Newspaper Page Text
Tue Democrat.
■ =*
T. W. XKAI-ON, I’rr^.ric-tor.
.1. M. NEA^OX, Editor.
(Rrit/r^d at th*> |>o«!ofB<re at ruawfoidvilla,
Gkf'rgiit, m ihn9{.D'I-p!»*# mail
1 oh |-k!• -nil \t.
< •( Xi V-.rh
you viu i-r;i • IIH.N. ■
, ,, *
1 LH Toll* H.artD OFflroWHA *
N.sri'l!« .IAMKS, -
Of lUctooiwi I omiy.
Of line] t .unity.
.IBsSi; \\. WALTERS.
( - I Ke.ijhiri) (>tn it j.
< if sunder (kmnfy,
Of < Z. ('iiutiiy.
HI Nil AMIN 5% Ill .At K LI RX,
• if I ii'iirm < ■ mu
Of Uni - < i
1 JF.t K ... It. I Gl NR,
Of Bartow Founty*
< )f Eil'i ri < iiiiidy ,
()f l.'.utee !t!. “fifty
do I IN \r. 1 , 1 ND«LV.
< if Will,cc on < ‘minty.
M< Kl'NlMFO F. Ml I 111 >K,
Of < '-.mi' i ii'i!
i i.i ' ; ) : • mti.o < ■ ii'*' MiT'.
“ n,: " ' ’ ’ 1 ;i 111
1 i nc iti-ii.i «> * '• i .
•lAMIjbC. t • ttl.Al.K,
Of Ri. inimiid-t “Uttiy.
\ on. fur ,1. i I - Black
Tin: («fit!i hJiouM fit VIA TM nek iMii
Th *t of p-ni I eovernient
kb',cuii<| the dcfcvl of Wiils., 0 .
H) Mi yjmm.’ 1 Suit tbv fort * bill i 1 * tui
Utftt* of ibi« fitit»ip«ign titul VVttl#o.ii
lhat tha lU kvi you vnfa
tli0 !l»! of dauDwratir » b fiorn
in 1 hi# i#Htw of 0 i 40t It AT.
Odv Mt ilVficri ho*t Major Jihick hr »
Ihii ifviilb iDi»n, M W t*)| that’.
Hbwiit th«4ilud of 14 OOflgttD 51114414 VU*
wan!, itfn'Ml?
1 r Da* hefpaae .IMo't (Civ*- A’-' Baltic
ta'ivdagc# l«o fantmmgn, JsJntit tfigy raa
tV'llisln* i»it 5 omtvsss they H'ltudd re,
mnuisT that tvidihti,* v, ms * i<i imu* 1 by
Tom Wat it.
l{:iiu or storm, had or -now . th« let
ter c.iirrier iuu*t be out toiling ii]-ni¬
tre altishyt' retd « ID* duty iiiiih-U
iii n to lice the tiitiSo** storm, and
l liomii i: rein is liciiiu iiilv the result of
such exposure, 'Ho-, ho a ever may
l »* rviuliiy < r Mnl t*v »S;*U utlon Oil, tbi‘
Ii *t o! hid ini' n\*
Li r . Vt n i-i t ilnuerro
cx uuu \ A d^!!i«K*ni1 D‘
Vatt* ftl tfli »>14?HV t i'.ini < inr as imtc’i ,
. • If ill Hi* Uyt' : mI or llaiirt 'k.
W« »!•’■*if•• is** y i s. Mf fiililH-fl*, ttmi
i»r > -'ai ■> w •' Ii ivc !»• : s 'ili't | Ilf K ills’4
*■-w Disviivt r r for « Oil aii Dll 9H Ur.
K :t.u » S. * I .if* |i Arnifti
*' tiit'f IIhI K Hie hittfUa. »iiut Itivi* H»’\ «*f
f reBirdlt * at* hdIi, « r thut
h I Vt* tfifplj *t|AU U(|{Vi,{ a«t) fM% 11
W# do tot h« iiA i«* la guA*#4it»*** tii***n
vi'!f Muir, tilt i wc *ts»‘ r**ii l x tft t«• fua4
I Li** |>W 5 **tl 4 *•* J> j ^Liwirefy
do H i (oth>1f tii .... u^**« Th«*P# rfHH'thcs
Iiivt* won t!i t iti * \ ’ Ji ?|»H ■I i -, - IV Ud
iMr in ut? by hr ~ to.
Ih u *^i>l
W *1
ii!her t i
5 lyllil thun
i in i the I ' I .lit
■ - Him v
Sj (end id for » *> K v
Kidtit \, 4I.i wi* 7 •=: ntv ,
4 ’ ii {
t 44 u t
VC lit v Jl UM#D*
tip !t»r *i<Hny ix\ v V-.1 U M i*
* tor
To SV \\'i\ r
They »rc eomiriu frofli th# trvuinuiii',
They are reining from t Sit* s>»a;
Fnmi tlir broad Sarann*li'x vrtl*r*
T«» the Chattjhoocto,' free
And tlie « '««!!«! .|« aedt'ie Id(.dlland ■,
A-ft slogan, r*l*e iSc aciog:
“We are democrats tjrafn freergi*
Two hundred ilioui-and ►trong"
'iiie > an- ron|ng ftehi tin- cities.
They arc, omhig from flic field*,
Democrat*.- lit their uogalit*,
Democratic In t licit li -i-t*.
And there'* ifothingcan resist them
A> they twfldly in arch along —
Tl»e demm'rat* from f ieurgi t
Tw<> huiidfeddliOOsand strong.
We are fighting for the party,
We nEe st iudlttg taclo/ace
If mir stilt- in tMtttK?
'* slnll never in ifisyrac^.
We are fighting for the right,
We are siriabig at tlie woiiig,
As deiini'iat* frnU^.oon'Ia
Two hundred thousand alrujig, ,4
Ti e bnH'it fall* a* lightly , i
A* the mi v or in ner I'Stn *
Vet atfong-r than the tempest
That rives ttie out in twain
I h<-y w ill < tnue of aiiluinrf
<)r |fj«* c‘ in I.a t i.o bf*ach n lony; —
'I it** (h untrmin from
Two hohflred UioiJHttJid strong.
bum boimMost.
K n •• N’« ■. Dih -nery h»r ( im imji
.. .
,, „ " ,
.-1 ibis ow-1, Mel:.-,»c ,
I, vc, H tf.-i-at <
one trial will c,o ivince you thut is lets
wond'-rful ciinitive power* in at! di-
( use* ol Throat, ( h<-t and Lung*.
Ivn-ii („>! iL: i« guaranteed to .to afl that
i*(daitmwl or money will Li refunded.
J r J.ii lioiih n i i t- .e Dr, It. ,1,
Drug store. Large hofth * ,y)6. and
Tin- 1 chin summer Carniv/d, whIch
'-«»•' » Xovemio U-». i..
|«i« id \o he f-r h|i«m*u 1 In t#*t # im; l
1 ', 1 1 1 to II, t: people Of tills Ji tj, but to
Hie peu|i|u vluxoigbou, u« state.
IT‘mi wtuH tan h- liMhe.i, i
f. *' ivitic* on till* oeouiton will
. of the kind dyer hccii v ■
• .n (.oit'n.iD
■ cuallhi- 1 these Of tie- w.ol-1 ,.o,„w,„- 1 |
,S1 1 ’’ ’• i “' ' J
sp, 111 tom i.Hiiieni ■ . e..toiv,il, military
i,in! loin a oiiciit I, Hi. bicjcla ram*.
........... e, .red ........... will im a few
: .reset the week. -
Tin- •htltHti, Aii»'i E-i'in, will h» re
<-etv-d in I'ouii -• vie 5 so d will l e i-eoi
l.dia.muotbe s , 1(( t t#, I.w IjfwWift
h (."■(. It
'* ........... •' ,v "' ->'>'» el,
i'io. u.s HI 1 . 1 MB. I t .1 tWa
....."’try. AD,.Mi. ih making great
\.\ f(. ii .tiioi.H t«ii flic >t'.Miii)iiii.i4tl<Hi of
i her guretc. Kao welitoniM the iwople
attl. H rm N «,,d tlmae who go may
..... •• .................-ml ........ . .....r will ,eta,„
", v Sit A'l i.Uii.
I in- i ulr- nd*. real'* Itg th« Impor*
r.Ue »..« cent a ""I"- ""•"'«
"'••• '-A.U *r«* very IlhenA, ..mi
\ ev.-r.lh iL sli.Mi'd nn ii'hlHif. Mini enjoy
tha featl*_____ t il.e I,...............
,,,,,, 1 uN ^ .... ,
iumI I -Ml* (!v» ihij’H, Lveiy day lm« a
ctl uple>
*’Oiic touch of N iMirc hi ikon the
\vhoh* worhl khi. ' IVh e i i common
t»* ,, til rn*e tvuniic! the scutch tor a
cotllltuui iviihmIv. Ii ii f>un 1 bi
* .
Ay<» , 'vi i , * I t fie* ion
wi. * *• i|» r u, rvjHit.d
chi. « oi :>!-\v nle, B-mn y Imjpdy
Mill M? f -i- 1 »su«, ........
ciiiu ill um*
TH** Mtc.mjf (jdButlttai In tlu* l|»t*iHS
A iur.n Kuotihl D« e that bin won)on
ftd’oi - j ivt n an t'i •waiM o, i^*t
tho dav' K>‘ t<* * ivo hi ix tho w * *
hon* ill lit UiH HIT', Ut Id j Lot i nch
In* t*dd Imvv Trn it to" oti'd tohvNt.
4 ,i .<1 h *iW tho o \». Tiding tit it to thoin
fydvv'D bud to tin d own gtxnl judg
mnil. my a v-mwii, galled by a
dr^M'm’atu o that mUf* i her to rim tv
tiu‘ h ad of the ! uwc fur evt ry vent
the j j H'ul ^father than U.o
It tun ilia t. b?n tT t . \\ .uh hy nr • of
Vilavi m\m-i ipply her own watte,
tfi uhout ipu - uo!» w tmutaiutt.
It i . c;m < - mist i>u the jart of
n ■ t Z i .ait> them for vet
the Hi** 11 theuf* fatuities, for w* '
rxue i re i-.otM it. -h. bn! it nutkt
it not, - • n diit fer the \vi;o who. _
i>:i>t ne%*L- state her tviiuto K’foro
tins lenity t i.n>ry ..* Ikh n jt :-reb
-. are- re, area -touted toremying
n viiuyi retl h;;v*::;? it tdwnys nU»rd
u>i aU if thor dm n tuinisthat
ii ib'vcr v-v.vr.o Ih* ir l:i uilu to qtiosv
lk>l5 I V it V. t V; it il vl L‘ l"0 i t hj’AHl
(o li d; 1 1 \ v « i c for flu* IlUftlw of ob*
t.a - a : i v. hat. n h»x <>f cigar*or
«, ftil! Tilth. at i icii.rulj hiaTimes.
A iMuklir l k UU'Um,
. •nveiuKus are the result
n- of i**o]-U’ living a lo:
tmu I W ,i in j t-rsutui
i? j .*» 5 »ie that their views
Will' Stain 1 ;, al tbi'ir practices acti¬
r i 1: n'- folk-w that a man
vv b . :i;-e he Uv, da long
ti - •* u roson and Dr.
• ;i jiti l thv r t gra^tk’
utir * f tbt pix^KKiiuija it
Vft . to.vt stlitl. ’Til
.Kn l i. they
\V,»U : tJhout iryim
to t g i j jv i rtieu. -r anil
lIlC l*44| 1 m s xs.-:' ! e t.i--:
of r 4 ing without
Z m uatUxxT. tlu :r sugtes
*5 luii tx? t* rwrth i\ ad
U i. ' : View.
Jii»rr<»fi I>r.H.of itAT;-fln jrag«* 125
slid J2fi <rf Mr. WatrMl'D nuplgti
bonk he define* the HnatirUI
of lii' party to be that “an net forth ip
1 1, -ub-tn-aaary ;dan of the farmer'*
On page 1!*W he explain* the
nuh-treasury plan to lie that “wljefi the
market i- oj,prepci by an unusual
(,uaiii !■ v <,f produce -the government
to lent money on produce in
; i: . owner to defer „J 0
Ji i rotjkl hehevo that , th* execution
Of the ..ub-treasury plan would benefit
the farmers 1 would favor it for they
are M,r<d v oppressed. Waiving the
r, 11 : ::
s J
. tliut it Is nnmtHutioiial (Tor
if it ».< not the eon dilution could be
> liirgcl., atid pre-inning that it would
oraeileahh which it -iioiiU ' he n» «le
(ole , If ., If would ... benefit the people) ,
M.addUie Operation of the vnb-trea
-ur> (be object* < Jointed for
it. lo-n tiwiiw ii. 1st, funiirlied The funner
cl.eiip and secondly e«»»b! • li ra
........ a he*ter price for hi< produce bv
holding it a while,
i do not lliiiik U would do cither.
{'otfoi w. tild be the piitii-iph: article
“ }
cHilj i*4>i)i><>w«d Upon it at 2 P< - ectii
interest. < >o April 1 st the owimr go.-.*
(or | jH ;Md jf tijafrouh4
three i xp*H*re, to-wlt. lutoreM M
c-nt*. -iiraiK c<:i,,» ^1..,. , ,
■ m -
loss of --, pound of cotton >n *•
dry 1.75 aggregating 85,
. v, bit Si wnu\ I bn twFiityJii-ur jn-r
rertt ?»< r nnnut i iu-ifful ef 2 per cent
p . ....... ., . .... f .....-'•<•, ,, •"«! i lhatjoo, , * , ,
afti r Iiaving hci u deprived of the
p<.-cd ,-i toh-n.1 t .1 ii-nd only Mliy tiO per per cent re i.t of of the the
value of ih« coin,a. After pnvhig
dm ".go once of twice and probably
<»j 1 1 i .tilt m »)’i!(! Im*
• x,.j( h «, would the plan caiwe tlu*
, ( . ;,. t Mo l a . )v . i|u , ( . y. U p;.,«*e the farmers
», ,< ' , 1 .............
jU:'-! of tfi<* Drop. Would mn-lhr <*nl
to " ! , ’^ e! ' 1 • , k,,ow n *» WHS thus |f (ore! , ,
and Hint -It wetiid he only a <jnesti,.ii of
uiuc ‘ «lien it would Ihu* In foreed tin- 1
«« murker.' , i . b,-|„ ve be plan
' f »>■<•' «*" '»"«*'« «»*■'* ‘ "
ThiW the buyer* would merely b#l
tb'-ir mime, until the i iitfon abuuhl
th*'- offered for * sle. M; m limitnlion:
would M expir-- and , tliu* , reicd-re- . o«
.-r«“ph- up .....-
, thc.l...... iiMuey Miu.icr i no-?
N<» fltivvviv i lietoric r.iii ((*!« flit'filer
it of I1 -n>.|V S;»r«-ip.iriiia as w*!l its the
oun Wmd by Uiw excellent
, -* . -
WU-,* Xm.D.*!.•;.
D'* *>n »i>d D-vie imii.lgu ill
meesKlIarv t«lk? l>ry * <v th d they *1*.
w h.dhe. or not they »ie Iceemllmv.
fo.dvtlh r. siiort
,,, „ " J........ „ . aiN-ak ...... eg of the ...
Heat merit o I 1 )..>'!« raid tlm .»••*!
and tired at hy « dcmocri tic "llloial.
Why didn't lie till Dm crowd that
1 Joy In was assail red !»h*uuh** Ih* clreu
latfid a nrenlrti iMw llintj Hid character
«‘f a eiUzeii of Uaticoek 't The SuMte*
liicnt Hntt Wutwo.i HHtde wan c tJeulaN
i! to h.tUffM* tbv patisioim A*f uiuoiiu l
injgmim h tuoarais.
ADervvTrds l,« to^Le negrorf
inhi na -t w *• ati»kc “'!’**y*“i* a tut* thirtl p*u.y
"* ** HD le one." and If out* mi tu
oiy »t tv*!* iu» chi r* ct y, lifi aluo Haht;
*’lt > * * II M 4 ikfi OIHJ Villi 8* I ik ‘ nil. *>
!' * 4 **‘tt •’ ih iihuii Unit »f a third
iaiiy umn and a Jem <km at haVts a
ipiwr** I all till t*r third | aity uaa arcs
to a^Miult Ui# d«*niwraty
tha tn* oninit of tha st ritrne**?
- It' v<m at tike o.t<* y >u airise nil.'*
Now isn't that rtiilter i'-eeudiery. And
you can't imd r-tand the full mean
m** »•( (he wor.!' huum vuii heir the
,|„, m mM j MH the gc>
tore ftcei>iujiatn^| them-
A gain Wtttson in referring to nil ne
naaioti (i.tiiit nliich he imagined a
ilemocrnt » :* going to sIukh him, lie
' i , , L* 11 stall, e, that UlM4* Were
ninny democrata who wanted to kill
him. Th v a lumi to his followers, be
lid; (at tho samo t\m<* a-?liming .n
d»*om uio ii; ) p tub*^ .1 ‘M tdy
III hi* vitin*) * r A *1 tiu y >1
nl** it loo, ii tlu'v vwreiTt filiuid ot vuu
Now vvhnt tdLv! <! > yon inuu;: m
Mich >U\t\ tMt*»4!^ ji'* tins v\» , h u v :i* -I
limp \.hcti iVciif inn?* fo Ugh
|" ,-s,-iit.
I^oyL* hltUMtol i !i'> ,U nuvri!
much. lie cmtumgI tlh m ot
la'i <g a set who-vudd U tong t :i:id
„ u omM pmLal h 1h> kept dnrnk
uii'ii elwtfiovi iiiw lit* s^itl t!,at.liv
voJmgOe iL niiH'mtic ticket they eu«
titVAtx! ihc n s nil the «!e u lin i
made uj«'ii h.ns and lin y (ihe demo
cn»*ie i c-gt'.Ms',eight t , Iv shot, lie
sii ! "i woii'd le tin' man i«» load th
emtiott to *W-t (.s le aeonuc nig
Isn't that incrndi.abin.
'• auu im?s***
ma'fcili ^ v <;f inter when no*
It i- g profitable cheese; to aell
after or out
rannot] L* dWbnc^/ r There
! -N set fcef&taaway » *»rtljr glutted. where
aim.- — f • fj* cpwkh aSbMa kept fee and nwUt. the
Ibead Mark a. not
„'*" u* f '■ t* ie V-.V: *'than* either tV when
mu iMfc i*»«| i.-audon.-haUpotrch .» ■
« »W
of ‘A to make one \»>n ■ I
fonr w«-ll'” kn*‘A$ e§ve*@—■ag* *i* iiKmth- w«b inter- tnree
to to may
faster xnn^t lie k*fpt “cold in a
cor> »torage?Np|^^r i thn^ in
At the ^iwt Meeting of tue hard o
dhw-ton ofilvi i Experiment Station, i:
was det«- that at the state fair tt
»* M;J hi the oo«fa.K %*£
Ze hav«i»nopp .rtmrity
of witu<• the p:.icficnl v.'-»riting of
rudh » facts#, i»o there study every
fniake “4 it ims uBewtive to th ■'ir-Tves 11 ............ and
mr- which
to tins fame** Every %•: »ry of enterprise «m-rprw and and ■ whw. far- i
mMim u-.vy*cciu* - of wor.t .vorg fur- ;
_urce* of income, is a
arfl-fe , »«1 nil aituV-1 thehOn which
>na may its,
iawa hxfmrl Jr it i.i'* , u t - to.
i ;)W ir> - , <4 .Mr oApiriments with
three ^JW*J^^^ orfs}.**j! jiW;a -: ^
Je fcrki&sml tb t
The MtntiBmvov Essex seem to be in
Th‘i ro.l J arts
y*Hh mpid growth an-l *i
tuit 4*v-k, { ji- it ^ng^hifh in I* <>i fat to
t&WK$3W With-at* abaiiclaacd
uf ! W rapi'i j ork makers. :
The* f t>SmMun ® iMurever, o-,rnir/erous H»tou- f ami |
wm t>e-*.allf4.. Umb or
ever This is a aerioua .... oh- ■■■.
ipi-ditio*. ,i,, il>*> i r.^tv> Tp';ey i-m» *»•»■ ________________________ «xeeliaat ,.f tti--,r ec.-.-iU-nt foragars,
,r!hf «•** iginthe wHd!
{jfifUhty an>i protilic, find fur
; n f\' ! fi»^/-«';iHr:.:«ired-- h»i«^ iSd Far
‘atre^W“*. ’and to
l<e should not ba
breu f- 9>»- • ■> ' - ' , with
' Ml" * and kids. Thu E*
»«*x : :i%! Stvr lot hogs. Taeyare
kM • • tinodcr 8. They aru
and and imU»pos»d always fat.
*fhei> exte..i-ive'f«'£* are uwtle, kind to
3 iag. Tliey can easily when be
made to ir-J^a w«*h sine 151 t„ admirably *.»<! pounds adapted
on» y- #«,
tub ta of a Umwrua a*maU
sot, «a«i* <« a i»mi itniiabio Som-o*»»nd
, u.r,WH*i^ „ , ,
':; }i ,,^'for^iv^,:n^;I
«" r,. s r rtJu’rZwrr^nure. 0
!«» ,. . .‘ .v itX '
w. \v. v^^ior, *»n to b.» ono of tV>
••! f uiiooi hnn* > v.-jrvr.* u. vo-.-id,
n . •■' 1 a gnngof
r,r.! “yach-d
M,r .........vs
:7 “ : W ’ • " - . -
"ii Miylev fnm.Ttr o' S..M
In. 1 " M-tii1oy.a a- ft MVII e-i
Tim , ,,t W YwT
E.’ ov!,'* du .1 fir D U *• ,c i • mm too
mate wii, »ur,
, ........ nll
v „ tm : : ( m-„ thiuaiadsof
Ttmma* Ldt, nneiufn of iha late
end A. P. tbit of Confederate of fame, died
Ht Xe v York from tiy-rireov* wuusy.
liia bo * ww* at HHlsborju^li, X. # v,.
1110 !'und'sound.' aTow o’m
!#r»n s, rail iuta
coiitalnin foirtnan. Um «-.i* dr..-vae4
aml t be ottow thi«a seriously tuj i t.
th- first fbi-wiiui ate • p.i •. >:i;;-r to
*^S* >r»*s«»*' T..« are w*U,
'STsSSi«, as a t gas-ryte .,„ K .,
jalKir, rea
bv thj aloattn^ «u hutuiuv auj *u «
Tho ViiiftriCHu A rjcnlturaJint, Xa v
V‘»rk, fSis;ir« t to# U ilto i M l i Wo®.** i
yicht tbt* for ’ V»> >n »S,'niJ,0tJ LH'fjl bit b sj|«: ulinn f n .
coll i Fi 1 > 'it itri
lie re t j 3 oi MS, 4 , *#«W.
Joseph pUMih?, . ,,-oaw.r 'latiuj .,.,.1
poUtkr Hi of To!■> L'»?nn*. •» .d -l.-r.
WOUh » (ii'.i • *
trtMib!# w-itii*pj'r xhfr a”«-1;7 ^ M ‘
At Saa Jua .. is brig-an*!.* r.-1 w* r»
looting t Kt». ‘ hr i .e » *u
*.'• -“H'-rs t ■« r. ,o »#, «
enoiug u
Tiir‘a*Th t! e *i* i? »;i of t »x collators in
FleriTi* iu iv*u ntn-x to r .i-‘Anr , 'i-’.eue
and nil . I et',
in of Ui r i, a ouate^t i>
u*t(I trvaiuh rn%f r«3Uiit i t tho « cl c*
ii4)ti mI voi * lor |>rv#4T«.«uU*ii jo
Varvixo Ntilei.
Tha doisrairpr • itn dI VTurtciahergf U
I'-ant W ..for] I,*. Ire a apyointe I
tnitu-tcr far i.-i- , 0 s.i..Us m t iiu i!r. ra
: r t ? for whol# ot
Hoi! All*! >.D3sA v * lt«44 L-t»t liu i OU 5
Twelve i?v m of .*)!*• r i and font*
deulis, were r D** i 1 til ti joi.414
ot l‘u Sh IVM i .>
Jnmefi K r Vcrk m^rchatir,
r* tiOi-tsi, 1 f - »fc. I* £
fr uSnbtir.'ti ar tV'H Kliitt to
~ * f#w ehol'ra
r . ii* e oh$i
r fi i ri. i» *6 Hi - i A. C 1
fr lie for »> iit« i:
- ■■ crvwi* tkinomne-m. tut it !
; t,i# ttotx» \tt til-.' s iidorit .1
S)»i* »4 "»*» 4«, Witti*-i i
:,*U to r*-si * j a L -: a i« w
B,.ra i - ■* 1:- % 074 .*r# i
Vi* <• tr - «■ {,«: tu it ItAaWy SCi-MWl * I d 1
i, , r-, Irriaa f *r i j#
t vie itf # Fa r ■ L* U*1 of lad
Pi ill
lVnnj-M*»t Heararwl fitn '« r*.
X r w Yokj. N- v 3 -A Teunys. n
te- niori d - n w was tol l at tin* brh
i*m-'-yieriia charetn at 1'iua sr.-::: •
i:nd Th>rt\ Nis'h -• r> t*. Sunday »«
jug. bv *he He. IL vry Van Dyk - ijw
e tm was tw.loi t,- the doors. The
j*st«>r. who vai a w .rm js-rs .w! fri. -. 1
. i the !a«c t»nr an*, end T ■
suuilner ai hla at Al ts> rt’ :
preached a -.-»»> hiag n-feaert-, ! >;: iat?au
fiMurfe c.eorgia E«fo»e» Now converted
v ' Trn«i farm
- into pic-betan ^
\J%ap fn the advertising of the pronderful columns
changM story south. The
going on m the
Savannah liver, from this city for
100 mite westward, has many his
toric pilantatiosJS, which, from the
days of the colonial government to
the end of the dviTwar. were noted
for tto-ir extent and fertility as well
as for the ho-pitahty of their own
erg# Po&zihiy the esr- known of
ti:r. v flucm nerj* this more-properly. city was the
Potter plantation, there or, three
plantatitms. Th- as principalities were es
places. y were •isfcff'ss.
laixiH. ^
Potter’s grove, a* a part of the bt*m
covered with fasuasive, mos#festooned
waH known, was as famous as
Bonaventure. in T5 hite s Statistic,
published nearly fifty years ago, is a
full page illustration of the «i«t.
places, as grand as ever in
natural beauty and productiveness, old plantation
are still tlierf-. but the
life and customs are no more. The
dewendants of of those those who who were were ongp ongg
, ______,t, north ” 1 "77 and r^.i feel ......""1 no interest ’"X i in ? n + the the
homes homes of ot their their ancestors, ancestors.
The Potter place nearest thft dt|r.
«•= .....'r"~
w -veral years ago, promises to
ox u nds point through tne
center of thirplantatioO to the Agua
ta road and the Charleston and ,Sa
vamrah railway, a distance of two
nute. The land ou each «Je w laid
on m email farms.
Probably there is no snot in the
<:tm atry «o well adapted for truck
ftdening. Tlie Laid is tortile and
tuo lneauS gt Uing piouuce to
market umu altci. x ottmig
would be mere m keeping vrzth the
progress of the ago than that this old
pi. anta tj c , n flicmla become the center
On the river the is /' beautiful
scenery who
enough to if.duce jicople are not
‘ l 1 ^
“»h , ^ jSeWH ;
Hiding m in. c.m Hair.
Wilhelm Schmidt, living four mile*
ith <-f Conn nut. O.. has liecome
c , e ot tbe m< t remarkable fnSdts
. ., 01 » *1 rmWnms uuiseums. rie He i;as l as
been m this country thirty-four
but is unable and unwilkjjag to
sp-eak a word* of English, living with
i,i K vvif,, nnd d -irelitor on an isolated
Uttle f urm tlia.t yields corn and iLr po
A vis
fr.-m c.irio-iiy c ; .;i-d on tin-old man.
and thus descHbes what hesaw:
V,'hat proved to be Schmidt sat in
» 1 , ormelmir in ihns-cnterof liu^ the one
7^S roomH hmtre ^aSg OnD a hKhSS ,m„md
was visiWo-not a human feature to
l*>«- BcUmidt propped hi* oano
against his chair, and with both
hands pullod this shock of bair ojKiii,
h ;,, , v ,-iitg h is face, which was blenched
umy looking like vegetables
£r h “ ret’^1 tlm cubin'SS
i -Lcvn-i;. saying
ho dul not like the li"ht and could
not endure it.
rm , . t of i m , r f e j] as ,
the bock of Ills lieftd Schmidt hw
worn It .8 hair as a Lidmgr place for
hm head and face for eighteen years
nnd utendfr.Mly refuaea to hay© ’it
«. IHb ovwdvl't 1 •••* been ;u-ac
shut from it so long.-Cor.
burg Dispatch. #
a TerrihtoThr. nl.
Somo timo ago in aOarga Shipping
town, a big. muscular sailor, rolling
to hi* lodgings at a lato fiour, made
uj^ht hideous with unearthly shouts
and yell*. A diminutive sergeant of
police accosted the offender and da
J 7 EJJSS tzsr zSzzz
corcnioxiiouslv nboiit the sergeant’s
waist and carry him off in silent
The little sergeant kicked nnd
struggled, but all to no puqsise; he
was held as if in bands of iron. At
lust, to the intense delight of the
*,w'otatoTu. the outraged, officer of
law and order screamed out in par
fcet esaapenitieas
tat* “Jf volt upl"-L don t put O0 dOT.'H, Ill
you ndon Tit-Bito
a Doax.
Near the hist curtiage of a train
R,}out to start a group of students
stiKKl embracing each othe" in the
usual demonstrative fashion. The
guard, occustomed to these scenes of
academical leave taking, hesitated to
give the signal, tut as the pnxiced
uigs seemed intomiinablo he ran
panting toward that end of the train,
"Gentlemen, it is a minute pest
the time. FU-;>- get in. '
Saalcuta—Get in! Why. who told
you we were going by this train?—
Husband - What in creation is that
baby crying tor?
Wife— Nothing ft ell. He simply
wants me to half kill myself looking
utter him. I t * going to name him
te'icr you -New York Weekly.
T!lf I Ufa ol tlkvi t.», . .h»ttnu&fak
It wo:. mtetral. of course,
to look < tho-td." { th<- '. of any
living cr- .i'.iirr yr..v. he }:::•! a
head! fur the organ «*f hc:uing Such
investigation, however, i ;;t> iK ids hi:W
tliorentgh. would i e void of results
in many instance In the dam k is
found in the has? of i.i* ■ . *it" or
feeler. In tbe most >;f grass-ffn pp -rs
ft is in t: 'for.' I g. whil.-sr-vr .a! s;e
cies«.f inso-cs have it in the wing,
Lf * i, rubs aii i.ave the aw'd
t*j>TV sac f :f the aiAeu tc
R -
Jr«t!ce in Rossix
Jostice in holy Russia! General
Van Wahl, chief constable of the po
lice at St. Petersburg. when he war
governor at Kieff. received a visit
one fay from a poor woman, the
widow of a police agent who had
- a Hen ; a victim to his duty. For a
longtime she had solicited the pen
»doh which was her due.- The head
0 f • the police. to whom she had ad
dressed her demand sent her always
brutally away. What was to become
rho her rfMolution and her childrenf^She and the tool;
to go sf*e gov
ernor> and told him her stdfy. "Sit
down there and write." replied the
general, pointing to a writing table.
The trembling whman took her scat
t vvo or tlireo minutes aftervr:vrd
the woman was recalled, ai;d The
general gave into her hands a'sji.'
letter, saying to her, -Take this, let
ter to the head constable, take care
not to open it and come back to me
wsaaamyfm have the reply." A
WO ek.passed, at the end of which the
woman wer.t to the palace again, but
tilifi time jovially; her pension Lad
iieen granted o. to ^ her, and she thanked
the governor with joy. "Disuse
i^sri to thank me: I am nothing in
the affair," and he immediately gave
^hc following order- "The head of
taeponce at iu<m is tosmisseu
bis a;;) j £en t into exile!
the widow I'ta<l v/ritten to the heat! oi
the police. General Wnlil had. tat
sSi s
granted.—L.-ndoh Society..
m, „f fiftv-oiw Assyrian
^ Bab y lun i al3 ^ haTt , t ,„, n pw .
Berve ^ 0 f h&iieveti whom ilventy-seven are
j- nu w-n.or to huve met with
v ™ o,u ltnt JT1 t u^.gi.v. de ^___
Humboldt finished his giant work..
first Ixaik .iff natural history bp
peared when the author was twenty
° De '
Gunpowder 20*00 was known to tlw*
Chinese B. C.i to the Hindoos
355 B. C. its European invention I*
credited to Roger Jlacm, about 1281.
' “
In , ferty-mne , ; fr.-m A. . _ D , Sfiu .
to A. D. 809,sixteen Roman emperors
were as^assmaled a^a ssuiated bv by their then sU siKT-ssors ctajssOra
Hefore tVie JutlpiPiit Sr;»t.
My father, before appointing an in
cumbent to one of hia numerous liv
mgs. made the noble resolution that
(as he expressed it i he would
not merely a goo#l ntan. hut the very
best he could find. t happened on a
Sunday aftenioon that he attended
the church of one his nominees- the
^»te end of the aotdal reale being
represented by an infinn peasant.
whom I will caB John Martin Hie
eloquent preacher impressetlon his
henrors tbat (to speak bmadlyi tlicro
will 1)0 tfo restu-ved scats in heaven.
“ndS^bS™ hhi',
the judgment seat of-thal." The pa
tv-m lure iers, ami, vvasasieepre Fort
The m b i.i stick in iirookiyn.
BrooklTS, Nov.-'.—Police Coinnus
Itick t,y members of the'patrol
force aa wa. done in New Vo.-k said ho
would not unless recommended by the
awennteiubmt. insp^ovs and v,-reran
capt.nus. lh-re were times, h.. tlionjrt,
The Tallest Trees. _
Tlio Row Bulletin tells us that “the
tallest gum trees and the tallest trees
in the world are found in tlio gullies
of Victoria, several trees having been
measured that were more than 40'J
feet high, and the highest was 471
An Krcciitrif ISishnjt.
Blsliep Wilson, of Calcutta, had as
hottsekeeper a venerable lady who
rcmombcml the duel between Sir
Philip Francis and Warren Eastings,
on Aug. 17, 1780. On entering the
cathedral on a Sunday morning, fully
K>b<-d. lawn sleeves and all and pass
the pw where t.i® otd lady eat,
he, would pang® and give her the
' kiss of peace before all tue congro
gatiou aud iJiisaluioughhohadmet
her at breakfast.
■‘ lis ECilUOllH. too. W(10 TBCr. ^
Pr, aehiug against dishonoty. cape
great Englifli failings in India, he
want on. "Nor are we, servants
the altar, free from yielding to this
temptation. ‘ Pointing to the oertt
pant of the reading desk below him:
"There 1 is my dear and venerable
brother, the archdeacon, down then-;
he is r.u instance- of it. He out*' sold
me a horse; it was unsound: *1 was
a stranger and he tool: me in.' —Ex¬
Taa« •*. n*,•» i,,-a»i.
Thackeray, like most Anglo-Indian
infants, was sent, whoa he - - a’, an
five years',:f age. to the mothere,mu
try for mental and physical nourish
incut. An aunt with whom lie lived
discovered the child one
parading about in his uncle's hut.
which exactly fitted him. Faanng
some ahnor-.-fil and dacgcrous de¬
velopment of the t rain, ehe carried
him at once to a famous pbysieian of
the day. who is re;*.!*?.! to have
said. "Don't to- afraid, madam; he
has a large head, but there's a g- i
deal in it'" Hi--- brain, when he died
—fifty-three years later—weighed Nj
ounces.—Harj*r a
A Prettv Han! C<«rx>t.
In 15?5 the com- pique, a corset.
was a bawl woodenmc.Jd, ••into which
the wearer was reanpn-: d and suf
feared from the splinters of wood that
penetrated thefiesh. It to, *k the skin
off the waist and made the rite
up. one over the other."—St Louis
j»____ BLOOD DI 5 EA 5 E 5 .
1 JM j
Sr am F^xillMS Mfcp^Sito, fecrofuict-a Uk?ra m
£ore», ?rr - 1 CiteuSolir » Sfmfap, P-hAur^tisa, SlaHna, old ♦
Ciiroiit X: -rt fata c.vnt Ty«fcO"i all treatr^gt, Catarrs,
I r.eUFiEg issFoisfl
o p,r e ; me
cacti Pt<‘.-3t\, SgaJd Head, et.'., eiz.
P- P. P. U a rr»w* t?3^ y nic, and an *rcslU*it_jiyp«U»r,
/ fs*
£■. ’i, hA ■
mn . _ .Li
La4Iet^rk>ttf tysiem* ars poheuaj and wtore irra<dl?rl t'xd la iu
an -fairum noi;ioa^ L^ to gwinU-aai ars
waTi^mp] ii f CURES
0 Kmalapja
sad Pot- __________
i t&i-ZW SSM-jrtprietBa,
Bmjvisw, ii'Jic'i, C-AVASSAEjSA*
6 «)V'-o -id
-Slannfaetim-r «f-
SR,•,SITE an:]
-Importeu IrntrCT.-
flfk rKAC.r<-R tor nainttng Stone.
te#The Brbt in the World,
l^ew Desifins!
Original Besidtisll
low rmc'ES
Send for f hem.
Office and Steam Works,
g2*| & 531 Bll®4 SI., ALGbSI ..... A,Ha.
Ail Work Guaranteed.
# :
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fei life " -A-: - -
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g irirtajj«** , ■ I r-.ii .Hi - :-:24 « IM.
■ pr t>> e.tti p nt
Br-v-TiiTF^rrm iPm «<rrf,'i
c ur.- ttnsr at Heme v n tep*x!' ^ ' r t lit * C!
y-Lltia * y'.'A. spikes eaa
r tadita
.;:iivi.a Exrvwos Ti'-iCET*! v*e -
"r.-J 'VO »• N T *• -r mHe ?rn veije.* rot nciR J
iv • r ♦ h, 1 MO . \ to |f-?I n n ' : :
Nb J i <*!»»* ; . .
f?.AKK Ar p!v * • Tick.*** mfc or so
M. U.l.V. D.V.rin Hu- . ■-'toD :■ ‘T .*. frr-nt,
No. 75 V- u EuJ y »!. O. v-e-n%i;v. IM*
r v K?<UIT. ?. Vt .
i>n'l Pas A sent. ' P --i- • --r Ay V
LrtiVx^ Ga. _ SDN • fi-'.E- T*»*’
^7f^«tBl»VL.' ? •
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______ * 4 I'C* 1ST 1 A A
-!io .C i tVA I 'f !-I Ldi f irviii, L A ‘ii v .>
.u i .
-Mai:? OFF.'Cr D flTORKS,-*
>12 Jackson St., Anjra^*a. Ha,
rirst fla -5 W nr \ ua: rsntc“d
T*Bh or?*r *■*> *+ 1 * ‘^ wfj
*- v*iit f\>r TtiiXer !«• u*r j