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Thursday, February
die Georgia, Supporting Family After
a Child Dies, local chapter meets the
4th Thursday of each month at Byron
United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m.
For information call Chapter Leader
Karla Chidester (478) 954-4592 or
Byron Area Historical Society will
meet on February 19,2013,7 p.m. at
the Depot.
Lions Club Annual Pancake Break
fast, Sunday, March 17, 7 a.m. - 1
p.m., Olkd School Lunchroom. Tickets
available from Lions Club member or
at the door.
Upcoming Photography Classes,
Feb. 21 Photoshop Elements Basics,
6:15-8:45 p.m. Cost is $354. Feb. 23rd,
Portrait Photography 9:30-12:30. Cost
is $35. Feb. 25th, DSLR 2, 6:30-8:30
p.m.. Cost is $25. Contact Bonnie at
478-956-6973 for more information.
A Light In The Darkness Women’s
Conference, Saturday, April 6, 2013,
Byron Municipal Complex. Regis
tration at 8:30 a.m. Conference 9
Firefighters Have New Fire Itaiing Area
'ollovv updates
on Facebook:
C StatcPoint Media
Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every
row^olumn^nd 3-b^-3 box includes^ll^di^its^J^hrou^h 9^
from these training exercis
es and take that experience
with them.”
Some of the training on
fires that the firefighters will
now face are propane tank
fires, and vehicle fires. Fire
Chief JD Mosby is excited
about the opportunities that
will be offered to the fire
fighters. “You can’t dupli
cate a fire in the classroom.
This gives our department
the opportunity to take what
you learn in the classroom
and use it on a live fire under
a controlled environment.”
The chief further stated,
“This is a chance to provide
high quality, better trained
The goal of these training
aids is to provide a safe train
ing environment, but also a
more realistic training event
that could one day save a
firefighter’s life. Training
with live fire is always risky,
but there is no other way to
provide the training these
firefighters need.
All of the props have been
donated to the department
from community partners
and the work is being done
by the firefighters. The By
ron firefighters are proud of
their new training ground
and are looking forward to
the training they will re
The Byron Fire Depart
ment is currently recruiting
new firefighters to join the
ranks of the department. If
you are interested in becom
ing a firefighter, please con
tact them at 478-956-3611.
Byron Lions Club held a Bunco Night as a fund
raiser at the new Peach Valley Winery in the Peach
Shops in Byron Saturday night. Above are club
members Lee Brown, Marlene Humphry, Fran
Washko and Marj Liaguano.
The ICU Ministry provides hope to
others in need. Handmade bags are
delivered to area hospital waiting
rooms with toiletry items, magazines,
etc. for the family. Items for bags are
always needed. If you are interested
in volunteering or donating supplies
call Para at 214-5560. or
ICU Survival Kits Ministry. Come out
and help assemble bags, meets ev
ery second and fourth Thursday at
the Byron Depot. Times are from 8
a.m. - 2 p.m.. Next meeting date
will be February 14th, 2013.
Toddler Tales at Byron Public
Library, Wednesdays 11 a.m. 18
months to 3 years. Wacky Wednes
day every first Wed. of the the
month for 4-7 years old. *AII chil
dren 4 years and younger must be
accompanied by a caregiver, who
must remain with the child during
ner; Hannah Ward; Kolby Worrell
5th Grade A Honor
Jaylen Arnica,; Warren Araujo;
Lindsey Arrington; Makenzie Bailey;
Pedro Banuelas; Amos Brihm;
Donavan Clark; Jacob Frederick;
Shelby Gibson; Dannyelle Green;
Steven Hall; Bailey Hamilton; Allison
Hammack; Jerry Harper; Lailah
Harrington; Abbygail Hatchett; Grace
Hayes; Janiah Henry; Taylor Hughes;
Malik Jackson; Emma Joiner; Travis
Jones; Amiyah Littlejohn; Kaitlyn
Maddox; Ethan Morgan; Mason
Morgan; Calvin Moss; Andrew Nich
ols; Sarah Patton; Brianna Pickett;
Shannon Plank; Parker Ross; Jordan
Scarborough; Alexandria Shelley;
Emma Simmons; Logan Smith; Josie
Spradley; Kacey Suddeth; Kiya Trus-
sell; Bryce Wood; Ian Young
3rd Grade A+ Honor Roll
Kaylen Aguilar; Savannah Atkin
son; Elijah Batchelor; Joshua Daniel;
Lillian Dean; Carlyn Dominy; Kate
Fitzgerald; Aiyana Helms; Trinity Mar
tinez; Alana Mitchell; Lilith Payne;
Elijah Pham; LaKayla Rutherford;
Hailey Smith; Zxaria St Louis; Antonio
Stanley; Anna Tomlinson; John Tom
linson; Ava Walker; Daimyan Wilson
4th Grade A+ Honor Roll
Taylor Alden; Marissa Arrington;
Cody Burns; Brooke Corlee; Jaden
Cox; Tiernan Komjathy; Lauryn
Nelson; Ariam Netsereab; Arsema
Netsereab; Dev Patel; Sarah Pirkle;
Madison Reinerth; Joshua Slaton;
Danija Talmadge; Grace Wood
5th Grade A+ Honor Roll
Sarah Choi; Beily De Jesus;
Heather Dougherty; Almakaya Henry;
Emma Kirkpatrick; Kaushal Patel;
Madison Whaley; Noah Whittington
their visit. Byron Public Library 105
Church St. Byron, GA 31008 478-
Free ABE and GED classes every
Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. -
12:30 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m., on
Wednesday from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
at the Adult Education Center, 200
Moseley Road, Byron. Orientation is
on Monday from 8:30 a.m. -12:30
p.m. For more information call 478-
The Comforting Quilters provide
quilts to those in hospice and others in
need. The CQ meets the third Satur
day of each month at 200 E. Heritage
St., downtown Byron, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
For more information contact Julie at
478-978-0842 or comfortingquilters@
The Compassionate Friends of Mid
a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Light breakfast and
sack lunmeh provided. Tickets are
$25 and can be purchased at Byron
Buzz/Georgia Post office or by call
ing 478-542-4187. Speakers include
Nancy Gibbs, Bobbie Evans and the
Heavenly Queens of Comedy, Chef
Audrey and Jill Elliott and others. Will
also include special music by Tammie
Klimma, Paul Carreker and others.
News deadline, Friday, 5 p.m.
By FF Daniel Varga,
Public Information Officer
On January 25, 2013,
the Byron Fire Department
broke ground on its new
training prop area. Located
behind Fire Station 1, these
props will simulate live fire
scenarios providing real
world training for the fire
“The training props will
allow us to provide realis
tic training using the latest
firefighting techniques,”
said LT Josh Riley. As the
department training officer,
Riley is responsible for de
veloping training events for
the firefighters. “My goal
is to provide training that
is as close to the real thing
as possible,” said Lt Riley,
“our firefighters can learn
Byron Elementary School
placed second in the
School Dance Competi
tion this past weekend.
Eagle Springs took first
out of seven elementary
schools in the competi
tion held at Peach County
High School.
BES Honor Roll 2nd Nine Weeks
March 8, 9 &
Middle Georgia
Raceway, Byron
American L:egion H.S.
Oratorical Contest
Feb.|pnH2oTi3, 6 p.m.
Post 76, 1212 Peach Parkway, Ft. Valley.
Open to all high school students. Awards for top four
speakers. Public invited to attend.
Winner advances to District on March 2nd.
For inf® call^S-825-75
or www. legion, org/documents/pdf/oratorical
Byron Middle School chorus has four students cho
sen from out of 540 middle school slots available for
the All State Choir. The four are Tray Davis, Noah
Grant, Hunter Johnson and Breanna Story. They
will travel to Savannah
this month to prepare.
The concert is Saturday,
Feb. 23, Savannah Civic
Center, 3 p.m.
3rd Grade A Honor Roll
Taylor Bell; Michael Bennett;
Elizabeth Bowden; Sandra Cabriales;
Justin Cates; Danielle Cheek; Nicho
las Christian; Summer Dougherty;
Ashton Ennis; James Gates; Taylor
Goodman; Ike Hampton; Abbygail
Henry; Logan Joyner; Audrey Lewis;
Autumn Maddox; Mason Maddox;
Rosemeri Medina; Chaddrick Miller;
Karla Olivera Banuelas; Samuel
Peterman; Noel Pritchett; Sasha Rex;
Kayla Rose; Austin Simar; Logan
Smith; Katlyn Smith; Jeffrey Thomp
son; Joy Whittington
4th Grade A Honor Roll
Shelby Baughcum; Madison Bor
ders; Antonio Brihm; Ashlee Burnette;
Jennifer Clowery; Kennede Dawson;
Whitney Day; Emily Eidson; Ayanna
Foster; Daemon Frazier; Alyjah Hall;
Melvin Haskell; De’Lexis Haugabook;
Jacob Hayes; Sadie Hayes; Kiley
Hill; Austin Hortman; Jade Jackson;
Chase Longfellow; Skyler Massey;
Zackary O’Connor; Tristyn Perry;
Chance Ragan; Micah Reep; Alyssa
Swanson; Sean Trussell; Zane Wag-
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