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Thursday, January 10,2013
The Bible On Encouragement
Hebrews 6:9-10 reads,
“But, beloved we are con
fident of better things con
cerning you, yes, things that
accompany salvation, though
we speak in this manner. For
God is not unjust to for
get your work and labor of
love which you have shown
toward His name, in that
you have ministered to the
saints, and do minister.” The
seriousness of the situation
made it imperative that the
writer of Hebrews issue a
grave warning regarding the
danger of apostasy which
confronted his brethren.
They were in danger of drift
ing away from the things
which they had been taught
therefore the warning regard
ing the impending destruc
tion was in order before the
encouragement because the
warning would possibly lead
them to do something about
it. There was absolutely no
time for delay; they were fast
approaching the “slippery
cliff’ and the fatal slide into
apostasy was only a short
distance away!
The writer saying that God
would not forget their past
deeds of benevolence and the
love which they had mani
fested toward Him and His
people was encouraging. The
idea that God would not for
get the “good” of their past
is not that such deeds would
cause Him to overlook their
defection, in failing to go on
unto perfection, but rather
that they could be certain of
His dependability. God will
never forget our good works,
however, our good works
will not take the place of our
obedience and growing in the
grace and knowledge of our
Savior Jesus Christ.
The writer says, “But, be
loved we are confident of bet
ter things concerning you,...”
The seriousness of the situ
ation made it necessary for
a grave warning regarding
apostasy. He hastens to reas
sure the Hebrew brethren that
he does not consider them
apostates. It would however,
be necessary for them to
give attention to the things
which are stated in Hebrews
2:1-3, “Therefore we must
give the more earnest heed
to the things we have heard,
lest we drift away. For if the
word spoken through angels
proved steadfast, and every
transgression and disobedi
ence received a just reward,
how shall we escape if we
neglect so great a salvation,
which at the first began to be
spoken by the Lord, and was
confirmed to us by those who
heard Him.”
Man should be certain of
God’s dependability and
therefore should have no
fear that He would desert
them. The writer wanted
them to understand that they
themselves would have to
give attention to the things
which accompany salvation.
God has always done His
part, and He will continue
to do so; but man must also
do his part. The means of
saving the lost and of keep
ing the saved with the Lord,
has been amply provided but
the individual must work out
his own salvation Paul said
in Phil. 2:12-13, “Therefore,
my beloved, as you have
always obeyed, not as in my
presence only, but now much
more in my absence, work
out your own salvation with
fear and trembling; for it is
God who works in you both
to will and to do for His good
One of the greatest en
couragements from Christ is
found in Matthew 28:18-20,
“And Jesus came and spoke
to them, saying, ‘All author
ity has been given to Me in
heaven and on earth. Go
therefore and make disciples
of all the nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Fa
ther and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, teaching them to
Mole bay About..
James Earnhardt
Evangelist Church of
observe all things that I have
commanded you, and lo, I
am with you always, even to
the end of the age.’ Amen.”
Prior to instructing the dis
ciples to “go” Christ stated
that He has been given “all
authority” both in heaven and
on earth and He concludes
with the encouraging thought
that He will always be with
those who have been taught
His message, been baptized
and continue to observe the
things He has commanded.
The greatest encouragement
we can have from Christ is
that He will always be with
those who observe all things
that He has commanded!
Bible quotations are from
the New King James Version
unless otherwise stated.
For questions or comments
please contact James Earn
hardt at 478-825-7517.
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The Economy By A Layman
I am not an ’’economist”! I
have no bona fide credentials
in that field nor have I earned
a diploma from the academy
on that subject. But I do know
what makes for a sound finan
cial base—and I can tell you
that our major governmental
bodies either don’t care, don’t
know, or are maliciously vio
lating every segment of sound
strategy. More than that, they
try to make the average citizen
believe in their careless acts,
and senseless projections.
What has caused this to be
the most ’’disjointed, irrespon
sible, nonproductive episode
in American history; is that
those same ’’average citizens”
are living parallel failures
to the leaders—they have
overwhelmingly endorsed and
embraced the same values
of which we speak. It is an
absolute, incontrovertible
fact that what we have been
’’posting”—deficits, indebted
ness, foolish overspending,
unbalanced budgets, wreck
less playtime, unorthodox pork
barrel projects—cannot be sus
tained. The tank will overrun,
the bank will suffer "bottoms
up”, the common household
will eventually feel the shock
of their life!
No one believed that this vast
and prosperous nation of ours,
would financially capitulate in
1929--but it did! Millions were
out of work. All the banks
were closed tight. Thousands
suffered an economic plight,
that left scores hungry, dis
traught, suicidal. I was young,
but I was there!! And what
ever caused such an ungodly
tilt, does not compare with
the vastness of our present
Some well meaning souls
have suggested that we simply
’’print more money and pay
our bill”! That is the mentality
of Mr. & Mrs. North America;
and many who fill governmen
tal leadership. But the United
States of America cannot sim
ply print money, without some
kind of security; anymore
Daniel W. Gatlyn,
USN Ret., Minister/
than the average citizen can
establish an insecure account.
It is against the law—and for
good reason!! All mathemati
cians, with an IQ of thirteen
or more, knows full well that
’’the vehicle will implode”.
That has been proven a million
times! And is the reason why
we counsel our youth (and
many oldies) to pay our debts,
balance our budgets, learn
to conserve, live within our
means; and shun dishonesty.
Any violation of the aforemen
tioned will eventually ’’catch
You can argue origins of
’’the chicken or the egg”~but
one or the other (or both)~
Govemment or Citizens-are
an extension of the lifestyle
and philosophy of our nation.
We have slowly been heading
into oblivion-and will not be
lieve it! Let us eat, drink, and
be merry~and we are doing
just that! You cannot live an
Emporium lifestyle on a Wal-
mart salary! And you cannot
expect those who have wisely
stored up plenty, to share their
bounty. To pursue such course
gives in to redistribution,
socialism, and communism!
Such a trek is sheer lunacy!
The Bible speaks profoundly
of a work ethic, foundational
progress, and financial stabil
ity. Guardians of the National
Treasury would do well to take
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Alvin Cornell Hunter:
B/M DOB 12-01-58
Age 54 602 225 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Brandi Nichole Sapp:
W/F DOB 10-31-77
Age 35 502 129 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon Police
Department for Theft by
Taking Auto.
Patrick Hampton:
W/M DOB 02-17-63
Age 49 508 155 lbs.
Wanted by the Jones County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Tyler Colt Kelly:
W/M DOB 01-18-84
Age 28 507 160 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon Police
Department for Theft by
Conversion Motorcyle.
Tyrone Lamar Howard:
B/M DOB 04-02-77
Age 36 507 160 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon Po
lice Department for Theft
by Conversion Auto.
Wilbert Lee Watson:
B/M DOB 12-25-57
Age 55 505 180 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon Police
Department for Theft by Con
version Auto.
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