Newspaper Page Text
The City Bakery here, which
tin closed for seve I weeks,
otii 1 up end management
t is week. Alt. .1. Orrne, who
i a * so long conducted the
at the union depot, lias rented the
bakery from Air. Mai Graven, and is
now ready for business, The e li
tire building has nnd-rgono repair >.
and is elegantly fitted up, Urea 1 —
and cakes of all k i will be kei —
on hand all the time, and in addition
thereto there will l e conducted a
first-da restauran where mea
WJ ! ! rved at a hours. Air.
(trine ki\s hi* will always have on
hand the. Inst the market can afford.
I wn ■onducted on the Kuro- ’
pean plan. Alr. Orme is an ex
. poneneed . - , this ,. line and , none
man ...
better 1 " found. \ mi (hi >■ | • >■
andy m will receive nmni| —
Ci I , i ' tment. i our patron
apo is
» 1 .OYD DOTS.
We are having some nice weather
after much rain.
Will is VVriirht is for* very sick
present, We hone Ins speedy
Mr. .lames Connor and near°
Faunie, visited re latives Bo
chellc Tiics lav.
Will Christian stopped over hero
a few days this week
jolui Connor and sister Afiss Ida,
visited the family of Bev. B. It.
Hamilton near Arabi last Sunday.
News scarce this week,
A few of our farmers have be
gun picking cotton. The plant is
‘-t ill growing, and the farmers all
expect a good crop.
We are sorry to note the
of Mrs. Nancy Adkins, which
peiicd suddenly at her home, near
Itichwood, last Tliursdayhnorning.
She was buried at old Bethel church
buryiu:i ground, where she has
husband and two children buried.
Mrs. Adkins had been a member
of Bethel church for the last 15 or
20 years, and was loved by all who
knew her. Sh \va a loving mother
and a devoted Christian, She
leaves six children to mourn her
death, besides a host, of friends.
The bereaved ones have the sin
cere sympathy of the writers.
There will be .Sabbath-school at
the Adkins schoolhouse every Sun
day evening at 1 o’clock. Every
hotly is cordially invited.
Mrs. J. R. Fields, who has been
very sick for the past week, is, we
are glad to state, improving.
Mr. William Bowen has been
having chills and fever, but is bet
ter now. .1 A OK AND Joi.L.
Au-V’st Gist.
In Memoriam.
William Clements,
Junior W arden Warw ick Lodge,
* No- 395. F- and A. M.
To The Wohbhipfui. Master War
dens and Brethren of War
wick Lodge, No. 895, F. and
A. M.:
We, your committee, appointed
to prepare a memorial on the death
of Brother William Clements,
beg to submit the following;
Whereas, The dread messenger,
Death, has again invaded our ranks
and claimed for his victim, our
Junior Warden, and our Beloved
One Fa re
Norfolk, Va.,and Return
Air bine RailW’y
account of annual
vTUI |bu.lbl Ui Lid llUUllUUO
^Tickets on sale September 7th and 8th, good returning until September loth.
'Detween the South and Southwest and Norfolk. Double Daily Vestibuled trains,
Magnificent Sleeping Cars, Handsome DayCoaches. Leave Atlanta 12:00noon,
6:00 p, m. Arrive Norfolk 7K» a. m, 5:50p. m. Close connection with trains
from all points, South and Southwest. See that your tickets read via Seaboard
Air Line Railway. For further information regarding other schedules, rates,
reservation sleeping carficcommodations, etc., enquire of nearest ticket agent,
or address Wm. B. Clemcwts, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 12, Kimball House,
Atlanta, Ga., R. E. L. Buach, G. P. A., Portsmouth, Va., W. E. Christian, A.G.
A., Atlanta, Ga.
Brother, U’jLMAM Clemevi s. who
was horn April Til), 1 >>00, ami died
August 0th, JliOJ, at llie age ol' 00
years and 1 months, in the reminded prime of
manhood, we are again
that wo are all traveling upo the
level of Time, to thatnndisoover< d
country, from “whose bourne no
traveler ever r. Turns.” Thisshould
be a solemn admonition to us that
we .1 i itch a life of rect
tudethat wh ] | are done with this
] ! earth it may i aid of us, “Weil
I done, than go< and faithful ser
I I vont.
Therefore, be 1 it resolved :
First, That in the removal of
Brother Clementh from !tmong
us by the Supreme Architect of
the ('inverse, to whose will we
most humbly bow, this Lodge has
lost a faithful member, his family
^ tender and loving husband and
f a q |( , r (tnc ] Lis country a true and
loviil citizen.
Second. That in token of our
appreciation of his many deeds of j
kindness and generosity while with
the Lodge lie draped in mourn-j
that ing for the usual this period memorial of B0 days; he j
a copy o! i
pread upon the minutes of the I
Lodge, and a page of the same be.
dedicated to his memory.
Third, That a copy of this parcli- me-j
morial he engrossed upon
ment and presented to the family
of our deceased brother, in token
'if °ur sincere sympathy with
them in their sad bereavement,
mid that a copy of this be sent to
the local papers for publication, j
T Bioi.kv,
i- Dupree, Com.
O. A. Casteli.ow, )
Subscribe for the Sentinel.
Insure your property in The Pala
tiDe Insurance Co., Limited of Lon
don, England. .!• W. BIVINS, Ag
Subscribe for the Cordele Sen
vinex.. Only $1.00 per year,
l.v, Macon I.V Valdosta 2:00 p, m
“ Vienna r Sparks 2:54 p. m
“ Cordele r “ Tilton 8:85 p in
“ Asbli'm r “ Asliburn 4:14 p. in
“ Tilton ~~~ “ Cordele 4:55 ]). in
“ Sparks “ Vienun 5:12 ]), in
A r. Ar. Macon 7:U0 ]), in
Tin's gives our patrons fourdaily Valdosta. trains
each way between Macon and
GEORGIA— Door,v County :
By virtue of a power of attorney ex- j
ecuted to me by the parties owning the
land, 1 will, on the 14tli day of Septem
ber. 1901, sell at public outcry in front
of the Peoples’ Bank, in the city of Cor
dele, the following described lands, to- !
wit: Thirty one (31) acres o(Y of lot of
land No. One hundred and one (101);
one hundred and seventy-one and one
half (171F) acres off of lots of land No.
one hundred and two (102); one hun
dred and fifty (150) acres off of lot of
land number one hundred (100); one
of hundred land and fifty (150) hundred acres off of lot
number one and twen
ty-five (125); one-half (*j) of lot of
land one hundred and three (103); one
Half (of lot of land number one
hundred and twenty-two (122) whole
lots numbers one hundred and twenty
three (123), one hundred and twenty
four (124), sixty-three (83), thirty-five
(35), sixty-four (64), and eighty-three
(88). All of said lots and parts of lots
lying and being in the Fourteenth (14th)
district containing of nineteen Dooly county, hundred Georgia, and twen- and j
ty (1920) acres, more or less. This land
is to be sold for the purpose of parti
tioning the same among the owners
thereof. The terms of sale are cash,
but any party desiring to purchase any i
part of said land may secure terms by i
applying to the undersigned before the
sale. An abstract of title will be fur
nished to any party desiring to bid on
said land, by my attorneys, upon appli
cation. A warrantee fee simple deed
will be made to the purchaser This or pur
chasers at said sale. August 8th, j
H. R. Fens.
Thomson ot Whii*pi.k, Attorneys.
H3*a*h»vr .. "22SI
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Experience is the pay a man
gets for making fool of himself. .
^he political othce-seekerdoesn’t
' vul . 'f anything he can t get
DR. S. li. LIGGIN 1
Calls answered at all hours.
be found at home, H miles
northwest of Coney, (da.
We can procure a loan for you
anywhere from
$150.00 to $5,000.00,
with interest from G, 7 to 7f per
cent., and at a very small cost.
Vienna, Georgia.
V VIA *3L- . f* 3 C50
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Look at the Car Loads of Furniture Going to Cordele to be Sold by
M. db. Bryant, XUnfcer ©pera Mouse
will Chairs, cane-seated, 50 cents each: the chair is sold for I will sell you Safes from $2.00 to $3.50; I will sell you Trunks from $1.25 to
I sell you at same $7.50; You buy Stoves from $5.50 to $20.00; Mattresses at $1.60. LX-
75 cents. can towel-rack.
I will sell you Dining Chairs at 75 cents each. The same chair is sold for $1.25. celsior and all-cotton Mattresses, $3.75; Ouk Washstands.
1 will sell you Oak Rockers at 75 cents. $1.25. $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. all range $2.85 to $4.25 ; Imitated Washstands from $2.00 to $2.50.
first-class goods. Bedsteads, imitated, from $1.50, $1.75, $2,00, $2.50 and up to $4.50.
All wool Rugs, from $i.75to $2.50—lb, and 2 yards long; $5.00. Bureaus, $5.50, $6.00, imitation. $6.50, Oak Oak Bedsteads, Bedsteads, 4 4' feet feet high, high, $2.50, $3.25, 2.75 $3.50 and and $3.00. $3.75.
from $2.75 to $3.00 and $3.50; Oak Dressers. $4.75. Oak Bedsteads, 5 feet 2 10 inches high, $3.90, $4.00 and $4.50.
$7 50, $8.00, $8.50, $9.00, $9.50. $10 : Bed Springs range : 85c., 95c., $1.00. j
$1 25, $1.50, * $1-75, $2.00; All-wire Springs F range from $1.60, $1.75, $2.00, 1 Oak Bedsteads, 6 feet high, $4.75, $4.90 and $5.00.
’ Oak Bedsteads, 7 feet high, $5.50, $6.00 6.50.
$2.50 and $3.00. ,
All grades of Dishes, Cups and Saucers, cash. Plates, Some Bowls and think Pitchers, they also fancy Lamps, goods, but to be they sold at the first-class, very lowest finished prices. up, Now Oak the Goods. goods Come are goiafi^ and se(
sell at the prices I am offering them for the may are common are
j or y 0ur8e i V es and give me a trial before buying.
^\I r, in. SixitsI /ans
You can buy first-class suits from $I5.00|to $45.00, as good as there is in the market. These are ouly bought by orders, and you can buy as good as there ‘3
on the market for 150.00 from me. If anyone-wishes a fine suite of furniture for a song call and see me.
mm •5
| THFRP A A Mi MsAtJh-d Mwma4
c HEPPARD The Gi-oeer
Doing business in the same old place in the Bolton building Staple and Fancy
and still head quarters for anything in
Grocv mes, Precisions, Flour, peed, Ete. t Etc.
1 have endeavored to please ray customers by having what they called for at Brices
that are Right and my success proves to me that my efforts have not been in vain.
' I am here for business, and if you want good
goods at low prices come to my store.
o. u it < k Si 5 GEORGIA.
, I