Newspaper Page Text
Toe Cordele Sentinel
Editor :md Publisher.
One Yenr...... .. $ 1.00
Sif Months. %
Three Months. s
Friday, February 21, 1002.
The Board of Trade as organized this
week, is along the right line. It looks
like business. To employ a secrelary
at a fixed salary sufficient to reniuno*
rate him for Ids services f* a departure
from the former methods of such or
ganizations in Cordele and is the only
way we can expect the organization to
live and accomplish great things for
tiic city
Tho SfcNTiNKi, predicts great,
and lasting results from the Cordele
Board of Trade asorganized this week,
It is a fixture for at least the next
twelve months to come and, we trust,
for many years to come.
(iuerry’s campaign manager is “Blue,”
while Mr. Terrell has butted npagainst
Smiles is about the longest word we
know anything about. It's a mile be
tween the two esses.
Dooly superior court convenes Mon
day. The grand jury is composed of
good men. Guess the tigers’ tails are
expecting a twist.
The Cordele Sentinel after pouting
for several months, Jins returned to our
table, bright as any weekly in the state.
We welcome it back.—Gibson Record.
YVc arc glad to note that the Dooly
superior court docket it lighter than
usual. The city court is beginning to
bring good results already.
Guerry will catch the prohi's ;
For Fstill some editors bawl;
But when the time comes for votin’
Joe Terrell will catch them all.
{Vienna News.
If all the Smiths should support can
didate Smith, the tieless gentleman
from Oglethorpe would have no occa
sion to feel very badly on the guberna
torial nomination day.
We don’t hear from “Eledroc" on
the city tax rate question these days.
As “Eledroc” is “Cordele" spelled
backwards, lie has probably concluded
that he is backwards on defending a
high tax rate.
Let those who can do so hear Mr.
Terrell Monday. Give nil the candi
dates a respectful hearing and then
make up your mind deliberately. There
is no use rushing at a decision, you’ve
got plenty of time.
We shouldn’t judge that Mr. Estill
will drop out of the gubernatorial race
by June 1st, as some editor so gratu
itously predicted, judging from the
way he is skipping about over the coun
try meeting the people.
Dooly furnishes the most timid lot
of candidates in the state. Wile can
didates are announcing their candidacy
in their home papers in nearly all the
counties in Georgia, the Dooly candi
dates are waiting on the other fellow j
to announce first. Come across with
the “five." boys—the sooner the better.
Few readers . of clearly . . . j
understand the law governing newspa
per subscriptions. The decisions of the
United States Supreme Court on this |
8 iv„x-|
press notice to the contrary are con
sidered as wishing to renew their sub
lf subscribers order the discon
tinuafl^e of their periodicals the hub
„ , , .
. ,
to take their periodicals from the post
office to which they are directed, they
are responsible until they have settled
their bills and ordered them discon
“4. If subscribers move to other pla
ces without informing the publisher,
and the papers are sent to the former
they are held responsible.
fusing to take per od cals from the of
fice. or removing and leaving them un
called for, is prims facia evidence of
intentional fraud.
“If subscribers pay in advnnce they
arc bound to give notice at the end of
the time if they do not wish to continue
taking it ; otherwise the publisher is
authorized to send it, and the subscri
her will be responsible until an express
notice with payment of all arrearages
is sent to the publisher."
Under tin's law the man who allows
his subscription to run along for some
time unpaid and then orders itdiacon
ued or orders the postmaster to mark
it “refused" and have a postal sent no
tifying the publisher, is liable to arrest
.and fine, the same ns for theft,
Stalling proof of a wonderful ad
vano in medicine is of given Elisabeth, by dreg
yj*|. G. W. Roberts W.
Va An < |d man tbme had lung
suffered with wil d g<md dni'lOrS pro
Olinced bis i' curable bai cer. he They
be ieved case hopeless ti 1 used
Eb-ctriu A> Bitters and applied Bnck
fen’s nica Salve, which treatment
completely cured bun. When Elec
trie Hi ters are used to expel bilious,
kidne and microbe poisons at the
same time this8 Ive exerts i s match
less healing power, blood diseases,
skin eruptions, ulcers and sores van
ish. Bi ters 50c, Salve 25c at J. B
Ryals Drug Co.
Sacred cows often defile Indian
temples, but worse yet is a body that’s
polluted by constipation. Don’t per
mit i(. Cleanse your system with
Dr. King’s New Life Fills and avoid
untold misery. They give lively
livers, active bowels, good digestion, J.
fine app< ti'e. Only 25 cts. at B.
Ryals 1). ug Co.
Williford News,
News has been quite scarce in this
section lately.
Our farmers are quite busy getting
ready to plant.
Our school imder management of
MBs Annie Harrison is progressing
Mr. Wm. Conner and his charm
ing wife visited here this we*k.
Mr. and Mrs. McOabee are the
happy parents of a fine baby girl.
While this news is two weeks old
everybody doesn’t know it, as it
hasn’t appeared in the Sentinel.
Quite a sad death was that of Mr.
Aarak, Monday. Me has lived here
four years, and leaves five small chil
dren without kin.
Mr. J. A. Collins arrived Tuesday
and will make misplace bis future
“All well—all happy —lots
of fun”. That is the regular
report from the monkey cage
of Barnum’s Circus ever since
the keepers began dosing the
monkeys with Scott’s Emu!
sion. Consumption was carry
ing off two thirds of them
every year and the circus had
^ buy new OI1CS
One day a keeper accident
ally broke a bottle of Scott':
Emulsion near the monk e V
cage and the monkeys eagerly
happed 11 it up 1 from the *
1 his Suggested the idea that it
might do them good.
then thc monJceys have rcceived
re ? ubr doses and the keepers
‘ e P 0rt Va T feW deaths from
-OllSlimptlOn. Of COlirsC its
cheaper to buy Scott's Emul
sion than new monkeys—and
t ] iat su j ts the circus men.
Consumption in monkeys
and in man is the same disease
f } Clt hfivc it Of aie threaten
Cd with it Can ’OU
..aUTlf take the hint?
'"’v*'', This picture . represents
/ the 1 rade Mark of Scott's
J -A Emulsion and is the
» wrapper of every bottle.
■ t-» Send for free sample.
1 409 Pearl St.. New York,
50c and $ 1 . all druggists.
How to reduce the city tux rate from one and one half per cent, to
one per cent, straight, as it was two years ago. is not such a puzzling
proposition as som« would think at first glance And this is true
even if the belated financial statement should prove the city owing as
much as twelve months ago, provided it is only necessary to raise the
same fund that was figured necessary to raise twelve months ago when
the rate was fixed at one and one half of one per cent.
Since our article last week, “what are the conditions” the Sentinel
has received hearty congratulations, but we have been asked to ex
plain how we can figure on a one per cent- basis sufficient "despite pre
vailing conditions.” This is an easy matter, provided the plan is
adopted and is h meetly and faithfully carried.
1st. Property values in the city of Cordele, as shown by the returns
on file in the clerk and treasurer’s office, as a general rule, show about
the same, with no perceptical increase, during the past several years.
2nd. Some property owners have decreased the values of their
properties systematically to fit the increase in tax rate—so that the
tax payer paid about the same tax year before last at one and one
quarter us the year before at one per cent, straight and, last year at
one and one half as the year before at one and one quarter, or pre
cious little more tax at one and one half than at one.
3rd, The following examples are give?) illustrating that if the as
sessors would force property values to very nearly their market value,
that one per cent, will bring as much or more taxes this year than
one and one half brought last year. These examples are not picked
from the extremes but these parties pay their just proportions ; possi
ble better proportion than the average city tax payer, under tne valua
tions in vogue at the present writing.
(a) $20,000 will not purchase a bunch of property returned last
year at $12,500. One per cent at the former figure would bring bet
ter results than one and one half at the last year returned valuation.
(b.) $10,000 would not buy a piece of property returned last year
for $0,000. Apply the two rates to these figures and note the $10 in
crease in favor of the one per cent. rate.
(o.) There’s a certain building insured for $5,000* From $8,000 to
$10,000 would not purchase this property. One per cent, at $8 000
would be more by $5 than one and one half on $5,000.
(d.) The same rule is true as to a piece of property returned at
$3 500, the building cost $4,500 and front five to six thousand would
(e.) There is another piece returned at
sometime ago—its worth more today, A resident property returned
at $2 000 that $3-000 would’nt buy. Another resident piece at $1250
that sold for $2,000. and another resident property for $1200 with
nearly one-third more insurance on the residence alone, etc.
4th. We do not argue putting values up where they ought to be, as
above pointed out, and, at the same time, agree that the tax rate
should remain above one per cent, but do urge the city fathers to
consider and put the values right and the rate right—at one per cent.
5th. If the property values were one million dollars last year and
the proportion of increase in values as compared with the examples
given, which is a reasonable- inference, then the property values this
year would jumpt to one and one half million and one-fourth and
three-fourths respectively would run the schools and city government
—make a better showing as to the total property values, better show
ing as to the rate of taxation, relieve the conscience of the fellow who
reduces his values to be able to meet the higher rate and, best of all,
bring in as much tax money to the city as one and one half brought
in last year under the low valuation plan.
Block 139, lots 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7
11,12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18, 19,
These lots can be bought for $600.00 CASH 1
Address B. IRBY,
Real Estate, Spindle Top Property of all kinds,
Guaranteed Gushers and Oil Lands,
102 Threadneedle Court, Beaumont, Texas.
All the New
Things in
Purses and
Bridal anti Birthday Gifts
Tn -*■■*-*■ TiTnHloCQ RllluicbS Vownftr V al 16 LV
/ •
New line Fine
Large line of
all sizes.
Prettiest Store
and best kept
stock in the
© N A WHEEL Mexican Mustang Liniment.
a lL . : , ;,.. n t Happens is a bottle of
I ‘
Ulcers or
Rimniflinig Sores
need not become a fixture upon your
body. If they do it is your fault, for
will thoroughly, quickly and perma
nently cure these afflictions. 1 here
is no guess work about it; if this lin
iment is used a cure will follow.
YOU DON’T KNOW the top.
Mustang Liniment. As a flesh healer it stands at very
Death of Hr. Needham.
The Reaper, Death, garnered
another sheaf of his harvest Sat
urday night, February 15th, when
Mr. J. B. Needham, like a tired
child going to sleep, sank to rest.
He had been in bad health for
seyeral years, but made a brave
fight for health and life.
Mr, Needham at different times
occupied responsible positions with
the Western Union and Seaboard
Air Line Railway, but had not
been actively employed for about
a year; spending a part of that
time in Texas in search of health,
and a number of months in this
He was a native of Tennessee
and was in his thirty-eighth year.
In 1887 he was married to Miss
Louise Atkins, and leaves a wife
and four little daughters, who
have lost a devoted husband and
The funeral services, conducted
by Rev. L. C, Birch, were held at
the residence of Miss Atkins Sun
day afternoon, with interment at
Sunny Side cemetery. The music
was furnished by the male quar
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA, Dooly County.
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of S. J. Hill, R. L. Wil
son, J. T. Hill and J. Blade, Jr., most
respectfully shows the court :
1. They desire for themselves, and
such others as may hereafter become
associated with them, to be incorpo
rated under the name and style of
“Spring Hill Lumber – JSaval Stores
Company," for the term of twenty
jears, with the privilege such of renewal with
at the expiration of time, and
the principal office and place of doing
business in Cordele, Georgia, and they
desire the privilege of establishing County, an
office at Spring Hill, Leon
Florida, and at such other points as
may become necessary.
2. The capita] stock of said
tion shall be $ 00,COu.OO divided into
one thou and shares of $lo0.u0 each,
and is already sawmill, paid up planing in property, con- rail
sisting of a mill,
road, locomotive, teams, turpentine
still, timber leases, notes and accounts
and chosen in action. The said saw
mill and turpentine business and prop
ert ^ 1M c< -' n " t * ct,on therewith is located
at ripring Hill) Leon County> F i orida ,
3. The purposes and objects of the
Company is to manufacture lumber and
Naval Stores, to buy and sell, mortgage
and her, convey diiectiy general or in trust, lum
naval stores, merchandise,
live stock, real and personal property
of all kinds, issue and sell bonds, and
do all things necessary to the com
Pl' te and successful operation of a
Lumber and Naval Stores Business.
them all such ssuKxay designated, »“ and J »
other powers
such powers as are usually
granted and conferred in like cases
and as are not contrary to the laws of
said State.
Petitioners wall every pray, etc.
S. J. Hill, R. L. Wilson,
J. T. Hill, J. Slade, Jr
J. T. HILL, Attorney.
Geor s ia - Dool y Couiv.y.
I. J. Frank Powell, Clerk of the Su
perior Court of Dooly County, do certi
fy that the above and foregoing is
for charter filed in my office
This the 19th. day of February y, 190° iai_.
J. T Frank Powell, _ Clerk,
tette, Messrs. Harris, Ballenger,
McKinney and Vonderau, Mrs.
Brown accompanying. The pall
bearers were Messrs. H. Curtis,
Cotton Mather, Walter Campbell,
J. A. Littlejohn, J. A. Orme and
C. M. Killian.
Legal Advertisements.
The following March, is a complete 1902. synopsis
of all legals for
Sheriff advertises for sale on first
Tuesday in March for state and coun
ty taxes for year 1901, as follows:
Cordele city lot No. 20, block 45, as
property Mrs. A. L. Ellis. Cordele
lots 12 and 13, block 326, as property
of Smith – Baker. Cordele lot 7 in
b'ock 33, as Droperty of D. Ed Ken
nedy. Cordele lot 20, block 6 property
T, T. Ligon. Cordele lots 1 to 10, block
186, property J». II. Ledbetter. Cor
dele lot 5, block 37, property Mrs. M
E. Jefferson. Cordele lot 4, block 153,
property C’utts – Kennedy. Cordele
Jots 17 to 20, block 195. property W. H.
Ball. Cordele lots l and 2. block 3,
property W. F. Burnell. Cordele lot
12, block 87, property J. B. Austin.
Cordele lots 3, 4, and hall of 1, block
125, property Mrs. jeffersonia Jones.
55 acres in south-east corner land lot
16 in 11th district, property Mrs. A. P.
bed Also steads, at same 15 toilet time and place, 26 iron
washstands, four
dozen chairs, 4u pillows, 14 iroD bed
steads, 40common mattresses. 15 dress
ers, 15 wash stands, 5 rocaers. 6 rock
ers, 10W. S. chairs, 30 W. W. springs,
10 ail steel springs, 6 2x6 tables, 3
porch setters, said 16 roils matting. 107 y’ds
carpeting ; fi property to be sold to
satisfy a court fa issued from the
July term, 1901, of the county court
of Dooly against T A. Collins and C.
L. Peacock, in favor of Neal Loan and
Trust Co. and transferied to People’s
Bank of Cordele, said property now in
the Suwanee hotel of Cordele, and be
Tenant ing a part of the fixtures thereof.
in possession notified.
Also, west half lot of land 151 in
11th district, as property of J. A. Mus
selwhite, to satisfy fifa issued from
the 145th district G. M. in favor Bald
win Fertilizes Co.
Lot of land in the 11th. district, as
property of B. P. Howell, to satisfy a
nfa issued from the November term
1901. of the county court, in favor of
M. A. Fleming.
By virture of power of sale in a
mortgage the Americus Guano Co. will
sell through the sheriff lot of land 126
in Jlth. district, as property of B. P.
mortgage ^By virtue Maiary of power Bros. – of Co sale will in sell a
50 acres in southeast corner of lot 61 as
property of Tnos. F. Mitchell.
S, R. Fields administrator estate of
J R. Fields will sell lots of land 98 ex
cept 50 acres m the southwest corner
and 25 acres in the southeast corner;
and v/est half of lot 95 except 25 acres
in southwest corner, all in 7th. dis
trict, a total of 200 acres.
T. L. Blackwell administrator cstste
of G. R. Sims will sell lots 2 ani 10 in
block 45 in Cordele.
J. B. and A. E. Walton apply for
per m a n en t let ters estate El i h u Wai to n;
D L. Henderson for permanent letters
estate of r>. S. Wood; Mrs. W. L. Wood
for administration de bonus non ou
estate of B. A. Wood; A. O. Bridges
asks to be dismissed as administrator
estate bf S. T. Brigdes. aside
Appraisers report to set L. Ingram; years
support from estate of \V.
E. F. Minglederf applies to sell lands
of estate of Julia E. Mingledorf; all
the above to be passed upon by ordi
nary S. on 1st. Monday and in T. March. Culpepper
A. Thompson A.
exectors notify all persons to render
demands against estate of E. W
Sheriff advertises change of "official
from Vienna Progress to
Vienna News—change effective on and
March 1st. 1902.