Newspaper Page Text
1 in the post-office at Roberta, Ga., as
•lass mail ftiatter.
jar .$ 1.00
onths........ , ‘ 75
months ..... 50
advertisement less than 25
?ral and society meeting no
! ree.
ial rates on large contracts,
advertising bills are payable
iy in advance, on presentation,
otherwise agreed upon,
criptions must be paid in acl
•ess all corr espondence to
Roberta, Ga.
different papers of the
•v are growing enthusiastic
heir preferences for Sen a -
Dolquitt, Turner and Crisp
ist prominently mentioned
exchange tells of a. lady
l c i d e d t o sc a re h e r h u s ba n d
ras quite a hard drinker, so
uld reform. To do this she
;ed the costume of the devil
udjbeen worn at a masque
The next time the erring
’'.uinehome feeling happy
licklr donned the costume,
s he opened the door she
j d forward and said in se¬
rai tones : “1 am the devil.”
e.sult rathe' 1 startled her as
espouse Fiat greeted her
“Zat-so? Shake, old boy.
our brother-in-law. I mar
our sister.”
arc in favor of either com
Ig the new church and
1 building or auctioning it
public outcry. As it now
s,. the people regard it as the
goat of the county. How
before tie city treasury will
something coffers to expend
s direction 2 What do we
d to do about this matter'?
ad rather see the building
rted into a general ware¬
s' or storing away cotton,
and one thing another, than
it stand as it is. Are we
nted to leave it where it is?
he town council done its
in this direction? Is it go
, do it ? Now as a body oi
joining together as the fath
' the town, the guardian
terest, the preservers of
?, the promoters of its
md the advancement and ac
ation of its progress- what
propose to do? On
hey base their right, to
•d in this position again.
ill you ? The town's
ing off in tlie winds,
—too stupid to see it.. If
eouucilmeu,,we would
mething affecting the
[ the place and in
the dignity of that office
vgn. Don’t, you think you
I, Jo too, ch, say. Now
e commissioners have
ic school here the past
>pes that something would
to erect a' ‘building
ppe it- with material
he purpose of conducting a
)]. We have shown very
ppreciation of their
they will not give us
deration* again unless some
; more is done is very evi
froni what several of that
have said to ns personally,
ye do not blame them. Will
school and church decay?
the bar room and drunken
tlourish ? The people of the
y have a right to answer this
op once every two years at
iliot box. Let this pull ring
/■1|( in.
My DeaF Sip. :
Thinking you are interested
in the moral, intellectual and ma¬
terial progress of Crawford Coun¬
ty, I have taken the liberty of ad¬
dressing you this letter, and ear¬
nestly hope you will give it your
careful, respectful and thought¬
ful consideration.
Our county is, as yet, in her in¬
cipience. it was but a short while
ago we had no rail road facilities,
but now wi lx its coming, we- see
evidence of prosperity that other¬
wise never would have broken
into the sweet day dreams of the
plowman as he obliviously ploded
his weary way upon the hill side
or in the dale secluded and re¬
mote from civilization, inspiring
and progressive touch. Instead
of going to Houston, Bibb or any
other adjoining county for rail¬
road facilities to ship our pro¬
ducts to market, we now enjoy
that great advantage ourselves as
afforded by the Atlanta Florida
Railroad. Our farm interest has
unqestionably grown into much
larger dimensions. Our farmer 1 *
are gradually awakening to the
possibilities which spread out be¬
fore them and invite them to ar*
duous, assidious and zealo”s ef
forts of the soil. We see young
peach orchards, ni x cries aVid
groves; the grape is now receiv
ing considerable attention ; the
old staple crop of corn, cotton
and potatoes is being tended with
more care and attention; the
famous old melon too is entitled
to favorable mention. Our coun¬
ty will ship many car loads of
that delicious read meat, the pres¬
ent season. Our farmers are
realizing that mother Earth re¬
sponds promptly and bountifully
to the intelligent mind and dili
gent hand ; the saw mill’s song of
progress is heard as it merrily
marches through the forest and
convertsthe crude timber into
comfortable homes for men.
Schools and churches are being
located in nearly every section,
and their twin brother, defender
and colaborer is in the field with
them, and it has come in the
name of “The Correspondent.”
They are the three factors indis¬
pensable to good law, order and
society. Either one of these omit¬
ted and the other two of necessity
fails to accomplish their greatest
good. Watch the course of a
community in which these are, or
even of a nation, and see how?
out of chaos, disorder and confus¬
ion, what wonderful works their
hands have wrought and what
beautiful and heneficient forms
of government their- ingenious
fingers have moulded. Can you
then fail to realise 1 heir impoit
ance or refuse them your appreci¬
The press in this county has so
far been a signal failure. Until
that is a success, the county will
stand in the back ground. With
out a paper, to make known our
advantages the county may as
well shed what few sickly green
eives it has, sink into itself
die, ar.d like dead oaks, go to
growing mois. Who would
think of a county seat as
being an intelligent, industrious,
moral and thrifty people, who
could not o.r would not support
one paper ? Nobody in the wide,
wide world.
The county papers heretofore
nave tailed because, white they
might have had editors, they have
never had men of newspaper ex¬
perience behind them. The pap
ers have been distributed over tlie
county without any subscription
b.ving paid in. Common sense
temiches everybody that a m*
paper can’t be Riven utvay long
oolore it mast "go Halting.”
Send dollav lor a year 1 *
us one
ru’ otion.
D&. W. I . Bi.asingame,
Knoxville, Ga.
Sets of teeth made to order. All
other dentist work carefully at
tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Your patronage solicited.
A ttorney-at-Law.
Knoxville and Roberta, Ga.
Otfice in both towns. Special at¬
itnd tention given to all lines<of business
active practice. Patronage so¬
licited. May 2nd, 1893.
$1.25. . . . . $1.25
^ r * Editor—Mo doubt you
think that S hare forgotten the
columns ot your paper in writing;
U P 5 Gie news from tins place,
Having been . very busy for the
i,st month I did not have
to write.
Our community was visited on
June 13 by one of the heaviest
hail storms that has ever been
known by the oldest citizens of
this district It. was followed by
a heavy ram completely ruining
the crops in some sections. The
corn IS completely stripped to
pieces. The cotton crop is almost
destro, ed and nothing but the
stalk is left standing to show for
itself, inis gives but little en
couragt-ment for any further cul
limit,ion, The hail hilled a mun
her ot chickens for those that
wore in the track of the storm,
The track of the hai- was about
four miles wide and we have not
heard definitely how far it
ed north and south of here, but it
seems that Musella was about in
the center of it. The stones of the
hail was about the size of a guinea
egg, doing considerable damage
to the fruit trees and vineyards,
Some of most prominent, farmers
say that their crops are hardly
worth cultivating, while others
say they will probably get a
crop N ri one can realize the
condition of the crops until they
visit the track of this storm.- Mr.
0. B. Sullivan, one of our most
prominent farmers, who was
farming with Mr. Mark Sanders,
has sold his interest in the farm
to Mr. S v and saying he would
hardly make enough out of his
to pay for the labor that lie
has already spent,/ Mr. Sullivan
last week lor Ft. alley,
whore he goes to accept a position
at that place,
Mr. R. L. Dickey attended tin
bedside of his sick mother at
Hickory Grove.last Sunday, and
reports her very slowly improv
Miss Katie Wallace is spending
a few days with relatives and
friends in Tolbert county this
Miss Daisy Felts, of Robley,
spent last week with her brother,
Mr. W. A. Felts, of near this
Rev.. W. W. Childs filled hi?
regular appointment at Hamah,
last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Margarett Burnette is
111 Mr. K W. Sandefor, Y ° or near >
Ihn piave.
Dear Musella, Ga., May 5th-—1893:
Sir: I have now on hand the nicest and best selected line of
tliat has ever been exhibited at this market, which I am offering at
prices that will surprise as well as please you.
I will also make the closest prices on G R O C E R 1 E S
of A L L kinds for the next T H I R T Y days. I will give
special discount of F I Y E per cent on all C A S H purchases
of $2.00 or more, which is payable in merchandise at the regular
l o w prices. Don’t fail to see mo If 4 U buy any more
I mean business, and expect to sell you goods as cheap or. cheaper
tnan i an\ else, and give
one you a rebate of 5 cents on every dollar,
which is a clear profit to you,
Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, and
t° saerit your future favors, I remain,
Truly <fe Respectfully Yours,
R, ID i c K E Y.
Forrest City, Ark., April G. 1892,
Messrs Lippman pros
Savannah, Ga.
Dear Sirs :
We take great pleasure to add
one more* certificate to your long
list. We can truthfully say that
Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Po
tissium Compound. P. gP. P., is
one of the best sellers we have
ever set on cur shelves since^ we
have been in business, and every
person we have sold P. P. P., fee
says it. is the best blood purifier
known. .
Yours truly?
Winthrop & Co.
Savannah, Ga., April 1-i, 1892.
McDonough & Ballantyne.
Messrs Lippman Bros.,
Savannah. Ga.
Gentlemen :
I. beg to add my testimonial of
the great virtues of P. P. P. 1
j jaYfc;: puff'ered for years with
Rheumatism a ml could get no re
]; e f from any source. I took a
couple Q f courses,of your P. P. P.,
an( j i r ll!l& curtt( | !;v >,e entirely. I
heartily roroimnend ir to all
Yours truly,.
r l. Ballantyne
McDonough & Ballantym,
• • Si
it lit-,It: .
"II 7 ’lit If It
«•) v*r? •
r r ’ * R -i i I «i >. h
7 « ♦ «* el. ■*•*« •if L >
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-a ■%vcn . X - *<i i*V ^ it I* 1 1 *4.
l^r tf *<!** u. A t ri*** 1 * vnui
Mr L '-Ani
vwi- ft Tv,.’
r :: % ■0'
*• iGYYY ■i *
’v T">vutifuliy* 11*■ •«'» •• I Ik vriptivo 3
: - &
lor I. ’Ui >»
h .1/1 /, \piiUv.' nts*. it ; U b**ttvr *U • CUV- A.v- V 1
toiJt<*rs>, v«r.
W * r v ,.p"r •’ "■ 22,2 xY ? 1 171 , Y lc* v*sf F V
k- tj *.* tC*d 1 -Uc AnuUlu I ?« ikI u,r it*
L [ij U. Dtri-OI M. tv c.MYr.CO. 1 '', MICH. Irf
3 ff . ' ZLZ SL .......I' .•> fm
BEATTYS PIANOS Iu use,.every¬
for catalogue. Daniel where... Write,
F, . Beatty,
Wash ington, Rew, Jersey,
BEATTYS OBCtASS Arc hie best.
Write for cat- .
alogue. Washington, Address Daniel F, Beatty,
New Jersey 1
J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtatat«d, and all Pat- ?
<• ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. #
{ J and Oun we Office can sec is :cure Opposite patent in U. less S. Patent time than Office; those J
1 remote Send fro >del, m Washington. photo., with descrip- * ,
Stion. We mo drawing if or * j
advise, patentable or not, free of
t charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 0 ,
J A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents,” with;
J sent cost free. of same Address, in the IE'S, and foreign countries J
0 iC.A.SNOW&CO.f 0
f Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. + .
a few days, and you will be startled at the unex.
peeled success that will reward, jauF.efl'eycts. We
positively have tlie best business to offer an agent
that can be found on the face of,- this earth.
8*45.00 profit oil St 15.00 worth of business is
being easily aucftuxuosably boys, made-by and a*vi paid in t.o
hundreds of men, wothen, girls our.
ein ploy. You eau, make money faster at work foe,,
us thaii you have uuy Idea of. The business is so ,
easy Im't. to learn, and instructions no simple and plain,
i all succeed from the *t*rt. Those who take
hold of the business reap, tlie- advantage tlia;,
arises from the sound reputation of one of the .
•oldest, in most America. successful, Secure and for yourself largest puhlisdtjng tlie profits .
nmses and’handsomely
. All iiat beginners the hiisiness sneered .so readily grandly, and yields. thaii
realize, tiieir greatest expeetations. Those winy
‘rv it find e.vactlv as we tell them. There is plenty
■f rooj.n for :i few more workers, and we urge
hem to begin at wire, If you are already cm.
)l(»v ed, but have a lew spa’-e moments, at)d witdi,
o use. them to advantage, then write us at once
for particulars this favour grand opportunity), and receive .
nil hv return mail. Address,
TillJE. A: CO.i Box No. 400, Augusta, Me,
Scientific American
Agency for ^
information and free COPYRIGHTS, etc.
For CO., Broadway, Handbook write to
MUXN & aa New York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
Sfmtmt Jlroetkaw
Largest li ’should circulation I be^vWout of sny_scientiflf? t te Weekly. paper 1 SS.o'o in the 11 ^
man it.
year; fl.’iO ail montf Address J1 USX & CO..
TLBLXSHEHS, 3(>I Broadway, New York City.
run HOWh STUL _ ffMS
243 BROADWAY N .V. ______
r ^ar.d piecing goods our fflmt niarfilnM.9. 1 1
tim cmd se«
ft ^Y^thviiu, fymon wo in w each ill ucrd locaiily.the I jpOO to one
00*1 sewing-p.ncbin* made in*
the world, with all cUc attachments.
Wo vrili also eem! ft complete
line of our costly t J valuable sit
sc.mpif*. In rc*,utii w thut you
►how what v « tend, to thoae who ,
nifty cal! at your home.amt after ^
toaomh* ail aboil l»ec ouie your >wn
> Vl ‘1 lii* (Trend machine ift
L-jg ntatle hieh after the Miiger |>*ie»it«,
\ w haw run out: N fort patent!
rwn uni»»*nh* for leSUif, with the
attachment*, entl now etllt tot
V 8 "uKqi Irfi IRmiLigvo. N*> cepitel rr,.|tair#d.
fwef Ir.fttvuctU nft iffvno. ‘I who write to tit el Mti cen *e%
euro t \' v>v tho beMt m(r-mnhin» ,n li»« world, ent* lb*
*\'M Ant M line of'York a of lilfli art over ?4«l, shown A*iffHftUt* »ogethci in M Anufid