Newspaper Page Text
Of WINTER GOODS at Actual New Yolk Cost '
We have put on this sale, and the Goods MUST Go. We iDtend to Close them
offer you the Opportunity out At Once, an 1
to buy our heavy goods at prices that will be Astonishingly Low. A lot
Clothing big values at regular price of
- cut to Cost Ladies’
Come at and - price. Capes, Jackets, etc., the same way.
once see for yourself.
fhe Following Sample of Bargains WE Offer
Checked Homespun, at 3|c
Dress Calico, for 3fc
10c Percale, only 7|c
Bed-Ticking, 5c
Yard-wide Sea Island, 4%c
25c Embroideries, at 5c
Men’s Overalls, heavy goods, 39c
Men’s 50c value Shirts, 39c
Coats’ Thread, per spool, 4c
Lot of men’s $1 Hats, to sell at 48c
Come to us for
anything in our
line, at prices
$13.50 FREE!
Cordele, 6a.
What The Sentinel Will Do.
Beginning with the month of March, 1902, instead of
publishing a synopsis as heretofore, the Sentinel will pub
fish in full all the Sheriff’s and Ordinary’s legal advertise
ments and keep a complete file in the Sentinel office of
the county “official organ,” the Vienna News, subject to
inspection by any and all who may desire to examine
the same at any time. Elsewhere in the Sentinel is a
complete synopsis of all legals published during February.
,»(// not only prove serviceable, but suitable FOB ANY MAN.
tats, Neckwear Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Shirts, Mufflers, Hose, Cuff G3i>
Buttons, Collar Buttons, Scarf Pins, Watch Fobs, –c. \
-tall and inspect our line ofjiewgQods.
Lot of boys’ 50c Hats, going at 25c
Yard-wide Bleaching, at 5c
Ladies’ 25c Undervests, for 15c
Lot of Children’s Hose, per pair, 3c
Men’s Undershirts, at 15c
Men’s Suspenders, for 9c
Men’s Handkerchiefs, at 3c
Laige Lot of |2 Pants, to go at $1.33
Fascinators, only 22c
Ball thread, 10 for 5c
Hind – Churchwel! *
The Big Store,
Cordele > Georgia.
Thirteen Dollars and Fifty Cents
in Cash Premiums to be Paid by
us to our seed customers only,
January 1, 1903. For the best
specimen of products grown from
seed bought at either of our
stores as follows:
Turnip ... 1st prize $ 1.00
“ ... 2nd prize .,.. 50
Cabbage... 1st prize .... 1.00
“ .... 2nd prize 50
Onion ... 1st prize .... 1.00
“ .... 2nd prize 50
Potato.... 1st prize.... 1.00
“ .... 2nd prize.... 50
Beet .... 1st prize .... 1 00
“ .... 2nd piize . . . . 50
Bean .... 1st piize ... . 1.00
u .... 2nd prize .... 50
Squash ... 1st prize .... 100
« ... 2nd prize .... 50
Radish. ... 1st prize .. . 1.00
«< .... 2nd prize .... 50
Ear corn. . 1st prize .... 1.00
“ ... 2nd prize .... 50
Total $13.50
Henry Smith was down from
enna to see us the other day.
Landreth’s Seed of all kinds,
spring planting, sold only by J
Ryals Drug Co.
Editor Adkins was among
Vienna delegation to the Talmage
lecture Monday night.
For a clear complexion,
spaikling eyes and vigorous diges
tion, take Prickly Ash Biuers. It
puts t he system in perfect order.
Cash Drug Store.
Mr. James Callaway, one of the
very best of good solicitors, was
among us this week talking Ma
con Telegraph.
Warrantv Deeds. The Sen
tinel has just printed and now
has for sale Warranty Deeds—the
correct form.
Prof. Bryan, he of Atlanta Jour
nal fame, was among the boys in
this bailiwick this week reminding
them of their arrearage.
For Sale— Saw Mill Timber
that will cut 1,500,000 feet lumber,
for $2,500. Cash for quick sale.
Hughes – Ethridge.
Col. Lucius Whipple is back
from his old home in Cochran,
where he spent a few weeks to re
gain his health.
Big Boll Prolific Russell cotton
seed for sale at 50 cts. per bushel,
by J. G. Dorougit, Cordele, Ga.
Read ad. of Sun Bros.’ Show.
The long standing reputation of
the Sun Bros, is a guarantee that
you will get the full worth of your
money if you attend.
Ladies’ Corsets, at 25c
Ladies’ Hose, 5c
Men’s Socks, 5c
Shoes, worth $1.50, for 98c
Elastic or Lace Brogans, at 98c
Infants’ Moccasins, for 13c
Large Family Bibles, 98c
Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 98c
Straw Matting, for 10c
Japanese Mattings .pretty patterns.23c.
Mr 3. J. Hill and family are
to leave us at an early day to
make their home at Spring Hill,
Fla., where Mr. Hill is interested
in the manufacture of lumber. All
Cordele regret tbeir departure and
wish them well in their new home.
Landreth’s silver skin and red
onion sets, sold only by J. B. Ryals
Drug Co.
Of course you are going to take
in Sun Bros,’ Show Saturday (to
morrow). This show has a stand
ing record for presenting a good,
clean performance in one big ring,
in the good old style.
From $500 to $1000 fbr cottage
in Cordele located in first ward.
It must be a bargain. J.W. Bivins.
Fifty great celebrated artists
are attaches of Sun Bros.’ Show.
Their horses are fine—four highly
trained stallions which are excep
tionally good—and the menagerie
is attractive and clean.
The family that keeps on hand
ami uses occasionally the celebrated
Ash Biuers is always a
well-regulated family. Cash Drug
Attention is directed to adver
tisement of Hughes – Ethridge,
Insurance, Real Estate and Rental
Agents. Call and see them in room
7 over Stead – Whipple’s drug
store when needing their services.
Builders, Contractors in -
terested in buying Sash, Doors,
Blinds and Paints will do well to
consult- Ph M Berg, Cordele, re
presenting R. C. Wilder Sons Co.
Macon. :
To suit you, at prices to please you.
We ha ve a line that is attractive in
every way.
Take a look at it if you want to buy_
On Saturday afternoon last
whi'e the little one-year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilder, of this
city, was left alone in the room
his clothing caught on fire and he
so severely burned that death en
sued in a short while. The Sen
tinel joins in sympathy with the
sorely-distressed parents.
BANNER 8 a l v e
ths most hoallng salvo In tho world.
Landreth’s Celebrated Eastern
Seed, sold only by J. B. Ryals
Drug Co.
Landreth’s Seed will mature
and J. are B. true Ryals to name', sold only
by Drug Co.
Subscribe for the Cordele Sen
tinel. Only $1.00 per year.
FRESH FISH-111 kinds
fresh and salt water fish on
hand at all times at Artesian
Well Fish House.’ Phone
123, O. B. Parker,
9-20 tf Cordt e, Ga.
You are in posses;-on of
something you don’t want
advertise it in the Sir tinei,
and it goes.
You want something you
haven’t got, advertise for
it through the Sentinel,
and it comes.
See our Bargain
Counters, They
will interest
Dr. " a Image s Lecture.
The Cordele opera house waa
filled with people to hear Dr. Tal
mage on “The Science of Good!
Cheer” last Monday night. Them
were many from Vienna, Unadilla,
Pinehurst, Ari-bi, Rochelle and
other points to hear the noted di
Dr. Talmage was at hie best and
kept the entire audience highly
entertained throughout his lec
ture. Laughter at frequent inter
vals and “good cheer” throughout
the entire lecture for one hour and
a half, with an abundance of good
solid thoughts on the bright sid–
of life—everybody conoluded ‘‘f$
was better to live ten years nosr
than five hundred years in the tixuft
of Methuselah.”
Ladies or gentlemen to do wri#
ing at home. Can earn fern
twenty to hundred dollars »***
month. This is no “Cherry TiW*
business hut an honest computay
of Georgia. Send stamps for g**
ticulars to A. M. Lewis, Coney, G–.
i p ; 1 4M|| Jelly Don’t and tlo preserve the top of Jars yonr f»
' !. f–m fashioned Seal
’• theold tho way. quick.
I ' \a '•% , J r them absolutely l>y now, way—by
! t i J Vs thin coating sure of Purer,
„.»•*-?/, -*nta\ a
*»° tur,t0 or odor -
% Y I; , Full til reel Ions with.
If ' AW each cake.
v Sold everywhere. KwJofcy
fli *3?; SSHS