The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, June 22, 1899, Image 1

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CirtiaoH Dbhcctouy. nre the appointments far the <i«,,1o be present OTiaafcMO p. in " r ' ' ' ■ YVesley’ClmjM, 2i)tl awl 8yd Saturday and Sunday breach a. in. FtneMt. Fourth Vat. and Sttn-hi eacli month. It n. iu.‘ ' Antioch, First Sun. in each liionMi. WO# S 1 ". And Fifth .Sat. and Sun,, 11 ff.tti. All art cordially invited. CHAS.^. CUBUY, P. C. OLD TIBER- Mr. R.E. Cannon and wife spent the day with James E. Bleckley last San- dajr. , ; Miss Ada and Ray Cannon visited rel atives and friends on Tiger last week. Miss Martha Jenkins spent the day with Miss Reed Bleckley last Sun day. Mr. Andrew Watts is very sick this ' week. Mrs. J.C. areen has been tick, bvt ia improving now. § .... V County Directory Judge Superior Court f Jolin B. Estes. Solicitor General W. A, Charters, Senator 411 h Senatorial District tV. J. Green, Member ot Legislature B. E, A. Hainbr. Ordinary W. 8. Long. Sheriff J. K. Bityhie. Clerk Stiperior (Court, J. 8. Harney. Tax Receiver James ft. Volk, Tax Colletoor Joseph L. Iritkerson County Treasurer w. E. Thompson. County Surveyor w, E. Jones. Coroner William Wheeler. Justice of the Fence V. O. Kerby. Notary Public and Ex.Justice D. T. Duncan. County Boliool Cammissioner. W. J. Neville Members Board Of Education M. W 8wolford, President, W. J. Green,Cicero Blalock, Z. B. Dillard and r. G,Holden. Mtss Liza Duncan has been very sioK for some time, but is improv inga LITTLE Next to n good character is good clothes. See that fine clothing at J.F. JSarJs’s If you want a saw mill located on your premises, write to F. H. Thomason, Alto. Ga. Q.uite a number of our people at tended Children’s Day exercises at Rabun Gap last Saturday. If you are not popular with the ladies, maybe your clothes fit bad ly. Remedy—see J- F, Earl. There will he Sunday school at the Methodist church ot 9:80o’clock next Sunday. AH invited. J. L. Sumpter, of Toccoo, Ga., in company with ♦'V^g"’ Arren- dftle of Grove, was in Clayton last Saturday. Nin Ramey said the boys told him wrong a year ago at the ex amination. Don't let them fool you to-day- Nin. Misses Kate Bell and Bessie Strother and.Mr, Jube Strother, of Wulhallu, S. C., are visiting Miss Blanche Wall, .fiurgstrom came up yesterday JP‘ be sn^^l^L tbe people that Uncle Pink Mosley, the boss Cradler of this county Is harvesting J. F. Earl’s rye crop. Uncle Pink has lived about four- score years and says be is goiug down the road of life, but some of the young men would be tired if they’keptup with him with his cradle. On last Thursday evening an in teresting debate was held at the court house- The question dis cussed was; Resolved, that ex pansion is a wise political measure. The speakers were, Prof. A.A. O’Kelley, Hon, R.E.A. Hamby Prol. L.M. Chastine, Garnett Wil liams, Luther Yotk, F.D. Single- ton, R. C. Ramey, J.M. Bleckley and Jackson Crunkleion. Personal and Gleanings Clothes at close prices at Earl’s, Did you paj’ that advertising Sill? • it will cost you much less to do right. Bb good and look good by getting a vuH at Earl’s. Tim Tallulah Lodge opens for gneota July lfct. > The nights'have been uncomfort ably cool for the past week. Mr. F. A. Bleckley is able to be .dpgod visit the cuisine. Miss Beulah Green spent yester day afternoon in town, Hheriff Ritchie made an official trip to the Falls Tuesday. Applicants for teachers’ iiceusa are being examined today. Master Jimmie Reynolds has been quite tick for a few days. It is a trying time on country newspapers. Help us if you can. Augustas Wall has been very sick bat is now slightly improved Jf r, Kirke Rhodes had the mis ty lose one of his horses I of bees took leave of Millard Marion* :!y err this trip^. ThnnKs to Jessie Smit h of Tiger, W. J. Neville of Rabun Gap. Mrs. M. E. Farmer of Bel or, N, C. for their cash this week, to help hard times. Mrs. M. L. Shirley is somewhat improved since our last issue, and her physicians state she will p*-ob ably recover with care and pru dence. I am compelled to have what you owe me to pay what I owe by the first ot July. Please don’t, come with u promie.B come with the cash; that is what I have to pay for (toads. I can’t live much lor.- gci on promises. Lizzie Duncan. Mr. John A. Earl has sold his mercantile interest in Atlanta and is with home folks here.^ Mr. Earl has not dcoided just what he will do for a livelihood, but we hope he may see his way clear to remain in Clayton. YV. S. Whitmire bps been up from Toccou a few days visiting the noted Kell mica mine. He re ports the mine in fine shape. It is being worked by S. S. Whitmire and he will be taking out the mica in a few days. •Mr. M, W. |Swafford wants the public to understand that the North Chechero correspondent ia mistak en in saying he has sheep-killing dtgs. We will say for Mr. Swaf ford , that if his dogs kill sheep it is not beanse he has nothing to feed them, Si Smith* the mu r durer of W.B, B«U wot captured at the home of father about noon tost Monday, »of men fromGainesville, le Big Masonic Festival. Every Body invited. There wi)| boti Masonic Festival under the auspices of Rabun Gap Lodge No. 205 F. <fc' A. M. in the Masonic Hall at. Clayton, Ga., on Saturday, June 24th 3 889. A number -of eminent Masonic speakers, who will deliver addresses on that ocoasioh, will be present e have already received the promise of Dr. Osllh-and Ex-Sen ator j.E. Redwitte, okGaiiiesyille, beiy^ddrieSses fcrtaining. FROGARH IO.I5A.M. Grand march. 10- 45 ’’ Prayer by A P- Turpih. 11- 00 ” music by Choir led by G. H. King. ll.O5.AiM. Address by Ex-Sena tor J.f£. ltcdwine, Gainesville Ga. 12.00 m. Banquet. 1- 20 p.m. Music by choir. I 3O ” Address ” Dr. Oslin, Gainesville. Ga. 2.3O p.m. Music by choir. 2- 45 ” Prayer by Rev, Bro. R. L Whitmire. 3- 00 p.m. Benediction by Rev. Bro. j M- Wall. Every body is cordially invited and every Brother with his family belonging to Rabun Gap Lodge is especially requested to be present with a goodly supply of the neces sities of life, such as tries, beans po tntoes and «*tc- Fraternally Yours, R.E-A- Hamby. w-M- Rabun Gap Lodge No- 265- f, & a.m. < A goodly number' or the teachers of the county are receiving instructions from Prof. O’Kelley this week. They are preparing for the examioation. The followiug teachers are attending: Amanda Earl Mary Bynum Genela Bynum Maybelle Coffee Ina Coffee Ada Green Beulah Green Dovie Williams Ella Ramey John Holden J.M. Bleckley *■ , W-F. Holden Garnett Williams .t Virgil Green James Green F-P- gfngbton JM, Hopper ^ , Oscar Po.weil W. J. McCurry’s dog went mad at his home Tuesday and was shot by his brother I. A. McCurry, Fortunately no one was bitten ex cept Mr, McCurry’s little boy and thcbiieisso slight that no fears are entertained. About a month ago Marion Long killed a mad dog near town and it is supposed that his dog was bitten by it audit may be other dogs will go mad and ra- ceive the same fate. Labor is somewhat like virtue in one respect—it is its own reward. YVhoever would be happy, must know what it is to toil. One of the sweetest things in the world is rest, and none can rest who is not weary and heavy laden, Jesus Christ was a busy man, and ten- elevenths of his life lie devoted to manue I labor, and the one-eleventh to giving forth whal was the best part of bis life. Mark shows what a busy life be led while he was healing the sick and teaching man, but Christ knew bow to rest, and his cureer shows how faithfully he subscribed to his faith in the laws of the physical being by ceasing wholly at times from his ardous la bors, and going apart to be alone and at rest. This was no doubt tq him one of the great privileges of. would Know what the world is and and wbut life is worth, must know whatft is to work and what it is to rest. A good many of the rich are supposed to be enjoying life, when in fact they are deprived of the pleasures of the rest, which the poor man earns, but which the rich cannot earn unless he work for it. Idleness is not rest, and youth is mistaking life who imag ines the doing of nothing is a boor in itself. That is rust. It is mor al stagnation, and breeds disease and death. The worker is the happy man. Society people find life u burden because they make ar tificial pleasures, and will not sub mit themselves to the genuine pleasures of nature’s plan of toil and rest- God make us all to be workers.—Sel.—Western Recorder Bad management keeps more people in poor circumstances than any other one causes To be suc cessful one must look abend and plan ahead so that when a favor able opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will Keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until necessity compels it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is get ting richer while he is getting poor er. For sale by J.L. Hamby. UPPER TIOER YVe are having good Sunday schools both at Bethel and Ivy Hill. Messrs Claude Green, Thad By num and Frank Singleton attend ed Sunday school. Mr. Singleton gave us a Inice lecture which was apprecited by all Who heard him, Mr. R. E. Cannon ( and r ffctnfty visited the family of James E-> Jfiflfffl'ibtyffWAWl 1 : - "Artul -wltoever Bleckley last Sunday ' ■-liT' Mr. John Bevins, editor of the Press, Anthoni, Iowa, says : have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family tor fifteen years, have reccomended it to hundreds of others, and have neVcr known it to fail in a single instance. For sale by J,L. Hamby, TALLULAH FALLS- Tallulah is on a boom. Some boarders are coming in this week. 1 hey are getting rooms ready at the new hotel as fast as possible. -Henry F. Ramburn, a Methodist minister, preached a good sermon here Sunday. We organized a Sabbath School at the new hotel Sunday. All are invited. There are a’good many people camping around here now. James Kerby* who has been sick threatened with lever, is up cir culating himself again. . Dr. YV, J. Green passed by this place Tuesday enroutc to Stohe- pile to seC Mr. Andrew YVatts who is threatened with fever. Y r . C. Kerby will soon have the new addition of his house|finished. Mr. D. P. Lacount’s four-year old child is very sick at present. H. D. Dookins had a fine} horse to get snake bitten on last Suuday. Willie Duncan visited the family of W. P. Price Sunday. Mr. Charlie Oliver and William Holbrooks have sold out their stocK of goods and moved to W.F, Roane’s old plrce. We learn that Mr. Dock Tow** child is very sick. Uncle Charlie has beeu very sick for the past week, but is convales cent. Mrs. Rube Cheek haB moved Irom M. L. Shirley’s to her moth er's on Tiger. Claude Keener, what happened to you the last time you went fish ing? V. C. Kerby gave G. M. Oliver’s boys a fine large horse a week or two ago. DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF RABUN COUNTY AND NORTH EAST GEORGIA. VOL II. CLAYTON. RABUN CO., GA.. THURSDAY. JUNE 22. 1899. NO. 22.