Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 04, 1892, Image 4

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    Ayer’s Pills
May always he relied upon as a certain
eure for liver trouhlea, constipation, sick
headache, MUosmwm, dyspepsia, Jaundice,
and rheurnartani Unlike most catliartlea.
Ayer * PH1» strengthen ttie stomach, User,
and howeli. and restore to these organ*
tlicit normal and tegular action Taken lu
season, they check the progress of eolds.
fewer*, and malaria. Being purely vegetable
and sugar-coated, Ayer's Pills are
The Favorite
lamlly medirlne, while travelers, both by
aea arid land. Bud them lu be Indispensable,
•• We sell more of Ayer** rills than of all
•other kinds put together, and they give per
foet satisfaction."—t'hl isten sen & llaarlow,
lirngglsta. Baldwin. Wis,
••I have used Ayer* Pill* for the past
thirty years, and consider them an invaluable
Family Medicine
1 know of no better remedy forllver trembles
Ik ml dyspepsia. "-Janie* t/ulnn, Hartford, Ct
Oapt. Oha*. Mueller, of the eteamahlp
« Felicia," say*: ~ Pur several year* 1 have
relied more upon Ayer 1 * Pill* than anything
else In the medlelne cheat, to regulalc my
bowels, and those of the ship's crew. The*o
PUU are tint severe In their action, but <!«
their work thoroughly. I have lined them,
and with gorel < frect. for the cure of theu
matlam, kidney trouble*, and dysjwpsta."
Ayer’s Pills
* rnci Anan nr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,
c tvtry uost Fffor-tivn tt ot. v.
^ 44 ^, Scientific A me cloak
•« f 4 Agency for
m 4 1 Patents 1
otX"oi?VJmMi l r!l
K.ate u.p^r.n.iun.Mvm.f^id.ri^.inu.. Cff&SySfKS
fariitifif ^niftitan
Uw- ij rfirctilRtiffH of iin» fij'lftntlflr iwn>**r In Ih*
Wf»ri4. Mr»Jr»»rrllf|f» llluirfJKfi ft'M-klf, lOfsvHlifprjf
IMlkii T»« Without If. m.t.OU 00* «
Vl'liMfiUEUfi, , $1M tn$ mimUt*. A<W»rw» A
9R1 Ilf <M*ilwftj . hit* > <»lk.
[:«' .-HiMw ?=??e **Hi x £ltx \i s -»!fl ,>r fS-i* «rr !
Br, ? n ^.7'r t, x o r rt f
lawifsasaiSir.-. Th »r min 'miiv fiir 1 m*
ai Uruua>H*.
WP * paiauA^iHMkiHji^WMguj v.i.i^«i»f.,.#..i.r»iiv
wssesva,. I~i w>rt*i« swsv'vvwweas*
nrtii» rttuijmkHion ur tmm «*»SiFr
NurU to In- »•*•«! t«
unit *Vii iVm! Jht, NVw \ ork.
I’Ofii'witttiitlfcHtM* kOili'itcii. b«*nd t«»r titvU”
Liebig Oompaity s
J <a 11 nl I Ul 1)1 I I,
In the Kitchen for Soups,Sauces
and Made Dishes,
(i OF TIIKKKKU i In Cure, 4 tv
iMiuruiit'.di nottfi fuii nO
wtriulurn Hu «1 hi (IHIM (« 8
iiffviiihv* 1 7A flM it U.Ule liit*
idltlM «• W» tniht’T Al, IMcpMlI
\ I h«» Kli Ho,
\V i»hi Hijjisfn, i*,t. K«*r miH* hy Mu Hot*!
•V < "ih n fottlvIM**, (il*.
«*♦•<» \\ llitnvn, hii i»m» l.*
i* i*
v* *• Matt
/£*$ f s Z a ■'
\ :
i ■ a fr ■ »• ** • -
if 1 1 .
•4' na * 4
, .....
j mm
k -
* I*
VT 7. %
C )' .“.'T
C i t i.*
1 ,
'#**•*• , ;
’\»«k * . • *'»{<.»
#« i I \*Oh .4 t A»k »*.<M ti.p#*
Art* then* any mnieralse
on your place or do you
ilmik that there arc any.
II’ NO send us two
specimens, and state the
e rciimstar.ees u n d e r
which yon found them
and we will have then’
examined tree bv an ex
Nml your specimens to
pMtse here; am* her* Is pea"".
Noon, and the drowse ot*ouni
Werers in elombroux tune:
M'-kdowt srttb ktne at ease.
I‘r,ol« w here dear waters flow—
pools where the shining trout
nteker; while In arid out
turkllng. tbetr shadows go.
ftaooihlr the river slide*
Seaward: through tangled grass
Swaying. It* waters pa*a;
Blue at It* heart alildew
Bloe ft the J.laeid -ky.
to.t In soft gra/r- la-tween
(ire..ii tei,k». sod shatlowed greto
The great deepe at heaven lie.
I/,: from its tdtver lair,
i/nnting the summer fly.
(.learning a curve on high,
Oiancss a trout in air.
truni ihe hltiesomed t horn
Hwittly on wings *• whir
flashes ths klngflaher
ihralgbtway that trout Is torn.
Peaceful this plane you say?
r<«l! It la red with strife.
ItutUle**. arid swift, and rlf*.
fiiayer* eurne tier* to s|ay
— Ilamtsh Hendry In tioorl Word*
Ths mrthpiw* at 01.1 fiiory.
T3kj lit.UMo in which wan made the
fimt Amorioan flu«. with it« unluoJty
number of irtriiiwi and rrtar* that for
the first time in hiatory belied^n old
jrrovorb, still stand* on Art-h street.
The building' in, moreRver noted a*
the scene of one of the first meeting*
Iwtwoon French Envoy (ittnef and
Miss Clinton, daughter of one of New
York's most notwl governors, who in
time became. Mine. Genet. Genet
himself, ntanding at r«i upfrer buii<lu>K story
window of the Arch street
Huw a vonmr lady go by on horse
bock, and it was evident that she had
considerable to learn on the rmbjert
of tvjnine managtimfrot. de«»nd
The Frwuchinim hurriedly
t« Uiu utrwit, arul apjit-iiiiching
M 1M h CJlititon s anciititrolliiliUi anltliul
wits just in time to «.tch thefnir
cquestr™ »« his arms as she was
falling. bis riM», With Genet the insist,*•<! on boarlug ’J
the burden thus imjsmod U|sru bis
nrtim until the young lady had Isreii
dojsmitod by him ujsrWft sofll in the
Arch street house and revival by a
whiff of smelling salt*, lire enisisle
terminated in the Geiiet Clinton
wwUiing that long agitaterl wsuety
in those colonial days. I’hihuiuipliin
T*»«y Hnlfl l«* Twl#»r
At ono of the largest alitpjiitig of
fi«sa iii the city, im the umjonty of
the vlevks veaidt) w the tiioet dietnut
suburlm, a certain mnognt of grace
is uUowial them for arriving in the
momma. They ure. however, re
quirod to explain on a list ejasdully
providvd for the ptirjiose the cans*
of lltcil’ unpunctuality. 1 ho 11 l>t to
make l.m appear,..,, o always loads
off with thi) wunlM. "hum lato.
homes down." or us tl.o ,«*.
may la-, and to this t lux Jl her del ke
luviirinbly nay, “Ditto."
Hii a*custoinod lmvo they Isvomc
to tin* formal procedure that they
hardly over take the Uotible to set
"hut excuse heads the list. The
other morning the fi.wt unival .on
a.-iontioiisiy in the words
"Wife ill twins, and to theuttoi
or the chief this oxtnmr
dinary expItmitUon wus promptly
"dittoed" all the way down. Nor
■ was Ills Uttooiahmerit dimlniaheil
when he dlnooverwil the office hoy's
imuit, Included! - London City Brass
kho Kiicff %TIihI It* A»k,
A ww»t Waahingtoii young Indy
who hr.a Imm'd mu mud but a few
wii k» laid liur liral expeiimui* at
Alter "gotng ale* to Iwd tnarki’t" Miunided tl»«- other m dnyj
w,vend laughable blunder*, ii*y»ttiu*
wive* are apt to, alu, approaelual a
jMiultry dealer rad aektv! the pnixMil
chicken* Being told by the dealer,
who also handl'd her a line j«nr of
live liioln (u (•XHiniite, ohe ipueteil
their fluttering n* liw-t nhc could, and
then. Hpplyuu; lur in -u tu them mid
giving tlii'in an audlhlu huicU. auid in
the Hu*! intiiHX'iit nmnner:
“'Arc you mm they ure froth,
air t” - Washington Post .
Trjiiii wu I k|»s * lutsaul.
A Httrltmi juittmatlRt ro
(vutly applied for the fifth , or «uth , ,
time to a wealtliy menu for stem
porary.hmn. reply
•■Gmt you know, waa he , ,
t “‘ l ” !K I wnfi-l to he alv\ ..yn
loiiiiiiiK inom*y r
-No. l.hdnt know that, .... ,, .
the jourmiliM ; i ueverdul unythinK
’ a ’’ ‘ lai * u> ^ ht»'. tut »
will let me have twenty dollar* 11|
lend home teller a nickel ju*l V«. *£*
if what you say «##*». To.\;u»h»ft
The only EnglWimeri that «r.>
known to the IVem-li [-»*.pie genet
ally, it iiu* U.-ii mu.I hi a j.a-uiai
Prijuv way. aru Rohinaou I’i umrj and the
,,f vValea.
NOTH K. K \ E\l\ 1HJPV.
h1l,\!;u\, it A, t hi, i* to i t-rir.'v
3 1 hn M irhavi i* a ilr>*l-oU»> - vv \ !i di *
i*tM, ami a nmu oC hi** word, W t* Iiavv
It a 1 hi^ work |a*rfi?etiv natikiHcion
■Iter M ifiiil iiHt ui|KH to gpt n well five
from <iuiik*ati<L
M*ri 1 ;* or St. Jo*t cit,
Sit.Msov. t*x. > Tlu* i* I" ceiiitv. 1,
V Jl. i-mh-M- llu-'i tail- 10
1 h»\t- had two well* cu
™iid .'ii.itiou. each l oiu.iimn- quick
laaicil hut a lull.- white. 1
the tUinl cue dtis by Jehu Mi-
1, which ha* Ik-i-ii .landing and
. up!- li- Muistadion (ur thirteen
* uu mdav and date all I'omaininy
A. 1'. Kkmmhck.
t‘. *■ Kl MUill K,
i KAu-rottmiu. , 5 it a To id! jver*
- l# vilio have tix.ul lf* whh fiuick^tul
.1 s, (WUtV «u AH work guaranteed
., s „i,-„«!*! Willilij; vow A
from twenty-four f ct square down te
ilx w and ihn 'v5l up w ith brick or
Al! w-.ui n arrante.1 and
lvis.Hxlfuliy Vour*.
J<uin Mu UAH.
We are Informed by the enterprising i
poWlehera, Mwsri. Hudgins A CM. I
of Atlanta. Iliattlie second issu-of Uiis j
The rapidly increasing demand for
socli work* is but another indication
of Georgia enterprise-and a sure evid
epee of the south's steady pi ogres*.
It is interesting to note the many
ebartae* a short time can bring about
in Urn feograpy of th« cm itry, even
in our own state.
In comparing I 1 u* rai’i with one
ai. tat iter frif, we are brought fac«
iH't* «ith llte Wuhilvifirl 'leveli»,<irieiit*
that are constantly going «•*». i. AC/ii!
very *h *rt tirna lim railroad fiiilts.ige
of Georgia In* nearly doubted.
" ' - llkf ' '
*|n ung Into Urge ttiwiw an* wiatmfue- ,
oriug enters. Xeaily l. 1 **! p wittf
Oca liHn-l i'on mini i shwl *n<J t lieu-Is
n change in puwulutimi of every town
and county wttliin her bwrtlers.
I he Index , . , Mb . v .
or ' \ it,, '. *'
ai ranged, and I* full and i CO CDs
plete. Kyery t»«n and f«t«»l<fBt:e o
place that a name IS represenletl, and
by it* aid any place can lie immediate
ly found without auv knowledge of itr
“ ,, «!'“> , designate* , . , ,, the railroads ,, ,
ltl * M »' 7 ,OCMt '
id, Postidliee*, roofinysoider and ex
press offlewra, telegraph »Uilonn, a a
the populntinri are aceordlng to the
census of 18W).
The map is enpravvd on a scale of
, llj) „ s , n , lnch< llmJ for clearness
crtm p W *,«» and .iccnr.icy it cannot
*» •‘Mflb d. . , It Is imleeU . , »n excellmt
woik and msfltscmUuuefi Mice,-as.
j„ conveiflstlori with Mr. if
j[i (( |j{j,i» i sruiior mcrolier of the fir n,
upon ilio subject of map msklng, lit*
mud wlifii lie iliac opened up bus in suit
here in the i>ouUi it wag enusideud by
Ids friends n risky UMiertnking, nnd
whs strongly advised to abandon the
idea. Hut lu'lng hacked by an earnest
CitlVvIctton that the soiili ern peo( ] •
could Hp,*reclr»te works of Hus charac¬
ter aa w ell as the •‘Classic down-eita
tei” or th» enleipristng veeteru
men. lie forged ahead with Ins enter*
prMe , and Miccis* lm» clowned his
|> iP ) flfflliiiil'C le |, Clive
.....age.,,,, I f o,n all over
l*y. ,,, l.,e UMimwi
l*’**’* «"*'» r “ "> lilllhillg t» ninniious
l»ro|Mirt loaa. Hu now hat* ihe satisfac
ttoi, of knowing lhat il Is by lar ilia
’urgent of file kliai in the south, and
|, M a bright inlure before il. They
„re no only I radqitailrra forallaortK
. (|f publication*, but carry
, „ , m ,, sl p. , „eof
I(M , u ,oka ami pictori l Bunl,
y u,)|,« hamlled Work* by eanvissMs
Those engagui in of this sort
viiou Ul uoriespojid with theui.—AI -
| tllU j, )Urlm l.
TtfW l.nns.
A naturalist, who in both an ar
(font student in bin branch of M ilenue
gad alaiiuitniindral loadugroe whk’b
keep* his family on the alert, rooont
(y nilofimtivl hit* ailver wedding,
Many gueeta were invitiv] for the r,o
«<aHion. and the wan
ready for the reoeptiun of the coin
jiany. J\u*taa the firat guest arrivid
, ))K > 0 f the ilaughtem wan neat to
auintuon the father, who hud Uat
eonie from Ida atudy. Care had
liet'n taken that lie should lie roiuiiid
ad to drexn in time, go he was all
rt'udy, and at the summons of Use
daughter ho came into the parlor.
When they' reached the mom the
daughter noticed that her father car
rn-t in hie hand a small wooden laix.
and ax beahouk uaiMswith the near
cat unwit she klw him drop it. The
cover rulhal off, but who cave u ai?li
<)f lvlh , f wh „ n sht . ttu . that thl . y oX
wr.a upianxmtly empty Tiie natu
Rilist, however, utten-.) a cry of <lu
infty ul!<1 iuHUu .tly went down on
| us Rn ,t feniHia in nil attempt
to jratht^r up noim^thing. “Have you
1 anything, fathert” she kakod.
anything!” he echoed, in
ovulent imlignation at her culm
^ h#vw ^ flfty rtojw that ,
j h;lV0 jvMit nwmH of this | from intefligenoe Egypt!”
•m,. on
Uie family was nothing iu com purr
non to the effect tiie cntastnipho had
Upon the company Ik- ton' the oven
mi was over, and the only thing
that the naturalist said to hia friend*
in answer t<> their conifratulatiouH
ujK.u his happy married life, so fats
daughter# declanxl after all was*
over, was to ask if they cerrijJ
away any t»f his Egyptian fleas they
would return the insects to him. —
Manchester \ Lug laud i Times.
( atvrplIUr l«* CrinaUu*,
A, .«M■ «U
inhalntjuit of the tropics, a hugv> cat
erpilhtr who built himself a sort of
cnnoliuc of stick*, and tlnni covered
it with h thick wvh. Tltis dwelling
p,. lH rri.>! alsxut with him as a snail
carries her shell, spinning uu out
work of web around the tvn K of a
jK-t tm>. l*y which his house humr,
leaving him fret* to put out three
joints of his head and utvk and cat
up all the leavo# and flower# within
When the branches are hare
he spins a bit more web on a hight'r
twig, bites through the old one. jerks
his whole i*»huu.'i!t up sLurs.
*nd begins eating again.
lie had a kind of elastic portico to
lu# house, which dosed over his
head at the slightest noist>. the house
shutting up like a telescop', and then
w {,..q all waa quiet again out came
p, s heml, dv>wn (lrop|#*il the building
and the grairnuunl again set hunadf
to his task of continual (casting At
last .'•me the sleep of the chrysalid,
and he finally become a puor. dowdy
m. *tl» M-.» North # • R«*d!..' 0 .»m-
ll.U U l{ Electricity will cure you and ktvp yoo in hasitb.
hen Ts~ "be rcguMO-d to ^uit, and gulranteed ele triiity to v> last shock, for year*. tree A medical Beii and ailvicw. Bat
« r y tombim-d and waist pm<lii'!-> price and
Write today hive measure, llelrrtti
**** ■ *
Who Shall be President?
Is it Harrison? Is It Cleveland?
Is it Biaine? Is It HHI?
THE UNITED STa.i** 1 ?
The Farm Joursax. has, at large expert
designed and printed a beautiful Counting Horn*
FARM Calendar for tHgs, cor •bning portraits of the leading
Presidential possibilities. "-veiand. Harrison, Hill
"l a!me MrKrnlev Gorman ° Boies Rtusk > and Crisp, V ’-'Postmaster-General
« , ,
. . TW, Is ocawtfai
Ii 4 L„i- awi PORTRAIT
wcrVr*rf eg art* |__tiful Tcailv with engraved portraits at either
Spltfsma cnlendid nlrtures pictures, BLAINE, HJLL, CRISP. after the Calendar
WANAMAKER. McKWLEY, is done suitable
JOURNAL Whichever r»o may eeleet. for framing. They
are sold, with or
JANUARY without the Cal
as fine as any steel
: cti^tAviitg, and in S Ml TWIT F 9 CALENDAR
noway an adver- 1 i r I tcI « t Q»C>» i »»- OMOOM
t»s®ient. ih They will Oo; >N OOIOCY endar, fior
^ ornament to WN-ie to-*-— -A ty—. MW- 0 WM- *5 cents
>*h*L O £tPM each, to non-sub¬
l_ct n *I scribers to Farm
So CENTS Journal.
i i i i » i H * • «
any pat lot, OT office, nil Vu O n minialan s'A of n'A the CoUniar. 25 CENTS
wall, o* desk, and tut y
If you are a Cleveland man yon will want a Cleveland _
Calendar; if a lllaine man order a lilaiue Calendar; if a Hill man order a lull
ft CMendar; if a McKinley man order a McKinley Calendar, and so on.
Jfjk trv ; LET’S HAVE A VOTE!
The Farm Journal Is well known everywhere in the United State*
■1 a* one of the very best harm paper,—a |«rfect gem of a Family paper. It
is cream, not akim milk; it i» the boiled-down paper; chuck-fuli of
tomajon- sense; hits Ihe nail on the head every time. Everyone who has
If u a horse, or cow, or pig, or chicken, or has a farm —big or little,
or a garden patch, ought to take the Farm Journal. The
sm W fact that it has a round million reader* bespeaks its wonderfnl
popularity. It is the one paper that gu iranteet it* advertisers
to be honest, and protects its readers against fraud.
Thl* I* a spe¬ Ever before offered.
cial offer. Wo ****** * Full
sell them at ^"Rubber Top,
this prloe to In¬
troduce them, Etiptlc Springs,
regular prloe Is Plano Body,
876 . 00 . # upholstered In
WE ARE * a fine grade of
Ul » ctoth.or leather
u. > If preferred,
___ Three or four
& * aY,IN bow top. Either wide or narrow
traok. We would also furnlah Coming
body In place of Piano body If desired.
aJr Catalogue. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO.
m ^ S S * v»-.
' : iv <ri
m ■ k-. ’M % - U! MIN 1 rc
1 . b
| a .*6 3 K52!%Ln'ffirY5?TS:.-Bar*rAfe Bara L'hry sad tlienjums, each 30c. t Pattsltn.our tiuperbatradn,look almost
tit j. I* >Sb Swtet Ooru “ G<»Ul«u Ku^fet/ packet I.Yc.
\ *1* ^ J| Any one net now a tulwcrlhar can iMite Tica'* Maoamn* one rear free, wfio orders $1
f TC ’•rotik fixau U% beft re May 1 st.
'fI I As* J V VICK'S rrSi >« mtr»re*iea FLORAL tn Plauts, GUIDE, Mowers or VcgcUl>ies, 1892.2?as»— snouUi have one iojroe*." . r-'.jnill Price only St Every head ten
■•MBs which may be de<!ucteii from first order.
/ flckel ci.* 40-11* (1st Fit P!V with each ortlrr when dcwlrcd.
In win pounding ft solution * p»rt Mas *cci* J **nUy soiU.-tl on the baud 1
Aft<! on WNNhm* Afterward It »*« d]acov«n<l a that I fiat lltt* h»ir «ai r>
plfftvlv rcm«Y«w|.. We «t one** put this wotidt-t idt-rful ful preparation, on
nmrki'taml t*m‘ »** sroai great ban baa been been tb* th* vlomund ut*m»nu ttsM Ui*t we wo *r<* art* m>w m>W introdurin tnuoduring
I U UUOMBOU Ugnuat G*e wozid uudog tbe uaaie of Uuet u’s A»li-liairin« #
V (hr hair o-trr a-n ,1 apply tlw n
'dl«4|'p.-nra kfiMVikrt- a. If hy rna.-tr il w 1b»DlIkt» ui.t.u; Other preiwiration v\ r 5*0-4
M»P>1i*< 5 Of PVg-T ID; vs^jssstrs*?* * V.
m n sss skstks '.\n«**r»«*r!A«'
P* < U"-Vn' , . r *r,.«U> OIK « Ji^i> t ImpMwiWIIty <!"' *">V
wit!) hr rMU.CTHt ll» III lur- hoa" an "Mwobo-Ij
Mmol (town-, *n« ltilr<»». par m»i n wfair m.»!n f matara r"M «>r *
• -O'' 1 .............. s>-ni rrumry or Mam;* ,v Idler -allh foil «Mr..'«rimu ' i u
«KjjK .."Irn ovr t-r n(.'-.l Till, advarii«< U honna am! atralah' Jm "■•*-■r«l
■ I#
« > dAT. f> ° f ** w
1 . •c wt**r Your •« It*f At MV 5’ Offi -* 1 t-o InsLirw Ha nitie (IwUv ry Mcfilil »'«Y • nr a1 ’* *
5 rfall! tt rw or wltfflktWHi Injury l» »nv ptirrha*«*r. Kvery b«»ttlo ruarantH tt.
' SPTCIU •To 1*41 ra WHO lT»»Tortorte and eHI atnong rhw frtwod* 25 Cottlff*<* <*"***'* Bo tLam****
wo Win prmtpm with t SIT PC PRKS3, 15 yards b^*» ®:lk Extr.t I argee
0i alik to awfoct Crwtii acut with ordir. Good Salary or C a na o .ioi u ou to A«l -t*
S.V- wm
Easily, quickly and permanently by Hr. Tan '* A CT||ft| AI C|f C
You wilt admit -ittct having taken a tew doses that It Is a MO 1 alMilkbllh
that had nearly deprived you of life. . ..
worst cases of lliTK&.4 -s the wonder and admiration of a!l t-ottle who have “*< wed’Li^iie TAs T ss
happiest moiwi! of yout life will be when you have used a of
A*QTM>M C? I I l ivlri 0*1 FISiF I L^ing Aid diseases found it that has cured atflicted veu ot thehuman the most distress- tamiic.
<* s ever
FOR BRONCHITIS it surpasses every known remedy. For sale by all druggists.
A trial bottle sow* Gee to any one sending P. 0 . -ddress who »»fer«
from Asthma. Dr. TATI BROS. BtOlCIHECO.: U2 Slat* *t., Rwthester, H- »•
Subscribe tor
The Democrat
0#ly u Cowarable to Our Great Contest. wbioh will positively close Dec. I*t, 1892,
*■—” WHO ARE —ggtga^gs^T^iTrr: THEY? WHAT ARE THEIR F17EE NAMES ?
Lfe* >jSSt l5Sr
'4, >
First Il«pres«nt 6 -
Soeond Bepreienta
Si', K-.:. Qd M ^ !
acc'eSlTIi^p^rmafwlS 7.'n4 4 ulw b n? O'n^er precented Service SETS* and
1fiia r n a
as a prize. Set consists of »6 pieces* only 4 pieces are shown In cat) Tfiey **rs full size*
Finely Finished and y*ni last a life time with ordinary care. BRAND
rp. « nffwr is. wv*de SAklely With a view to cxten.Iircr the trade of the “ATIONAL POPU AR
'BANINS th.c Sort'’ America*’ C o-tinent ” rh »«••* h '' T''
return tLU contr \ci, subject totue decision ol proprietors cf Ttc national Baking Powder Co.
P. O. 5ios S». Town____
No. ^Street, County —
Nearest ErprHM Office.. State..
that ikey
Our Plan is founded upon Business Principles '^£ PROPOSE 10 OUTLAY j
tv ,^7.;7KUand UIVRCTHl'C,. V,> du not evpect that anyone irll! tnkc the tronble to dis
efforts in our bebalf.
REMEMSEU rOVTFST ('T n« TV*c. 1«r. 1^0° affpr which dnto no an?trm t«
thf-i aflvprfiHPTriGn! w YPl b«* f* 0 'fiMlf?f > rk ''1
Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offe I* • • i
Bl§’» N A Great and Wonderful Work,
yyy e 2,176 Pages,
m 620 Beaitifil illustrations!
m wmm r; universal lisheU Th* to Mnhhoth compendium uiffKt the Cvclo?,*dia wants of )<nowl*d|CP, ol the Mas mamws bc<*n pra** lor p«b- - a
useful, scientific and naneral The wora is pals
lighed complete in four dartre and ham'soin
volumes, comprising a total of 2,173 pace*, ami
Is profusely illustraved wHlie^beautiliiH’ngrav
lng:s. Thousamls of dollars have been eVjwdtMl
'tfsSSl, i to n.ake this the mo»t complete, valnab’.e and
iff 1 useful work for the masses ever published. It is
■I "m II; .4.' a in work every for occupation everybody—man, <r walk woman In life. and The child, mib
* ml ;* F atance volumes and are practical compris'd with uti ity in knowledge of these twenty four, ordinary and e<»
loTot replete kind, so Is filled the Is work it with useiul hints and helpful every
’l?k- aiiSTRestions, that we fuily b.dieve that in every
K home to which It shall find Its way it will soon
come to be regard* d as worth Its weieht in gold.
Forwanrof space w«*can only briefly sonimsr-
1»* a small portion of the contents of this great
work, as follows :
HKKattl’ilT. ThU arrant work eootslnt th« Livmi of *ft
ih* PftaM*nt« nf th« United State*, from WashlBftoS to
Itarntuu, with portrslw and other UUutratioa*. sl*o lire* and
portrait* uf Napoleon Bonaparte, Shukeapeare.^Byron. WiUUm
renn. netijamln Franklin. Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and
famous ■ur**oi»)»’n. authors, poets, fenerals, clergjaea, etc-,
down to tb* present day.
AUKIt'CJ-TniE. Valuable hints sad useful sagfeetfont fertilisers,
u> Parmer*, ueaitog of field eroj>a, gates and fence*,
farm implements ; ilrestook raising, iuelading the treatment of
Atneaaeaof denwatle askinvata; p»ut«y keeyiwtt, aad made
suceeoafnl end proflUM); bee keeplne. dairy farrulns, etc. The
treatmeut of thee* subjects ts complete and exhauktive, and
renders the work of great practical use to farmers sud*tocltmea.
lIOKTI<'Vl.TI*HK- Herein 1* given tb? most useful bints
to gro» era of all klad* of vegeta blee and nd fri fruit#, a# gathered
from the c*j»erienc« of the moat succaasfu ui honicuiturlata.
ABCIIITKCTCBE. Designs and for houses, eotiagos,
barn# and other outbuildings, with valuable suggwloos to
those luteuding to build. rt
HOr»EHO!-D. This warJt oonteine tried end teeied recipe*
for almost every imaginable disb for break Test, dinner asd tea
thi* d. partiHcnt alone being worth more then nine-ten itbs of
the eook books sold ; almost k Inaurocrable mao le bints, hints, help* helps and ec< *ng
•nBwM to houseke«P"ra; design s and •ugf»st4ons s for making
insnr beautiful thing* for the a icremcr nt of borne, »«, ia in needle- needle
work. work, swbfaidert. etc.; hintaoa fioricn Itare, telling how to be
euceesefnl with ell the various |d ■laflts : toilet hints, tellling how
to preserve »c«* l.uauilty the cot juipUaioo. bands, teeth, Lair.
etc-, eta. £ Wlia win be saved
MFlfinl. Maay dollar# In doctars’
annual ? to ever? pos*#-sor ef this Mok through the valuable
Itifcrms’tiou herein contained. It IglU bow to eure. hr simple
vet reliable home remedies, available In every household, every
disease and ailment that I# curable, this department la home forming a
comp ete medical hook, the veloa of which any -aa
hardly be computed in dollars and ceota.
£?JS^1SK^ T *!3S&S1
<.,«lnr. rtj.T.lrtrw.X.«i« rn,ul.srTM., T,p,w,to th. E)«tri« UsM. ^
' “•
Bridge, TTaiklns Olea. the White Moua talus, etc. etc.
zszsxsjtzssutt Ufa.
' r-mn th- .h-r. I.ri-f .nmm»ry of H« «>m. MM
rslnM>lr».rk M.aanTli Ctcxotaou l« m»r hricaiosl. aaBgyf y« bar afr«aim-»l
o.nfai wort harr MM*S5S3«wT^^h l»yn nam-l. itiaa.yMtgw , !S^ .yTlS.fB? ^rp'rlnr *"(
L inwiu.?an*VUr.rMt thJfaAnr.nrt wth- nnM tbeirdEl th.t r
) M. hy hoo-wif- la fluUM«Mpttrmlta, ami fur cou
Ft»r Duly Si .*0 vf mi'! c pnd « rniud^Tp ft# 1 * of 'ho Mammotix Cycopedia niid
To ail our Subscribers fer 1832.
tev, teY L. 1 . Idlfi 1 -•& ’fcl.I s33SE&£SSS3»l . . . „ „
Ip n
I VL/.V T' ' %i !««*.»«• »f SbSSSS «i«m!r w.™.»» iSj! 1
LSftAM^—h r- n *“
re oi
rt»r. >ifer
rjteti WIj v »rr l\// . i ~‘ u Isat *a!aors, doing fer aci ic is KMivcstt morthy oi .go Ifae M
m - t KA,t cirmosc V • are
ttw only about JS.OOu daih'ar
trisln- tn-tirv fetes T h v. < L •• .iuosiou. a-veCusementtsd , tvisb s’
etrer tore .* rer. Wh:' ihe ; TO-c-.u r •.( L. .‘..I. It tr.j te, accomptoied w* iM-ceaa- 7
C*i t >• :•"»* -cw. -s. W. LAT.Kisn.ecA -*i :odr.wunon.*nd«beban4some prnairai P 1
vc arc iittx* YOU i.i cc:t»ia.Y' wive brce&£ C.ri-teUUnn ©- a**v paper ir tae vend. Ite
rr.rdrCY- re * e Itr.* r>'\K 8 T 5 . * ; o..r ; uh*cr.b*-rs u ill ynnn c xrir tack to u* ifl LTcresscd cit
executed mEB5S&’ ____
ss 'i be Cray •> !Vrtn.t v ; ’. 1 sre i ior yo~ will be
bv tTc .Arrt'M ’ c -^« w-.i a -f ! :s r v e : r v. ork i< *i*orf the uae*t msde, «cH xr«
puaritmev r«o an sruaii j c r rrr t ?r i a nerirr* I.K«nr<w to the ornnraL There » ooth:a£
csorc uorfui as «e*i «5 r«ajCeat' i than a h-'i/Ks C rmtr^n F jnailflt yourself m ar*v
already framed H ___ &C
clobber of vrur f**ruv; t 'rrc fc,-e t v a i* a r'su.'f tn ft h*e«m» to cne KSk.
aai ready to Ucg in -,our utkr flbsolvUly *re« of fharpp.
ESAU T:£2 ICLLOwm C-211T3 £0 2~rs ? C3TI2: WSB
fLerwS -es *t.3\ rrve: f ^ oo ft y v a r tfrif *«w* - '-'-t-'-. Airerirti’- t'rr-e'.” ct «>o tffi.Xt
- tot a*y r = ’ r c^rucrrSrp* nl r—rv't rr rnv r—-r- 1 -— r - - - - frr :’r, lm: z cr
,i in j »c ».! i. - - -i •• ran-',- »* a- «t r life «lr- fm->» !'nr!r*it, *nd put the
V,,r-.tait in a fr t st:• ’. r‘ft nr Lrortn < rune at t ln'i n-'O'—cj t-tei-luMly
free- of eKere-: r I #’* i> larrian r?
T - u ». —.... ! -K*I- «.l-a r^snS. (
» esc f*e i * ' tprtsw r- S .■j m
tXa .*!* :rlK-l it W ! X TOW rS-so-,
«»rJi ct «•, **o wr s»Wn: too <U ;
tS-.-s I'm . -n r—t be Itect, I*.
Mence 1 1 -iV-, ti-WM Mcnev Otdec,
at Posad P.—c, uu-e rsTwbSs u PUBUSHteC CO., •
¥er!1 Er ^ Hes i::l
iMMiltblodlu*. wood cngravluf. Uthegraphy, pbotofraplMr. making, caflcd the
ertotin*. l niakiug. watch making, paper
manufacture of silk, iroo, st*«!, gla.s. china. |» rfMmcry. s«.«r
leather, starch, wall paper, turpentine, postal and card*. !"«••»*
eramps, envelopes, pen*, pencils, needle*, Himu •
things. *U of which wlU be fouud peculiarly in teres tG
insiroetlew. “
obecoloM, cotton, flax. hemp, sugar, rlo-. hut mega, eiov.r.
perch a. oork. camphor. c»*tor oil, tapioca, etc., etc.
NATOKAVj HIATOHV. Interesting and Inafmc'i-e
daocritwvone, aocompauied bv lU»*trati<'U*, «f t*s»mer«na hcK*t-.
birds, ftuhea and Insects, with much curipus iuWnaatfou regard¬
ing tbeir life end bobite.
LA IT. Th* Mammoth rrcwrEW) Is s’ao a e.»mpl#*e lew
book, u*lHng everv me* how he tney »>c bi* own l .wrer, and
eoetaiolttg full end concise r*pis*alien# of the general lews
oad the law* or the severalfitatea w*-n wl matters which ore
subject to htigatiou. »*«) numerous forms oflegel documents.
JIIMNO. Dceerlptlens end lUaetriitten* of ihe mining r.f
gilld*. sfirvr diamonds, eoe), salt, copi-vr, lead, xiuc, tiu end
quicksilver flwdn described and
Illustrated the many watutetfnlaudbeautiful things found «i
bottom of the ocean. the plant*. flowers, I shells, fishes, iike
wlae pear t diving, coral fishing. , etc., #w. o
«f Oi« pvtact^s .1 couatrle# of the world, tangth length of of tl«e tU« principal principal
rivers. Presidential vote for sixty yews , Presidential afaUstics,
beight .....
. be t of nionu
U.WW» .va.m-l...' *‘"'^"1!; Ington. *!««
(at off of dis¬
til! States,
iglliiiii........ rti’e* f»r spelling, pro
si history.longevity «>f
ndof countries, of great
1 of
plants’ dvlng words of famous person*, fate " of ,fc * ihe ,,kM A|wsttea, ' ,c
^ ■