Newspaper Page Text
The pi mocrat.
tot- '
0 < -f t \4*
t til. 1 W.U
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It i< . in he able to
Many than is do hot have
repeat that 5 *1 Is Dear
or rat it
Ei i may he tob lalod
wbm* reason b hft f, c Ui rilin' in I it
—ThomwN .Ufft on
It v- Hfii4 (Ii iS f lit Hta 3 d £
fm«t hat* diMHoIvitd. T*li?if*♦* - mil
to lbe country and thr people.
of M< DufBe, m ill 1 m* a
> bo nay*,
in tl. fhir.l parly ticket.
We are ipeti to conviction, hut
, lu-ti a man t of - don’t .
w or m men
to see hut one ui •h- we are at a loss to
know how to prescribe for them,
(JrsTi.r reader, fiee silver iloesn’t
mean that they are going to give it t<
you. Oh, no! It means that you are
free to work for it as aforetinn s
Waynchhoro True ('
The time has arrived in this district
mihI in thi* *'On f iiy when the* fnjuDcin
otirnt miiHt mIiow bin band. Ho must
not only show that he is » Democrat,
but he must Maud for Democratic
principles and f,,r the Democratic
pally, find Hiii n jM»rMouftl frintnb array
tbeniMolvfMi aguinwt thutu priiieiplc*
and |»arty of tbo jMio|il^ he mu*«f
not bo r<st rainod l»y (•oiiMi<bn*atlon
I he man or men who puli out from
the. party of tho jn pV ami set them
*< li< < lip ill opposition to it, show by
their action that tii y arc opposed to
tie party. It i lamentable just at
this time that tins is tin* cam*.
Democratic victory is just in sight.
I nity now will bring the
into jsiw ‘1 r, ex wot in the
Howto, and just at t his time some
our people efiousolo g,j off following
1 **"
<->»fw«of the NatJOiml treasury,
is kept up by our taxes. We
at the (liiuif'lit ut lmviit(g to
under tlu* rule of such high tariff ami
cenlralitim* administration* ns
1 kOpubbea have yoked the
people with for the last
i hi* is not the timo to *plit
N»li«l Soutii.
I tie Dcmoorai riH
Uwit'gia ttrnl the Si.utli (mill
-tni.-u.m :<■ I ici! ib .all un.l
b< <’ii tin* *uh,Tliult Of tlii' whole
try, am! it i iiigratiiiiiU> tor tli*<so
f lVi' In <'U lunMilL’il by tho 1 e itmji
I to|urn ( 1 eh- ami join
now jirty that
illy :
mvli tin* r r lib tbit i ev|Hu’U*<1 by
its follower
\\> d )|| | build but that the
<>( the 1’lH tpll Party luonn
well, but they will find ere ii is
bite that they Imu* made a mistake in
dials * foe in independent parly It
lr,s a 1v divided the Alli.uKH'mon
i T UK tthmtuxuiien, there is
mi iiidp omleiit party.
i la*(ti atioixl 1,1 get your
5 adieu through vostr unite.I efforts, as
•: ited bv uen-alUa ItV 1 ♦I’litiH tat> than
\l (*• UudorUkt* o i ly
on w h i r fotx e,
Jtf i your ]>< ,*;n .pratie < tiu- on
dhvr tkket. )) t* have net the am
iwilto fight ai Huxelve-4,
It* uldal! Ik' turned upon the <iu‘
niy high lanfT Ht publi ‘All's
lb* eareftil you tii rt her.
Tlii. I, 1 U \ i mv tiikini
The Tl Pai I \ uiuiH til if» 8 tfttng-
1 thau Huv*
M £ C . and if you have
i VOU Will S)Ot SlldPfiftl
amt may th:,>w the
w h ill KufVor
id 1 in „ <)v .
-\t afl«r Uit»
V* LK y of vou ri iucmlnT
r Hate
\ •
im\ r suofi ui
( *mi tho
t i W.l‘ r
'the price of the depreciated money in
which he was paid and gold
It does not help the matter that
tl is is no! oral, d into the platform,
What a legist eridorse- as a re*o
lution is looked upon a- a law. No
assembly <‘an do more for a measure
than to adopt it.
Truly a southern rnan is treading
upon dangerou- grounds when he is
declaring him < lf in lavor of the Peo*
pie’s Party
In “Jack Sprat letter last week
like*presses tint idea that we are op
nosed u> the farmer. lie never wasso
wrong In ,is life. Our intention has
ever been to proim: ite the interest ol
the farmer. Why mid we he oppo#*
ed to the farmer when we are personal
!y and financially a much Intelested
| n the farm aa many of those » ho <1 m»*
their ears to reason and lly off the
helve and say that we are against the
iKKir tillers of the soil and that we
ernse them because we criticise afl y
rnan or act of inf;ii who are leading the
farmers to their rum with no profit to
tlx; Loiter. We rejoice lo see
the farmera proper and wo try to do
what we can to load them to prosper*
O'- If wf! adv. «• them to go wrong it
is not intentionally.
Yes. we know the farmers are op
pressed, . and . w;e u know also that the
merchants, newspaper publishers and
; all business is oppressed, hut we, like
all the rest, are at it loss to know how
to ramerly it.
We give our te st advice ami if you
construe it that we mean to further
| oppress the farmer we cannot help you
thinking ho. We can only tell your
j again that yon nre wrong.
if you attribute the oppression of
j the country to tho Democratic party,
j we are forced again to tell you that
| you are wrong. If y«»u attribute the
'trouble wholly to the laws of our
country, you ar« again mistaken,
*Vo Know Unit there ar« many laws
that can be chanced for the better and
wo arc as anxious for that change as
any man who thinks he cau get that
change through fighting his neighbor
and his friend.
If these laws nre changed how much
' better off will wh tm Individuallyy it
will net amount *.0 85,00 per year to
the average South* rn person unless it
Increases the price of cotton, and there
is no law that can increase the price
of cotton to where It will be profitable
to raise ^exclusively.
We have advised our people to plant
breadstuff* or something else than so
much cotton.
We do not consider that advice
“Sprat" got* on to say "Verily
WC trn * M
MSM. They are down with
the sum* dlMMl that the Southern
farmer* nre, that is. they depend upon
a grain crop exclusively while we de
tumd upon a cotton croji. \\0 hit IT
said fetid Htttl ttuit ttic Southern
farmer ran tnak© mu pj»iirs juhI
tn&ko his surplus cotton as a money
Ctop; tho former is forced to
make »ui»|>H*'s « xcho|v«dy, hence you
perceive our atlvatages over the West¬
ern brother.
j If we make a living at bom* and a
I f* w bales of eotloii, we can |>ut that
ootton umb-t u sh.'li. r ami ssy to tin*
I world, “We will not soil tins entton
wIumi prices ore the lowest nor will we
luiv when tho prieos are the highest
IVe ran live at home. ’’
With the world glutted with cotton
the price of producing the staple by
making homo man tires and bringing
Ul> l »i« soil witli elover and gratwes we
mu tetter aft >i «i l*» ratso cotton at u
low price.
AH of these needed reforms w« bail
hoped to roach through the fanners
atUxnoe, but the late welkin of some of
the leaders in lushing a part of it into
an indefiPtHtuut political party has
blighted all our hopes
In liusria sunflower stalks gnthrrcil
j from Use fields and dt led In piles have
entirely replaced firewood; in fact.
these stalks are preferred even to pine
wo, d, producing a quick and hoi flame
tin*. About d.OOU pounds of such fir*.
tusHlare gathered from an acre of
loud, thus adding a pivot woon t<» a
district whore wood t.< scarce. Sun
flower she! s art* at*' used fur heating
purposes, not only In private houses,
hut in largo factories as well. They
are burned In ovens -ix ciallv prepared
for their conaumptU' i».
1 lie tor mnroNs . (miem-or
In visible* •< ^anismsi ^ a mighty ho«t,
Aruiy | which bo nvaft cun
llUlilUn. invtsitiie to .lu* naked eye,
Hie tvuaoneus; :«t of tins army h the
tauseu ° ut ~ n 1
the human family famine.'
more lives than w ar. fire.
und ahlpwrvck combined* ami
Hciu.illv abbreviate the attragt
of hutn^D life by three*fourths.
wsiy to reUeve the hum&n IlhH*
M>e$e luicrob’ 2 lo Irtke Swift’*
Wilt “ is jpsia I
svjitcui the |)k) i*Utl0U* j
must h*,t Vr‘ ht* catisiot exist
he cks an exit through
of ih skii After he de
a eontmued, use of the Specific
fore# out the . ana the
t is wet:
- i r i^ i*e Ga
Knnter may come as eariv as Match
22, or late as April 25, The rule was
adopted 1500 year* a go, making East
u , r the first Sunday following the full
moan after the sun crosses the equa
torial line in the spring. This year it
wrill fall o n the 17ih of Apri! .
A tnan with patched pants, no mon¬
ey in his [mcket snd nothing to eat at
home is a big fool to holler and hurrah
for any party that will not legislate
' of ,,oor n^n. Montezuma Record.
And he is a big fool to “Holler and
hurrah” for any party upon the idea
that it will legislate rroney into his
pocket or something to eat into hii
home, unless he work* and work in
teliigently for the money and the
something to eat. The man who is
de|*-nd;ng on any paity for u
thing* will wear patched hreeclie
his Hfe.— Onlbberl Liberal.
Now Try Tilts.
It will it you nothing ami will sure o
you good, If yon have a Cough, (-old, oi
any trouble with Throat, Chest Consump-. or Lungs, j
Ur. Kings New Discovery for
tion. Coughs andCohlsls k 1 '* 1 "'' '-'' 1 ” |
* relied, or mon«y will be pa»« back,
Sufferers from Ls Grippe found it just j
the thing and under Us use had a speedy :
and perfect recovery. Try a sample bet j
t j ( . ;i i our expend and learn for ourself
u* h<#w good a thing; it is. Lar^e stscft
SO. anil $1.00, trial bottle* fre<* at
Pfir salt? at It. «/• Reid,
Experimenters on the other side of
the Atlantic have found that by a
cheap method of the supplying almas
pheric electricity to the growing crop,
the yield of potatoes has lieeti increas¬
ed fiorn 50 J to 450 bushels |*r acie.
CouHumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from braetice,
having hail p'fttn*il in his bauds l*v an a*t
India iniAsifnmry tin; fonutla *»L a s'unj»iti
v»‘«i*talil« rurneiiy for tin; »i»u«*dy ItiMiifijilis, ami }«*r
nmiM'Ut cure of L- nsuin|»tion. Lunne,
Catarrh; Aathma and all throat attd
A fffictions, aisfi Uchlfity a j»o»itiv(* and riuli<‘Hi Xci cun*
for Nervous and all vouh
i ..mpiaini .liter luring tested u-. won
ilevfal < nalive powers in ttiousaiiu, <>i
, b« feit it his duty to make it
known to his suffering fellows. Actuated
i. y tins motive a <1 a de-ire t<> relieve
human snfferliig. 1 will send free of ehaigc
all who dosire It,this recipe, in Gorman
Kreneh or Knglisli, with lull directions
or prop*ring nn i using, tieot i»y mail,
j, v addressing with stamp, «20 Powers' naming Block this
paper, tv. A. Novts,
Hochesler N. V ,
____ WINE or CARDUI. » Tunic tor Womeu.
There has been discovered In Pom¬
peii a small domestic chapel or grace¬
ful architectural proportions, and
adorned with fit III vivid ami unspoiled
frescoes. At the end of the chamber
there was a well preserved painting of
Hercules with lus cup and lion's Hkin;
on one of the sides was a hear, and on
the other was a sacrificial altar.
what 1 ®
P w f LA
I •’ * i«*wlty la »>e Nooit, wbteb, ac
' ** * in thu Rhiud# ot Ui« ucf'lt, pro
< ,> » Lumps or sweLRag*; winch
crum» piaiiiui fuiuiing on tho arm*,
ueatnc«»; which is tho origin of pimples,can
ZXSZ&TaZPSS. consumption
fastening S!Sto'WSSSSKiS utsintlio lungs,causes
very icw persons are entirely free from a.
How It Bo Can CURED
lly taking Iluod's BarsapstUls, which, by
j k, 0 mna rkabie cures it im» aecompiished,
often when otber medicines hive faltcii, 1 mm
twlT’dlseMe. tjonie •5’tbese
1 rcafiy wonderful. If y«u suffer from
cllr „ a »,C
scrofula, be pure to try HckhI’s Sarsaparlils*
old till she became six years of age. Lumps
formed lu tier nwk, »ml one of them after
all Indications of scrofula entirely <lt»
appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy
child.” J. 8. Caiiui.s, Naurlght.N. J.
N. IL He sure to get only
j Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Boldly«1!, gll«tif*r»3 Vrcparclonlf
p, c. 1 . iiiKiuaco..*iK>tu«c»riM,i-ow»u. siu
IOO Doses One Dollar
McEirec’s Wine of Cardul
for salo by tho following merchant* in
Taliaferro County;
Hr., lt .1 Ketd, Orawordvltte,
George W. Brown ,v Co .Mmron,
ltamuiuck. l.ucss ,V Co., Craw ford vile
My U ,VP 1 TI I IlrilvL 1 FUF 1 riLi, M 1 Ouroa
I in 4 to
1 -f I iVrkture . 0 Uu'wllf."torn Tl'
pteM iuive « bottle, the
>l hyVhoEtT^edL
cin# ^ ..Washington, Ga. For sate by
Met kxd At Grtffllh, Crawfordville, Os.
Goo. W. Brown, Sharon tia.
SAVB 1-2 voni MON KY
Wriot for Our M;im,n..tti caUlogu, *-A
o-jum* IWk
Coiilftiniug lllusirations* and Rlvlns*
i»*»uf*etiiii*r - wtivs on »t! tuu.o of
GrtHts.‘' n \KuroUure, , ^«Wi«.
i t.ub—
iowclrv, Si!vcrwart% Bi
Whim, Aa^ricuiuiral iiuptotant to
Os l v Ftu-x Cu« Uow
(’ahiiOfitio <eti tw re
f «titl oily Agent will
ittly 10 iutrx
enn uiakt* ns- iuucl <*
53 Hi vet St . - Ji o
d*» r >tt(s '«*r a • >! N M 11
11 1 l / IK VT1.U ( VI iMKill
i T Athletic ,v (itrmnasiac
I Hit si >,
t Rwr Lsu
KII li VHI> K H»\,
N v.« Y
The Prince is on the
From this I*ay We Nludi Fight for
Trade and woe be unlo extortion
ers / :■ mi liiirb priced dealers.
We ent“r the arena showing the Grandest and most
Beautiful Sj,>ri .g Stock ever shipped to any central Georgia
$100,000 WORTH
Of i ri'Lt. ^ fresh, ’ beautiful Goods laid out before you J and
. cheaper they . be , bought ot ,,
0 ff ert . c | twfnrv-five per cent, can
; any dealer, hi this section.
We, Will Pay H. R. Fare
To arid from Greenesboro for all parlies fro.r. Crawford¬
ville whAvill buy $25 worth of Dry Goods, Notions, Etc,
Groceries t-.vcepN.* J. We want the trade of the people of
Crawfordn'iUe and Taliaferro county and if possible we intend
to have in
Set* the ladies smile. Tilts Stock is as varied as thd
tastes otgfii tl^wantfl n tuert, and our capacity for production as bound
I ss as of women,
BlaclWPlaid ^ # Silks, Whip # Cords, Chiffon _ effects, Benga
!”■«. China T Silks, Apple Bedford TUsues, Cords and Challies, Stripes, India Siilc Silks, Warp Nacrie Henriettas and
Wool Surge, Nans Veiling. Silk Mes all shades, Swiss
cloth, LutOSCl SuitHlgS, Coup Do MaitreC* N«I 1 VeiUltc*, Gold -
<*» ed Organ «"•' Soitiags. Chantilly Maslias, Tiger eyed Swiss, Figur
ay and bowed muslins. 700 Bolts Spring Prints and
j Ginghams.
For r or eicli CAUJ piece pa ct in 111 Ctlippon chippon Featherine 1• eatneri U , Steel OtCCl and anti bold Gold
j I 3.SScl01(311 tflCS, ollK lOOpS, Irin^C VVltilC CUt I\cUiIlCcluS
an d ^ 50,000 yds of Ribbons lor trimmings only. Every
. lady . she here.
v.lll get IVIlAt wants
1 We Show 10 Times
More Dry Goods than every house in our city put togeth
et. Enough child footwear, all miles styles of Greenesboro. and sizes to shoe every man,
woman and in 40
Laces, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs Gloves, Perfumery,Toilet
1 articles, Corsets, Underwear, Hamburg Edgings and lnser
■ tions. and Notions world without end.
j aax£xZxixff£3£tsr.
Tho -iatest importations of the old and new worled new
co skilled | ors ' artist an ;* P in ew the combinations. State, is again Miss in charge. Covington, Her the stock most is
a, scejtV of beauty and joy forever to the artists’ soul,
now il the Indies of Taliaferro county do not inspect this
stock we shall feel that they have done neither themselves or
US injustice,
The happiest conceptions of the manufacturers, now fill our
pounters and shelves, and we defy am concern in the state to
show so beautiful a line This of ready made perfect fitting garments
as We we now carry. one department represents > 15,000
invite a9 the gentlemen ol Taliaferro county to inspect it
Remember we Keep
trade, Everything from a cradle to a coffin. We cater for your
and wehope to have it. Polite courteous salesmen and
sales ladies, always ready and glad to serve you.
Hoping to have an early call from you we are
Yours Se nee rely,
Geo. R. Lombard & Co,
5 t fU'isa iMHMi B11Y, MAUI & Bi w»*’ K3K3
Vliovt* i ini;^<-r Depot. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA
Complete Gin am! Mill outfits a Speeiatety. M:
anu Engineering Supplies .Cotton. Grain, Saw Mi:; a;.;
i 0ig m Eatior-saving Machinery, Shafting. Pulleys, melting
? saws, Inspirators, Injectors, etc.
Large Stock to Select From.
Prices Low, Goods Guaranteed.
'nr ■. ars MV'.'asttngs of every kind, and new work (light and heavy
. - ■ Rest outfit South
(TEN WORK New and Repairs, promptly and well done. BVWhey
you write to or call on this firm mention this Pars*
Fresh Eastern
And anything else
you may want or
need cheep, at
Crawfordville, ■ ■ Georgia,
m, m> s» smo,
738 Reynolds St, Augusta, (la
Steam Engines, Stationary,
Portable and Agricultural.
Steam Boilers, all sires and styles, Saw Mills, Corn Mills, Feed and C< tton Seed
Mills, Valves, Turbine Water Wheels; and keep in stock a full line of Steam F'ttings. Cock*.
Inspirators, Piping and Fittings, Belt, Hose, Etc., Etc.
EAGLE (JOTTON GINS With or without Feeders and Condensers.
-Tkk Besi in the World.——
MENTS, the very* latest improved.
1 Cat! at my office or write for Illustrated circulars a nd^p ecial prices which will be give!
Largs Machine Outfits a Specialty.
H. N. REID, 7.nS Reynolds St., Augusta, 6a.
In compounding absolutions part^yvaa accidently skilled on the hand
d HARMrESS U C Antl ' lla,rlno
Lay the hair over and apply the mixture for a few minutes, and the
hair disappears as if by magic without the slightest pain or injury when
•^7 applied or ever afterw ard. It is unlike on v other preparation ever used
W=3& pplk J fora like purpose. Thousands of L. A 1>1F-S who have been annoyed
with hair on their FACE, NKCK and ARMS attest its merits.
F, wsEBjir J find (kICNTLK.M a priceless I - N >on who in do Queen’s not appreciate Anti-lfr»,iri»»e a beard or pair liich on does their neck,
».* w away
_ , _ with .Shaving, by rendering its future growth an ut(< r impossibility.
Price or Queen’s Anti-Hairine ' II. per bottSe, serJt In safety mailing boxes postage paid by us (.securely
sea lea from observation). Send money or stamps tty letter with full address writt< n plainly. Corres¬
pondence ^triVtly confidential. This advertisement is honest and straight forward in every word it
cont.ims. vve invite yon to deal with us and you will find everything as represented Cut this out and
s "<l l , ,!•«■ AcMrcs, QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 <?;ice 'Street, CINCINNATI, O. You can
register \ our letter a? any Post Office to Insure its safe delivery. We xviil pay f*.“ 00 for any cate
or failure or slightest injury to any purchaser. Every bottle guaranteed*
S «^tUiaL PP R111 - we To will Indies present who Introduce with SILK and DRESS, sell among IB yards tfcfir best friends silk 26 Bottles Extra Large of Queen’s Bottle Anti-Hairine. and sample*
of silk to select from sent with order. Good Salary or Com mi ssion to AfoOnta.
A S \\ *> •- i.nA w& n m & cz: ^=- ms im
■■ ■■ Easily,quickly and permanently by Or. T*R Sfl ftw CT|£BSai fl^mLEnC CUE
You will aJmit after having taken a few doses that it is a a
specific for that terrible disease. Instead of flying to the door or window, gasping for
breath, seeming as if each one would be your last, vou have only to take a few doses
of the ASTHMALENE when the spasm is broken, the breathing becomes easv, and you
feel as if some angel of mercy had unloosed the iron grasp of the fingers of death,
that IT had nearly deprived you of life.
worst cases of ASTHMA is the wonder and admiration of all who have used it. The
happiest moment of vow life will be when you have used a bottle of DR. TAFT’S
ArSTttlVlflrLENF and ing diseases found it that has ever cured afflicted vou of the the human most distress¬ family.
FOR BRONCHITIS it surpasses every known remedy. For sale by all druggists.
A trial bottle sent free to any one sending P. 0. address who suffers
from Asthma. Or. TAH BROS. MEDICINE C0„ 142 State at., Rochester, N Y
To aii our Subscribers for 1892 .
Vv'c, the r- ? “ ^orth American Homes”
nr let w ease ' “ circulation of our ioumal
t titu Util c 3 an J Canada, will spend
L>ver ou* Hundred thou»an<J dollars N* r
/ i:n-rs in the form oi an artistic
vasr a Portrait a » handsome frame (as per cut
f a e free *»f charge for every new
t *’ North /-raerican Homes.’* Our
'jvj . *1 ts a »noatbiy pu___ ADon consistfee cf
-*! v- . i the best cat lite i.sziatuit: ox the nay,
f'V , •i ..v* best with r», aad is worthy of t£e
- . . .* bad dutng far it. Eitrut years ago m
l., •; only about 15.00U daily cir
asr—r-"1.C0X T >us advertisement and a lavish
pr: h5S 8 ccomplished we fee* ccafi
v ; ' :.a r nr the paper handsome in the world. pr*-ULiam The m
- - -
Vf • c ce back to us in increased cir
t vrk hsye made for the you finest wiil be executed
|SUH :> .iutong made, and we
rt s to tne original. There is nothing !4*
rs ;* b C raven Portrait of yourself cr any
c. r a ir.i. t.n*e tc get one already framed
an *-'.»• Scr : m ai <r slice < *csftt C-SATD f chanrs. 33 ^rs ■... s cnz?.: ,J#*& P -Cnd tXS a1<n Mmjmmmm rf-Vri 1
. . ...
Hi j a' c'li or fcrawre fraae cf a incj m<miii» s a b»ciatelj I ,>vL
te frr of ’ V* ^ 'dcr
th i pec*
ant t; j
.w :o
k, t World Building, Hei YorL
For sample of cur work, we refer vru to the editor of the