Newspaper Page Text
Special License
Tax Ordinances
City of Cordele, 1902.
Be it ordained by the Mayor
and City Council of the City of
Cordele, Da., and it is hereby
ordained by the same, that none
erf the license tax herein specified
nhall be prorated.
Be it further ordained, that the
Marshal shall see to it that all
who live in the city and do a
business in said city subject to any
df the following named taxes
shall pay the tax promptly on de
mand else the same be reported by
the Marshal to the Clerk, and
take steps as the law may direct
to recover the tax due by each de
It is also ordained, that should
the Marshal fail to promptly see
and require all who are subject to
tux, using his utmost ability to
Collect same us required by law,
he subjects himself to being dis
placed, and a Marshal put in his
place who will attend to the work
as it should be done.
Be it further ordained by the
authority aforesaid, that each
and every person, firm or corpora
tion doing a business in the City
of Cordele, be required to furnish
to t he Clerk and Treasurer or City
Marshal a true and accurate list
oi each and every distinct line of
merchandise carried and sold or
offered for Rale at his, their or
elc-e place of business, and that a
livens of $5.00 ho paid on each
and every line, in addition to the
license levied on the principal
iatie, except in case of special
license, which shall in every case
be paid as levied.
Be it, further ordained by the
aforesaid authority, that corporation each and
ayei v person, firm or
desiring to discontinue any lino
now in stock, be allowed sixty
days from this date to close out
said line.
Be it further ordained by au
thority aforesaid, that the Marshal
Of said City of Cordele shall pro
ceed at once to levy and sell the
property of the defaulting special
license tay-puyer, as required by
the Charter of said city, to-wit:
If personal property, to post in
three public places in said city
ami give ten days' notice of said
•ale, also time and place ol said
Be it further ordained, that
*11 ordinances and parts of ordi
aaaces ill conflict with above
©rdinanceB be and the same are
fw»rnhv l v ' renonlad
He - it / further ordained , . , . by
thority residents aforesaid, that all male
of the Citv of
G„ . IS and 50 who
bine r< sided in the citv thirty
days prior to April 1st 1902,
sept licensed ministers in charge
of one or more churches shall be
strl.ject ..... to work , the streets of f said
city ten days, or pay a oomimita
tim, fax of -,r 11.00 on or before May
1st, 1902.
ivj it further ordained, that all
draymen shall , .... bond of
with give
Mayor good security, to lie approved
by and City Council,
in, mat, goo......d.nwg™
faulting lroni carelessness or
proper conduct, the bond to be
«..| P n.,l ;t. further t„ ag gr iov«d ordained p .rty by au
th inf , aforesaid, that on and
after five days from February 5th,
atiall 1|X>2. issue the Clerk executions and against Treasurer all
persons failing to pay special
license tax, who are subject to
same, and in the event any one
ruary 5th, 1902, then the Clerk
•hall issue executions within live
days after said person or persons
shii/li commence business, if they
fail to pay said license.
Abstract Companies $ 10 00
Auctioneer License. • 10 00
Agency Real Estate and Renters,
special......................... Persons and de- 10 00
Agputs or selling
livering goods or wares per day,
special ........................ Persons selling mules 5 CO
Agents or
or horses, per day, special...... each 4 00
Broker, insurance, for and
every company, special....... 11 oo
Sarber Shops, special............ 10 00
Bakery,each................... 10 00
Bakery Wagons, wagons not con
nected, special...... ....... ' JJ gj
Bottling Works each, special..
Bicycle dealers............... •• m m u
Boot and Shoe stores each....... 10 0J
Butchers each, including Fish and
Oysters special................ 50 00
Bill Posters each, when run for a
profit ......................... 10
Br >kei\ meaning any person who
as and intermediary seller for between buyer
a commission or
broker on merchandise or stocks.
Krtfids. etc., special... .. ... 25 00
“Tv T e felt very nappy.” writes . R
B BeviH, Old Town, Va., ‘‘when
Bn kien’-t Arnica Stive vh- Fy cured
enr d mghter of a bad case of scald
bead.” It delights all who use i
for Cuts, Coins, Burns, Bruises Boils
Ulcers, Eruptions. Infallible fot
riles, only 25 Ms at ,t. b. Ryah
L>i ng Co.
Bank or Hankers, special......... special... 50
Billiard or Fool room, 26
Boarding Houses,not taking trail
sfents, bull school taking children four or more
boarders, except- 10 00
Boarding Houses taking lodgers 10 00
only..................... ...... 10
Book – tores.................
Bull or Ten Pen Alley, each when
run for profi , special....... .. lo oo
Contractor, furnishing material
on over $50 contract . 10 oo
Crockery store, retail . .... 10 oo
Clothing, meaning agents this repre- State,
senting houses w ithin
and agents soliciting orders by
sample other than citv mer
chants handing line of goods,
special................... 11 00
Carriage or Wagon Repair shops
each........................... 10 00
Cotton Warehouses handling Ties
and Bagging, special.... ......25 00
Cotton Warehouses, each hand
ling cotton alone, special..... 16 00
Circuses, per exhibition $50 00 or
for parade, if show be given
out side city limits, shall pay a
tax, not less than $60 00 or more
than (special).............._• $100 00 .
Canvassers, for sale of any article
whatsoever,or professor or pictures ageiit
selling books, maps or
of all kinds by subscription, day, ex
cept religious work, per
special......................... 2 00
Clothing Store, meaning place
handling ready-to-wear cloth
ing, not to include gents’ fur
nishings, shoes, etc............. 10 Oo
Cotton ginnery, special......... 11 00
Carriage Repository, meaning vehicles,
dealer in all kinds of
by sample or otherwise, special. .20 Oo
Cigars and Tobacco when sold
exclusively outside of groceries
or drug store............... . . 10 00
Clothing, second hand,dealer in,
special......................... 100 00
Confectionary, retail ........... 10 00
Cotton Compress, special....... 50 00
Cigarettes or Cigarette Taper,
dealer in, special.......... ..... 10 00
Coal Merchants............ ... 10 00
Clairvoyant or Fortune teller.. 10 Oo
Dancing Schools, per month
special...................... 6
Drugs, wholesale dealer in,
special........'........... 25 00
Drugs, retail dealer, carried meaning
those articles usually in
a first class drug store, includ
ing cigars and tobacco, station
ary ,toilet articles –c.,but not to •.
include paints and oils, cuttlery,
books, optical goods, soda fount 10
or cigarettes................ 00
Dry Crouds and Notions, deal in
retail, does not include shoes,
clothing,millinery or gents' fur
nishing goods................... 10 00
Detective Agencies each, special. 26 00
Drays, four horse, each, special.. 21 00
Two horse, special...... .... J1 uu
One horse, special........ .... 6 00
Dog and Poney show per day,
special ...................... 10 00
Express companies, each, with
free delivery, delivering $50 every
kind of article, special, 00,
wuhout...................... 100 00
Electric light plants each,special loo oo
Eating tables, on street, per day,
special $1 00, per year,.......... 10 00
Fireworks, wholesale, special.... 11 10 00
Fireworks, retail ........... 00
Provided that any person who
shall sell or keep for sale any
fireworks known as cannon erack
ers or any explosive containing
dynamite shall be subject to a
.license of (special)..........5oo each, oo
Flying Jenney, per day, 6
special.................... oo
Furniture, agents or canvasers,
<5*-^ 29 “
tail furniture, shades and car
pets............................ lo oo
l'ish andoystersor either,special, 16 oo
Fruil or Candy stand .......... lo oo
Fertilize r, ’ dealer in, or agents
teat selling , 0 consumers, special...... special.... 25 5
law rviiovatons, special’ oo
Gunsmiths, ............ 5 oo
Game of stick ringing, knife ring
ing, tlie or spindle, per month, day, special.. special.. 25 2 oo
or same per
Any other game of like character
per day, special .......... 2 oo
Huts’furnish,ng goods, meaning
collar g£»!f 'SrtS!’ ISSf'Sa
buttons and shirt studs.,
Groceries, meaning ail articles
confectionaries, fruits, Ac. But
not incicia* hardware, tinware,
or crokety and glassware....... lo oo
jijl.....‘ ’"j" 8 •; ‘ loaded ‘ ' Vilells' l ° °°
ret . looo
Horse and imilo dealer, when not
put up at a license stable, special. 26 oo
Hardware stores, wholesale,
Hardware store, retail, meaning
stocks of heavy and shelf hard
to ,nclude veh,c l®» or
iniis. ° °°
Hotels or charging not less
than $2 oo per day, special .....4o oo
Hotels, charging not exceeding
Hide° <tealer%'other''than junk ' 5 °°
dealers.................... looo
Insurance companies, fire,
special........................ soliciting 11 00
Insurance, business in
the city, directly or indirectly
life, each, special ............26 oo
accident, physicians, special................ lloo
Itinerant not in regu
lar practice in this state and not
boarmg a certificate from the
btatc Board of Medical Exami
li'meratr 1 nrenographew?'u'sing ' _>– °°
tent, month, per day, special........... special......... 1 oo
per 11 oo
Ice otIier cream .peddled on the street.
or Hum at founts....... lo oo
ice dealers, each, special........ 5o oo
Ice Victory, each, special....... 5o oo
Itinerant physicians, special... 25-oo
Itinerant venders f pioperty or
pateuted articles, candles, books, maps,
pictures, article toys, fruit or
any whatsoever on street
or from to house or loca
marble, tier, including dealers in stone,
merchandise, granite or any article
of shall pay a ii
cense titxoTnot more than (per
and mouth) less special,.............. perday, 00
not than .. .. ZJI 00
te; it inks, meaning milkshakes,
b ■ si. soda water, etc......... lo co
• u. k -hops pr dealers,....... lo 00
Foley _ . Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
Jew-Iry. carryingstocks of such
goods as are usually carried lo
a Jewelry tdore, to Include watch
making and optical repairing, goods, but, not
to include crock
ery lery and (other glassware, than silver pocket or gold cui
mounted.)..................... lo 00
Laundry (home) each,......... 5 00
agents for same sollclti-g, spe
cial lo 00
Lime, .lealer, to include plaster,
hair and cement,. lo 00
Lumber Yard, stables . ... lo 00
Livery and feed each,
meaning hiring horses, buggies,
carriages and spring* wagons,
special .................. ..... 20 00
Lightning rod dealer or agent,
special..................... 25 00
Marble or stone dealer having ao
yard in Lenders citv, soliciting orders., 10 00
Money or Loan Corpora
tions, aid associations, other
than Pawn Brokers, leoding
money on household goods,notes
or otner securities, special. ... 20 00
Machine Shops each, special.... 25 00
M'llineiy, ................. 10 1 00
Machine, dealer In any kind of
machinery outsideshop,special, 25 CO
Musical instruments, consisting
of organs, banjos, pianos or oth
er musical instruments, togeth
er with sewing machines...... lo oo
News Depot, meaning dealer in
current periodicals,newspapers, connection with oth
alone or in
ers, special,................. 3 00
Optical goods.................... 10 00
Outical, itinerants, per month,
special ........................ doing 5 00
Oil Companies, business in
tbe city or agents, special, ... .100 00
Optra House,................ 10 00
Opera stiow, when special,...... not using op
era house each, 5 00
Oil Plumbing, Mill, special, plumber .............. furnishing 50 00
material...................lo oo
Paints, dealer in............ lo oo
Pavyn Hrokerseach, special, .... 25 Oo
Planing Photograph Galleries each, .... lo oo
mills................. lo 00
Photograph Tents each, per day,
a pecial,....................... 1 oo
Plionographs.each per day,special, l oo
Peddlers each, perday, soliciting
orders or selling direct, s ecial, 1 oo
Piano tuner or repairer, special, 3 oo
Racket Stores each, special, ... .loo oo
Restaurant, exceeding with rooms same as
hotel, not $1 perday,
special................ each, .... 25 00
Restaurants, special ..... lo oo
stages, feed and sale, . \ ... lo oo
Stabies,feed stable alone,special, 6 oo
Shoemakers, cripples excepted, 1<> oo
Soda Founts............ ... lo 00
Skating Rinks each, ... Io 00
Shooting Galleries each, ... 10 OO
Sale Stable, alone, ..... . . . 10 00
Tailors and Merchaut Tailors,
having placeof business in city, lo oo
Tinware,..... Typewriting, .... 10 Ou
agents for or deal
ing in, to include supplies, spe
cial.......................... 5 oo
Telegraph lieu Companies, special,. .10o oo
or in thereof each and ev
ery telegraph City ctmpany of doing
business in the Cordele
shall pay $2 for each and every
pole used be in the city limits, the
same to paid as any other li
cense herein mentioned.
Telephone Companies each, spe
cial, ....... 2o oo
Undertakers. . .. ..... lo oo
Watch or clock makers or repair
ers who furnish any material,
spt cial, ..................... .... 5 Oo
Wood Yards each, and every per
son running a wood yard in the
Weighing city shall pay a license of .... loco
Machines, meaning
SSKSU special,. 5 °"
............ ..... 5 oo
Wheel of Fortune, stand, table,
thing or place, with or without
ajname, where prizes are dravvu
or gifts are awarded, per day,
special....................... 2 6o
Wines Lidcrs. domestic, dealer
vv hole–ale groceries, special,.... 5o oo
Variety Works,........ ... ... lo oo
ft,, ( an+'Zfimm Ujf
fjg 3$MB Bt Slip 8tPQiH Rl ___
mdr £- *» «
“We have lasf'ene three children. Before the
blrt a 0 f the my wife uscl four bot
Oes of MOTHER'S FRIEND, if you had the
pictures of our children, you could see at
a g ance that the last one ___
Is healthiest, prettiest and Za. y
finest-looking of them all.
« grandest />% 7/
an( C ''MI R Ylf
remedy la the K CKl iff
world for expect- 1/
ant Written mothers."— by a Ken* f/gjf
tackyAttorney-at Vv- ^ J $m j
’ll*' fllflTIICD’O H
11B1II llI*fl m ffStf
mi LUILUkI Vim rrevents nine-tenths of ^ the ^
| 1 “»*<)>»• li I L fl SJ suffering birth. The incident coming to mother’s child
disposition and temper remain unrutfled
throughout the ordeal,because this relax
lug, penetrating liniment relieves the
usual distress A irood-natured mother
is Pretty sure to have a good-natured child
P a h en t 1S kept in a strong, healthy
condition, which the child also inherits,
Mother's Friend takes a wife through the
crisis quickly and almost painlessly. It
assists in her rapid recovery, and wards
0 ff the dangers that so often follow dc
Sold by d'Ujjgisisfor $1 a bottle.
Set.a for our free illustrated bools written
expressly for expectant
The SENTINEL wants to
bid on your work.
V J ‘k
i g PAINS 1 1
Are located in the small of the back and may appear on one or
both sides. These are dangerous symptoms because they indicate
1 the early appearance of Bright’s Disease.
Prickly Ash Bitters
Is an effective kidney medicine. It conveys a healing and strength
ening influence to the suffering kidneys, stops the wasting of the
kidney tissue, stimulates digestion, cleanses the liver and bowels
and puts the entire system in order.
o Sold at Drug Stores. Price, $1.00 Per Bottle.
CASH DRUG STORE, Special Agents.
When You buy, Buy Something Good to Eat.
My stock of
u t'f, UF
i i^ aF S.E^s]Ea: anb
Come and see me, or telephone for what you want.
8th Street, Bolton Building, CORDELE, GEORGIA
Foley 9 s Honey and Tar
for children,safe,sure. No opiates.
Pinehurst News.
We have been ‘-under covet” for
the past week ; Bascom Speight is
also i-ick.
The monster Death visited the hos
pitable home of Dr. L. M. Roberts,
claiming for his victim the doctor’s
wife, Clara, who was about 45 years
of age In the death of Mrs.
Roberts our town loses one of her
most estimable ladies—the family’s
loss is beyond estimate. She was
an amiable wife and exemplary moih
er. A husband and thiee children,
two grown and one 7 years . Id, sur
vive her, also an adopted daughter
little Carrie, the 6-year old orphan
child of her deceased sister. Mrs.
Roberts was a consistent member of
t he Missionary Baptist church. She
, *' ,s * ne ” . “ ,jj- h ,, william 1
1 age, oi . Byromville. She was bu
ried at the old family cemetery,
ne , r Bv r..,mille, known as the Hob
erts . gravev aid . A \Ve Inesday las at 9 3
o clock p. m. lo the beie–ved xa*n
ily and friends we tender sincere
condolence J
Frcc Blood Cure.
vv. reooinraend BoUmo Bloc!
Baltn (B. B. B.) for all blood
troubles, such as ulcers, eating sores
-cof«U», e. ■»»., i.chi.g bumora,
pimples, boi s, carbuncles, blond
poison, aching bones, festering
sores, earn er, catarrh, rheuma'ism.
Botanic, Blood Balm cures all malig
nant blood or skin diseases, especial
ly advised for old, deep-seated cases.
It cures when all else fails Heals
8lire 0 r pimple, stops all aches
years' supply. Thoroughly tested for 30
Thousands cured. At drug
stores, $1.00 per large bottle. Our
readers will receive a trial treatment
free by writing Dr. Oillam, 213
Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe
trouble free ,nedical advice
Medicine . sent at onee, pre
paid. .T. B- Hyals Drug Co.
Unadilla News.
liev . J. M. Bass is conducting re
vival services at the Methodist eliuich
and is being assisted by Evangelist
(J. M. Duncan, of Cedartown, and
Rev. Mr. SSuow. The house is crowd
ed at and , con
every service many
versions are being made.
Quite a number of
went to Cordele Monday night to
hear Dr. Talinage.
Mr. J. Y. Neiherton has been
lined io las room tor several days
with lagrippe. Charlie, the 10 year
; owl sou oi Prof. C. Gr. Bower, is
j quite Sick— threatened With ptltU
mould. Elijah, the 5-year old Sou
of Mr. and Mrs. J. iv. Carroll, is
quite sick with broncho pneumonia.
Mr. Dan King was elected alder
man last Saturday to fid vacancy
earned bv election of Dr. McArthur
Tl,e s™ and
News both for $1.50 a year.
Museum, Menagerie and
Trained Animal Exhibition.
Largest, Richest
Best Show on Earth,
now touring their Tenth Consecu
tive Season of continuous success, and
present to their million patrons an
aggregation that is in all essential
features absolutely new from begin
ning to end. Isas superb in quality
as imiueasureable in quantity. The
only big show to reduce the price of
Oiil diiMlj A- T7 V LO. B OO
Cordele, Ga. -w,
f —= ‘ i—m i
mm f
SMdfejF. (]fU jCJjP^ ?/ A rr-~
- ti ii
European Menagerie. Roman
Hippodrome Sports,
Arabian Caravan, Spectacular Pag
eants and Trans-Pacific Wild Beast
Exhibit, presenting more new exclu
sive features than all other thows
combined. One of the leadin' amuse
ment enterprises of Ameriaca. Sun
BrotLers’ Big Show of fhe World.
The Grand Pieturesqae
Takes place at 12 noon
S–tDrdjiy’, FgID, 22.
Don’t let anything keep you away
from seeing the most gigautic pageant
ever witnessed in this country. Two
performances, afternoon and evening.
One ticket admits to the combined
Show and Trained Animal Exposition.
Special excursion at the very lowest
rates ou all lines of travel.
Warranty Deeds. The Sen
tinel has just printed and r.ow
has for sale Warranty Deeds—tlie
correct form.
We are headquarters for loans on
improved farm lands in Dooly
county, payable in 5 years time,
" U interest. No 10
P er ceD per
cent, commission, only small fee
for abstract and closing loan.
Son, Lawyers, Vienna, Ga.
Application for Charter.
In Re. Hutcbin son Lumber Co.,
GEO RG1A, Dooly t outs ty .
To The the Superior of Court O. of Lloyd. said County J.
Byrd and petition W. B. Hutchinson. J. Jr., \V
such others as may hereafter become
associated with them, respectfully
show to the court the following to wit:
1. They desire to be inemporated
under tbe corpornle name and style of
The Hutchinson Lumber company for
and during rn o 20 years, with
the privilege of leuewal at Hie expi
ration of that time, with the power to
sue and oe sued, plea and be implead
ed, contract and be contracted with,
to have and to use a common seal, to
buy, to improve, own, rent, lease and
sell property both leal and personal in
tue carrying out of the object for
which they are incorporated.
2. The object of such association is
pecuniary gain and profit to its mem
bers and the particular business which
they propose to carr , on is to do a
general lumber business, to buy, sell
and deal in and manufacture lumber
and ti inner of ati kinds, to build, buy
and construct Saw Mills and Planing
Mills, or to sell, lease or otherwise u»e .
tlie same witbsuch plants, w
ments, t appurunances and supplies as
may be neccessary in such operation,
construction such or leasing, and to maybe doaU
other acts and thinys as
necessary in a general Lumber Ifusi
ness by which pecuniary gain and pro
lit may be realized tbereup in.
3. The Capital Stock of said corpor
ation shall be $10,00o.00 divided into
100 shares of tbe par value of $100.00.
Tney desire the privilege to increase
such capital stock at any time by the
majority vote of the stockholders to
any sum not exceed ing $50,OuO.OO. They
desire also to be allowed to begin bus
ities’, as soon as 25,% of the
stock has been paid in. /
4. The principal office and place ot
doing business of such corpoiation County,
shall be in Cordele, Dooly
Georgia, and they desire the privilege and
of establishing such branch offices
businesses anywhere in said btate or
any other State as may become neces
°ary or desirable for the successful
operation of said business. They also
desire the privilege of holding its
business meetings of tbe directors and
stockholders at such place in said State
or any other State as the majority of
its stockholders may fix by resolutions
or by-laws.
5. Petitioners also pray that they
may be allowed to borrow money and
secure tbe same by mortgage, deed or
bond upon the Company’s property or
in any other way as they may see pro
per and to adopt such rules and b v -
laws and appoint sucli Officers and
Agents as they mav deem proper tor
the management of the business, and
to do and perform all other acts re
quired for the transactions of its brs
iness, and to enjoy all other privileges law ol
and powers given under ttie
Georgia to corporations of like cliarac
ter. O. J. Lloyd,
J.W. Hutchinson,-B- Byko,
W. B.
WHirPLE – Whipple,
Their Attorney’s.
Georgia, Dooly County. Superior
I, J. Frank Powell, clerk of that
Court of said County do certify
the above and foregoing is a true a no
correct copy of the petition for in cor
poral ion of The Hutchinson Lumber
Company filed by O. J. Lloyd, J."- HD
Byrd and W.B. Hutchinson, Jr. in
office on Jan. 25th. 1902.
This Jan. 25th. 1902. Clerk
j. Frank Powell,
Douglas, Georgia.
Well equipped collection department. office. J
Stenographer and Notary in Co<
Reference : Union Banking
’MSStfSffS. will receive
prompt, personal attention