Newspaper Page Text
The Remoc rr j
*“ I
T. W. NKAlAiN, I-ruprie tur.
J. M. NBA if N, Editor
Ckorjia, ?>nterod M tinwfortlvja* |
&« m
mzK Z ’z z z
rz itY 17. lbtri
Hawaii l:
come A fui onlinm m {
Av la. That i!t j
hare of amu.ein |
The opinion sonin*
Uni H j| 4>
m (. eveiati'i •
Dii. Morvin Greco, of 1, • t, I
Ky, president of the Western ai j
1'rl ecriipb Company died
morning. I
-*i am cor V«) Merit of Hoi !
Siu .aparlila, after
ft f ; i !
l m nn
i>» i
M ill nut until
pro j
f vt*n |
P«r hiooil ii,,. I
Ii till- V V*’f ilnr j
.aim it
»iu(M IJlC'l if A, certal
Ml ipnrillft. IV III, I I
)J OliH’t j in lor you.
bun-,; fn
It H t W 11ii l th At lion ; \\ i i«.
ii.UD !e Svi'Wjjl Wiii DU t ullo
IrU'.ip w
_ .
unit V “Pi- -
t eiiintei!!, • n Vi -.
it i\ Hll i to
hi. ITU si*t‘ j.!
< >rr
•I I
1 111
(ft 1 fl
T \:o
s 1 <
• I
, .
.' V . last meeting of county com
in'shi .1 of Taliaferro county ihc
treasu was order to pay the town
treasurer of Crawfordvillo S250 for a
lot. and the treasurer was also ordered
have horse racks put up m the lot
irO that people coming into town might
have a suitable place to hitch their
horses. Thi°order hn- caused comment
favorable and otherwise.
We think that there can be very few
objections made to this order, beyond
the. fact that it caused outlay of
§250. The object the eommmissioners
had in view was to provide a suitable
place for country people coming into
town to put their stock. They can
unhitch in this place spend their time
as they wish and fed that they were
trespassing upon no one. And as a
friend of the movement suggested it
would benefit any one. who happened to
k down on the way to town. That
i" on could tie his stock up in the lot,
if h hi“ tent and make himself at home
Uf nil morning, when he would proceed
about his business. Other towns are
provid'H wiih wagon yards, and there
AO on why the counry people of
Taliaferro should not have a slop
ping place in town.
ri suor:.') be in kvekv norsE.
,r H *.Vii si A! Clay St; Shaipsburg Pu
. M it not he without br King's
i)>..covi-ty Ini consumption Coubgi
,,j i.oiii,, that it cured hi, wife who was
t.hrcitti'iicd with i’licuiaonia after an
iiMni'k of bn* Giippe-’wlicn various nllirr
n inNiH‘1 unit -*• v* i;«I physicians had done
it Bar her, of Book port,, l*a,
ns Or [inf:’- Sew Disoovi-iy liasdon"
l tliaii anything lw c.vemsnd
ii . Notiilng like it. Try it
T id Bottle at Ur. It. J, Held’s Drug
i U ‘ ittlCS. flOe ItHfl sill d>0.
it her during tlm past
.ifcij ml h )'i ! ■» ii 1
)l-i,l lllili CHI a th iu ritAp to utter
If, uffnamP^eH'ug flfls very different
['IK- • Kditms Kiev Chair” depurt
u tin- Dalton Argus contain*
>m.- in i oil pin ag i .ipjis.
i Pi' Hillviiie B.aincr department of
the CniiHlilufion still continues bright
itP ♦y With nil Min editors tain
alriut piiiyer ine'-tlnga it is evident
Unit iiiRviiid is not a prohibition town.
V i i.-i'ul fut live always on
KOtllC :-.n||l| I udvii-f- Ii
I'dllnr who holds tilt- plow
ii*i to !; -i:- di'ivt.'" ill:; editorial
fjii: •. - •' is Ii .• iiij> t% barns, provisions
ilic* b ior a [iiict, in - money to
buy, Do > - i ivi’i end in do'pair to I ho
^ ..... ■ mter iu.dJhe.will
-lE±Sr..: • “ iake , IMS ,. first object ' ill
pt tuning provision ior hik ikmilv mid
his dumb beast, make one fourth
l, i W* crop only in cotton, and fi >i once
I-v n.i-xcivire tho discretion that has
1*0011 HO loft ^ expectciI,”
K:ectric nitrer*
This remedy iH.cnmlnq so yii. 1I know
; - > popular Rs to maul 11 . ( u- 0 iai molt
M : All who h"vc uf.,"4 Kicct i if
‘in;/ the Mkino aotijr 01 pnil.H.. V pin- 1 ..
Ilu^iii'tlio i!,»>:i not exist Htht it Is K'
1 ■ ell to (to all dint , is clmmi',1. , Eli-vii«
t itTers v Hi cure nil •Bm'im.-s „r tin* I,tv t
cskD »•'«' Kidneys, Iv Vuiu wu! **implow.
him! afft ti'Lls ' Ii}
; ur> biikul Will drh M aiaiiR rrotr
mi systftl! Hlld R.ovcrit Wfll as cu*v aii
Mb la rial fevers.— F«.r !l " "I IDadaclio.
I .'of -
St m|.tion ire sod 1ml , lOKrim, try isieturh
lit > -1 , sRtisfactio 1 Kiuuautooii ref
Ut.iiu y it iuiuit-t! : —l'riee 5t> els. «a,i yu/
' af 1 )t\ li, J, mid Vn\% iStoic
i l'* •"""•fr- mindcl' looking
M a
*1 a lowuV lac im*ss.
irl the huxiiit ss of a
Ut the adv r isimx pat
[•c!v*r* It t ht*re
very niijM >rlan( that every hnsiia -.s
l> i *i < > S repn tiled in its
ll yon, business mou, don't ]
na veu i nil ke a larg pace take I
By all means lei tlu-pub- I
! h at von are living and doin
hi th old sti won't
you much and it will help adver
u.'-« 1 ti • Wiun to Uk* world- iii.d by ?lie
a v It Wi l 1 si or ar«l buihi «p one of
h* yJoatxHt factors that <* to in ke
at u ns news, a pur Dublin
• i r. l KI NO ot t - *i* |• ar* v liatiO!ia|l'-,
i t net ,*! tv enter s.tlfi Si'iitlj <ilt nul¬
n*c; bitve lin' from (hr ire >„,
can party, wh is COlUlKlIf 1 «f tie
i’lottes.stvv v, leuivnt of the country,
m*f iiiiiiiren i'.u’y c tmc im » t Im
'«! i'lir’.v, Hlld the iVoph'.H l' r, -V
wm con t* fomi i lie tii*|>ublH'Nii (Muty.
K« this rv aqh l v\ tihf s»*t* a
f*U| ■u: < . C,i-d to the I'll!!,,,] .states
then * Democrat’* ’ iha
* ii.
pi •" < '3 * it! f *
r- k; * «
f -A
.re' 4 rePowdet: |Ilj 3 C? "king
** at. No .irunioaiia: Ko Alia
40 \ cars the Standard*
Xew youk paper? yesterday] til
special from BuJUp, saying j
on S. Bissell, MrT Cleveland’s
law partner, Md been offered ta
masterGsneralship in the new d
The Times thus disposes of foul
in Clevelend’a Gabioet; State
tnent, Gresham; Treasury, (
War. Lamont; last Office f
Ihseil. The special asserts -
has accept the place .Iloke
dow n for secretary of Agricului
J.. Wilson of West \ irgiuta as »y||
tary of the Interior. “You ;
money and take your
J-; undoubtedly a disease of the
as such only a reliable blood pm hie
effect a perfect cure. HotA’s
is the best blood purifier and it ha-f
many veryseverecascs of catarrh. *t
an apyetite and builds up the
Hootl.s PiH act especially upon til
rousing it from toflpdsty to assis^
dutic cur“ constipaliOB and
Thk appearance of CrawfordviR
night would be greatly improved id
the street lights were lamps l
night, It would make walking ag
(ieai pleasanter and would not t®fS
expeusiva, as there would be nefip
: •>( lights on moonlight nights, M
A new religious sect out ii!
claims to cure ail disease by tl
ion of hands. If thayjever al
( lire Kansas pu litical itch they
along mucli better If they will
ing on of clubs.
People all over the coiiw
sending Mr. Cleveland articles II
narel with tho request that l!8
tiiem at his inauguration. A
» djilshi umbrella raauufacturc
just forwarded mi umh eTt to Mu
sidedt-elecf, with note ex.
tho hope Hull hn w > raw m
toi mi a. i. is iiiKiigiiiAition.
i m,v two person^ pi-i'imiin -j
WH wsatne If yoi/i •S IV it H
weresf eliwl if ri i Ut til
i-tfii t on the .second idPe yo
agree'vtk 1 l W ebstsr •rff yl
q-wiintanceH do liiugii at you
man .S. S. i 1 . Pat son, who (ih,-i joil]
vd i-xte: sivoly on the pacific I
lays the people there prent/UiJ
‘Ha-we-me.” That would > qi§
Mie Hawaii;’ns lire glad, or jui
to make some ste sofa lively ti
/» urt*m Artilt p »b*rly r.uort/
A man nanicxl Benerilh in tl
jKiny with his two eons, tA&rdZ
through Grevillo every
his way to t;ie market of
which was about a league
order to she 10
| cavalcade, ar :1 did it
short time after ho
tho -blaeliBir.ith____
village, _
who had seen the dr IrxwT w
asked, and pcs allowed, to
for a fow ufys, and ho put t
conspicuotfs place in his sho».
the men with tho donkeys wh cal
often to his place, might soot
tlrreir next vf. it: tho first >bj. t
they spied was this picture, a tth
at once recognised the party. ' te
fuificr iminediately asked who n tj
pkw'c had enough* talent ti ms
mil'll th ings. He Was told it
littlo Millet. —Pierre Millet in Oe
Nothlnfl; Lost.
“They take tremendous 1 -wut i
tions at the mint so that no !
shaT‘ lUx’ lost,” said Jones, with
inis «Wa of an article he h 11 •
readlnffon the subject “Evcrvacr
of refuse is burned to order th i nr!
bu the slightest 'vestige of metal'Khat
wnsled. The workiD^ c!o
the men are burned too whej t f, e*
are the carts worn which out, and they’ ev.-n
arc used to carrvto 9
the bullion to the mint.
A»c* 11. sjiid the American inti
corner, contemplating his ei r,
guess wo go one better than , •
1 -iii iunnorhil country. V. o bur^ilw.
refuse, and tho clothes, and tho S&ts.
^ S!r ' "'e do all that, and, whet in
more, when a man dies w!
worked there we Lave h IIa! < uit
Thou they talked abo. lilk
— I
he** a (>t»ahlt (! Ship jj, Saved.
Any gross niiseomluc
of the salvor; Ul Ki Ut
bezElement of the pmperty
t u whole claim to k
msjxiDsibihty of salvors ri
ing the proe
of property oontinues Is
projjcrty is subject to
the court.
bnlvorsiu [ ■sion have;
f: ■ l»n;jH'rty in the sii or
saw:*, anu tney cannot be
oft h interest until it is taki
them by adjudication. It is
essary. however, that they si
remain in actual ixisaession to i
to uiaiutaiu their rights.—New Y, ;'.
Evening Si in.
his a«sS“ friends in the west a set 7£ of Colone
mgersoU’s work*. Then he sent a
ceired who "f a telegram ty.£teS frorn^ is
J* JSd."-lTaw w York
World. ___
u £SX3fSt-D»
jft 4ias iTat been discovered among the
Captain Loder-Sy
nd'sfceat, KSttfWa 1
“I We," says the Dean, the
to 1* captain of a bond of
* teen n>icians,
^eLl tL Duke mufdc of like Chandos, a Mus- j |
blunder VjUt my choir to of so former degen- j
the reigns that the
g of 1 famous memory
bee of people called gentlemen be
rs of music tell me 1 must
, ve supplying two va
Cticies, careful in
which I have Loen two years
' tvoring to do. For you are to
■ the-ao
that in disposing determine to
employments I
,u rf ,ctl" contrary to minister
state, by giving them to those
best deserve. Ii yon had rec
o to me for a
Biended a person gift, 1 would be
•ch living in my muiffere.vt
curious, because an
may do well enough, if he loo
on like their broth
ert but singers, he good or
[the 1 poets, must very
are good for nothing. me
fe of Chandos was of " course
»’g “Timon,” the patron of Han
— Lcndoa Hews.
Literary FrcakB.
■here is a trend in the literature of
lav toward the occult and mysue
L and the modern speculative novelist philoao- is bo¬
ding a sci-t of
dealing little with human mo
ond emotions *nd presenting us
character types and incidents
only claim to attention cornea
o*-e violation of all accepted
cm their U«reno>
and traditions the
r .„ cut into the mystic shews
mental drift of the times among
those who are not anchored in the Se¬
cure haven of faith, and the nove -
i» in touch with tho tendency and
t , bis sails to catch tut
dispo-ed to trim to toe
trade wind of tho hour, caters
geekers after the unkaovvn and un
knew able. freaks the works . oi , (
As literary have value,
these novelists may a
they may astound «|ov the time the
,ading public l„ ■ir very uudfici
re have tio lasting
i , ' py^ they can ephemeral period
worth, and after an
f iKipularity they become an um
0 to Ue took
. i ought encumbrance eventually
«.■' ell from which tlu y
ftna their way to the junk shop.
Donahue’s Ivlagazine.
Trailing in the Wowery.
A Frenchman, recently arrived it*
5mA 1 E who had been warned
exactions of the of shop thw
!■• nepers of a certain section to
'entered tho store of shiny of a batter ’ik tile,
iuiniiro the price a f
; admired through
i which he had long
Ut 4 the show window. of zat ch..
rWhat Wv is zoo price clerk, pointing
h 0 asked tho
Ifcllats,” replied the polite
: 0*fh dollars!" 6j?.cdMh-lthe
•0KA hi purchaser*. 'T give you
Aio' dollars for him."
, "Oh, no; you misunderstood,”said
the clerk. “The price is seven dol
1: m, not eleven dollars."
“Ob, pardon, monsieur. You say
seven dollars. Thc-n 1 give you five
dollars for him.” Artd as it was in the
Bowery he received the hat forth
with.-New York Herald,
Wanted Smaller Rooms.
An amusing incident was Hannibal
Hamlin’s experienco at some place in
Italy when he was minister to Spain,
On arriving at tho hotel the landlord
very obsequiously conducted Mr.
Hamlin and his wife to their rooms.
which consisted of a whole suite on
tho lower floor, and ushered Mr.
Hamlin into one set of rooms,
“‘K- "Hero are inonricuv’s
and then took Mratfljmmlni into tho
other tooma with--tt he statement,
“ Hore “" e m!MlanioV reoms," ui»m
w with !*! eh this Mr remark, ' Hamhn “These toolj bim all a -^e
are very
" haven t you got a comfort
“ Won)om UBstairasomewliore which
wou,d be los3 ps r*?nsive and which
can both -occupy Portland Ex
Tht* i'r* ss en<! the Thalers.
Prince Pirenarek wet once about to
decorate a private siddie-r with the
Iron Cross for sntuo signal act of
valor, and with iris eu miary
t njst for men' - motives d* ten:ii: , eil
test him. “My mend." said he,
run atr ut to pin this i
r ur breast n a reward fer your
t if y n jappen to be
|. ur I am
t* thalars in i
t a le
;; er. Ibout thrt WLS
“Vw lh then. me the
I? Idler, -vtn tl>ul.:re.” TO. —New raid
irk World
Tht I n?» Lwlb
more n:
files in
a «* i ) three
jl bide of
eiv will
h]> your treusers
. little fell •vs r.:i inch lmg end
i tenth of r.a inch in die
ch just 1 4 VV
Kt *,r York Adver
Two Mother#.
1 Mother—That new boy across
ct is a bad toy, isn't he, my
I Sob -Xo'm.
Then why don't you
• won't let me.”—Good
.'I h More.
\ 11 ii can prom
fee *4.- t. e tnan a sti ter to me.
W .man I I ■ J. . a
p>- C .*'■•* to
A vie. President-.Cow.
0nce w hile Mr. Hamlin was vice
wegideu t of the United States a cow
“ wa8 g^t to him from Carmel, and he
G the yards tor her personally the
led her to his house through
streets of Bangor, dressed m Ins tra
ditional swallow tail. —Portland (Me.)
Ex press.
'■ WSA
Kills Unexcelled all pain!
A L l n i m e n 11
Indispensable home!
In your genuine
Buy the
Salvation Oil.
Sold for 25 cts.
■ G
CHE:/ (KlSSii-Pric. w
iroORE’S High-Grade Bueiness Training School.
T^en^enwr^n^me 1 ; “And for
ethBttM -FBEE.
fSfr«i ,
m m 4 A > ;* *1
pp re • ♦ ♦ 1 m «
| iTm rr.’itaniQ'^b
- r d
/'l tion the C with H. am, the Moson, forms
WOflLO'S the
Cincinnati pofmlar FAIR ROUTE from
\ to address to Chicago, by E.O.McCormick, wili be gent
G. any P. AT. A*e«t,
C. H. AD. R.R.
Cincinnati, O., on receipt of ten
cents in stamps.
Pvs «t |*in
• \ 1 wrnr<rt, w»
f ’'/■ \ ■ ,; ;: v SyiiiVfJLJ«• 3 2p
x -'>' 2 -a, ;“ : r*>R
If ■w . > 's®£S
V* V r- Until ■* j’.n*'
j .."TF » 1 <g-« »f Aiweric-a, in > ny
j I . i t
j F- you cum f-vn
• f> fine# ut l-.-'ji,!*,
| - fresMg «11 your
> ■ - .?■ Tjfittv-, ‘sncJMvin <»r spuro !
] j .fern; •- - , , (m ! What t ■ u »m! we ofl* it
.^V- 1 h ti 1 a pro veil '
" : an I r ;
- J rinv • thttpr-.t suirf f«r I
every worker |
jr. ,, - : ' *r »*• t**rn. !
. • . j ! No spi-.wul ul». 1 1
N • .' V K :T liieut+i j ;y re.piirnU. uth.’tf J
• m
.-'--Yfc-.V-- , jdi'.iry uuly
1 fi'S.X.. '!«>
“? r.V .>•'
-flKStre-’ ^ •*> re.yy ‘. V i I Bivxis-hiusj - v
•A ' T' i ^ _ . orything Hm.
.V •
V • the
wl ei
_ ^_
S^'.f ^ pro •t « 5Ti-«s, •. i* ortti that • tv V. entb-liesi all
>U «> . TC. Addle
v.u'wui'. .. Wo* iSH. 1*4.1
f- * 5 /v % ft ^ *S VM I ^ -1 t !•*>< .*
t. ' 'k j ;
-Maruiiactumr *{
' " % n pad
la ’ -^*3! G C ?*r‘TS 0, _
f l >i Cm J) . ?
---1 rpeu:; in Pi::«
f5t ItMI tvr “*t»reure>.
--AOENT ron--
tfcjrThe Ih-Nt i«. the Wot Id.
re-tv IX'signs!
Origin*! Piste* '!
LOW PBlt'f.
Sf t -1 f*‘r * t :n. ar: I Stwa I’ i-rks,
u 531 nu-i... Sh, .ll ii-Lhl A,Hi
Adi Wor ii Guaranteed. \c-,y'
t -
s 1 "rere-f r
* :
K; . 1 t \ 5k * * 9 .
A Ctirr' Cccrrf
l jr a Lass. 2 t
i . J C?S.-.S.
—- - V
c It !« |Y! W i .Vh » frnsa
- at *
5? +
rere- re. * i
Ilr.vre - C.oarrh . 1
reltev.-aoi fy'i; Ceray
jitter err' - 1 ’<-* r« ire . * i#r* sc.*l ? it: t‘7 v us tj *r ca* r,*£
Mmmm whissm mmm. '
f| HHV Steam E n g^ e S, ES^narV Stationary 'i ^
Portable and Agricultural.
*mi, r^Stram Turblac Bollrra. ah aim a*d SawMll*.Corn tfSfEle., Ml«•.!£* Etc. V&taSTc-^
w,th or without Feeders »d C
V AflTiBCOTTOfll GINS , - tee Bes* mjxaE Wobud
m „ 1 G0TT0>J^3 natlvpAV PkF^M'ES S For Eit “ScKbaUMPUP ^ r »£
jg^oOD WORKING M t.^Tb, the very latest m P
which will be gif
at office or write far re^. ro '^ERS.---
'M Hachitie Outfits a. SpiCitlty* Augista, G«*
a. S.REID,° Lombard 7 .,S Reynolds St., 66 go. ,
Geo. R.
-r t
fiuu fl i
—W OIF 2 JESL.© 9 “
AbUTC Pnassengw 1ST AND L-EST
Pf engines & BOIlfc
a Spec'slety.
* Labor-sav-ew: Machinery, Shafting. % P*«e}s, ain : f” * 2 B|" P
fcs,wa, Inspirators, Injectors, etc. fl
Lat-e Stock to Select From!
Prises Isw. Gocfe Bmmm
isrowtinB* of every kind, and new vrari. <hgh
Writ ■ for circulars,
X ssiSSS=ss==a
i -M
eM Mi . iimrF r^TfT sss Tp r f ls “'".f
f ’^rmrss'sSfSte-.sssssiss
R ndto-dav. Addross QUEEN CHEWICAU CO., re* wav \v«- wilt P»y »• «V ! 01 *1
m, © ■fSt
9t M *- --I'*'. t *(- aondarv and Tertivrv
■6S b - * I
t.-^-.iIh, SI*i«luiaf tyyphmCJo SwoMJngt, RhcnmUItm, fccr< fnicct UieeS and
! i '.'.ironic *> Ulcers that iiavo Rheuaatiim, Makrla, old
r rcskted ---------------fi— cU treatment. Oat-rrh,
: - I — . ........ ■
tw - h' i Sr DiieiiRtelF fhtVlUilRi
“™KsMS. , asss; £2 .“• ;
•x*. | ti-.V'fe l '■< S3 g|: s :iT i -.
VA ..
Lre’.la* v.-hoeo sy^tvms era poi irons'! and vrh«*o f.;«d U ua
r -P ‘ ' c^n.'iir,:->n, d ';- to menstr nal IrroyLri U*.
, : are
si s * re 12 re 1 tkiUi&miA j f t .mrcuRzs
■MM Prciliafly ___ [■ __ re' a ^ b)o«t!-'* re u -ml toni-r a:.j
i’r'Rre.r ‘ ,:1 “ <: *■ *'■■ p -' kl K A l > *«» E »*
• -. V -V- —'- "H
® L ; Eire I
LIPIi'iAIi £202., Propristors,
grists, Llppa aa's Block, EAV AHSA3, SA,
m is?* U J vnii § y||
W ; fis» @ x re-j
-.-t m - -,r W f :i mi ; ?».\ i.sive
ui.-i . fr I: :<?
-4Ut •- a il ■: of ; t v. Mam nave ma<*e
Two ilumlretl Itoliar^ reloath. .'re of
P eo I-'*‘ in fhe worid .ir c* is.aki’.t.g w.itt at rioiirt
wnhou: t*=Di r.I a* C a «^ nt v.-orl; for u.«. K: 5
p***a>aut, *friot!y BMP !*->n«ir*ihi**, ami !. nur* bof-T T.baa
aiiv ©{}t»*r ^in-r.-i! vc R. S - •
xifti, with no
-.:,-! - f.,r
Pi-SIKK. r, wliivli. it ,.i f.ite; V ;h -rr;
;.^»e your pr
■ jiitr a«i I «u: ; a. v..,rk f»r i!.-a».- a-ga
r. i’utvrv »r rly
r:i ::r ; tvinw .^verv
free tj nil.
* Sskaiics Awi.a
A:*-y fcr^. v |
<5* l
. •:
.- * - q
re~£SE vazt*r?^ t
V'"' K’viori ?-• rgxrg,
r S're'- ».e*,H-r f cire-y-vsirra. e.t.
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Lv Atiaiua.. q
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Ar ( Louisville ‘hatt.TDooga E.
Ar ., 7:25
Ar Cincinn ati UJ2 6:40 a.inl
Ar Kitoxv me.....
Ar Morristow n.
Ar Hot Springs
ft r Asheville .
Ar Bristol ......... ...|10:S6 .! 15.1
Ar (Ho£e Springs.. .. J:C2
Ar Wytheville..... Roanoke . . | 2:3V -i:20a.niJ a sa.L
Ar ...... .
,'.r '^.r Natural Lnray.......... 11:53 . --J
Ar Ar Lynchburg Petersburg. ’ ■ ■
. -i p.iH
Ar Norfolk . 2*00
'train rniu-lng Brunswick at lUflo
S, c^aMd
aud Newv '”' k '
summer kxctrsiou ticket!
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<0 frwiR o Tml Siy a HtnrfMTy ifffi
-- -K
e No. 75 V, ust Bay Si., Jarksoal w'J
B. W.
CTT.n l Pi-tser
T, -tSTM l-A Ixsoxvilo.
I 'HiiininniniiiJiaimuiiiil
= Itf B ^ ^-f W fi /Hi fA
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™ fSEv^o 4
5 YEARS • iTtmP IB
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Exaoiae THE ROYAL fhr p-^ats a
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ROYAL S, e. GO,, MM. KL ,
1 1 1 HU i in 11 rnm’n ii mi:: it
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