Newspaper Page Text
L H. WEBB, Manager. J. J. WILLIAMS, Scalesman. B. H. PALMER, Sec- – Treas
1 •
The Brick Warehouse Co
COieXDSX^DS, GrSOEG-I^i. 03 =I=OSXT:e: <3r. £z E'SEIO-HO: EEPOT,
Offers you good stalls for your stock, commodious warehouse
for your cotton, and our best efforts and experience in hand
ling it. We are prepared to weigh, store, sell, insure and
make liberal advances on same. We solicit your patronage.
The Cordele Sentinel.
.J. XV. lUiiiiK- (1. A. ISallenger.
Editors anil rublislu rH.
One Year $ 1.00
fci x Months
Three Months 11
Friday, September 6, 1001.
Riches don’t bring happiness ; neither
does poverty.
Tub wheels of Justice began to turn
at Vienna Monday morning.
Tun Sentinel will have a representa
tive at court all next week, and sub
scribers will find him easy to pay.
Cotton is coining in rapidly, consid
ering the drawbacks, and the farmer
and merchant both scorn happy.
A new i»K cot, new store, new post
otlice, 25-room brick hotel, and several
new dwellings! Who says Cordele is
asleep ?
The man who attends strictly to his
own business and leaves other peoples’
business alone is a blessing in the
Pope Brown lias at last come out in
the open and announced that he would
make the race. Mr. Brown is a good
man, and will doubtless have a gcod
(it'KKKv is the only candidate who
has;announced straightout state pro
hibition in his platform. All others
say local option. This is no little point
in (lie campaign.
An exchange suggests that if a plain
“Air. should enter the political arena
in Georgia, that he would create quite
consternation, How about a “Squire”
coming in the game?
I n some parts of the county since the
continued rains, a good deal of the cot
ton just opening which had soaked full
of water, and with no sun to dry it out.
is causing rot and rust, which is \ o ry
The new Union depot is now in
course of construction. No demon
stration was made other that of the re
convening of the order of rubbernecks,
who will daily attend the scene in a
The average wife knows more
than her husband gives her credit
Many a mother's actions keeps
her out of the mother-in-law elass.
No Sight to Ugliness •
The woman who is lovely m face, ’
form and temper will always h av<
friends, but one who would be at
tractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickl ,un
down, she will be nervous and ir
ritable. It siio lias constipation
or kidney troubl her impure
blood will cause pimpl os ,1.dutches,
skin eruptions and a wretched
complexion. Electric Bitters is the
best medicine in the world to reg
ulate stomach, liver and kidneys,
and to purify the blood; it gives
strong nerves, bright eyes,smooth,
velvety skin and rich complexion ;
It will make a good looking,
charmiin woman of a run-down
alid. Only 50c at druggists '
Says a rural editor: “We un
derstand that pumpkins are verv
fattening for hogs; personally, we
have never given them a trial.”
A Powder Mill Explosion
Removes everything in sight ;so
do drastric mineral pills, but both
are mightv dangerous. Don’t dy
namite the delicate machinery of
body with calomel, croton
oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King’s
New Life Pills, which are gentle
as a summer breeze, do t he work
perfectly. Cures headache,
pation. Only 25c at all druggists,
When you have said enough shut
up. Many a man keeps on boring
after striking oil and it runs out
at the bottom.
Volcanie Eruptions
Are grand, but, ,ki. eruption,
rob life of joy. Bucklen’s Arnica
Salve cures them, also old running!
and fever sores, ulcers, boils, fel
ons, corns, warts, cuts, hruisse,
burns, scalds, chapped hands, chil
blains. Best pile cure on earth;
drives out pains and aches. Only
25c a box; cure guaranteed. Sold
by ail druggists.
‘•‘Must” and ( C Ought 1 1 have
fifty times more stuff in them
than “Might” and “Could.”
His Life Was Saved. !
Mr,I E Lilly, a prominent citi
zen of Hannibal, .Mo., lately, had
a wonderful deliverance from a
frightful den’li. In telling of it
he says: “I was taken with ty
phoid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. My lungs became harden
ed; 1 was so weak 1 couldn’t even
sit up in bed; nothing helped me -
1 expected to sAondie of consump
tion, when 1 heard of Dr King’s
New Discovery. One bottle gave
me great relief; I con tinned t<> use
it, and now am well and strong
and I can’t say too much in its
praise. This marvelous medicine
is the surest and quickest euro in
the world for all throat and lung
troubles. Regular size 50c and $1
Trial bottles free at all druggists
Every bottle guaranteed.
., r hat a noiseless . world this
WOil Id t)6 it WOniOll were as quiet
,, . tlllie . they when it
all the as are
comes to telling . ,, their , , age.
A Now amt Complete Trontmont; consisting
of SU1TOSITOIMK, t’apsuk'vH of Ointment ami
two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure
for Piles of nature anil degree; It makes an
operation with the knife, which is painful,
and often results in death unnecessary. writ\ Why
endure this terrible disease? We pucka
ten guarantee in each $1.00 Box. No cure, no
Pay. ftoe. and $1.00 a box, 0 for $5. Sent by
mail. Samples tree.
Oiiitmnt 2 ,sc, and 5oe.
Prevented anil by
Japanese Liver 1‘Mlets, the great LIVKr
FIKK. Small, mild and pleasant to take; spe
cially adapted for children’s use. 50 doses 25
rents. For salt* only at Stead’s ('ash Drug
store, Cordele, On.
The way to he nothing, is to be
nothing. Idleness never yet, and
| to never anything. "’bb help you to amount
That girl has yet. to be born who
; objects to being told she is pretty.
i.'iiv.trj'rwji d —
Sparkling Eyes and Bright Faces
Arc the Fruits of Sound Nerves.
HINDI PO Tub Great French
Nerve Tonic and Yl
TAL1ZER Cures Nervous Exhaustion,
Hysteria. Dizziness, Headache, Back
ache and Female Weakness so common
attending the Month !}• Periods. GIRLS
Passing through Womanhood the trying will change find
front Girlhood to
in it a wonderful relief and benefit. It
Quiets and Strengthens the Nerves,
Cleanses the Blood, Clears the Brain
and Tones up the whole System. It
i '2 Boxes $f».
Bettor achin without beard than
a head without brains.
Govern your thoughts when
alone, and your tongue when in
Love intoxicates a man and
marriage makes him sober.
l take this method
notifying customers ,i ,
my ‘
I have moved my place
business from the Julien
Irny Store at tile big oak to
the Store just north of the
Citizens’ Bank, recently ' oc
cm pied . . by . Mr. A1 Jefferson. , ...
I am now prepared better than
ever before to do all kinds of
Sh oe a nd Harness
I would be glad to have my customers
call on me at my new stand where
they will receive prompt attention
and. good service.
Yours to serve,
Special Opening Rates!
Americus. Georgia •
All young men anil women wlio desire to
prepare tor good positions should write for
Special Reduced Rates. All Commercial and
English branches taught. combined experience
We offer the public a College
of over twenty -five years in Business
work. Former proprietors of Walden’s Kusi.
ness College*. Austin and Fw t Worth,Texas.
Thousands of pupils from Georgia to Cali
fornia holding good positions endorse the
thoroughness of our work,
We offer you ns good a course as money
can buy, in the shortest time possible and at
the least expense.
instruction—four Under our new and weeks—with practical methods is equal of
us to
ten weeks the elsewhere, South. We have the finest
Penman in
VVe offer only 20 of our Diploma Scholar
ships at the Special Reduced Rates, only $72,
hoard, tuition, stationery, 14 weeks!
So Much Value
So Little Money
was never before offered I *y taking our
course von van secure a £ood position and
double, yea, treble your present wages.
Day and Night School.
Don’t put it off, hut write or call today.
L. R. and R. E. WALDEN,
Walden Business College
$5,00 PRIZE gj / Tl IJS ifl if ig3 g wsmam ■
We will offer $5.00 in gold
to the party bringing us
TURNIPS grown from seed
bought of us,
A fresh supply of seed of ail
kind just received.
j J. B. RYALS – CO.
It was the pleasure of a
sentative ot The Sentinel to visit
the carriage and buggy factory of
Mr. Frank Timber a few da' s ago,
in which we found a very liand
some and neatly constructed de
livery wagon, made to order for
Wm. Bryant, dealer in furniture.
With the exception of the wheels
and springs, this vehicle was made
throughout by Mr. Timber's fac
tory. It is built on the modern
style of drays, and lias two tool
boxes extending out from the seat,
something not found on delivery
wagons of any description, do
Mr Timber is fitted up to
hrst-class work m his special line,
and always employs skilled work
mg men, evidence tl je‘ job of above the fact. referred to be
guai.tnt 01 - n ‘CVe'ur . Tended
His prices are reasonable and his j
work Z 00,] and substantlilL
Mm :•
} M
■, il § Ocr |
p, C->
ewn nr
5 Ha
strengthen the delicate andpakfe
jmk.gii ing strer.gth.and color to the face.
m. L. P. HANVEY,
For sale by Jno. B. Ryals
– Co., Cordele, Ga.
< -•m. m
m k\‘U –
Urinary troubles, Palpitation of
the heart. Constipation and stom
ach disorders, yield at once to
Prickly Ash Bitters
; cleanser,
It, is a marvelous kidney tonic and system
strengthens the tired kidneys, helps digestion, regu
lates the bowels.
PRICE, $1.00.
CASH DRUG STORE, Special Agents.
are all right, so is ITcMillan’s Pharmacy.
We are nearing the end cf the first year’s
business in Cordele. Our business has been
steadily increasing. We ARE THANKFUL
™to our customers for their kind patronage.
We have now a full stock of new, fresh
goods, consisting of
Drugs* Druggists Sundries, Toilet Arti cl os,
Stationery, Patent Medicines.
If you buy of us we guarantee satisfaction, except in
patent medicines, in this yon take the responsibility.
Oat* Prescription Department
is our specialty. Your prescriptions are filled by a pharmacist by edu
cated in a school of pharmacy, with four years experience, or a
a doctor of medicine with eighteen years experience.
we have in plenty. They are pure and fresh and will be found as good as can
be found anywhere. We can supply your every need.
We solicit your patronage with the promise we will treat you right. Wo an
nex t door to Peoples’ Bank.
G. M. McMILLAN, M. D. Proprietor.
P. S. If your eyes trouble you, drop in and let us test
your eyes and tit you up with Hawk’s glasses, and then
you will be happy, McMILLAN PHARMACY.
examined free of
Charge and spect=
acles fitted at reas
onable Prices.
Suwanee Block.