Newspaper Page Text
UnitJLi^ii'.) ■rmpnipFC sienfidT | || ,Mj| |j^
i (£ 90 !
Tise only l'ure Craaiu of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum
Used in Millions of Homes— 4.0 Y«*.rs the Standawl
—Mr. F. Ih Taylor visited lint town
—Her. K. E. L. Harris returned
from Mayfield Monday.
—A hu ge umnlier of eggs is sh : pp» i
from hero weekly.
— Let our prices ou all k mis of jo -
—Mr. John IV. Ilixon attended
court at Lexington lliis week.
—The town council raked in .*11 50
in fines last Saturday,
--The rain Wednesday will he a grea
help to the oats.
—Mr. Paul L. Smith spent the great¬
er part of the week at Union Point.
—The rain which we received Wed¬
nesday was a welcome and a much
wishod-for \ Liter.
— Mr. J.uther Iladaway, of Augus¬
ta visited his father in this county this
__Mr. E. S. Gunn and lady, of Au¬
gusta, are visiting Mr. W. N, Gunn at
J> ; home near town.
-Mrs. L. A. Veazey has been visit
jt friends and relatives in Warren
cJunty this week.
—I)r. R. C. Bin ns spent the early
part of the week visiti. g patients in
the neighhood of Raytown.
—Mr. W. J. Norton has finished
building the house ou which he was at
work near Mayfield.
—Miss Delia Anthony, who has been
attending the Agnes Scott lusti'ute at
Decatur, has returned to her home.
—Dr. A. G. lieazley has been ap¬
pointed surgeon for the Georgia rail¬
road at this place. He received Lis
commission this week.
—We extend thaads to a lady friend
for a bouquet ot beautiful flowers, They
make the editorial desk bloom like a
flower garden.
—We saw a couple bales of cotton
come in this week. I* did not pay to
hold the staple to the last of the season
this year.
—Messrs. J.F. Holden and J, W.
Farmer are visiting Mr. Will Wynn at !
Sandersville, Ga. They made the trip ‘
to Sandersville in a buggy.
—Mr. William Stone, and sister Miss
Delia, of Washington, and Mr. Jack
Harris and children, of Barnett, at
- vfctrti. . thi-. futitmi here Suhua.. .
—Mrs. T. A. McManus and her! i
grandmother, Mrs. Grant, of While
Plains, visited Mrs. Bergstrom during
the early part of the week.
—Mr. J. D. Moore killed a vet
large fish eagle a few days ago.
measured 5 feet seven inches from tl- •
tip of one wing to the tip of the otb .
—Messrs. John Hubert, of Barne
and Will Harris, of Norwood, cam;
Monday to fish on Mr. Bergs,
pond. They carried back a s.
string of fifth.
. —We wish to call attention to
advertisment of Pitt’s Carminitbe
this issue of the Dkmockat. 3
medicine is on sale at the drug st
iu Orawfi rdyille.
—The cry of the printer’s devil
“copy” is a trrible sound to the edit
are at a time when there is little net
bsobtained. Friends, pity us, andte.
what us you know.
—Rev. kf. W. Doggett, the Prct
terian minister who visited Craw 0
vilie some time ago, preached at
Methodist church here on last Sun.
Monday and Tuesday.
—Hon. H. W. J. Ham will prob:
visit Crawfordville next month,
has been suggested that he deliver
“Georgia Cracker” lecture here tor
benefit of the Ladies Memorial Asso
—Mr. Doggett an-Minced last Tt
day that he would preach here
the third Sunday in July. We h
been requested to state this was a n
take. He will preach on the ti
Sunday in June.
—H. Stephen*, charged with assa
with intent to murder has been 1 od<
in jail. He was out on bond, but
bondsman went off his bond,
struck Miles Hackney up ou the In
with a rock some time ago.
— ifr J. W. ;Asbury receivei
telegram from Greenesboro yefteri
telling of the death of hi* daughter
law, Mrs Mattie Asbury. She d
yesterday morning. We extend to 1
Asbury and his son our meat sine
Upon the second page of this wee
Democrat will be found an *dv
tisment of the Keely company, one
the largest and most reliable dry got
houses ic Atlanta. It will pay you
read their advert isment and to se’
them your orders. They lc. „ t*i
gained, and have today kept a reput.
tion for low prices and satisfi acto
goods, Give them a call or *end ’ v '
yoar order by mail.
T 17 BLACK-gsaugm t*» for
In our last issue we made a few
errors in our reference to Memorial
Day. In one or two places it was stat
eu that th- 26 th of April falls on Tues
day while it really falls 011 Wednesday.
In (lie notice to Confederate veterans a
typog apliical error makes it appear tl at
the veterans are to meet on the 19th.
It should be the 26th.
A couple addi ions have 1 ecn make
to the programme. Messrs. Gus An
thonv and Fred Daniel will speak at the
mound. Thereat of the programme
will he carried out us published in last
w.ek's Dkmockat.
Ou another page of this paper will
lie found an advartisment of Mr. M. i
Haverly’s f irnituie
house. Mr. Ha very’ s-des so lanethat
he canafford to se>l cheapei Jthau smal
ler concerns, and his stock is so targe
and varied that you cannot fad to si i
noureelt. It will tie to your order to
consult biro whenever you wish r.njr
thing connected with house fu nishing.
Your mail orders wifi receive prompt
attention, or if you cell upon him in
person you will irceive a warm wel¬
come and will Intvean opportunity toiu
spect one of the finest stocks of furn- I
iture kept in the south. It-member
the 1 umber 77 Whitehall or 64 ! r». d
StAtanta, Ga.,
Do you wish to have printed visiting
cards, business cards, invitations, note
heads, letter heads, bill heads, circular
letters, circularaeuvolope corners p imp
lets. or any kind of job printing. If
so, give us a trial, tve can give you
neat work at low prices. Much work
lias been going to Athens and other
places which chould he done more
cheaply at home. See our prices and
specimens of work before yo« give your
orders to any one.
• —
Mrs. A Hie Yarborough died at her
home in Athens Friday, and was buri¬
ed to •! o cemetevv here on Sunday nf
terno* Itev. Mr. Doggett preached
the f’ -•cal sgniton.
■I'lorongh was a da tighter of
t’.d ' F. Retd, of this plac#.
F. ' m-' ...ence of my patients
i w’t after keep on hand a full
is, and can be found at my
••V” i. ndrews Gee & Co. ’s st ore,
•54, II. C- Binns.
: th. mother of Mr, M. F.
his place, died at the home
t titer, Mrs. Luneeford, in
■ -.trict Saturday, and was
:y afternoon. She bad an
ime lime ago and never
ed from the hurt. The
“Xtends its sympathies to
and relatives of Can deceas
io ISegg’s Blood Purifies
blood,makes tbe skin cleart
,on beautiful Try a bottle
vonderfu! effects. Sold and
i y Dr. R. J Reid.
Thompson Seymour, :Ind
sister Jennie, when she wa
;rl, suffered from white
which gieatly impaired
neaitn and made her
impure. In the spring
able to do anything and
rceiy get about. More
U ■ ago she took three bottles
Blood Balm, and now she
, -t ealve in t he world for C u
res, Ulcers, Balt Rheum. Feves
er,Chapped Wands, Chiblainl
1 all Skin Eruptions, and posi*.
-s Piles, or no pay required.
=:€d to give perfect satisfaction,
refunded, Price 2'< cents per
r sale by Dr. R. J. Keid
r ing match for the champion
Taliaferro county is billed to
or near Crawfordville Friday
- , at 8 o’clock p. m. All citi
ihis county who are interested
tics should see thi* contest. • •
a sign that your hair needs
Begg's Hair Kenewer prsmotes p
7 growth of hair, prevents its failing
r turning gray. Sold and guar&need
• R-J. Reid.
*--• —
Mr. Horace M. Holden returned
Tashington. D. C\, on the last
hi? raorrrag.
Frv re iters of pater* fully under¬
stand the laws gov-rnlog siiUsnipU •«
Tue dteisions «>f tin U.iUed S te
(’ > irt on this subject an:
1 triibicnbeis «!u) do itot give ix
pre* iiutiee t» the contrary are const ■»
■ red is wishing to rent w there mis
scrip io . .
2. Ii subscribers order the diacoi «.
tanu.slice of their periodicitls. the pul*
isher may com am** to si nd iheui ui,til
all anearages am paid.
3 If subscriber i cgbc f or refuse*,
to take th* ir periodicals fr un , o t
■•thee to which they are directed, they
are responsible until they have seit ’ed
, heir billg au<1 or j,, re J :he.u dheuatin
U(J( j
4 If subscribers move to oilier ; Less
without ii foimil g the puhl gtisr, and
the papers me sent to the foitner sd
dress, they are lit Id reepoosii.l .
5 The court have decided (fist ret ns
lug to take periodicals from the 1 (lice,
or removing and leavieg them 1111 c,ill
ed for, ;s pnmi facie of i.i
lention 1 fraud,
0. If sebscrile s uy in advance,‘bey
are bouud to givo notice at the rod < t
the V’lne if they do not wish D. con¬
tinue taking it; otherwise ttie* pu'ilish
ei is authoi izsl to «end it; and th*
subscriber w 11 be responsible until
an expiess uouce, with piym *ut *,f all
airearages is sent to the publisher.
The latest p. s:al laws are such that
newspaver publishers can arrest a iy
one for tiaud who tak-s a paper aim
refuses to pay for it. Under this law
the uivn who allows his subscription
to run along for some lime unpaid
and then urdeis it dis: >utj mas, or
orders the post masteipo mark it “re¬
fused,” ai d have a postal caid sent
notifying th<* publisher, leives himself
liable to arrest ane fl ,e, the siime as
for theft.
«— • —«
The young folks picnicked *t Hill¬
man. Easier Monday and had quite
an enjoyable entertainment that even¬
ing at Mr. Boh Gilbert’s. Ad report
a fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. Sturdivant's fami¬
ly is made happy by the f addition
of a new member in the shape of a girl
M’s. Ilo8gpgna),'*f Savannah,former,
iy af Crawtordville, is in Sharon, she
came here to leave h r two Grandsons
at the Sacred Heart Seminary, She is
at Miss Harty’s.
Mr. William Brown retuined to At¬
lanta last week, wtiere he is under the
treatment of a specialist. We hope
soon to hear of his rec very.
Services were held as usual at the
Catholic church ou E *3ter Sunday,
There wgs quite a large attendance,
Rev, Father J. J. Semmestook pams
in explaining all H.e ceremonies of the
church, which were listened to with
interest. Tlie decora'lons were taste"
fully arranged by the ladies.
t U f POfsTHH.
These items were intended for lat>t
week’s paper, but did not teach this
office until .Sunday.
Row Men of Gei:ta* Are Pestered.
To his friends Tennyson’s door and
heart were always wide open. Good
testimony to this effect is given by
Theodore Watts, who says: “What
has been called his exclusiveness is
entirely mythical. He was the most
hospitable of men. It was very rare
indeed for him to part from a friend
at his hall door or at tlio railway sta¬
tion without urging him to return as
soon as possible, and generally with
the words, ‘Come whenever you like.’
The fact is, however, that for many
years the strangest notion seems to
have got abroad as to the claims of
the public upon men of genius. There
seems to be scarcely fety one who
does not look upon everry man who
has passed into the purgatory of
fame as his or her common properly,
‘ ‘The unlucky victim is to la; jtest
ered by letters upon every sort of
foolish subject, and to be hunted
down in his walks and insulted by
•enseless adulation Tennyson re¬
sented this, and so did Rossetti, and
so ought every man who has reached
eminence and respects his own
genius. Neither fame nor life itself
Is worth having on such terms a
these,” - New York Tribune.
A. B. C.
Asthma, Bronebitis and Consumption
result from a neg’.ecwd cough or cold lUm’t
neglect but cure promptly with a few doses
of Beges’ Cherry < ough Syrup. So!d by
Dr.R. J.Reid.
On your teeth will cause their decay
and will make your breath disagreeable.
Sexaf m will remove the cause of
trouble. This favorite tooth wash is sold
by Dr, R- J Kel *
Insomnia, and Sts twin brother Dyspep
sia, are the offspring of a disord* r< ■>
tomach. A positive cure is found ln
Begg’s Dandelion Bitters, Sold by *11
—Mr. J. W. Asbury and Misses
Maud Leary and Leila Anderson are
in Greenesboro, where they have
to attend the funeral of Mrs.
The NIse oi il»i *r:»ne«.
^ meat too large is far better
t >, nn a dish too small. It is
en0U gh to take one’s appetite away
. to a r jaat or steak or fowl conte
I Jjj slopping over the sides of the
platter. If a meal is clean an-1 neat
ly eerverl no hrjstesa nee-*l ever b
her voice in apology. But there if
no apology for a soiled cloth or
washed crockery ware.—Exchange.
A Rrltla*
In the jewel house < the Towet
of London, the place wh tin* c rown
there is a l*x>k bournl #rougliout in
gold, even to the wires the hinges.
| Its clasp is two niftiest at opposite
j ends of four golden lies. On om» !
! side there is a cross of amonds; on
| the other the English >at of arms
; wdm diamonds, pearkmd rubies.-
fit. Louis Republic.
What Mill feed.
John Stuart Mill old get little
J j pleasure of from his life musitru bemuse the his later \
years over
strained mind reasonl that “musio
was only a c-ombinatii of notes, amt
mathematically cons'ered % the time
must come when such possible
combinations tvou have lieeu e.\
— «
Is nit, the one that | mbs us lmt the
doctor’s’>1!!. Keep supply of Betfc’r
Fami’y Mediein-s on c|j id ar.dreduee you
doctor's hill 95 per Sold by Dr. It
ckawf nn>v illen! Jr ail mah
Ihi’tc 1.1 to Oe; EJ i 10c; coffcv 2.tC;
flo ir tl.Oo to $4 75 - bhl.; lard t'Jge
to 16c; meal 70c; pota , sweet SOc, Irish;
Ht.SP, rice r.e; drie Sipples 6c; sugar
r> 1,,lllr to6c; apples 11 ^‘ per tu HI |i.15; 15< '' cabbage |° 4Mc-,
»ihvsw 15c; t«w, bt*>tPP0c; L, grits 2Ur; ont
meal .. .....hisses 8 . 1 c; syrup N O
4.7 to auc; corn 64 nails 3 to s*e.
hran Sl.tfl, plow sto* feather 83e to 95e; plow
hanies 3.1c u> 40c ; s >h 25c ,0 soc.
kerosene oil, best, 20
Columlt « Fans.
Some years dis|xveric>s Paris they were
discussing the of Colum
bvis in the present the late Lord
Lyttou. Colomb, hould explain,
is the French for ilumbiis, and la
colomlxj is the Frei 1 for a dove. "It
is very singular," sineone observed,
“that la colombe < }covercd the Old
World and le Col crib discovered the
new.” “YeB," rep\*d Lord Lytton,
"but infinbely mm curious that tho
one came from Nu ll and the othe;
tame from Genoa”—London Truth.
Xp-WI *E OF CABDUI, Tcnlc for Worn* a.
On tbp liver. When i h out <tf order and
you fee! l>!m\ try a flw doses of KeRps f
Little Giant Pills. Yni;r fiver wit!
ciate the joke. Ho v IP you. For sale
Dr. . J. Rei I.
l*» lS’any lailuitrUt.
Harriet Martin sau found American
women engaged n only seven indus¬
tries exclusive cf domestic service
This was, comparatively speaking,
only a few years, ago. Today their
participation in ;the world's work is
practically only limited by the num
,)f industries possible to been
goged in.-New York Times.
jST BLACK'fiRMjC'.’t u» cures ConBttpfttton.
—— 1 ■«• ' —^jttSSSSS
If you wish to s<e them call on Dr.
J. Reid and ask fer Ih-ggs Little
Fills, Every Dottle guaranteed.
At the solieltati ,n of friends I
consented to !ak< up the practice
medicine. Will make obstetrics
specialty. Calls tv ill be made from
drug store during day. At night I
be at my residenc,*.
!1. J. Reid, . I).
js an instant relief for Colic of Inbm
j cures Dysentery, Biarrhosea, Cholera, In
, ! jm.tum or any oth* d.irangement of ti
stomach and bowel
; For wholesale C Lamar Djug (.’.....
pany, Atlanta and Macon Ga
Specialist, !
Freats the Fallowing Disea.v
We guarantee in< ire all h Hris of I
Rectal Ulcers, F: r>-s. Kistaul wi”
the use of tbe ligatf re, knife or cm in
or will elierfutly lelunil tlie money sira’p'e in
of failure. Our treatment la
effeeted. without larjger ami wil
j PisQ 3 .SeS Of Bl 5 L&de
We, have had vei extensive experi.
in the treatment ot t ll forms of disee¬
the Bladder,having emoved twenty --e,<
gravel stones, we:., ing from 1-4 to 4
ounces, The cq"‘ m can lie seen at
| j Diseases \ f Women.
j Aftertronting Di| ises of Women
°j 4 jt Nervot! ra. . »<isenses Is we are successf prepare
. Prostration, SI
1 sessness, Inolgestu 1 Ovarian Trou
Inflammation and ! isplacemeuts, b)
I use of electricity.
: Uri^ciriN DiSe3. s eS.
Whether acuta oi chronic, cured in f
' to 12 day* without the of injc
5 use
j i or er acute nauseous or chronic, medici? HH juece.sfuliy Stricture, ti< wl
without the use ot !< nife.
We guarantee to ure all forms of )
j ture whether parti I '-omplete, wit
the useof knife o» ligature and wit
detention!rout hu; ue»s, or will It
$60.00 to$150.00 III ase of failure.
| Clnb heet, Cur vature of successf Sp!
: And all Surgical Diseases
treatea . Consulath-n la invited and
j i 9 to 12 m. 2 to 4 p tn. 7 to «•?•> f
j Sunday, 7 to 4 p. u>
J A tl IriN , 01 (jTjr^yrrr, IUlI*, ffi.
| Roomg 4 to , 4S , Van Rt t -
: Lmon U l ‘ ’
£ — I.Slin.-*
■'/■A m
iin* \
Mrs. It. Ibmtsoid
Itising Rim, Delaware.
GOOCl Fsmny .. iVI GCi ,, .
Hood’s Gnrsapcri’.ia and HOOd’a
“ I rejard lloml’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s
nils, tho without very Lest them. family I medicines, lmvo always and been wa
are never
A Delicate Woman
and began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla three
years ago for that tired feeling. It bulll mo up
*o quickly and so well that 1 leel like a different
Seoman and have always had great faith i i it I
give it to ray children whenever Caere seems good. any
trouble v. ltn tlicir Mood, and It does them
My little hoy likes It so well he cries for it I
canncffiiul worth to t,-U how highly family I and prize they it
Ve use Hood’s Pills In tho
Act Lilt© a Charm
I take pleasure In recommending these medi¬
cines to all my friends, for 1 believe If peoplo
Hood’s s. Cures
would only keep Hood’.* Sarsaparilla and Hood's
Pills at hand as wo do, laucn sickness and sut
ferliiB would Sun, he prevented.” Delaware. Mbs. I- Towns
eni>, Eislng
Hood’a Pills art eastty, yet promptly aud
•Cloleutly. on Uie liver and bowels. 26c,
Ayer’s Pills
May always bo rolled upon as a certain
cure for liver troubles, constipation, sick
headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, Jaundice,
and rheumatism. Unlike most cathartics,
Iyer’s Tills strengthen the stomach, liver,
and bowels, and restore to these organs
their normal and regular action. Taken In
•cas'in, they check the progress of colds,
fevers, aw! malaria. Being purely vegetable
aiul sugar-coated, Ayer’s l’ills are
The Favorite
tamily medicine, while travelers, both liy
uca and land, find them to be Indispensable.
“We sell more of Ayer’s Pills than of all
other kinds put together, and they give per
feet satisfaction.”—Christensen & Ilaarlow,
Druggists, Baldwin, WIs.
*■ 1 have used Ayer’s Pills for the past
thirty years, and consider them an Invaluable
Family Medicine
1 know ol no better remedy tor liver troubles
and dyspepsia."—James Quinn, Hartford, Ct.
Cnpt. Chas. Mueller, of tlie cteamslitp
«Felicia,”says: “Forseveral years I have
retied more upon Ayer’s l’llts than anything
else in tlio medicine chest, to regulate my
bowels, and those of the ship’s crew. These
Pills are not severe In their action, but do
their work thoroughly. I have used them,
anil with good effect, tor the cure ot rheu¬
matism, kidney troubles, and dyspepsia.”
Ayer’s Pills
Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Every Dose Effective.
rigutuj; m i;(»ni(‘siit' C»t.
*‘I have hunted tigers in India c* ’
polar liears in the regions of eter::.
knriW. but the worst light I over lue
was with a oommou bom-e cat." sain
(A W. Cooper. I had a fine hha ’;
rat of unusual size that 1 i.i •-t in I’u
stove to discourage mice. One dey
Tom disappeared and was gone «uiv
ing the entire summer. When he
returned with the advent i f ccM
weather it was easy to see that b*
had been prowling in the wf>
He bad become wild and savage and
when I attempted to caress him he
bit. me. t determined to punish him
for that little bit of pleasantry, and
procuring a switch followed hint into
the storehouse and shut the door,
Now a tom cat that fights at fifteen
pounds is no despicable antagonist.
and I soon realized the fact
“He would spring for my face and
I would knock him back, losing con- |
siderable cuticle at each round. Fi- .
nally he fastened his teeth in the ;
side of my neck and it required all
my strength to choke him off.
When 1 succeeded in doing so I was j
afraid to let go of him, and he tore
my arms terribly with his claws. I
finished him pt last I ah 1 looked ns j i
though I had been run through a
thrashing machine. Hereafter when
I attempt to chastise a cat 1 will pro
cure u suit of armor and a club stud
ded with brass nulls.”—St. Loui*
Globe-Deni oaat.
Flm'l.v TrniiHlutcd.
Skrtne > years J age. 11 San Fnincisec,
kmderg.irtner threading . .. . her
was tneud way
through a diHy alley, making
ly Virnta to the childten of her fl<« k.
As she lingered ou a eerUUt. doorstep,
receiving the bust coufidem es of sonic
weaiy woman h heart, huo uearu h
loud but not unfriendly voice ringing
from an upper window of 11 tenement
house just round the corner.
“Clear tilings out from under foot!’
pealed the voice in stentorian ac¬
cents “The teacher o' the Kids
Guards is cumin down the street 1”
The “Children’s Guards" from im
purity and ignorance I No more elo
gunt translation has yet Ixvn found
to render tho German word with
such faithfulness and sympathy.—
■Children's Rights.”
V«]iitthl6 Out*.
Urices you must understand to ap
ply to good ooins. Better or worse
preservation would make a groat
difference in every case. On that
basis a United States copper cent of
1793, with the clover leaf, is worth
twenty-five dollars, or five times as
much as the valuable cent of 1799.
From that tho premiums on cents
run all the way down to five cents
The valuable dates, in order of worth,
BT0 17113, 17119, 1804, 1795, 1796, 1809,
1811, 1808, 1797, 1813, 1800, 1801, 1805,
180C, 1798 , 1807, 1823, 1857, 1810 and
1812. - -Ii terview in Washington Star.
A Snr« si B n.
Briggs—What makes you think
Mrs. Spangler loves her husband so
: Griggs—He buys all her necktiw
j for her.-Clothier an d Fur nisher,
e. rr«ar1>
'' r •»•*!•#. is
fi. AaI , k i V H m Iy \ rapisi* father S*
‘ *■-. g Lt.i h' / -wl-.H W lit* Marl, *u4
\ -ft. « f Ky -■ *
tt, i , r-.i
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’ v'iJT’ :> ■’ (.gsla, tfteat
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* • lh»* »ii»'rli*« all »* Milter* H M
Its »* » - ••
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• i* *. »HV. . A’lJm**. ^ <c it. <- 9
t «».. K<>« 4 *** |*e« l istt. Mare*
Selentlfio American
4 Asoncy for
’Sir Iri" OAVBAT*.
fci frv: wrlt#t*
»Mm>vo, Ift bw Ton*.
* .0 ftir M«.rln* D»< -n;« In Amnrna.
i lAkes «.t i.y tj* In l f..o*bt h>*fiPi. tho
/ .. MUw *Av*n fru •( ntutrg, kn
< ililic Smeiifas
1 Im. wlttiost It. W«ck>T. Ht'rirTjk OO, S
wx mo*ttha 5ew Ysrrk Okr*
Before you order your Spring .su
seethe am pies and § prices of
Crawfordvl 1 1 e a c r
aad Bins prior BEWARE vrltkoat afninpod W. OF la. mi I>oiiglua FRAUD. bottein* rntrim Look W. L. BOUSU
V Hold /aril ffcrywlicrfi. wlti n you buy, ^ $3 SHOE GENTLE rip; Fit
A sewed shoe that will not
tW‘ n \ti sramless, stylish and smooth durable inside, than any more other comfor shot
m flV sold made at » -'ce. jsting Every from style. #4 to Ivqualacu. ( 5 .
■ JS»« ing ot the high stand
c p m The f ar* lame
sm m M merit.. S»*wrd. ■■■
$4.0 1> » $5.00 Pine Calf, JIaud Letter-Carriers
8 w>. $.1.50 Police, $ Farmers ^nd (a.oo ana for Working Mex
$1.50, Ij.oo Si.75 for Youths and Boys.
. an !
rfm Ij.eo Hand Sewed, Dongola, | LADlE- FOR_ 1
* S-* 50 and a.00 \
m S *-75 ‘TT Misses.
V: IT I* A DOTY yon ows vor
, to (oi tli« best velao fo*
w i.-.- money. footwear EooQomJis by purcbaaxxj te
• w
H'S Bes? 4? Li. Douglas tha Bboos, bout 1
IS THE ‘■-'•-T 7 T y ' iRpreaant «t tba prlcoa advtj* n
aa iboaaaikds cs
,l ' 1 xity. Do you
—jX, THEW019® ^ C
,2 win • »; :...
*//• ■■ - . ,1
Will »l»e nxrlu.lvn ante t« aho« d.nlnra and srnrrnl aarrrhnnta where 11
wW.h waui'.'y; ,'’o.rLe V-ree: ‘ l. r . ^.anri.^tt^ktinrAn. 0 .?’
-Mr arraiani
A M0k-Grmi» SMtooM Trmmtmg .hkMg
Marc alscs* sw «*> **>*•««■ *• baaft
, M , Tt. baat W ■■Ini -iit Ml a h « Hh «a* la HSU... W. an4, •afcaal In IS.
Hants *on«naVa« nn VS.
plnn HSaSanW satar nn, »m». I*nn< ln»
ctcmln w .
!ree’s Wine of Carduf
by the following merchant* io
•{■■id, Crawfordville,
White, Crawfordville,
W. Browu, Sharon.
iwest cor. Broad <& Campbell .St*
Kates *1 50 per f»ay.
A. J. ADKINS, Proprieter.
StORe Mountain IJoate.
v Atlanta...........
• I i- id r........ • •• ■ }
Ciarkt ton......
.Aw n** M ui, a n
I.i: ia..........
(</riyri>......... C
ririfrfN* rule i ......
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M Ui?........ - ;-•>
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I'rR.t t rt’.r iir. ..
F*rr»r ;t • . a err :
('a kink............
'1 hoiii'«»n ........
I a l»-m...........
A :>kh t V- 4
....... ...
s< 1 ; r.nrr.r*
/V A ir *• ft
a Ti rictii
TV. • ...
A' (\*.truer .....
Crawford »
I’n -n
( L . »•* it.-,I k** o.
Mad;?»or ....
St . irJ C\ve\
C vin^t 11 ..
<' nyrr-..... ■i * . r
Mi oni .. ' : *'f I *
Ai' m .‘ Anil t.v-ti
(. iH ’ K » *.»i» .
i’vrflCU ...
\r Airt’tia.
MACON lilt A '
A'ft I - i x [
t,v Catrak......
Wanvntidi.. : r,
fP I )f* V r 4 *M* a X
Mill ' 5: *'
H t1< «M*k» Hi.
Ar M < ot ....... * 4",
Lv Mfv nn........ ’ ' A t- »
Hh dockfl ... ■ 7
M-'iit* lu^s tl
I Wo 1 £
J^mrfa ..... t
\v .< ■ r nt *u- S
\r (’ainak..... ,14 6
• i I’ftV , F “•
.T r’ui y niLjT ■ it
Lv TV so . ngtOii .. ... I not V.II Wii 4 - -W
If llinrn ff < » 1
Sh r<'H......... M 'll CA» 1 -v
Ar l»a xu.*tt....... . ... y (ft ! I • 04 t. 4‘
Lv Ikrn it........ t .
S)i r *d......... ..... i? 4
Ilillnmn....... .... S> C6 • . -
Ar Wa/.Lintfl i*.. ,. . lu JO 2 30 7 V
Lv Cut n I* ini. ssss? r
VfixevV...... ;
Craw to <i.... 11 4 r ■:
'Vfntc vill ... ..III
Ar Athcn- ....... 11 n ia_j_ '
Lv A * licit ....... seatr. S40u 3ft
Win i rvil c *
(' MwUr.l.... .j 5 i If. S3 i 4 * .
Maze* ’»...... 35 1 .
Ar Ui-iun I*oln . . ; c 11 ft •
Ga n*. tllif, J'ffe, son 6; on !■• • ,
All Tt lns I'ally. *Cx«.«p Sunday.
ft-, nil
Lv OfiljifcavJl u ..
Ar Lelmont ...
Hu' 1» on. • • • 7 ‘fl
M iiIhvrT' .... 7
Jug: Tavern . a '<} i 1
H nr if...... u t
Ar So • ivl Ct' cly , 3 to 1 1
Lv < < ial Ci vie ! 4 r* >i ,'
M'«nr«#e. 4 r i
Ar • • g;
Jupf Tav r...... ...e
M lKt*rrv ..... ... $ 90 ! :
(I ..... ... j « r, l
Hellmant ...... ... 35 '
Ar (ialnr vi le.. .. 1 Hj
Xg nonneHll^n 'or • Ino’ ill o-i .Snud*
Tmliis N*.*. ^7 mid 98 will stop nil ns
in n;nu«*r. nci from the hdlowln : t
-imk, inly ; N’orio (f'rovrto d, lUrotiL v. 11 i!fio, < r uford TIioiup*#.* t iJ.r, l.
I’ol *t, (ir. omdioro, Bwk <*a*L Madina,
ioilipt, Sovlai <’lvce, Mon* <o»ln t>»vlur.tou» nd ?)««*■ Cgh.o- # ttr.
til >• a, Htw «
Disease commonly comes on with slight
symptoms, which when neglected increase
in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
% ABUL7t
"TJr.'&'af.r 1 "™’"’”’ ”5* RIPANS T
Ripans Tabu/es Regulate the S/stem and Preserve the Health.
»)!»♦*♦*»♦>»»»»**♦*♦******** [ RIPANS TABULES **’ EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT.
A Sold by Dmgjrlsta sent by mail on receipt of priea.
I Box (# vtais;,K cent*. Family package <4 boxee), fl*.
ant! rkau !4 be kept for THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. •
! uot ia nery famUy...