Newspaper Page Text
Highest of ali in Leavening Power—Latest U. & Gov’t Report
nfl,,,l " 1 ..... \ ( !(ilti)i|i|
< >f Gost-ift
Sparkling l*ara;4raph<*d I;<■ iiik
< rathemri from Town
and County.
— Mi Gorham is some better I'd*
- Snow last week and May weather
this week,
-Mrs. May Wright visited
nil* this week.
Mr. .1. It. Moore is s’.iil rigid. L>w
with paralysis.
Mr' Lila Norton -.>-nt Sunday
night last in Augusta
Mrs lien. Reid has been veiv sick
this week with measles.
Madam Rumor was cornet almul,
Uie mat rmg>- laat week
Most people look for cotton to lie
iltoul :i and 4 ce .Is next fall.
Mr In Ellington, of r>«o'»v<u,
was In Crawfordvill,- tills week.
Mr* Nancy Moot# Is visiting Imr
daughter, Mis J. N. Chaptmin.
• I’ol II M llotdeu was lit Warren
eounly this we-k oil legal busineHs.
Henry T H'n i> * .a 1 omid og this
week with his family in this place.
Mr. John H. Winbnrn, of Angs ¬
ts, sysMit Sunday last In ( lawfordvdle.
Last week’s free/,* came very nvst
fretiring up tin* llstiers In this c ni di v .
- Some of the eailv gardeners will
lava to piuol Die) truck again this
■ a r.
Jack Oeqiet went d iwn to Au
: isui .Sunday night with the bridal
E'llleGunu is with his parents in
am place when- lie will speml a fe v
« rek«.
There Ims been a new fence put
around the E. K. Boone lot te at the
When *nb*crib«r* f ill to get their
l*i MCOUAT regularly please notify us
nt once.
—-Cori(!S|*ondenta will please send In
,i their notes i on . or . , before \ U V elm , . lav of ,
each week.
-Politics will '*• lively In tin* mw
tion now Somi. Wo can almost hear
’ em bile now,"
John rltOvaJi, of Huckhpad. was
bare Monday last accompanied by smiM
if bi* fllaptd*
~M Vi fli p,. r. Rhode* lias boon
qua , but is aliout well ig tin, we
ire tlad to know.
— M la* Mu Marta spent a pari of
tin., week bete the guest of Mr. W. J
SWtou’i family,
—•J ohn Mtcjiidoift »ava them will be
another marriage at the church next 1
Monday afternoon.
—.Slicrtif J"tdmi is a splendid hand
ft» wait Upon the sick ami he does his
nam of that work.
—Yesterday’* riin was a sonliei ntt.I
fell heavily iiikiu coin land llrnl had
already Ueeu plauted.
— JiionT. Maim, of Augusta, spent
a \y<vs davtithU vi<h*K wUh fiilUer'n
family in this county.
—. Min. M. t\ OrirlUh *m9 cliilJron
of tliifl pUc* vifiito l ihUUvdii tiotir
Uuiou Point this w ‘«k.
Tlia Ailklo* Ho .sc is the place to
get nice lodging and soiu rittng good
to eat when lii Augusta.
Wi ate sotiy to learn llmt Mr*.
Frank Taylor has been very sics at
t.ei home near beiot this wiek.
All of the creek* In the county ,
were very much swollen yesterday.
t 'ops are not .damaged we hope.
—Mr*, Ida Ham* played a splendid
wedding march for the Thompson
Norton marriage Sunday evening.
—Spring i* opening up and the |s*o
e can watch there columns for no
ttom of reliable hou*-.* wa.tiug your
— Mr. IV. A. M'pfl l l ad a lish flu,
one half inch long, cut **tf hi* linger
, few day* ago that w»* stuck In there
fast Juue.
Mrs. M. R. Mixiieand Miss Alma
Brown an* again with relatives aud
it tends In Craw told vllte after a few
weeks stay in Warrwoton.
Jullua J. Portwrdd. Who has I*mi
Horking at the car[*euters trade In At¬
lanta tor the past tow month*, has re¬
lumed to his home in this county.
—Mr. _ and Mrs. M. F. Thompson,
Augusta, attended the marriage oj
Umi. sou tore last Sunday, occ.mto
by thetr daughters Mtsses Eva
j*nd l'ami it*.
-Miss 41... u Mamie rt Parham, •* nfS of Norwood, irnwi!
*a» a welcome guest 1J t Mwtordvtiie
Oils week Miss Msmie used to a.
trad school here and ha* many friends
among out i-eopl*
—We invite communications upon
all subjects of iotereal to the people
of the couuty. but for the sake of th*
editor, priuler and reader, please make
your articles short.
The House will pul wool on the
list . Many other things should be put
on the same list.
•lack ohauuht cum coii^upnuoa.
Owing (o the extreme had we.ttoi
the meeting of tl„. county D»inncir e
Executive Committee was p.,*tp.....*l
* and will Use tiled to m*et at an early
date. line notice will be give i
through tbe*'* <: damns.
A A Printer Printer W-mtori Wanted
wanu a good. >->ici " ,, H
'• '■ "" ' " J ‘ “
gooo job lit api'h ug at once to 1 li«
! iici «M Journal Gr.eiicstoro ’ G, "
stating wages ex ■■cried
Requested to Meet.
All the children in (Tawfordvillc
at.d rictnety are requested to meet at
; the Baptist chuich here on the
Sunday ill April next, at one o clock
!> M.. to organize a Sunbeam society
; Thete fthmild be a good turnout on that
^ occasion,
It is Right.
*Mneh iineasiiK-s, wr.-felt the Aral of
the wo i li at last we, k’« freeze load
u,„ f,„,t, hut upon exatnnution
it proved that there need be no fears.
From present ppearaiicea, if there are
uo In zes the U-es willls* load
ed with delicious peaches, |«:ars and
apples. These fruits add greatly to -
t,„ luxuri, »«>f life and we hope they
w li) lie ( lent Ifui till* yeal.
Doos tho Truth Irtjurof
A friend tell. us tlml wlmt we Mill
in our e litoaial , List , , week did , , sir. ,.
Watson am Injustice, Repul,lion,is
who were at the tneeting have denied
that the Warrento,, convention M „. ;
domed Watson, ff ills and Injustice i
' to tell the truth uhout Ins sending
docunietil s to tho negro Republicans
we cannot lie’:' doing him an Injustice '
lie sends them a id we have plenty of j
proof t hat lie does.
Ho Wants the Spring.
Capitalist* ate being drawn to our
midst, and < very ciur-n sliould b» in- j
teles!ed in the advertising of what, we j
have. Mr. Whiteman, a New York ;
capitalist baa been to ilillmmi 11*is j
k, with Messrs' Jesse , lhoin|i»<dl , ;
M ,\ \v. ( onway, of Augusta, I
looking * over the ground* their. Mr !
Whiteman wants to buv tlit* Nausea
Muring* 1 * at that place 1 and put In large
botiling “ work* , am st, p ' the water to
all purl s of the wmId, 1 , here me un
told tr* asutes nil about tlnough out
county tbii! need developing.
Mrs, Henry Dead.
Mrs. ltol t-cca llenry, oneof tbo old
esl and most ies|«.,ted ladles of our
ooubty, dlad last Mmutxlsy at tier home
a few tulles from tills place. She lifts
bent lu feeble health for several week*
past. Her Frith in the Savior was
strong iiad *!"• wu* a consistent uicm
her of the Rapt st church at this plat i
for many year* where ahe always loved
to go us long ns *h« was able. Hite I
leaves several chlldu'ti to iiiotirn liei
death. Her reiiniinft were Interred In i
family burying grounds Hand >
aftern.ain, tft** fuiul s' l' lrcs being
conducted li lb v. li. K. 1„ ) I arris
Tbe b. rea \ ed have th* sytupathh* of
it you nt«' nfuletmi with rtu*unmtHin. ;
pnit^r *>Udh jmitt, or it
you hav«A upmlufd, w» i*t t*r aitkio you
' ought ;»t <m<vto prooun? turtiluof ShIva
: ,,un ‘uro on «aiih for
j»niit it only cur(m 25ci*lit» u
"I.o! tUo |*oot Itutl&tir’ with <hiI«|.
Won’t koine ’ good .Samaritan” send him
» bottle of Dr, hull's Cough .Syrup?
Married Sunday.
There was a happy marriage cero
mony iiCifomie I at the Baptist church
heiv on last Sunday owning at 8
o’clock, bv the lb v R, B. L. llarni
t he tn art* at 1 hands of Mr. John F.
Thompnn. of Augusta and Miss Mat- ■
tie Norton, of Ill's place. ive*e joined
In Indy wedlock, and the ceremony
was a prett v out nd very Impressive.
Miss M tt * is « tie of our swcolesl
lad; Ie -laughter "f Mi. W. 1
young i
J Norton, out well known contractor
The groom t* the popular i ok kwj>er
off*. 1>. II-iikau *t (\>*. of Augusta,
Tlie happy eoitple left **a the fast train
Sunday evening for Augusta where
they wit! make their future home.
The presents were numerous and many
of them very hands one. TN best
wishes of a large number of friends
attend them to their home In "the
t - llv by the Savannah."
Hjw's riilal
\V>* oiler One Hundred Dollar * Reward
any case of ( a»*u h that can not b*> cured
by F j chkNKY ,v OO. Props. Toledo,
We the uudeisigned, have known K.J
Cheney to, the last U yvara, and heNeve
him pert*-eu> honorable ta afl totonem
UpmcUioo aua ftuiMKaally lo e*ny
nut any uUigstion* «ade by thetr %nx.
Tr „ax. Whslemle Dn. W hiU,
0 Waj iing( ulnMa & xsrvin,
Wholesale Druggists Toledo Ohio
UaU . ( Ostarrh Cure is taken internally,
sottug di.ecBy up-ra the Wood arid mue
ou* surfae.s cf Mte system. Trite, ?to.
per by all UruwUt*. Tea
i>r. J»nn iiuit’a V»*rm Dmtiwyere
ta*»e good aud quickly rvmoivfwormsfrom
,,u''** n-^ 'tvanh"'' Tiw
them. No other worm medMae i*- -> sate,
nd sure Price A' cent* at drug suit es or
cut by mat! hr John D Park .♦ Smis Co,
»ud nr cAuivirtM OqcIq&aiI, O.
c~> SaC DO cr cr -5 DO — cc aa m
From Different Seeti< ns
Taliafei ro.
v- New- ... lG. Itriilie mH thriV flKJ Find r HI fl in 111 fhriir tnur
Respective I >0< :illtOH for
( )ur lteadci H.
nv swamp rox
Dull.' Dull! times.
Dr. C. ». K-r, irick male » A) ig
trip to Augusta last Thursday
ir.g. Miall w« picnic EasterV
Won’t some one suggest a
Mr. W. M. Moore. Who has beer:
confined to bnUdfot some time, is
again able to he ,p, *nd at n;s proto, -
"tonal . duties. . ,
I>r. Wammack, of Ihefirtn of
mack Lucas, A < n., Spent last Monday
evening with "Swamp F .x ” The
In. in a cl-*-, fellow and we ic. e m.
sucee s.
Mr. It. T. Kendrick, who has
furred a vreat deal fiorn a bone felon
„„ bis band for the lust week, we are
giad to chronicle ins recovery, and to
sec him on the streets again.
Anthony Turner (col) was arrested
fucHday (-veiling for whipping his
wife, and lodged in the station house
that night, but In coining tires:*,no he
releaaed himself and skipped the C.ty,
Politics nil the go about town;
are we to do. Are, we of that number
having eye, see not. nor ears hear ""t
the cries of our country at larg--. Are
we to Imtray the c. inlideneo of those
win* Illlit drew up the Gohatitution of
the I of A. and turn our face*
from mo Deniociatic platform. God
forbid , that , wo shall ever go back , . on
l>>”*Ur «pHn ; , e 1 , banner of «he past, the
on * • l "‘ l * l °™'
^.'1 Jackson gave Ids precious life
t!Y W A V I,
Val la tile weal her
Work bet iveen the showers.
Begin early and work late.
Col. J. \\ Hix mi was here last Sun
Time is precious and It waits for no
This is ideal spring weather with its
bird* and flower*.
Do youi dutv and you will l> t happy
* r ' " aH "" '
Wednesday) on busmen*.
The out crop isfvery , promising in
llita , section . Uiouh .. , but , . little sown,
Our stick walked , , oil , with a man llie
ottier , dav, . will ,, lie , he , so , kind , as to te
turn with the stick.
In |Milities, iidigion and business it
I* always beat to keep In tho middle of
tbe road.
A sham baUle Is going on in Goti-
1ms silver. ' We don’t think
it will Hiuotmi to anything at last.
Mr*.'v Moore, of I’wuridge, Ims
been very ill this week, but w» are
glad to ko vv that she is much impruv
Mi M 11 Rhode* I* bore llria week
Imitdtng a i li call ac e for .1 V. Her
kit ), Mr 11 is it lirst elass carpenter
arid u get.- 1 gentleman.
Rev c L Gunn preached for us at
the iiispt :- : t ehuteh hen* last Sunday,
lire. G. v i v« u» an abb* *«rnnm using
many r 'Viocl; / iUustiiitlon*
The word mmtag* might to lai de¬
fitld ‘ 1 ne aning “mort”
moans deal h, • i ga.u »ne*ns
the two t . nnunlng ‘‘death
There are loo many y«uog people of
this Hge who dc|»‘ii * on theil' farther's
niD^iky taking then through this
wo| M (im ) mo th«is preyei* mak
tug thins R' t !'•" ' em In the fu
turc world
There Is a pride tl at is dangerous.
vet we * some \ , c r men possessed
of a pride that ud:tig to onr view
is very r a n Heir ■ too pi mid to
work hs m - e!c in ,1; V voting uicn be
c-nue truly mow fut I.aliot i*
arable. Tin* rich St tl' a in the Unit
ed State* have done tho most menial
services Brown i» proud
that he once | ! *w. i ft hull while he is
to day t *t an in our
lKui’t t*e ashamed to work, young
man, only t*e astiaui 1 la t*e a lriffling,
w ikle-> g- -tppmg vagabond. The
loafer is the devil* major general.
tspHUgoaUu^ykingi^Ke. .
Lust 1 relay was m bt i •«.
d ,, '* s
Mr. Luke M s* v’sited Iu* parent*
near Philomath last Sur day.
The iu >•: d our fanqers have iiuteh
ed plftUting their upland corn,
Mr. • i Maek D n Wiltaco V\ .1.,*, haa ->■*» the * a* Huest ilmsl
add ot wheat wc have seen for many
,-cars. ’' ‘
Wt) gJiV , Bl>te lhrt those who
wtth al casl«e have
about jeoovetw,.
Captoio J. U Anthony ha* suspend
ed his school »t Phillips church for
two weeks on account of tnc^asles.
54 JdU will please bear with
oar cowlll gs tor we have been on
t . ii— tmr isutlee weeks.
Our farmcrs are bautmg guano right
l and ^ preparing tor another big
j cotton erop to sell next fail at five
cents a poatrd.
‘rust that the fruit crop has not
treeu killed as peaches and applto. are
welome - ™ visitor* VISHOIW to uj us us tn in those long s
• hot Olji.
The ttev. J.~ H:~T6o«j* Wed
tort itonltoy~ probing * T«f able ser
mon on the hard times
Messrs J. It. Armor „nd W. O.
Lunceford. two of -r 51 * u,tuonial
gents vistied Wilkes last .-u'lday on a
tender mission.
Rumor says we are to have a wed
ding soon- we hope that tney will re
n»m*M us on their weddi..* day and
^ ua # g|ice of
Ws are sorry to note that Mrs. H.
yy Wallace is in quite feeble health at
tus* writing but we hope that alie
may sc.u regain her former health and
We felt kindly slighted
"Swarmp Fox.'’ hut never mind
brother when our Spring chickens
ripe we will extend to you a hearty
welcome to visit us.
Tbe bird hunters seem to be on a
glrike her „ of ute as tbey h , ve about
a ,ait, all of the feathery tribe. We
<i «Igb ( „ a extort fSTLd Urn’ they have left
eiiougn tor seen.
While traveling a few days ago
lhrough a por ti„n o, Green*at>d Ogle
tljojjie count -s we noticed taut was
Mr(? mor «cort Urn*.we ever
, aw in Uiat ., ecUl)I) fA u „ %,,try be
We see that there arelbea* whohave
.Sjatken of already to op?- - the Don
Xom. Watson in the next, race for
Con grew
jj ul w(! wl u Hay jf Tom ontinuea in
th« future aa he has done UK past
They had just art well to begirt now to
ifuiden themselves to st.tud a defeat,
Happy Hoosleru.
WlmmTnesra.f. Postmaster of Idaville
j nrt wr(Utt); “Eletrlc Bitters ha* done
for t |mn other medicines com
btned, for ttiat had feeling arising
Kidney and Liver trouble "John lst*8lie,
farmer and stockman, Of -mine place
«*y»: “Find Electric Bitters to be tbe best
Kidney and Uvor medicine, u.sde me feel
ike a new man.” 4. W. Gardner, ’ hard
merchant, town, Electric .
ware same sap:
BjU( , r , u Jur>t Ult! thing for „ who is
M run ,,ow " a «“ ,lon ' t l ' arc >
live, or dies; he found, new strength; good
appetite life. and felt Only justDike 59a. bottyv heil^d atl .. new
«ane on a
For «al« at R. J. Held.
Ho Says Watson is Correct.
Editor Dbmock at: In your last
issue, in the Article ’*vlu*re docs he
stand,’ you do Col. Watson and the
adherents of the people’s thirty great
injustice. In mi" issue of your paper,
you charge that tho adh"rettt» of the
l’eople’s Party, by dividing the white
vote, will turn the state over to negro
rule and in the next you cfharge Col ;
'.Vfltson w ith catering to the negro and
bidding for Republican vote, because
he takes the only sensible plan to in¬
duce the n igro to leave the R publican
camp. Mr. Watson knows as every
scniblo man Knows that the Republican
party is not now and never was a real
friend to the negro. Tom might just
as well say that a preacher was court¬
ing the favor of the Devilutften he tries
to convert a sinner aa to saf ) hat, Tom
Watson Is vourlipg Repu*A<* an favor
because h» semis wine £ emocratic
document* to negroes who' avo hereto*
fore been voting the Kepu lean ticket.
Suppose Tom W atsrm does seek to get
negto votes? Has not every Demo¬
cratic Candidate tried to do the same
iMng In every conory In Georgia.
; Rid not I he Iron-ribbed, Btraightmit*
as t l.ey called themselvts, their level
best to combine with White Republi¬
cans and black Republicans to beat
Ben Tillman In Caroltrml Has there
not been anot her dicker ; between the
bosses of both parties fin that state
within tbe last throe months to com¬
bine and l*‘ut the farmers?
Col. WtvUon has not proposed any
c0, hbine and he never will, lie
never has gone back on true Jefferson -
I iu« Democracy am! lift never wll.
Any intelligent man who has read his
organ Tin* l’eople’s Party Paper for
the hot three months has found there
| in more of the teachings of Jefferson,
j Jackson, Calhoun and Benton than
baa appeared in tbe flies of any paper
| that is lighting him in the last ten
years. Don't fret your soul Shout tie
gro supremacy in Georgia. The Peo¬
ple’s > Party is orgadixiutt to make such
i4 tlglit for the latx'ring tnarl, whether
*"* l ”* w,lit * 1 ’ B,nck * H"* 1 « r brown as
has never been made since the dawn of
civilization. Tbe negro has sense
enough to appreciate that this fight is
bis tight and they will lea v# the Ke
i pultcan camp like tats are said to
i leave a sinking ship.
Ill conclusion Vt me beg you to say
just as few bard things against Tom
Watson and the Peo|*ie's Party as you
can. Iu a very few years lialf Hie peo
cl* now in the two old Bdrtks will be
ike march,,,g leopie .. s INar.y banner tattling S fir
eqrwl rights and the boonspr tbe peo
pU vv’ il*- tbe otiier portion * of each
party will - he , in one camp _ . under , tl*
plutocratic banner, i know yog will not
be caught tn that crowd and I would |
tie aorry to see yon l»« left onti.i out in ih» the cold. cold
y ou will tote the same flx the old
Whigs wet* when their party disband¬
ed. Thev had. to take their cN-.ce
ss z&rzrz.
have to make a * 1 ® Uar cholc *~ lb6
lens abase us now, tbe . ess row
j ou *
you wilt have to eat later on.
Yours traly.
_ 4ite
The 8i*arta Ism thinks the
southern colh'ges s? oUld not allow
fooU-oll played and say* it is about
time to toll aping the Yankee.
m nr g nirnitiiwrTl JI mu S~nie«r.-------
W: U
As We View the Situation.
Editor Democrat: Will you ad
mit into your columns a few s oes
f r , m one 0 f the Democrat’s 5 ost
constant « 0D8ta " t and and eazer 6 “ger reader-unon reader., upon oues r,ues
tions of vital importance to every free
american. While I and you may differ
as to methods for obtaining our desires
»t is needles, to say we believe you are
sincere and honest that contributors
10 your papf r in some instances have
,10t taken pains to inform themselves
l* evident upon the strongest grounds,
Mr. Editor you know and G. R. G.
knows and every other person who lias
taken pains to get the facts knows
that some industries have been foster
** at tbe expense of our agricultural
industry. Also, you and every other
person, whether a third party advocate
or what, who is informed, knows and
knows well that free coinage of silver
and free trade is not all this country
needs. If there is any one that thinks
so it ,s ignorant people who know well
that there is something radically
wrong somewhere and being tncompe
tent probably they, like a drowning
person, grabs anything and to bring
‘&to judgement there ignorance of the
real cause of depression is wrong in
the extreme, and deserves your sym
pathies instead of censure,
know further that the debt ridden
farmer and laborers of this country
who are made so by circumstances un
i us ^ d° no ^ vxpect anything to ublit
erato the necessity cf lobor, neither
do they exrect this government nor its
officials to empty the contents of U. 8.
treasury into their pockets, nor the
donation of anything without
in returns value received. You know
that the farmers of this couotry are
the victim of circumstances (or at
least you admfted it not long ago) that
in no wise can We attributed to their
negligence, indolence or non-at tention
to their farms. You know if you
have taken pains to gather the infoi tna
tion that there is 1 cts diffidence in
theprice of cotton here and at Liverpool
and it only take one cent and a quart
«r to carry it there. Do you not know
that some one is stealing 2$ cents of
our money, if so don’t, vou and *‘G R.
G.” believe it is wrong? ‘‘G .U. G. ,,
seems to think that Congress is not
vested with any authority to institute
measures of relief. He also thinks
that farmeis should not have any say
so in politics "G R (Fa.” article
proves conlasively that he’s uo
farmer. Tim safety of our g iverti
met,l depends upon tbe humble citizen
who from day till dark are found be
hind t heir plow handles or at their
work bench, the insinuation that farm
era emigre it** ’ hear political speech¬
es for a living i' s‘bv/nie usd aa in¬
sult to the yeoman y if Georgia and
wo here resent it.
‘•G. R. G.” picks four men aa an e x¬
ample to Show tlit* rest of farmers they
don’t work. How absured and imsyni
pathetic Ibis is. Why my deal friend
1 can go over this broad land and
gather them up bv the hundred who
d . mo.e w 4 k wffi. their own hands
than you have, give them credit for.
Why do you want to deny
tho laborer those pleasures you
so much enjoy? The fact that the
farmeis of our country have to labor
from new years day to Christmas day
to eke out a scanty living while the
whole superstructure built upon *gri
culture (loes not labor over one fourth
the time, and the farmer is denyed all
human pleasure is enough to arouse
sympathy from the ablest occupant of
tho pulpit to tbe lowest piece of human-
Mr. Editor, wo cannot realite that j
you are sofur from us, remem tier how
you criticized our grand jurors for j
being ecouomica 1 in its 1 »•
tures. You will not deuy you
made more mon.y by priutiiig the
grand jury presentments thqa W' do
by raising cotton et t» cents per pound •
You thought your labor was worth
more. So do wo. Fair play then
brother. You seem to lay stress on j
the fact that we don’t raise enough to
6 it. Very well; what is the matter
with the West? Their main crop is
j lift what you say .ve ought to raise,
and they raise it in abundance, yet
tlwy are iu aa ba l a flx today as we
southern farmer are, what is the mat
ter we ask? Because there are a few
men making money farming does not
justify the rascality that is being per- j
petr ated upon our farmers. 25 years,
ago tbe farmers own 75 per cent or the ,
wealth, to day tbey owu only 25ptr :
cent and pay to |>er cent of the tax.
Is this wright or wrving. If it is j
the of^harJ :
wrong don’t law cau*e ,
tiraes at the 1,oor fit “‘ er ' s 1,001 ’ !
Your certainly won’t ignore the evils
‘“at a contraction of the corteucy
M Money is simply au imple
, co|0uwrce ii!M j ^ ,, exists in
rrffieient quantities . for . the , , trausac- ri , nji ..
» ion 0 f business, no interprise drags
[« r ^ u mt »nt to 1 c*rrv 1Z
u on - 1 ou know that our monetary D
^ |(j a corrupt 8hape ; you know
that we have to sell when prices are
low and buy when they are exorbihant;
you know that those who are ^ tbe most
--- - - -
msnt, and this immense wealth
OQCe me property of the (>oor people,
twisted from them by unfair means,
yon know that it does rot seem plsu
slWe tb>t # TOUntr7 cn ^ pauperized
by producing wealth. You have heard
it itterated aitd reitterated that during
the last 20 odd years the cities had
grown 00 millions richer and the ooun
try bad grown 60 millions poorer and
j you know that it is adnaited by alii
j : that in richer a government and where grow poorer the rich that
e™* poor
^ing is wrong in the government;
y° u know thit the K lil Roads of our
country, comparet.vely speaking, do
not pay tax in proportion to their
’’ wealth as-tbe farmers do. To a cer
tain extent they are exempted . . from ,
full taxation. You know that no
j one suffers from drouths and freshets
| as w,,en the a farmers ma, of wealth do, you is not know taxed that ac¬
i ‘
j cording to his property or investment
j * is wrong to tax the beds of poverty
With all these facts (and they are not
| no not near) before you how can yon
ami G. a G. lay the cause of hard
a ie poor man s oor. u '-a
shamef^L We can relate an incident
o persona o serv* lon w lere d m:u '
lakeD 1,18 austeanance corn and
P a 'd it on h.s debts, h.s children were
ragged and bate footed (this was just
before Christmas) and his daily meals
were scanty in the extreme. Oh:
treacherous humanity, how can you
sit and talk derisively of less unfortu
j nate beings. God ..... pity the heart , , that
is so harden as to accuse the innocent
of deeds of corruption, in tbe light of
; common sense and reason, we ask is
JJ® bUnled for
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i ulary of about 100,000 word-, including
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bled edges. $2.75
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j low prices, we advise all who desire to
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\ : once.
Administrator ’ Sale.
tow wS.VS’m' ho.^rt of
ordinary of TuUaforro County will be
so i,i a t auction it the court linu-.o door of
said county on the fit st Tuesday in April
next within the legal hours of sale the
following property to wit: mi aere of
land with hnprov,nerds rr t oil said
land bounded on north oast no A west by
land of J. VV. JUxon nortli by public
road. Sold as the property of B^annie
, , atc -'^ saill county deceased.
Terms cash. This 7th March 1si>2.
Titys Richauos. Administrator.
A salary of $25 to S5u per week to
UOOD agents to represent us in line every of j
county and sell our geneiui ;
Merchandise a: m.inufactii ; prices.
Only those wh want steady employment
need apply • ah o and partieulars
sent on receipt >f 25 e«rtsfor £%*£*>•
myulucy' Street, ( liicago, ill.
A Sound Democratic Newspaper.
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Harper's Magazine
The Magazine will c elebrate the feu;
Centenary of the Discovery of An ■ i ..
by its re-discovery, through icicles ~ T -
ing a more thorough • xposiri ' f - '
hitherto been made of the Recent TTn" _
cedented Development of our Count :
and especially in the Great West Par"
cular attention will also be given I
Dramatic Episodes of American History.
The Field of the next European War
will he described in a Series of Papers il;
the Danube “Form the Black Forest to
to the Black sea," by Poultm y Bige! •
and F. D Millet, Illustrated by Mr. Mi !-*
and Alfred Parsons. Artie! r jriso v.
be given on the German, Austrian, au
Italian Annies, illustrated by 1 de Tl
Mr. W, D. Howells will contribute -
new novel, "A World of Chance,” cl. :
acteristically American. Especial prn:D.
iuence will be given to Short Stories,
which will be contributed by T. B. Al¬
drich, E. n Davis, A. Conan Doyle
Margaret Neland, Miss Woolson and other
popular writers.
Among the literary features will bt
i Personal Reminiscences of Nathatcel
Hawthorne, by his college class-mate tm-i
| life-long friend, Horatio Bridge, and by a
Personal Memoir of the Brownings,
Anne Thackeray Ritchie.
The Volmes of the Magazine begin with
the Number for June and December oi
each year. When no time is specified,
subscriptions will begin with the Nurnbt;
current at the time of receipt of onU.i.
Bound Volumes of Harper’^ Magazine f.
three years back, in neat cloth binding,
will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt
of S3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, far
binding, 50 cents each—by mail, post-paid
Remittances should be made by Foil
office Money Order or Draft, to awn
chance of ioss.
Harper’s Weekly
Harper’s Weekly tor the coming y. ;
will contain more attractive feafcur*.
more and finer illustrations, and a great
er number of articles of live, intense in
terestthan will be found in any otD"
periodical. Among these latter will be a
series of articles on the twenty-five grey¬
est cities of the world, including five illus¬
trations. Thg Columbian Exposition, the
Army and Navy, gr-.'t public events, di
asters on land an<} sea, and tbe doings o
the celebrated people of the day will b
described and illustrated in an attractive
and timely manner. The Deparrment oi
Amateur Sport will continue under th
direction of Gasper W. Whitney. The
best of modern writers will cpntri ot
short stories, and iUe most disUnevurb-'d
artists will make the illustrations
editoral articles of Mr. George Willi es:
Curtis will remain as an especial ntt iac¬
The Volumes of the Weekly begin v. ,n
the first Number for January of each
year. When no time is: mentioned, sub
sciiptions will begin with the Nun 1
cunen at tlm time of receipt of order.
Round Volumes of Harper’s Weekly tor
for three years back, in neat cloth bind¬
ing, will be sent by mail, postage paid, c.r
by express, free of expense (provided l c
freight does not exceed one dollar per
volume), for $7 00 per volume.
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitabL
for binding, wilt be sent by mail, post¬
paid, on receipt of 31 00 each
Harper’s Bazar.
Harper’s Bazar is a journal for the
home. It gives the latest i information
with regard to the Fashions, and its mini
toons illustrations, Paris designs, and pat¬
tern-sheet supplements are imtispensab!
alike to the homo dress-maker and th
professional modiste. No expense Is spm
cd to make its avtistie attra< tivem ss of i n
highest order. Its bright stories, atgushig
comedies, and though fill essays satisfy .11
tastes, and its last page is famous as
budget of wit and humor, in its week!;
issues everything is included which f *r
interest to woman. The Serials for 1802
will be written bv Walter Beshi t and V.
liam Black- V a Olipiiiaut will becom
a contributor. rion Harland’s Tiiu j
Talks, “Day In and Day Out.” are u
tei tied for matrons, and He en Mars’
North will specially address girls. T. Vv.
iligginson, cultivated in •‘Women audience and Men,” v.ib
please a
Fer Year:
HARPER’S BA7.AR - *4 (,
gtata,'Canada, ^nd Mexico.
The Volumes of the Bazar begin wit.!
the first Number for January of each y r
when no time is mentioned, subscript*™
wiiI begin with the Number current at e
{ receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Harper’s th Bazar bin
three years back, in neat cl
will be sent by mail, postage (provided patd, or
express, free of expanse 1
{re j g jjt no t exceed one ih.r psr
cloth Cases for each**, SUitriOi
for binding, will be sent by m.ol. p
p f’ ‘.' "Vioney' °" Xs “ould Z "made bv I*•
offi e Order or Draft to v
chance of loss .
Jfetmp usr» are not to oom thif adeer.,se
merit without the exprt** ar-ier cj Harp--r a
; Brothers.
I New York
r'i EORGlA, Txliaferro C'ocxtt
I J Whereas, John P M-jore as Admi
tratorofR. T. Edge represents to hi
! Court in his petition, duly filed and c * r
ed on record, that Le has of fully .aid deces.-d adm
’ tered all the estate
This is therefore to cite a! 1 persons .
cerned, Kindred and credit->rs. to show
couse, if any they can. why said Adorn
trstor should not be di-chai ’ from he
aduiin’straiion, and receive etter- of
mission ou the first Monday FrrsT.Ordicsrv in May 1
Heskv H