of Pri v. Secondary an <i Terti
m p ■ ■ F p U c W* ■ l , tig m
o Sfera^
S' , Scrofulous n<rer3
and Portia, Gbtn du!;ir y.s. dr.ria.
old Chi nlc Clc that si; treat
•Il fio M
Ca s-.r- , Skin Diseases. Ectema, Chronic Female Cora
r!n >: Mercurial V n. Tetter, Scaldbead. ere
r. F. i» ft power fui tonic and an excellent art Itl
as ttk
rer. trai
Lwduss nrboae *y "a« ate p
L» It. b !T^
* i
"V , 3
c*? I
,r - C5J
*» are F ?
\J AtL. T<--/3
I m
•• •3*sr—-'2s
LIF tfi A *4 BROS,, Prooristars,
w - VJ 3 . taCOGICTS.
S*V4»iAK. ex
. , , » n .1 r» „ - j
LdT IntOVeSt tO -All till- xvt ^
ei’S of the Democrat.
(x’lthpl'ed ‘ from the Wide
World to Tickle Georgia
People’s Fancy.
Dead beats, like the silvery moon,
come periodically to their last quar
Blood poisoned by diphtheria, the Grip.
typhoid fever, scarlet fever, etc., is made
P«e Pride, and healthy like opium, by Hood’s is not Sersaparilii^ nan gen us
in small quantities, but fatal in large
A Spalding county fruit grower has
just . . shipped , • , a carload 1 ,1 of on 90,000 nun frAP*a trees
to Ohio.
| Ttie sou th has now 1.2000,000 more
she had a year ag*>.
Notwithstanding their troubles of
one sort and another, the mass, s in
this countrv do not suffer for food.
If you want to have your baby healthy
| j and beautiful, good four food, things bright are sunshine necessary; and
1 Fresh air,
Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup.
I With the greatest confidence we can say
I there is no better remedy for catarrh,
Ithan Old Saul’s Catarrh Cure. Brice
only 25 cents.
Y r ou will usually find it the case
that the man who lias the most irons
in the Are has a wife who has to fur
uisii tlie kindling.
thcfl!;r;Rtto%"' B ^ fonltipation’
sick headache, dyspepsia and
For sale by Dr. R. J Reid.
Cinciunatti is evidently u wicked
city. A big religious revival has been
in progress for over a week at.d tlie
number of conversions have averaged
i a thousand a day.
Mrs. L. R. Batten, Rockford, Ill., writes:
! “From petsonal experience 1 can recoin
' mend Do Witt’s Sarsaparilla. a cure for
I impure blood and general debility.”
| Sold by Dr. R. .1 Reid. 19,570
It is a matter of record that
dollars were coined in 1S04, yet only
eight samples are known to exist, and
those tlmt are in good condition are
valued al ifl.iiOO each.
It is a truth in medicine that tlie dose
that performs the cure is the best. Do
Witt’s Little Early Risers are the smallest
i jnlls, will porfom tlie cure and arc the
1 best. Soirl by Dr. R. J • Reid.
The Democratic party cannot rely
' individual to carry it t„ success
on any
next, Niiveinber. It must win on its
with a candidate who is the
exponent of them.
We truly believe De Witt’s Little Karl)
itisers to be most natural, most etfective.
I most prompt and economical pill for
i biliousness, indigestion and inactive
i iievr. Sol I by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Several Cobb county farmers are an¬
xious to establish a canning factory,
and one offers to donate the site and
1 supply the factory with 1,000 bushels
of tomatoes every season.
If dull, spiritless and stupid; if
blood is thick and sluggish; if your appe
tite is capricious aiul uncertain, you need
a Sarsaparilla. For best results take De
\\ itt’s. Sold by Dr. R. J. Held.
An Atlanta patrolman said,. ' I
! saw a white man offer to pawn a gold
iing to a negro to-day for money
! enough to buy a glass of liquor—a man
i who ten years ago was worth 530,000.
Bright people are the qnckest to recog¬
nize agood th ing and buy it. We sell lots of
bright people tlie Little Early Kisers,
you are not bright these pills will make
you go. Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid.
The congressional investigation now
going on with respect to affairs in the
pension bureau, shows that many of
its clerks who are on the pension rolls
have rerated themselves, and that one
of them got SO,000 by so doing.
“Late to bed and early to
shorten the road to your home
sk itib. But early to bed and a ‘ Little
I Early Riser,” the pill that makes lif
longer and better and wiser. Sold '*>’
| Dr. It. J, Re d
I There is more cotton thartjpaual
held by farmers in southwest Georgia.
Two thousand balas are now held In
Cuthbert, mostly hv farmers. A
thousand bales are held in Albany, and
1,000 each in Thornasville and Quit
It is a fixed and immutable law tlrat to
have good, sound health one trust have
pure, rich and abundant blood. There is
route than by a !
no shorter nor surer i
course of De Witt’s sarsaparilla, hold by
J. Reid. *
Dr. K- ,
Some cotton experts says that unles
the movement from now until Septero- i
her 1. shall show a sharp falling off. j
the present crop must exceed 9,000,000 j
Farmers should bear that ir, mind
when they figure on the acreage this
No country in the world is as pros
perous as the United States. It is
estimated that a’txiut 37,000 persons
are out of employment ir. Vienna. In
Hungary and Russia famine in causing
terrible misery. It Is not stran ;e that
so mull) people , emigrate . , to this count- t
Members of the Farmers’ Alliance
in Kosciusko county, Ind., at a recent
me( .ting in Warsaw, decided to ass'-ss
themselves we kly to provid a fund t<*
defray their expenses f‘»r # h visit . to ♦ .i the
World’s Fair. About 400 farmers and
Mwb w ’ ¥ps w,n c*»miKm th« visiting
Georgia has gold names Hnd aB
other kinds of valuable mmea that any
other southern state can hfyiSt of, and
it has now develoj»ed that the Empire
State has diatnur.d fields. A stone
found dow n in Haralson county nas
lust 1 ’#er. assave.1 at *50,000 This ts
indeed a rich state.
No greater triumph in medicine or
chemistry has been recorded than Hall’s
Hair Reuewer to revivify and restore
gray hair t o the colo r of youth .
The house committee on territories
has nas autnorizwu authorized a “ farorable report on
the bill for the admission or Hsw M#X*
ico as a state; also a favorable report
on t |) 6 bill admitting Arizona to state
; 1,00 d -
It is not the extremes of heat an d cold
so much as the sudden changes In temp
orature that cause certain elimates to be j
unheallhful. When, however, the sys-1
t e m is invigorated with Ayer’s Sarsapa
rilla, these changes a»e rarely attended
with Injurious results.
One of the ladies caught in the New
York Hotel tire had presence of mind
en0ll , h t0 wrap a we t towel over her
] )eil( ] . lll( j f ace to prevent being sufTocat
pU wit|| t!)e 9U1ok< ,. B y tins means she
tva3 able to Vernal n at a window till
h „ ajne j the attention of these out-
8i( j e> The wet towel . saved , , her life. , .
The farmer „ ■---,--, who produces at . home i
—«»»•»«- - « '
family to live, and plants cotton only J
as an item of profiit, is the farmer who
cannot be hurt by any amount of hard
times, lie is self-sustaining, lie is
iviiig at home. He is iiis own boss.
He is the only seraiglitout independent
And so there are two editors of The
Third Party platform—one for the
North and West, with the pension
plank in it, and another for the Ninth
with the pension phude left out. Who
is it, now. that is taking the Third
Party rank and lile of the South for
ools? — Spurt a Ishmaelit e.
The Chirksrille advert iaer has dis
covered the meanest man aliove
ground, and invites all other mean
men to take a back seat. The fellow
referied to refused to give his mvu sis
ter the information necessary tn secure
a widow’s pension unless she agreed tn
give him 25 per cent of lier pension
Keep n thing seven years and you
may find use for it. 1 be captain of a
schooner now In port at Haltornore lias
reason to believe this old proven!. He
lias been carrying crutches on his ves
sel for seven years, to he prepared in
case any of his crew should lie so dis¬
abled as to require them. They are
ow in use for 1 lie first time, audit is
the captain himself who is using them, j
||avj| cr! ,, lo a Ka ] e that
played fiavoc with his vessel on her
latest voyage.
Rev wm. Ho'.Iinshed,
Pastor uf the Presbyterian church of.Spar
,i , voluntarily writes strongly in
favor ot lli'Oil s Saisapaiilla He sa\;
’•Nothing I know of will cleanse the
bloml, stimulate the liver or clean the :
I know :
stomach like this n un dy. of
scores nod scores who have been helped ;
or cured fiy it.”
Tiic highest praise 1ms been won by j
Hood’s IMls for their easy, y«‘t ciflcicnt, |
The Sanders family of Henderson, 1
Tenn , are persons of good standing •
in society. Mrs. Sanders wears No.
15 shivs and five charming difugliler ;
encase l l.eir lit I lo fi“l in sinus rune
mg from 15s (o 12s. tin* youngest nf
them, “Baby,” lining content with the
smaller pair. Av. raged, the six pairs
of shoes show up its foiirU-eiis
Tiii;i)M.ioM. fi ridvr::i)
. 4' si ii Yuli I*'iii!l (lie Hoi'il?
'I’liere I-:t S-inch display ■ .1 v.*i t i- ineiit in I
this this week, which Ii as no t wo 1
words alike except, one word 1 j he 8jinil*
is true.of each new one appearing each
week, Irbm the Dr. Haiti i Medicine Do.
This Imnse place- ' • ......... ” oaeu iy
tl'ing Urey u.-ke ami pub Dink T“r it,
-.end them the mine of th<* word-am! they
will rotufn you Booh, of iioavtifio Bitho
manhs or samples Fret*.
From the Goblib6ro (N. (* ) II
Py. ) (>ne *f tite inns!
p hmnes, and rein,
5[ e houses we have ever dealt with is j
the Swift-Specific Company. <>f Allan- j
(;a., tlie well known foundeys and;
manufacturers of the s very popular
b!n0(1 reme t|y, S ri S whi, h to our per
S0Ilil i knowledge has cured many pen
|,i e Dirimghout this sec! ion of terrible
»,]„ 0( | diseases. Our druggists inform
, JH that in ttie past six months tln-v
j, aVe 80 ],] , n oi« of S S s than any other
preparation for the blood on their
shelve*. The success achieved by that
( . r|n jH [najll jy to theii extensive
advo tising and to tlie purity of lfi»‘ii
medicine, which does evervtltitijf
claimed for it. We are unable to re
cord :i single mstacce where a pur
chaser has been deceived or disap
pointed. A treatise on Blood at.d
Skin diseases wiB be rnai e l free to all
who address.
Nowis tiin<* to invigorate ami fort if.
your constitution. l»y using a hottlps Of ;
Ur. John Bull's Sarsaparilla Y*»ll lM‘«*. I
it. Everybody ne«*«ls t*» take this *»xcfJ
)ftnt a)l( . r|iatjv( , and bliMki i Rl
tins seasou of U,e }“ It wilt t’U r
of weakne-s it will eh y> 141
Il “ mav v" n:ive f you an attack of piu-uiuniiia ,
„ lh s .. r „ spe n, „f si- knc—. for at
the approach of spring the system is very
{,ai>it of taking iodide of poU'-li •■a<*li 1
spring, try it tliis year, dissolved in
Hr. Join, lloll’s Sarsaparilla.
rhu* tafcpn, KMlifb'or jx*ta fi na» hikI no - v,.
Hft .. s ef ^ ct 1)fl the stotiiai-Ji. .iv< i ar
d. )- Each botth, of Ih 11 a
p?iJ.- uf no dlcifie.
of added t a *
little J)r. John Bui ’* Sar^aparilfa wpiah and \
five irralns to enet» how h *
thus you know exactly Hito you are
;V.\ !fr> OWef Car o I!
“For v« r* I IMV»* tkff't
incurable case of blood «lt V . iilll: S I
Ha haparilU U the < WheneVr r«'jn* «iv that 1 givek take j
me any durable re j let
iodide of p**ta.':. I alwav-* tat-** it with
R'*HL -ai-aparilla I* al w.J- .» a l*t
ter effect on my ^y-tem when mixed with
this SarsaparitU."
m Dr. BULL'S facilitates Tftthino and
A ee If CVDIID regulates the liowols. At
A I u I llUr all druggists. Price 25 cts.
ri m
in! a
6* I
L i ii
rSSMUGH^. BULL’S Hoarseness, Cures Coughs, Asthma, Colds,
aa afeg sirup
S BOKE ; <vors avi chunrr $ /■- r,i.
Uir>h. Price t i Cts. At «i.' arj fJts.
^AUGUSTA -.......
-;£j -,-n, LA.11 w I”! LAUi\ I ITTVMMV
---Main OFf'.'K amp Wouss.-
I2. : ;ti kaonSt., A.uptut«t,‘i, G:•
’’iist (''JdSN W»rK (iuaranU’' , il.
'V’»i h tut :ird oy«r to the Dkiiochat
• t down. For further linfonnaGoju
!i- Editor. RpllUif
Home Council.
W*» take ploAstue In calling the atten¬
tion of mothers to a home cure for aU
diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, e
medicine so long needed to carry children
safely through th critical stagy* ol Tenth
cuijjhle blessing mothei ;
la an Inca I to and
child it fs an Instant relief to colic ol
infants, a diseases with which Infants
anff«*r so mueh the first four months «d
their llff it lives sweet rest to the alck
ami fretful v e.bild. It strengthens and
inillds up the weak gives appetite am?
flesh to the pithv. corrocts,drain liom tht
bow ds, cures Diarrhoea and Dvsentaiy.
A panacea for Hie children Try oua
boti|o. It coats only.
Scientific American
. Agency for
* 4 4 % Patents I
■ JflM
IT trade marks,
For information and froo Handbook write York. to
OldoHt patent bureau taken for aocurlug by patents Ih brought In America. before i
Every the by out given ur free or charge In the
public a not loe
Ji'ctentific Jitmiran
liargeat circulation of any nclentlflc paper In tbo
world, splendidly Jtboui tlliiRliatod. No Intelligent
man Hhould * It. Weekly, INN 8.I.OU 00., ft
SSL ft.50 alx 'iPTithR, AddrcMM MI A
L.-. isn RiKt, ;>T'Wroftdway, Now York.
mi'i, pi r
m »
W i
iite S A ff
it UPTH [a 1 e-Aeraw
A Cure for the Ailments of Man
and Beast.
A long-tested pain reliever. i
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the
(Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one
requiring an effective liniment.
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of
years, almost generations.
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of
Mustang Liniment.
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
AU druggists and dealers have it.
“ BrlII^ant' , Poppy, l*» ihket ... *<ithkn l'*-a *’ < |,w »• t l5f.
> Hrmen, Waban and lt *4 /raw. both for .>()< . |*</tau» ** AwrrUtmn Wottfar” t>*-r lb TlOe.
• Rare Cbryaamhomt lira, eatch .>(>e. 4M.SO ; | Fon*l«, buwun oor p*ck«t aup^rb atroiii, loo* almont SOc.
m€ ...............—— i ................... -
« Cttaice Ckrantama, nu:h 'lav .; a»-t 1.00 j I’ai^y, Kxt ru thou*, pa* Met lac
ISwoet Com 'Golden hia/i/yipukrt I.»c,
. An f one not now a mit+r rlbar ran hare Yn c’a Maoazura one year free, who order* % |
wtxLlf (row u\ before May
» tr¬ One writer tayt: " Stand* at head
^ . , <*f ;*ri * harmer catalogue*. ** f-.very
penoc Intereited in f from r towers or order. V egr-t., ahould have one. Price only ten
Oents, which may be de* ; first
A vuck*t of 40 -th Out VK V.V. with each order when derdreA.
if. Le\ .
r T me LiCrtT
>TEw|oM£ 1 An
'' !
■ '
;i:(iv hom .oWiZW: sum Mwm <s. aiwms
Isr.iaiaieo- -"SF* ^mvrJ
Tin s Rich utns, cu vwkoudvu.i.k, «a.
iip' ■
' '
mmm ,
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T.v 1., : h\m, u . 11 .»>*) j».m. H 2'»n.ra.
>1; u'!’, | 1 u.m. I0:4o HR5: u.m.
j v >. ! -VrUnl' HoT>
af Atl'dii .1 '. KVia.m. n.m.
a't V,': :lmua *1 a.m II IK* p m.
• in »n p. rn : ■-* (Hi ii,m.
a' i t hutt'in.i. i j <• i > H iti.
,• I ,i; 11 i ,Vj jo .. 7 JtN p ro.
A Kr r_i KiiiitvVuh. •iMi’innntJI . l'» 11 111 , , ■ ; ■
j P Izz a.m,
AsiievHi!** ii ,,, . r £ t .i'f n ' .. 1 | 111: 8:10 10 it p.. 11 9 24 { a.m. ,i i.i
112:85 a.m I 42 p.m.
Kr Mristol •! i id >5 p m 12:25 p.m.
Ar Glade J'ytiH'vliio Hinings 5:3 a.m. 2 40 p.m.
i a m.! 4 ir> p.m.
* r 0,1,1 ^ 0 • u.m i 7 (tt p m
Lr ^ Nntiiml Hri'l 40 7 i t u.m. . N:.T2 p.m.
.. II ..A u.m . 12.87 a. m.
Ar l,.\ I’etoi’HburK. nchburg I 111:20 7:2») a.m. 9:21) p.m.
A r Norfolk ! 2:00 p.m
in n op ■.' • irrl6t
HID ■i'iviI 'll tlulltn mol I’ull
man HntTVt Hl< »*rs I Jack .1 to i.'I iicumatl.
conneetin |R at Koine wit h IhrollK h HU icpers to
Wustilimt ton, an ml at Clin tliiimiiRa with 1 ’ii 11 n iaii
Sleepers for Mon iplils aral I Ilf Wl'Ht.
Train I If a v I iiu BrutiHwlDk »i s.20 a.m. connertH at
Wneon v vltli I’ii 11 man Slueppr for Chat tarn ><>Ka unit at
A tin Utl a With Cullman Hlfi'pf i fur (Ctuixvlllo wtu ro
coiinei'tlons am mafia with Cullman Shipper for
Chilaflf Iphia and New York, and 1 let Springs and
sir bTm K iricxmiSb^Tinnc^ Win !
T\\ Way ”'fkl.;^H^..,,VlT.,lGVrV,r“'L77.\ , ^N:.V ,, Y-," , * 0,,, ‘'
No Iron find Mlg(iii<iir«'4'onlrii«*l Tlrlti'lN.^
FRANK Apply JObLY. tf Tlckflt Ak«’hIm oi !<•
M. Pintrirt CauHnngor A«f*nt,
No. 75 WoNt liny M., Jni Iimoii villi', I‘'la.
A»»t C. I.m'l N KI0IIT, I’M* Agent, Geu Il l W. IMHmifer WIIKNN.
Atlanta, Ua. Ksavu.u. Tlu 0
V . IL .1, V • i.
I* i n v 11r»•. In
fllirr wurd*, tvi
Vtill fen.h J' til'
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l|lU. k
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va&z&b, (II WIO n iifty
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Cjii PmIIi •<
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iuain a nf IniiriB,
nil tour
llllilllcMf» I Ii i.iily ft
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xx o i.b. i in
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%• q {t) • e ii |« r it v « 4
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(my U i fir
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(A M , *flll,llt’IMl(lv (cites ttll wnrlt«n
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t, i' ■' ' "Hi" at * inn 1 . A.llllers, 4 i 1.0 1(0 14
; * \mi\ <t’ i |4o a (Mi «, i iiiixl, tlalii*'
Who Shall be ;SIDENT?
Is it Harrison? Is it Cleveland ?
Is it Blaine? Is it Hill?
Tic Farm j h at large expense, m
___ ;:rn,u. i t, anil printed a beautiful t ounting House'
FARM (Calendar for 189a, containing portraits of the leading
-— ---Presidential possibilities ; Cleveland, Harrison, Hill.
Blaine, McKinley, Gorman, Boies, Rusk, ar.d Crisp, also Postmaster-General
Vv'aiiamr.ker. T hese
portrai ts are in This space Si occupied PORTRAIT
themselves lteautiful with engraved portraits of either
works of art, really IIA«PIS0N, CLEVELAND.
splendid 1 ictures, BLAINE, HILL, CR!5P, after the Calendar
WANAJV1AKER, McKINLEY. is done suitable
JOURNAL Whichever you may select. for framing. They
are sold, with or
0 *5 ± r df " without the Cal
as fine as any steel ,
engraving, anil in ,« 5 , ^ < |. ~i ’■ I,- CALENDAR
adver¬ i OWflXDM,
no way an i j ii« I i l riowoi i i JLC1o_W00^
tisement. They will co OOKiQt
be an ornament to O — to-- fv-tv— endar, for 25 cents
cnco each, to non-sub¬
't N scribers to Farm
50 CENTS •- Jouknai,.
* * I » * * i ■ i « I
1 i
any parlor, or office, Tit is The is a miniature }** by of yjj the inches. Calendar. 25 CENTS
wall, or desk, and size ts 5
If y«>u are a Cleveland man you will want a Cleveland
Calendar; if u Hlnine man order a Maine Calendar; if a Hill man order a Hill
fj Calendar; it a McKinley man order »i McKinley Calendar, and so on.
The Farm Journal U well known everywhere in tl>c Cnited State*
}\J A ns one of the very skim-milk; l«-st Farm it paner.s—a is the hnihd-down pcrh ct ^em c»f a Family chuck paper. full of It
is cream, not paper;
U common-sense; hits the nail on the head every time. 1.very one who has
a hotne, or cow, or pig, or chicken, or has a farm -Mg or little,
t>r a garden patch, ought to take the Farm Journal. The
fact that it has a round million readers bespeaks its wonderful
• popularity. Jt is the one taper that guarantees its advertisers
¥7tMt * to be honest, and protects its readers against fraud.
II costs notliini! In vote; the Farm Jiuiriinl bn ela year costs IlKMorttvr ri air
i,Hilling: Ihe I’rcsidenl’e l’ortiait . l,o ;■,< ■■ too 1 • onto G. merely en,n the . ■.
penses of printing, wraplng, umiling, ete., p.m i '.-a juti sn!i-ei ibc at. once for *111 *
( HA« HIKDVIl 1.1. lU'.MOt It \T.
Tun Ctiwvi'oiinvil.l.i: [>KMo”iiAT, one 'ear, •ij Ol)
Faiim Jot'HNAi,, one yrtir,
I’n-siilent’s I'nrtrnit I'alcmln,. cove in. one yea',
nil for unit 1 10, but ten cents niun* Ilian our u a! Mlbsi’i iptj. ii i: fo; or if youi
' nb <)i 1*1 i'»n to the IK m<m n vi bus been paid up in I • wBl th** .I.fUariai
•>»«! eal’ nilav tor • a’. Make re, .lueet I
Tli© Demcor^ t
CkaWFOI: mil I I ( .1 t Mi 1
Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offer! „
n MUMMnrcm evni niunm
1.911 f
-------— auv 4 ■miiiaipfjiyjji ~-- ..-sr.-m-osaNk v _ four volume.^. W
*^5 A Great and Wonderful Work,
i Pfer 2,0 7 © Pages
*1 t
§ sf .’ ■i'll 623 Bcmitifnl Illustrations!
TI1K MaMMuI II <*V(!M»C Kl IA I it< .Bill 1*11
' I'l 1,1 1 Ilf* ID vim fur
mh\ II .< Ml lie ami fiff’ii* ir*Ai. 11 ,- »v r u in pdf’
L L •.1*5= , ii, III i i••)i,if I m 0,1 mat it Hark W i “Oii |l Ml'D I. Dl IioRuI 2.IV4 tllil • *t»
m\, la Hi'* hiti wnr :■ •j l». cctiiy • f tetri t ■ UiM ut)' or.! in
b If I
X 4 [
“a*,* <• -il >rh, 11 H 1 ! - fllft
M»m u <! ci 11 rt . 11' .
II INTO It V. Tm* War, Ivb
aii'1 nil I In,,1111(1 iiUU X;, viI pro 4 Tmil
fu.cly II u'lr»ti"l , lf«h. |i|„ii: i. ' H* • v
o»iri|'l',|« lll*i 'IL 1 eliifit’•!,a 1.1 : I
the |irM«ut II Ilifin; pri lorf IMini ’ ii. 3 Afghan*. r«r»l
>f inn t rvi’litH ill h nutty ch. Ulie'luglo',1 I- Mil*
He,, HU r
if J . •1*0 4*
IIIOUIL\l*ll V. T i u'ltln* I 1,1 v s of oil >f am KA«T I !<»
I thr FfPMl'Iciiin nf flu* I lillo.l M *»•* • . fmlM Wu-hliiif'in f“
Hirrlianb, wi i ii ml -it her llln .fr.if loiM, olen
jioiiritli* “f N filcon Hon W mil
linn) alula KfM" n, ilfiir l»), fiaiilol Wi'iHt r, «“ I
faiiioii* tB.rncn, n iflmr*, puli it, r, to min, *4«rgvmHi, fto *"U’
4 own tn I lilt |d t I'* ,!
mi4 fhi |«
| AOIIHTI.'I I Iff". V "I’ I 1 *o(fg
j in I'aiini'i*, if.’ iiiiig “f I’ 1 “I ■ r,*;»**. it i,i ,4 f “ ■ I'OIII*"HiN I lfOIH « It*. !
j f*rm Imjil'OiiOlil* i |iie»lo.ik miliiiiU*: r«l*li*g f*»v •'* ‘ling 4 how of |
! 4l»ca«c« iif iJoiiiMKiJ'i j».»«• fi '
[ •uccMfnl mid jim/HaM*, L»" k' "|4n«, 4 ilf. Litmlng, »,*<•
j ffcmiiniit "f Mo •" »nlij«i;f* I* 0“>o|.lH" tto4 < xhn ii« il.i ..I
j rciidi r» 11," wm * of |rr'iil|irn<ill'!»l u»" •« farmif* «li4«fi"Jka cork. taj'h
IIOK I I I l:l:. If*• 1 I" Kb *1" oi'B'l afill l»ifri« i
1 H I I r** »> Mll'1 1 " |H»tlllf<!'l NA II IIA I. Ill * TO If V I ntn iinsr In**
I |(, gilt / n 0 of Nil hill I* of “■■golnLir, II ml". fc»
' froin lli« •*p*fl«hne of th# iuo»* ffocKnifiil I'ofUdiillMflli . .. , *M<t iitMflW *vin iliiurtiJftliirii ■
I A 1(4 111 I E4 I I K * ffPklgrH »>f'4 |.l«»iwf.hons«a, aottaxwii. nm ,1 1
f.uM.s sib) other ii i' 0" I 'lingo, with vaioaMw • og loo» t" e-implwt# I?*
• • • I
, IIOI'HF.IIOI.K. 'I',U toorh f:or»*l»l , i‘* trl. 1 .1, I '■ I *"•!!•"* .. / I.. .,•? con I * *■ < funeral in - **
] for «i|!mi«t every lm»gloi« , i ilihf .r l.r«*nkfii«i, 'Lum i nn4 l« « nn4tlml' , »•*“ the* *r« which o'*
1 thU <thjiwrttM«,«' nio0" ti*ln4 worth rnoii* iIhmi iiln« U’liihn of btlfwttmi. i .1 4 >
• the C0*>| liKrli# "old , (ilniml liiOiiin*f«l'l" hint*, h*'!j'inn4 MIMSO ................ 1 «ll„l!
fMiioo, to hounkiM J.'<« 4w«lfa» wo 4 *■ Igtf* Ml |/,“* • rtlnuioiid*. (ur.
h«nnilfui it'd y* for »h<> a4orniii«iil ! ».f I die : tf ,;,i. »n i ,-r «*»» , *»■
nntiy *(irk,*inbroMfry,*'<J.; hlnWAw to f,r
all ih« vnrlou* plaui* foil* ’ I'M.'., iHHIotr , , how , i HO^OF.II* «F Till: .... Ml,A. fibre
HiomiMful with comI'loxIon, I<*ii4*, W«lli, l.aii. I '
Ui prwwff# *»4 h»*ntll/ (*»• ; p;,, i f m»d i).« rnmi, won-I* rfu, wi.
•M., «M. r* j jMjUoiiiofih«*oc*-i*i», Ih** p.«i i*. Howl *»»»■> * - , rika
-I ' •*"' 1 ’■
MKIUCAI.. h--> tlnoo «h vnlunb AMI \II'*> M I.AM <M
• •ruiuaii) to eve** j,..or of um ■ A TI **T M ,, |.
j lnform*'l'in Imrela «oat«ln*"l * * 1 ' 1 y ***" ! " «> •■■ "''4 "■*' '
i« «ivrn • *»*• »• .o.n.t >■ • f
; y*t riltuhh homo r«m<’4l"*, to <**ut h**<i«Hiol-l, e*«ty ( „f »hi,h l«th<- * n ■ * a>,
4U«*M »fi1 »lllii"lit lli»l l«*!orMf.!. , III/* »1»'|.ftftinHil f .r. i / H j ,.f n-r a»-l
i ootnti'HO hi «41 on I hooli, the vnlnw <■' which IU kuy home can j of ih* p, Unrip id le,.||ji l’i" of 'p*>
! hardl; ba oompatwd In 4*>IUr» an4 «*mt«. I river,. «r« l» filial •lea.
h«* ' tlt| f |
IftVkftTIOS ANI» IM*4’0 VICK v. K«tn«*’lietilf fiitar- ' ar«aa»i4'lej'ih of 0
! lo iod“ >>■« <M*nu, ’...-.motion of •i.fmaW «••*'» »’ of D“d ijfhl III Biotin
••iltiK dusiilpHon. "f •" IovwuHoim / fr'.m Wl'hii .gtnn alto,
I Ktiflna, th#Telegraph, the "'*• Fi'-trin LJifhf. iimh.i*. tower, ••»** •tro*;lur*** “ti'd'.gieol M»u>ry of 41*
• thaftewlnx Machine, *he T*l* phone too Tj|#a WiK«», th« Tvp« fro.,, n. » If orb lo mpofUnt i% u( Afiririt'an Ml,ura,
j netting M», i i" C Oil ■ «•■ * r opening. (lf»
TIIK U'OKMFM WOM1KIC* f.i^hh Wlpilor,. i r ( .f «'•-------- * *•' if re*
I hwauilfollr llln»ti»t*4, ofthw r**IIow*ior,« 1 - 0 . , w r i,| feci, la naturwl hl»»or *uy of
) Fall*, l'w*K v , „ wi»4*f .1
Valley, Niagara Ihe AT*. «’;.‘*''{ Natafali hllUl ,» ,, „,>rtuo 1 th- name., f Sn*l* •, eon gr**f
Vienna, Ihe t’anoi.4 of fnh.r»4o, Memmu'k fine, f*hlr», feiniilar qn t. r ’ 1 -1 r,f
( Brlli*. Watltoa the Whit* Mooutwln*, *l« , *W. 4yHi* »or4a of fimuiir v-f*- f»"> " f **>•> Ap**tt««
TIIAVKIA. lieecrlpllofi*. profua*!f Illoe '■<»<■ V of ihf Ilf*, j •'■tUUc»"f the floh*, Iaa41n« 4#*ftim*ntb ut the w< rr ft *«4i
inaunar*. oultofn*, pe<sull*f form*, rlt«* au4 eernar,f,lrt* i t th * I otc, 9
From tha abnva brl ot wtimmary nf \tt r.ontrntn wm# I4«n nf what a remarkably |nt#r**atlnir, 1 •no
b« n,noil. y«*t bur. fractional part *•' tba t«|4ca fr**a ai ♦ In
rah ilnOlila work tha M a mm <mf ‘ Y( Utl ■/Kill a in may i a rr»t«rf»*lnlfilf k'">wt*nKr ni »i|tn ■all* n
fbla Mil* irreat eat work wr have b**f n nun I f Ja n va« 1 . ab»f**hr,tor** ptilrlfibwii , f tiaeful and Janitnat'f At br |
ably tm** of f .ha 1 h**i » fid moat vaittObli* wrifliM < tor fii any nr (■'•rf*!**4ln«' I rofi«Un'
on' 11 ft la a work work f«» i, ho I,** r'rf»aalt**d rrrry day ' with >ftffar<| t - ih« vsfloua dntlaa H 1 " i tutl for cou
•n m* in wr IttBK »**4 ;,;r erafttion. hr It*** fann<*r •«<! bniiacwifj* in tbwlr dally an
tin uou# rea <110 If no w la worts c/itertalnifiy or Inst ructive.
! l’..t only • 1 50, we will send a complete "I <>f the Mammoth Uvcoi’P.: ia si <1
J Tim f.’itA wroiii>vii,LK Dkmik i. a : o..,- \
OO the best riding
Thl* is a spe¬ Ever before offered, x_ jfjf* 8 r V j/jp *Jv $
cial offer. Wo *******
sell them at ULL
this price to in¬ Jk^RubberTop,
troduce them, Eliptic Springs,
regular price Is \ A Piano Body,
875 . 00 . # i upholstered In
WE ARE l a fine grade of
* f cloth,or leather
WHOLESALE if preferred.
MAMUFACyf* Three or four
fr i bow Either wide narrow
top. or
track. We would also furnish Corning
body in place of Piano body If desired.