Newspaper Page Text
Of WINTEK GOOI)8 at Actual Aew York Cost !
We have put on this sale, and the Goods MUST Go. We intend to Close them out At Once, and
offer yo i the Opportunity to buy our heavy goods at prices that will be Astonishingly Low. A lot of
Clothing-big values at regular price - cut to Cost price. Ladies’ Capes, Jackets, etc., the same way.
Come at once and see for yourself.
Cheeked Homespun, at 3|c
Dress Calico, for 3fc
10c Percale, only 7aC
Bed-Ticking, 5c
Yard-wide Sea Island, 4%c
25c Embroideries, at 5c
Men’s Overalls, heavy goods, 39c
Men’s 50c value Shirts, 39c
Coats’ Thread, per spool, 4c
Lot of men’s $1 Hats, to sell at 48c
Come to us for
anything in our
line, at prices
FRESH FISH— All kinds
fresh and salt water fish on
hand at all times at Artesian
Well Fish House.’ Phone
123, O. B. Parker,
9-20 tf Cordele, CJa.
8% Pounds Lowney’s Candy, Free
To Our Lady Trade Card
Holders Only.
Beginning March 1st, 1902. The way to become a trade card holder is
to spend your nickels, dimes and quarters at either of Stead – Whipple’s
Drug Stores and have your purchases punched on one of our Five Dollar
($5.00) trade cards. A 25c. to a $1.50 premium free when yon have spent
five dollars.
To any lady trade card holder writing the best advertisement for our
two stores during the next three months will be awarded one 5-pound
box of Lowney’s Chocolates and Bon Bons, tf–’The second best a
2-pound box. gQM'The third best a 1-pound box. ^PThe fourth
best a >£-pound box.
Will publish four advertisements per week in rotation as they come
in to us, two in the Cordele Sentinel and two in the Cordele Daily
News. There will be only 52 advertisements published ; each must fit
a 5-inch, one-column space. Only one advertisement received from each
contestant. Candy ordered so as to be here fresh and fine at close of
You are allowed to advertise anything for sale in either of our stores.
The surest way to win is to come and see what we have before you write
your advertisement. Will begin receiving adbertisemeats from Feb. 1.
each lady’s name will I STEAD – WHIPPLE,
be signed to ad . when TWO STORES
WISE. Cordele, Georgia.
Mr, Thomas C. Whitner, of At
lanta, idjust was in the city Tuesday to
: the loss sustained by the
palatine (hursday Insurance of week. Co. in The the Pala- fire
tine is represented in Cordele by
Mr. Bivins.
will not only prove serviceable , but suitable FOR ANY MAN,
Hats, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Shirts, Mufflers, Hose, Cuff n p
Buttons, Collar Buttons, Scarf Pins, Watch Fobs, –c. II I
Call and inspect our line of new goods. p ki R
Lot of boys’ 50c Hats, going at 25c
Yard-wide Bleaching, at 5c
Ladies’ 25c Undervests, for 15c
Lot of Children’s Hose, per pair, 3c
Men’s Undershirts, at 15c
Men’s Suspenders, for 9c
Men’s Handkerchiefs, at 3c
Large Lot of $2 Pants, to go at $1.33
Fascinators, only 22c
Ball thread, 10 for 5c
Hind – Churchwell
The Big Store,
Cordele Georgia.
Miss Maggie Bass is confined to
her bed with sickness this week.
Landreth’s Celebrated Eastern
Seed, sold only by J. B. Ryals
Drug Co.
Mr. m A. \ t T. Johnson, j h of „ Leslie,was r
iu the city Wednesday.
From $500 to $1000 for cottage
in Cordele located in first ward.
must be a J.W. Bivins.
Mayor K. M. Patterson, of Ara
bi, was in the city Tuesd ay.
Col. M, P. Hall, of Vienna, was
in the city Tuesday.
Miss Ethel Shipp, of Americus,
is on a visit to relatives in the
As a postal card writer, Mr. F.
M. Coker, of Cordele, is said to
have no equal.
R. E. Harris Co. can now be
found in the store recently vacated
by McMillan’s Pharmacy.
Landreth’s silver skin and red
onion sets, sold only by J. B. Ryals
Drug Co.
The delightful countenance of
Mr, T. J. Brooks left the city Tues
day for his home at Darien.
Mr. Frank L. Pride, of Tallahas
see, Fla., attended the funeral of
Mrs. Graves, his sister, this week.
Capt. Isaiah Williams, of Rains,
was in the city looking after im
portant business.
f *qm 1
l / /A ■■ m \
for ladigMt)Mi constipation M
A ^ Kidney Troubles. M
Cash Drug Store, Special Agents.
Ladies’ Corsets, at 25c
Ladies’ Hose, 5c
Men’s Socks, 5c
Shoes, worth $1.50, for 98c
Elastic or Lace Brogans, at 98c
Infants’ Moccasins, for 13c
Large Family Bibles, 98c
"Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 98c
Straw Matting, for 10c
Japanese Mattings .pretty patterns.23c.
Mr. J. A. Lasseter lias close®
out the balance of the Rugeley
stock to Mr. A. Wells who will add
it to his store at Drayton.
Card's Orchestra, of Macon, fur
nished excellent music at the
“Mid-Winter Dance” at the
Suwanee House Monday evening.
If your stomach is disordered,
bowels irregular, and you don’t feel
well, you need Prickly Ash Bitters.
It is very affective in removing this
condition. Cash Drug Store.
Dr. G. W- Shipp can beat any
man in Cordele waking up every
morning. He says that he never
fails to wake at exactly ten min
utes to seven o’clock every morn
Contractor W, D. Benson, visi
ted Columbus this week on busi
If the Sentinel localized every
job received it would prove an eyo
opener to some folks
Judge D.L.Henderson, of Vienna
was in the city Tuesday all smiles
over the arrival of that fine boy
at his home. The Judge was
forced to adjourn court the other
day in order to celebrate the young
ruler’s arrival.
Publication of application for
charter by O, J. Lloyd, J.W. Byrd,
W. B. Hutchinson, Jr., and such
others as may become associated
with them, under the corporate
name of The Hutchinson Lumber
Company, appears in this issue of
the Sentinel.
Lo suit you, at prices to please you.
We have a line that is attractive in
every way.
Take a look at it if you want to buy
The entertainment given by the
ladies of the Presbyterian church
at the opera house last Friday
night netted $57.95. Our local
talent cannot be surpassed in
entertainments of this kind.
Landreth’s Seed will mature
and are true to name, sold only
by J. B. Ryals Drug Co.
Constipation leads to liver
trouble, and torpid liver to Bright’s
Disease, Prickly Ash Bitters is a cer
tain cure at any stage of the disorder.
Cash Drug Store.
Landreth’s Seed of all kinds, for
spring planting, sold only by J. B.
Ryals Drug Co.
The Sentinel and Semi-Weekly
News both for $1.50 a year.
It is often asked how such start
ling cures, that puzzle t he best phy
sicians, are effected by Dr. King’s
New Discovery for Consumption.
Here’s the secret. It cuts out the
phlegm and germ-info ted mucus,
and lets the life-giving oxygen heals en
rich and vitalize the blood. It
the inflamed, cougb-won throat and
lungs. Hard colds an 1 stubborn
coughs soon yield to Dr. King’s New
Discovery, the most infallible remedy
for all Throat and Lung diseases.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at J. 15. Ryals –
<3eorgla Southern's
Lv, Macon 8:45 a. m LvValiloat.i 2:00p,m
“ Vienna 10:43 a. in '* Sparks 2 :54 p. in
“ Cordele 11:05 a. in “ Tffton 3:85 p. in
“ Ashb’rn 11:48a. m “ Ashburn 4:14 p. in
“ Tilton 12:80 p.m “ Cordele 4:55p. m
“ Sparks 1:07 p. m “ Vienna 5:12 p, m
Ar. Valdosta 2:00 p. in Ar. Macon 7:U0p,m
This gives our patrons fourdai y trains
each waybetween Macon and Valdosta.
See our Bargain
Counters. They
will interest
Cures Rheumatism and Catarrh after
all else Falls. Costs Nothing to try.
To cure the most desperate rheu
matism or catarrh take Botanic
Blood Balm (B. B. B.) the won
der of the age. Cures when all else
fails. It kills the poison in the blood
and gives a pure, healthy blood sup
ply, stopping all gnawing, shooting
aches and pains in the bones, joints,
back, and reduces all swellings.
Hawking, spitting, dropping in the
throat, offensive breath and catarrh,
irritations of the mucous membranes
quickly disappear thus making a per
fect, permanent cure of the worst
rheumatism or deep-seated catarrh.
B. B. B. especially advised for ©Id,
obstinate cases. Druggists, $1. Trial
treatment free and prepaid by wri
ting Dr. Gillam, 213 Mitchell street,
Atlanta, Ga'. Describe trouble and
free medical advice given. For sale
by J. B. Ryals Drug Co.
Rain and sweat MgWfwp \ \ v \
have no effect on MM Sw
harness treated 3 MW F
with Eureka Har- "
ness Oil. It re- ** \
sistt the damp, w w \ \
able. Stitches 1M \ \ ^
do not break. \ \ i//
No i ughtur- \ \ \JiLr\\ jP .
face to chafe
and harness cut. not ^he ISWYii \\\ \ \ \\
M-j (ShiVs \ \ \ v \
only keeps V '
l 8| ^ .
looking but like \
new, V in .
wears twice f f if.
as long by the CA fln j
use of Eureka
Harness Oil.
Sold j / ■/A m
everywhere Jl
in cans— (*
all sizes.
Made by \ \
Standard Oil \\
Old papers at this office 25 cents
per hundred.