The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, September 06, 1901, Image 5
t aj I HWtLL'S SUMMER C HE i > ■ Si LE R We are determined not to carry over one piece of summer goods that a bargain pricoj will sell, and to do this we have gone through each department and marked everything at a bar gain price. It will pay you to investigate our prices. '.55 u.; We have added to our furniture department a nice line of cooking stoves, complete with cooking uten sils. These are going at prices unheard of before. No. 7 stove complete $8.98 No, 8 stove complete $11,63 No. 8 stove, extra large, $13.97 Large size zinc foot tubs 25c 10 quart enameled dish pans 25c (Nlass lamps complete 15g Decorated parlor lamps with shade , No, 2 burner and 1 chimney only 98c We buy trunks and furnituie in car load lots and can save you money on these goods. 2G inch zinc covered trunks with tray and hat box all complete for $1.19 32 inch zinc covered trunks worth,$3. only Beadstead complete $1.98 Ladies gilt belts, chinele cords, sells everywhere, at 75c. to close at 3 CO f 26 inch steel rod umbrellas CO ONE PRICE. PERSONAL! POINTS, j About People Whom You Know, . And Things You Don’t Know Buy groceries from Dunaway, in south corner Byne Building. John Marshall, of Americus, visited relatives here this week. P. H. Willis returned from a business trip to Atlanta Tuesday. Miss Jessie Mims, after a pleas ant visit to Hawkinsville, returned home Monday. Wanted —Double-barrel, breech loading shotgun. Address P. Box 171, Cordele, Ga. Mr. Lewis Clewis and ex-Sheriff Rogers were in the city on busi ness Tuesday. Dr. Thomas E, Jennings paid Macon a very important visit Sun day. Mr. Richard Clewis, of Vienna, was in the city Monday to begin work on the new hotel. D. A. Doughtry, of Jacksonville, Da-, visited relatives and friends here this week. Dr. Virgil Harvard, a prominent eitizen of Arabi, was in Cordele a diort while Thursday. Mrs. Dr. Howard Smith and son j, Jt Tuesday for Valdosta, where Oiey will visit relatives. We wonder who the young man wa * that on taking leave of his best 4 rl a few nights ago, was unable to ' lscern tlio difference between his Ljt he and young that man of another in question gentleman. having ''Orn a derby hat, but on departure, (from what cause we know not) took a straw hat instead. A CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON In order to make room for our fall stock which soon begin to arrive, our summer furnishings will be sold at a great sacrifice for CASH only for the HQj£i few days. Borne time yet before cold weather and why not take advantage of this opportunity of buying your hats and other furnishings at and below cost? A moment at our store will convince you, B. E. HABRXS – CO. Cordele’s Up-to-Date Furnishers. HIND AND CHURCHWELL Wanted position by an experi enced book-keeper and office man. Address Book-keeper, care Sentinel. Mrs. L. Moore lett Monday for Coffee Springs, Ala., where she will visit her sister several weeks, Mr. J. K. Livingston, who broke his arm pitching ball a few days ago, is slowly recovering. Work has begun on the new union depot, and is progressing details about We will give more the building in our next issue. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Powell re turned to Cordele Saturday, after a visit of several weeks to their old home in North Carolina. WANTED — Bricklayers, wages paid to good men. Cotton dress Irwin County Mills, Fitzgerald, Ga. G. B. Wilkes and family re turned Monday from an extended visit to friends in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Taylor are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a 10 pound boy at their home on Monday. Mrs. J. H. Churchwoll has been sick for several days. Her early recovery is hoped for by her numerous friends. Mrs. D. B. Curtiss left Monday for her home in Atlanta, after an extended visit to her mother. Mrs. J. A, Bell, of this place. Rev. J. D. Winchester, pastor First Baptist church of this city, preached the opening sermon for the Houston High School at Arabi last Sunday. From all reports this eminent divine was highly appreci ated by the Arabi people. We un derstand the school opened Monday with the largest attendance in its history. | One lot cotton yard warp Jap matting to close at the 18c low j price per Misses undervests, each 4c Large water proof game bags 5c Fruit jar rubbeis, per dozen 5c Large spool basting thread, por stool 1c Special prices on side boards, 1 >• .<k cases, war drobes, hat racks and music racks. Oak chairs, split bottoms 48c Oak chairs cane bottoms 63c Cane bottom rockers $1.25 Large oak rocker ,r. nuine colder sent, worth $2.50, our price only $1.78 Children’s rockers 48c Children dining chairs, nicely painte > ! i 48c Safes with perforated tin front, one drawer and three shelves $2.98 Ladies undervests 5c, 10c, 12c, 14c Mens brown duck leggings, the very thing for woods men, hunters, etc. per pair 30C an( ]_ q.Q c Miss Eva Penny, of Vienna, and Miss Hattie Dennis, of Eatonton, left for their homes Tuesday, after a delightful visit to Mrs. Jim Cox, of this city. Hot days followed by cool nights will breed malaria in the body that is bilious or costive. Prickly Ash Bitters is very valu able at this time for keeping the stomach, liver and bowels well regulated. Cash Drug Store. The work on Rev. Mr. Harmon’s residence is progressing nicely. The efficient contractor, Mr. Parsons, says that it will be one of the pret tiest cottage homes in the city when completed. if you eat without appetite you need Prickly Ash Bitters. It promptly removes impurities that clog and impede the action of the digestive organs, creates good ap of petite and digestion, strength body and activity of brain. Cash Drug Store, Mrs. M, L. Markham, of St. Augustine, Fla , and Mrs. H. J. Kiel, of Birmingham, Ala., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Lockett, of this city, this week. Take a dose of Prickly Ash Bitters at night when you go to bed and you will feel bright and vigorous next morning. It will insure you a copious and healthy passage of the bowels, improved appetite and digestion and in creased energy*of body and brain. It beats relative stimulating drinks, be cause its influence is natu ral, hence permanent. Cash Drug Store. Miss Minnie Rate, who has been the charming guest of the Misses Pate Vienna, here, where left she Wednesday will for days before spend a few returning to her home at Hawkinsville. B W BB MP. ' We have a big stock we must sell to make room for our immense fall stock. Mens’ crash linen and white duck pants were 98c but have been reduced to 48c , Mens all-wool pants regular price $1.50, only 200 yards linen crash for skirts all colors sold at Sc to close per yard at 6 c Large cotton towels worth 15c going per pair 1Q<C Large linen doylies, per set 23c ■ Mens overalls, 9 oz. duck, regular price 65c going : per set »t 39c l I One lot ladies shoes and Oxford's, all shape jj bought to sell for $1, we put them on the bargain counter at 60C ; Ladies Oxford’s worth $1.25 reduced to 87c | Ladies Oxford’s cut from 5 I .48 to $1.19 One lot mens shoes reduced from $4 .33 to $1.00 Mens low cut shoes sold for $1 48 and $ 1.33 will he | cut down to $ 1.00 Coats spool thread 4c » Hiiy Pl’CSS FOI* SillC. Do not buy hay press until you see the one we have lor sale. We feel that we have the best press made for the price, which is very low. For particulars, etc., call on or ad dress T. C. BARGE – CO. Cordele, Ga. r A Balby’s V ^ A r m 4 ■ u ff is ing very of much flower. like Its the beauty blossom- and | a I I perfection depends entirely upon the care bestowed upon I I its parent. Expectant mothers should have the tende._st care. I They should be spared all worry and anxiety. They should eat I plenty of good nourishing food , and take gentle exercises. This f will _ go a long way toward preserv ing their health and their beauty as well as that of the little one to come. But to be absolutely tliey sure 1 of a short and painless labor ’ should use 3 Frstsnd regularly during the months of gesta tion. This is a simple Lnirneni, which is to be applied externally. v Lives strength and vigor to the nu-c and prevents all of th i discoirifoi of preg nancy, which women nsod to think were • absolutely necessary. When Mother’s Friend is used there is no i danger whatever. the drug , Get Mother’s Friend at store, per bottle. TKE ERADFiTLD RcGlTATGR CO. ATLANTA, GA. Write for t />ir free book, “ Xtofore Baby i. Born.” Old papers at this office 25 cents per hundred. BIG VALUES. Miss Lillian Herring, who been spending some time at i> ei j old home, in North Carolina, re turned to Cordele Saturday, to ro sume her position with the Wilkes Dry Goods Co. Miss Lillian is a social favorite here, and has nn merous friends, who are delighted to see her return. IF you own a Steam Cotton Gin send us your name. We make you a proposition that will bring you in big money with % oSin cofni way, New York City. Prof. Fleming has Smith, received formerly from Miss Anne Legare teacher of the grammar grades in the public school, a donation of 35 volumns for the school library, The gift is appreciated beyond measure ' The nucleus of a library now Hum bers more than 150 volumns. Any who is disposed to increase the nun - ber may do so, thus meriting and re ceiving"sincerest appreciation of the. faculty and pupil body. Miss Mamie Cochran has re turned from her Summer visit to Tennessee, and will be in the luiery department of the J. Wilson store. Her work was of the very best last season, and the demand in this depart ment of this popular store was great, and it will be good news to the public to know that Mr. Wil son will again have such a thor ough and competent milliner. COTTON ROOT / N [ STS P ENNY ROYAL P ILLS Original and Genuine Always reliable and safe. I,AWES ! always ask for Hr. Rust’s Cotton Root and Pennyroyal Be male Pills. They address never fail receipt and never of $1, injure. Mailed to an y on For sale at Stead ’s Drug Store, OorJclo , Ga. j Don’t forget the big DAYS’ EXCURSION =-to S3 S3 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, September 9 . Only $1.50 from Cordele C. R. Begley, C. Dudley, Managers, ^ Blood Poison There is no poison so highly contagious, so deceptive and so destructive. Don’t be too sure you are cured because all external j signs of the disease have disappeared, and J the doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or years, and pro nounced cured—-to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up — Uko Buffets Lffccto driven from the surface to break out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loatli some disease, for no other poison child is si surely transmitted from parent to as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle B^caa be traced to blood poison con i n early Tito Sin cf tSse Parent* life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, in unless beginning. properly treated S. an is 1 driven out the S. S. the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. ^4 ^ cures Contagious Blood Poison in any and allj stages; contains nc IclfP L’Jr mineral constitution to break dowtij it is! your ; purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier kno'#n that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up the general, health. - J . Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it nyot only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself he in the at hands home. of It is free and seeking shoul^,. everyone a cure. Send for it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 0A.