Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, September 23, 1892, Image 2

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F far *
'■■yilllag V .-.■a ft
‘lsun tr rai-^t i.n ••“
that rates Ui< «ti • -:
'slake," sa;
out much tmuhla All tight. On
flKt foundation cay Iwy < :«r a
yuan Of f •••;? can c m < . i <«>
: i.v p him <-«.-.3! »U.Ay.
LitL.r.iiin .1 that au. in
morning or uv uni* to v. .ij« r- :
, •"
••Even tin* largest of Pork row
m < .-III h-H i!.:„i t.ity
. a 1 >.y •■•!f oi • u.:l la
. i ... . ■. . i
I t. 1 kif. •
. t iking nU.ot. 1-- :
five j w r.:»<> 1 waa hustling around
Swn 1.1
orspow. mi.llormMn.
. msamsn. or- 1 1.|M in
tin,I.-It v v.- nr’' .. . : I- ;;.r . ml ; V. .11
VO,, Vhu is t.a.
i light t kin 1 of
After fh ••
it.e votiih turned ml ' I • p
Nevfpnp.., . big fostnno
stcr who will ta worth a
in time," said nhvM under, itwv.
him well wveral ve: r „ro whe.i ho
Wiu. nronhil hy tlui other riewmho;.
osa toSs^op-lirnd lit sth-r. Iliseloibestt.-ro
hi,, fme and hand,
air; u th. t ginnin ri n ••..;! ,
" •»
vlwi. Holm w that there were sev
eralof hiflemniianiono in the rtrout
who w,-.M i .i •• d I"'! a
new.nt.ind fori, rnmll daily teimmer
ution than hnsttonreunJ the nr - ,s
and tiUBMM .
on their i ancra,' ns th, y cxpr< h it.
"m.ul He -.eiio.i e-.t t- .l.e Old
into i, oo.ifh.ct w. 'll,on.
ti a vxl lo pav 1 1: m forty eei.t a
to t-in« care of Kiuall I in. r
man wll
.ar in mug. - .4 ,:.e
li *• ev
A " »* *
»W' money was r.t Into tw*
that he e-a thh: ied In
WL ; ?, .
B i
m Mil,
IpStttitown] m
* > Pt Ii vo-v *
i ijfert'ogated
P ? York Ad
i>rt ¥ .-®gN im A.
hftt just
i£tk n» w,»rw j
> mol*o
think* V H.1 laj
Sit' iiscd hi* off ( ‘ "1 a
I WW b*v« t to
u* Mid. “for. <*• ml
but * V to *®
,s nro "
'ma, my i test ’ rb'0®f® » t
A U’nfe t*f
tn 500 Ittog*
‘Tl i'thut , ]s.«art hisoub^’ts war
|ve It* OAdcr l Uunr tav«b own ynwMjf viite*^ 1 i
<• >*1 «‘ u «ar,,!,»box." th«Wnk b
, „, v
UnV AlW.«ry tn
W!1H f,.und thoro tics.
that ~n ?bwX UBurnett- tflO.OOO " "3* tosn to* tr '
tlti 90.<’00*uton*H, pK v >'
ted him about cither out of Ing bin
] * ' ^th-red tho mouey imt, bio.
!!!! li >r mtt <*f eonuiUih'
. Iron. Pranoa or
t' M) d which ho laid c -„is» «f
. tent Hajjaia*. kJ 'wUuv0iit« 's via. Hb <' f jt "..... W ‘ !ek ' | NVO men V k >;;
... _ \,un«'
a'-'Z^n set on one .
i i- e jar day, the taken fSr
sr , w«rtHAP l>‘ Tin 1 atn
et T LHt '.h ti hie The
ihZ'Z&v'* U'.i f
th« ww.» "
5 etieH.t';” u-tuocu a»'' r
afAeS the d-hU d„wu
later by taortog tta ar •*
n nWW Joud vob* -Now.
.Vi4i4iiAi its n hair litbeat
i- |anVO »UV a
6- •
r potord’.-T and got A
wil tuaa » Globe 'ton.4U
ow • - U< *:**■“
u.. tortfe-con- 1 ^^Ski
, -> *V'' A. or« u ^£*& n *• •' w tS * V9 ^" o»t*
■ j. not tc be
AIUS1VA1 ,iH fUAlh- I lh<
IS vST. »l» i
?• n
afl 5 j: ettH’
A .
Train 0| n am
r Kx.ire ' % K" r
,V,- 0 4J *«»
, .« I
Arrive* . i r*
u»»t Arrives 1 -3 »***}
- -
e**- s * 1 i
l-sst 74*88
"dwit I,-S.f ..(ppsmM|R ’iTVltefiX-t :
n h of »,< jiiinsel
opeind It, and loud ehrieks nmlre-ija 1
of laughter came from tlitme five * I -
young threats boei'lMtliin), n« a mdr of th
•m.IIMfSHa, tte(,t 8 j
Um - ^
,' 1 f n retnmntew, ** said tho old |
an he fumbled sheets of
-when ,o joo a young man j
!r“1, 111,111 l"' u, '4 uUul tousiciiui
the piono or tho violin »m~u5 was a
1 mean of course In this
On tho other side it was
n Tit R, WM ‘fa ^ , HrenH, 11 i nitev! ,U , j
* •ute* * in *1 the early t pare of thisccn
■*>’. *<> poKsoodan tirtimateund pmc
! a. .,a.uiiiam-A! with some .rnisieal
The guitar was the only
•men! up. „ which a man could
thu-e nines writ him t snl i.s-t
s. If , I unpleasant, t in. U ,
»• «»«J 'here are young
,Msd as amateur vio f
' lea’Hf'.is Times..
........ l.
!l.e ,-ast Mil , "My v
otic; " "! now U
im - for a , np. for
f n- my health ai
e enger 1 uc.i a l
xdlc uon ever
' w«. taken
t \ lf htircl M d "‘; the r **y* will,e in
^ t Louisville
r»w't 1,1 \.vM E!»
vwxrr. Jh 'S
i * “
r «l Ab b.e \
f ^nertaw
f w ” ul*WV relief J
I * -o* - t
•" * , <rt a 4 u-t three 1 calf
u-!«t-*r’- , ,'rwfc. cwtw*A-i
■ *' Ur !’«a ;*u*t«e,
'Ua ° ^SJSSfcgSneavre. re» »« the Try l»«er, H
. b »n repeol* , ‘.r«|K*n #«U*i j J
$t, m t vjddhy to It*
vr. » i;«Ure- *»d e«ist J j A
Of caro >R. a teak t*. »<***■ f
ssi^ , ^.r,rvr-. , 3
: irr^x-ssr
and ho ; ! t, a toy ta*::- t«.f line
-*11 • were found and of
fu 1-* yon have
eaten, I. • * i. have howi l.' pt tn
stock two i J can prob
»W n as much loafer »
do not I ikav what tiio j.retvirvfltive
Is,..: ; .v 5 ,.f I r -t itfomu big
fm- „f ol.. mi't* down town, nnd
• »■ ,.-r> is nothing in
1 it
ml <•! fruit ' '." I t r' .«l- s
but I gu« sit wo
R.-verel writ,•:■)*. Ik
-:.t S:i..:-;..| de fl.. .. |, «••»
u,vf .1 e- ,r,.-a of Of m
natural t .tmt<r that formerly to
....... ■ .... •;• ■ r i> ; y of
t ..... i, tho Imli:,e, of the (’ha
burr.- ■ • !• :-;ihl- u-ivg. v.-hn-h
Iilvava *-| | •
................. known ns t!ie“g<ni you.
As j.n.ited tin* word hi divid
- d. Ip .i.oui.c-l with «„,nick, gut the
tur.-d »- • ml, not wholly unlike
............. of „ 1 .,hy. 'Huh mmmtnn*
am... . i i, ■ • 1< -> tid t.-lU us, lived
«.;, !.. .....i: .h. • ght Indians
b -v ■■!-."-ed sl.-miiwny
m !■ •••;■ '•'•"■>• li«l*. (ho pmehe.
l«mig 1 o e enough, so «n o.o Indian
told < • i. to hold "lifty
i Hnmlreds of the Julian* living
around tl kr It botbWil
Ik .uni (-'him. plain that they hud
ofteiM.eti the hon: I m.ieter St .p
fre , land to .-land, and Hint her
b. .,d was "higher than a cloud.'
"Prstii what they say." Champlain
writes, "I should any tlmtChttlenr is
the dwelling place of Home.le-l that
' Willed ms to wait,. u*,i-1, f.-rn friond.
In 1 ' vvd
' '' !' >he tbop
■:....... d”"'!- 1 !.””
Will —nwr „■ '
A* wo look at the glowing
1,1 ftn kcandm-ent lamp and know
^ ' s possible for that hairlike
to maintain Us heat and
'"HHawT. fllra.Mt Hnduu«ed,
heat and ^ light ™™ve! osi to tho be mysteries able, to
this result, a mansion
J'»'l|lf»»ont at least is callH f..r on
]»art of our nnontiiic loaders who
'»"»n- 11 ..-. 0 - th«,..... i,,,„
,ho 811,1 m, *«< u ' dem-tal from
b *"* , '’»- ««'•» that the
Vh °" 110 fUd wm
rjv/ Hw ». light » , cmiidg , t from tho Incan
lamp is simply another form
Is it not possible that he
airs on high as the ruler of all
re,-s may utilize the motion of the
K spheres Mmhghi ns huge,Ivnamos, 4,h and
rtive ns and boat '
rfTSrrfw N*Jwurtl« Though
„„ »!«««, as mud, I obb thero .natf
cm lx, in the wav of afn
Still flowing * A p.Sv ceiu -r ,S wl b'
rv W1 , 4mianl „ ttaf ^love bv
„,, S!
was t)u , ( „ a , lst> of J j j 5i> '
xlm 1)( , , h
or lose hi* leg He Imdno m uSf* re
'KamyJm's nUmt Hw. al
« similar prediranmn ‘
If t( ,
™ ° ao w ‘ *L
WT itr-Lmotem Tit Bits.
What "Among M»*ot tu Ua.
her tattght to a ■____
iU overnug potite®, , T? t,t ^‘ not nut mdfa rtola ‘
tmmimg mail liattag .
tta r ? 6t ofteroooa,
Tril-:. i' 1 *' ^t W ‘ M
tratowltav^l^rTsaw '««*•-» *** :
firawu-Ye^, for she never
her elbow that he d.swi’t te¬
l«od owr.-DeUxm I'm*
sjrgyquis said to Deeeartea,
yews ^atottesf
“Do you think that God
gv»>l things <wdy for Liolsf’*
■•'"4 4 *-&srz
?r^%^ 2 e; J
; ■'. :." :
■ ■
2 B»sr«s
ln n ^ *" *
. , are Ixwfld , , on _• ' _
• 'lfU?i!rmm*td
' . \ , l-w, nl avenue rail
^ liurfart S
- - 1 ' ■ ■ • : ■ n »,,L the
vl'vv-u ,1 K i!.|„hm! W .
*’ 1 1 v * ‘'' '' a p|,ii« 1 J .*
was t tnt nn> < ar tun it . i, a , o-n . i
Mr "' , H 'V!‘" m
, # . _____ _
• : ■ ' *•
..i.j-p-.m of s loh aith
,M " 1 f..r<-.. t" th" .,.,.1
n * / 1 *’ !i ure
l' 1 '".-'' 11
w) 1«- .. •• j-r uinriti.- tf-.r <an ha\o
noiseless exhaust. Bntooartru
; ’’ " 1,1 Jjt>
.......of this K.,— !■--■ j.-'-t.'.n, .
<>no nuhoml pn^d.-nt ,ksW
«>;'<« ,f ''' rseii' Htulf\ho
......... stu.f
kill tntnaof hw old 11 h >r.y*. «»«
skms mid mount a p.u» ,J th tin >n
low truck in front of cch car Con
dmon* OAistmg now seem favon bio
tot the introduet on of u^ motor
which free fmm the ol,ectton. to
» 11 oth<?r sjstems, with no new le
^ of ito own ...‘rnmning ; may
J-“iu*l that a car ninmng without wun
hone-a In troot will make astiopedo
of ul o n uines on he. titmds trav
«*i1, and thun. I tj) wasthe only
reiwjmi urgi-1 m opp-.i.ton to Hi.
tnxiitctifin of the nneuinatn. ra ‘^® r -
Tl.o system would •"J l‘“ r t'" , * l “> 1 >
adapted to uuhnrhnn w\
would afford -Ctter facilities fw
rapid transit than aro now n flop, I
t*y elevated rowls, for while tue
•!-*-! ........1 bo equal to twenty
any twm.lJy found on horse rail
rood* Thw U a point of tl
est value for public a<x>oin<xliiti.>n.
fsesuoio for Ul - ,
in i»l*i tnmie elevated, |
r “- e
** n mo
PIsfTO put on a gratsl air.
* formally declare to you," he
4- 1 I amnnable to prepare a
f • that tide. \our
mnor m excel
h*ncy must not stpposc tluip I cun
wroteh np a dinner Jthe way you cun
j ,»~& zffgasz
r 05
! o«u». tal » beUeire Wco«k
1 Guatemalans ^t™ roffoTfaTttio that worldXn there is
t | mt „,;«<.«] on their own plantations
;;;;lr, «nd Hmtnil imuriMn ,v , ‘1
^“ftlr j n tl , e , mu mShy . ketH of Rtemnlans tiJ\ ynr l\ lt ,
uu,ke 8lm> of ffvsvlicfft'o in travel to
J inar by V tiikinir Z lUoncr Z n S &foro 6f th^ir
n A vJ sevoml l
in ehos h, at^e^l L C 1, 4
£ ^ wl T . f
If poured P^fw_ rehl W f tf |' t’ ■ tr » V“® , so ! u ''ghg.a ^ p ^Tat in ?I *
I A »»•.«.m.
At Ai * ta -Chaprtle there is n news
Iwper mus " um - foundwl by Oscar
von Fonkenbeck, which contains the
1 fiIeR Df •pectmmt of more than l?,000
newepapem in the world,
® 11 ' 5 > l «• daily i-oduring copies of the
; remainder from all quarters of the
Kkib * 1 ' TU ® «««* curiosity, of the
collection is No. <« c.f the Texas
Deroucrat. published at Houston on
Wan * h **• *«*»• when the exigencies
of war time made it am -,«sary to
Th* tvll tey* Am*ms itg\ pt iant.
! baa tan^™.d «*««aad tt»© thVn^k nock charms sup
cooed* of wore hy children
little tin or leather
jWsjJW** im* iwwiw.—D»*
h h gvoorollf agreed among ir.tu
s plain Don't break your nock
-ttnning after something yon are
lot sure of and not Worth tho
trewlh after twin® altered. if In
rther word*, don’t at all you
nn get akmg better on a which, al«*w, sure J
ralk. It k not work kills
»aa so much aa the hard vrey they
io about duing it—Lancaster Kxatn
sssa?43 ?Vi
strewn 1141,1 ° n wrthrtbe * V- 1 ■’I >. «vry
p § blr ***
v. ana \
«"**«* 1. *****
jW,JeT .
t* Tliis - & . M ®
course a
soap, to im ' the ” ’ raadl ««!> *>n»j w ,4 •" ** * ”'•
away with taEk o ctit the
coat too dry in<! luuw'd. r^Sfe>' t -»er *■**»«•. auu
hair mah. - it gtdfr : .. .••Booth- "•
heavier—in fa
X Jk~'
n«s.-^ --
Although n,c»».U,- *J*u*
Umn ) '
and luu» an |9H .^
at 90,000,000 ii^jj !
^ Uli „, <*CfeJ w* I
of the Indian \ r ’
miles, or ;.l. AtJjffl : •• M>
that „f tho ar^H Mr K h ^ ‘
tbe Atlantic r * Al '
b y ,ar Mediterran4« K« j Ore [
and * 1
mar kable. Botddo : "yyf 1
j at ,. r t ul ho sr«s Oulf and of r“'•!»>./- ' ft! •*
aro ||
Hudson’s bay Ke||J.
Diacay . H wo ArahiaEK b **
t he Red sea, ,
Eengal, which
oooon we leave It
gtni jg-ht coast liim,»K deepWl !1 - uUon8 °» (
ti „ n a few »tJ«.otrat I
tbw of Asia , on
i t i H owing to h ' wwasquent j
^ tan(1 v , »,,L tb .V oa ° I
ease of comnwm, bB ?
country and •M *' ' v *tl»
d , ilizod natfej. At
(ewexwjrtioiw. Hi'' Brooklyn
jj ve on the slwn . '.Ha.
Bmtie and Its late- r .
^ le
. thatM. I .f, mi 12*sr« DK ^
I erted ^'‘sTpPnre- in u .. " <t; ■ „lws>:iil..r
’ ‘ / tih ; .,sf.:.r '
-you u.iisf you can. I
will tell the 1 1 mi te.-th.rt you had
The.v inoue l.|..,-k ataut baseJSm the tenth
one on the,floor from
column over which tho ea-do p re -
sides—which is called by the lmiso ruide
“the central block." whotoivSES That is
it do,, not carry its
of a tl-mm-nd t.,-m b«l -»♦ I
in unison ,u.d calling th*l you W
that T £ this block te , r
•» «»tor =-V^iar.yy Jfr&pa and listen ^* to
mockery I It w^SlAtcl | I
by the "oldest inhabitant”
wln-n the floore were carpeted
tlio ivlm,-, were i,..t k.» prenouneed,
but nevertheless the members of the
house complained constantly of tho |
had acoustic proi»rtiea of the ball.—
It ashiugton Cor. Rochester Post-Ex-
that offense at a provinckl tribunal
when ho was asked to wllThat give his name.
“ You know very my
“ !Uno is '” ii0 ro l ;!i, 'd rudely, - a.s you
have the papers under vom- ni.s-n”
quire,! tlie magistrate.
“ Ym - I have had enough of vour
jiul^onio. m-egi.ize your right
b> I have only been too
mudl of '
“ victim of your stupid
farce "
“Will you withdraw what you
have just said r asked tho judge.
•T would not lower myself to do
8UCU tl thing, SCOmfllily- ]"I -pj ]I'(1 tlio
prisoner, who was Alien and there
condemned to two years’ imprison
meat—London Telegraph.
Th " Epi*ctq«l church in Hinghom
, 1,88 a m 'h’ r wh '> keejKS things inter
; l
' “*“«• Ho ndvmised far and near
a f, '\ v " v, ''; s n S° th: 't he would
' ,n ' at ' 1 “ th .'\ Ust ; « no
f***® to the*hitc of an egg." The
. town overfl.mad the little
: h Y ‘!- T,u parish
i 1 n ‘ n l ‘ !t '' ,Ui a > preacher
6*l'hmied that he had Ixvntraveling,
SUvU «««!.« nnm ''«hnary t«kl him statement that there was
' a in the
Bib, °- Preacher as he was he had
" ever ff n !t - b f told the man if
he 0011,11 show v lum ^ text he would
(Job, which hence he widely the sermon advertised as rerre d. I
he thought it « ;
people ignorant might interest, otaer
and curious ns him
self.—New York Evening Snu
F*H in Prk®, S
Train B-\v - Fan. inp i?; n »
tram tisin stutsl. started. ii was before the
Thev're five cents
now, mum.- Good News.
I * r - finilV Worm lAstroyert
last surd and qo : ck*y remove worms i
fretu children _______
tng the weak or grown and people, restore j
health. Ti.v punv to robust i
them. Noother worm
tredicine is so Satte and sure- Price j !
John -s> cents at Park drug stores or sent bv mail
H. & Sons Co IT3 and 177
Sycamore -St., Cincinnati, O.
Agre«« trlta tier.
Wif—1 know I do foolish things
xofiinfs. and yen do, t«, vou li ad l
toil, woat you. di-arf
kre Husband-Y«. Blade. I knew ' roc do.-Van- 1 j
* <*f th. Old
,: iiira
an,] V^ ^ 1 !b ^ " r;, standmg S J * £*® m * the ™ door
*—'• * “ • ~n ............. UL
the h«l! to the oppositt,
* otI ** c ® etartio Strangers as
they enter fl/e routn. Pom# of the
' : ’ apf ‘ r ,iUfn ia ' fe ,cai 'nt-d the lo
cation of these echo stones and take
great deUg«:i fa puzzling visiting
friends or new men on Newspaper
row. ‘
The natural relapbono is one of tie
wonders of this wonderful Itall
Away over in tho comer you can
^ U,M while your may be at a similar corner on
tho ontxaite side of the ers.rr, Q »>.t
ry syllable •tanding'feoe as oLiiiilv rs
face. fliougb you were to
Tire sountKgoee upward rr
sumahlv, and the
other side, tat how It is connected
no one knn». This is ^l-r!
trondertbl acoustic puade fa
r.-a-a groat deal more inexplicable
the well known echo aube U ;.
of the dome.
; It was not the intention of the
architect to make an echo hall It
was to build a room in which aSS speech
making would te easy ^ and LaS tali
Instead, he taUded
In which all conversation was veri
tobl ° How the gentlemen
and owr managed to make their speech**
continue their debates no U\l! one
ster> now can Hen^Cky, imagine. Yet Daniel
John C Calhoun
and Hayne, of Bonth Carolina d-liv
ereduoma.^ their finest oreV„He„i
efforts beneath this
^ |?AQT
^ ^ Md i I 1 e
ATLAfta ciaoiBATI* fBimss^a lSSSt& uSimu/’ • -
•_____ Afc5 3CSIIftMES£3T8.
i 1 as-a.'x xx, laeo.
hid, fTT^r,- ~
i-.-2,,:.;^ u? 1 , n:w£:g: SS?:SJ
I i, .. . nirogg
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AnfiSar* * frprejrt JS'... iSS.S I ,i'"i ;‘, L|
—i—- iwr U.'
mSImiI;' t?,LS I S'
nn^ mm
^•• i : VW*''--'"M:Sibf..S!?{l.t r> wS5 “ ,,b
*■!■* Knu,v:i: '
ritou cl MlUi'iMA'ZZZU nT.” s,.M
.. am
r-«-. 1-
in wmm*£ —
Hgffi? ^taSP Hjv
I —■ gffrarosgLaA.yic'si.'ssrs'a *. »’* gv « of Primary , PtMindxrv oral Tertiary
1 j|
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s?j>si'.’.s syj- ! ’’ l d 1 il.Tff.1** 1 'T7 i '"Y.7i
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LttOS., Prcpristsrt,
_ r:xk, SA7*2CiB, Si.
ft • 3TV" pi>»
4 . * sjt »»
m r»%. lo say
r?‘-: U
€£Sjf5 r 7
ire •IT*
V- te * rk
^•sr j«rew barn *»*d H few*
• t *> r ,
M IM’*** Up w j } over a # sir >. and *-U2 »»>** aorv gr e*»i » e f --. e i i ■
wm\x* EC * (
^ • 'u, >
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Tbe Volumes of the Weekly begin with
the first Nuiiit,-, lor January of each
year. When no time is’ mentioned, sub¬
script! ns will begin with tho Number
enrren' at the time of receipt of order.
Round Volumes of Harper’s Weekly for
for three years back, in neat cloth bind
ing, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or
by express, free of expense (provided the
freight dees not exe -e . one dollar pe
volume), for 17 00 per volume.
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable
for binding, will be sent by mail, post
paid, on receiot of gi oo each
Harper’s Weekly,
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wrle * ot art'cies on the twenty.flvj jrroat
«t cities of the world, Iceluillnt live illu.
tnUlons. 1 lu* Columbian Exposition, ttia
Sport wm cop, ITluHIrtl Whltn^. Tb?
Casper tV.
“' i » t °f mmu'm writers will contribute
M ^ , ktlngulshe.i
cdltnral »nu.l«s of JHTHi, oS"
' r.-'e will r.-ma.u us i, u .... lttr
* '
Harper’s Bazar.
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asti s, and its last page is famous as
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issues everything 1s Included wiiich is of
; Interest t» woman. The Seilals for 1«I3
j will be written by Waller IScsai t and Wil¬
liam Black. Mrs. Olipiilant will become
| a contributor. Marion Hariand’s Timely
j | Talks, tet de,l ‘‘Day for matrons, In and Day He Out.” ar# in
I North will specially address and en Marshal
Higginson, -Women girls. T. W
cultivated in ami Men,” wil
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S29 kdJl Bgs ; 4 Si., AlLi STA.Ci.
A.U Woik Ga^rirtecd.
i ira s B arr
i TnelUgsrtee
t . fonrt
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tt _very eg America
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r^srs^-xir s
ir "' u lin ^ ili »'» contribute
new novel, «a World of Chance" orom* char
aeteristically American KepeeiM sL*~
■«•» will <* given to Short
wLith will lie contributed by T. B. a
drieh, It. II Davis, a. <; 0 can Do 1*
ITsigaiet Keterd, Mae WeetMaasdctte
popular writers.
, Auioi-g tbe literary feature will be
* «f*cnal Keuiinisce rices of Nathaniel
: ^ awtl ‘ornc, by liM co.'icg. cinsvmato and
I ^ Pw4Ml fe * lon * f*'*"****. Memoir noratio of the Browuirgs. Bridge, mid by a
tJ ■' v.l't ^ r 7 .(‘ rJune , * *“<* December of
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